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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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sir , it is not a suitable number for africa and for iran with this capacity . in the name of the god who created beauty and the beauty of god, the friend of god, the most merciful and the most merciful, the honorable viewers of khabar. greetings to you , i would like to present the specialized news sections of the media to you. as usual , at this hour, the last episode of the fifth season of the tv series noonkheh will be broadcast tonight at 22:00 on channel one. the broadcast of this series started on the 15th of farvardin . his concern is evident from the opening credits.
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showing the historical places and customs and traditions of the iranian tribes of nenkhe panj with the story of mahsal shirin and salman at the beginning, yes, and then the other ten characters also hit the heart of the road, and under the pretext of protecting the environment and rare birds, it was emphasized. and of course , handicrafts and culture of different regions of the country, including sistan baluchistan , were displayed. nuruddin khanzadeh
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also paid tribute to the culture of the kurdistan people in this season, sometimes by singing an old lullaby and sometimes by showing the rituals of kurdistan. this is a very remarkable thing in the nunkha collection, which is becoming more mature day by day, each season after the previous season. this is that society and kurd tribe it becomes the axis of the unity of iranian peoples and portrays a kind of relationship between ethnic groups and sub-cultures, according to the national media research center, nonkhe tv series is the most talked about series of the national media these days .
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it's radio or television, you can understand it, i don't understand a bit, but everywhere this is good, everywhere he goes , he shows his sweat on the radio, sweat, sweat, not here , it's written, sweat, he shows his sweat, 70 sweat, it's true , he shows his sweat, but it's the author's fault that he didn't take care of this person, he doesn't show it like this can i talk about your radio shows? mr. hamid parsa, actor. you are very welcome to the radio and also to the author, mr. parsa . you wrote this text, which was written, so i say hello to you, madaqeh. you probably saw our show very carefully. let me give you an explanation . it wasn't half- baked. yes, you are already complete. don't think that the kids behind the scenes cut short our mr. mudaghq. actually, amir and i
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have been together since march of last year. in fact, he did a short show at that time for the anniversary radio station we performed on the radio to mz. the directors welcomed and of course the audience and those who were in that ceremony welcomed us and i again asked us to do the same thing for the opening of the third pajhwok radio festival. no, it was almost 30-40% of the base, the rest was changed according to the guests of that event and the events that happened in the past few months . i was welcomed by the fact that the managers were able to smile a few times like managers he laughs hard, of course, you were also joking with the managers, yes, at all, we were the managers in that ceremony, the managers, of course, welcomed mr. dr. bakshizadeh, the honorable moawat sada himself, and then
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he told me that it was very good and he said that our capacity is higher than what i promised him. i gave it , god willing, we will make up for it more in the next ceremony, so now i wrote it, it's more difficult. because you also write , it is more difficult to write, because it is basic work, and in fact, now the basic basis is to work with the author. next, the interesting thing is that, for example, whatever happens, there must be a plan . it was your job, if it turns out to be bad, they will say that the script was not good, the author did not work well, sometimes it is not possible to say that, for example, or it is less likely that they say, for example, that the actor is not good, or the director is a good director. they go to the text very quickly, if it's good, it's a good job, otherwise, well, now you agree , it means that the text is more important, the text is more important, the text is more difficult , the old writers say that writing is a sweaty brain, and that writing
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is always spelled correctly, yes, yes, it's not sweat, then it's interesting this is where when i said sweat, i said it wrong. someone in the hall, a girl, said sweat, and i thought we were we didn't know, i thought we made a mistake. yes, you are sweaty brains, and you have always been, for example, you have been and still are , it is not like they say, well, pious, take this paper , now write about, for example, this group of people who are here, the children behind the back, i can't now, you don't know what i mean, it should be possible, for example in the afternoon , i might be walking in the street, something comes to my mind , i can see the children here, it's not like you can write at the moment, i write when i'm at home or at work, sometimes it happens, i pressure myself, i can't sleep. kashm i say, "why doesn't this spark spark over this text ? my director, sajid quddosian, who is greeting me, i think of him from everywhere. sajid has come to your program. he was shouting, saying, "why don't you show me the text?" i said, "i can't think of
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anything. it happened that i wrote the texts and gave them and now i wrote the theme. do you agree that it is more difficult to write humor ? now, on occasions where humor is not useful, i also write seriously. it's much easier. tell me , write seriously. for example, tell me about children. write here about their work. i can write you a nice letter. i'm writing an administrative letter, but the meaning is humor because you should laugh. if i talk here now, tell humor, these friends of ours don't smile at me. well, you're a stand-up comedian, so to speak, so to speak. you only need to perform for a few minutes and no one will laugh , that's it. you're just playing with your spirit. you say that the humor i wrote was so hard. now people may not laugh at those people, but it will leave its mark . now you are an actor. what are you doing? now i find it difficult to act. acting is difficult
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i never thought of myself as a radio actor . whenever i go in front of the elders we are working with now , i say, "i apologize to god. i am not an actor. i am myself. now maybe a little bit here and there." i perform myself, i try not to get a make-up, now amir azud does a bit of make-up, he gets a make-up, no, i perform myself and play myself, but overall it's easier than your writing to put mohatar in front. yes, but do you agree that comic acting is more difficult than serious work, especially on the radio ? definitely, comic acting should be done again. if you laugh, you perform serious acting, you act , you go, comedy acting is more difficult. you have lost your face from mimicry in the same show. if you have seen it, there were some places where there was no dialogue, only words, and i would take out a device, amir would stand up , for example, he would make a movement, i would do something, we had vr. you can add something like this to your work, whether it is in the text or as an actor, and it will turn out well
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, yes, but acting in general is difficult. now , if a text is offered to you and it is not your own writing, sir, it is too much, so we will not perform this, but we will go to work. a text is coming, good friend our author also wrote that we know that my work has no words at all, but it is not our kind, not that it is an insult to that side . yes, it's good that the actor is a writer himself or at least has a writer, someone who just
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means that we can know you as a radio comedy group. well, we 've been working together for many years. various radio stations were unsolicited at first, then the producers helped me radio or recently, now, god willing, if i don't say it sooner now , tell me about a program that will probably be for channel one, here is another news, the news has not been confirmed yet, that is, hey, this will be a combination of work , but the program is eager to meet, if god willing, now if. if it happens, for example , i will help you understand that the two of us can be good together, the rest will understand, and even yesterday i
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was talking to amir on the phone and i said about this show , we can do this as a two-person stand-up comedy event. perform in different places , even as a work and a brand yes, it means by changing the text, by changing the text, for example, you may read from us elsewhere, for example , the oil company wants it, we can do this based on the people there, based on the current events. we will do this there. yes, i found amir. so, what is your character ? what is his character? in any case, your character must have a name . another name should be characterizing. name or name , what is your name? for example, another professor, another abdalieh, yes , yes, we are a humorous pair, among the limited cases where we are a humorous pair, but let me tell you something, when amir he is joking , he is joking a lot . my tension is over, it's not the way we want to say it, because it means that he is not a saboteur and a wise character, we don't have one, if
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we want to say, john, i am the main saboteur , but in this work, amir is more of a saboteur, that is, amir's movements are more strange and complicated. for example , he throws something and gets up. even in the radio show , he does this strange thing, but we both think that abdoli is very good, so if we agree, now let's see another part of the work. this filter is for people who don't have a technological side . sorry, you forced me to do this. give me a filter breaker . it's illegal, sir. i paid for it. pay for it. money is also a problem. we had a football reporter. he was on the radio for a while. iranian , japanese samurai, wall street. do you want me to tell you some of the old ones from the radio, this is the tv , my tv is going, tell me, mr. president, whatever is good
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, mirzai, abbas mohibi, janali, i still give blat abad, where did alireza javadinyan khan come from? amir parsa, amir parsa parsa, i am the one who is sitting there. yes, asghar samsarzadeh played in a movie before. hajjo, don't you write that especially, well hajjo
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, you also knew that i think we need a lot of these theaters that we used to see, so to speak , the theaters that we see now are better, which are only comedies . i saw that all of us may have done this , those who go to see these shows now they read hajar's text or, for example , they watch a movie that has the tension of hajvi. they just need to laugh at that moment, and i need it. our society, well , according to the statistics, there may be a certain depression in some people, young people . we need to laugh, we laugh less, a little more. our laughter has decreased, but a text comes out of volume that has a goal behind it, hit somewhere, hit somewhere, hit somewhere, i tried to do this , we are walking a bit dangerously on the edge of a razor, don't just think about things. i am talking about politics and not about economic issues joke with any segment of the society now
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, say something, they might be upset, but in general, it's a form of humor from now on. it is a joke and a sense of humor that has a meaning within it, and the work of a satirist, the person who makes a satirical work, is actually not correcting, his intention is correcting , whenever this happens to him, it becomes a humor, that is , something that makes you think, i will say something. that you should think about that humor of mine, well , now that someone comes and says that i am upset about your work, you are as much as you want, as much as you want , there are many people who, for example, attacked me or, for example, why did you call me like that, look, for example, in this cartoon and in the previous work at radio jahan, i saw that he joked a lot with different characters, but now it was not only for my managers, even here i can say your artist , there we were at the same meeting of radio javan celebration on the fourth of march, when i was joking, for example , i would name the one who laughed.
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farzad hosni, the powerful speaker of radio, used to laugh a lot at the jokes we made with him. but for example, there was a manager. i saw him make a joke . he was my former manager who left. i saw that he didn't laugh. hey, you said to add more seasoning. we saw that he didn't laugh . my joint was hurting us after that, but my view is that kharram was tense, yes, no, yes, it is a joke, but yes , there are people who say that this joke was not good , we should not have done this joke, for example, he should not have said this about us and this, and then we will be after all these years. working in radio and television, we almost came to the conclusion that what should i joke about mr. medhogheq, for example, which part of his ethics and work should i joke with ? well, now you really read books before writing or performing if you want, i read newspaper every day , but many people see the newspaper in my hand. in the organization
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, they ask if they sell newspapers. i said yes, the newspaper sellers still sell cigarettes and other things. however, i need to see a piece of news in that newspaper or on that news channel . i buy 10,000 tomans for that newspaper, but for example , 2,300 tomans is not money. for example, i might learn something from it i'll pay him, i'll tune in and he'll help you at first, yes, improvisation
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will definitely help, and because you're reading the news, you 'll be aware of some of these news. someone is talking , now a friend is talking, for example, he is telling the news because he doesn't need anything else from me , he doesn't need my jokes and humor because the original news is a joke, whatever you add to it will reduce its humor, then we are there, i am in my mind. i'm making a newspaper, i say , he said something, for example, it's okay, i mean, what happens next, it becomes a joke, now it's filtered and smoothed , it comes on paper, it goes into the system, and it reaches radio and tv producer well , we have less than an hour now, mr. parsa, the era of radio has ended, no, by the way, the era of radio has begun , and in my opinion, radio is still a hot media , at least i can tell you this, mr. madghaq, that people are leaving in the morning and in the afternoon. and while listening to the radio, i myself listen to the radio, not because of
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my interest in the radio. it has a series of new and fresh things on the radio, in the car, on the tv you can't see that they often listen to the radio and still have their own fans. amir and i had a program at 6:00 a.m. we had 6:00 a.m. that program was so successful and we had a program on radio javan at 6:00 a.m. because of that television program , all agents invited us. that program, salam sobh bakhir, channel 3, hamed soltani and other friends watch our program, come to the program and invite us to different places. they are very grateful for the conversation we had and the answers we gave, and we will end this news section with a report. backstage. hello, nonkhe's fame reached the life of the government board.
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the minister of cultural heritage, tourism and handicraft industry thanked the national media for the preparation and production of nonkheh. influential and valuable professional work is also very good in the handicraft industry. we are very successful in showing people's lifestyle, traditional local programs and promoting this pure and traditional life , and i think that if this is made into a clip, if it is promoted more , it can be very effective in producing happiness and producing a happy spirit of the people. ok , the first season of the tv series "the land of poetry
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" ended last week, but its agents have decided to start a new season with the presence of non-persian poets. irani, hit me with you , every word i said was like a ghazal. the land of poetry was one of the most popular programs in nowruz and ramadan 1403. we will come to iran in a healthy competition. these poets compete in joint groups. motherhood these days is the subject of a documentary series, which is aired on do tv channel, pub mah chahar. it is broadcast every saturday at 18:30 on channel two and on thursdays at 18:00 on documentary channel.
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the part of this series was about the difficult and breathtaking days of pregnancy in the village of saab al-obouri in chaharmahal bakhtiari province . it was one of the most difficult films that we have experienced in these years . we were interacting , so to speak, because we had to constantly pass through this river to be able to follow the subject. the end of this news section goodbye and god bless.
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the broader movement is for the liberation of palestine . that
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anti-semitism and spreading hatred against jews are justifications used by american political authorities to put pressure on universities in order to dismantle
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protests and tashens use them in support of palestine. students and professors who share this belief and jews are among them reject these justifications. i am a jewish member of the faculty, and if i felt hatred or racism against me as a jew , i would not waste a single moment on this reformation. i have not seen or felt any signs of anti-semitism among these students. jew the university administration gave these students until friday night to end their sit-in, but this warning does not seem to change the position of the students
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and their demands. they find more endurance and strength in many american universities . demonstrations and improvements swept many american universities such as harvard and the massachusetts institute of technology. the university of berkeley in california and the university of texas also witnessed a conflict in this context , after which the police arrested dozens of students. with the passage of time , the scope of this movement is expanding and it does not seem may political and security pressures succeed in stopping it among american elites and universities .
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and balance is the secret of continuity and movement. the first ones are flow makers . if you guarantee me, don't worry. go out, go, go, money, figure, sheet, sheet, sheet, go out, please, please, please, don't be a servant. household appliances, do you want to guarantee, don't you want, don't you want, let 's go, let's go, let's get it for you. you are in the city of home appliances.
10:59 am
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11:00 am
in the name of god, the most high, the most high, salaam, the 11 o'clock news section of the country's electricity production network is ready to enter peak consumption days, according to the minister of energy, since last year, 180 plans and measures to produce maximum electricity on peak consumption days have been put on the agenda this year, which determines the final stages. slow in the last two years, 10,000 university dormitory beds were transferred to single university dormitories.


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