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tv   [untitled]    November 10, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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[000:00:24;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the family of muhammad, and their haste, have a good day. martyred and wounded, the manager of this hospital, mohammad abu salmiya , said that medical forces and rescuers were also martyred in these bombings.
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in 34 days, the zionist invaders bombed several hospitals, including al-quds and indonesian hospitals, and several medical centers, and even targeted the ambulance carrying the wounded in gaza with rockets. put. in the attack of the zionist warplanes on the northern gaza strip , palestinian civilians were martyred and a number of others were injured. the ministry of health in gaza announced the death toll in gaza at 1,081 people, including 4,412 children and 29 women, and the number of injured was about 27,000. another news is that the occupying forces
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destroyed the houses of two palestinian prisoners by raiding the city of hebron. with the continued attacks of the zionist regime, the human and economic disaster in gaza is spreading. in a report, viveon india has investigated the killing of children in the attacks of the zionist regime. according to the world health organization. palestinian children who in a recent month by the regime the occupiers were martyred in the gaza strip, twice as many children have died in the west bank and gaza since 1967. following the continuous airstrikes of the zionist regime in the gaza strip , un secretary general antonio guterres described gaza as a children's cemetery. gaza has
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a fever children's cemetery. according to reports, hundreds of girls and boys are killed or wounded every day. it is said that the number of reporters who have been killed in the last four weeks is more than the total number of reporters who have been killed in the past conflict, at least 30. the number of casualties among un aid workers is higher than in any period it has been similar throughout the history of this organization's activities. the spokesperson of the world health organization said: every day, on average, 160 innocent children are martyred in the gaza strip. the amount of death, pain and suffering in the gaza strip is hard to fathom. according to reports, 1,400 people were killed in israel, and now reports indicate that more than 11,000 people have been killed in gaza. this figure is half of the population of gaza. on average, about 160
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children are killed in gaza every day. most of them have lost their lives. indeed , as the un secretary general said, gaza is turning into a children's cemetery. every 10 minutes a palestinian child is killed. the number of children killed is shocking. according to the save the children group , this is your most in any conflict since 2019. according to the latest statistics of the health authorities of gaza , more than four thousand children have been martyred since the bombardment of the zionist regime on october 7. the world food program warned of a humanitarian disaster in gaza. the world food program announced that all 2 million and
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300 thousand inhabitants due to the devastating siege of this area, gaza lacks enough food and is facing a nutritional crisis. it is stated in the report of this international institution the lack of food, which was 33% before the attacks of the zionist regime, has now been extended to 100 people in gaza . behmalmal nejat committee also warned that gaza is facing the risk of spread of infectious diseases. zionist soldiers killed 18 palestinians in the west bank. the zionist regime forces killed 14 palestinians, including a 15-year-old teenager, by raiding the city of jenin and the refugee camp. zionist soldiers are also shooting
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to civilians, since the beginning of the gaza war , 178 palestinians have been martyred in the west bank in military attacks. pam mr. raisi in the president of iraq. in this meeting , he emphasized the firm position of this country in supporting palestine and the need to end the aggressions of the zionist regime. referring to the upcoming meeting of islamic countries in riyadh, alal sadiq, the ambassador of our country in baghdad, expressed the hope that the international council and especially the islamic countries would take practical and effective decisions to support the oppressed people of gaza. due to the expansion of the intensity of the war against civilians in gaza, the expansion of the scope of the war is inevitable done this is the warning that the foreign minister gave to the supporters of the occupation regime on the phone with his qatari counterpart. in this
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conversation, the foreign ministers of the two countries exchanged views on some initiatives regarding a possible ceasefire in gaza. the two sides also strongly condemned the zionist regime's attacks against civilians. the political parties discussed ending the brutal attacks of this regime and sending continuous humanitarian aid to the besieged and war-torn people of gaza. the first meeting of the memorizers of the holy qur'an in tehran province will be held today at imam khomeini's mosque at 14:30. this community in a protest against the crimes of the zionist regime is held in gaza. our loved ones in the islamic propaganda organization provide this field. quran memorizers of kalan province gather in the mosque of imam. well, these days, many mosques in palestine
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have been desecrated. the great and holy quran has been desecrated , and quranic memorizers and activists are in this gathering. qurani also condemns the crimes of qasab's regime and will emphasize the victory of the palestinian nation based on that quranic promise. china has demanded the holding of an emergency meeting of the united nations security council with the aim of investigating the attacks of the zionist regime on gaza hospitals became. the spokesman of the chinese foreign ministry warned about the humanitarian disaster in gaza and asked the security council to take responsible measures as soon as possible to protect it. protect civilians and improve the humanitarian situation in gaza . in response to the zionists' crimes against the oppressed people of gaza, yemen's ansarullah targeted areas in the occupied palestinian territories with missiles
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. yahya saree, the military spokesman of the national salvation government in sana'a, said: "our armed forces, with god's help , have launched a series of ballistic missiles at various and sensitive targets in the south, including military targets in eilat." ansarullah of yemen emphasized in supporting the oppressed of palestine will continue its military operations in the occupied territories until the zionist regime's crimes stop. anti-government demonstrations in the united states the opposition demanded an end to the war against gaza by holding demonstrations in several american cities. pretend to be in new york with handwritten notes calling the occupying regime a racist military and demanding the trial of this regime. the participants in the demonstration asked the us government
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to stop helping the apartheid regime of israel. opponents of the war also held demonstrations in front of the us state department headquarters in washington they called for the end of the war against the palestinians in the gaza strip. previously, the american citizens, a supporter of the rights of the palestinians in the gaza war , protested the american aid to israel in the port of tacoma , located in the state of washington, and in the port of oakland . according to the announcement of the government information office in gaza , 40,000 residential units in gaza have been completely destroyed as a result of the bombings of the zionist regime. also, more than 50% of residential units in gaza are bombarded. the government information office in
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gaza announced that so far about 2 billion dollars of damage has been caused to residential buildings and towers in gaza it has been reported that the occupying regime has used about 32,000 tons of explosives and more than 13,000 bombs against gaza . members of the american media gathered inside the new york times building to protest the media's bias towards the zionist regime in covering the news of the gaza war. these journalists and reporters demanded an end to the crimes of the zionist occupation regime in palestine. protesters also repeated the names of gaza cities and chanted: palestine must be freed. also in several cities
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america, the citizens of the united states called for an end to the attacks of the zionist regime on gaza by organizing demonstrations. in new york, demonstrators holding handwritten notes called the occupation regime racist and demanded the trial of this regime. the protesters asked the us government to stop helping israel's racist regime. in washington, the opponents of the war called for an end to the war against the palestinians in the gaza strip by holding a demonstration in front of the us state department. previously, american citizens protested against the us military aid to the zionist regime in the port of tacoma and auckland they did the us president rejected a ceasefire in gaza. despite the countless crimes committed by the zionist regime and the martyrdom and wounding of thousands of palestinian women and children, joe biden said: "currently
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, there is no possibility for a ceasefire in gaza, and only interruptions in the attacks are possible." the united states has so far vetoed several proposed resolutions for a ceasefire in gaza in the un security council. the gaza meeting was held in paris. france has invited representatives of 80 countries and organizations to this meeting and declared its goal to help civilians in france. france is one of the vetoers of the security council resolution it is about the ceasefire in gaza. this is the first meeting of the united nations security council to review the resolution requiring the cessation of attacks on the gaza strip. like england and america, france rejected the resolution proposed by russia. after that, macron traveled to the occupied territories and expressed his sympathy with the zionists. on behalf of the people of france , i express solidarity with you. he also
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spoke of a humanitarian ceasefire, that is, the same thing that was prevented from being realized by the veto in the security council. the only solution is a truce between humanity. i came here to declare france's full solidarity with israel. but the reaction of the french people and their officials was different. demonstrations in france in support of the palestinian people were repeatedly banned and the participants were violently arrested. i want france to be fair and not to have one roof and two airs. politicians, celebrities and pro-palestinian personalities were repeatedly threatened. anyone who sympathizes with hamas or palestinian islamic jihad will be imprisoned for 5 years. will be condemned. now, more
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than a month has passed since the beginning of the attacks against gaza, which has left the hands of the zionist regime free to kill thousands of people, including women and children, paris is demanding there was a ceasefire. an immediate stop to the conflicts is necessary , a stop that should lead to a ceasefire. but why the french authorities at the paris meeting, apparently , again, the ceasefire and civilian support. one of the dimensions of the devastating attacks of the zionist regime army on the gaza strip and the support of palestinian women and children is the widespread international reactions to this crime
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. syria has been attacked. the deputy spokesperson of the us ministry of defense announced that 56 people were injured in these attacks and said: these people suffered concussions. at the latest attacks of the iraqi resistance targeted the harir american base in erbil with two drones. this attack led to a widespread fire in this base. ain al-aswad base in western iraq was attacked 3 times. the ceremony of yadovid mohammad khanani, the martyr defender of the shrine , was held today evening in behesht zahra, tehran. he was martyred in the muharram operation and in defense of the ahl al-bayt's sanctity and purity, peace be upon him, in syria. it's beautiful if you see amir hussain hugging and kissing the five-month-old like this
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, because he hasn't seen him in a long time, he was on a mission. in the midst of these father-son games, the news of isis came in a corner of the world, they are putting distance between fathers and sons, making them orphans, so he went to syria in war clothes, aleppo had become a city, the battlefield of the 8th muharram al-haram 1437, mr. mohammad hossein mohammad khani became known as ammar of the fronts, he was given responsibility there and was the commander. the seyedshah brigade, which later when the martyred commander haj qasim came to us, said that wherever we got stuck , we would reach out to ammar and his forces. now i say that when i talk
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in aleppo, i mean it was really the milk of aleppo after a few months of fighting , you used to return home to see amir hossein , but from july of that year, 2016, the nature of his return was different. putting it on his chest and telling haj agha that haj agha is offering his condolences, even after a few years, when he looks back on that moment , he still has a grudge in his throat. i'm having a hard time, then he said, "mama , i'm asking god to prepare you first and then." i am the martyr of beshamkash from my godmother
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, it has been seven years since that november when my father came in a different way. come on, that five-month-old baby is now seven years old and wants to follow in his father's footsteps. you left. my heart was turned upside down, the eyes of harami faced the sanctuary. the products of agricultural science are specified, and the results of agricultural science receive codification. the head of the chamber of agricultural guilds of iran, the purpose of this plan is to create the ability to identify the principles of production enclosures, to optimize the consumption of institutions and. regulating the market of agricultural products . international hammam festival, specially for talented artists, honoring the winners in three handicrafts, visual and traditional arts, and music are finished. in addition to artists from 27 provinces
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, artists from 11 countries also sent their artworks to compete in the third edition of this festival . the secretary of this festival said: in this period, the works of 170 artists were sent to the judging section, and among them, 75 works were nominated as selected works. from becoming the managing director to the interview that took less than 9 months, and from international and iranian artists who continue to produce works of art for the people of gaza , in reviewing the text and margins of art and cinema in the past week. mrs. marzieh broumand from the manager aamili khaneh cinema, one of the most notable and perhaps borderline broumand
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, was elected as the general manager of khaneh cinema last year. i have no interest in this cinema, and at the very beginning, he tried to criticize the cinema organization, i don't see the cinema organization to hit the cinema industry, why can't a simple family film be made, a film can't be told a story, why everything is so bitter. i don't like the words , why , why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why it should be seasonal for us, and he tried to follow the content concerns of this field by attending art events . we must try to preserve our national wealth. in this text
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, despite criticizing the ministry of culture and islamic guidance and the cinema organization, barroumand also criticized the ruling trend of iranian cinema and pointed to issues such as internal disagreements, the suspension of the implementation of some large-scale programs, and internal complications and contradictions. the general manager who came in less than 9 days his words in this press conference went on, i will stop talking. the situation that has been corrected shows that anyone who wants to adopt a healthy management method in normal conditions, away from the excitement and politics of the games, will not be able to do so. the reporter asked a funny question and i smiled too. this is the explanation that behrouz afkhami gave us about the details of his interview next to the late dariush mehrjoy's house.
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i liken it to the open laughter i did, it was to make fun of someone who was, for example, trying to confiscate me for his own benefit, to create an impression that mehravi's murder was one of the serial murders. it was ridiculous and i thought it was funny. from all corners of the world like this art show in norway. following the takbirat al-ahram sepidar, to bow tall, iranian artists are producing and publishing works in memory of the palestinians. this short animation called "silence" is a work for children from sura animation center. trying to ensure that the war crime in
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al-mommamdani hospital is not forgotten. thank you for your attention. in the name of god, i say hello to you , dear viewers, have a good day. in the last 24 hours, the hottest
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place in our country has been abpakhsh in bushehr province. the maximum temperature is 36 degrees, and the lale dhar point in kerman province has a minimum temperature of 5 degrees below zero . between the centers of the provinces, the warmest center is bandas, with a maximum temperature of 35 degrees, and the coldest is kurdistan with a minimum temperature of 3 degrees below zero. currently, rain has been reported from the shores of the caspian river in gilan province. we expect to see rain today in gilan provinces, mazandaran, golestan, ardabil, and the northern parts of west azarbaijan and east azarbaijan provinces. this situation will be the least severe for tomorrow in the eastern parts of the province we will also have ardabil and gilanan and mazandaran provinces. the highest intensity of rain that will happen today will be in gilan province and the western parts of mazandaran province. a meteorological yellow warning has also been issued. the possibility of flooding of public roads,
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flooding of canals and flooding of seasonal rivers. it is not far from expected. meanwhile, in other regions of our country , we have a calm and stable atmosphere until tuesday. the stability of the atmosphere makes it possible to increase the concentration of atmospheric pollutants in the industrial and big cities of our country. we expect that the air quality index in cities like tehran, karaj, arak and isfahan are in unhealthy conditions for sensitive groups. therefore, we recommend it to children, elderly and heart patients. and respiratory to avoid unnecessary traffic in the open space during this isolated period. regarding the current situation , let me tell you that for today and tomorrow we will have a special decrease in temperature on the shores of the caspian sea and istanbul. for tomorrow, this decrease in temperature will also happen in the northeastern parts of the country. during the next two days
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, we will have an increase in wind speed in parts of the northeast and east of the country, and strong winds can lead to dust storms and reduce air quality. and reduce the horizontal visibility, also because of the strong wind, we predict that the caspian sea will be rough in the next 24 hours, and in the end , we expect a calm and stable atmosphere for tehran in the next two days, the sky will be clear to a little bit. we expect local fog and the temperature will reach a maximum of 22 degrees in the hottest hour and a minimum of 12 degrees in the coolest hour.
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thank you for your companion, god. after two years, statistics indicate a significant jump in iran's foreign trade with neighboring countries . we signed the notes during this trip . my servant and mr. president as cooperation we signed strategic agreements. you are the executor of these documents. iranian entrepreneurs and producers were the guests of an exhibition in china these days. the sixth show. goods for export to china hosted by the prime minister of this country , today
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we had a memorandum of understanding on the design and construction of the largest and most unique sports and cultural complex. in the name of the merciful and merciful god, ladies and gentlemen, dear viewers. hello, how are you? i hope you are doing well . welcome to the eighth episode of the new season of the positive people program. at the very beginning of the program i want to read you a very beautiful poem and i want to ask you to guess who is the poet of this work? this green seal, o city of the pulse of poetry, o close to the soul, o light of the heart and sight. in each sheet. from every part of your soil, a genius has grown , my dear iran, my dear soul, your law composed the law of happiness. jamshid you saw fart palace. yes, we must have guessed that the poet of this work is one
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of the most beautiful iranian poets, but i must say that the poet of this work is mrs. golrokhsar yava, a tajik persian-language poet who is known as the mother of the tajik people, these people have a beautiful tajik accent, the lovers of divan shu are crazy.

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