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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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here is ardabil, here is khomein, here is zanjan, here is tehran, three roads, tehran, pars, and here is iran, the cradle of carpets . iran is the cradle of carpets. greetings again, dear viewers, the victories of winter and the pursuit of environmental rights have led to the dewatering of talib gafakhoni in the southeast of isfahan province to about 8 million cubic meters. field and aerial monitoring
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indicates the arrival of at least 300 flamingos as an indicator bird in this pond. the flight of migratory birds over the gaukhoni lagoon after the rains of march and april and the water level of about 5% of the international demand of gaukhoni, hundreds of migratory flamingos flew over this lagoon. version to some people say ghazal ghaz means pink goose, or they say hussaini's goose because their feathers are red . they have a special respect for this bird. your service is received from shahrazam. migrating from the distance of siberia to the cow hole and now they are our guests. yes, the water
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has collected here because of the rains, otherwise the water will not reach here from the zayandeh river. of course, except for the flamingos, the wetland area hosts thousands of birds, including the gray herons and watercress. it is also after the landing of the flamingos tourists came to varzan to see them, but due to the flight of birds in the depth of taleb, it is not possible to watch them with the naked eye . where are we coming from? what happened to tehran, your destination has become a cowshed, we have a camper , we are traveling around iran, we were looking for a movie two or three days ago, we saw a movie about migratory flamingos, it was very interesting for me and my wife. you can't see them, i saw that we are carefully monitoring the area with a camera. unfortunately, we came 400-500 meters away , there is a lagoon on the other side. gafkhoni
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was once the bride of iran's taliban, but now she is struggling with poverty. environmental experts predict that these migratory birds will be guests in the gaukhoni international wetland until the end of june. mehdi sotoudeh of varzaneh east isfahan radio and television news agency. minister of foreign affairs of the islamic republic of iran continues active diplomacy. the 13th government visited new york in connection with the gaza war. mr. amir abdollahian is going to participate in the high meeting of the un security council regarding the issue of palestine slow before traveling to new york, the foreign minister went to turkey for a few hours and after visiting the head of the iranian consulate in istanbul, he left for new york. head of arjan and united nations employment for
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palestinian refugees, anruva shabgah said in the security council meeting on wednesday that the zionist regime is trying to end the activities of this agency in gaza. 6 months of endless bombings and continuous attacks against gaza have destroyed schools, homes and hospitals. it is at the heart of pain and suffering caused by war. children are killed, injured and out of safety they are mentally and physically deprived. throughout gaza, we are witnessing the occurrence of a... in the northern areas of gaza, we are witnessing that
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children are dying due to lack of food and malnutrition and lack of water and food. they don't have access, but this is in a situation where anrova does not receive access permission and permission to provide services in order to save human lives. the website of the ministry of roads of the zionist regime was hacked. after hacking this base, a hacker group warned the zionists by placing pictures of martyred resistance commanders. there is no safe place for them and revenge is coming. the zionist newspaper arts announced yesterday after breaking into the sensitive israeli databases, the kurdish hackers attempted to steal and publish the information of these databases. in this hacker attack, thousands of
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confidential documents from the ministry of war of the zionist regime were leaked. these hackers managed to infiltrate the systems of the ministry of justice and dimona nuclear facilities.
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the attack was carried out after the zionist regime attacked the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria. everyone went to the roof and looked at these rockets and drones that entered the sky of palestine to destroy the bases of the occupying israeli regime, the regime that has turned our lives into a tragedy and here tal and sultan area of ​​gaza, a few hours after gilad, the representative of the zionist regime in the united nations , in the name of god , they are standing on the ruins of al-khore mosque, which was bombed this day. they should find the names of the thirty thousand martyrs
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recorded in the civil register of gaza during these 19 days, the muslim people that the representative of the zionist regime said about them, the same ones who are in mosques, churches, centers. the treatment was schools, homes and economic centers, and the zionist regime has reduced the population of the dominion of gaza with its bombs. a number that it did not make the zionist regime stop its killing machine. israel is not a lying shepherd. we have been shouting from the rooftops for years to wake up the international community. fateme abdulvand of sed and sima news agency. thank you for your companion.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. greetings and have a good time. dear viewers , we are proud to serve you with another higher program. one of the topics that is generally raised at the elite level and sometimes among the general public is the issue of educational justice and establishing equality in the allocation of education budgets in the country. baitul-mal is used for the education of our youth , universities and educational institutions, in fact, technical education. today, we are at your service with the issue of whether the budget allocated to the ministry of science should be available to all students and universities or should only be available to public universities. please stay with us
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. iranian coach sharaf iran has a telegram with it plays all over the country, why is it so expensive? your question is an interesting question, you are a football manager, we don't want any kind of diabetes treatment. we are at your service as opposed, and mr. dr.
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hossein nasiri, head of the higher education and research department of the islamic council research center, who is in favor, mr. tanin, basically , how much budget does the ministry of science have now and where does this budget come from , are they charities or institutions that whether it helps science or not , it's just government budgets, very good, in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, because it's still in the days of fulfilling the promise. we are going to allow you, on behalf of the great and honorable community of academicians, to fulfill this promise, which is both an act of pride and an act of authority, incidentally. i would like to congratulate the islamic revolutionary guard corps, the glorious army of the islamic republic, the wise and wise leader of the islamic republic, and all the lovers of the islamic ummah, islamic iran. but
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let me share the budget of the ministry of science based on last year. you can see that part of the budget of the ministry of science actually includes spending budgets and property acquisition. it is about 45 and a half hemet. 41 of it is a cost and four and a half of it is related to ownership, the total of 45 is actually 45 and a half of it. this budget is a small part of the resources of the universities from the specific revenues. dedicated revenues of universities from the place to provide services to the community is to carry out research projects and the like. a much smaller part is the participation of benefactors and well-wishers. in the support section, you only mention this university under the ministry of science or the university of medical sciences, which is under the supervision of the ministry of health. this was also the ministry of health. you see , we divide our universities into two categories based on the credit of our students. all universities in the country
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, their students are divided into tuition-paying students and non-tuition-paying students. yes, tuition- paying students include islamic azad university. in non-governmental, non-profit universities, students become second-time students and the like, and non- urban students, who are sometimes mistakenly referred to as free students , are actually referred to as a share of this share in the ministry of science and in the ministry of health, yes, in short. if we want to compare these two, in the country of higher education , including the ministries of azad university, 70% of our students pay tuition fees directly, of course , we must remember that the tuition fees they pay do not cover all their education costs, they pay subsidies. participation, for example, let's assume a second-year student of our public university who pays tuition
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who pay the same amount as the cost of their education , the university also contributes to this from other places, in fact, 70% of our tuition fees in islamic azad university, in non-government universities, in public universities, 70% of our students pay tuition fees, percentage of our students tuition-paying and 30%, in fact, non-tuition-paying students, or day students, or mistakenly free students, because we don't have free students. you said 45 thousand billion tomans can only be spent on this 30%. which is actually non-profit these are the 30% students who have non-urban education, these are about 820,000 students in the ministry of science. 800,000 students can be spent on these , of course, let's remember that we should not conclude that
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45 and a half efforts are for 800,000 students, not for 800,000 students . especially and very important to move on the frontier of knowledge to conduct research. to help solve the problem of the society, yes , in name, it is actually a student per capita, but really everything is a student per capita and student food. it is not clear how much only students can see. specifically, in the nutrition sector, about 16% is spent on nutrition, out of this 45,000 yes, yes , 16 % of these credits of the ministry of science are spent on expenses, in fact, about 7 thousand billion tomans per year. if i want to
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explain 45 and a half or 41 net, i would say that 16 of them are food and welfare credits. don't think that the surplus force happens to be the same scientific community that supports these point missiles with the pride of the students of the university, actually the students of science and technology. see, most of the expenses of the ministry of science are spent on that line the personnel cost is 90%, which is a little more than 90 %, and the rest is 16%. the field is actually nutrition
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. 70% of our students are religiously educated, which means that the ministry of science actually receives this budget, which is approximately it is possible that 45 thousand billion tomans per year will be more than 45 thousand billion tomans in the year 402. this year, it will probably be added, and in fact, now they say that it can be divided into 30%. only 30% of the students are now, as they say, they are not paying tuition fees, and if you think it is wrong, i will tell you why they are not free. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and courtesy to the honorable doctor, dear viewers, and i congratulate the leader of the revolution and all the people on this proud event. well, look, mr. doctor, when we talk about educational credits , it is not only the ministry of science, that is. we have the ministry of health and medical education, which
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spends about 11 or 12 percent of its funds on the educational and research fields of students. at the university we have educators, mr. tayani, they said that the total budget of our student population includes various universities , the credit belongs to the ministry of science, not the credit that mr. doctor said for the year 1402 , it was only for the ministry of science, that is, the year 1403 . then, in addition to this , the ministry of health also allocates a certain amount. one
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i will give you some statistics based on the national account statistics published by the statistics organization. we spend on education, out of this 72%, about 70% is provided by the public sector, and about 28-30% comes from the private sector, so we have to be careful that we have 70 students with 28 credits , we rotate them in some way, and we have 30% of the students. with 70% of the total credits.
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you mentioned a point in the doctor's speech , whether the non-profit universities and islamic azad universities, which are working hard in this country, are they doing good work, do they not have the right, can they not use the resources? no, you see, basically, the constitution does not need to be explicit in this field to specify that only universities are called public universities with a government framework and pulpits, so in my law, the law of annexing some articles to the law regulating part of the financial regulations of the government is illustrated. article 34 of the year 2004 mentions that the government can
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give the students of the islamic azad university non-tafah and pianour universities from these government grants, so there is no obstacle, but what is happening in practice is happening, although this is a statistic for you. i can say that now the welfare fund my students, i have the statistics of 1402, about 28 billion tomans loans to islamic azad university students, about 16 billion tomans to payanur university students, about 14 billion tomans to students. ghishtati university and the ministry of health have also provided 31 billion tomans in the form of loans to the students of islamic azad university based on the duty that has been assigned to them in the law. basically , zinefo didn't necessarily look at a device, if we set zineft as a criterion anyway the quality of zineft's quality is the tithe of zineft's income , on which basis we students can explain our priorities and resources. that's right, now i think they both raise the question and give their own answers. it means that a part and a device cannot be looked at. if
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it was looked at as a department and institution , the students' welfare fund would be the students' welfare fund of the ministry of science. while the student welfare fund happens to have a supportive position. because it is aimed at strengthening social justice only for daily students. it is not that it serves, by the way, it serves mostly tuition-paying students, i mean students in fact, the student welfare fund pays tuition fees for undergraduate students up to 3 million tomans for master's degree up to 5 million tomans for doctorate up to 7 million tomans, but for students of institutions under the supervision of the ministry of science, see sharia students of different departments. by the way, the student welfare fund is the basis of social justice, and
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it is paying this facility without any change. but for shabana, with the rate of last year , the student welfare fund in the ministry of science took a very valuable step, the facility actually increased the housing rent four times, which means that now they pay up to 120 million tomans of rent to the students who can use the education. so, look at the part where the support budgets like the welfare fund belong to the general students are used more or less, but the part that is the head of the ministry of science, which cannot be given to the ministry of health . students now, i think the main question of mr. nasir is that in this. allocation of these subsidies is fair. let me give you a statistic. look at our 1st and 2nd income deciles. 9% of our students
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study in public universities. in our 9th and 10th deciles, 38 of our students are in public universities. in the explanation of educational subsidies, we are not behaving fairly. the constitution, which is the supreme document and the common covenant of all of us, we are acting against it . what is the example of the government benefiting more like other sectors where we have subsidy explanation? it's very easy to understand a little more, doctor, quality universities, when the name of the university and the name of the field come up, look at the quality universities. shall i give a very simple and very clear example, does a student who acquires the knowledge of tehran university get a chair? the value is equal to being a student in a lower level university. it is definitely not like this. all these fields are almost, of course, there is no such thing as an absolute. mr. shayani mehr, this is not an absolute. anyway, in this big state university, we are from different deciles anyway. there are , but i want to say the number is 38 students
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nodeb are in public universities and only 9% of the universities of mr. dr. see , we have a student of azad university, islamic azad university, and a student of, for example, the second round of tehran university . their education rates are different, definitely different. mr. doctor, look at the quality, mr. doctor, the chair of tehran university is very different from a university in terms of desirability and quality. now, i don't want, god forbid, a non -government university, don't ask my question . night student: 3 million tomans bachelor's degree, i said for night in public universities all universities, yes, pastorally
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, for example, the assumption of the education center for public universities , for example, suppose that it is 3 million tomans for non-state universities, for example, 2 million, they say a cost, you yourself said a cost, that is, the total price is more than this, but the government for supporting these students is a part of that price . see exactly the tariff rate of a second-time student in a public university. it is certainly not responsible for the cost of his education, but the universities are different. in fact, their special incomes from other sources help them to maintain the quality of education , that is, the quality of education for second-year university students. tehran can't live up to society's expectations , mr. nasir, the truth is that in this kind of hidden subsidy, a certain amount of justice is not being served.
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billion tomans of its total public credit. less means that we are talking about one thousand billion tomans, but that is the amount that if we add up all the institutions in the field of education, the ministry of science, the ministry of health, education and other institutions that are a kind of universities under the category of ten credits. let's collect about 70-80 thousand billion tomans of money , we spend it only in a government framework , now the welfare fund, yes, according to its duty , i announced it myself at the beginning. the effort in the ministry of science is spent in the public sector. in the ministry of science and the ministry of health, the others are not . yes, it is more than this. it is more than 70, according to your words, which is wrong. he calculated it in the ministry, sir. i said that in the ministry of science and the ministry of health , the others are farhangian university under the ministry of education, dr. yes, the university
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the executive body of the research institutes under the executive body of all this is known as the literature of science, research and technology. no, look, when we say that the ministry of science, research and technology is no longer the ministry of health. researches in the ministry of science and other researches, including the ministry of health and medical technology, are not health treatment technology anymore. usually, in this sector, we have to be good at monitoring the direction of these expenses. let's be careful that what the society expects from sharif university, it expects from tehran university, not only the education of students, but education a quality student is the solution to the society's problem, moving on the border of the university to compete in the international arena , which one of the universities can you expect this from , and then say that we should act equally in the distribution of resources, this is not justice, it is allowed, mr. doctor, if you
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initially doctor, if you first look at zainaf's public university and non-governmental university, instead of looking at the institution, you should pay attention that i want to support zainaf, wherever zainaf wants to study, zainaf must meet the qualification requirements and have the necessary quality. should i pay attention to his income tithe? the approved priorities of the overall map of the country and the needs of the country, is he studying or otherwise
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in public universities, in any case , he is a high-quality student. we have student welfare educational facilities in our islamic azad university. and in our other non-governmental universities, he is studying in line with the priority of the country, he has the right to be supported, and the necessary quality is also supporting him . a billion tomans is not a number when we want to look at the country's macro decision-making process, these macro resources have been directed towards a university in the name of the government, very good. in fact, the proposal and default of mr. doctor is, after all, a researcher at the majlis research center.
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it is that the government, not the ministry of science, is obliged to provide its own financial support for non-governmental sectors. it is true, but now


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