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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] he exerted the most pressure to distance the two countries, according to mr. ping's admission in today's press conference , it reached more than 240 billion dollars, and more than 90% of this 240 billion dollars is based on the national width of the two countries. they say that the trade relations between russia and china have decreased, we cannot cooperate except with the support of the dollar . we see that these two countries have a significant number. they cooperate. let me tell you a memory, in an era when chinese containers were imported into russia, it was 150 thousand per year container. when they returned from russia, china was empty. this means that exports from russia were not carried out seriously. but with this policy of resistance economy and attention to domestic power that mr. putin has designed , russia is currently exporting more than 40 billion dollars of food and agricultural products to china
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, and we are not like before, only containers. let's be clear about the route, this is a significant route . the next thing i mentioned about kharbin is that there is the axis of the eastern railway that reaches the trans-ziberian line, which is a very strategic route in this matter of the passage that has been taking place for days. bypassing the embargo and dealing with the illegal flow of embargoes created by the american network, the next issue is that there is now a connection between the russians. and the chinese have become very close, and vetbe bank and azburbank of russia have active cooperative branches. this is a model that can be very significant for us in the field of economic cooperation between the two countries, and we can use this opportunity . the economy between the two countries has shown that all the pressures to reduce relations have reached the operational path. then i
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have another question from you. i want to ask about this what is the conclusion of the relations after the war in ukraine ? well, look at one of the axes in the discussion of the war in ukraine, the western side pressured to impose sanctions on russia. now russia has 18,000 sanctions , but this sanction did not affect the russian economy, and russia was able to various ways to advance this path with his partners and colleagues, well today in the final statement of the meeting of the presidents of the two countries. an important discussion was raised regarding the action against egypt in case of confiscation of russian assets. you know that 300 billion dollars worth of russian assets are now blocked in the west. america is trying to confiscate these. this very important understanding that was reached between russia and china shows that the russian and chinese sides have not reduced their relations when discussing the ukraine crisis, and the model of the 12-point plan that mr.
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ping proposed last year for the peace of ukraine. today as well as yesterday when mr. putin spoke with shineba , he welcomed this new plan. why did he welcome china's plan? because we believe that the russians and chinese are pointing to the root of the crisis in ukraine. it is proposed, but russia is not present in it, a plan in which russia is not present as mr. ping emphasized , it will not reach any results, but china believes that russia's opinions should be included in the peace plan that it is proposing. should be taken into consideration, so we can see that in this dimension , the initiative to achieve peace is also important between the two sides, the two sides do not reduce their relations, but look at the security aspect, one of the pressures that the west brought to china was that the military security relations between beijing and moscow decreased but we can see that in the security aspect, both sides
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are strengthening their cooperation. and china in it they are ready for a collective security pact that russia has formed with the countries separated from the soviet union, in which observers from china also participate in the exercises , and by the way, in both pacts, especially iran, the islamic republic of iran can become a member. security relations should be present in the collective security agreement, iran is also invited , recently as an observer in the maneuvers, this security cooperation between the two countries, as it was discussed in the press conference today, can be a security model for peacemaking and maintaining the security of the countries that are friends of this coalition. and contribute to global security. this is exactly the opposite it is with american policies. you know that the americans have a plan called churchill's kissinger trap, that is, it is an american-british plan to upset the security balance in the asia-pacific , as far as the security model of cooperation between russia and china and friends and
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partners, well you know. we cooperate with russia and china in the security of a one-way belt and maneuvers in the field of international waterways, this creates an opportunity for us to consider a coalition. you know that mr. putin, the new minister of defense , and mr. shoigu, the secretary of the security council, are also present in today's trip. this shows that one of the main axes of the dialogue between the parties is in the military aspect of security and dealing with joint threats . china and russia are trying to reach a common understanding to create a military alliance and increase their military cooperation, and now they want to create a barrier against america and nato. well, you know that americans have many military bases in asia pacific
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, whether in south korea, japan, australia, and they have a joint security treaty with australia, britain, which is supposed to use this joint security treaty to protect taiwan. this is considered a fundamental sedition for china and for the chinese. a fundamental danger is that they are moving towards a defense and military alliance and developing their cooperation to reach a multilateral security agreement beyond shankai . the ability of this agreement to achieve more integration and take the security field beyond the central asian issue, and this is a capability that we we can talk to him in our negotiations with the russian side . all in all, one of the basic points that was raised today in the dialogue between the parties was that in the new order, which is based on the policy of paying attention to the common demands of the parties and the absence of a hegemonic approach, we can
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bring our participation in the military and security field to a path that will not threaten let's reduce our common interests, which is contrary to the same policy that the west and the united states have, but there were two other important aspects in today's talks between the presidents of russia and china . it is a combination war that america is in the region and the international system is advancing and is using this again because it is a common threat to independent countries , the political dimension of cooperation in international organizations, organizations created by these coalitions is significant for us. well, you know that these two countries are members of the security council, but on the other hand, you know that this year is the tenth year of the formation of the economic union between russia and the eurasian
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axis . new and close partners and allies of close and friendly countries the emphasis of the presidents of the two countries was very significant. thank you very much. you are an expert on russian issues. an incident that is not unrelated to russia happened yesterday . we witnessed the assassination of the prime minister of slovakia. he was injured and his condition was very serious. before i came to the program , i saw a criticism from the president of slovakia. . westerners had regained power? thought do you think this was a political assassination? we have to see who will benefit from fitsu's assassination. so what is fitso's approach? his approach was that
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as soon as he gained power in slovakia, he prevented the payment of the debt that the americans created for the ukraine war for european countries and nato members , i.e. 45 million dollars was supposed to go from the taxes of the slovak people to the ukraine war. fitso opposed this. he officially blocked the weapons that slovakia was supposed to bring to ukraine and declared several times that he would not allow ukraine to join nato in any way, strongly against the sanctions policy. it was russia, and there is a sentence in the russian national anthem that russia has been, it will be, it repeated in its speeches, well, who will benefit, definitely the americans and the forces that are with the united states and are trying to increase the crisis in ukraine and one of the points it is noteworthy that this assassination took place almost 48 hours after the unexpected visit of the american foreign minister to kyiv, and one of the reasons may be because the american foreign minister was sarcastic when he pointed out that the obstacles, restrictions, and
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pressures on ukraine it will be fixed, we will increase our support and we will see there is a serious obstacle in europe, in nato, one is slovakia, the other is hungary. these are strongly against america's policies in nato. considering these conditions and the background that exists, the possibility of cooperation of american intelligence security institutions for this assassination because of the benefits they get is completely clear and specific. mr. madbar, thank you for appearing in today's world. thank you for the conversation. the president of china said that his country is ready to strengthen relations with russia. in his meeting with putin in beijing, xi jinping said: sino-russian relations are beneficial for world peace and we intend to be a good neighbor, friend and partner as always. to be reliable
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, russian president vladimir putin announced moscow's plans to expand relations with beijing and said: about 90 percent of payments between russia and china are currently made in rubles and yuan. putin's visit to china today is his first foreign trip after taking the oath for the new term of the russian presidency. anti- french protests in the new caledonian archipelago. it has found wider dimensions. for the fourth consecutive day, protesters attacked government offices and institutions in this archipelago and set some of them on fire. macron called the new protests shameful. ministry the french defense announced that it has sent new military forces to deal with the protesters. so far, more than 130 people have been arrested. anti-french protests spread throughout new caledonian algeria after the french parliament. france
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gave the french residents the right to vote in the elections of this region. the president of syria arrived in manama, bahrain to participate in the meeting of the heads of arab countries. in addition to participating in the 33rd meeting of arab leaders, bashar assad will also meet with the king of bahrain and the leaders of several other arab countries. bahrain is one of the countries that took part in the syrian conflict with terrorists terrorist. and cut ties with syria. recently, the foreign minister of bahrain visited damascus after about 13 years. eu crackdown on instagram and facebook's performance to protect children. the european commission, the executive arm of the european union, announced that there are possibilities that these two social media will incite children to addictive behavior with their proposed model. according to the set of regulations approved last year in the
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european union, only people over the age of 13 can be members of social networks, and now the european commission says that these two monitoring platforms they are not suitable to prevent the access of younger children. and now the third and final case of tonight's program, the french government has cut off some social networks, including tik tok, to deal with the unrest in the new caledonia region. so far, 200 people have been arrested in these riots. the unrest that started a few days ago in the island of new caledonia has created a very sensitive situation for the french government. angry and unhappy groups do a lot of damage to emma. the government and the public entered and
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set many commercial centers and cars on fire. in the wake of these unrest more than five people, including two policemen, have been killed and hundreds injured so far. the french government has declared martial law in new caledonia by forming the supreme defense council. for some time, new caledonia has been faced with unprecedented riots that caused human and financial losses. abundance left behind. i say in front of you representatives that these acts of violence cannot be justified or condoned in any way. dispatch of thousands of army and gendarmerie forces, banning of any demonstrations and protest gatherings, as well as cutting off some social networks, including tik tok, are new measures taken by the french government to establish security and calm has reigned in caledonia. france calls the republic of azerbaijan to interfere in internal affairs. he has accused himself and caledonia. according to
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the french interior minister, hundreds of protesters have been arrested so far. the military government has allowed us to keep 10 leaders of mafia groups who have committed murder, robbery and crime under house arrest. new caledonian island is among the french territories in the pacific ocean and east of australia, and more. it is 16 thousand kilometers away from the main land of this country in europe. independence seekers of this island beyond french territory for many years they are fighting against the central government to gain independence. according to the french government, the order to apply severe punishments against the rioters will be implemented soon. deportation from the island, long-term imprisonment, and deprivation of citizenship will be among these punishments. shahsovar hosseini
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, sed and broadcasting agency, paris. now, to further investigate these protests in the french colony, caledonia,
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i am having a conversation with mr. well, it seems that our relationship with mr. dolatabadi has been re -established. mr. dolatabadi, hello, you have my voice. mr. daulatabadi, you have my voice, now i have your voice, please let me know whenever there is a question do you hear my voice, mr. daulatabadi, you have my voice, let me start talking now
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, i can't hear the question, daulatabadi, yes , hello, you have my voice. before we talk about the events that happened in caledonia , tell us where this caledonia is and what the french are doing there, since when did they colonize there , how did they keep such a colony in that area until now in 2024. yes, see the lands of in fact, new caledonia, which is one of the last french colonies , is located east of australia and new zealand in the ocean. it is located in the continent of oceania, and it is considered a very strategic area for france. the french
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have been there since the 18th century, that is, when france was at the height of the french revolution. it was discovered at that time. in the search for being there later in the 19th century, when napoleon iii actually came to power in 1800, and in fact 53 when napoleon came, it was completed by 1860 , so france is one of the oldest colonies in france, and the region is very strategy for it is considered to be france, and during this period, in fact, for several centuries, france has actually maintained its presence there and has been able to , in fact, according to the immigrants it has sent there, for example, in 1877, a series of people who paris commune group. later, a group of
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women from the western provinces of france were actually immigrated there to marry and strengthen the french groups there so that they could increase the population of the french against the natives, and this area should he knew that it is considered one of the most strategic areas because in in fact, french nuclear tests have been conducted there since 1960, and one of the points that caused a dispute between france and australia for several decades was one of these points and another reason why that region is important. in fact, 20 to 30% of the world's nickel mines are in this region, so it is considered a very important region from a strategic point of view. another
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is to approve the disputed issue that is french they are looking to grant more voting rights to the french colonialists who live there . what reactions did this french effort cause among the native people ? there is a land that is now considered as one of the overseas territories of france, which is actually given a very little autonomy. in fact , there are a group of people who are trying for the total independence of this land, which they call loyal to the french republic
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that they read well. but the third referendum, which should have been legally considered the last referendum , was actually held in behboh due to the covid pandemic, and that's why those who oppose the independence actually boycotted the election, and actually the 53 % who thought that, for example, in the third referendum , it will reach below 50. to be able to actually gain independence, there were 96 opponents of independence due to
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the sanctioning of those who did what mr. daulatabadi did , we are at the end of our time, so the conclusion is that the fact that the parliament and the french government have come to do this has given more voting rights to french people. at he granted that region to prevent future referendums and to make that region independent . yes. thank you, mr. daulatabadi, for your presence in this conversation.
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we will reach the end of the world today. good night. goodbye. this is humay. apart from the responsibility of a mother, by choosing a job , they shouldered part of the family's economic responsibilities. it's hard, i can't say , why is it really difficult, but we made a division and practiced with the other children, everyone can do something, yes, dad. help guys , can you help me, why do your friends say what they say to you at school they say they are doing well, why do they tell you that
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they are doing well, because some of them are only children. these families coincide with the national week of the guest population of the minister of labor and welfare. socialization , good points are foreseen for the marriage of young people and the children of our colleagues, and we have predicted good gifts for having children, now if there are a few people, they will definitely be paid more, and we will help them to respect their rights
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, until they can go on their way, god willing. alhamdulillah, good work is being done. of course, mr. mortazavi also said that the laws aim to facilitate childbearing the well-being of mothers and children is pursued with greater priority than in the past, following the obstacles in the way of the law of the youth of the population. if a worker was working, he must have worked more than 700 days before he was entitled to child rights. we have submitted the amendment bill to the government , it is going through its final process in the government and we hope that it will be prepared as soon as possible and submitted to the islamic council. this 70 days will be reduced to 30 days .
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devices associated with stopping the downtrend. the population in the country is accompanied by the average grade point average the country's fertility is now out of the decline stage and has stabilized, clearly 15 provinces have become positive, see this incident is actually poor and in fact the speech of the demographers is an event that can be said to be unique in the whole world. it is news that can be the beginning of the following developing more comprehensive programs for the next decades of these children. sudam, radio
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and television news agency. i love you so much that the first place prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of salary. bashland is a land full of prizes. wind a little more to cool down kill us, we will perish in this house, why don't you buy an air conditioner , the account balance is not enough, this is the reason, it is not the reason
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, it is not the reason, we are going to the city of household appliances, buy a whole lot , the offer is pleasant, the sale is above. in the name of god, hello, have a good night , dear viewers, the appointment of new officials in the moradi and national football federation by the order of the president of the football federation , daniyal moradi, until the appointment of a supervisor for the referees committee, is temporarily responsible for the affairs


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