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tv   [untitled]  IRINN  April 4, 2023 12:00pm-12:46pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] the last number is silent. kitchen appliances cartoon in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you, dear countrymen. i am at your service with the news section at 12 o'clock. inside, some imported parts were localized in the thermal power plant . the main steam inlet nozzles are bearings made by the company.
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knowledge-based products built by isfahan thermal power plant by designing and manufacturing functional parts, relying on the knowledge of domestic experts in isfahan with the help of domestic companies and knowledge-based in the field of internal construction , have achieved good success and have now been able to supply 682 parts that they need built inside the car it is made to be competitive with similar foreign samples, we obtained the manufacturing technologies , we analyzed the parts, and the turbines that steam the main inlet have very high technology. fixed type lp turbine, weak pressure, one of the 120 mb units, all these parts inside, but the participation of the power plant staff isfahan in the manufacture of electronic components and within two years, we produced gold measuring parts, pressure filters entering the gas chamber, preventing the currency from going out, relying on internal power
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in electricity production with the participation of power plant experts and several companies. the knowledge base made by a few limited companies in the world is only produced and supplied. the block watcher part made internally cost about 45 billion tomans , six of which could be cut. the same type of device part that we procured from abroad cost about 17 thousand billion tomans. not accepting the import of these parts would cause confusion in the production and stability of the isfahan power plant. they are one of the most powerful parts, and if the analysis or manufacturing method is not correct
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, it will cause serious accidents. 835 megawatts of energy in isfahan power plant site at www. the construction inside it is displayed. gay parvin emami of isfahan broadcasting news agency, more than 300 people of youth and different people groups in qom every night of ramadan heats more than 25,000 food packs. these food packages it is distributed to needy and poor families because of the benefactors who have been established for more than two decades . i started this program 21 years ago with 500 to 25,000 friends to prepare this amount of food. we have about 140 rice data and 12 13 more to reach the needy
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we have a large stew and about 20 large patinas of chicken, and the servants who, with the language of fasting and for the love of hazrat saheb al-zaman, ajjal allah ta'ala farja al-sharif , are trying to share in this good work . the energies of all are for the purpose of summarizing the appearance of my master here. god willing, it will appear and the summary of the supreme leader, the main flag of water is in the hands of mr. shallallah tawfiq, the imam of the tiredness of the time . iftar is sent to the marginal and deprived areas of qom after packaging, reading the quran is also a spiritual seasoning for the servants of this kitchen, and we strive to prepare the table for the year. the future if
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adequate space is provided now according to this value the food is served in the limited space of the jamkaran holy mosque kitchen. 300 people work day and night in the kitchen to put hot food on the tables of the people, especially the needy families . the third international exhibition of the quran this year in the international section hosts representatives from 21 countries. from nigeria , we have an iftar table. iftar and the traditions of afghanistan are related, there are participants from different countries
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. that the evidence of british colonialism was present, that the institution that he found here is the european quran administration, which is held in different countries at the opening ceremony of the international section of the quran exhibition, the first international quran meeting in tehran with the theme of honoring god and the holy quran was held in this ceremony, the minister of affairs mauritanian religion and the minister of culture of nigeria were also present. it is decided to hold similar exhibitions in muslim and friendly countries . quranic activists will come together more. general
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islamic republic of quran diplomacy discussion
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, god willing , the 32nd quran exhibition with 49 sections on 26 farvardin will host visitors. you serve the people, you have a stronghold on this table, and there is hope for you, on the other side of the table, there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah
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, the most merciful , the most merciful. greetings to you, my dear compatriots, ladies and gentlemen, viewers of the travel program. is it possible to see and visit? that you and i to some extent we were busy with these visits or traveling, well, some jobs and some organizations were heavily involved, but maybe at times it was involved in more conflicts than the other events of the year. one of the organizations is the red crescent society, which has achievements and news. it is the red crescent community that i am at your service in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful , with greetings and
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courtesy to all my dear companions. because of the blessings he gave us especially the holy system of the islamic republic, mr. dr. koulivand, your colleagues also mentioned that part of their mission in nowruz this year was to prevent road accidents, and we know very well that we have many accident-prone spots. accident-prone points and this prevention that is your partner and if you allow me to serve you, it will pay off. this year , our nowruz relief operation had its own special features, which compared to the previous year
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, we defined 27 goals to serve. we are also discussing for health and for rescue and rescue services , we were faced with one that coincided with the nowruz operation on the last wednesday of the year and then on the last friday of the year , when people went to visit the graves and coincided with nowruz. it was with the holy month of ramadan and behind it the day of nature and the new trips we have, and also our operations will be more intense in the month, and we had the weather , we had one or two light earthquakes together. the holy day of eid al-fitr
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means that we remember these features for this year about 19,000 of my aid workers, who had the support of 60,000 people, about 50,000 of our youth volunteers, who had the support of 2 million people, and about 11,000 of our treatment team had the support of 40,000 people. the road rescue service was one of our road rescue services. we have provided 258,000 road rescue services in these days. let the cities do what the police and the ministry of roads do and we felt that out of 60% of traffic
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accidents, we should place the entrance and exit of the city within 30 kilometers of the city, where the mobile bases are located, but there are accident-prone points, which both the ministry of road and the honorable police are trying to solve. my ears are constantly hurting, and i must say that we got help from the crowd of volunteers in private cars, but they appeared in this area wearing the same red crescent uniform. caused the revelation to be created for the duration and when we reveal the obstacles and i am less aware of the problems facing me, and dear drivers or mustafa azizi, who are passing through the avalanche , who
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see one of the rescue service forces or the police, they take more care and control that we could to minimize traffic accidents in this environment. we have done this, but the reality is that the ministry of roads must be diligent and serious and, god willing, make a choice . i told him to sort out these obstacles as soon as possible make the conditions safer so that everyone can do without these risks , because you have clear plans to increase and modernize the equipment of the red crescent, and events have happened and will happen
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this year. the ninth year of the renovation of our rescue vehicle fleet, including what equipment and what goods we need for our jihadi and hard-working rescuers and rescuers. i really want to thank them all here. i want to give special thanks . they worked very well this year. i worked very hard . we bought 300 tomans. at the beginning of june, we placed a tender for at least a thousand rescue vehicles. the best vehicles are one of the problems of the bolan region. three devices that move the sick or injured are themselves a device that can search and rescue items in 60, for example
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, when a car crashes. save them from the battle, bring them out, deliver the ambulance to the place of an accident, and be able to get it from under the rubble . there are tools and equipment that are used to release the injured, and there is a lot of equipment inside, a lot of rescue equipment, a hundred thousand vehicles, at least a thousand targeted 2700 to a year at least this year, god willing, by the grace of god and the help of what they are doing and despite the fact that the main challenge is the cruel sanctions that have been imposed in the islamic country of iran, but the world federation of the red cross and the car manufacturing plant that has been chosen, we will use this car.
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in our place, these cars can be produced. unfortunately, unfortunately, you do not have the domestic capacity to produce them. i will serve you when there was at least no pepper. when there was an emergency, i wanted to make an ambulance bus . one of the automobile companies told me that if we help, we can do about almost nine they sat the bachelor's and master's exams and they started this main program that we could produce cars. today , we no longer need to go abroad to produce buses . of course, we had meetings with mr. logical doctor, and god willing , if i can bring the car manufacturers together, they can save the car. to produce an ambulance, both for us and for the ministry of health, they need another device, and we, god willing, will slowly bring this dependence to an end, so that
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we no longer depend on the outside. it can exist . if god willing, the car manufacturers will help some doctors and we are ready to be able to, god willing, this path will also open up. apart from these, there are other equipments that i heard before about a lot of equipment . helicopters are also supposed to be renovated . we are rescuers, and our mountain equipment, our beach equipment, our road equipment is new, three pieces are used for rescue, whether individual , the equipment should be renovated in such a way, inshallah, inshallah, to equip both my facilities and the air fleet, both sea and land, and especially for pahlavi.
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assessments and measures that need to be speeded up, mr. pediatrician, during these days of nowruz, we also had several earthquakes above 5 richter, that is, even if you wanted to let your head be quieter, but it was not possible. in reaching the relief and rescue operation and the rest of the issues, these are also a hint, if you please, mother, we had weather events and earthquakes, in addition to the nowruz operations that we had, one of our agendas is to prepare for accidents and disasters and events that are not waiting for time can predict the real earthquake it predicts the storm, it predicts many real dangers, let us predict or prevent, let us do something to minimize the damage to the stomach
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, but unfortunately no one has been able to predict until now , but thank god, god has been kind to us, helped us and cared for us . there were no casualties, but we had a lot of financial damage, some houses were cracked, which was the destruction of old houses, and people whose houses had been renovated or retrofitted, or, for example , had destroyed their old houses, were destroyed by the earthquake. i was the oldest without being destroyed, we had a certain general damage we did not have and we were truly blessed by the grace and care of the almighty god. in the same situation , you also provided assistance to other countries, including turkey, and i think it has continued. it is true that turkey and syria were also affected by the earthquake in shahr khoi and
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our dear people, and finally. a lot of damage was done to them, and in addition to that , there were many weather events, snow and blizzards that we had in the kohrang area and neighboring areas, but we are still responsible for providing relief in these areas where the most severe earthquake in turkey and syria. the first group that entered turkey was created it became syria with that means with the full facilities of the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran. we sent a very strong relief and rescue team . we sent all the necessary facilities and when mr. jamgan , the secretary general of the red cross and red crescent federation , came to inspect and visit only his services were accepted by the international red cross and red crescent federation
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at the level of the country . he was the red gentleman of the islamic republic of iran. work he had been taken away and had mentioned that despite the fact that you were an accident and the recent events of several other cities, this service has a different meaning and this caused us to create a great leader for the islamic republic in turkey and in syria. the exception was the senior officials of turkey and their people. the common sentence i used to say was that i am very grateful to the islamic republic of iran, that in the worst conditions , making handkerchiefs for macarons was a quality work . i worked with all my heart.
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we pulled atari alive from under the rubble alive or stay alive, my group, the car rescue team, my rescue, being there, some countries came for training , some came to show themselves to be bad, some came to spy, but the one that made us stand out from the rest of the countries can also be seen on the world red cross, but may god bless you, this service was sincere, loving, heartfelt, and a jihad that saved the woman. the question is that sometimes i do not tell them like you do that the light that goes to the house is forbidden to the mosque. in such a situation, why should you go at all? what is the logic of helping a cat in another country, how many regions does it have, one of the cities of religion, when the almighty god says that you will save one person from death, is there a border? our own country does not have a border with us
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. he did not tell the almighty god to cooperate with al-albar and piety . do we not have 144 verses in the holy quran regarding doing good deeds and doing service? do you pray every time at 5:10, do we say? when the earthquake hit bam, other countries came to our aid. the sarpol zahab earthquake came to our aid . isn't the statute of the international red cross that we help each other? it's not a sport. it's not a moral knowledge of human beings. it's not that the rest of us not helping us didn't help us
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we took pains, it caused the authority of the islamic republic of iran , the region of the islamic republic of iran and the islamic republic. we worked for god's pleasure, so one of the peaceful areas i took from your words is that in addition to the religious and human values ​​that are present in our people , there is also an unwritten law because what we do today , you will do tomorrow. it is our constitution both in the statutes of other national red cross societies and in the statutes of the world federation and saman
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, it is stated that they need less, i am less involved . the piety of the solid mixed chest region, let's help each other and we help each other where it helps us and tuition assistance many times we got help from the federation and from the neighboring populations or bilaterally globally. named production of red crescent population in addition to activity it also has an economic and production subcategory of aid workers and volunteers. about these collections , if you explain what they do, for example, how much they are
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, to inform the people and those who are interested, and what has happened, in fact, this leap towards production is going to happen, see the article. we have several good production centers that help the government and the people in pursuit of profit margin . we do not seek to do the work of others, but we have one goal, our goal and that specific plan. and our dear volunteers and employees are sure of this we will take it. you will not allow our people to be bothered. it is different, it is related to any organization. we will go there with all my might. my name is the ministry of home affairs. this organization is this organization. this organization is a community of people for
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the people and with the people because of this community. the red crescent of the islamic republic of iran is a large community of a huge army of volunteers . we have 130,000 people, just in relation to the production centers for drug production, we have chemical drugs , both the production of herbal medicines and the production of medical equipment. let me tell you like this. double and the types of syrups we had were 9 million edible syrups in 401 22 million and god willing, god willing, this year
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we will be able to use the latest technology with the help we get from knowledge-based companies and science and technology parks. let's increase the production rate of the bar, my problem will be solved with the medicine that we produce, it will go more towards the medicine that is needed, such as the service of the occasion, heart medicines, such as antibiotic medicines, digestive medicines, such as blood pressure medicines , we are looking for what the people need and our country it needs or, for example, dialysis dialysis my products are roto polymer filters which we used to import from abroad slowly and completely domestically , now we have used fiberhome as well as dialysis machines from knowledge-based companies, and now the internal production is ready and we are using roma
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. equipment abroad with the help of these medical and pharmaceutical equipment companies that are high in production and we can do our own production from that point of view, my decision is to make the most of the loved ones who are creative and have new thinking. can to us help and even for the production of our tents, my biological items right now , which are used for rescue vehicles, the items that are used for individual equipment, and we use science and technology companies and parks so that you can
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use them more, this is one of the main policies of banana. and we use it and we don't hesitate. whatever obstacles there are, we can definitely solve them. the cooperation we have in this field is really jihadi cooperation. they don't have any problems. young people often spend time. it helps. it works day and night . look, when antibiotics or other courses it decreased inside the country, we increased production by 4 to 5 times and increased it by 4 to 5 times. at that time, we were able to bring in the amount of force to control these critical conditions, then by increasing production , we will stabilize the best conditions that the ministry of health in every provide items that the one who can produce, we produce inside the country that other companies cannot produce, and we
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have to force it to import. with less than 70 coats of the world red cross, we forced and committed the rest of the countries with medicine and equipment. if there is a medical need , he buys them from the factories of my choice the body will be delivered to us and we will pay , and i did the ceramic work for you. they inform us that we are free from them, but we are willing to serve the ministry of health, we are at the service of the loved ones of food and medicine, wherever it is needed , we put all our strength and capacity to the side of the ministry of health, so that the dear people will not have any problems. now
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we have to watch the so-called media playback of the leader's speech the revolution, which has two different parts, and let's go back to which province is it, maybe it can be said that the most important problem of our economy is our government administration .
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we did it to ourselves. perhaps the most important weakness of our economy is the government's extreme management, when the people withdraw from economic management and economic activity, such as the large works of important companies , wealth-creating productions for the country are at the disposal of the government and at the disposal of economic activists from the people. we are not supposed to have the same problems today, we observe that the most important problem of our generation is that the economy of the public non-governmental institutions of my development is a government, that in economic affairs, i am the absolute competitor of the private sector in places where the private sector does not have the necessary capacity, it does not have the facilities, it does not matter
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if i enter here, if the fetus enters the private sector after a while it was done and they migrated from there to the faraway and more difficult place. we said that the public sector should not be given to the private sector. what does this mean that the private sector capital can do the work, the public sector should enter into it ? there was one from the year 2018 and the other in this year's nowruz speech, both of them emphasized that everything that the private sector and the people can do in the economic arena, and the government sector, or in other words, whether we say government, it is necessarily a subset of the government, the governing sector
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or public sectors that are institutions. which anyway use the government budget, don't do this, well, on the one hand, some things have happened in the past years, and you also reported growth and progress in various fields , on the other hand, an order is being repeated regularly, which was repeatedly stated by the most excellent person. and the last time in nowruz talks, what move to the side of handing over the economic activities that the people and the private sector can do, have you started or are we
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planning to do it? it is not the government and there is no government funding for the production companies, i say, the government has never helped with the production of drugs and medical equipment factories , madu medicinal plants, and rehabilitation centers , there is no help regarding government benefits, and wherever the private sector could not do anything . give it to us, we went to look for it the head of red crescent society increased the production by 4 to 5 times and the population of red crescent society was 4 to 5 times. is it possible to produce, for example, the dialysis filter of private sectors? i am willing to
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do this. i told you about the equipment we produce. or you are not any other organization, we have volunteers, we have permanent employees, we don't have many volunteers, volunteers, our rescuers, our rescuers, our youth, how many permanent employees , the 10,000 works that i say is a thousand people of the red crescent of the whole country is not negative, but yes, but i mean that in essence, it is a little than anywhere else with me look at the story of 200 because look and calculate how much power each of our aid stations needs. just count how much you want. you want a thousand people . it's not like this. and these employees of ours, i am separating from my mother's production machine. we are at the exact service of the order of the
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supreme leader and we are entering to serve you. i said, the pharmacies that we have now with specialized drugs that have no profit margin, why should you have the pharmacy yourself , because no one is willing to import the specialized cancer drugs ? it does in terms of there is a lot of red crescent population in the government, it helps to check this well, come to the city to look for the events , if
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you give these drugs to private pharmacies, why not ? it is to explain the price lamp that they have to sell, and the food and drug organization specifies and sells it to whoever is born into the world. god will leave him to the world. by god , it is me. it is not like this at all, and you know that the bag that is left from all pharmacies is our pharmacy and people to whom we owe oppressed people and people who can't get anywhere, i use the red crescent pharmacy , you can have a charter, we want them to bring us a flight, but someone who tells us that between our taleghani pharmacy, we all have to serve the authorities in front of these markets
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, that this drug does not exist, or for example, a certain pharmacy can't bring it, we have to do it . something red crescent it is not that the private sector or knowledge-based companies and educated youth have the best
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weapons in the country . why did the private sector produce four times the production capacity? kurd, in the name of god, introduce that it is not a government, for example, a government, now these companies that are a subsidiary of allah mehsud do not use the government, and you have the lowest profit margin, say that, for example , the red crescent pharmacy in north gilan is unprofitable. well , when i say loss-making, help me, help me, help me. government the government is taking from the red crescent population of hailat shiraz, the government is helping
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us for relief equipment and for accidents and disasters. at all , the government does not give a single riyal to the medical centers, to our pharmacy , to our factory. if you make the doctor a private department or a private pharmacy, he will not be satisfied to describe, for example, cancer medicine. do we help with mobile phones? it is not my department. i want to say that whatever we want , we should move towards talking to the leadership. according to the command hazrat ali, the definition of the government is the government, in any case, the law, article 117 of the law, in the same example, the knowledge-based companies that you said, again
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, this work should be done by the private sector , now it is the knowledge-based companies that are helping


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