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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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reacting to the incident at kalso military base, iraq said: "anyone who is involved in the attack on hashd and shaabi bases will face our harsh response." according to reports , the kalsum military base, the headquarters of the joint deployment of the iraqi army and the iraqi popular mobilization forces , was hit by an air attack this morning. the head of the security committee of the province. babil iraq
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reported that at least one person was martyred and 6 people were injured following the explosions this morning and emphasized that the hashd al-shaabi was targeted by a missile at the kalso base. the news about the drone attack is not true. at the same time, the command headquarters denying involvement in this attack, central american sandcom announced that washington had no role in these attacks. following these statements, an iraqi military official announced the possibility of the zionist regime's involvement and said that investigations are still ongoing. thousands of people in sana'a, the capital of yemen, supported the people of gaza in a demonstration, as well as the punitive operation of hama sadiq. the participants in this march issued a statement of successful and strong military response to the enemy.
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they congratulated the people and leadership of iran. hundreds of protesters held demonstrations in the capital of argentina and asked the government of this country to stop supporting the zionist regime and diplomatic relations. in new york, the police arrested more than 100 protesters who had been sitting in this place since wednesday, after the tents of supporters of palestine were covered in the campus of columbia university
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. in lebanon, thousands of people protested outside the united nations offices in beirut and demanded an end to the zionist regime's crimes in gaza. azdan, the minister of internal security of the zionist regime, blamed the extensive damage of iran's missile and drone response to the zionist regime, despite the fact that the zionist regime had previously announced that iran would attack occupied territories have left little damage . it is said that
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the israeli military base was destroyed and a large number of soldiers were killed. we are going through difficult times. we were targeted by a major attack. two major air force bases were destroyed and many troops were killed. some commanders of the army and security forces want to destroy israel's security for the sake of joe biden's electoral interests. as i said before, the response to iran must be quick. bangguir in response to the news the isfahan explosions also tweeted: it's ridiculous. a number of asra zionist families in the custody of hamas and a group of opponents of netanyahu's cabinet
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demanded one of him and also an immediate agreement for the release of prisoners. the protestors, holding cloths with writings , criticized netanyahu's cabinet's warlike policies and disregard for the lives of zionist prisoners . the order of the minister of interior to deal with the infested areas in sistan baluchistan province. mr. vahidi in bazid from sirzdeh zarabad region of sistan balochistan said: we are trying to solve most of the problems in the next 3 days. visit of the minister of interior from the flooded areas of zarabad city. we had 3 years of rain in 14 hours. the communication axes of this city
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were cut off after the rains of 3 days ago and the possibility of entering this city was completely lost . with the receding of the water, the condition of the roads has improved and there is a need to speed up the relief efforts. the road from jask bandas to zarabad city is one of the bridges that were completely destroyed due to flood and needs to be rebuilt . two or three bridges have been destroyed. this bridge, which you saw yourself, is further damaged by the rain and flood, causing a lot of damage to the infrastructure did our request is that at least these basic facilities should be provided as soon as possible. the gardens are open, there are access roads between the mausoleums, and so on. these infrastructures such as irrigation systems are under pressure and livestock in the region and the dams that were in the region are totally damaged
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. kilometers destroyed, this is also being calculated. in the discussion of residential houses, hadi projects have also caused damage to people. we have these too, little by little. the facilities in the city with the special order of the minister of interior are following up the problems of the flood victims and they will be solved based on priority. there are one or two infrastructure works that need to be fixed, which of course will take more time , but that's it. there is an agenda, god willing, the activity and assistance of jihadist groups and relief in these areas will continue until the situation returns to normal . may god bless him and her regarding the sed and sima news agency of the flooded areas of southern sistan, baluchistan and ahmad yusufzadeh.
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the author of holy defense is sending a new book on the subject of sardar soleimani to the publishing market, this news and other news in this week's book package. hello , we will start this week's book package with news from the authors. on the roof of qanat malik village , under the shadow of the thicket of sarvi, mr. ahmed yousufzadeh announced the translation and publication of 40 memoirs of iraqi youth about general soleimani in the form of a book. this book is going to be published under the title now that i am writing this letter in surah mehr publications. mr. mohammad mirkekiani, the author of children and teenagers, has also announced that he will complete the series of books about the story of the mysterious plain. these works in publications are published, they introduce teenagers to cultural and social concepts. some
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books have been reprinted and will be presented in the book fair, which will be held from may 19 to 29. the promised bread book, written by kuriyeh mashhadi ebrahim from the international publishing company , a fictional account of the roots of the zionist regime , the second edition of the book creative writing in simple language written by maggie hamanand with the translation of masoud malkiari about writing skills and the book i wish it were earlier written by seyed ahmed razavi about hijab from rood abhi publications, we focus on answering doubts and questions about fejabo we are discussing the explanation of the existential philosophy of fajab, the obligation to enjoin what is good and forbid what is bad in society, and also hear news from the publication of divaneh, an impressive poem by professor shahryar, written by a new author, mrs. zahra khosravani, in the book diwan reyhan in 220 pages and 176 poems,
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including the collection. oh, from the poems of the masnavis , romantic poems about mahdism and also poems
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in tonight's special news talk, we want to talk about operation true promise, the security crisis it has created for the zionist regime, and the failure of the zionist regime's media efforts to cover what during these days lost and review let's have the reactions of the regional media as well as the international arena. regarding the event this morning in isfahan, two guests are accompanying us in the studio, mr. dr. alidin, an expert on political issues guidance, along with mr. dr. alireza kohkan, one of the other experts in the field of international issues, mr. dr. brourjardeh, i greet you. may allah, the most merciful , and the most merciful, my greetings and politeness to you, great work and all the viewers, thank you very much, doctor. i also
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offer greetings and respect to you and your dear viewers and guests. mr. dr. bojardi operation the honest promise and the efforts and extensive missile and drone operations of the islamic republic of iran in response to the aggression of the zionist regime, let's address what has turned the zionist regime into a crisis these days and has faced many challenges and the security and defense doctrine that has been he was questioned by the media manoeuvre. i would like to say at the beginning that we consider all these successes of the armed forces, including this proud and proud operation of the honest promise, to be the responsibility of his highness the commander-in-chief of qoba, that is, that intelligent management it has been established in these few decades that this authority is the product of this precise and many command
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it is smart, even the point-to-point missiles, which have become a common term in our military literature, even our public opinion has recommended that the missile should be point-to-point. i think that a new stage has been created in west asia and in the current crisis, the balance of power that they had abolished this false notion for several decades to the public opinion of the region and islamic countries that the power of the zionist regime is invincible as the fifth most powerful army in the world. well, this equation has honestly changed. that is, the resistance front, which
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is actually a product of the strategic policy of the islamic republic of iran and the revolutionary countries of the region it happened that after half a century when islamic countries were defeated by the zionist regime from 2000 and especially in 2006 when the 33-day war took place, a very new show of power took place and the zionist regime was actually defeated and this in all subsequent operations until the current al-aqsa operation showed itself that after 7 months, despite all the efforts of the zionist regime and the help of the west, especially the united states, an illegitimate regime has actually collapsed from the inside, that is, in all the elements that they define for themselves, from deterrence to
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warning. it is known that five-membered serine reacts quickly in terms of security, it forms the zionist regime. yes, it exists. they are all messed up, they do not have internal coherence, they do not have a place in the public opinion of the world , not even in the un security council , the equation has changed there, it is a new phenomenon. it happened , so the proud operation of sadiq's promise is actually the height of the authority of the islamic republic of iran. during this period , there were actually 7-4-5 years of this occupation regime, and in fact, it completely
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changed the scene of the islamic republic of iran in the resistance front. the security and military of the sahih regime and we see that in the operation of their sincere promise, all these five axes are challenged and they face a crisis, and with the failure of deterrence, the failure of the secret warning and the issues raised in this doctrine in the name of allah , rahman, raheem. the fact is that what happened in the promise operation will have long-term strategic effects in the region. in strategic studies, we talk about the fact that two things prevent the use of force, one is the balance of power and the other is deterrence, and the westerners have been trying for all these years after the formation of the zionist regime. not in a hidden way, in an open way, even in, for example, the sale of weapons that
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are sold in the region, there is a clause in it that does not balance the power in any way. that israel is above the rest is not inferior, all of this is aimed at creating deterrence, deterrence has two basic pillars, and one is the result of those two pillars, which some say is the third pillar, one is will and one is power, look at those two main pillars. in this incident, we have shown the ultimate in this matter . i just want to say in a very simple sentence that our power is the largest drone operation in the world in fact, we carried out the largest combined operation , we carried out the largest missile operation in our history , it is easy to say that these are the largest in the world, why don't they use all these drones together, they also understand that it is effective, why first of all, having this the number is important, secondly, in fact, the ability to guide is important, these all show that ability and will that you
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see, this will shows itself in action . one of these friends said a very interesting sentence. now , without confirming or denying it, i simply say that strategic aggression is very meaningful in the field a great science that pays attention to it is that iran is the only country in the world that after world war ii launched a direct military attack on two nuclear powers in less than 3 months, and this is the most important thing that i said. am i right about this statement? no , i will not comment, but this is the most important thing that shows that we are determined to defend our interests at any cost. this regime and its criminal leaders are drowning in their own crimes for a reason there was no way for us to interfere, but after
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the strategic mistake made by netanyahu, an opportunity arose for us again not only to those who support this regime in this region with their bases and actually the leaders of this regime, but also to the rest of those who in the world , they are talking about strategic studies and strategic power , let's show politicians and scientists that the power equations in the west asian region have changed seriously and this issue shows its power and will in perception or perception. i think that after this incident that there was a perception that in our region not only from the leaders of the zionist regime on the part of its supporters, anyway, according to the official announcement of 10 countries, they tried to defend this regime . the result for all of them was that the issue of power in the west asian region has changed seriously, and iran is in a situation where not only the idea that
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after the al-aqsa storm has reduced its deterrence to no point at all. at any cost, he defends his own interests and the interests of his allies , and this is a key point and a turning point in the issue of power in the west asian region. in my opinion, the important point in this operation is that the model chosen for this operation is a model super power it means that we announced that we will fight at the highest level. they are the supreme commander-in-chief qaba, and then a detailed planning was done, and despite the fact that many mediators were found and chosen by the americans, and they sent a message that this should not be done, we did it with the powerful , i think the impact is really cross-border
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, that is, the people from the bottom of our hearts, apart from political tendencies and different thoughts, we are happy to feel proud of the islamic ummah as well as different countries. the people interviewed by our national media and their reactions are their happiness in gaza, that interview of a gazan citizen, which we had a peaceful night and slept for the first time after 7 years, shows how effective it was, both in the national pride of our great nation and in the islamic world, in changing the views of countries towards regarding the capabilities of the islamic republic of iran, the point that mr. koken pointed out is a fact, that is
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, when an american drone enters our space , you will not find any other country in the world that dares to strike, we will strike and announce it, and send a message to america. we give because of this encroachment on our space, this was done against the regime the zionist also displayed an authority over the islamic republic of iran, which is very deterrent. in the future, they will have to change their calculations and make decisions in this new environment. until we reached this position, i would like to ask your opinion, mr. dr. pohken . the fact is that if we want to have a strategic view, the capacities of our country, the resources of our country and
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what we have gone through during this time show that planning and wisdom are possible. the attention behind this was actually the decisions until we moved step by step we have reached here. i want to give you a very simple example and this message has a message even for the region and in the international arena. what is more important is that which actually shapes the calculations and shapes the decisions. you can see that they give a lot of slogans, but the thing that makes the united states, before something happens, we are talking about the biggest military, economic and political power in the world. he sends us messages in different ways, we were not involved, we had no knowledge we will not have any participation, so we are not part of this game. it is about the most important ally
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in the region, whose political prestige the americans left in the international arena to support this war crime that is happening in gaza, this has a very important strategic meaning. mehdi rahmati , an expert on political issues, joins us on the phone to talk more about this strategic meaning. i greet you mr. rahmati . have a good time. we are talking about a path that will bring the islamic republic of iran to a position that will authoritatively create a new equation of the answer at the international level. create peace and be able to say against the superpowers who will one day become superpowers and give media maneuvers on this issue , that they will respond with authority to any level of aggression at any level. well , in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, my greetings and respects to you, respected interview and special news agents , your dear guests and viewers, well, as
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you expect, we must see this as a process, the security discussions and the steps taken by the islamic republic of iran to you can reach this level of deterrence and power in the years before the revolution, especially in the pahlavi regime. two principles. the security issues and the security capability of the country were established, one is the issue of popular illegitimacy and lack of control over the people, and two issues are the import of equipment and large purchases of equipment to the point where one third of our country's budget for many years was only related to the purchase of weapons, and that bessham was provided by america and it was in nixon's plan that iran is one of the foundations of security power in the region, but after the revolution, we look at security discussions and developments. it has changed in a big way. we have changed our view from small to large and the security of the people at the base was one of the changes. the second change was that
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we tried on a dish. we were faced with that young male attack from the regime of the time, that is, our thinking was a limited thinking because of the possibilities that we faced, but we, mr. rahmati, what you are referring to now after the victory of the revolution and the path it is taking in what message does the islamic republic of iran's military, defense and security field have now regarding the honest operation to the region and the countries of the world? well, this message is the first message that our security is security.
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it is not difficult, the security of the people is the foundation of our strategic depth , which has increased from the borders to the region, and then it is taking on extra-regional dimensions. our capabilities have flourished, that is, if we did not involve the people too much in security issues, and now we have a security of the people, the next issue that we have a lot of maneuvering methods and one of the components of our power is that we are on equipping . we are investing that these equipments have security boards, they are native, modern , low cost, they are capable of high power in the field of drones and missiles. well, we are waiting . let us play a leading role among the nations of the region, the result of this discussion of resistance yes, we came to this conclusion , we came to this belief and power that it has a macro characteristic.
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from the military power of the zionist regime, without a doubt , this curve in the last few years, that is, since the equation actually started to change its power from 2000 onwards and in this operation. the recent
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storm in al-aqsa has started its downward trend in the last 7 months and if it were not for the extensive military support of america and its allies , such as france and england , they would definitely have serious problems in the military field , so their capabilities greatly reduced addition one of the features of the zionist regime is that the loss of their internal cohesion is actually the strict control of the news, which means that there should be no doubt that their casualties in this same al-aqsa storm operation are far more than what they claim to be trying to keep the internal differences hidden. but you can see that a minister comes to the cabinet and
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actually ridicules the capabilities of the zionist regime . they have a serious internal conflict, and as i said, in the international political arena as well as in the public opinion of the world, especially the communities. european and western that never really sign there there was no important question in front of the zionist regime in their thoughts. today, many of those who show up in these countries appear with blue eyes and take a stand and speak in the assemblies , and this shows that many of the factors have already given positive points to the regime. zionism has lost and has become a negative point for this regime, mr. dr. kohken, mr. doctor , referring to the us arms support of the zionist regime, which has almost always been in our


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