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tv   [untitled]    November 18, 2023 9:00pm-9:29pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21.
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iranian support for the children of gaza and declaration of disgust for the zionist child regime. crime in the school 20 people were martyred as a result of the zionists' attack on the fakhora school, most of the martyrs are children and women, but gaza exceeded 12 thousand people.
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the response of the palestinian resistance to the crimes of the zionists with rocket launchers targeted several cities and military bases of the lebanese resistance with missiles. continued global support for the palestinian people. stop marchers. hundreds of businesses in new york also
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went on strike in support of the people of gaza. the approval of the seventh program consolidation commission with equal distribution energy subsidy among iranian families. the government was allowed to subsidize energy carriers such as gasoline based on the national number. and the end of 34 years of waiting for the people of the southwest of tehran province, the official operation of imam khomeini shahriar specialized and ultra-specialized hospital tomorrow, with the presence of the president of picio hospital, the operating room is very
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visible. we are at your service at 21:00. congratulations on the blessed birth of hazrat zainab, peace and blessings of god. revolution square gathered to support the children of gaza and demanded that the international community deal with the crimes of the zionist regime.
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the oppressed children and mothers of gaza are narrating your presence from the city of tehran, a presence whose message is the destruction of israel. here is revolution square and the gathering of the people of tehran in support of the palestinian people and the condemnation of the zionist regime's crime against women and
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children in gaza. i came today to show that i am from the generation of my ideals, you have given me a student and we are following the ideals of our god. i came here from support me, palestinian child, you are not alone, we are with you, we are always your support, i have come i am standing here and i want to say death to israel and i hope and i know that one day israel will go to its war and israel will be destroyed . in fact, it is a disgraceful leaf in history for killing the oppressed children of palestine and gaza for more than 100 years and misery.
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he has resorted to killing babies, killing children , killing women because he is broken, he is killing children like this. the people of gaza are angry because he could not do anything on the battlefield because he was defeated. and we will be the death of israel in the vein of gada and what is in front of everyone in the world today is the crime of the zionist regime and their generation of priests and the massacre of palestinian children. allah is the achievement of the zionist except for childhood and
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everyone should not be silent with everything he has and everything he can do. the people of gaza expect the most gold from the whole world. they should do that, firstly , there will be a ceasefire, secondly, they will support hamas and the palestinian resistance force so that they can take back their lands. we are all responsible for the blood shed by the oppressed children of palestine. i am sure that victory is with palestinian women and children. an army that claims to be the second power jahane, in front of those who years ago only had a bow arrow and now reach here to get it somewhere. being humiliated shows that the house will become dusty, in the hope of god. we can't rest easy from binrail. the message of the tehran gathering was: childishness
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will only bring shame to the zionists. it won't be long before the banner of victory resists. people in the provinces all over the country are also present today. in rahimai, they announced their support for the children of gaza .
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stay and we are always behind them. the death of israel , the death of america, the death of israel, the death of israel. death of gabriel, palestine is victorious. israel is praying. down with america. down with israel. death of israel death to israel, death to return. death
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to america, death to israel, death to berrika, death to prisoners. i'm in america , i'm in america, or you muslims, i'm tired , you've come, israel, israel is destroyed , palestine, israel is destroyed.
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or are the polytheists in gaza, israel, israel , islamic israel, america, god, whoever it is, any group
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, support the palestinian children, god.
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america is a witness to this scene, we are with palestine and palestine will be defeated. america, in israel, the people of zaei and isha areas also came to the streets and condemned the crimes of the zionist regime . the support of palestinian children was the most important demand of the children of zaei. we all gathered here in support of gaza, i have supported the palestinian children whom america and israel brutally killed and bloodshed. i want to say to the children of gaza , i love you. death to america, death to israel . together with the rest of the country , we participated in this charity in support of the oppressed people of palestine. leaf death
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america, death to israel, death to israel , death to america, death to israel, palestine. to support myr berrica myr israel. warm america, palestine , we support you, palestinian child, support inhuman rights , inhuman rights, really no support for the palestinian people, no support for the people of gaza, death to israel, death to israel, death to palestine.
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the distance of the collapse of the zionist regime is only 80 km. this was done by the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary guards today's meeting in tehran. which was held in support of the people of gaza in revolution square, said: sardar salami pointed out that the al-aqsa storm was the undoing of the magic that the zionist regime had shown and said: today, not the fake power of the american army can defend the zionist regime.
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and not that terrible and complex device that the zionists used to sleep peacefully at night, the al-aqsa storm showed that the geographical distance between the collapse of the regime and normal conditions is only 80 kilometers , and the time interval from the start of a major operation such as our jerusalem in the holy defense only 48 hours is. it is only 120 km from the north, 80 km from the south, and less than 60 km from the east , so that a major movement like another storm will break this regime and disintegrate it.
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sardar salami also said about the strength of the resistance fighters against the zionist army and that the occupying regime thought that it would break the resistance of both jihad and the palestinian people by stopping the movement of 160 tanks and continuous aerial bombardments, but it was caught in a fatal mistake and when the field entered the gaza committed suicide. the commander-in-chief of the islamic revolutionary guard corps also said that today the war has started in gaza zionists are afraid of their own shadow at night and this story continues and gaza is on the way to victory. today, he is in a political coma and in the intensive care unit. america is kept politically, they can no longer see peace, comfort, prosperity and security . anxiety is an integral part of zionist life from now on. the war of ghosts has started . zionists are
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afraid of their own shadow even at night, and this story continues in gaza. it is the path to victory. muslim revenge against oppressors has no expiration date. this is a long story. participants in the national community of child protection in a resolution, palestine considered gaza to be a testing ground for nations and governments and a test of the ineffectiveness of false western schools. the participants pointed to the inattention of the united states and the western allies to international conventions to prevent the killing of the people of gaza and the blind attacks against civilians, especially the attacks on hospitals, schools, camps, and aid centers, and the activation of international forums to force the united states and the zionist enemy to they demanded the acceptance of an immediate ceasefire
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. the zionists bombarded the north of gaza many times today . in the latest attacks, a house in the jabalia camp was targeted, killing 32 people. and were wounded. in addition to the residential areas, two schools , tele zaatar and fakhoura, were also targeted. according to the announcement of the gaza ministry of health , 20 people were martyred in the bombing of the fakhura school, which was the gathering place of palestinian refugees. i am exalted. hasbna allah and naim al-
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wakil. today, the zionist soldiers also forced the sick and injured to leave the healing hospital by setting a deadline. following this action and the establishment of zionists around this hospital and the destruction of buildings around hezar. the palestinians who were sheltering in the biggest hospital in this narrow area had to leave it on foot and take the road to the south, the minister of health of palestine announced that the cardionists turned the shefa hospital into a military barracks. referring to the complete siege of al-mu'amdani and indonesian hospitals, the palestinian health minister said: the activities of 26 hospitals in the gaza strip have been completely stopped. in addition to the north, the southern areas of the gaza strip have also been attacked. air and artillery were not spared. 64 people were martyred in the bombing of houses in the city of khanyounos since dawn today. hamas declares
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that the kurdionists do not make any difference between the residents of the north and the south and continue their killings . statistics of the cities of gaza genocide from 12 thousand people there are more than 5,000 children and more than 3,000 women and of course 51 martyred journalists in this city. skip the pictures, just listen to the sounds . it does not have ablution. oh god the image of the first moments after the explosion should be passed. among the dust
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is a muslim woman who was caught by american bombs in the four walls of her house. in order for someone to arrive and provide a hijab for him, we have to go through the pictures. haram , haram, haram, haram, ali, naht al-kabar. in the past forty days, the population of gaza is about 14 thousand they heard these voices again and again. from babies a few days old like this to children between the ages and the elderly
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, the zionists bombed about 14,000 times on this picture. the zionists will arrive with american bombs. rushdi siraj had prepared the breakfast table for his wife and they were just sitting around the table . he had prepared breakfast so that i could sleep more because in this sleep and rest amid the sound of intense explosions and continuous bombs, rushdi was almost unstoppable. siraj 31 salleh was a journalist, filmmaker and the founder of the ain media company with a special agenda. to show the world that the people of gaza love life , they have a dream. they became narrators of life, war and resistance in ghusl.
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it started when he was on a business trip, but he left it halfway and came back . rashti lost his wife and father and was martyred. they heard the voice of his injured 11-month-old daughter's wife who came from under the rubble seconds after the explosion. the next seconds. the explosion should listen to the sounds like here a man hears a sound from under the debris of american bombs. gaza. is still alive
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a member of the political bureau of the hamas movement said that azdin qassam battalions caused heavy casualties and damages to the soldiers and officers of the occupying army. osama hamdan also said that 43% of the martyrs are in the south of gaza, which the occupiers claim is a safe area. the qassam battalions of the military wing of hamas also targeted the military base of mars and the town of nirim near the gaza strip with two rockets. quds battalions
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branch. the military of the palestinian islamic jihad movement is also a target the placement of a tank of the zionist regime in the sheikh rizwan area of ​​gaza with a tandem rocket was announced. the palestinian islamic jihad movement has also announced that it has targeted the zionist settlements of bayiri and muftah and the tassillam military base with rocket attacks in response to the crimes of the occupation regime. a news has also been published, citing the media of the zionist regime, about the downing of a plane of the occupation army in the city of sdirovot, which attributed the downing to a technical defect. on another front, the islamic resistance of lebanon, hezbollah , has announced: today , it has carried out seven operations against the military bases of the zionist regime. a picture of the headquarters the propaganda of the lebanese islamic resistance war has been published about the attack on the zionist bases and towns.
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we hear the details of the developments in the field of the gaza war from my colleague, mr. yunus shadello, a reporter of the de pa ye radio news group. in the name of god . hello, just as you announced in the news. today's resistance to heavy attacks in the battle. in gaza city , he imposed strict measures against the zionists. well, the zionists in sohba are still trying to enter gaza city from the southern front. failure to succeed here has grounded their resistance. at on the side of bitanon front, as well as today, two of
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them are in this area. it was destroyed, the resistance attacked the zionist establishment with current missiles, which has a range of about 8 kilometers, and targeted the zionist gathering in this area , on the mountain side, as well as the resistance. destroy the tankionists in this area


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