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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. may peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad and speedy their fate. hello, dear and respected viewers. welcome to the news section at 18:00. the continuation of the orange meteorological warning for the north and northeast of the country. and predicted floods in seasonal rivers and canals. with the continuation of the activity of the sa system in parts of our country
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, we will continue to have rain, lightning and wind for the next few hours due to the intensity of the activity of this orange weather warning system during the hours the future is valid for the provinces of ardabil, gilan, mazandaran, golestan, north khorasan, and khorasan-razavi . in these regions, the rainfall is of high intensity , there is a possibility of local spot floods and river flooding, as well as for the central parts. and eastern fars province due to the activity of this wave, heavy rains are predicted and the possibility of water flow in this area is also predicted , there is a possibility of spot floods, an orange warning has been issued for the center and east of fars province, with less intensity for the some from bushar, kerman, sistan baluchistan and south khorasan sometimes rain and lightning we will have strong winds in these areas. on the first thursday after being sent to
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the land of revelation, the iranian pilgrims of medina recited their first complete prayer next to the prophet's court. it is expected that the number of iranian pilgrims in the city of medina will reach 12 thousand people in the coming days.
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commemoration of hakim abulqasem ferdowsi in the capital of turkey the ceremony of commemoration of hakim abulqasem ferdowsi , an iranian persian poet , was held in ankara, the capital of turkey.
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islamic iran on the day of hakim abolqasem ferdowsi tosi. we held a conference here in cooperation with the embassy of afghanistan and the embassy of tajikistan and respected professors of turkish universities. as the heirs of this rich culture, we have a duty to try to use our own literature, art, and culture to communicate with other nations, to communicate with nearby and distant cultures. in this ritual , those interested in persian poetry and literature from the persian-speaking countries of tajikistan and afghanistan spoke about ferdowsi and his precious works. ferdowsi is the honor of the world civilization. ferdowsi and his shahnameh for the people of tujik and fars as well. whenever
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ferdowsi's name is mentioned, we remember shahnameh. shahni in afghanistan or in the scientific and cultural field that is related to afghanistan today. it has been going on since before the publication of shahrnameh . according to the history of shahnameh, there were readers who read myths and historical stories in public. persian language professors in turkish universities consider ferdowsi to be the greatest publisher of persian poetry and literature beyond the borders, especially in iran's neighboring countries. ferdowsi in our universities, especially in the fields of literature. farsi has an important place because he wrote the great shahnameh book thousand years ago with simple language and fluent verses. the works of ferdowsi and
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other iranian persian poets have a special place in the literary treasures of turkish libraries . ferdowsi's works. for the first time in turkey 96 years ago, the translation was printed in the local language and presented as a lesson in educational centers. hamid kameli of ankara radio and television agency. chinese social networks remove content that shows people's personal wealth and luxury. these networks have announced messages and images with content the show. they consider expensive cars or houses as undesirable content and encourage users to share content with positive connotations instead of consumerist content from real life to create a happy and dynamic environment for their community. according to the guardian newspaper, this
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action is part of the recipe for improving the internet cultural environment in china. and these days, the museum of contemporary arts hosts some of the works and memorabilia of reza mafi, the late iranian contemporary calligraphy artist. this artist died in 1961 at the age of 38 due to a brain injury. about half of the life of these panels a century that passes. from an artist with a style that no longer exists. before his existence was really immersed in learning the art of calligraphy , he was committed to very good-natured morals, good-natured and good-looking . if he were today, he would be the same age as mr.
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kabuli, the master of iranian calligraphy, reza mofi, the creator of mehr 61 calligraphy in the scene. "hazardastan" series falls from a horse and suffers brain death. now the life of some of these paintings is the same with his absence. in 130d and 611, i was their guest, and anyway, we met and talked warmly. and enjoying the atmosphere of meeting the good news of an exhibition and a new effort in his 38 years of life, he left about 800 works, now 15 examples of those works
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have been displayed on the walls of the tehran museum of contemporary art. a new creation and the transformation of the field of modern and traditional and contemporary iranian calligraphy into line painting are very, very leading. this exhibition is open to those interested until july 10th. maryam ghasemi, radio and television news agency. end of this news section.
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there is both quality and variety, there is no dispute about the price cap in the city of home appliances, in the city of home appliances of any kind calculate, in total, you will have a breakfast in the morning with raw cocoa ranchers, ranchers' cream, ranchers' cream , sticky with ranchers' honey, ranchers' cheese, ranchers' milk , cocoa ranchers, delicious yogurt ranchers ' fresh cheese ranchers'.
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the islamic council had public meetings this week on sunday, tuesday and wednesday. the first command is to read it. representatives this week. reviewed and approved the continuation of the consideration of the economic commission's report on the gilan anzali industrial free trade zone development bill on sunday, the representatives of the gilan anzali industrial free trade zone development bill reviewed and some of the issues that the guardian council had objected to were resolved
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. it is mandatory to comply with the provisions of the law, regulations related to environmental protection and prevention of destruction and environmental pollution within the scope of this law. however, with the insistence of the parliament in some clauses, it was approved. previously, this bill was sent to the assembly for the determination of the final assignment, but it was not approved in the form of this bill and based on the interview of the parliament , it is mandatory to strengthen the environment and prevent environmental pollution and destruction. also, the import of passenger goods to the industrial areas of sefid roud, khmeran, etc ziabar was banned. the security cooperation agreement bill and the parliament also this week the security and law enforcement agreement bill between the government of the islamic republic of iran and the government of the republic of kyrgyzstan and the cooperation bill in the field of security and information between the government of the islamic republic of iran. and he reformed the government of russia, which was returned by the guardian council.
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the report of the economic commission on the urgent plan to amend some rulings, the representatives discussed the urgent plan to amend some tax rulings in the meeting on sunday. the aim of this project is to facilitate the economic activities of the country in the year of production leap with the participation of the people is. we obliged the government in the seventh plan. to organize these exemptions, the honorable government and parliament in the integration commission and you approved what you approved. you said that if a company is taxed 1,400 billion or 500 billion, then it will be subject to discounts according to the laws. 500 billion means if cut. 600 billion tomans will be taxed until a discount of 500 billion is made and 100 billion
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will be paid, so pay attention that the income is not subject to tax, the tax itself is a permanent law, so exemptions are considered and these companies that usually, the exemptions granted to them are the companies that were established in deprived areas. the reason for this is that when the investors hear that there is a tax exemption in the deprived area , the investors come to invest, but on the monitoring day of the parliament, two monitoring reports and two report. the research and investigation plan was read and voted on in the open court, which
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was sent to the judiciary for judicial review of all four cases with the vote of the parliament members. on this day, with the vote of the parliamentarians, the report of the energy commission on the incomplete implementation of the legal duty related to the collection of gases associated with oil and also the report of the agriculture commission on the performance of the environmental organization in relation to the use of fuel by the power plants, for the verdict 20 have been implemented, 60 have been partially implemented, and the rest have not been implemented at all, based on the inherent duty of the islamic council and specifically the commission's discussion on air pollution. fortunately, there was a follow-up, it came to
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the open floor of the parliament, it passed a decision, and it was referred to the judiciary. administrative offense caused by incomplete execution of orders the law mentioned in this report is clear, as well as the research and discussion report of shasta company related to the period of 1392 to 2019 was read, and both of these reports were sent to the judiciary in tuesday's session, some accused. the violations of the subsidiary companies are freely continuing their economic activity and even occupying other management positions. in another meeting, the representatives of the guardian council approved the plan to amend the country's trade union law and remove the amendments.
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this plan calls for new mechanisms to support the union and trade unions. parliament eslami also corrected and approved the objections of the guardian council on the current year's budget bill. these reforms, since the original budget was 2562 thousand billion tomans, resources and expenses should be within that framework, and some of the rulings that came now or the things that came in the notes did not match the things that came in the rows, we corrected these, of course, with the cooperation and the coordination of the government, which my colleagues approved here, god willing, and the budget announcement. also , some objections of the guardian council on the plan to organize the employees of government agencies were raised in the public forum , and some of them were sent to the assembly for further consideration. the expediency of the system was recognized. its main purpose is that all these forces become a definite work contract. this means that intermediary companies will be eliminated. in
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this plan, new mechanisms for organizing the employment of corporate employees in all. the devices are considered to be amended in a few days, but on wednesday, the parliament amended note six of the budget law of 1303. this amendment was dedicated to tax exemptions. we have a serious problem of capital formation. these exemptions in the last two years made the shareholders of companies, both private and public, profit. do not divide and transfer shares according to today's decision of the public court , all legal exemptions in the country's capital market will remain in effect. they are investing, the omofits will
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remain on their own, the issue of interest on bank deposits, which was supposed to be taxed in this note, that tax. removed and will be practically normal. the issue of defects related to the agricultural sector of the municipality and village districts, all of which are mentioned in this note all those legal exemptions were re-enforced. in today's amendment, the tax rate on the performance of economic bingos in 1403 returned to 20%. on this day, in the form of a bill, the representatives will allow the government to exchange the preferential trade agreement with the last public meeting of the islamic council in the 11th session of the 2nd of june, wednesday. however, the opening ceremony of the 12th session of the islamic council is on the 7th of june.
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islamic council radio and television news agency. he said that paper production is his father's profession and now he is considered an entrepreneur in this field. in the cardboard industry of our country for nearly 80 years , i can say that we were engaged in this industry since my father's age. more than 30% of the employees of fanawar o company are university students and graduates . mostly in the discussion of laminates and cardboards, which are now imported into iran through foreign countries , but in the discussion of laminates, we were able to import a significant amount of this by machines made in iran, and these machines, alhamdulillah, are now
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imported, perhaps 10-15% it now covers what happens in foreign countries in the country, and alhamdulillah, it is also a good production the price is also appropriate, that is, compared to the current demand in the market, compared to the current dollar, it is very appropriate and good. meshel poya will implement our projects and as a result , i will have a closeness, as well as we are completely financially, these are part of the technology entrepreneurs who will be in the second conference on the integration of the industry and the role of technological and intelligent approaches in the leap. the production
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was attended by respected professors of the university entrepreneurs, students and officials of this field , our goal is actually better communication and strengthening the relationship between industry and university. motivation and passion are seeking growth. it requires us to be able to define the path to create a scientific discourse and a scientific view, and in fact , has it not really come to spread the technological view and a manager to be able to make decisions more boldly? let's develop let's give technologists and entrepreneurs present in this conference the slogan of the year as a goal to develop the path. maybe in the
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past years, despite the slogans, they played a serious role due to the lack of scientists, we hope that this role will be done separately this year, considering the capacities and companies of scientists who are actually active today, i believe it is possible, but it is a very difficult task. according to the officials of this conference, accelerating the connection between the university and industry and developing the scientific and technological path is one of the main axes for artisans and technologists. dear mehbobu delangiz of the sed and sima news agency, i went to the book fair and followed the sales process. far away, how much do
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you study a day? i spend two hours a day . what books do you read the most? i'm on the subway and public transportation, i can read and i try to stick to it for an hour . i have two or three hours a day. generally , i read shahada's book a lot . which has a really small story , able to capture emotional ups and downs, and you are a it is a good book that can give you information about growth. a book that is far from clichés and
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shows those people closer to the real people who were martyred before. i think it can be a good book . a veteran also remembers his comrades in the holy defense book stall. there is a martyr mohammad kazemi saeed and a martyr dawood zarei. there is martyr hajreza daghiyan. we brought book titles this year, 6 of these books are our new and published books, and they are presented in the exhibition for the first time. name our latest book shishmanu book it has rained, written by mr. ahmed yusufzadeh. our other book is a book called thematic classification of speeches published by shahid soleimani. we have a collection, we publish the speeches of shahid soleimani individually, called the collection, because this year we
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brought one and two of his speeches. among the commanders of the irgc and among the imams of the jamaats, narratif fahd publications has about 300 titles, and this year , alhamdulillah, we were able to participate in this exhibition with 250 of these 300 titles, books that are actually entering the exhibition for the first time. there are 14 of them, which are not last year's production and our new production and last year's. there is also a statistic of the acceptance rate of the readers of the holy defense books from the language of one of karfadar in karfa, at least two/ thirds of us. part of it may be due to the fact that men are more busy, but the women in qarfa have at least received more women's books . at the tehran book fair, more than 50 publishers expressed the works of holy defense .
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hello, what do you recommend for my daughter's hair loss , parjang black garlic shampoo, parjang black garlic shampoo hi nature, you should say hello again this year, how is the price of buying this year at last year's price? have you heard that this year is at last year's price? they say this year is at last year's price.
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they say that this year, buying from shahr farsh and shahr home appliances at last year's price is very good. it's a great news to buy this year at last year's price. i'll go to the front of kabir . i see a desert , i see a desert, it means that the professor has become a desert everywhere in iran. no , everywhere is filled with motorcycles, baba's motorcycle desert don't buy so much desert, kabir motor with 24-month installments and 36-month bank facilities. kabir motor is a difference in movement. a single macaron
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at the top. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, ladies. hello gentlemen, please accompany us with economic news. the director general of the supervision of basic commodities of the ministry of jihad of agriculture says: there is no shortage to meet the needs of the sugar market. according to mr. amrollahi, the new sugar rates have been announced considering the production costs, and the nejat factory is obliged to supply this product at appropriate prices. it was a few days ago


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