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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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they change in tsarist russia, a movement begins. lenz, a jewish doctor, heads the movement . he claims that anti-semitism is incurable. and the reason for that is the unusual situation of the jews. jews must settle in one place and one land. the whispers of immigration are rising. zionist word they become popular. in 189 , the french army discovers a secret activity. a person nicknamed dee is spying. hand -to-hand matching of the remains of day with the handwriting of army officers gives a strange result. alfred dreyfus, a jew , is accused of espionage. theodore herrtel, journalist the jew, who rarely sets foot in the synagogue,
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blames the way the french people look at the jews. herdzel believed that the jews should emigrate in order to change the situation. it cannot be done without migration. he visits different people and always talks about financial issues. bring billions and take billions from ottoman debts, german interests and business plans. herzl is advised to write down his thoughts write a book like your uncle's cabin herzl begins to write i have a solution to the jewish problem the jewish state there the land of dreams the book of the state the jew is published in thousands of printed copies. from now on, herretzel is looked upon as a leader . because of the opposition of german jews to the concept of zionism. the first zionist congress
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is held in switzerland. herretzel participates in the congress with special formality. a great claim is made. the establishment of the zionist state, that too in palestine. various jewish organizations are formed to occupy palestine . it is approved, the flow of occupation will be done gradually, by the workers and the old city on the sea shore, this is the entry point for foreign travelers. jews enter palestine from this port become economic conditions are not suitable. administrative corruption is rampant. jaffa becomes a place of influence. few jewish immigrants hide their identity and in secret.
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they buy land through intermediaries. the required financial resources are provided from abroad. from lodges in new york, toronto , montreal, berlin and even cairo and finally in 1905, palestine is chosen as the final destination. after the suppression of the russian revolution, a number of disillusioned jews from different parts of europe enter palestine. they were satisfied poor workers and of course the issue. some of them they had a reputation. some time later, two of them attend the world zionist congress in the nest . the output of the congress is to strengthen the jewish colonies. a militia group is formed in the city of jaffa. they breathe violence. yehud fell from fire and blood and will ask for fire and blood. this
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violent group is later renamed hashomer and then hagana. in 1907, weizmann, chemist and zionist leader, entered palestine. he must set up a mechanism to seize the lands around jaffa. after 3 years, some hectares of land in the north of palestine will be taken over. local people they are forced to leave the area and the jewish immigration begins immediately. as the jewish population expands, the next plan is implemented. possession of vacant land. somewhere near jaffa and of course close to the sea. this area becomes known as tel aviv and its coast becomes the place of illegal entry of jewish immigrants to palestine. at the beginning of the 20th century, ottoman
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was called the sick man of europe. world war i begins. russia and ottomans are severely weakened , but england is satisfied with the events. in the middle of the war , england's main goal is declared to be palestine, and a definite plan is underway. the defeat of the arabs raises the flames of war take osmani is defeated. jerusalem will be occupied. british and french representatives secretly agree on the partition of the ottoman empire. in 1977, with balfour's letter to rochelle, the leader of the zionists
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in england, the creation of a jewish state in the palestinian territories becomes official. he writes newspapers. palestine came to the jews. the arabs find out about it too late. too late. according to balfarfur's statement, some arabs agree with the jews. palestinians realize a great betrayal. they are left alone. after the war, the league of nations is created . the situation of the arabs is not clear. in clause 22 of the covenant community of nations arabs are recognized as lacking the ability to manage their land. it is announced that the arabs need the rule of a european country until they become strong and stand on their own feet. but they
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have been standing on their feet for centuries. there in palestine. syria, jordan and palestine will be separated from the ottoman empire, the sovereignty of palestine will be transferred to england, and england will be the guardian. herbert sammon, his zionist deputies become rulers. waves of jews are coming. the efforts of mufti quds will not go anywhere. muslims are oppressed and jews are protected. placed. at in the year 199, everything is in favor of the jews. jewish factories flourished. jewish workers have grown exponentially and muslims have become unemployed.
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since 199 the jewish population. the wall belongs to us. they say about the wall of mourning. the shiny wall, the place of prophet's ascension. in jerusalem, jews draw a curtain in front of the wailing wall. and on the 15th of august they chant that the wall is our wall. we are aware of the danger. and in a revolutionary movement they go to the wall of nadba. british police prevent and oppress muslims . the conflict escalates and hundreds of people are killed become many people are also arrested. 3
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muslims are sentenced to death and the death sentence is executed immediately. on the other hand, among the jews, only one person becomes a judge. which is also released quickly. in this way, the baraq revolution is suppressed by the killing of muslims by the british . england publishes a white paper to reduce conflicts. a group of arabs are delighted. but this thinking is wrong. the white paper does not bring any special achievements. churchill is against the islamic government in palestine. in his opinion, the establishment of islamic government. implementation of the jewish program in palestine postpones england's aggressive behavior continues. england pays lip service to the arabs and in practice encourages the jews to commit violence. muslims protest, but
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every gathering is suppressed. the arabs are gradually realizing the plans. negotiations with england are fruitless. a revolutionary man, the religion of qassam rises up . england is the root of pain and the cause of misfortunes . england is the number one enemy of the arabs. he rises in 1935. after some time , he was martyred. following the martyrdom of azdin qassam, the first jihad movement was carried out. 6 months of general strike to give but this does not reduce tensions. england gets to work. on the one hand , he brings in military forces and on the other hand, he calls for negotiations. ordwin gate, the military that english work becomes zionist as soon as it enters palestine. he also teaches jews. executes the dangerous plan. formation of armed groups, brutal repression and collective punishment
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of palestinians. yehud takes an aggressive position. two years later, with a combination of british and jewish forces, the night squads are formed. scary and scary people. they torture muslims. they whip and pour dirt into the villager's mouth. violence against muslims becomes normal. at the same time, england also starts demolishing palestinian houses. their excuse is reconstruction. 6 thousand people will be displaced from 204 houses that will be destroyed in the city of jaffa. by 1939, 500 houses will be destroyed. any movement is suffocated in the bud . in the 1930s, when the united states faced an economic crisis , the zionists reached an important agreement with nazi germany. in this agreement, it is stipulated that the jews and their funds will leave germany
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, in return for the inclusion of a tax on the funds, the resources needed to buy german products and sell them. they are provided in the middle east and north africa and the parties to the transaction receive benefits. at the same time as world war ii, jewish immigration increased . in the meantime, the aliyabit organization with the capital of american jews intensifies the migration and thousands of people from different countries are transferred to palestine. on the eve of the 50th anniversary of herrzel's promises, it was necessary to make a move. previous attempts and even blowing up the patria ship with its jewish passengers
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did not have much effect. they have to do something big. a ship full of passengers is anchored near the shore. boats fall into the water, passengers fall into the water they hit and reach the coast of palestine through the calm waters with difficulty. it would be an interesting sight. a legendary migration, something similar to the migration of the israelites. a scrap ship is procured from america and after being registered in honduras, it goes to france . the ship is being repaired in france and is ready to sail. 450 jews arrive with fake passports. an american priest is also with them. he is a fan. zionism is supposed to play the role of witness. it was necessary for a non-
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jew to tell the whole story of the trip. the ship departs. the purpose of showing the human effort to overcome hitting the obstacles and reaching the beach is freedom. the first act of the show. near the coast the ship is stopped by england. the second curtain. a conflict occurs. a ship has been attacked on the palestinian coast in international waters. the story of the exodus becomes media. un observers are impressed by the story. england orders the transfer of passengers to france. passengers go to france, but they don't get off the roads. the show continues. passengers are on hunger strike. a jewish journalist enters the country.
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and conveys the news to america. passengers they are sent to germany. they are forced off the ships and taken to camps. to the camps of nazi germany. everything is repeating itself. the publication of this news is accompanied by anger . some go on strike. in palestine haifa police will explode. dozens of people are killed and injured. england announces: from now on, immigrants will not return to europe. after some time. all the passengers of akzod gradually and secretly return to palestine. under the pressure of public opinion, in 1947, the resolution of the partition of palestine was approved in the united nations. palestine it breaks in two. after that, yadud exodus monuments
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are installed in europe and america. book of exodus in 1958. it becomes the best selling work of the jewish author. it becomes the exit of the arabs from the palestinian lands .
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i swear to god, i swear to god. live or accept. allah is great allah is great, god is great, god is great. praise be to god.
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azrab azrab allah akbar al-hamr. allah is great , and praise be to allah, we have made a noise between their ideas and behind them a sound , so they understand that they do not see.
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o umm al-miyar hasbi allah, these are the goals of netanya the goals of al-netn and the al-majjun badal al-ahmar are also the goals of our brothers and sisters, this is the child. you were fired 10 minutes ago, and the martyrdom of the child is the martyrdom of god's rockets.
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the above is that the whole world oppresses us, i am proud of the country that commands against me.
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god is great, god is great, we have sent down upon the pious people, hasbana, god, god, god, on the day of 1948, we want 1948, we don't want two states , we don't want two states, he won 1948.
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oh god, accept the prayers and make good deeds of those who do not,
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tehran is not my city. it is my house. the biggest mansion irani will soon be opened in tehran. with incredible prices and long deals with unique discounts. all iran is my home. the great marco polo has returned to his city after many years, and he has brought us, marco, a wonderful product from iran called parjak. we should say hello to nature again. it seems you have never used it. this is my gift to you.
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don't buy shoes. let's buy shoes. let's buy them on friday . dad, let's not go anywhere. where will we go to a movie theater? now why not friday? since we are facing a crowd on fridays due to the lack of support from you, our suggestion for an easier shopping experience is to visit on saturdays to thursdays. sir, this cup smells very bad. sir, did you wash
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this cup while sitting down, but not with the door closed? madam, do you feel free to wash it with the door closed? the dishwashing liquid in it is baking soda, it removes the bad smell of the dishes and bacteria. do we have it without a check? yes, that is. we have non-chequel prices as well.
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hello, welcome to the news. shooting zionist drones and snipers. two other children died in shafa hospital in northern gaza due to a power cut in this hospital. killing and wounding 10 zionists in an explosion at the entrance of a tunnel in beit hanoun, the palestinian fighters surprised the zionist soldiers in an ambush and imposed many demands on them.


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