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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm IRST

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we have said and we have mentioned it several times , based on the minute information, the question that is raised is whether iran is ready for direct negotiations on regional issues, is it talking about pressure, war , blockade, see what happened , where did iran reach in the region and others where have they reached with the us? if iran
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, now we are focusing on this operation , they are talking nonsense saying that everything that is happening in the region , the storm in gaza and after that the helping fronts , all this is the stage of american and iranian theater , the american and iranian scenario, explaining the roles of it is american and iranian, i even read a word that i don't know how it is describe the israeli bombing of the consulate. because people could not accept that israel has failed and all their positions, their history , their behavior, their future.
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that this resistance and these nations, the nation of lebanon or the nation of palestine or the nation of iraq or syria or yemen and other places can win, whatever the appearance of victory.
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since 1979, for all those who fight against this regime and resist the occupation in lebanon, palestine and in the region. and the islamic republic of iran changed many equations with its own support, especially after egypt left camp david and overthrew many of the plans of himenagari and helped to overthrow many of the plans of himenagari and helped the victories of the resistance in lebanon and palestine and the region, and also overthrew the biggest
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during the last decades in in front of the dangers, war and problems that existed and still faced with it , its position is firm and steadfast and showing the iranian nation showing their commitment on all occasions with today's demonstrations in more than 2 thousand iranian cities and towns. rubber.
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this is the story that even in the lebanese media, in the gulf media, in the arab media, they say that you you are the group of iran, you are the group of iranians, iran , they connect everything to iran , say whatever you want, tire yourselves
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, write whatever you want, write whatever you want , shout about us and all the noble resistance forces in this region. we feel and should feel that relations with iran and friendship with iran and alliance with iran are a matter of pride, honor, and human dignity in this era. they should be ashamed. whoever should be ashamed,
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this government responsible for the war in afghanistan and all the crimes of mass murder and ugly crimes, be ashamed of relations with it should be ashamed of being friends with it
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. now the collapse for hours , if the great devil did not help him with all his strength, biden, the american government, american myths , and what would happen to america's readiness to enter the war , now the story of america. what happened on the 7th of october was close to destroying this regime. and this makes let's understand as well. the level of barbarity in the response
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, because the war that happened in gaza is not a war of political reason or military reason or specific goals that will achieve it, this war is the war of someone who is irrationally fought by crazy and insane people and criminals and butchers and murderers. . it has been decided and called to commit these crimes. killing people, destroying everything .
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this is the plan of the day after the war, what is the reason for it , brothers and sisters, the reason is broken, the reason for the weakness, the reason for
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the weakness, the inability, what to do about gaza, the day after the war, the image of gaza after the war , what will happen after the end of the war, netanya and the government. the enemy's cabinet is optional they don't have the issue, it's just a matter of time, but let's be realistic and list some figures and mention the quick headlines because every headline has an interpretation. netanyahu will definitely move forward instead of coming down from the tree and talk about absolute victory , complete victory.
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he is talking about early elections and this will put a lot of pressure on netanyahu and his differences. the period of giving them permission has ended . there has been a huge retreat in the popularity of the israelis. there is no prospect , now there are voices calling for an end to the war have become
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who made his own decision, issued a resolution for a cease-fire and many other countries, some countries cut off their relationship with israel, many countries cut off the sale of arms to israel , the world is tired of trump, who is sincere, loyal to israel, netanyahu, personally, that friendship between is
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it possible for netanyahu to reconsider this israeli regime? it is possible to tolerate, but israel can't bear the pressures that the us is putting on its excuse. one month, two months, how many months in lebanon, the events that happen in sha'ban or the first month of ramadan, say that the war should stop.
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how many months have passed, 6 months have passed. this american hypocrisy should not be used now about the palestinians or about the arabs of the countries of the world that he threatens or promises .
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he does not suffer from the war we talked about. worried about what is going to happen, unable to close the other fronts, they tried so hard that they could not close the lebanese front. america threatened and continues to threaten , european countries send threatening messages send. some threatened. it was ineffective. the threat of an all-out war to lebanon. the front did not stop again. internal sounds that
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