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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 10pm  CW  September 22, 2010 9:00pm-9:30pm PST

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you're watching cbs 5 eyewitness news on the cw. >> the head cheerleader accused of stealing thousands of dollars from the rest of the squad. how police say she spent it. no choice but to make serious cuts. transit buses will no longer run. a dad drawing to protect his daughter or a police officer flexing his muscles. what happened before the camera started rolling. the -- is so good in california, it gets shipped armed the world. the drug pipeline that started here and was busted in north carolina. a be trail from within the cheerleading squad. their coach took off with how's of dollars in their -- thousands of dollars in their hard earned money. how she is accused of spending
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it. >> reporter: they are cheering on the outside but probably hurting on the inside because -- >> this lady who was a cheerleader and the coach stole almost $20,000 from the other cheerleaders. >> reporter: the 23-year-old was contracted to manage the finances. each member contributed about $1,000 to pay for camp, uniforms and other costs. >> she ended up moving -- using all this money for her personal use. trip to las vegas. paid her rent. paid for her food. entertainment. >> reporter: the deputy da told us that she is charged with attitude criminal -- with 29 criminal counts. her public defender entered a plea of not guilty. >> reporter: whatever the financial loss or personal hurt, it hasn't diminished the spirit.
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>> reporter: one told us they just want to move on. other student, reacted this way. >> i would feel very disrespected, violated. i think people work hard for their money and they want to put it into a place it would be trusted. >> you trust people and then at the take advantage. >> i hope they can raise some money and i'd like to do anything i can to help. >> reporter: out $20,000 they are hoping to bounce back. the d a's office says its working with the university police to recover the money. in san francisco. ac transit riders are about to pay the price for a budget short fall. just an hour ago the agency announced which routes it is getting rid of. we will show you some trips that used to require one transfer they will soon to require three or four. >> reporter: these are the people who are be stranded on
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weekends. the bus lines that go through most neighborhoods will be eliminated. >> i need the buss to get to my doctors and where i need to go. >> so you took -- >> it would be very difficult for me. i don't like to count on the paratransit. >> we realize -- >> reporter: they told its board of directors cutting weekend service and stopping late night runs will save more than $11 million. low income areas will be hit hard. >> better have a good complainings. >> reporter: they say they have no other source of funding. >> it's unavoidable in the sense that our financial level is such we can't afford to do otherwise. >> reporter: the cuts will add hours to a commute because they will be forced to make numerous transfer. >> i don't know how i could get home and back. >> this is stressing me out. >> reporter: riders scolded the board members.
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>> you got blind people, you got people on crutches. you got all kind of people out there who need help. and you talking about cutting it. i bet none of you put your mercedes in the garage. i bet you drive them. so why can't you do what you are supposed to do and take care of the people that need your help. >> reporter: ac transit has blamed the bus drivers for refusing concessions for part of the budget problem. so far, no new contract talks are scheduled. >> negotiate a contract. be fare. we offered you money -- be fair. we can't take the whole brunt of all this. >> reporter: the main bus routes will remain but just getting to those main bus routes will be difficult. the small feeder lines, the ones that run through the neighborhoods, they will be eliminated on weekends. also will be eliminated all
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trans bay services on the weekends. all this drastic service cut will begin december 10th. >> you mentioned hours added to a commute that's supposed to make life easier. >> it's going to be more difficult and a lot of walking to their bus lines. >> in oakland. thank you. well, it's a situation that sounds like something out of a sitcom. an ankle -- angry dad pretending to arrest a teenager for fooling around with his stepdaughter. >> one family isn't laughing tonight because they say a real police officer was involved. >> any my opinion, he committed a kidnapping, a false imprisonment. >> he represents a 15-year-old san jose boy that was cuffed by a san jose police officer. what allegedly was the boy's defense. >> it wasn't smart for him to mess around with a cop's daughter. >> we're not naming the teen or the cop, but they are neighbors
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in this neighborhood. he claims on august 30th, the veteran motorcycle cop confronted the teen's parents at the font door. >> in full uniform, gun, boots, demand entrance to talk to them. >> it's unclear if the officer was on or off duty. >> he has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation. >> reporter: whether he acted under what is called color of authority. using the uniform to get citizens to submit. >> he says it went like this. >> the police officer says you come with me and takes the boy, my understanding, is took the boy inside the house without the parents. then they heard a thud. >> the parents tell the attorney when they raced into the house, the sun is leaning back, he's got his hands behind his back, he's sort of with his back up against the sofa and
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the officer is about two feet away from him towering over him with his right hand on his duty weapon. >> reporter: former prosecutors say the cop's job is on the line. >> if he's charged with a felony false imprisonment which is restraining someone's liberty under the color of authority, that's a serious felony and that officer would not be able to continue on as a police officer if he's convicted of that. >> reporter: well, the wayward cop lives just a stone's throw from where i stand. i went to his front door. he tells me he could not comment on this case because it involves minors. his attorney says this was a cop trying to scare a way ward teen straight. i can tell you about four minutes of this event were captured on cell phone video. but neither the police or the family's attorney is releasing that video tonight. >> that will be an interesting case to follow. thank you very much. police looking for the man who pretended to be a cop and then robbed a woman. the woman says she was walking
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along east 14th yesterday when a man jumped out of and suv in what a investigators are calling attackty cal police your -- uniform. after he drove off, the woman realized she was missing $200. president and past leaders made their first court appearance. they are charged with stealing millions of funds to beef up their salaries. they were also found to have mismanged $50 million -- none of the suspects entered pleas. oakland is losing hundreds of jobs. that's because -- is moving up to 700 positions to a new site in pleasanton. staffers will be based at a new
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campus. the transfer is expected to be completed by the end of next year. in a tight race for governor but bashing a city full of voters. why meg whitman described one city as awful. we know about the iceberg, but what happened before and after. it has been a family secret until now. the new book telling all about the titanic. the dolphins they came out to play in the bay just as we have a heat wave moving your way. we will have your pinpoint forecast as eyewitness news conditions. we will be right back. it would be impossible to smoke up all the marijuana that's being produced in california. the pot pipeline coming up in minutes. [ female announcer ] jerry brown and oakland's schools.
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what were the facts? fact: march 7, 2000. brown asks voters for new mayoral power to appoint school board members. he gets it, and promises better schools. but the drop out rate increases...50%. the school budget goes into a 100 million dollar deficit. the schools become so bad...the state has to take them over. it was "largely a bust," he admitted. jerry brown. failure as governor. failure as mayor. failure we can't afford now.
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connection aine- the feds say a dozen people from the bay area are facing charges in connection with a cocaine trafficking operation that's been running apparently for a decade. a suspect would bypass airport security. they would fly the drugs to pittsburgh and return to california with money. investigators say at one point a piece of lung, checked luggage containing 40 pounds of coke ended up in las vegas. from cocaine to marijuana,
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so much of it is growing in california right now a new report calls the golden state the leading exporter of we'd worldwide. we've learned that the pot pipeline may start right here in the bay area. >> reporter: august 5th, 2010. 8:27 a.m. this 1976 airport takes off from the airport. records show the aircraft will make landings in new mexico, texas, and charolette north carolina before it's final designation at the shelby airport in north carolina just after midnight. and that's where local law enforcement personnel were waiting. the sheriff's department says the plane was filled with 173 pounds of marijuana. arrested, three men from northern california. one a united airlines pilot. james hat way. >> who would ever guess that
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heyward california has anything in common with shelby north carolina. we found out that this runway is one of the jumping off points of a major drug route. >> there is a definite tie between a lot of what's going on in north carolina today and what is going on in california. that's a pipeline. >> reporter: the -- in charge says the seizure in north carolina highlights a trend. marijuana production in california is way up. >> the numbers were just off the chart. i've been in drug law enforcement for 40 years, and quite frankly, i was astounded. >> reporter: using formulas set up by the united nations. a new state report estimates that california produces 69,000 met rick tons of marijuana last year. that's more than double the amount produced in mexico. it's so much pot that the report conclusion that
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california is the biggest exporter in the world. >> it would be impossible if everybody in the state was togetherred up every day to smoke up all the marijuana that's being produced in california. the wars that they are fighting in mexico today, those wars started over marijuana. >> reporter: but critics of the report say not so fast. >> given the history of these kind of studies i find that very suspicious. >> reporter: chris con ready testifies as an expert witness. he says the formulas the government is using to come up with its pot production estimates are way off. >> when you follow the claimed quantities compared to what you actually get when you weigh and examine it. it's about 1/7 of what they claim. the timing is extremely suspect because it cord natures with this marijuana legalization in california. >> one of the reasons behind that report was to try to get the attention of the folks in
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washington. it is not a local regional problem. it's a national problem. if that's a political move, that's the way it is. >> reporter: well, three suspects in the north carolina bust are still behind bars on $5 million bail. each united airlines tell us that the pilot has been terminated. meanwhile, the u.s. attorneys' office won't confirm or deny reports that it's now involved in the investigation. it's fall, officially. but not really. >> you are correct. with that we also were able to pick up tonight the full moon. 100%. the last time the two coincided the arrival of automatic item and the full moon, that was back in 1991. kind of rare. but we have a lot of clarity out there so we are able to pick it up tonight. overnight lows dropping between 48 and 5 degrees.
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looks like -- 55 degrees. meanwhile, tomorrow, here is the deal. we have this area of high pressure, it's building in and as it does so from the desert southwest through the eastern pacific, it's going to continue to intensify and we are going to see summertime temperatures. now, tomorrow, gradual warmup. san francisco up to 72 which is quiet seasonal. pinpointing your neighborhood forecast, 67 degrees in half- moon bay but 70 in daily city. meanwhile, we will realize 84 degrees in pleasanton. slightly warmer than that due east. north bay numbers stack up from 66. 83 degrees in sonoma. we are talking 7 the # ---- looking ahead towards the
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weekend. it is going to be sunny, bright, warm, 79 degrees. take a good look at our cbs five and seven-day forecast. we will see the high pressure bumping up those numbers. by monday, 101 degrees in our inland areas. clouds, shadows, get a good look at it now. you're not going to see any beginning on friday and thank you so much for sending that in. we want to see your pics. well meg whitman want to be governor of california. but it may be a tough sell in fresno because she told the mercury news she says fresno looks like detroit. it's awful. her campaign said her comment was not a slight at the people living there but the city's
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economic problems. she will be in fresno october 2nd to debate jerry brown. meantime, she is losing some support. brown is ahead by only three points. survey usa took the poll before the fresno comments. in the senate race, boxer has gotten a boost. 49% support her compared to 43% for fiorina. that sandwich shop that started a bigarreaus in san francisco's district is back. ike's is sharing some space with the restaurant lime. it got the boot from its location last week after neighbors complained about noise, lines and litter. the sandwiches are available by phone order only. >> you're not outside waiting your sandwich for hours. you just show up when we tell you to come, the sandwiches are
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ready for you. at first glance, you might think it's a tribute to tradition, but it's all about safety. san francisco firefighters still use wooden ladders. that's coming up in tonight's good question. instrumental music ] [ instrumental music ]
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the guys who drive a heavy duty truck, have some heavy duty demands. like enough horsepower and torque to get out of just about any situation. a payload that beats the other guys flat out. a frame sturdy enough to bear up a max towing capacity that's over 10 tons. and a braking system tough enough
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to bring it all to a stop. heavy duty demands? gentlemen, your truck is ready. not the case. so why does >> wood seems like the last thing that a firefighter would want to bring to a fire in san francisco, that's not the case. why does the fire department still use wooden ladders.
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that's tonight's good question. >> the city of san francisco formed it's first official fire department in the summer of 1850. a lot of things have changed since then, but some things haven't. the department is one of only a handful in the country that still uses wooden ladders. and the only one that actually makes their own. >> we have basically the first ladders that we ever produced for the city and county. we are still using them and that was almost 100 years ago. >> reporter: michael says it's simple. modern aluminum ladders won't work in this town. >> the main reason we use wood ladders is the conductist of aluminum ladders in a city that is all overhead wires. >> reporter: another reason was due to -- you have to get to
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the fire to fight it. >> various roofing ladders, fire escape ladders to get into all the special areas in san francisco that have tight areas and tight areas to get into. >> reporter: it takes two to three weeks to hand make each ladder. they can last for generations. but the pride of craftsmanship, that lasts forever. i need your good questions. nearly a century following it's doomed voyage, a family secret apparently challenges the story about what sank the titanic. the granddaughter of a senior officer on the ship says the -- actually turned the vessel towards the iceberg of the she claims it was because of confusion over steering orders. she says the four sr. officers on board discussed the mishap before the ship went down but
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never told anyone else. up until now, historians believed that the titanic was going too fast and couldn't turn away from the iceberg in time. the raiders named their quarterback and one night after posey won it with a home run, can he do it again? we're up next. [ male announcer ] as the ceo of hp, carly fiorina laid off 30,000 workers. when you're talking about massive layoffs, which we did... perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else. [ male announcer ] fiorina shipped jobs to china. and while californians lost their jobs, fiorina tripled her salary.
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bought a million dollar yacht. and five corporate jets. i'm proud of what i did at hp. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. that's it. that one...right there. exactly how much did the other airlines make off with? ♪ it was like $25. was that one-way? or roundtrip? roundtrip. $50? did you have a second bag? yes. mm! it was $35. that's $120 roundtrip. [ gasps ] oh! ah! ♪ [ ding ] baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably.
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[ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible. the tr his last five starts, sanchez has allowed only three earned runs. could the trend continue tonight? the cubs, good look ban joe band in the stands. giants threatening, but posey can deliver the goods. he should -- shut the -- he wanted the pitch low.
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the fastball high, and there it goes. 13th. that's all they needed. the giants lose 2 life 0. rockies and d-backs. two-run base hit. d-backs for eight unanswered runs. they beat the rockies 8-4. giants now three games back of the padres because of this. the giants are actually now out of 1st place because of that. miguel launched that home run. the a's had a lead -- 4-3, the final. oakland falls 7 and a half behind the rangers. rangers in town tomorrow. the giants are a half game back. >> last two games are against san diego. >> that's right. >> at home.
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>> get your tickets now. >> it's sold out. >> oh, already? >> see you at 11:00. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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