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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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3 meters of sari highway to qaimshahr, buy from a purchase service at a price. greetings again, dear viewers of the third anniversary of ascension. sardar seyyed mohammad hijazi was held in shaheed mahalati town of tehran with the presence of some families of martyrs and military officials. during his time in the irgc, sardar seyyed mohammad hajaji hijazi held important responsibilities, such as replacing the commander of the irgc's quds force, the commander of the basij resistance force, the deputy coordinator of the irgc, and the replacement of the irgc's commander-in-chief. about character.
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it is not bad for them, i can say that for them the needs of the country , the needs of the revolution and the fields that it should serve are important if we say mr. hijazi , mr. mujahidi, he was in all the battle scenes , that is, he was in the holy defense , he was one of the first groups that went to ahvaz . the 6th exhibition of iran's export capabilities will start on saturday, may 8, at the permanent location of tehran international exhibitions . this exhibition will continue for 5 days until the 12th of may. according to the minister of mining industry and trade, more than 2 thousand foreign guests have been invited to visit this period of the exhibition. this is the first targeting event. there is market development
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, but in a non-traditional way. in traditional ways , we usually go towards selling our products. we buy goods from countries that buy goods from us, and this is an important issue in my opinion. organizing a self-sufficiency celebration for the help-seekers of hamedan province relief committee, help-seekers who, besides themselves , created jobs for other compatriots , a celebration of self-sufficiency and empowerment of 4598 households. the client is supported by the imam khomeini relief committee of the province. it was held in hamedan, i got a job from this
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carpenter, i was a helper, i took a loan , i built a sofa in 1992, until this drone was used for agricultural spraying. we bought this drone and we are working with it. to provide others, i taught me , with infrastructure works and culture building, you have been able
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to bring the students covered by the aid committee to a place where they get the top ranks in the entrance exam. last year, we celebrated almost 100 thousand self-sufficient people based on the strategies of the aid committee we had and our plan this year is that 11,000 people will be self-sufficient under the aid committee, god willing. at the end of this ceremony, the entrepreneurs and employment assistants of the relief committee were also appreciated. nasser faridouni, hamadan radio and television news agency. the oldest thermal power plant in the country is still in the production circuit , the ceo of tarsh power plant announced the restart of the steam and gas units of this power plant and said that the repairs of the power plant
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have been localized using the knowledge of local experts, which are supposed to increase the power generation capacity to 60 megawatts. . use of knowledge. and the internal power of re-emergence or overhaul of the oldest thermal power plant in the country. when tarsh power plant was built, it supplied 50% of tehran's electricity. at that time, it was 5 km from tehran. a power plant that produces electricity with two steam units and one gas unit . here it is called a power plant steam unit. it's the same. yes, it's too noisy here. let's go out, please. now the question is , how much electricity do these two steam units of the power plant produce? they are now a total of 20 megawatts, 20,000 kilowatts per hour . yes, but what
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is the condition of the gas unit of the power plant? 25 mw is 25 thousand kilowatt, which was actually installed in 1998. and it was added to the production set of the tarsh power plant, a total of 45 megawatts. in fact, we are producing major repairs of the tarsh power plant in three forms, electrical, mechanical, and precision instruments . it was done in the second half of 1402. in our steam units , we had semi-main repairs and periodic 10-day repairs, those semi-main repairs of the unit. fixed blades, movable blades , discussion of repair of movable blades, discussion of visits to memorials, discussion of non-destructive tests, alignment, and discussion.
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the assembly was discussed, repairs that can affect electricity production on the eve of the hot season. our colleagues must operate this power plant 24 hours a day in order to inject electricity into the network 24 hours a day. taresh power plant is the first thermal power plant of the country, which was put into operation in 1338, and now after 65 years , it is still in the electricity production circuit of the country. jasem samari of sada and hast sima news agency. the european mediterranean human rights watch announced that more than 140 graves have been buried so far. masses were found all over the gaza strip. this organization has announced: the bodies of many the palestinians are in pieces in these caves and an international investigation committee should be formed to deal with this terrible crime of israel.
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palestinian mothers are looking for an address from their children. this palestinian mother came to nasser hospital. he says: tell me. there is a possibility of field executions and torture. this is also al-shafa hospital complex. after the occupying forces left this complex, the operation to
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remove the bodies of the martyrs from the hospital began. as you can see, dozens of pieces of clothing are left here , which raises this question. the owners of this hostages and other people who do not participate in the war it is considered a war crime. the ministry of health of gaza
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announced that rescue forces have discovered about 400 bodies so far in nasser hospital alone, of which 165 bodies were identified by the relatives of the martyrs. dozens of other bodies were killed that cannot be identified. until the next part. mohammadreza pahlavi's trip to the united states to meet with. the product of this trip
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is mohammad reza's fascination with american weapons. the king asks truman for 10 billion dollars, but the american president does not give a loan. mohammad reza remembers these years as the days of humiliation. years later, even the country is on the verge of famine. everything is ridiculously expensive done in the field of. economically , we consider it necessary to point out that currently extraordinary inflation is imposed on our country from abroad, so that since two years ago, when the export prices of oil were determined at the tehran conference, we have continuously seen the price of imported goods increase. a year after this speech, the americans asked the shah to
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increase iran's oil share from 14% to 50% on the condition of buying everything from the west. until this day, iran only had the right to earn 14% of oil sales . the rest was the share of american companies. the americans agree and now the shah of iran he doesn't even know what to do with his income. if last year we we were still concerned about closing the country's budget, or in the middle of the summer , there was always talk about what to do with this budget deficit. this year, our story has been reversed . what should we do with all our income? from this moment on, this man will enter the game of iran's defense industry, the bad army of storms. the dealer bought weapons for the shah, but the height of mohammad reza's happiness at that time. nixon becomes the president of the united states. nixon promises to
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sell him any non-nuclear weapon he wants. mohammadreza tells tofanian, the time of humiliation finished. shah's list is being prepared. all kinds of fighters, especially the f7 product of the lockheed company, catch the eye of the king. the product is still in the testing phase, but the king wants it. all kinds of missiles , especially medium-range ballistic missiles, can be seen in mohammad reza's list. ships and submarines are the favorite part of the stormtroopers. the iranian court finally sends its list to the white house. the white house gives the list to congress for questioning. but the answer of congress is only one thing. the united states does not sell strategic weapons to iran. from the fighter
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ultra-modern fighter providing air superiority with the maximum speed is ten and four tenths of the speed of sood with the ability to carry the phoenix missile. from the float, only the kit class float, which is a simple destroyer, but in the submarine section, they agree with the delay, which in the end they don't give it either. the answer of the congress about the medium-range ballistic missile is categorically negative. stormy , but must somehow comment. it can't be that the list of all that takes the hand of the king is almost nothing.
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so it goes to the smallest american missile. go to lancer. a ballistic missile with a range of only 60 km. americans don't even give that. mohammadreza orders a second-hand training submarine without any weapons. americans this. they don't accept it at the moment. disappointed, the king returns to the army. section! the revolution has won and immediately all us military contracts with iran are canceled by shapour bakhtiar, the last prime minister of the pahlavi government, on the same days of the revolution. it is in this crisis that the military regime
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starts a full-scale war against iran. in this war, the place of iran and iraq in international relations will change within a year. america accuses iran of connecting with the attack on the american military base in beirut approves the most severe arms sanctions against iran. the multinational force here before, in front of the entire american intelligence system, arab money and soviet weapons are behind saddam. iraq is very quickly equipped with scott b medium-range missiles. this missile can easily
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destroy iran's border cities. on the other hand, the allies of iraq have started secretly buying missiles. uae bought scott b missile from north korea and saudi arabia went for chinese dongfeng missile. a missile with a range of 3,000 kilometers and an error difference of several hundred meters when hitting the target. a rocket that only hurts atomic attack hits the cities.
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and the un security council without any clear reason. the sale of any kind of weapons to iran is prohibited . these years, but one person's view is different from all of west asia. he has a strange belief among all these sanctions. during the previous regime , they took it from us, we bought the software, it was made for us, it is available there, and in the end, they don't give it to us. this is mittermann in front of us.
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with the direct order of ayatollah khamenei, a number of these missiles have been launched. and is provided to the industry sector. from this moment, this young figure secretly enters iran's missile industry. with the end of the war, mossad announces that iran has a production line. he bought north and this production line is the main infrastructure of iran's shahab 1 and 2 missiles, but in fact it is the main infrastructure of shaha. one and two scuds. westerners claim that the missiles are not very accurate and that they can be deflected and deflected. in
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these years, the americans occupied iraq and afghanistan and are preparing to attack iran. they have also created a simulated war between israel and hezbollah. they see this war as the beginning of the new middle east. defeat against hezbollah means definite defeat iran, but their patience from this region
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will enter a longer period, there is no way, there is no strength except in god almighty, with ease from god almighty and help from hazrat baqitullah al-azam or muhammad ibn abdullah or muhammad ibn abdullah or muhammad ibn abdullah of iran for the first time. how many times shoots them all at once. this shows that iran
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is benefiting from the knowledge of using this terrible weapon. these missiles have different capabilities. including the fact that today we use cluster warheads that launch hundreds of warheads at the same time over targets of different scales we shot iran has become scary. having this ability means that from today, wherever iran has a shortage , it will design a missile for that shortage. currently, iran insists on designing surface-to-surface missiles suitable for attacking the trans-regional enemy . this design is done in two dimensions. one is the shooting range and the other is its accuracy. iran tested missile accuracy in 1381. the missile was named fatih 110. but fatih grew very fast
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and reached its third generation in the last years of the 80s. a range equivalent to 300 km with an accuracy of less than 10 meters. fateh in the middle years of the 90s to a surprise it will become for the world. iran uses the fourth generation to measure it with an accuracy of less than 5 meters and a range of more than 300 kilometers. fateh becomes a persian gulf missile in the naval sector. this missile dives from above and at an angle close to vertical on the target. this type of attack disables almost all american anti-missile systems. no defense systems for ships to battle. in the vertical angle , the fatih missile was not designed in the anti-radar section and was renamed to hormuz . hormuz
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was initially designed based on fajr 5 rockets, but fatih showed that it can be more successful in targeting. fatih now finds the path and looks for any source of emission of waves. it is fired from mobile launchers and recently also at the disposal of lebanon's hezbollah. fatih family missiles are somewhat close to russian iskander family missiles in terms of quality. these missiles hit the target at 5 times the speed of saud and in addition to the explosive power , they release a huge kinetic energy. this energy is equal to a full stack. that too at a very low cost. at first, the map of an american base is drawn one by one on the ground. this means that iran
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dominates. a complete overview of the details of the american presence has in the region. this whole map will be smashed with rockets. 24 azar 1388 semnan desert. the sajil-2 missile is unveiled. this rocket can be launched with solid fuel in both stages of the mobile launcher. the range of the missile is 2,000 km, the accuracy of hitting is below 50 meters. this means iran. it will hit every point it shows. two rockets. at a range of 1,900 km from the semnan desert, we fired at the mouth of the indian ocean, and it is interesting that our americans were there because we had noted it. we had announced that we had closed the area and
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hit the mouth of the indian ocean on the hour. the sea was fully observed the information of this gang was recorded at the point that we predicted, and we allowed the american spy plane to be in that area because it was a public area and we were not worried, but it is interesting that nothing has been published since february of last year until today. i didn't comment, but we fired these two shots, but it was a missile that surprised the world . it has two important features. first, it is undetectable , and second, it can be fired from everywhere and everything for it.
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there are from silos to submarines. iran unveils its missile silos in the 90s. the uprising is the stable foot of these silos. everything was done accurately .
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it passed in front of all american anti-missile systems and landed on the chest of isis in syria. in the second case, this missile landed right within earshot of the american base. the accuracy of hitting is exemplary. with this capability, the cost of attacking iran will be so high that no other country will dare to even fire an arrow at iran.
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it's summer in california, that means fire and widespread devastation.


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