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tv   Eyewitness News Weekend Edition  CW  November 7, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm PST

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the impressive decline in crime after being labeled the nation's a bay area community taking back its streets from criminals. the impressive decline in crime after being labeled the nation's murder capital. four dozen people burned out of their homes as fires sweep through an apartment complex. firefighters say carelessness started that fire. more bids are being found with beer cans wrapped around their necks. what's being done to try to save them. problems on jumbo jet engines. what's being found that's keeping planes grounded. good evening, i'm ann notarangelo. violence seemingly out of control. not any more. don knapp on the partnership between police and public that
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has resulted in some stunning new crime statistics in east palo alto. >> reporter: just on the other side of the freeway from palo alto and stanford university. for years it may have been on the other side of the world. it earned the title murder capital of the united states in 1992 based on its per capita murder rate that left 42 people dead that year. but two decades of hard work and new developments and community involved police force has elevated the quality of life and driving down the crime rate. there were no homocides, no rapes and 100% drop in assaults with gun. october crime down 27% and crime down for the year. homicides down 31%. robberies and assaults down significantly as well. >> i need some more attention for the school and for more
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education. >> reporter: what's happening? everything it seems from a program that helps parolee reenter the community and residents ready to get involved to a police community partnership in fighting crime. >> a lot has to do with the partnerships we have with community-based organizations. faith based organizations. and also with relationships that we formed with other police departments. >> reporter: the sergeant gives big credit to the community itself. >> we are just a small cog in this whole system and without those partnerships without the community and everyone having a role in this and participating this can't be accomplished. >> reporter: sergeant david carson may be playing down the police role. he did say earlier he had had help from about six other agencies including the sheriff's offices. he said they worked hard with the community. in east palo alto, don knapp, cbs5. materials from a careless smoker firefighters say is what
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caused a fire that swept through an apartment complex and left nearly 50 people homeless. firefighters arrived to find a second unit fully engulfed. the fire was spreading to the third and fourth floors. the lack of a fire hydrant in the complex made it difficult to fight the fire and a broken gas main also fed the flames. >> i seen smoke billowing out, fire, everything. and i went, wow. grabbed what i could and got out of there. >> one person suffered minor burns. fire officials say the people who lived in the apartment where the fire started had removed the smoke alarm two weeks ago. damage is estimated at $200,000. >> fremont police are looking for a driver who hit an elderly man in a crosswalk and took
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off. police say today the 83-year- old man died. he suffered massive head injuries. police are looking for a light colored, 1995 toyota avalon. you're asked to call fremont police. a single engine jet went down yesterday afternoon shortly after taking off from the sonoma sky park airport. the pilot, 66 years old, from san francisco, was treated at the hospital and released. the passenger was 68-year-old mark johnson of santa rosa and is still in the hospital in serious but stable condition. and the cause of the crash not yet known. most of the streets closed since the san bernardino pipeline disaster could open as early as this week. but the huge crater left behind after the blast two months ago will be there until the investigation is complete. investigators are still looking for evidence that would be
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necessary in any criminal or civil cases. eight people were killed when that gasline blew up on september 9th. the richmond shoreline may not be home to a casino resort after all. after years of legal wrangling developers finally reached a deal with environmentalists to build the billion dollars casino. but in order for the casino to have a chance, the city council would have to get several fast and that's because last tuesday voters chose new council members who are ready to kill the casino plan when they take over in january. the number of birds spotted with beer cans around their necks is now up to five. the collared birds have been seen at fisherman's wharf and alcatraz in san francisco and also half moon bay. wildlife workers caught up to one of the birds but they are having a hard time actually luring it close enough to catch. they hope to raise $3500 to buy what's called a net launcher to
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capture the birds. meanwhile there is a $2000 reward for information leading to those responsible. democrats on the defensive after losing control at the house of representatives in last tuesday's election. tonight on 60 minutes president obama talked about what went wrong. katherine brown tells us how republicans talked today about how they will shake things up. >> reporter: president obama is taking part of the blame for the defeat democrats suffered in the mid-term election. >> leadership isn't legislation, it is a matter of persuading people and giving them confidence. >> reporter: the president sat down with "60 minutes" reporter since the republicans won back enough to take over the house. >> i'm going to ask what we can work on together. >> reporter: leaders are primed to take advantage of the willingness to compromise. >> i have had two conversations
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this week about the way forward. we anticipate being able to do the people's business in those areas where we agree. >> reporter: but the two sides are far apart on some of the biggest issues. including taxes. republicans are fighting the democrats planning to let the bush tax cuts for the wealthy to expire. it comes to job creators that we need so desperately to start creating jobs again. >> reporter: and some are calling for repeal of the health care law. >> i think obama care is one of the worst pieces of legislation passed in the modern history of the country. >> reporter: president obama admits that passing health care cost him politically. >> i couldn't get the kind of cooperation from republicans that i had hoped for. and that was costly partly because it created a kind of partisanship and bickering that really turned people off. >> reporter: now he says he is looking for common ground for republicans. katherine brown, cbc news, new york.
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>> president obama still plans to visit indonesia on tuesday despite recent eruptions from the local volcano. 130 people have been killed by recent eruptions. researchers are searching for casualties on the slopes of the volcano. they have to run away from fresh eruptions. more than 200,000 people have been evacuated. international airlines have canceled flights to jakarta. new problems with quantas air buses. they grounded planes after an engine burst minutes into a flight. the plane made a safe emergency landing in singapore. oil has been found on engines where it shouldn't be. represents for quantas says the planes won't fly until the safety inspections are complete. they are hoping it takes only a few more days. no break at the gas pump. what we are paying now and why
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we could see a spike in gas prices in the next few weeks. workers at an east bay paint store robbed at gun point. why some say it is just one of a string of robberies committed by the same people. and trapped for months in an underground mine in chile. today he showed the same determination that kept him alive. his major accomplishment. i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the cbs5 weather center. showers are now ending. but what about more rain? we are going to talk about that coming up. [ son ] my parents have always lived in the states. until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi -- how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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right now san francisco drivers shell-out an average three dollars 16-cents per gallo lar unleaded. th fuel prices might spike. right now san francisco drivers shell out an average 3.16 per gallon of regular unleaded. that's the most in the country according to the lundburg survey. the average in california is 3.09 and national average 2.83. why could there be a spike in prices? well, a federal reserve plan to
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boost the economy is expected to make the dollar weaker and result in higher crude prices. >> a protest by opponents of a proposed high speed rail system to connect northern and southern california. why they say the current plan is turning into a high speed boon boggle. >> reporter: it has been two years since california voters passed a proposition to build a high speed rail system in california and today many who voted for it stood out in the rain to oppose it. >> the reason that they are here is because they voted for something that is not happening. >> reporter: around 200 people came to the train station to voice their concerns on the multibillion dollars project to build a high speed line between san francisco and sacramento to southern california. >> legal, financial and environmental. >> reporter: the train system animated in this video from the
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rail authority faces several lawsuits. its price tag has grown by billions and people are concerned it will change their neighborhoods forever. there will be exact routes and configurations that have not been decided. >> we don't really know all of the information, all of the facts. >> reporter: state representative jerry hill says the state run high speed rail authority has to work on its p. r. thrills and opponents have to give high speed rail a chance. >> we have to take it and look at the project one step at a time. when more information becomes available then that becomes a decision point. >> reporter: but these people say the project is already being crammed down california's collective throat and says their fight against it has only begun. >> i don't know. i don't know where this is going. >> whatever it takes. >> high speed rail officials have until the ends of this year to decide where to begin building the first leg of the
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system. santa cruz police are searching for a suspect in the attempted rape of a teenager. the 15-year-old girl was attacked early yesterday in ocean view park. police released this composite sketch of the man. he appears to be between the ages of 27 and 33. 5'9". 150 pounds. police say he made his get away on a teal green cruiser style bicycle. anyone with information is asked to call santa cruz police. serial armed robbers may have struck again in the east bay. a paint store in walnut creek was armed at gun point early yesterday. by the time police got there the suspects were gone. they fit the descriptions of two men wanted for nearly 10 robberies throughout concord, pleas ability hill and walnut creek over the past two months. wind and rain all over the bay area today. enough to cause some minor flooding on highway 101 in san francisco. wet roads also led to slow traffic and a lot of spin outs throughout the bay area but really no big problems reported
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because of the rain. >> meteorologist lawrence karnow, though, with what we can expect the rest of the week. lawrence. >> one more storm system. this will be a weak one. most moisture will be a little further to the north. skies beginning to part just a bit. still a couple clouds out there and a chance we could see a few more light scattered showers but those are quickly winding down. pretty impressive storm system. heavy rainfall early on this morning. strong gusty winds. a lot of that piling up in the sierra nevada. winter storm warnings continuing and probably into the better part of tomorrow as well. we will see more sunshine sneaking in especially in the afternoon. 60s inside the bay. 50s coast side. mid-50s as you head further inland. we have got another storm to deal with but it looks like we could see more rain pay a visit in the bay area. temperatures out the door right now running into the 50s outside. and those skies start to part
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we will see those temperatures cooling off even more so. pretty deep jet stream driving all the way down to southern california. cold front moving through. heading through the evening hours diminishing showers. showers in the sierra nevada. slight chance of a shower making its way through the bay area. not much though. for the most part tomorrow the commute looking pretty good as we will see some dryer conditions throughout the day tomorrow morning and looks like throughout the afternoon looking pretty good and we will see more sunshine. so temperatures will be warming up into the 50s and also the 60s. and it looks like mid-50s. how about the next couple days? the one storm system headed in. looking like late monday night into tuesday. partly cloudy skies into wednesday. but after that i'll tell you what we have got great weather coming our way again. offshore winds kick in. and that means we are going to see those temperatures warming up. 70s going to be common place as we head into friday and this next weekend so we get through
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the next couple days and i think we are looking pretty good after that. >> a lot of people have thursday, veteran's day off and looks like a nice day. >> fantastic day. >> good day to go golfing. >> thank you, lawrence. >> all right. well, he struggled but made it to the finish line. a chilean miner inspiring us once again today by completing the new york marathon and did it five hours, 40 minutes, 51 seconds. he shows us the determination that helped him survive more than two months underground. >> reporter: for edison the journey to the finish line for the new york marathon began long before race day. three months ago miners found themselves trapped after their mine collapsed a half mile below the earth's surface. 86-degree heat and edison began running six, seven miles to live. >> i was running to show i
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wasn't just waiting around. i was running to be an active participant in my own salvation. >> reporter: salvation came 69 days after the accident and with it international fame for the 33 miracle miners. penia miner number 12 emerged in good health. his life forever changed. with edison's new fame came an invitation to watch the new york city marathon but the amateur runner didn't want to stand on the sidelines and instead wanted to join the 43,000 other runners here at the starting line. >> i was very eager to take on this huge challenge of the new york marathon. i wanted to show the world that i could run it. >> reporter: yet edison remains humble about his ordeal. >> people say that we are heros but i don't think we are. just what destiny had in store
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for us. >> reporter: and destiny is appearing with new opportunities. he appeared on david letterman's show and showed off the love of elvis. the music he listened to during his runs in the mine. his trip to new york included a visit to the empire state building. yet it is the running that edison hopes people remember. >> i want to motivate people and i want to convince them that they can do what they set out to do in life. >> reporter: a man once trapped now triumphant again. cbc news, new york. >> can't help but smile. it is already happening. the big holiday shopping sales. where you can get your shopping done now at bargain basement prices and if you can't bear too why i should shop now. ♪
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can it keep an eye out for itself, literally show and tell you where it is when you don't even know yourself ? droid can with lookout mobile security, one of thousands of free apps for the droid x and droid 2 by motorola. available on the ever-expanding android market. when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does. box office. "megamind" opened with 47- point-seven millio a blue ailen with a big nogg
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noggin. the dreamworks animation movie is about a super villain that gets depressed. will farrell, brad pitt and tina fey voices in the movie. colored girls. saw 3d rounded out the top 5. used to be thanksgiving friday was the start of shopping called black friday. what is behind the early holiday sales. they are trying to get you in the stores now. >> reporter: it is beginning to look a lot like christmas. >> seems like there is a lot more christmas out there it was out even before hallowe'en. >> reporter: but santa's early arrival is not but holiday spirits but spurring holiday
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spending. black friday signs are going up weeks before thanksgiving. analysts are predicting a sales rise of 2.3% this year and retailers are trying to lure the early birds. >> this is kind of a first weekend to get my feet wet. look around. see what's going on. >> reporter: the christmas season has always been make it or break it but in a tight economy it can't come quickly enough. which is why big retailers like wal-mart, series and target are jump starting starting black friday sales. >> reporter: americans planning to spend the same or even a bit more this year. while shoppers are generally encouraged to wait for last minute mark downs not this year. >> if you want something that is popular, if you want something that is likely to run out, get it, get it now. >> reporter: that's because retailers can't afford to hang on to as much inventory in this recession. and with 50% of consumers admitting they are trying to snag bargains, today's prices
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may be as good as it gets. >> the reason i start early is to number 1, beat the crowd. number 2, try to get the best sales i can. >> reporter: but not everyone is feeling the holiday spirit. >> just not quite ready yet. >> reporter: but ready or not, the holiday season is already here. cynthia bowers, cbc news, chicago. >> certainly came early for the raiders. they had their biggest game in eight years and how did they respond? in the thriller that came down to overtime against kansas city. we are up next. if the raiders could pick a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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would be selling out the coliseum, beating a division rival and climbing you should see these two talk. so excited about the raiders. >> they have made a statement in the last few weeks saying raider nation it back and did get a sell out.
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if they could pick a perfect sunday it would be selling the coliseum, beating a division rival and climbing back in. welcome to a perfect sunday, folks. tom cable asked for fan support and got it against kansas city but he was trailing 13-7 in the third quarter when jason campbell, with his tackle, raiders go on top 14-13. 22 seconds left. chiefs up 3. campbell and ford to the 22-yard line. set up a game tying field goal. overtime. and ford was the hero. campbell puts one on the money. picking up 47 yards. setting up the game winner. raiders are 5-4, folks. final round. harding park. john cook on 18. this putt for the win. yes. >> he did it. >> wins the event for the second win in a row warriors kicking off a five-
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game road trip in detroit. hamilton scoring. outscoring the warriors by 8 in the final quarter. jeff burton causing jeff gordon to wreck. gordon didn't appreciate it and shoves burton. trying to land a punch. the two were separated. they had to go in the same ambulance together, as a matter of fact. denny hamlin wins for the eighth time this season. cut backs you know. and takes the points lead with with just two races to go. raiders victorious. jason campbell on "game day." and ford as well. raider rookie receiver that came out of nowhere. >> thank you. final tonight a divine edition has people looking towards the heavens. look at this. it is a giant statute of jesus at 167 feet tall. poland claims it is the tallest of his kind in the world. the statute was shown to the public for the first time today. by way in comparison the christ
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redeemer statute in rio is 105 feet tall. >> everybody is trying to put giant on their stuff now. did you notice that? >> nice. captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: i know about gayle. what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened... [ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your smartphone when you get at&t u-verse tv. call, visit or click today. at&t. rethink possible. when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ [ female announcer ] pure, wholesome ingredients make new simply breads and biscuits
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