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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and their speedy recovery. hello, dear viewers , welcome to economic news. in order to secure the opinion of the guardian council, the representatives of the islamic council amended the articles of the tax plan on speculation and gambling. in order to find out about today's affairs of the majlis , i am currently talking with the reporter of sed and sima news agency stationed in the public hall of the majlis. hello mr. peshbahar, please tell me about today's approvals of the house of nation representatives. thank you very much, mr. borji, in the name of god. the presence of dear viewers of this
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news segment, i say hello and politely the final form of all the objections of the guardian council on the plan , in fact, the tax on speculation and gambling is about to be completed, it resolved the objections in different parts of this plan, there were several meetings that were reviewed in the open floor of the parliament during the events of the guardian council, and it was approved today. the final form was approved in this plan , in fact, asked in four areas.
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in fact, in these four areas that i announced, please tell me the percentage of how much this tax that is collected in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , well, one of the problems that our people faced in recent years was the price some areas of assets, such as bread, gold, cars , and real estate , were increasing due to the tight entry of the market, and the effects of inflation had a severe negative effect on people's livelihoods, because i declare clearly that the basis of this tax is based on the approach of the game of attributes. it does not even cover less than one percent of the society and they are very few. the reason for the night is that we allowed the number of members of our house for the car for the residential wad basically in the short term and in the long term. therefore, basically
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, our people will not be subject to this, even the well-to-do people of the society who own cars and property even as many as their children. darren, therefore, the tax that is here basically does not affect the masses of people, even those who are wealthy, and it is only a side game and a broker in the discussion of gold and gold . this issue has become such that anyone who trades gold and gold based on the official markets. any amount will not be occupied at all, so this is also based on the correction made in the commission. if someone takes action in the informal market , he will be taxed based on the information that can be found. in the short term, based on our calculations, tax rates will be around 35%. in the long term, the rates will be adjusted and the basis will be calculated. at the same time, i emphasize a specific point. the issue of inflation has been seen in this area, that is , even if someone in the field of speculation
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, the inflation rate in the society is adjusted from it, and then the calculation will be the basis of the tax. the basis of this discussion is to prevent speculation and help strengthen the real economy in the country. thank you, dr. pour ebrahimi. mr. borji, i will inform you very briefly. today, the parliament also approved. he approved two bills d and one more. in fact, it was a bill given by the government to refer the dispute between iran gas development company and one govt trading corporation of india. india, where the parliament voted to refer to international arbitration, a bill that was previously brought to the parliament was approved by the government in its entirety. it will be investigated, but a plan presented by the members of parliament to amend the tables of constituencies and the number of general representatives was put to a vote, but it was not voted. in
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fact, the representatives in this case have demanded that the current number of parliament members, which is 290 people they want 40 people to be added to them, the government was against this plan. and my reason was that we ourselves would submit a bill. in fact, the commission agreed that unfortunately or fortunately, i can't say now. however, the members of the parliament did not vote, and it was agreed that in the next sessions of the parliament, which will probably go to the 12th parliament, this plan will be discussed again in a normal way. now the request should be made and brought up from the representatives . the last thing is that the parliament will not have meetings next week, and the representatives in their constituencies will be the heads. i apologize for taking too long, sir, please thank you, mr. peshbahar, from the islamic council . continued news from the beginning of june, receiving a check for the level of information in the real estate and accommodation system . the vice president of new technologies of the central bank
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announced this news and said that for the registration of bank cards in shoprak, there is also a warning about the need to register. residential information is provided in the real estate and accommodation system. there are 3 banks in torramza that have more than 100 empty houses, since they say that there are more than 100 to 200 to 300 to 400, the last official statistics about empty houses are related to the 2015 housing census. those two half a million empty houses in the country. the ministry of roads and urban development announced that the index of empty houses in all countries of the world is 5%, but this figure for iran is about 10%. these empty houses , on the other hand, according to the report of the research center of the parliament , housing hoarding causes house capitalization and the growth of the rental price, the parliament has approved to identify the empty houses, people should register their house information in the real estate and housing system and this system the reference for verifying people's residential information
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is also the result of controlling the price of houses and rents for inflation. any type of service provided by the government. issuance of certificate, passport, national card, fuel card. all this depends on the fact that the address is fetched from the real estate and accommodation system. the government also supported this resolution. it is forbidden to notify the first vice president to executive bodies, to provide services to people without a unique code of the real estate and housing system. according to the law, 15 institutions must join this system, except for the new education and training , the central bank has informed about joining this system. at the end of april, behesht has received the checkbook. we will bring it up and make it operational and this is one of the projects that will be operational soon in this month. of course, for now, only two central bank services are activated in this system. for
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the first service, we considered issuing a hand check for this purpose, and another card registration in the shoprak system. the latter is a warning. we will only process it to issue the hand because it is a process that usually takes a few days. here , the person will ask him in the branch that if he has not registered, in fact, he should go to his place of residence in the real estate and housing system. do this based on the last statistics of the statistics center in 1400 more than 55% of urban households and more than 25 % of rural households are renters, and this means that the management of the rental market can facilitate the lives of many, samai mardani. the minister of roads and urban development announced iran's readiness to cooperate with cuba in the air, road and sea sectors. mr. beserpash said during the meeting of the minister of transportation of cuba that
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cuba can use the knowledge and capacity of iranian companies to repair airplanes and locomotives. a very good deal with the parsing wagon collection for repairs. cuban wagons and even buying some needed parts as well there was a request to use the shipping capacity of the islamic republic of iran for the transportation of goods related to cuba for the export that they want to carry out or the transportation of goods, and the capacity of the aircraft repair facility . kenan and we will be able to get good help in this department, god willing, and the joint commission, which is going to be held in early june. it was held in havana. these are all preliminary decisions for the joint commission, which of course is under the ministry of health in iran. the manager of sangan khaf iron ore complex.
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according to rasulian , last year in sangan khaf iron ore complex, the drilling operation for the exploration of mineral deposits in this complex reached 1445 meters with a 100% increase compared to last year. more than 22 million tons of iron ore lumps have been produced, which has increased by 70% compared to the same period last year. the increase in the percentage of iron ore exploration from sangan khaf mines and the boom in production in the existing steel complexes have created new employment opportunities for many young people in this region. of young people engaged in it has been done, renting an account now, alhamdulillah , it is being reversed, it is being reversed now. more than 15,000 young people are working in sangan khaf mines, and this amount
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will increase to 18,000 people with the launch of new mining industrial units in the new year. the increase in production will increase the amount of employment, especially in the areas of industry support , which is very effective here. sangan khaf mines in the chain of steel industry are more than 37 million tons , which is being established with the efforts of the artisans specializing in this complex. last year , we extracted more than 22 million tons of iron ore here it has grown by about 7. the country's steel chain for 1404. there are about 50 million tons of iron. we should have about 37 million tons of iron ore supply in this chain. we have now reached about 22 million tons. our effort is to
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reach these 37 million tons, which are needed in the country's steel production chain for the horizon of 1404, god willing. an important part of the increase in production in these mines is due to the arrival of new machines. the arrival of this new fleet device that has come since the beginning of 1402 has added about 70% to the production so far. from the beginning 1402 until now mature over 17 million tons of iron ore lumps have been sold to mining industrial units in this region for processing. with the extraction of more than 22 million tons of iron ore in the equivalent of sangan khaf, the sales of this product for mineral industrial investors has increased to more than 20%. davud sharifi, broadcasting news of sangan khaf industrial zone. according to the customs report , the export of handmade carpets last year reached about 40 million dollars, which
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was a 20% decrease compared to 1401. according to the head of the handicraft and handwoven carpet industry center, the increase in the return period of the width obtained from the export of carpets and the solution to the problem of returning worn carpets to restore the country , it is one of the government's plans to re-invigorate the export of carpets. iranian hand-woven carpet, which is famous in the world both for its art and for its elegance and beauty. i have been in the carpet business for 45 years. my only motivation is to live with the works of iranian carpet weavers. iranian carpet has a long history and is popular in all countries of the world. but the customs statistics tell about the unhappy state of this industry . like this statistic that the export of this product during the last 10 years is higher than the average. 400 million dollars annually last year reached 40 million dollars within
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3 years from 426 million dollars to 96 or 416 million dollars the annual average dollar reached below 100 million dollars in 141 to about 52 million dollars and in 1402 we exported carpets to 40 million dollars. a carpet that has not been sold within a certain period of time can be presented to the central bank in different ways. last year, the government reduced the foreign exchange obligation of carpets and handicraft industry to the extent of raw materials to help exporters. that is, between 10 and 20% of this solution, although last year to the sector he helped privately, but when we were on 15th of february. we were able to implement this. our idea was that now that it has been implemented, we no longer
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have this problem in 2043, and we can continue this in 2043 , which unfortunately was not included in the budget law this year. the carpet's territorial obligation has another plan. the person who exports the hand-woven carpets, because these carpets usually, so to speak, they themselves say, must be sought after in the world. it may stay in different countries for several years before it is sold, that's why we have this one year, we will increase it to 3 years or 5 years. that we don't have any problem in relation to clearing the foreign exchange obligation. based on the general policies of the program. seventh , the export value of handicrafts and handwoven carpets and related industries should reach 490 million euros by the end of 5 years. zahra taicheng of sed and sima news agency. in 17 days, the deadline for converting old paper licenses to new ones will end. the head of
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the business environment improvement center of the ministry of economy announced this news and said the latest statistics of the ministry of economy. from the preparation of the infrastructure for the unique identification of licenses, it shows that the national standard organization and the ministries of sports and sports have the best performance in they had about it. it was paperwork that the producer had to look for every day in different offices of different executive bodies . you had to get permits from the relevant authorities, and you had to go to the next permits. if you take those priority licenses, they would be canceled because they had a time and a date. issuing business licenses through the national license portal is a law that came into effect in 1401. the purpose of this law is to eliminate paperwork and golden signatures and facilitate the conditions for obtaining a license. we took action 20 days ago and it was ready in 20 days, there was no problem. based on the following
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all government services will soon be provided electronically. accordingly, all owners. paper licenses should make their licenses unique. according to the law, from the 26th of ardi beh 1403, that is, 2 years after the establishment of the facilitation law, a person who has an economic active code and does not have a unique id is considered unlicensed from the point of view of the government of the islamic republic of iran, by entering 3 specific information of that trade unit, such as the trade id of the national code or legal id of trade union. legal and mobile phone numbers that are acquired in the name of that trade union in the name of the license holder, a unique identification code will be issued to them based on according to the latest statistics of the ministry of economy, out of about 60,000 holders of paper permits, only 453,000 have received one. according to the officials, if
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the holders of paper permits do not receive a unique id , they will be denied government services, and anyone who does not have one will not be considered an economic operator and will be without a permit. you said that those who don't know what is going on didn't come now and they are very happy . national organization the standards of the ministries of education and sports had the best performance and the environmental organization of the central bank and the ministry of science had the worst performance. according to the law on the issuance of business licenses, all government officials must request one of these licenses from economic operators to provide services. paper permits. faruzaneh hasanpour of radio and television news agency. owners of equity shares
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can receive the interest of these shares by correcting their bank account information. ceo of deposit company. central central bank said that if people update their bank account information and correct the errors up to a week before the payment of equity dividends. they will get the profit of the previous years along with this profit. according to mr. baghestani, entering the wrong branch number, joint bank account, stagnant account, long-term account, blocked bank account and having an agricultural account are the reasons for not paying equity dividends. to some people . we have reached the end of economic news. good day and god bless you.
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in the name of god, i greet you , dear viewers, have a good day. in the last 24 hours , the hottest place in our country was mehran in ilan province. with a maximum temperature of 40 degrees and the highest point of khalkhal in ordville province with a minimum temperature of 3 degrees below zero was reported between the centers of the provinces, including ahvaz with a maximum temperature of 39 degrees. tarin and ardabil are the coldest centers of the province with a minimum temperature of 3 degrees below zero. for today , we will have rains in the form of scattered showers in some parts of the country
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, such as in the southern regions of sisistan baluchistan, southern kerman, northern and eastern parts of hormozgan province, as well as southern fars province, where scattered showers and lightning will occur in these parts. we expect it to happen . for tomorrow, there will be rains in areas of the west, as well as the central albarz heights and the highlands. right in the center is not far from expected. in other regions of the country we predict that we will witness a boom and stability both for today and tomorrow. of course, for the next 3 days in the eastern part of the country, in the northeast, east and southeast regions of the country, we expect to have an increase in the wind speed, in which case strong wind can lead to rising soil and reducing air quality. the good news is that, god willing, the system will be loaded from tuesday. it gradually enters the country from the eastern parts. the rain
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will start in the provinces of west azarbaijan, kurdistan, kermanshah, lorestan, ilam, khuzestan, chaharmahal bakhtiari and parts of levi abui rahmat. gradually for on wednesday, these rains will be more widespread, covering the western half, parts of the south, and also the central regions of the country . there is a chance of hail for the day. on thursday , the rains will continue in the western half, southern half and central parts of the country . the sky will be clear for tehran in the next few hours. sometimes we expect the wind to blow. the air temperature, which has been increasing in most parts of the country, will also increase for tehran. finds it and today in the hottest hour up to 26 degrees and in the coldest hour in the morning it will reach at least 17 degrees tomorrow . thank you for your support. until the next part of the news.
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academics in support of the student uprising in america and europe. the students who are protesting in the so-called cradle of freedom of expression are calling themselves and showing their connection with the people of gaza, the oppressed people of gaza, they want to be treated violently and this way they want to be treated in the gatherings, well, this shows that there is a contradiction in human rights. americans and genuine human rights defenders of people's freedoms, defenders of oppressed people, this movement of us students will encourage the rest of the students. let them know that they are supported in other countries. this global event that is taking place is worth supporting, that is, it is no longer a question of nationality, it is not a question of religion , it is a question of human nature, and that humanity that
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has awakened in the people of the world, we have come to support those who have humanity, regardless of any religion or nationality. they can't see that someone is being oppressed, the president of tehran university also said that this uprising shows that the front of knowledge and wisdom is against the front of ignorance and ignorance. today, the university of tehran , consisting of professors, students and staff, is located in sardar universities came together to celebrate this bold and justice-seeking action that academics in america especially did. in addition to tehran university, this rally was also held in other universities in the country. gatherers in supporting the awakening of the consciences of the european and american academic community , they condemned the beating of students by the police, supporting
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the students who are there to support the right, and unfortunately, the appropriate treatment of freedom that the united states and european countries have had for the last few years was freedom. students who want to defend and support the defenseless people of palestine and also the rights of women and their children. this incident is showing a correct image of america to our university, and if anyone wants to have a proper understanding of the issues, he should follow these. this type of rise indicates the beginning of a global consciousness and a global awakening. the minister of science also said that in universities that claim to be the cradle of freedom, freedom has been kicked. est said that this issue can be seen in american and french universities. we appreciate the students and professors of universities around the world who
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responded to the call of their conscience. in the arena and against genocide, the killing of civilians, women and children , caused sensitivity. israel is destroyed, palestine is yesterday, students and professors of universities all over the country are supposed to gather in support of the uprising of academics abroad in condemnation of the zionist regime . mohammad ebrahim pakzad, sed and cima news agency.
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the qur'an is our command, the qur'an is our command, and jihad is our path , and jihad is the path of allah, and death is for the sake of allah, the names of our trusts, and death is the names of our trusts .
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go away go away will be free from the sea to the river.


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