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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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dear dr. fouad eizdi, dr. ibrahim motaghi, and dr. mohammad baqer khorramshad , we will be experts in international issues. at this moment , i would like to say goodbye to the dear viewers of channel 1. i invite you to follow this conversation with us on khabar channel. mr. dr. faadi, greetings and a good time and welcome to you. peace be upon you and the mercy of god . greetings and courtesy to all viewers. peace be upon you. if you allow me to have a greeting and respect with dr. khorramshad. mr. khorramshad, greetings and greetings. hello , i have been waiting for a long time, dear guest, greetings and greetings, thank you mr. dr. motaghi is going to be added to our group, god willing
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, and then the question is, why does he support him when there is a wave of hatred towards the genocide that the zionist regime is having now . if you allow us to correct here that
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these two regimes are not separable in principle , mr. biden's concern now is that netanyahu, who is the prime minister of the zionist regime , is a danger to the future of israel, he is looking for his own interests , he is looking to solve his own judicial problems, and because he is a zionist. this is not an accusation against biden, he says almost weekly now that i am a zionist this you have to believe that a zionist is really a zionist. you know there is a way of thinking that believes that jews from all over the world should immigrate to palestine and that the palestinian people should either be deported or displaced or killed. zionism means this is when biden says i am a zionist what you see in gaza is completely understandable. yes , here is why america supports the genocide in gaza .
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the life of this scene has been for the past 7 months in gaza and the issues related to palestine. this is a correct statement. it is completely prepared and coordinated. therefore, my request is that from now on, at least we have someone in we don't want people inside the country to feel that these are two groups and then to feel that the question in their mind is why america is doing this or not if this is the thinking. if the whole
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thing is not reformed, the result is that the theater of good police and bad police will become believable, that is, if you make a distinction, they say that if the zionist regime did not even exist , we would have created it again under the same conditions . it is quite clear that it is part of the nature of this current situation. america is a declining country and it is changing . maybe in the next period the presidency or the next term of your presidency will see a serious change in the foreign policy of the united states . it is not clear what will happen in the next term between the competition between trump and biden, but this period of companionship and entanglement between the zionist regime and the united states will end at some point, there is no doubt about it. . that is, supporting an
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apartheid regime in the 21st century is not possible in the long term, and it is not possible for america either , it is not published out of necessity . america is coming to form the zionist regime according to its goals in the middle east region in the heartland, as we say, but a there is a time when they come back like the operation of the honest promise and openly tell him that sir, we will not accompany and support you at all in the confrontation with iran because here it is out of necessity. you see, this is what the americans say that we do not support you. or sometimes the reviews that should have been there in the past few weeks.
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in any case, the issue of the zionist regime's genocide is now in the icj of the hague court, the case is moving forward, and the order of the hague court is that israel must stop this style of genocide, and in this situation, it came to veto. well, i will say the same to ali despite all those internal pressures that make you fall , it does to you on the one hand, it does to you on the other hand. because if he doesn't tell you, then the story will be over . he will show his true nature there . he will come in other time slots and play a theater, and this is the danger. this is the danger that our audience inside the country and other people in the world will say, well, israel. after that
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, of course, he will pay a lot, but may god have mercy on the father of america, who is coming in front of israel, for example, in some places , that's right. this idea is not correct. god , the father of america, should not be forgiven. very well, let me get the opinion of dr. khormshad mr. dr. khorramshad, what is the opinion of his highness about this american double game and the veto of the resolution of palestine's full membership in the united nations? well, many people expected this to happen, considering the existing conditions, but mr. dr. izadi, analyzing anyway, this is a double game and the police. the good and the bad police and the policies that america has always followed in support of the zionist regime, but still, with the current conditions , what classes do you think it will bring for america, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, and the best service to you, mr. seifi, as well as the guest.
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dear sir, i would like to answer the following question i would like to mention a few points. the first point is that we in the humanities and in the doctor, if it is possible, can you speak a little louder, in the humanities, political sciences and social sciences , we do not have laboratory tests that can actually determine the truth or falsity of some we can measure some of the statements and some of the phenomena in our laboratory, some of the phenomena and events that happen, and we can put a set of previously issued propositions and claims to the test in the international relations of law between let me tell you about your presence and international politics
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what we see or hear in terms of claims, we understand in such a way that these collections, i.e. international relations, the international system of international law, have an external appearance , an internal one. it is fair that they advertise in this way that they are trying to give everyone the right to their own body. this system has caused the stability of the world and because of these words, its inner self manifests itself in such places.
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iran will attack the iranian embassy, ​​iran wants to retaliate, sir, they are attacking our soil based on, i don't know, some article of the charter, you should condemn it. at least now if you do nothing else. this will not happen to the extent of condemnation. yes, or the west says that after 70 years, a rat will come to the west in the name of a government solution to the problem of palestine and the zionist regime. likewise, if the problem of two states is to happen, there must be a palestinian government. let the government happen, and this government is the basis of my submission of all the arab and islamic countries, so that we go towards two governments. well, in the name
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of god, these two governments should stand on a basis. if this is true, the united states and all western countries should vote in a hurry. they give positive to the first step for the formation of two governments will be removed. from this, i would like to move to the second axis, that in the last 6 months, 7 months, perhaps as much as 60-70 years of falsity and lies of the west have been revealed, that is, if the new generation was called sabra and shatila. and the killings and such , it is true not to have a picture of the events that happened, but this is actually happening today, and you should compare it. i apologize to all the viewers and listeners. with greetings and blessings, humanity and
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animal friendship, etc. and these are 30,000 people even the worst people admit that "father , this is a person , this is a child, this is not a military at all." your presence, whose spy services, cameras, satellites see everything but does not take action, shows that i have told you that hypocrisy and hypocrisy in these 6 months , seven months, it shows the western intellectual foundation that shows the image of crimes against mr. doctor. the zionist regime was updated and the third axis and the third point is that your presence shows that
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there is no other option but to resist against such an entity that you have created from imperialism and capitalism ruling the world and in fact liberalism ruling the world. in fact, if you want to leave, ask these people. to take your right, they themselves are the leaders of the thieves, in fact, and they themselves , if we had said these things in the past, they would have said these things, now you have the spirit of the 1950s, i don't know, you are in the 60s, etc. and so on. completing it, but anyway, the war is not only military, it is a combined war, and what
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happened this morning, after now, the al-aqsa storm, and then the operation was promised by many experts, even western, arab, and hebrew, and they wrote the defeat of the zionist regime, that is why iran collapsed, the zionist regime, and they all came to this final conclusion that the zionist regime is in a dead end . a border has been established that cannot be resolved by any military diplomatic measures in the case of security diplomacy. everyone is waiting for a movement that some kind of zionist regime will show itself alive, so to speak, and in a way, it can restore the lost reputation of that hemen, in order to restore it in his opinion. maybe this possibility it was predicted by many experts. but the point is yours. the attention here is that now the veto of palestine's full membership in the united nations
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has been in the headlines of all media since last night. it happened today with a single psychological operation. yes, most of the operations highlight this, that is, with that edge technique. in the text in the media , they take the main story to the sidelines and take a side issue instead of the main story. they go to zoom again, which is now the slogan. turn it into an attack, call it a methodical attack , and why do you think this happened at this point in time, and what is the purpose of this approach that is being followed? see, one reason is this debate, and that is not a small thing, you know in the united nations. some organizations under the united nations have a table for palestine, and palestine is not an observer member
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. it is an official member like unesco. this is your unesco building . if you go there, palestine has a seat like other countries. for america don't you believe that if the us had the right to veto there , it would have been done, that's why the recognition of palestine exists, and what they did last night is a big publicity disaster in public opinion all over the world. after six or seven months of genocide, the least they could do is that you now recognize palestine, which cannot become a palestinian state, doing something in the zionist land that cannot reach a specific agreement in this area is the symbolic recognition.
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the americans did not accept palestine and then the speech of muawiya, who was not their ambassador. american ambassador in he supported the zionist regime, and in the same speech against iran, he found an opportunity to speak again, so this is not a small thing, it means that a psychological operation needed to happen on his side , which means that i was successful in this, that is, i was at your service in the morning, then i left. al jazeera, i don't know , turkish tv, norway, numerous means, this happened, we worked. this psychological operation worked and it went astray, manharraf's story shows that all the media in the world followed veto in their news until the iran issue came up and went to another direction. this is where this psychological operation failed. they eat, we say that where they are successful , we say that here its function was known and it happened to me that it went to the iran debates
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, so this was one reason. the second reason is the contradictions between the officials of the zionist regime. he announced that what they said is bad for the reputation of islam . their military spokesperson came and announced that there was no damage. then the zionist anna comes and says that they were hit and hurt. these are the signs of the collapse of israel. this is the time when you cannot talk to the official authorities of the country like this. let them
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know that there is a problem, something is happening the other thing that happened was that it is the first news in the world's media because it is the first news , news like this will be reflected anyway, the public opinion of the world is also important, now america may come because of the interest it has in israel, the company it has, and the coordination it has. veto, but public opinion is also important for america, that 's why this psychological operation was formed in this style
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. very well, dr. ibrahim motaghi from mashhad studio is joining us. hello, good time, doctor. i am also greeting you, have a good day, and also to mr. rizli and dr. khorramshad, greetings to you , mr. motaghi, i was contacted a little late. my time is limited, i would like to ask you to give your opinion regarding the veto of the resolution of palestine's full membership in the united nations and the fact that the united states is once again ready to confront its ideas. make the world public why what are the consequences for him and what happened this morning and this is a fact that can be called a psychological war according to mr. dr. yazidi's statement and the outcome of the discussion yes, in the name of god, have a
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good day, the reality is this. the issue of the palestinian state is considered an ideal for the conservative groups of the arab world, but as you know all friends who are aware of this issue in the strategic and diplomatic field know that the main issue of identifying a country is the power equation and the other part is related to the international political environment. the fact is that the atmosphere that dominates international politics
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does not create the possibility of this situation due to the behavioral patterns of america and israel. the reason is that if legitimacy is established in relation to the palestinian government, then palestine will become a state and israel must protect this country. but the fact is that if palestine becomes a state , in that situation, any aggressive action by israel can create dangerous effects and consequences , so here is an advantage for netanyahu's policies. you must remember the
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political and social construction of israel with any identity. the establishment of a palestinian state is against it, so it is natural that the united states has a veto policy regarding the formation of a state in the current situation. put palestine on the agenda. yes, the second point was the discussion about israeli operations in iran. this is during the days when israel had this discussion that we are having f-35 operations, mr. doctor , you believe that all the reactions of the zionist regime are the same. my view and my analysis is that israel's behavior pattern in relation to
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iran is completely low in nature. the second one, which is carried out outside of iran, in the form of terrorist acts, will be intense, a pattern that has already been formed in some cases. it has had more dangerous effects and consequences for iran. in today's environment, apparently, the degree of vulnerability is infinitely limited. my approach is that israel it is necessary that i hit one last blow. i carried out a revenge operation. to legitimize the government in its social construction of this issue. it is very important, but there is also one point. yes, the drastic action of the hardware that is required to
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put our internal borders and our land in the hands of some kind of operation and aggressive measures is not possible in the current situation. israel should do it either from within the country's social structure and technical fields in the weapons, strategic and nuclear fields, or from the countries of the region. will give. i think that the discussion of the promise of truth was effective in a way that was a kind of relative deterrence for israel's actions, israel's aggressive actions that led to. a type of quasi-operational actions has greatly reduced the type of war.
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israel knows that iran. they have the necessary instruments and tools, they have the necessary will for operational action, and our instrumental and tactical capabilities have the necessary capability for repeatability. when you have the tools, you have the will to act, the credit. probability of operation there will be terrorist and quasi-terrorists similar to the atmosphere that was created in iran's industrial, nuclear and strategic fields. very well, thank you,
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doctor. mr. dr. rizdi, well, i said that according to the analyzes that had been done, that the zionist regime has been placed in a strategic position after the operation of true promise, well, some predictions were made that it might take some measures, but the past of this regime when you look back , the wars he was involved in were always short-term and he always tried to be outside his own land, now there is a quick reaction. he was taking limited operations ok, we almost have them now , we see them in such an environment, now according to dr. motaghi, considering that iran has the means and the will, and in any case, it has the ability to continue , what direction do you think the trend will go in this situation ? in general, the zionist regime is capable of confronting and continuing the tension with iran without the help of the united states
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. you know the claim that having iran's military means the deterrence that the country needs . they don't have moral limits, why that style of work do not repeat elsewhere. iran is not repeating because the country has the capability to defend itself, the importance of military capability is clear here . how much more has this become clear for everyone to see that the capability of the zionist regime is greater than what happened today, but why did they not use that capability because the authorities of the
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islamic republic said that if you use the capabilities they have now, they can do something with the help of america. you mean a defense of iran's defense that did its job, why did the defense of the zionist regime, in spite of all the help it received, come out like this ? knowing that iran is going to attack , they wrote this sentence in their own thinking rooms before iran started attacking , they had nothing to do with it. this is the capability of the country that after the words that the authorities of the islamic republic repeated several times at the level of the president and at other levels that if you want the ability they have, anyway, the zionists have billions of dollars in military expenses , they can do something else if you want to use that ability , the second wave will be much stronger and this became believable for the other side because
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they saw the first wave. if it wasn't for the first wave, after the attack on censorship, in my opinion , they would have entered the country, and why didn't this happen? iran is back, and if the country moves forward , god willing, there won't be any problems. very well, dr. khorramsha. let's hear, considering the current situation, do you think everything is clear now? it is the fake power and hegemony that the zionist regime had and with. a strategy for the zionist regime and the actions that are now left here , now according to some experts, no diplomatic, security or military action can return this lost patronage to them with this.


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