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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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of we hope that your obedience and prayers will be accepted by god. in a telephone conversation with his south african counterpart, the minister of foreign affairs said that the inaction of the security council in response to the condemnation of the zionist regime's attack on the iranian embassy in damascus was based on the rule of legitimate defense of two military bases and the foreign minister recalled that we targeted the intelligence of this regime that played a role in the attack. we announced that iran is not seeking to expand the war, but if this regime takes action against iran again , we will respond strongly. minister of foreign affairs
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south africa also emphasized the immediate ceasefire in gaza. mrs. pandro said that mr. raisi's visit to south africa is included in her country's 2024 plans . in a statement, the irgc expressed its gratitude for the support of various sections of the people for the implementation of the punitive operation of the true promise, and announced that this strategic operation , which has achieved exemplary achievements, including the unity of the people and... acts of showing the power of a strong iran , has opened up to the world that this zionism plays to welcome new guests. 120 american soldiers who entered the occupied territories in 2017 and agreed to a base located in the nearby negev desert. which is the base of nabatim regime
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zionist settle. a base called 512, the purpose of its establishment is to help the air defense systems of the zionist regime. this is the first time in the long history of american- israeli relations that american soldiers are permanently assigned to a base in israel. but the activity of the base continued in silence until less than two years later in 2019. at the time , the arrow three anti-ballistic defense system was tested in alaska in the united states with the cooperation of the united states and the zionists. today, israel has the ability to counter any ballistic missile from iran or anywhere other. if it is thrown towards us, take action.
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this is a great achievement for israel's security. but the test against ballistic missiles had another part that most of the media did not mention. hearts newspaper reported that an advanced american radar was also tested during the arrow three test. identification radar called ixban, which is operationally related. it was tested with the arrow defense system and their coordination as much as possible against ballistic missiles. this system works in two modes. x-band can launch ballistic missiles at the beginning of the launch while climbing identify it can also guide defense interceptor missiles to the ballistic target. according to the makers, this american system can expand to a thousand targets at the same time.
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identify, track and classify defs of different sizes and speeds. with the help of hundreds of digital receivers, complex algorithms, computing cores and artificial intelligence capabilities. x-band's task is to create a unified radar network and coordinate between the zionist defense systems, especially the anti-ballistic system and the american radar. based in the same. american air base in the negev desert. the same base that the intercept reported that america is developing it. and last year , he concluded a new million-dollar contract with the zionist regime to build more advanced facilities to deal with ballistic missiles, and this is the negev desert, and these missiles are iranian ballistic missiles that travel more than 1,500 kilometers and pass through the system.
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anonymous hacker group hacked and published more than 230,000 documents of the zionist army. these documents include the identity information of employees and places. hacker attack on the zionist army. anonymous hacking group announced, in a hacking operation to more than from 230 thousand confidential documents. it has been achieved before the zionist regime. according to anonymous, the amount of information obtained is 18 gigabytes. this information includes documents of identity information of employees, location of secret places, internal instructions and
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storage infrastructure of the zionist regime army . the obtained documents include pdf files , word files and powerpoint presentations . previously, anonymous had hacked the website of the ministry of justice of the zionist regime, and in these attacks, 8 million files in the size of 300 were obtained by anonymous. according to the express news site of this group a few months ago, hakri released a video addressed to netanyahu and said that our watchful eyes have witnessed the crimes committed under your command against the palestinians in gaza. we call on you to immediately stop these endless attacks on gaza . in addition to anonymous, hanzleh's hacker group has also carried out cyber attacks on the zionist regime . hanzleh's hackers hacked aront company at the same time as quds day . a company that
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is responsible for the design of security infrastructure and information technology of organizations and large centers of the zionist regime. this hacking group is the personal images of the director of this company. also published images that have not been published anywhere before. her name is zoika it's something. senior officer of zionist 820 unit. zoika played a very serious role in the identification and electronic eavesdropping of resistance commanders. hanzaleh's hackers also published his family pictures and wrote: zoya's husband is now a lieutenant colonel in the israeli air force. criminals will never rest. wherever they are in the world. ali kazemi, radio and television news agency. basij and islamic revolutionary guard corps relief efforts in the flooded areas of sistan baluchistan, the commander of the islamic revolutionary guard corps , salman, said that as long as it is needed, from the evacuation
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of houses to the explanation of the items needed in addition to we are flood victims. the irgc's aid to the flood victims of south sistan. baluchistan, so only two or three chiefs . it doesn't matter. how is your water situation? the rains of a few days ago caused water to flow and created problems for the people of the region. the irgc immediately took action to solve the problem . there are, ahmadullah , now the conditions are much better than before . i emptied it, and now you have seen that it is full again, but no matter how full it is, god willing, the corps and other friends are trying to do it as soon as possible. the completion of the resistance zone of the kanarak army has been completed and it has proven its capabilities . alhamdulillah, today
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they are with the noble people of kanarak. they are emptying the water here for two days, these neighbors' houses are being emptied , now they are on the scene. see, all these are basij brothers from the irgc. they have worked very hard. from the irgc, thank god , their tails are warm . they did all they could to help the flood victims the revolutionary guards are serving everyone together with the respective guardians. rahmatullah about the news agency of kanarak until the next part
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obviously i've outlined there uh my view this situation, i'm sure that you would disagree with much of it, if not all of it, but what is the view from tehran about what happened here? yes, i think it's pretty fair to say. with all of it, the view from tehran is quite clear, you know quite well, i know quite well, your viewers, your viewers know quite well, that the israeli regime is carrying out genocide, and this stems from an ethnic supremacist ideology, it stems from apartite, and this is unacceptable, and the people who lived on that land, they have been expelled, the people in... gaza, they live in a concentration camp, now death camp, and the
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west has brought about this, this situation, whatever crimes that they've committed against jews and gypsies and slaves, they have to pay for it themselves, they can't take it out on the palestinian people, so the iranians along with almost everyone else in the world, except for people, some people in your part of the world, believe that the partial regime has to come to an end. and by coming to an end it means that all people of that land have to be able to live as equal human beings. i know that sounds very crazy, but ethno supremacism is not a good thing. but the position of the iranian regime is that israel should not exist, right? well, the position of the british regime is that israel as apartite state should continue to exist, the position of the american regime is if you
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could look, that wasn't the question i asked you, is the positioning's regimen is yes, but what what is the answer to that question? i'm getting there, the position of the american regime is that partide should continue, iran's position on south africa had the same gap, there was the same gap back then when the british and american supported apartheid in south africa and racial supremacism in the south african regions zimbabwe today and so on. back then iran was supporting the indigenous population back then iran supported the anc. back then iran supported the military wing of the anc and we're not talking about south africa. i'm talking about what is iran's regime's current position in relation to israel? "the iranians believe that israel does not have moral
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legitimacy as an apartite regime, and the only way that it can gain legitimacy is that if apartide is cast aside, if ethno supremacism is cast aside, if racial and religious discrimination in the sense that muslims and christians are lesser human beings and they don't have any right to the..." that they've been on for hundreds of years, that should be set aside. people who have been expelled have the right to return. it's not very uh complicated, it's not as you say rocket science. groups like the hooties in yemen, hamas in gaza, um, hezbollah in lebanon, funding and helping to train them to commit acts of war against israel, firing endless rockets and as we saw on october the 7th committing an active heinous terrorism. um so it's not quite as simple as you're trying to picture this is it? iran has vested interest in supporting terror against
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israel for a very long time. no, i think the regimes that have vested interest in supporting terrorism are the ones who are giving the israeli regime the weapons to carry out genocide, and uh the genocide began long before october the 7th, and the gaza strip was a uh... concentration camp long before october the 7th, you know as well as i that october the 7th did not occur in a vacuum and the terrorism has been carried out regularly by the israeli regime on the palestinians of the gaza strip for decades, it regularly bomb them and kill them, and it's not just the gaza's trip, i think roughly 400 palestinians have been murdered in the west bank over the past six months, these are regular occurrences, but it doesn't register in the west because again, the israelis are, they are european , it's a european colony, they have priorities over
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the brown people of the land, but it is a fact that palestinian children, according to the statements made by senior israeli officials, palestinian women, according to members of the connessit, they are lesser people, they if you look at the south african complaint, they clearly point out: the views of these people and the starvation siege and the intention to starve the people of gaza, women and children, that is because they look at them as inferior people. this is not about two uh armies, this is about a subjugated people trying to stand up for their rights. if it was if you were in germany, how would you? let me ask you professor, let me ask you professor, how would you categorize what happened on october the 7th? was that a terrorist attack? no, it was a retaliation of people who were in prison and who were
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starved and who are regularly, regularly battered, and just to be clear, just to be clear, you think that the slaughter of 1200 people, the raping, the maming , the incinerating, the mass murder that went on that day by a group whose own spokesman, the hamas spokesman said days after that in on television, on camera that hamas was committed to committing the same act again and again and again as often as it could, which actually is the perilous personification of the... that you're talking about, you don't condemn that, you're being dishonest, there is no evidence, there's no evidence of rape, and i ask your viewers to look absolute nonsense, it's absolute nonsense that there's systematic rape, and if you are being dishonest intentionally, you are helping the
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israeli regime continue its genocide by justifying it through. honesty, so that's up to you to decide, there is no evidence of systematic rape, and just like the beheading clearly reported evidence of rape and sexual abuse against, clear, demonstrable evidence, refer you and your audience to the good work carried out by people at the gray zone, at the electronic intefada, based in the united states, many of them are people of excellence, they are excellent. reporters and you should invite them on your show to talk about these allegations. i've talked to, i've talked to top reporters who've covered this. well, you only, i'm also interested that you only, i'm also interested, professor, you only, you only want to deny that there was rape, you don't want to deny the incineration or the beheadings or the mass murder of holocaust
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survivors, the kidnapping of several hundred people including babies. i mean do you condemn any of that or do you think all of that is justified? look, you're trying to play with words and that's fine, as long as you're not, just you're playing because there is no evidence of beheadings, you're just taking the dishonest israeli regimes into account, which they have no evidence and people have written articles about it was demonstrably proven evidence that people were beheaded, provable evidence. that's so more than that, we know we know from hamas's own video coverage of what they were doing in real time that they proudly broadcast to the world, we didn't try and hide this, i'm just curious why you, who is so incensed by what you see is israeli genocide, why would you not be equally incensed by genocidal behavior from hamas that day? no, you, you're not being
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honest, and that's where did they broadcast this footage of being heading that? hamas to the world, can you send, can you put it right now where you have? i didn't say they broadcast the beheadings, there was evidence found of people who were beheaded, that was not broadcast, but what was broadcast was the was the was the one, as you, i didn't say there was footage of the beheading, i said there was evidence found that people have been beheaded right, but i would also say to you that what was broadcast by hamas of them of them of hamas slaughtering people and kidnapping people and proudly. boasting about it, something you seem to be smirking about, un at you, i'm smirking at you, because you are clearly being dishonest, if there were people, innocent people anywhere, whether in palestine or elsewhere who were killed by a soldier, by anyone, that is of course unacceptable, but then the these claims
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of systematic rape and these claims of that is, these are dishonest claims, there is... "people have done hard work to prove that there is no evidence for these systematic rapes and beheadings and these were used as propaganda to justify the beginning of this holocaust in gaza, and those who continue to make these, you talk about me being dishonest, professor, you talk about me being dishonest, but what you've just said is an absolutely shocking example of dishonesty. hamas didn't even try to hide what they did, they made no secret of their delight, the..." joy, their pride in what they were doing, some of them rank family members back in gaza to boast about what they just done, to old women, to children, and i'm just curious why you can't find yourself a... in the day and age, piers, in the day and age when everyone has cameras and their cameras all over the place, show us the evidence, show us the
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evidence, especially in israel, especially in israel, which is society which has cameras all over the place, but you don't have footage of any beheadings and you don't have any footage of any rape, i wonder why? 'well there were bodies found who had been beheaded, that is fact okay, show them on your show them all that all these bodies that have been beheaded, show them on your show, show those pictures, how many people, how many people do you think, how many people do you think were killed that day? i think roughly 1,100, between 1,100 and 1,200, many of them were soldiers, so you accept, you accept there was a mass slaughter, does that constitute that? genocide to you, is that an attempt at genocide? no, to be it's like, it's like you saying that the french resistance, which was operating against the
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nazis and they go and carry out an operation, and during that operation some children are sadly killed, so you say, oh, so the whole french resistance is illegitimate, and the nazi occupation is legitimate, that's nonsense, if, as i said, very clearly, wherever... innocent person is killed, that i condemn everyone condemns and i wish you would condemn, because a genocide is taking place, and you are putting forward claims without the justification to make them, without the evidence to make them. i would refer you again to those websites and those reporters and journals who've proven that the claims were inaccurate at the least and dishonest. most probably, let me turn to, well agree about this, so uh, people can make their own minds up, but let me turn to the missile strikes that iran launched against
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israel, 300 of them, it was spectacularly unsuccessful, i mean it caused barely any damage, again you're smirking, you can explain why, but it was a spectacular failure, wasn't it by iran, just load of show boating and and and throwing fireworks in the air with actually no result whatsoever other than they hurt one little... it's funny the way in which you always frame things where this the other and the non-westerner is incompetent and incapable and your fantastic israeli allies are top of their game, no, in fact it was a major defeat for the israelis and for the americans and why? because the iranians from the very beginning, well let me tell you, first of all the israel carried out an air strike on an iranian embassy, ​​the whole world condemned it, forget the west, forget the uk and the us, you are marginalized, you supported it, because at
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the un security council, your regime, the american regime, and the french regime, they prevented the condemnation of the bombing of the iranian embassy, ​​so the world rallied behind iran, and iran said we're going to retaliate, but what did iran do do? iran played it very smart, they first... they played 10 days of mind games with the israeli regime and then they declared that they're going to carry out the attack, so the israelis and the americans and everyone mobilized everything they had, and the iranian sent hundreds of dirt cheap drones, few thousand dollars each to fly, and it took three hours for them to get there, and then your israeli allies spent according to their own estimates, 1.35 billion dollars to down drones that didn't cost probably $2 million for iran . the iranians did not use any of their new technology, it was all old technology, so the
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israelis gained nothing, but the iranians gained a huge amount of information about the capabilities of the americans and the israelis and i must say that the that the most of the things were done by the americans, not the israelis or the british or the french, and then the iranian sent uh... series of old missiles that they had in stock for a long time, none of it with the latest technology, and then again the americans and the israelis attack them with very expensive missile defense systems and use all their capabilities, giving the iranians huge amounts of information, again a couple of million dollars, no one is going to buy those old missiles, and then iran sent fired a handful alongside these missiles , a handful of... serious missiles that were targeted at two base bases, the two most heavily defended military sites in the world, an
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airbase in the south and intelligence gathering base i think in the north and both of them received direct hits, so the israelis gave, they they showed their hand, they spent a lot of money a time when these missiles are there's a huge shortage of them because of ukraine, and the iranians gave no information about their capabilities, even if i got to say that's one of the that's one of the more entertaining explanations for such an abject failure that i've heard should again, and let me take you back, let me take you back to... what israel said they committed the bombing in damascus for was because they discovered that the building was diplomatic in name only and being used as an iranian military and intelligence base, hence the presence of all these generals, two of whom were killed along with all the others there, so if it was being used as a military base and they were training hezbollah, which is what they believe they were doing, then it was a legitimate target, wasn't it? well, of course, since you support the israeli
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narrative, and you are a friend of the people who are carrying out this holocaust, this ongoing holocaust, and you don't care about the people any narrative, it was being used, if it was being used as a military base, was it a legitimate target if the training is to attack israel, you have rather one of the most extreme narratives and i think you're doing a disservice uh to truth by, i've been very critical of israel, but i don't believe i don't whenever i interview people can't find it in themselves to actually say what hamas did on october the 7th, i always find it slightly incredulous than whatever else they say buse we all saw, people are not intimidated by you, that's the problem, you you can intimidate some of your own people, but you can't intimidate us, i want to get to that i want to find out, i'm just fascinated , okay let me ask you this, let me ask you this, that is a dipp, you don't ask the questions, no "i'm answering your
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question, that was a diplomatic building, you know quite well that the israelis had no right to touch it, they committed a crime, and the iranian retaliation was an active self-defense, and your own foreign minister humiliated himself on sky news, which is an outlet that is sympathetic to the regime, when he said, well, if one of our diplomatic buildings were struck, what would the response be?" so don't be silly, the israeli regime, they're always lying just like the al shafa hospital, they are full of..." underground tunnels, where were the tr tunnels and then at the beginning where they struck the al-hilni hospital and killed hundreds of people, they said no, it was the resistance, and the western intelligence agencies said the same thing, and then we saw them hit hospital after hospital after hospital after hospital, so you put your faith in the narrative of these child killers who bomb hospitals and destroy the ver the very basis of humanity, the very basic needs for ordinary people in
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gaza. come on, and here's the irony, professor, here's the irony is that all the attention that was falling actually on israel's war on hamas in gaza, and whether it was a massive overreach and whether too many civilians were being killed, and when we saw the aid workers killed, obviously enraged people as well uh, it was all heading the way that iran would have liked, which is it was general global uh outrage that was fermenting about what was going on there. how the narrative has changed isn't it? because what we saw with countries like jordan racing to help israel defend itself against iran's missiles, the ones that you've tried to dismiss, but were actual missiles, and how does that help iran's narrative that israel are the bad people in the region when you have major arab countries like jordan and saudi offering air space and so on, how does that help your cause to try and isolate
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israel or? did the complete opposite, didn't you? absolutely not. first of all, the people of jordan know that the israeli regime considers the palestinians to be amalek. we're not dumb peers and they're not dumb. the government of jordan does not represent the people, you know this, and i know that, but more importantly, well the government of iran does not represent the iranian people, it represents the iranian people more than your government represents the british people. but the iranians i wouldn't say that at all. "i would say that the iranians when they carried out the strike, and by the way, just as well, i'll say that at the end, when the iranians carried out the strike, they punished the israeli regime and they humiliated the israeli regime, but nothing is going to distract world public opinion from the holocaust in gaza. don't think that the israelis can do that, no one can do that, when the president of brazil and other world leaders say what it is there."


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