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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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they have considered the presence in the quds day procession to strengthen justice and weaken oppression. ayatollah makarem shirazi announced in a message on the occasion of quds day that all islamic scholars should shout in defense of the oppressed and all-out pressure on israel. in a part of the message of this authority, it is stated that i consider it necessary for all the scholars of islam to shout in defense of the oppressed and with the unity of the word and in the shadow of the widespread support of the islamic ummah , put pressure on the governments of islam and other world governments. force the zionist regime to end the barbaric attack and siege and start an immediate ceasefire ayatollah nouri hamdani, while inviting people to participate in the quds day procession, said that it is necessary this year also on the last friday of the holy month. ramadan , more muslims to the square. it is necessary that
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this year, on the last friday of the month of ramadan, the muslims should come to the square to shout slogans against this rascal rajab, who is still busy with plans for the people of gaza, and until, god almighty , he will be able to do this with more strength. in ayatollah javadi ameli's message, the epic presence of the ummah is also mentioned islamic on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan is a good tradition of imam khomeini, may god have mercy on him, for the purpose of liberating jerusalem from atheism and polytheism and freeing the palestinian holy people from oppression and displacement. quds day is not only for the liberation of the deprived people of palestine, but quds day has holiness throughout the islamic world. the number of palestinians
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in the west bank exceeded 8,000. the palestinian prisoners club announced that the occupying regime of jerusalem has detained 830 palestinians living in the west bank since the beginning of the al-aqsa storm operation. these statistics show that the invaders arrested about 45 people in the west bank on an average daily. researchers by making nanocatalysts containing nanoparticles , they were able to convert 96% of methane gas and carbon dioxide into industrial by-products. according to the announcement of nuno's headquarters, in this method, the catalysts produced in 640 hours at a temperature of 800 degrees celsius converted methane gas and carbon dioxide into the desired products. according to american researchers, this method can reduce the greenhouse gases that are responsible. global warming
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has turned them into commercially useful materials. the next part of the news at 3 o'clock.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world today, my name is hosni sadat shuba news, report and discussion about developments in palestine in this program. i will accompany you before the beginning of the talks and reports, a selection of pictures of palestine in yesterday's shabaneh, olad
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mashi, yaba mashi mashi, win dodo, yala talak , the verses of the book of al-mubin, laalak, bakha nafsq, ela iknawa momenin, insha nazl alaim man al-samaa, oh
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god, may god bless you, or asad, habibullah. or asad habibullah, there is no god but god, but the prime minister of poland said that the zionist regime should apologize and pay compensation for the killing of a citizen of this country who was distributing aid in the gaza strip. due to the killing of their nationals in
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the zionist regime's attack on the gaza strip, australia warned the ambassador of this regime . rescuers of different nationalities were killed. this incident was met with worldwide condemnation. also, in western countries , requests to stop sending weapons to the zionist regime have risen again. the right-wing newspaper daily mail in england, which is considered a supporter of the zionist regime, pointed out that this aid worker was targeted. western writing now israel is accused of committing war crimes and the world is angry the violation of human rights is likely to spread to the uk, which will stop the export of british weapons to the israeli regime because the world
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has risen against israel. attacking schools, mosques, hospitals and targeting civilians. especially women, children and aid workers is a frequent picture that has been continuously recorded in gaza in the last 6 months. the latest case is the air attack and the killing of a group of seven aid workers from the world central kitchen charity organization, most of whom were westerners, including 3 englishmen. the director of this institution says that 240,000 judicial appointments are made daily among the people. gaza was explaining and now its activities have stopped with this attack. according to ms. ger , the aid convoy was outside the conflict zone. the movement of the relief convoy was also informed to israel, and the logo of this charity
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was clearly visible on the vehicle. he says: israel uses food as a weapon of war. this attack pressured public opinion on the british government to cut off political support. it increased finances and weapons from the zionist regime in such a way that the british government, in an action that was unprecedented in the last 12 years , warned the ambassador of the israeli regime. is alive britain and america
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are behind all the crimes of israel. if the united states, great britain do not support israel, this racist regime will be destroyed. in the latest report, the united nations announced that at least 196 aid workers, including 175 united nations employees, were killed in 6 months. recently , they were killed in gaza, which is the highest number of employees of this organization killed in a single war. mojtaba ghasemzadeh of the london broadcasting agency. the us state department announced that the palestinian state should be established through direct negotiations with israel and not within the framework of the united nations. more than 77 years ago, the united nations the plan to form two governments in the land. had approved palestine. about 77 years ago and shortly after
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the establishment of the united nations, the plan to establish two separate governments in palestine was approved and resolution 181 of this organization was issued. the government's solution to palestine is a tactical solution to the question of how to have a land without its people. the first serious action of the united nations. it was the only place in the world where the united nations could say to the native people: you must divide your homeland
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into pieces and you must give half of your homeland to those who came here 3 years ago. this has never happened anywhere in the world the un resolution became a cornerstone for the recognition of the israeli regime by many countries , but after more than 77 years of its approval , it is still not. as if it is not time to implement the palestinian recognition part of this un resolution. now, in the last comment of the americans, this time they see the solution to end the palestinian-israeli conflict not in the action of the united nations, but in the direct negotiations between the palestinians and the israelis. washington believes that the palestinian state should be formed through direct negotiations with israel and not within the framework of the united nations. unfair conditions that during. all these years , they have replaced the butchers with the main owners of the land of palestine, mojtaba shah soni
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of sed and sima news agency. let's go to the world's case. today, four days have passed since the zionist attack on the iranian embassy in damascus. west asian issues that are guests of today's world. welcome, mr. kalantari. as
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a first question, i would like to ask what strategy the zionist regime chose to attack the iranian embassy, ​​what was its purpose, and does it anticipate the response of the resistance axis. bismillah rahman al-rahim, greetings and courtesy to your excellency and the revolutionary nation and the governorate of the islamic republic of iran as well. i wish for acceptance of obedience and worship for the muslims of the world, and i express my condolences for the martyrdom of the dear children of islamic iran in syria and the martyrs of yesterday's terrorist incident in rask and chabahar. well, just as you expect, since four days ago, all political circles have discussed this terrorist and juvenile attack. the zionist regime's manly and brutal handling and almost the angles of the matter have been raised by the experts. i remember last year we had a discussion here about the start of the al-aqsa storm operation.
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a respected moderator asked me that if the zionist regime fail in this operation, which definitely failed. what will be the next step? then i replied that the zionist regime is definitely seeking to expand the war to the regional level, and the desired goal of the united states and the zionist regime is that the islamic republic of iran actually starts this war and shift this war towards the islamic republic of iran, which is almost exactly what is happening . you see, the zionist regime has three scenarios in front of it, one of which is to defeat hamas and gaza anyway, which is impossible and impossible. it did not happen in 6 months my second scenario is that he accepts the ceasefire, and if he accepts this scenario, which is now the international pressure and the pressure of public comments , he accepts the ceasefire, and unfortunately he does not accept it, and
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goes to the hospital, goes to the consulate , goes to the embassy, ​​and so on. if tel accepts this , it practically means accepting defeat and the end of netanyahu's political life and the failure of israel's historical defeat. therefore, the third scenario that is desirable for israel is the zionist regime, and that is desirable for america, the western world, and nato is to expand the war to the regional level. so that a series of actions are done let him force the islamic republic of iran to enter this war. actually , the actions that took place in the past few days, including the terrorist incident of rusk and chavar, are in this direction, and in this puzzle, therefore, the zionist regime is trying to get out of its lost dignity, which was really a historic failure for the zionist regime in the al-akhsa storm operation. the best option for the regime is to take a series of actions
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that will inadvertently involve the islamic republic of iran in a war, which is desirable. and the goal of israel's own plan is, well, thank god, we have experience we did not participate in the last 5 wars during the last 35 years. we were in the first persian gulf war in the second persian gulf war. well, we tried very hard to put saddam hussein on the side of saddam hussein and stand up to america with the tact that his highness having leadership and armed forces, we did not enter, and our lack of entry caused a government to be formed in iraq aligned with the islamic republic of iran, our enemy, who was saddam. our main enemy, which was the united states , got involved in a 20-year long war in the region that cost 7 trillion dollars. so we won a victory without a war we brought my third and fourth war was with the first taliban and the second with the taliban when they tried again to engage us in a war with the taliban, which fortunately did not happen and we
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are now living side by side with the taliban without any conflict without any cost. taliban in the country anyway. it is established itself and has not posed a security challenge or security threat to the islamic republic of iran and has not created any costs for us. the fifth war was the war between azerbaijan and armenia, which again tried to bring us into this war. alhamdulillah again with tact and authority and rationality in there were reformed forces and at the head of it was the supreme command and all the forces. well, we did not enter this war and we achieved something more than what was before, and now you are waiting for that northern corridor. in the south, with the agreement made between our minister of housing and urban development and the minister of azar on the azerbaijani side, that corridor is now open, and in fact, we have reached our goals with a strategy without war, without war, without cost, mr. kalantari, so you
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believe so far in your answer to the first question that their strategy is to expand the geography of the war by attacking the consular building of the iranian embassy in damascus, but in your conversation, this is also the case you mentioned that the terrorist attack that happened in rask and chabahar, in your opinion, considering that a terrorist group took responsibility for this incident, what connection can there be between this terrorist group and the zionist regime? to complete my previous petitions, i want to say that this attack by the zionist regime on our consulate is not due to power, but due to weakness, desperation, helplessness and confusion. netanyahu is like someone who is drowning. that anyone who has access to it let him sink it, so our rational answer is from our authority and from our power and strength
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, but this action is definitely related to these terrorists. you see, terrorists are on 3 levels , they are either global like al-qaeda or regional like daesh or local terrorists. don't be the same terrorist as yesterday. attacking rask and chabar, these are terrorists. first of all , it has not been fully determined whether they are of iranian origin or not . again, like the terrorist incident in shahraq , they are mercenary and mercenary terrorists, who are most likely mercenary and mercenary terrorists. there are terrorists who are not at all aligned to create a security crisis and a security challenge for the islamic republic of iran. this is borrowed from the zionist regime and this is in line with the puzzle of expanding the war to the regional level. now , the scope of the war should expand to the regional level, not only
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israel, even the united states, like the americans themselves and nato , are now stuck in the mire of the war of attrition in ukraine. disgraceful defeat in the war ukraine will come to war in the region. the actions have never been done in any country. no terrorist operation has been designed like this. as you have noticed , throughout history, we have not had the terrorists completely destroyed. all 18 terrorists were destroyed , destroyed and destroyed. this is unprecedented in this world. this means authority. operatives and superior hands of operatives and aristocrats. the information of our security forces and military forces that if the operation took some time, it was only because the terrorists had gone into residential houses
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, a number of citizens had been taken into gangs. in order for these citizens not to be harmed, the security forces and, in fact , our military forces continued the operation calmly and rationally until, thank god , they freed all the hostages. and they are so weak and incapable that shooting an 8-9-year-old child while running away is the goal of creating terror. you see, the zionist regime 's strategy was the balance of terror. insecurity means the double strategy of terror, so it is based on this strategy that you have this terrorist group. in the puzzle of the zionist regime you see, because the goal, direction and strategy are exactly the same and they want to create insecurity , especially the most important thing
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is that we have quds day tomorrow. the honorable revolutionary nation and the islamic republic of iran will have such a presence tomorrow that it will be unique in the 46-year history of the revolution , and that too. in fact, the zionist regime still does not know the iranian people well. he carried out this series of actions, one of the goals of which is to reduce the presence of people in the quds day march tomorrow we will see that it will be the other way around. we will discuss with you more about the consequences of the zionist regime's attack on iran's censorship building , but we had a discussion with mr. mathieu alfred pajwa about the same issue.
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at that embassy, ​​we used the wrong or old map and it was completely accidental. not only do i not believe what america did in 1999, but many others also do not believe that incident and america's claim. at least they had a story to cover up that incident. in the case of israel, in their opinion, they do not bother with such diplomatic stories. they say it has no comment on this attack and does not accept responsibility for it. and
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since that building was not a consulate, i think that they will probably find their own way to get rid of netanyahu's city soon. netanyahu is an embarrassment to them under various titles and i also know that getting rid of him is only treating the symptoms of a bigger problem. in my opinion, as soon as netanyahu is forced to step down, he will face a lot of accusations , and i think this is at least the first step.
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widespread in western societies in elite societies what media has discussed what will happen after this attack. we have also heard in the news that in the last couple of days there have been disturbances in the positioning systems of the zionist regime or the same gps systems, which may not be able to hit the target in the occupied territories if a missile is launched. the actions of the zionist regime to prevent the response of the resistance axis, see the same day the new york times published an article and the title of the article was that the attack on the iranian embassy in damascus was the israeli version of the american attack on general soleimani. exactly publishing such articles in line with actually inciting iran to start a war
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is basically what the americans and westerners are looking for, but the fact is that the islamic republic of iran will respond , it will definitely respond, but this response means the start of a full-scale war and a war. it is not all-round because it is not necessary. look at the islamic republic of iran . at all, here iran is on the side of the resistance axis . look at the resistance. the zionist regime has so far killed about 3 thousand people in this operation, of which 600 were soldiers, and about 900 were injured, of which 9 thousand were injured. 134 of the 1,000 were military personnel therefore, the blows and blows that the resistance front has inflicted on the zionist regime in the last 6 months are far beyond this, but unfortunately, in the media, the damage and blows inflicted on the zionist regime were less discussed and given the mano method , so the resistance front gave up. the resistance front has always had the upper hand in the field and operations over the zionist regime, and
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masisi must wait for the compensatory response of the resistance front, and the resistance front will give this response to the zionist regime, something that has existed since the beginning of this conflict. it has been for the past 6 months there were continuous answers and reactions. yes , another war is like a chess piece. both in terms of casualties and in terms of the damage you see to the zionist regime, the zionist regime is facing a situational prestige war. this war means that its prestige has been destroyed. my geographical position . my geographical position. god willing, it will be destroyed in the near future. the zionist regime has lost its political position . netanyahu's political life has been destroyed. it's over, why is he struggling to start a war
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to stabilize his position, if a war, everyone if the full-scale side starts at the regional level, this will help to stabilize netanyahu as the prime minister, on the condition that he achieves results in that war , and if he starts a war and is unattainable , which cannot exist, i said, the prestige of the position will be lost. the zionist regime will be destroyed because a regime whose army, which according to their definition is the fifth army in the world , has fallen on its knees in front of a small group for 6 months, will it ever have the ability to resist the resistance front , you can be sure that the zionist regime has the ability to resist the resistance groups. and the front has no resistance the resistance front will respond to the cowardly and cowardly act of the zionist regime in syria, and this act will not go unanswered, but is this what the world expects
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