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tv   [untitled]    November 18, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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in support of the children of gaza all over the country, the tehranis will also be in the revolution square for another hour. the martyrdom
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of dozens of sick and displaced palestinian doctors in the airstrike on wafa hospital in the center of gaza, the occupiers expelled the sick and wounded from the shefa hospital . the zionist regime is preparing to expand its attacks to the south of the case. the destruction of 62 military vehicles in the last four days and the death of the senior commander of the zionist regime in the pepadi attack. the resistance in the north of gaza , the lebanese hezbollah overthrew the zionist regime's unit in the north of the occupied palestine. the order of the head of the judiciary to check the level of people's satisfaction with tajmi branches of execution of sentences in judicial complexes. mr. aje iane, the acceleration of people's work in the complexes should be removed. and the development and production of dental equipment
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by iranian experts, laser cutting machine for tooth mold and a product for molding thought are among these equipments. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. may god bless you, muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten his resurrection. have a good day, dear and honorable compatriots , please accompany us and our other colleagues with detailed news from 14:00 until the end. in rahimai, he announced his support for the children of gaza the people of some other provinces will also march in support of the children of gaza until an hour later
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. we have come to support the students . god sent us. we came here to defend the oppressed people of gaza. gaza in america, gaza in israel, israel or america. witness this scene. we are with palestine and
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you will win. palestine, palestine, palestine is free. palestine is ready. with this killing of children, he can become the owner of palestine, but he must see this even in his nightmares, not in his dreams, israel. condemn him and he is a great crime. they should be proud of gaza , the winner of this israeli war . they should resist. the real victory of the palestinian people and my peers in gaza cannot be silenced by the killing of children.
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america, death to israel, death to america, all these armies have come for the love of the leader, i have come to support the people of farston, and i will defend them until the last drop of my blood. we are here , this house of israel will soon be destroyed . it is too slow to sacrifice our lives. we are israel today i came to support the children of israel, they should know that resistance to freedom always wins in israel , it was america, today the world sees that the issue of palestine is the issue of honor and humanity of israel, palestine
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, go to israel. we iranians are proudly behind the zealous palestinian nation, palestine, palestine, we support you, death in america. that palestine will win, america, israel, the cause of every crime, death in islam, death in america
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. today, the people of the villages and areas of esha'i have condemned the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza and the killing of children since the early hours of the morning. images from these gatherings to this the clock has reached us. briel's death
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your commands are for us, o house of iranians, i am a citizen , from the path of the mother of israel, death to israel and iran, my soul, the voice of palestine.
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there is no support for the palestinian people, no support for the people of gaza. death to america, death to israel, palestine, palestinian authority. death in america, death to america, a man in israel , allah, the most human of us, we have come here to tell israel and the criminal america, for what
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sin the children of gaza are being massacred, we have come to tell israel that we are behind the people of gaza, palestine, support you. the oppressed people of gaza are the victors of this field because oppression is not sustainable, the oppressed children of palestine who are under the rubble in the hospitals will be martyred, the gathering of the people of tehran in support of
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the children of gaza will start in an hour in the revolution square. islamic propaganda coordination council has invited people to participate in this gathering. the speaker of this meeting will be major general salami, commander in chief of the islamic revolutionary guard corps. the images received from gaza city of heavy bombardment in different areas of this city are telling that the zionist regime intensified their attacks an hour ago and targeted different areas of gaza. has taken over the details of the targeted areas and the number of martyrs and wounded in these
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bombings have not yet been published, but last night , 28 people were martyred in the israeli airstrike on a residential building in khanyounos in the center of gaza. this morning, the zionist regime also targeted areas in the vicinity of tele zaatar school in beitullahia in the north of the gaza strip in its artillery attacks. in the bombing of a house in the deir al-balah camp in the center of the gaza strip, 6 people were martyred and several others were injured. according to the latest statistics, more than 12 thousand people were martyred in gaza. zionist soldiers for the fourth consecutive day they targeted shifa hospital in gaza
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and issued an order to immediately evacuate the hospital . according to the united nations , there are currently 2,300 medical staff and debris patients in this hospital. however, the number of martyrs of the genocide in gaza has reached more than 12,000 people, including more than 5,000 children, more than 3,000 women, and of course 51 martyred journalists. skip the pictures, just
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listen to the sounds. the picture of the first moments after the explosion is not spectacular, there is a lot of dust, and there is no ablution. oh god the image of the first moments after the explosion should be passed. let's go through the dust he is a muslim who was caught by american bombs in the four walls of his house. up to those when they arrive and provide a hijab for her, they must pass the images. haram on them, haram on them, haram on them, haram on them, haram on them , haram on them. for a few days like this, children between years and old
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people, zionists bombed gaza about 14 thousand times . of course, this picture is exactly from 14 days ago. an hour before he had prepared the fighters for his wife, and they had just sat around the table, tal ha'ar had prepared breakfast so that i could sleep more. because during this time and sleep and rest in the middle of loud explosions and continuous bombs almost unstoppable , 31-year-old rushdi siraj was a journalist, filmmaker, founder of ainmia media company with a special agenda to show the world that the people of gaza love life
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and have dreams. they became narrators of the life of war and resistance. he started out on a business trip, but left it halfway and returned. please keep doing what you're doing right now, because a day ago , a wife and a father were missing from the family gathering around the breakfast table, rashti was martyred.
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they heard the voice of the wife of his 11 wounded daughter who came from under the rubble seconds after the explosion. after the explosion, you should listen to the sounds like here, a man heard a sound from under the debris of the american bombs , gaza is still alive. the news from gaza indicates that the zionist regime is preparing to intensify and expand the attacks in the south of this strip. by distributing leaflets, the zionists have asked the residents of some southern areas of gaza to leave their homes. before the occupiers asked the people of northern gaza to go to the south, but the occupying regime bombarded the south at the same time. therefore, more than two-thirds of the people of northern gaza remained in the northern regions, ignoring the threats of the zionist regime. the united states and the zionist regime even
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asked egypt to open the rafah crossing so that the people of gaza could migrate to the desert, but this forced migration plan faced international opposition and the people of the gaza strip themselves. although the occupiers had declared southern gaza a safe zone, 40% of the martyrs of the last 40 days belonged to the central and southern regions of gaza. is. well, according to the report of mr. ahmad sahmoud, a journalist of radio and television , we see that they are stationed in deir al-ballah in front of shahrai al-aqsa hospital. greetings to you and dear viewers, i must say that the situation is very catastrophic right now. zionists
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are evacuating al-shafa hospital in gaza. many injured. there are patients in hospitals and five patients are in very serious condition and some of them have died. now the hospital is in such a state that there is no electricity and water and the medical facilities in the hospital are completely finished and it is full of misery and disaster. shame on the community the international goes to you that the hospital targeted the areas and targeted a family who were martyred in connection with
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also in rafah, the attacks continued, most of the attacks today are concentrated in the south, which is really shameful. so far, it is said that shamada has reached 1,500 people in one of the northern regions, although this number is not accurate. this is according to the expert. all these attacks by a gentleman. there is no water, no fuel, no bread. no , the situation is very dire . not even a piece of bread can be found here for many
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. it is not a truly catastrophic crisis. it is serious, the people of gaza really want to send relief and humanitarian aid to gaza and want to take the injured out of gaza . in the northern regions, they are the targets of severe brutal attacks, and even now in many northern regions, in fact , not even a single bottle of water can be found , not even a liter of fuel can be found, and this weight has been going on for 43 days.
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the resistance fighters killed the commander of the rapid reaction brigade of the zionist regime in a precise drone attack they destroyed the general and a number of zionist soldiers had gathered in baitullah or in the north of the gaza strip when they were targeted by the qassam battalions' drone attack. in this attack, a number of other occupation soldiers were also killed or wounded. quds battalions, the military wing of islamic jihad, also reported and announced heavy clashes with the zionist occupiers in the north-eastern axis of gaza. destroy two israeli tanks and a bulldozer with bullets in beit hanoun and west of betlaya , and the national resistance battalions from the snipers of the kisuvim military base with blood-splitting bullets.
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they informed since this morning, the clashes have intensified in the south and west of gaza. the spokesman of the qassam battalions announced that in the last four days, more than 60 tanks and armored vehicles of the zionists were destroyed by the resistance fighters. 8 palestinians were martyred in the zionist attack on the west bank. the palestinian red crescent announced that five
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people were martyred in an airstrike on the balate camp and 3 people were martyred in jenin . zionist forces also raided areas in hebron and ramallah and arrested dozens of palestinians since the start of al-aqsa storm operation, 21 people have been martyred in the zionist regime's attacks on the west bank. the third drone of the zionist regime was shot down by hezbollah's air-launched missile on the northern front of the occupied territories. the media of the zionist regime call the border between lebanon and the occupied palestine an unforeseeable and out of control front. but with my colleague stationed at
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the border between lebanon and occupied palestine, we will be together. i greet you mr. azimzadeh. tell us and the viewers about the details of the shooting down of the third drone of the zionist regime by hezbollah and the latest developments in the south of lebanon and the north of the occupied territories. please ms. mirsane, dear viewers, hello, good evening. hizbollah lebanon has issued 6 statements up to this hour that i am talking to you. in the first statement, hizbollah lebanon announced that at 1:45 a.m. on saturday morning, the hormessus drone killed zionist soldiers in the north of the occupied territories. and in the border area of ​​lebanon with the occupied palestine, with a surface-to-air missile, the hormess 45 drone has been targeted, which has a flight duration of 17 to 20 hours, can
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carry 100 kilos of war ammunition, and the flight height of this drone is about 500 meters. this is the maximum height for it to fly what a great thing has been described by hezbollah by various media. also, hezbollah has issued five other statements and targeted two zionist military bases, hadbal bastan and rahab, this morning, as well as two zionist military gathering places, one in ashtalah and the other in khalat. wardeh was targeted by hezbollah and an important command center of the zionist military in wadi sa'sa was also targeted by hezbollah today with guided missiles and other heavy weapons . almamashab itasahab yarin
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yaron mise jabr houla, as well as majidieh and mahmoudieh, to bombard by military fighters, armed drones and also with their artillery , this place where i am a slave is at the zero point of the border. it was targeted. now you can see that the distance between us and the border wall is about 2 meters. this is exactly the zero point of the border, where hezbollah has repeatedly conducted operations. it is supposed to target the zionist soldiers that they could not intercept the forces of hezbollah, unfortunately, the residential houses of the lebanese were targeted. this house was targeted yesterday . i invite mr. yahya aboud to come here and explain what happened here yesterday .
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by the grace of god, no one was at home, he is targeting civilians and their homes, and as you can see , there is nothing in this house, this entire civilian area is civil, civilian, so see if there is anything really, really in the zionist areas. civilian areas are targeted like this
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it's not like this at all. the areas with military bases are in our own land. no matter how much they attack, we don't pay any attention to this. you can see this wall behind this wall, and we don't see any civilians behind this wall. we see the military and also targeting almost 10 houses today. if you stay with me , i will show you that yesterday the drones of the zionist regime targeted their armed drones here with 3 missiles . you can see the amount of destruction. this house is located exactly opposite the mutallah military base. you can still attack watch the zionist soldiers come to this house.
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this house is located exactly in front of the mutallah military base, and the distance between this view and the border wall is not more than two hundred meters. thank you very much, mr. hassan nazimzadeh , a radio reporter stationed on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. the head of the world health organization, tedros adhanom , criticized the severity of the attacks of the zionist regime on gaza. this un official demanded an end to the attacks.


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