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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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varnish prevents speculators from rushing in the housing market. hasannejad of radio and television news agency. god gives everything, children, from prayer. when i called you, you told me something that was very valuable for me. because they say it is a document now. registered , i state this. i did not believe it at all. it might be like a short story, that is, something very short. he did not mention anything at home. for example, that test was successful or god forbid it failed. did you notice their feelings? my daughter informed me. he said i like it . how did i tell you this news?
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i remembered a memory just like that, which was probably funny and he repeated it many times at home, for hosseini's children, because of this, he smiled at me and said, "well, think that friday is not saturday." in the name of god, light , in the name of god, light
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, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, light, in the name of god, light, light, in the name of god, light , in the name of god. muhammad is the messenger of allah , muhammad is the messenger of allah. he is the most high
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, and god is the most high . long live ali salah long live ali al-falah. long live ali al-falah.
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god bless you, god bless you, god bless you. there is no god but god, there is no god but god.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. greetings, have a good day, chief. referring to the capacity and capabilities of iran and african countries, the president said at the second international meeting of iran and africa: iran's and africa's economies complement each other, and in order to recognize the capacity and realize the economic goals, continuous diligent pursuit is necessary. extraterritorial cultivation is one of the points that can be done very well in africa, both for the benefit of africa and for our benefit. technical and engineering in our country is blessed the islamic revolution of our engineers and specialists find very acceptable positions in the work and activities that are acceptable to everyone
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. our technologists and our scientists can easily have this cooperation and coordination with african countries. mr. raisi also emphasized that iran's view of africa is different from that of western countries. westerners look at africa as an opportunity for their own interests. they want africa for themselves and we want africa we want for africa. this is the difference between two approaches in the world. each of the western countries came to an african country. camping there, looking
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for how to loot african reserves, mines and wealth. the university of southern california has canceled its graduation ceremony due to anti-zionist protests at the university. the ceremony was supposed to be held in two weeks. the university of southern california has been the scene of massive student protests for a few days now. the police arrested more than 90 students yesterday. in indiana university, the police also arrested 3 people the continuation of anti-protests. at ohio university, the police suppressed the demonstration of students supporting the people of gaza and arrested a number of
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students protesting the crimes of the zionist regime in the campus. several american universities, including harvard, columbia and pennsylvania, set up tents. the associated press reported that university officials across the united states are concerned about the protests and their impact on student celebrations next month. the arabic speaking spokesperson of the us department of state resigned on thursday in protest of the continued support of the government of this country to the zionist regime in the war against gaza. al-qurayt declared, so after 18 years of service in the us state department , he resigned from his reputation to protest the white house's policies towards gaza. a few months ago, anel ashlain, one of the senior employees of the us ministry of foreign affairs, and josh poole, who is in charge of political and military affairs
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of this ministry , resigned in protest against the us arms aid to the zionist regime for use in the war against gaza. the meeting of deputy ministers of foreign affairs and senior representatives of brics countries was held in moscow. the representatives of 9 countries present in this meeting demanded an immediate stop to the genocidal crime in gaza. examining the latest developments in west asia and north africa with presence deputy ministers of foreign affairs and special representatives. brics member countries met in moscow, one of the agendas of which was the issue of palestine and the continuation of crimes and genocide of the zionist regime. in my opinion , the most important feature of this meeting was that all members unanimously
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emphasized on stopping the zionist regime's genocidal crime in gaza. in this meeting, the deputy ministers of foreign affairs and senior representatives of russia, china, and brazil. south africa, india, egypt, ethiopia and the united emirates were also present, ali bagheri iran's punitive operation against the zionist regime. the legitimate right of the islamic republic of iran within the framework of the charter the united nations said. in this meeting, we emphasized that the response of the islamic republic of iran to the crime of the zionist regime in damascus is the legal right of the islamic republic of iran in the framework of the islamic republic of iran's countermeasures against any violation of its territory and its interests and its citizens. he will respond seriously quickly and in fact very hard, and
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we have shown that the solution to protecting the stability and stability of the region is not to become an aggressor in his place. iran condemned in damascus the representative of the united nations presented a report on the critical situation in the gaza strip and the continuation of the barbaric crimes of the zionist occupation. the representatives of 9 countries present at this international meeting, including the islamic republic of iran , emphasized that unilateralism in the world is coming to an end, a new order is being formed. the zionist regime announced in roysat alam and malikiya bases. in this
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statement, it is stated that the mujahideen of the lebanese hezbollah after seeing the zionist soldiers at the border and while a group of them were trying to enter the military base. they had al-malikieh, they were targeted by artillery fire. hezbollah fighters also ambushed another near roysat alam military base in kafr shoba hills. the mechanized convoy of the zionist regime was targeted with guided missiles and artillery, which led to the destruction of two military vehicles. the journalist of al-mayadeen network announced the big ambush of the fighters of the lebanese islamic resistance against the zionist forces and reported that a number of them were killed and wounded. the violent treatment of the american police once again caused the death of a political man. the footage shows ohio state police uniformed cameras
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that this person is violently arrested and while the police put their knee on his neck for a long time, he dies. although frank tyson says several times i can't breathe , the police don't pay attention and continue their violent treatment. in the camera images, about 8 minutes from the end. tyson's words are passed that the police started cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him, but this was of no use and the death of this black american citizen was announced in the hospital less than an hour after his arrest.
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and a dormitory unit with 33 units was added to the married dormitories of medical students. deputy the student of the ministry of health said that in the 13th government, 30 % has been added to the capacity of the married dormitories of the ministry of health. a building called hakim do was a ruin just a few months ago, and now it has taken on a new color. it is supposed to be a house for students, of course, there is one condition to live in it, and that is to be a couple. hakim do will live in 33 young couples . the couples of tehran university of medical sciences will now become housewives thanks to a benefactor who did not want to be named. they implemented and really set a building record by completely renovating and equipping 33 units within 7 months. do show the work. really, if you wanted us to do this in the government system, the dispute would only
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last 4 months. i think 40 billion has been spent here in total, which is a model where the government and the charity put their hands together to create a set of projects for this. they should fix the country for the people and to serve the people. this is a very good model. we must preserve this model. building dormitories like hakim do is one of the clauses of the youth law. officials say: construction continues for student couples. we have about 150 married units. at the beginning of this government these married units of ours about. it was less than 800 units, and during these two and a half years, 30% of the total number of units added to the number of units of the past decades has been seriously ordered by the ministry of health
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to double the capacity of residential dormitories in the entire university, god willing, in the next one year, according to the youth law of the population of universities of medical sciences. renovate and equip the existing dormitories for the number of married students and give priority to the construction of married dormitories when starting new dormitories. haani jeri nejad, sed and sima news agency. end of this news section.
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the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of humanity, your stronghold this table is your stronghold, and there is hope for you, on the other side of the table , there is a martyr in your eyes. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good evening to the dear viewers of khabar network and the dear ones who chose to watch the program on the first page. tonight we are at your service with another conversation and we hope that this one-hour conversation will be useful for you. we are on the eve of the 9th of may, and the 9th of may has been named the day of councils, as you know that councils are a symbol of people's participation in the administration of cities and villages, and its main goal is to eliminate discrimination and
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the realization of justice is that they are a public, social, cultural and service institution, and most of their work is the color of public and social cultural work , but in any case, it cannot be far from political activities, but it seems to be the biggest political work that it can happen in the councils, that is to serve the people properly . we are mr. dr. debiri , the honorable chairman of the provincial supreme council, and this is the first appearance of dr. debiri on the first page of the program . hello, welcome to my conversation , especially since you are the first time to search for me. welcome, thank you
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, in the name of allah, the merciful , the most gracious. regarding the supreme council of provinces, if there is any other explanation that will make people more familiar with this institution, please tell me how many members of the council there are now, in terms of education, what level of education they have, and whether they are male or female. and statistical issues like this if possible please let people get to know each other better. they have a very high position in the constitution, which is an independent chapter of the constitution related to the councils, and in a way we can say that they are considered one of the pillars of the system, and one of the principles of the constitution, the seventh principle, says that the councils are part of the decision-making and
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they are the country's affairs department, and principle 1 of saddam also says that councils are for progress. the social, cultural, welfare, and economic affairs of the society are rapidly taking shape, and now the council includes village councils, districts, cities , counties, provinces, and the supreme councils of provinces. there are approximately 127,000 councilors in the country and all of them. being a member of the council is not considered a job. in fact, it is an honorable thing that we do . for example, my job is not only the council . i have another job. i do my own work, but as a representative of the people, i am with the people to make decisions. in matters related to the people, now we
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are in the city and there are many friends in the village or in different parts of the council. now there are all kinds of people in the council. they are elected by the people's choice and expression, and the most important thing they want to do for the people is to make a decision to manage the affairs of that city or village . finally, in our system, we had a parliament , we had a government, and the other parts of the government were formed , but the councils began to operate with a delay, and this delay caused some structural problems in some councils, especially in the
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far-right councils, but it seems that over time we are going through a process of evolution people try to choose people very consciously and we also try to ensure a stable management. let's create, that is, suppose you see the mayors that we choose , there are many who, for example, 4 years, 6 years, 8 years, 10 years, or 12 years of being a mayor, you don't see this management stability, even maybe in the government body during these years of serving, and well. after all, since we are with the people, even our main duty is to investigate the problems of the people, find solutions and... seek to solve these problems, even the representatives of the islamic council directly in the field. they don't have a duty to be elected, most of the representatives
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are responsible for legislation and supervision, but we are trying to use the capacity of our representatives , but the duty of the councils is to serve the people, and since they are elected by the people, they can very well investigate the problems of the people. and find a solution for it and ultimately increase satisfaction in the society. do you think this has happened now? it happened, but look , there are a series of economic issues and problems in the society, which people may blame all the officials, now they have nothing to do. municipal council or something. if you don't increase the salary of the employees according to the inflation , the purchasing power of the people will decrease day by day, and
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these economic problems and some other problems will cause some dissatisfaction related to the mission of the councils. in general, i can say that satisfaction has increased, that is, where do you measure from? from the relationship we have with the people , from the point of view of the people, and from the fact that the people will choose those people again , suppose, for example, i have been in the city council for 16 years now, so if the people are not satisfied with me again they don't choose me. this re-election means that they have expectations that they want to be fulfilled. well, we will try our best to the extent that we have the authority to do this, but if a little more. if the councils are helped, the role of the councils in increasing satisfaction and creating hope in the society, where can we help more? yes, from where can we help
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? supposedly, the law assigns a series of duties and powers to the council, but for some of them, the implementation tools are not defined, for example, this how should we do the work and if this work is done or support from the parliament and the government. of course we have been we are not saying that, for example, this was not support, but there are some places where the perception in the law was different and if in my opinion this cooperation could be strengthened a little more, it would be very possible at this time. he can directly submit to the parliament, which means that he has a lot of special legislative tools at his disposal. this also shows the dignity and position of the provincial councils, and anyway, the same things you say are in your hands or, for example, you don't have the implementation tools at your disposal.
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you can do this through these plans. shall we make ten of this capacity? it has not been used in a good way before . let me give you two examples. one of the duties of the supreme council of provinces is related to the general budget of the government and the five-year plans. he is obliged to present these to the supreme council of the province and the supreme council of the provinces to present his opinions and suggestions. this has not been done so far . it is not suitable for you at all. we have started this since last year. this year's budget has taken our point of view to some extent but starting this year, we are looking to fully implement this task and participate in it beforehand. i even suggested that
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if we can participate in the formulation of that budget program from the beginning, because after it is ready, maybe if the changes are difficult , my suggestion is this, we will take it forward and maybe we can do this. another thing i would like to tell you is that one of our duties in the same supreme council is that we are those who are responsible for the duties and affairs. there is a government and municipalities can. let's do this, let's count and take it the parliament should approve it and put it in the hands of the municipality and the councils, which is in fact the same urban fabric management that is being implemented all over the world. well, this has gone back and forth several times , but we have not got any results. now we got a promise from the parliament that , god willing, this year
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make this a priority during the parliamentary term. and you know that city management should be one piece. for example , water, electricity, gas, and many other service organizations cannot operate independently. for example, you can see that they get funding. for example , where we paved a place, they are digging or digging. ok these are the costs again. if this is available to the council and municipality, more coordination will be done in this field and satisfaction will increase. now these two cases that i mentioned are in the law. it is, but it has not been implemented yet, but we are persistent that it will be implemented, god willing , and with the determination and determination we see in the parliament government , we hope that this work will be realized in this period . this is not what you are hoping for. i can tell you that there is some resistance at the level of the ministries in this case of managing an urban fabric.
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i don't want the tasks at hand. it is up to them to hand it over and then they have to hand over the budget, and it should be given to the councils with its budget . now, in order to do this , we suggest that a number of these tasks be handed over on a trial basis in some big cities. if it is done, we have seen that the results are good , let's develop this, that is, we don't want to start all these things from the beginning , put them in the hands of the municipality and the councils, and then , for example, have problems . the rest of the duties will be taken over by them and i think that it will make the government more agile and the councils will be able to perform their duties better . solve it and now we are going to the parliament
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. but it has not been approved yet. now the members of parliament have prepared this plan. we have also prepared it. god willing, together we will try to do a good expert work and make it operational. this is one of the biggest steps in in order to improve the position of the councils and to create satisfaction in the city and village complex last year, mr. doctor, what important approvals did you have? in the supreme council of provinces, which you can refer to now as an example , as the achievements of the supreme council of provinces in the past year, i would like to inform you that now we have started a training program for the councils themselves , because one of the problems that exists in the councils is this. that if the officers are not well trained and are not well aware of their duties, they may make mistakes in some places, mistakes that are harmful.


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