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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2023 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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the president's proposal for a more effective role of eco, the further liberalization of intra-regional trade , the establishment of a new financial system for economic exchanges and the completion of regional transportation networks . 26 people were martyred in the attacks of the zionist regime on a house in rafah and martyred and dozens more were injured in the bunkers of residential houses and a children's hospital in
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the gaza strip. they did god is great, step by step targeting 22 tanks and the armored vehicle of the occupation in the gaza strip was targeted by hezbollah resistance fighters with a missile at two tanks and the positions of the zionist soldiers. eilat on the coast of the red sea was also targeted by drones. korean protest to the us secretary of state with bloody hands, worldwide support for the palestinian people from the streets of america and lebanon to nigeria , exploitation of the first
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high power electron accelerator system. in ghazvin province, multiple applications in irradiating materials and polymer enclosures for separating microbes from single-use medical enclosures and eliminating pests from stored food and determining the results of the project the national evaluation of the quality of 56 widely used products by the national standard organization announced that based on indicators such as their price, cigarettes have the lowest and detergents and food items have the highest customer satisfaction. we check in the news chat. what are the differences between product quality and product standards, and which devices guarantee product quality? how can parliament
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play a role in improving the quality of goods and services by enacting laws. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate . welcome to the news section at 21:00. the president of ekura organization is the most frequent and the loudest the mechanism of economic cooperation in danz region. mr. raisi said at the 16th ecco economic cooperation organization summit in uzbekistan: supporting palestine and the oppressed people of gaza is a measure of honor. during the meeting with the president of turkey, mr. raisi emphasized on cutting off any relationship between islamic countries and the zionist regime. in the following, the leaders participating in this meeting announced iran as the main axis of the development of the trans-transit corridor from east to west, and the chairmanship of this meeting next year was entrusted to our country. commemorative photo of the heads of the member countries of the
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cooperation organization. the capital of uzbekistan at the time of gathering it has been more than a month that the palestinian people in the gaza strip have been subjected to the most severe bombings by the tyrannical and illegitimate israeli regime. mr. raisi started his speech at the eco summit with the topic of gaza, as expected. the existing international system, including the un security council , is unable and failed to face this amount of barbaric crimes committed by the zionist regime. mr. raisi also strongly criticized the common countries of the zionist regime: the islamic republic of iran
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considers the all-round support of the west and the us government to the zionist invasion of gaza as the reason for the continuation of this crime. today, supporting palestine and the oppressed people of gaza is the standard of honor for the countries and the governments that support the israeli regime, so the president quickly stopped the operations and the killing of civilians, facilitated the sending of international aid to gaza and lifted the siege of this area, 3 urgent measures to help the people of gaza enumerated i will not speak for a minute out of respect for the palestinian cities and the palestinian children and women , and i ask everyone to recite fatiha out of respect for the palestinian cities. and i pray that mr. raisi, in the continuation of the ecco economic cooperation organization , considered one of the factors of the new world order and the readiness of our country to help realize the ideal.
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transitional countries said: the islamic republic of iran is trying to play the most effective role in establishing security and creating common group interests by adopting the policy of neighborhood and convergence and active presence in regional and transregional mechanisms. the president had several suggestions to improve the level of cooperation in eco and to play the role of the largest organization in international relations. necessities such as greater liberalization of intra-regional trade, strengthening and completing regional transportation networks, developing cooperation in the field of transit and energy trade. taking advantage of the benefits and privileges of the digital economy and scientists, as well pirizi has created a new financial system for economic exchanges in the region. on this basis, the islamic republic of iran, which
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will hold the rotating presidency of eco in 2024 , has chosen its slogan as the eco region, which can be developed through the expansion of intra-regional trade. mr. raisi also mentioned the issue of afghanistan and asked for help for this country's reconstruction and economic development. the use of iran's capacities as a communication highway of awadeh eco countries was the main focus of the speeches of other heads of member states of this organization. in this meeting, the speaker called for the development of the transit route and east-west communication through iran became on the sidelines of this meeting, the president met and talked with the presidents of uzbekistan, azerbaijan and turkey. in the meeting with his uzbek counterpart, the president
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discussed increasing the volume of trade exchanges, banking affairs, science and technology, transit of goods, and the issue of energy . also, with the agreement of the presidents of the two countries , it was decided that iran will build a power plant in uzbekistan. resolving regional problems and iran's support for the transverse integrity of the republic of azerbaijan and completing the communication path of this country as quickly as possible was the main focus of the talks between the presidents of iran and azerbaijan. in this meeting, mr. raisi and elham aliyu from they expressed their will to strengthen the relations between the two countries and considered the intervention of some foreign countries to disrupt the relations between iran and azerbaijan as a failure. the topic of gaza and palestine was the focus of mr. raisi's talks with rajab teh. erdogan was the president of turkey. in this meeting, the two sides wanted to join the common position of the islamic world to stop the banbarans and lift the blockade of gaza. at the end of this meeting , the rotating chairmanship of ecob economic cooperation organization
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was handed over to iran, and the next meeting of the heads of member states of this organization will be held in iran and hosted by tehran. amir shovianmehr, correspondent radio news. on the third day of the stand-off and the battle of the gaza strip against the palestinian occupation, the number of martyrs exceeded 10,800. children and women are more than 7,300 of the martyrs , and the number of wounded is close to 27,000, and the wounded are for al-aqsa mosque.
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in the new round of attacks by the zionist regime on the gaza strip , a house in rafah was targeted, as a result of which 26 people were martyred. a number of people were martyred and wounded in the artillery attacks on shafa street in gaza city. previously, the zionists targeted the vicinity of schools in palestine where they had taken refuge, as well as al-nasr children's hospital. at after this attack, the manager of this hospital stopped the talks of the hospital and... a child lost his life. the war planes of the zionist regime also heavily bombarded the area around the indonesian hospital. the number of zionist attacks on gaza reached 10,812 people, including 4,412 children. 2,695 people were injured in these attacks. according to the latest published statistics, 100 people have been martyred in the gaza strip since this morning. at the same time as it continues
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to attack residential areas, shahab news site published pictures of the bombardment of the beach camp in northern gaza with banned white phosphorous bombs. spokesman of the palestinian ministry of health about the closure eye hospitals, mental health and all doctor services. for children and announced the countdown to stop the operation of the indonesian hospital and other hospitals. the director of al-aqsa city hospital in the center of gaza also said: this hospital is in a real crisis and due to the severe lack of medical supplies, it is forced to choose between patients . the latest news of the developments in gaza according to the report
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of the reporter of sed and cima in gaza, ahmad sahmoud. zionist attacks since 34 days ago. continues the fighters of the zionist regime target civilians, children and women. hospital the medical forces and rescuers are not there, and they have opposed the arrival of aid to the north of the gaza strip. the north of the gaza strip is under severe pressure. just a few minutes ago we had 15 bombers around the indonesian hospital. the wounded are present in this hospital. 10 thousand
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displaced persons are also present in this hospital, but the zionist regime continues to target the surrounding area of ​​this hospital regardless of humanitarian and international issues . the zionist regime even targeted the anesthesia children's hospital. some of these hospitals are very necessary for the palestinians. no more diet the zionist regime has not been able to make any achievements on the battlefield and prevent the rockets from being fired by the resistance , and the clashes are still going on fiercely and the rockets are still being fired. the zionist regime has not actually achieved any achievements in the field , so it wants to avenge its failures from
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take the women, children and civilians, the zionist regime, together with america and with the green light of america , can commit any crime it wants in the gaza strip. we have more than 10,800 martyrs . in addition, we have 30,000 wounded, and a group of these wounded are in a very bad condition. they are serious, but the diet the zionist regime does not allow them to leave the gaza strip because of the deterioration of their condition, the zionist regime uses phosphorous bombs and american bombs, which cause very deep wounds that even the wounded will remain alive for the rest of their lives. they will wear the wounds, but the palestinian resistance continues to resist and
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has destroyed 15 tanks in the gaza strip, and abu hamzah , the spokesperson of the battalion, announced that the gaza strip has become a graveyard for tanks and tanks have become coffins. the soldiers of the zionist regime have become people the gaza strip and our resistance fighters are actually still resisting and sustaining. ahmed sahmoud, a reporter for the radio station in gaza. however , the military spokesman of the quds battalions, the military wing of the palestinian islamic jihad movement, hamas, said: our fighters are standing against the column of enemy tanks on all axes. abu hamzeh emphasized in a video message: "the resistance is in perfect health, the enemy's trusts have turned into the coffins of the zionist soldiers." abu hamza
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pointed out that the enemy is targeting everything, including asra, and added that we have no responsibility for asra in the air attacks of the enemy. at the same time he said: two prisoners are released within the framework of humanitarian goals. 50 prisoners of the zionist regime were killed in the bunkers of this regime in gaza. in 1986, the israeli army issued an operational order that emphasizes that the captivity of its forces must be stopped in any way. in october 2000 , lebanon's hezbollah captured three israeli soldiers with a rocket attack on a border patrol of the zionist regime. the zionists found out. their helicopters
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took off. and shot at the moving car carrying astra. in this operation, all the prisoners are killed . 3 years later, newspapers are talking about this the attack wrote: the evidence shows that haani's procedure when three soldiers, bani abraham, omar saad and aditan, were captured in the hard sector. it was put into full force on october 7, 2000. in 1986, the forces of the occupying regime ordered mossum to idi to prevent the capture of the soldiers of this regime. they enacted hannibal's action. part of this recipe states that the start must be stopped by any means, even at the cost of hitting and damaging the internal forces. in 2014 , hamas forces captured a soldier of the zionist regime
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, and the zionist regime started working to stop the captivity. will be the new yorker wrote about this: what is clear is that after goldin's disappearance was reported , the israeli army adopted a very controversial action called the hannibal order, and went to the area where goldin was last seen in order to free him from captivity by prevent hamas after the storm operation in al-aqsa, the zionist authorities have announced that 22 of their forces are captured in gaza. al-qassam brigades also reported: as a result of the continued bombing by the zionist regime in the besieged narrow strip of gaza, 50 prisoners of the zionist regime were killed by their own bombers. this the zionist regime may
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hit two targets with its bombs. palestinian people and its captured forces. ali kazemi, radio journalist. but last. do you know the tank battle in the gaza strip from my colleague yunus shadlou, journalist of the defense group of the israeli broadcasting corporation, mr. shishdebey, hello to you , what happened in the gaza strip today? in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, mr. tehrani. have a good night. well, about four hours ago, the yemeni resistance carried out another drone attack against the port of eilat, the most important support port for the zionist regime in the sea to deliver supplies and ammunition. there are videos published on the internet from the zionist side that show the sound of a drone hitting and a heavy explosion. the distance that the yemenis travel to reach various targets in the occupied territories is about a kilometer. the yemenis continue to announce
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their own attacks against different areas of the occupied territories will continue, but in the gaza strip , the zionist regime continues to bomb various areas of this strip from the north in gaza city to the south in the khanines area . the right-wingers turned towards al-rashid road let them settle on the coast and pictures were also published of their establishment here, but there are still heavy clashes between the resistance and the zionists , about 6 of which were destroyed an hour ago by the merkava type with a yasin 15 rocket on the side of jebba beitanun , still witnessing freezing and the so-called stoppage of the fronts, they could not do any activity, the resistance was able to have a good fight with them here and pin them on the ground here , on the side of the beitlehia front
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, the zionists tried today to reach different areas near the asherati camp on the side of al-rashid road. yesterday too they reached here, their resistance is going back with the anti-armor forces and retreating, now they are near the asharati camp on the south front , they have reached the coast and on the side of the beit hanunon front, in the outskirts of gaza, they are close to 22 zionist merkava tanks and equipment. their armor was destroyed by the 15 yassin rockets of the resistance battalions. this is the most important development for the time being. in the past few days, the zionists have lost about 15 of their most advanced tanks in the past few days. thank you very much. you and your colleagues in the sada news defense group but the zionist invaders
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killed 11 palestinians and wounded more than 20,000 people with an air and ground attack on the jenin camp in the west bank . were placed four other palestinians were martyred in other areas of the west bank. the zionists destroyed many streets and houses in the jenin camp. the military blocked the road to the government hospital in jenin and prevented the injured from being taken to the hospital. the palestinian red crescent announced that an ambulance belonging to this organization was targeted in jenin, and a rescuer was also wounded in the back by a bullet. resistance fighters
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are confronting them by exploding bulldozers and armored vehicles of the invaders, as well as exchanging fire. some palestinian sources in the west bank reported about the flow of resistance battalions from other west bank cities towards jenin to break the occupation siege. the hamas movement also issued a statement asking all palestinian fighters to take up arms and help their brothers in jenin . hamas announced. kurdish invaders will be defeated by resistance fighters in jenin. hezbollah this evening, lebanon announced the targeting of two military bases on the border between lebanon and occupied palestine . i will accompany my colleague based in southern lebanon, mr. azimzadeh. hello, please tell us the details of the latest developments in southern lebanon and the occupied territories in the north.
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mr. tehrani, dear viewers, hello, have a good time, hezbollah of lebanon issued a statement today. in the first statement, it announced that at 15:15 local time , the zionist military base in the north of the occupied territories was targeted by guided missiles from several directions. he gave a supplementary statement about half an hour after this issued a statement and announced that , in addition to targeting military and spying equipment, the zionist military has targeted two merkava tanks of the zionist military inside this military base. inside this base, the hezbollah of lebanon has targeted a mechanized group near tarbikha in
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the southeast of lebanon in wadi shammira by reaching them . hizbullah's statement is simple. and announcing at 15:45 local time of this group mechanized with guided missiles and other heavy weapons. after that, the zionist soldiers spread the southern areas of lebanon, including the area around ras naghora al-mashaab, itashaab, houla hunin, and also this area where we are present, namely marjayoun area, khayyam, udisa and kafarkala with prohibited bombs. phosphori artillery targeted them. about 25 to 30 artillery shells hit this area of ​​the south-eastern border of lebanon with occupied palestine, binse kafarkla, khian marjayoun . these phosphorous bombs caused a fire in
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zaytoun mausoleum and also damaged several houses. i am very grateful to my colleague azim zadeh, who is stationed on the border of lebanon with occupied palestine, but the head of the national media, upon his arrival in beirut, said that the mass media have a historic opportunity to defend the resistance. mr. jabali saw this trip as an opportunity for greater cooperation and coordination with the resistance media and mass communication media in lebanon. in order to reflect the victories of the resistance and to reflect the oppression of the zealous and resistant people of gaza and palestine, it is necessary to strengthen and increase the cooperation between the media of the resistance front. and it is to strengthen the cooperation between the resistance media. we in the islamic republic of iran radio and television are in very close contact with all the media of the resistance front, and our capabilities and capabilities are
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synergistically used to reflect the victories of the resistance front. and we will reflect the oppression of the oppressed people of palestine and gaza, god willing. the head of the judiciary regretted the continuation of zionist crimes against the oppressed people of gaza. read and criticized the silence of international assemblies. unfortunately , no effective action has been taken by these pretentious international organizations, but sometimes they confirm these atrocities with their silence. america the criminal is helping israel with all his might
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. we are muslims. as much as we can, we should try to help, pray, not forget and see what conditions those people are in now. in an extraordinary virtual meeting with the 22 member countries of the eastern mediterranean region of the world health organization, the minister of health of our country called for the formation of the doctors without borders organization of islamic countries to provide aid to the wounded in gaza. dr. allah said that we ask the member countries of the eastern mediterranean region office to speed up the sending of aid to gaza and to open a permanent and safe route for the dispatch of rescuers and aid with seriousness. to follow while warning about the lack of access to food and drinking water for patients and pregnant mothers in gaza, minister behdash said: iran
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is ready to immediately send health and medical forces to deal with the health and medical situation in gaza. the people of south korea protested against the visit of the us secretary of state to their country and also protested against the zionist attacks on gaza. demonstrators in this gathering demanded the freedom of palestine and the establishment of a ceasefire . in lebanon , students protested the crimes of the zionist regime against the children of gaza and lebanon by holding a rally in the center of beirut. the palestinian flag demonstrated in support of the people of gaza


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