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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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in support of the resistance, he emphasized: these are the field realities according to the data of the resistance leaders, and this is their path in completing the saga of storms and losses and confronting the occupying regime. this is the solid base that the resistance relies on in opposing the terms of the occupying regime's strictness in indirect negotiations . but what approaches the intention.
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it has a clear message with the iranian authorities here in tehran, and that is the continuation of the resistance until defeating the plans of the occupying regime . i will continue the conversation with mr. alireza kamili. mr. kamili, you mentioned at the beginning of your speech that the war has reached a special and sensitive point. now, at such a time , what is the significance of the trip of the leaders of the palestinian resistance groups to tehran and their meeting with the prominent officials of our country ?
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he had met with the us defense minister. he said that at the same time that i am talking to you here in america, ismail haniyeh is also meeting with the leader of iran in iran . what is your analysis of this trip and meetings? yes, as i mentioned, the condition of these wrists that are tied together has reached its peak, the enemy has an estimate of his own situation and the region, today we are witnessing that in jordan egyptian because of heavy repression does not allow many demonstrations to even take place, and people resent this. there have been massive demonstrations in front of the sidist regime's embassy in jordan for four or five nights now. pressures have reached a peak in different countries. the demand that the war must end . the zionist regime must stop killing. the worldwide condemnations that are coming one after the other are the pressure that makes even the americans vote gratefully in the last meeting. the security council and
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the so-called veto for the first time after the storm and afsa, well, this all shows that we we are approaching an end point, this end point requires a kind of cooperation, a kind of coordination , the design of the ending of this issue is very important , because the result of all these efforts, all these martyrs, all these resistances will probably be closed in the next one or two months. extensive and important equations are also involved from the countries of the region, the effective countries, and at the top of these are iran and the united states, which are playing a role. i believe it can be more than this, this role-playing is around diplomatic and humanitarian aid, and on the one hand, there are the americans who, well, i mentioned the election
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, we will even determine the role of this war in the results of the election . the presence of two of the most central palestinian movements that are on the floor of the square today has a message that we are approaching the critical and final point of this crisis and everyone should be ready for god forbid. in this critical moment, let's not be short and use all our strength. the events that happened yesterday today in benbarana, which happened in aleppo , it is happening in the whole region. it shows that they want to activate all their tools and put them on the table so that they can score less in the final negotiation , and this is the critical point of the end of this conflict . thank you, i talked to alireza kamili. expert in space issues.
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american people, in my view, no matter what your politics may be, do not want to be complicit in the slaughter of small children who
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are bombed to death while they sleep. the american people, in my... yes, damana, lo, trade, in the name of god, forgiveness, and the blood of the army, god is great, god is great, the zionist regime.
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the syrian city of aleppo was the target of its own attacks this morning. these attacks were unprecedented since the liberation of this city from armed terrorists in 2017. the air attack of the zionist regime on the city of aleppo , syria, positions and weapons warehouses around the airport of aleppo and the factories of the ministry of defense of syria in the areas of safira and kafarjum in the outskirts of the city of aleppo and several other points were the targets of 15 attacks. enemy air is located. news sources announced the number of martyrs of this zionist attack as 42 people. the syrian ministry of defense also announced in a statement that the zionist enemy fighters passed through the airspace of the asriya area
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in the south-east of aleppo province , they attacked places in the homah of aleppo. zionist fighters using the sky of jordan.
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the ministry of foreign affairs of syria announced in a statement that the repeated attacks of the zionist regime prove the bellicose nature of this regime and that this regime is the cause of instability in the region. syria also called on the countries of the world to fulfill their responsibilities against the actions of the zionist regime in repeated violations of international laws in order to prevent this regime and its supporters from continuing their attacks and crimes against the palestinian people of syria and lebanon. essam helali of sed and cima news agency. damascus today's world how many i will continue news and reports from other parts of the world. russian citizens are demanding punishment for the perpetrators and revenge for the supporters of the terrorist attack on the evening of friday, the third of april, on a music hall in the suburbs of moscow. 139
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people died in this attack. in the middle of a mountain of flowers, candles and dolls, a mother is staring into the eyes of a child who was one of the victims of the terrorist attack on the kroka city music hall in moscow . i don't think so at all. the goal of the countries that
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guided and supported the terrorists is to weaken russia. but we showed that we are strong together are. americans wrote the script of this terrorist crime and mercenaries who were trained in ukraine executed it. terrorism is america's tool and anywhere in the world terrorist acts are carried out with washington's plan and design . they themselves have admitted many times that isis and other terrorist groups have been raised by america. this is an unpardonable crime. all those who committed this act and all the countries that designed and supported it must pay for this crime . the terrorist attack took the lives of dozens of men, women and children on the evening of friday, the third of april with the beginning of hearings. accusations of terrorists and their accomplices, russian citizens hope that
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their organizers and supporters will also be introduced and punished. seyed ali, the property of sed and sima news agency , in front of kroka city complex in moscow. china rejected and condemned the accusations of the united states and england about cyber attacks. the spokesperson of the chinese ministry of foreign affairs read this as baseless. he takes the necessary action to defend his own interests. china strongly criticized the united states and the united kingdom for imposing sanctions against chinese institutions due to cyber attacks , and considered these accusations baseless and this move to the us leadership described political manipulation.
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combat all types of malicious cyber activities in accordance with the law and support a joint response by all countries through dialogue and cooperation. chinese government officials, including the foreign minister, have repeatedly expressed their strong opposition to cyber attacks. america and england by accusing and creating atmosphere about the attacks. cyber ​​china imposes unilateral sanctions against china under this pretext. it is obvious to everyone that they are doing something political. according to experts and analysts, many chinese cyber security institutions have published reports on the status of attacks america's cyber attacks against china have been exposed for a long time. and the united states has not yet given an explanation in this regard. america should adopt a responsible approach in cyber space and its tricks . to stop america and england should
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stop politicizing cyber security issues and imposing unilateral sanctions. according to experts and researchers, china will take necessary measures to protect its rights and interests. chinese officials say pec is strongly opposed to politicizing cyber security issues because tracking the origin of cyber attacks is very complex and sensitive. mohammadreza khaliq trade exchanges with iran in the first two months of this year, i.e. approximately bahman and march 1402 , according to the latest statistics published by the chinese customs, the trade exchanges of this country with iran during this period to china in the first two months of 2024
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amounted to 2 billion and it has exported 50 million dollars of goods to iran, which has increased by 45% compared to the same period last year. china's official import from iran has also increased by 20% to 829 million dollars. iran and turkmenistan cooperate to deal with water tensions and maintain common water resources. this cooperation is part of the topics the conversation between the foreign ministers of the two countries. the purpose of the iranian foreign minister's trip to turkmenistan was to meet with the officials of this country. hossein amir abdollahian tried in this trip to strengthen the mutual trust between the two neighboring countries and
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provide the basis for strengthening the relations and removing the obstacles to increase the cooperation. in this regard, the minister of foreign affairs with the chairman of people's interest and the chairman. the president of turkmenistan visited . the meeting of the foreign ministers of the two countries in the continuation of this trip is to review the previous agreements between iran and turkmenistan, as well as ways to develop bilateral relations in areas of interest, including transportation. and energy was allocated. in this meeting, hossein amir abdullahian also called for strengthening cooperation to maintain the common water source in the framework of bilateral projects. iran and turkmenistan on the side of the road. they also discussed regional and international issues about bilateral relations. the two countries also emphasized that bilateral relations in the technical and consular fields require the serious attention and effort of iran and turkmenistan. azadeh taheri of the sed and broadcasting news agency. the safety problem of boeing airplanes
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has forced the senior managers of this airplane manufacturer in america to resign. according to the television network france 24, the tremors of numerous problems have affected boeing managers. we see the report of the french network about this. the departure of boeing's chief executive is a major change in the management team for the troubled american aerospace giant. boeing is trying to rebuild its destroyed reputation with these works. according to the new decision of the company, david calhoun, director. boeing will step down by the end of the year. larry kellner and standhill, two of boeing's senior executives , will also step down. we will only and only remain in the completion of focused efforts that together we did it. in order to bring our company back to stability after the severe challenges of the last 5 years.
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safety and quality are at the forefront of all work. 346 people were killed. following these events , the management group of boeing was changed and the boeing max family jets were out of service for two years all over the world because this aviation incident was caused by an error in the registration system of this type of aircraft. at the end of last year, an investigation
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was conducted on boeing 737 max jets. and that is after it was found out in the normal technical examinations that it was a mistake. missing has been seen on two planes. per month january saw the most recent instance of boeing's quality control problems, when the entry door in the fuselage of a brand new 737 max airliner exploded at an altitude of approximately 15,000 feet, causing a hole in the fuselage. subsequent investigations by the national aviation safety board in the united states showed that according to the new york times report , the flight safety review authority found dozens of problems in the max 737 aircraft production line . these findings follow a six-week audit of this company was acquired. boeing
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is facing lawsuits from passengers as well as a criminal investigation into the incident. and we can see the end of the episode of tonight's show jahan according to the picture.
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well, we come to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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it is located in the common reservoir of south pars in the waters of the persian gulf. nearly 70% of our gas production comes from this field and maybe more than 45. the rock of the oil refineries that produce gasoline is from this field, the gas of this field reaches 38 platforms to 13 refineries. it is a reliable source of energy for the country. the life of the wells of this tank is 22 years passed, and this means a drop in pressure and production from iran's largest gas field. the phases that were initially carried out by the total company or our own internal companies are from the phases. one to five, and their network operations had not been done. after all, the country is becoming advanced. we see that day by day the gas supply or the need for gas to
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power plants is increasing . we have, so we should have done both the maintenance and the discussion of increasing pressure and increasing production in the last days of last year to increase the pressure of the wells in the middle of the mesh tank. south pars signed a 20 billion dollar contract with four large domestic companies. on the other side of this field, the country of qatar signed a pressure-increasing plan worth 27 billion dollars with foreign countries. in our mid-term plan, we plan to dig wells for this elephant. last year, the tender for 35 wells of this elephant was done in four drilling packages. and four domestic companies were assigned this mission. the contractors are discussing the supply of the mast and the supply of materials. this year we will be able
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to implement the first wells of this fair. this is because it is a very broad plan and the blocks that are close to the border and the platforms that are close to the border are prioritized. but in general, like the neighboring country , it allocates a period of several years to itself. seven important actions have taken place in the field of increasing pressure in south pars, one of them is the exploitation of a part of the yaze field in south pars, which produces 10 million cubic meters of gas per day. it increases the production capacity of the country. exploitation of the complex, the second phase of this , was another achievement, the drilling of new wells or this elephant , which in some phases was without duty, was a good thing. this iran has been put into operation. new drilling next to the previous wells can be done like
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increasing the pressure, but at the same level and at the same level , it can maintain the production capacity, and the wells' work can be done in order to optimize the yield of each well ring. it is possible that the program that we have 114 rings by contractors and 34 rings by oil and gas company and pars will be planned in the future. block 13 was damaged in the collision of a bahraini ship in the 1990s. since that day , this platform has been closed and now it will be part of the plan to increase pressure, god willing, phase 13 of alpha. it is also a very important phase, the facilities of which were damaged , and the good actions of our colleagues in the national oil company in this government
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. 7 points for 38 south pars offshore platforms have been considered for the installation of pressure boosting equipment. any number of these platforms, each of these platforms has 11 four rings, must come on the new platform, the gas that comes will actually be boosted, if it is 20 times , 60 times, if it is 60 times, it will be 120 times. we have honey. using the capacities of companies of scientists and manufacturers is the main priority of this national plan. definitely, many of the factories and industries of the country that have empty capacity will definitely be filled after the start of this project. maybe i dare to say that hundreds of thousands of people will be involved, it will create good jobs for the country. but we provided a part of this capacity to knowledge-based companies, fortunately, 25
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contracts were concluded with knowledge-based companies , god willing, at the beginning of the year , we will advance our negotiations with these companies , and god willing, we will advance the plan for supplying these equipments. at we will perform. in the next 3 years, these seven pressure boosting points will be put into operation in order to reduce the drop in production and pressure drop of this large gas field. we have something close to 90 tis. this means that we will extract 90 trillion cubic feet more gas from this field with the increasing pressure , more than 2 billion barrels of gas intermediates will be extracted, which if we calculate that each cubic meter of gas costs 30 cents or 32 cents and each barrel of gas intermediates is 70 cents. more than 900 billion dollars will be more income that will be collected from this field, rena
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4 hours of life program after life every day hours 1715 minutes will be broadcast on channel 4. death and the world beyond is the topic of this program , i felt a clicking sound, the state of falling, life after life, narratives of near-death experiences , all people are suffering from the disease of doubt
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. 31 people.


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