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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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in response to the aggression of the zionist regime, see that our presence in this summit or in this conference is very important from two perspectives . of course, i said that tomorrow's world will not be a world of one country, one pole, two countries, three countries, coalitions, but the main players in the alliances, besides these three , of course, there is also india, then there are other members of brics, of course, but india is not a problem now. with the western side, we talk more about these three, that is, china, iran, because these at all, they are the target of america's erosion plans
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. the more they interact with each other in their bilateral exchanges in various political, cultural, social, economic , security, military fields, the more extensive and strategic their relations are , they will definitely share more interests and have more common enemies. there are more and very important cooperations , that's why you see that strategic contracts and long-term strategic or strategic cooperations are signed between iran and china, china and russia, russia and iran, but at the same time , these links need to be multilateral. be and in this case in the format of such conferences or coalitions such as shanghai and brics, there will be more. this is because tomorrow. the world in
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these influential regional and international coalitions, these main actors should be aligned and their interests should not be in conflict. therefore, our presence in a place like the security conference in moscow or st. petersburg is very important for us to be able to be present in such coalitions that shape the future of the world . let's put our interests, our concerns, and our demands in tomorrow's arrangements . there is little media activity among friends that these things have not been stated, and of course now i think that their activity has increased a bit, but it is good that people know and hope, for example, we
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have just become an official member of the shanghai treaty. it is interesting to know that recently the recent meeting of the secretary of the national security council, mr. ahmadian, who is now in moscow , was present there, and your team was also present, and the interesting events that have not been mentioned at all are good. as far as i know, gaza and the condemnation of the attack case israel was not in gaza, it was on our initiative that this was included, you know about the condemnation of the attack on moscow, well , it was just an isis attack, not a terrorist attack, so it was natural that it should also be included in the statement, but several months had passed since the kerman attack and they also included it about afghanistan if there was a line. iran converted it into 9 lines
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based on its own concerns, its own formula, its own interests , see how effective it is and how much it was at least 5 items. now i have presented these 3 main items . your influential presence in important treaties can guarantee your interests, so thing it is not easy, that is, a moscow security conference that we say is not an easy thing to say, very well. we attended a conference, it ended, now we have spoken, we have come back, no, you are talking about your interests and future interests and in shaping the world of tomorrow , this is very important, our effective presence in the political and diplomatic scene as well as in the media scene and in order to win more he found that you should have an active presence in the oil war, and i am happy to see that
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we have started a more active and effective presence, so from here we went to the achievements and functions for us , the islamic republic, and it still has its true promise. don't let the right of the doctor be taken away, i have a question. let me continue about it. i will get the summary and final points from dr. modbar. i would like to ask you to see that the promise seems sincere to me. now, this may be a cliché . it has been said a lot that, for example, the world is before and after so-and-so. the event is divided . you can say this about the al-aqsan storm attack, but really, our world and region happens before and after this event. why? after those few days of war, for decades, no one has attacked the zionist regime like this in a house that does not exist, secondly, the occupied lands. in the history of mankind, no one has attacked an atomic power, we have not underestimated it now, alhamdulillah
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, this was the third time, that is, it was the third atomic power that we have done this, and this place is a very interesting and very curious issue for those who participate in this summit. i mean, even though the secretary of sham was there for two days, but there is a traffic jam of bilateral meetings. one of the things they really want to know is how we came to the decision to send 300 missile drones towards israel, which the whole the edge of air defense technology in the world is england. america, france and the rest is standing in front of him. it has the best defense systems. do you want to see first of all, on what basis we reached this decision? how prepared were we for the next wave? and then we completely
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messed up the regional equation, not only in syria, but in the entire region. and the world that i said has power is shifting, the western sides and the united states stood in order to make these three powers suffer from constant tensions and erode them, such as the ukrainian war, in the case of china, we also see an atmosphere of increasing tension. gaza is one of these civilizational wars, that is, it has a role in this it plays, that's why it's very different from usual . well, you are an influential element of this scene, everyone is seeing what the situation is for that side. you created an opposition, now this power of yours is very established, so they come with interest and surprise, they want to know what you would do if israel answered , what is your plan, what are your concerns
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, what are your long-term goals? for now, i 'll end it here, it's been too long, this is very important because it's not only effective. you will play a significant role in the region and other countries of the world at a time when the europeans and the americans announce that we will embargo you after the honest promise, we will isolate you from these words that they have always said and there is no point in trying before. in this situation, you will go to 16 countries and all your attention will be mr. doctor , i think we have less than two minutes to discuss the role of cooperation between iran and russia in the very important point of stability and security not only in the region but also in the international arena. see yesterday mr. patershov, the secretary of the russian security council, who is also the head of the russian intelligence service. he had a conversation with the racist ca gazita magazine in that interview, he raised very important points in support of iran
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. when i looked at the interview carefully , the literature of the literature was that the russians see iran as an ally, a strategic partner, and in that exclusive conversation, he attacked america, which has more than 800 cases. it has created a crisis in the international system and is using various tools such as sanctions to pressure iran, which wants to act independently , or in the rest of the conversations that both security intelligence officials and political officials are talking to the iranian side, the space is moving in this direction. tehran and moscow have become a coalition and axis in the new world order this is where we see the buckingham palace think tank and the white house trying so hard to spread rumors of discord. between tehran and moscow and publish news against the two countries in the public opinion in the publications that are affiliated with them . there are two countries
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and these are guided by the think tank of buckingham and the white house. the second point is that the two axes of this year's summit, which mention the discussion of protecting traditional values ​​and ensuring cyber security, which were mentioned in the secretary's speech iran's supreme national security council was also mentioned in the discussion of cyber security, because we know that the platform is very important. those whose commanders are american think tanks, the output is to put people's identities at risk and take action from those platforms . the same capacity was used for the terrorist acts that we saw both in the kerman incident and in the moscow incident, and tehran proposed to create a security shield. in this matter, i felt that because i was directly watching the meeting , the participating parties saw tehran's proposal as significant, and this issue of information security is a very important issue. it is remarkable and special that the main focus
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of this year's summit was that from the outcome of this we can reach significant results and achievements in the discussion of the defense alliance and other alliances that are political and economic. we passed news. thank you to khabar network for giving us more time for the last two minutes of this conversation. i think that one point can be discussed. in these two minutes, mr. dr. kushesh, i said that despite the fact that we have just become an official member of shanghai. and it's a new thing, what an impact we had, this proves that every time we are present in these international events with plans and programs and seriousness in conferences. we can protect the national interests well, so it is better that we, with a
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long-term view of 10-20 years to the future of the world , see an increasing role for ourselves in the fields of diplomacy, as well as in the fields of soft war and public diplomacy, and believe in the truth. that we, as an influential international element , should develop a long-term public diplomacy and formal diplomacy plan for the strong presence of termon in the next few years and now it is in the process of being created and shaped, and how much our presence at the russia summit is a long-term perspective for this. well, we were going to this summit from the beginning . for sure, now we have to wait until we see the results, but one
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thing is clear, i have been here for 40 years and how many years the gladiators have fought with america in this region. let's remember that 203 afghanistan, iraq, 38 regional bases around us are on the borders now they are going to the mediterranean is the biggest and their asset which is israel is under attack and our strategic depth has reached the mediterranean. well, in this situation , we certainly had a very good growth. and russia were matadors until two years ago, when the war in ukraine started, a matador that sometimes
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bypassed the wild bull of america by maneuvering around it and sometimes hit it. now , in this future of the world, the one who happened to encourage the others also gave spirit, and now the others have the same style he will join the one that i don't want to say more contribution than russia and china, but it has a main contribution that must be established, including in the field of diplomacy and public diplomacy , we must work very well on this issue, so let's believe that after a few years now the time has come that despite my hardships, we all worked hard in the economic field to reach this position. we must have long-term and strategic plans and plans so that now that we have worked hard , we can use my benefits to the maximum. thank you very much, dr. khoshanesh. first because of your presence and then analysis mr. dr. modbar, thank you very much for the presence of his excellency's analysis and, as always
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, thank you for your good company. i am also grateful for the broadcast of khabar barim jahan moroz and my good colleagues in this program. due to various accidents in our country and in the world , there is a very high percentage of need for bone grafting. but more than 70 % of this bone graft is rejected by the body. this is the problem that the technologists of amirkabir university of technology have now produced a new generation of bone scaffolds to solve. we needed substances that could induce the stem cells to become bone cells, not other cells in the body. in this, in the first stage
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, we were able to design particles inspired by nature. their structure is similar to raspberry and they can release these factors. in the next step, we needed the main structure to fill the inside of the cavity, which is a gel that, when it is placed inside the body under 37 degrees body temperature, without the need for any other special process, it simply turns into a hydrogel that contains cells. the foundation that is placed inside this structure and injected along with it can take oxygen from those raspberry particles take materials that both survive and turn into bone cells in the process of transformation and can completely fill the inside of the cavity in the form of a natural bone . a technological product that transforms bread and stem cells into bone cells by using cheap materials available in nature and technology . we also used silk cocoons to make this hydrogel. in fact , we have a series of natural polymers in nature that our body
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does not react to because they are similar to its own components. as a result, we don't want to have these issues. it is better to reject this structure use natural materials. we used silk cocoons and another natural polymer called alginate. by combining these together, we were able to make a gel that has never existed before. the raspberry-like particles we made for for the first time, both the structure itself and the activity it performs are new, and the structure of the hydrogel itself, which is used for istkhan , is designed in such a way that until the veins are formed in the place of injury. by providing oxygen to the stem cells, the bone prevents them from dying . we used hydrogel inside we put oxygen agents because when a bone is damaged in that area, the blood vessels have not yet formed and cannot
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bring the cells that treat that area as well as nutrients and oxygen to that area, that's why we use a scaffold that now here is a hydrogel scaffold containing oxygen. which can keep those stem cells that we have already loaded inside the hydrogel to keep them alive and provide them with the oxygen they need before they form. at the same time , by using the biological factors that are placed inside the hydrogel, the stem cells are facing towards differentiate the osseous gates. as experts say, this technological product in addition to bone grafting in the pharmaceutical industry for targeted drug delivery to tissues and beauty industry. it is also used . samia naseh of sed and broadcasting news agency. every year, due to heavy rains and floods , a lot of damage
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is done to agricultural lands and residential houses in damghan city. one of the watershed projects that controls the direction of floods is the construction of an earthen dam in the watershed areas of kalat mulla naimabad and guest has been implemented. previously , there was a situation here where the water came from above and left from here, causing some damage to the road , then total damage to the village of naeemabad itself . we have already suffered casualties here, this water if. if it reaches the gardens , it will wash the soil, remove the alkaline content and help the trees and make the agriculture of our region prosperous. the soil mixture is implemented by creating compaction and
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building an overflow, giving us a reservoir that we control let's also create a reservoir so that we can use this reservoir downstream for agricultural purposes. preventing soil erosion , storing water and strengthening underground aquifers are the most important goals of watershed management projects. i collect water for agriculture. it is very useful for underground water . after all, all the water will be wasted. well, there is an earth dam with a credit of about 2 billion tomans . work has been done there, and during the recent rains , it had a very good drainage . it drained about 30,000 cubic meters of water. that the stone mortar operation was done there, well , the structures, considering that the studies are being carried out
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, operations such as earth dam, stone mortar gabion, chapari are carried out in damghan city, 100 earth dams to control floods in the watersheds of different areas in the north and east of damghan city over the years the past is dedicated to this year. 90 billion rials have been allocated for the implementation of watershed projects , which shows a 30% increase compared to last year. since the beginning of this year, more than 2 million cubic meters of water have been diverted with the implementation of watershed projects. garib sada news agency and sima watershed area of ​​naeem abad damghan village. it was supposed to revise the 50-year-old recipe for sanitary distances. we have formed four working groups
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that will inform us of their opinions about haraim within a week. at the end of april 1403 , the animal medicine organization will close this discussion. but it has been a while since the discussion and review of the working groups. we expect to request this correction soon. we don't want to change the numbers or to finalize the numbers. we don't have to change them. we also suggested that there should be no changes in some places. what is it, do we want to produce a region , that is, we want to build a wall around us , say, sir, we have no distance, no privacy, nothing that the world cares about. our duty is to the consumer and the consumer's food safety, then we will come to the country , we will define something for ourselves, and we will apply it
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. whatever we reach, look at the distance, the name is known . i will run away from you if i am sick. i don't know why we are running away from each other i'm saying why you only stick to the distance factor, we are thousands. we have technology, we have thousands of processes that can produce a healthy product. i believe that, for example, in some diseases such as khp , the distance may be the smallest. this person is going. i don't know. the bird that is going, according to his friends, is going. if it is 500 meters, 600 meters, the bird will not go . committees in the provinces, the food and drug organization is formed and decisions are made . we left it to the provincial committees and
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every decision was made there, because we are affected by the factory units , they are affected by livestock farms . the provincial committee will be set as a criterion for action and our taboos will be removed. the experts of the veterinary medicine organization say that it is time to revise this law. in the field of livestock, we have promised you that we will present the organization's summary in writing to you by two wednesdays. aquaculture, specialized meeting of friends, in view of the response from all unions and organizations , a meeting with friends of fisheries and organizations will be held on tuesday . in the same letter on wednesday, i also request dr. abdi to present a summary of livestock and water in the same letter. great gentlemen. you said that you don't have any idea about the method at the moment, in some places the distances are zero, in some places 30% and in some places a 50% discount has been given, but
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it is at the disposal of the health committees of the provinces, although the end of april is the deadline for the notification of the new guidelines for sanitary distances. it was but the livestock organization the doctor announced that this recipe will be compiled and communicated with a week's delay .
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the thought of those who have landed, are also believers and barribans. we are independence, freedom, the role of our lives, the martyrs wrapped in the ears of time, the cry of the body, the enduring mani jabadan, islamic republic of iran. they say that a fish
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is fresh whenever you take it out of the water. what does that mean ? it's never too late to start doing things that we haven't done before, such as continuing education, starting a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, this is about changing consumption habits, managing electricity consumption, now. some people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy , they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. spend 5 minutes once and check all the common electrical appliances in your home. to be converted and their consumption is 90% compared to previously, a part of our electricity consumption is due to devices that are not in use, i.e. in standby mode or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers , tea makers, microwaves, computers, tvs, and these are electrical devices that consume electricity when they are off and when we don't need them, they should be unplugged. indeed, sometimes
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we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom, but you see the fans and leave them on for hours , which usually consume much more than the lamps. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the power outlet, be very careful when buying them do it, and you will see that you have not only done your pocket a great favor, but we have also taken a big step towards preserving the country's environment and vital resources. they used to say that whenever you eat fish, it is fresh. what does this mean ? it is never too late to start doing things that we have not done. it is never too late, like continuing to study, starting a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, correcting consumption habits, managing electricity consumption, and so on. some of the people 's consumption is out of the consumption pattern and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they can definitely
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return to their consumption. take 5 minutes for everyone. check the common electrical appliances in your home , for example, lamps can be changed from this to this, no, yes, and their consumption will be 90% less than before. they sleep like coffee makers, tea makers , microwaves, computers, tvs, and these are electrical devices that consume electricity even when they are off. and they should be unplugged when we don't need them. it is true that sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and the bathroom , but you see the fan is on for hours. let's say that most of them consume much more than lamps. if you get into the habit of removing unused electrical appliances from the power outlet and take utmost care when buying them, you will eventually see that you have done a great favor not only to your own pocket, but
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also to the preservation of the environment and vital resources of the country. we took a big step.


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