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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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special thanks for your cooperation with the special news talk tonight. have a good night and god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with the world today. before we talk about tonight's program , we present you with a report. in order to make iran's response appear unsuccessful, the zionist army published images of drone interception in the sky of the occupied territories. drones that flew with the aim of disrupting the system and breaking the defense barrier of the zionist regime. so that the rockets
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can do their mission. these are pictures from the beginning of the true promise operation. start the operation by flying drones shahid's family and moving to the occupied lands. it may seem that the witnesses traveled this route of 120 to 1,500 kilometers until reaching their destination without being disturbed by the defense. but as the three countries america, england and france announced, they actively participated by using defense systems and fighters to help the zionist regime and target witnesses before reaching the occupied territories. the wall street journal quoted an american source and wrote: 10 countries helped the zionist regime in intercepting iranian missiles. but with this
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according to the media images, most of the drones reached the occupied territories. they entered the defense of the zionist layer and the iron dome as a short-range system, and the first layer entered into confrontation with them. according to published information, the dome costs $50,000 per missile, and the cost of each launch reaches $100,000. after the drones , it was the turn of iran's clouses. like drones, they faced the system and fighters of 10 countries on their way, but in the end , most of them reached the occupied territories. the cruises were against the second layer of zionist defense. the flakhan daoud system, which intercepts medium-range projectiles, and each interception costs $70,000, a little less than one million dollars. but at the time when drones and drones
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disrupted the zionist radar network and passed through them. it was the turn of iran's ballistic missiles. and their confrontation with the most expensive defense system of the zionists. the first layer of zionist defense , called the arrow, which has a long range and had not been seriously tested before iran's operation. the cost of each missile defense launch. 1 million 500 thousand dollars for pikan 2 and 2 million for pikan 3 declared dollar. but pikan dos s were not the only ones to deal with iran's ballistics. the patriot system donated by the united states to the zionists was also put into action to intercept iran's ballistic missiles. iran's revenge operation has ended. and these images did not work. between the arrows, the most expensive
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zionist defense system and the patriot show the most important american defense system against iran's ballistic missiles , seyed mohsen hosseini of sada vers news agency. we present to you the guest of today's world . after the sadiq operation, scatriter was one of the most famous experts fell former us army officer and current critic of us foreign policy. muttahida in the middle east
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had written "eye for eye" after the operation of the promise. iran attacked navatim air base with at least seven of its new anti-sonic missiles. navatim shiane is the israeli f-35 fighter jets that were used to attack the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus. not even one of iran's missiles was intercepted. let me put it this way. israel is derived. scott ritter spent 12 years of his 62-year-old life as an intelligence officer in the united states marine corps. that's a long time he was the un inspector for seven years in the weapons of mass destruction department. as in the past, your opinion about iran's response to israel was very much reflected in iran. i am glad that
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now we have this opportunity to talk with you live on the khabar network. i want to talk frankly. mr. ritter, what do you think? on saturday, which side did the prisoners claim to have intercepted and destroyed 99 iranian missiles? i think the purpose of iran's retaliation was to create a deterrent in the region so that the israelis would notice. and in fact , if israel wants, to iran or to iran's interests attack knowing there would be retaliation , and that was a very loud and clear message that, and in my opinion, that was a victory for iran, mr.
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ritter, in the days between israel's attack on iran's censorship and the day iran responded, numerous israeli officials he threatened and america also openly announced to israel that if they want to attack iran , america will not go along with them. the second reason is that iran's missiles hit the targets they had in mind in israel, and this
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shows that israel's missile shield is not impenetrable, and that iran can attack wherever it wants. if they attack iran , there will be serious consequences for them, mr. ritter, one of the dimensions of iran's response was that iran decided to respond to israel instead of using its allies .
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i think that iran tried and is trying to establish a policy of deterrence, and in order to do something like this, you have to consider some parameters. if iran used proxy forces , it would not have implemented a specific deterrence policy, but iran . he did this himself , he used iran's resources, he used iran's soil to be able to do this, and about the effect of this iran's response, what has become clear, is that
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they chose targets in israel to show that any attack on iran's interests will be met with a response. it is done directly and that response actually targets targets inside israel because if this work was not done in this direct way. it was losing its effect and meaning . thank you. we have reports that the united states , england, and france directly came to israel's aid , and some others indirectly tried to stop iran's missiles. it had a message for america and others . what messages do you mean exactly?
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he believes that the ability of ballistic missiles that he has, maybe the americans thought that the ability to defend against anti-ballistic missiles could protect them, but the attack that iran carried out on both al-aswad and israel showed the americans that they they cannot rely on that defense system and their own defense power against ballistic missiles and if iran decides.
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mr. ritter said in an interview that this operation shows the foresight of the iranian authorities . what effect do you think the operation will have on the future of regional equations? before this attack, the israelis really believed that they could do anything and they didn't have to pay any price for it, but now. in the past decade, the israelis
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had assassinated several iranian scientists in iran , they had carried out subversive actions on iranian soil , they had attacked iran's interests in lebanon, syria and iraq, and even in iran itself, and there was no public and clear response. received from iran. they didn't, but at that time it seemed that israel really had the upper hand against iran, but the response that iran has shown now dad really made it clear that they have the power of deterrence by showing this and making it clear that from now on the iranians will attack their own interests. whether it is inside iran or outside iran, they will not tolerate iran, and
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they show a very serious response to these and carry out an attack that actually harms israel , and this one is actually a completely different approach that iran took in relation to the past years and showed that israel's next actions. it can bring iran's next answers. finally, as a final question, i would like to ask you i will ask about the situation in israel. their war in gaza continues after 6 months. in the north , hezbollah fires missiles and rockets at them every day , and the northern cities are empty. in addition , after the war of 1973, that is, about 50 years ago , they see a country in the region for the first time that is nothing.
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they carry out their own attacks and there are no consequences for them. they also attack hamas. but now the israelis have it.
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he was able to form in the region, he is now pressuring israel, and israel really did not expect to be targeted with these weapons in this attack. take it and attack it, and as i said before, now we have entered a new era of geopolitical equations in the region. i thank you for this attack, sir. ritter, who was with us in this conversation.
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now, in the following, we would like to review the reflections that iran's operations have on this. the zionist himself was first surprised by the experts of channel 14 of the zionist regime about the greatness of iran's surveillance . do you see the size? what is more than three people? only his scorpion head is half a ton. show us more it's crazy what happened there, there's also 750 kilos, it's just the head of the alkarbi, yes, and we're talking about some physics. i understand that in order for such a thing to rise, it needs a shield that is as big as your understanding of physics. i understand that the shield of this missile needs to be significant from the tip of the wing so that you can destroy it, and here i am expanding missiles of two and a half tons in silence. את הבדרים האלה בפעולה יש אוד מקוע שמגיב למתקפת
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הטילים ו זו עיר הברון עבור עבור העבורים. labik, iran, labik al-islam, labik khamenei, labik or gaza, the sounds of explosions, the sounds of explosions, the sounds we will have the second reflection of the explosions of allah akbar from the 12th channel of the zionist regime, whose expert believes that
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israel will have a long way to go for any action against iran. yesterday, nir asked us at this time, is an israeli attack on iran possible already tonight? how close did we get away or get closer to such an attack in the last 24 hours? i think that because we are in the same place, i will say it carefully. on the one hand, we see the military and security elite standing in front of the cameras and promising an israeli response. on the other hand, there are also still discussions in the closed rooms about the manner, the manner, the manner, and the matter. that means i'm not it is certain that israel is going to a big battle within 24 hours of today, so there is a real dilemma here, how do you respond to all the conditions that you might want to keep, not to lose the regional alliance that you have established here, not to turn your back on the americans, and on the other hand, do you know, for example, by
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this determination to bring more achievements, perhaps also in al-hamadeni field, in other places and to gain more profits. so there is really a great complexity here, if you want to the rabbi of the circle, and therefore israel is careful in the way it works, on the other hand, as soon as they say in such a clear way that they are going to do something, the israeli elite is putting itself in this context, so i think the behavior here is not smart, you want to attack, attack, but you don't have to talk about everything and talk like that in public, that's why i am. i think that there is another process that israel has to go through with itself before it goes out to do something.
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today, hezbollah of lebanon announced that it attacked the headquarters of the secret zionists in arab al-arasheh . moments before, hezbollah released the pictures of this attack. and anhdam of this center has also published a series of information that has just reached us in the world , we are presenting it to you today.
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in the rest of the world today, we want to have a review of some western articles written about iran's response to the zionist regime. mrs. azadeh taheri , we are the reporter of the international department of sada and cima news agency. mrs. taheri, hello , welcome to the world. in fact, the title of this article deals with the issue that, contrary to what is depicted in some western media and even stated by some western officials, iran is under attack. punishment of the zionist regime has not failed. the authors of this article emphasize that, in fact, iran's attack is an important turning point both from the perspective of the conflict
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between iran and the zionist regime and from the perspective of the relations that dominate west asia. in the continuation of this article, iran's self-restraint the concern to prevent war in the region caused the zionist regime to make a miscalculation and attack the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus, but iran's response showed that iran has now drawn new red lines for the zionist regime. that if his interests in the region are threatened again, he will directly take action. the other part of this article is actually to explain the answer. iran is paying a punishment. in particular, this article emphasizes that if iran wanted to give a serious response to the zionist regime, it would have acted in a different way, and in fact, it was a tactic.
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he took more aggressive military actions. the authors of this article gave the example that if iran wanted to give a serious response to the zionist zionist regime, it could have used a larger volume of ballistic missiles, and in the final part of this article, it has come that iran even has one of the most important military advantages. which he could have , that is, the element of military surprise, he commented on the point that was mentioned in the guest's speech on your program, that iran did not want to use its allies in the region, especially hezbollah, in this attack. could do have very different arrangements, in conclusion, so now the article of chatham house, which i think is an english think tank, refers to this, iran conveyed the message it wanted , it chose the same level of damage to the zionist, maybe it is what they say now that iran wanted in
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show a certain level of reaction from now on. show that it is not looking for a large-scale war, but it will react to any attack. what other article do we have? and the serious gap that exists in the war cabinet of the zionist regime is discussed. in fact, this article writes that there are very serious differences between benjamin about issues, specifically about the gaza war, the exchange of assyria, and recently how to respond to iran's attack. this article, quoting the national security advisor of the zionist regime , considers these differences very serious and clear, and interestingly, this difference that you say is exactly between the 3 people who
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make up the war, that is, those three people must make a decision. valsin jaladan says that these are between themselves yes, this article says that netanyahu is actually following it is to have a greater share in war management , but gallant benny gans actually wants to limit netanyahu's role, and even this article points out that these two people, ganses and gallant , do not have such a good relationship with each other, and they have already had serious differences. in the rest of this article , one of the most important challenges facing these three people , whom he named as the heads of the zionist regime's war cabinet, is now the restoration of deterrence against iran , a deterrent that has been seriously damaged by iran's attack, on the one hand, the zionist regime iran must give a response to this attack, on the other hand, it must the observation of the western partners because during this time we saw that the american president and the officials
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of france, england and germany warned that the zionist regime should not expand the scope of the war in the region, which means that these two should somehow be balanced. establish and be able to respond to iran that it has a difficult road ahead, now it was difficult for them to set both goals side by side. another contradiction was mentioned in the final part of this article, and it is netanyahu's desire and priority that he still wants. stay in power and there is no way to stay in power except for the continuation of the status quo. if it happens , there will be no escalation of tension and war in the region, and this contradiction is very difficult to solve for the zionist regime's war cabinet.


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