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tv   Headliners  GB News  April 22, 2024 2:00am-3:01am BST

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khan, mayor of london, sadiq khan, will meet met commissioner sir mark rowley tomorrow to discuss community relations . it comes as community relations. it comes as sir mark is facing calls to quit over his handling of pro—palestinian protests, with the former home secretary, suella braverman, suggesting he's emboldened anti—semites. the campaign against anti—semitism is also calling for sir mark to resign or be sacked , after its chief sacked, after its chief executive was described as openly jewish by an officer. the met police have now responded in a statement, saying the assistant commissioner, matt twist, has written to gideon falter to offer a private meeting to apologise is a decision by the us to approve . decision by the us to approve. £49 billion in aid for ukraine has been welcomed by the uk, with the foreign secretary describing it as a vital step forward. after months of wrangling , american politicians wrangling, american politicians ended a deadlock, agreeing to provide a package which will also help replenish weapons and munitions. president zelenskyy says the move will keep the war
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from expanding and will save thousands of lives . it now heads thousands of lives. it now heads to the senate, which is expected to the senate, which is expected to pass the bill in the next few days, and a record 50,000 people ran the london marathon today, completing the 26.2 mile route. they started just after 10 am. this morning. the event raising millions of pounds for charities. our very own gb news political editor, chris hope, was one of the many who crossed the finishing line today. >> well, i've done it. i got round 26.2 miles, five hours, eight minutes, but slower than normal for me . eight minutes, but slower than normal for me. had a very sore left hip at some point. that was really hard . but here's the really hard. but here's the proof. here's the medal. that's why you do this. these kind of things raise, think, over things raise, i think, over £7,000 scope. i'll check on £7,000 for scope. i'll check on it online later. it's a great cause. it online later. it's a great cause . it's moving, it's cause. it's moving, it's exhausting and it's well worth the effort. and if you're mad like me, want to try and run it.7 >> and for the latest story,
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sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. common alerts . now screen or go to gb news. common alerts. now it's time for headliners . headliners. >> hello and welcome to headliners. this is your first look at monday's newspapers. i'm cressida wetton , and i'm joined cressida wetton, and i'm joined tonight by a man who spends his days calmly fighting cranks on twitter. it's josh howie days calmly fighting cranks on twitter. it'sjosh howie and twitter. it's josh howie and a man who's man who's much russia . man who's man who's much russia. it's the people's game. and paul cox. hey, how are you both .7 cox. hey, how are you both.7 >> i'm good. i have had a busy day, actually i do. i ran the london marathon. did you.7 yes. london marathon. did you? yes. and did free speech and then i did free speech nation. and now i'm here. i barely tired , actually. it's barely tired, actually. it's because of. >> i like what what time do you get? >> oh, today i think it's like three hours. 30, something like
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that. >> that's amazing . how are your knees? >> oh, no. they're fine. i'm on a sort of, high, crisp based diet that keeps me going. so i use crisps and or chips , to keep use crisps and or chips, to keep my, fantastic. >> josh, any athletic feats today? >>i today? >> i did some more diy, and that's been following my diy journey. have you moved into a new place? >> no, it's all on the tiktok channel. >> all right, let's take a look at the headlines for tomorrow. so the daily mail has jewish leaders call on met chief to quit. >> i did that . >> i did that. >> i did that. >> the guardian has pm faces calls to put afghan concessions in rwanda bill. the times leads with voters, put police in the dock. the i has tories face new pay dock. the i has tories face new pay clash with public sector workers before autumn election. the daily mirror has together for steven. and finally the daily star has rain, rain go away and those were your front
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pages. away and those were your front pages . okay. what has the pages. okay. what has the guardian gone with josh, i just realised that i'm dressed a bit matrixy. i feel like this is what, a leather coat? no, i just feel like i'm in, like, all in black. >> i'm like, if this is matrix, did headliners, this is. this is how i feel like they would. >> i think if matrix did >> i think if the matrix did headliners, would be headliners, it would just be headliners. headliners, it would just be headlineryeah, that could be. >> yeah, yeah, that could be. >> yeah, yeah, that could be. >> could a double bluff >> this could be a double bluff actually. anyway this could be >> this could be a double bluff actlbit. . anyway this could be >> this could be a double bluff actlbit. was'way this could be >> this could be a double bluff actlbit. was that this could be >> this could be a double bluff actlbit. was that in s could be >> this could be a double bluff actlbit. was that in theuld be the bit. was that in the guardian? no, that's straight, ho. 110. >> i'io. >> come on. >>- >> come on. >> about rwanda. it was about rwanda. and didn't want to get rwanda. and i didn't want to get into yeah. pm faces calls to into it. yeah. pm faces calls to put afghan in the put afghan concession in the rwanda this has been sent rwanda bill. this has been sent back and down a yo—yo to back up and down like a yo—yo to the of lords. the house of lords. >> they're finally going to vote on in a nice bit of on it. and now, in a nice bit of politicking, has politicking, a labour peer has added amendment saying added this amendment saying that, that any afghan refugees who have basically fought with uk forces should be exempt because the idea is that anybody who came over illegally would then be able to be sent to
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rwanda. but they're trying to put this amendment in, and you know what? it's a nice thing because who is actually going to really argue against people who fought being fought with uk army forces being then sent to rwanda if they come over? there is an issue specifically with afghan, people who've who've helped uk forces because there isn't hasn't been the means for them to legally come over here. there hasn't been the offices in afghanistan just basically aren't working. so there are no applications going through, so that is a nice , like i say, a bit of bit of politics there, but this will pass. politics there, but this will pass . it will politics there, but this will pass. it will finally go through and then we will possibly see one of his five, six, five, promises actually happen. >> 1 in 5. rishi paul thoughts? do you think it's going to happen? >> yes, i think it will happen. i think all the political winds are behind him to make it happen, but it's going to be well staged, isn't it? we're not going to see you know, this isn't going to be the start of the illegal immigration the end of illegal immigration into this will
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into the uk, but this will happen and it's good to see something like this. mean, we something like this. i mean, we have very careful here. have to be very careful here. i'm not entirely against these third countries, becoming third party countries, becoming places able places where we are able to manage immigration crisis. manage our immigration crisis. and we do have a crisis. however, like josh rightly pointed out, you know, we've got people from other countries that are fighting alongside our own troops, much troops, probably offering much more to our country than some people including people within it, including myself. they have every myself. then they have every right to be here. >> you swap places with one of them? >> no, no, no. i'd quite happily go rwanda, actually. it looks go to rwanda, actually. it looks blooming lovely. >> does. fantastic weather. >> it does. fantastic weather. okay, the times, okay, moving on to the times, paul okay, moving on to the times, paul. times voters put paul. so the times voters put police the dark. police in the dark. >> not sure this is much >> i'm not sure this is too much of a surprise the moment, but of a surprise at the moment, but only 37% of voters believe the police are good job, police are doing a good job, survey reveals, as most think they a job than they are doing a worse job than 30 years ago. i often wonder with stories like this, whether that has always been true throughout if throughout history, that if you'd that question in 1920, you'd ask that question in 1920, they would said 1890 was they would have said 1890 was much better, etc, etc. but of course we find ourselves in environment now where, actual
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crime is being confused with ideology. you know, we've got this, we've got words that are problematic now. we've got people that are being, you know, arrested for being openly jewish. >> if i may just interject and just say, we also have a problem where actual crime is not being taken as actual crime . taken as actual crime. >> yes. >> yes. >> and i would argue that that is equally, if not more so, a problem. >> and i think the whole of this, the whole, the whole thing here is that the optics are terrible the police. it terrible for the police. it doesn't what doesn't matter quite what they doesn't matter quite what they do . we focusing in on all do. we end up focusing in on all the things and goes, the terrible things and it goes, it goes saying, i think it goes without saying, i think that a very difficult job it goes without saying, i think a very difficult job it goes without saying, i think police' difficult job it goes without saying, i think police officer, lt job to be a police officer, particularly line. particularly on the front line. i certainly to do i certainly wouldn't want to do it. you know, i'm pleased it. and, you know, i'm pleased that we do have police force, that we do have a police force, but we all them but i think we can all give them a chance of success a much greater chance of success by a of this nonsense. >> i think the thing is, you say you're pleased that we have a police force, but the problem you're pleased that we have a poihow orce, but the problem you're pleased that we have a poihow much)ut the problem you're pleased that we have a poihow much policingroblem you're pleased that we have a poihow much policing are em you're pleased that we have a poihow much policing are they is, how much policing are they actually in actually getting done? and in terms of leaders and terms of business leaders and their seeing, their what they're seeing, their people and people like shoplifting and it not with idea not being dealt with this idea that i think 26% of people, if
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they're if they're burgled, expect the police to actually do something about it. like that is not what we pay our taxes for. thatis not what we pay our taxes for. that is not a healthy way to run a democracy where people will be rightly caught and punished for their crimes. but this is part of a wider study which is going on at the moment. it's going to report next april. so whatever the next government might be, possibly labour will have the findings then, but this is a real overwrite of the entire criminal justice system. so it's not just about the police, it's about the courts. and to see, i'm sure that there are a lot of things that that the a lot of ways that the system could be working better. >> yeah. well, that's always the way, with modern way, isn't it, with in modern times, we've bodycam times, we've got bodycam footage, and footage, we've got bits and pieces viral twitter . footage, we've got bits and pieces viral twitter. i pieces going viral on twitter. i do sympathy for the do have some sympathy for the police it's a time when police because it's a time when everyone's under more scrutiny. we you make any we all know that if you make any mistakes that end up twitter, mistakes that end up on twitter, that's about that's what people know about not the ten brilliant things that you did. absolutely.
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that you did. yeah, absolutely. >> maybe they should do two brilliant >> maybe they should do two brilallit >> maybe they should do two brilall right, next up is the >> all right, next up is the male josh. >> yeah. jewish leaders call on met chief to quit. so this is the kind of ongoing floor of, some footage which i believe happened last saturday. we go of a jewish man walking through london after synagogue wearing a yarmulke, being openly jewish as the saying, has sort of caught on and stopped from being able to cross the road, which there was the pro—palestinian march and the police basically accusing him of sort of being provocative and even threatening arrest if he didn't to move arrest if he didn't try to move away, which obviously. and you made this point earlier free made this point earlier on free speech a different , speech nation and a different, outfit. but but of course, outfit. paul. but but of course, that puts puts paid to this idea that puts puts paid to this idea that these, marches are peace marches where jews aren't under threat and they're about peace and making and come by art when actually when someone dare to be visibly jewish and to see the
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footage of him being threatened. yet the police are going to go, oh, no, we're going to arrest you for putting yourself in this position existing position for existing essentially a jew, as essentially as a jew, as a london jew here, as opposed to you see that person over there threatening the jewish what threatening the jewish guy? what are you going him? are you going to arrest him? this problem. this is the problem. >> i've that that approach >> i've had that that approach been taken day one. i don't been taken from day one. i don't think problem got think the problem would have got to level has now. paul. thoughts? >> no. absolutely right. because ian lewis actually made this ian lewis has actually made this point a couple of times. i know he's a contrarian and he comes out a lot of nonsense about meat and velikovsky, that sort of stuff. he a very good stuff. but he made a very good point about the fact that the guy put point about the fact that the guy put himself harm's guy did put himself in harm's way. now, you could argue that if a brighton who if you were a brighton fan who stood bunch of stood in front of a bunch of millwall because millwall fans, because that would threatening would be potentially threatening what endlessly what we've been told endlessly since , you know, a week after since, you know, a week after the 7th of october is that these are all peaceful protests and what this guy has managed to do single handedly is expose it for what it is, which is not because
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it makes no difference whether they whether they protest every weekend. and i respect and uphold their right to do so, but it makes no difference that they do it. it's not changing the outcome, and it's becoming more and divisive and dare i and more divisive and dare i say, more and more dangerous for jewish people in london. well, absolutely. >> i saw somebody on twitter earlier sneering at the fact that he'd recorded this. on that he'd recorded this. oh that's very convenient. and i thought, no, whole point is, thought, no, the whole point is, at any time you should be able to on the streets. it to walk on the streets. it doesn't matter . they're kind of doesn't matter. they're kind of implying, oh, planned it. implying, oh, he'd planned it. he'd no, you he'd orchestrated it. no, you should to walk on the should be able to walk on the streets any time. should be able to walk on the strethere's, time. should be able to walk on the strethere's, there's should be able to walk on the stre there's, there's the to >> there's, there's the right to protest to protest and there's the right to exist the city you live or exist in the city you live or anywhere. as a jew . in exist in the city you live or anywhere. as a jew. in this case, those are two competing rights. and the fact is that people have been using intimidation and actual violence, as we've seen, and, and, and hatred and, and jews have been kept out of central london over the last six months, and they have been emboldened
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from day one because people were on streets celebrating after on the streets celebrating after october seventh, and the police did nothing as flares went up and people climbed buildings and you see the police like, oh, please down. what? please come down. oh, what? right. with hamas please come down. oh, what? right and with hamas please come down. oh, what? right and people with hamas please come down. oh, what? right and people chantingmas please come down. oh, what? right and people chanting jihad flags and people chanting jihad and the police actually gaslighting everybody going , no, gaslighting everybody going, no, no, it could mean multiple things. they have not their things. they have not done their job. i do have sympathy for rank and officers. is a hard and file officers. it is a hard job. i understand that they're greatly here, but at greatly outnumbered here, but at the same i have a right to the same time i have a right to just exist in my city and i'm going to take it that right next week. as i walk through central london wearing my yarmulke, which i do on saturdays when i go to shul and i'm that's what i'm going to do. it's not a protest, it's not a march, it's a statement. >> it's just josh a statement. >> it'sjust josh howie >> it's just josh howie existing. okay, that's the front pages dealt with. but coming up, rishi's appalled. romford police are lookout and penny are on the lookout and penny morden has grand ambitions for uk defence.
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welcome back to headliners. i'm cressida wetton , still joined by cressida wetton, still joined by josh howie and paul cox beginning with the independent and paul romford police have been on the phone to ask what were your whereabouts yesterday , were your whereabouts yesterday, i wasn't in romford. i know that much. racist rant probe by police after town centre video goes viral. this is terrible video which , some of our viewers video which, some of our viewers and listeners may have already seen a racist attack that went viral on x is being investigated as a hate crime. a group of women were forced to defend themselves tirade as themselves from the tirade as they walked along romford town centre. for more context on centre. so for more context on this, this was a palestinian. this a quite clearly white this was a quite clearly white british middle aged man, remonstrate with, a woman that was muslim with a palestinian flag with her. she clearly been to a protest that was local to romford. and i can't condone nor defend the man's actions , never
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defend the man's actions, never would either, by the way, because what he what he's essentially done has been extremely threatening, given given all the usual racist trope about, you know, go back to where you come from, etc. etc. one thing i would say, and to add a little bit of balance and sometimes these things do need it, is there was no context. we saw it mid we saw it saw it mid rant, we saw it happening and we don't know what happened previous. and we mustn't forget this is against a backdrop of very, very high tensions . people are getting fed tensions. people are getting fed up. they've they've they've had enough. this is that people people feel very defensive , for people feel very defensive, for the jewish community as well. and i'm not this is not to defend any of this guy's actions. you do not win any argument. >> absolutely appalling. it was aggressive language. the video is not worth us playing it because there's so much swearing is not worth us playing it be it.1se there's so much swearing is not worth us playing it be it. wethere's so much swearing is not worth us playing it be it. we can'ts so much swearing is not worth us playing it be it. we can't really uch swearing is not worth us playing it be it. we can't really listenvearing is not worth us playing it be it. we can't really listen to ring in it. we can't really listen to it. at few it. but i looked at a few different papers covering this and in comments section, and in the comments section, there lot of people there were a lot of people talking about two policing, talking about two tier policing, and general it was
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and the general tone of it was they would always say, this quy's they would always say, this guy's of order, guy's absolutely out of order, disgusting want guy's absolutely out of order, disthising want guy's absolutely out of order, disthisingwhat want guy's absolutely out of order, disthisingwhat i want guy's absolutely out of order, disthisingwhat i think want guy's absolutely out of order, disthisingwhat i think has want guy's absolutely out of order, disthisingwhat i think has led1t it. this is what i think has led to this. then would to this. and then they would talk typically two tier policing. >> yeah. the two the two points that i would make from this is they're calling it islamophobic. it's there's no such thing as islamophobic. it's there's no such thing as islamophobic . what it is, is islamophobic. what it is, is anti—muslim bigotry. that doesn't make it okay. i'm just saying that the use of the correct language is important. it's still . there was obvious it's still. there was obvious hatred from but isn't hatred from him, but it isn't arguable . be racist. if it was arguable. be racist. if it was an indian woman, he's not addressing this at a chic, a sikh person or somebody like . sikh person or somebody like. the ethnicity of the person isn't necessarily the major factor here, as opposed to how much of it was because of this person's religion. but also it was obviously partly because of their involvement at this march that we didn't see anything from. we know that these marches that they , that they that there that they, that they that there is hate, they're addressed in terms of call for genocide of jews from the river to the sea,
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the chanting for an intifada, which is murder, well , of which is the murder, well, of jews around the world. so, there's a sort of hypocrisy. i'm not saying two wrongs make a right, but the fact that he addresses and says he's talking about how saying, well, you're, you , talking about how the you know, talking about how the rockets into rockets have been fired into israel and that's something that this person seemingly supports . this person seemingly supports. you know, it's a bit more blurred than we might think, but his behaviour is unacceptable, is he's a bloke, i guess he looks six foot. >> she looks five foot two, something like that. it's just that part of it is completely unacceptable. are people that part of it is completely untheeptable. are people that part of it is completely unthe comments are people that part of it is completely unthe comments saying,3eople that part of it is completely unthe comments saying, would in the comments saying, would you do that group of muslim you do that to a group of muslim men? highly unlikely. yeah, absolutely. >> it's not the way to >> yeah. so it's not the way to go about things. it is hateful. i just don't agree with the word islamophobia or in this case, i don't know if it is a racist attack. it was a hateful attack though. for sure it was. >> it certainly was. sticking with the independent. josh, carrying that sword makes sense now. morton loves weapons, now. penny morton loves weapons, doesn't she? >> does. she's, you >> she does. well, she's, you know, a royal navy
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know, she's a royal navy reservist. she makes a big deal out penny morton israel out of it. penny morton israel style iron dome defence system is needed in the uk. so this is really arguably a kind of a play for her future leadership. she's going down the defence route. she's going to be the defence person, obviously playing into a history she can't use the angle of like the anti—woke angle because she was part of the gender ideology , arguably, and gender ideology, arguably, and kemi seems to have that pretty much sewn up. so this is her thing . it's like we need more thing. it's like we need more spending. the issues are, first of all, labour is incredibly seen as and i don't say incredibly because i disagree with it. i'm just saying that it's amazing what a huge jump that has happened in this country to see, labour being ahead tories it comes to ahead of tories when it comes to defence matters. the country feels more safe with a labour government, which which may well be true because we haven't been
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spending enough on our defences. and it would be lovely if we lived in a world where there's 2% and going up now 2.5, but we should be up to three. it was 5% dunng should be up to three. it was 5% during cold war. that kind during the cold war. that kind of could make massive of money could make massive difference people's lives, to difference to people's lives, to people world. but people around the world. but people around the world. but people in the uk to building houses to more resources for disabled people. >> but so there's an estimate in here that the, israeli iron here that that the, israeli iron dome cost about a billion. i don't know if it's pounds. yeah, it's billion just to rid it's $1 billion just to get rid of the recent the 300 rockets. yes. so it's a hell of an investment, it? so in 21 investment, isn't it? so in 21 to the uk spent 45.9 billion to 22, the uk spent 45.9 billion on defence. we can't afford one of those billions for the iron dome. can we just go . dome. can we just go. >> well this is yeah. it's also these arrow rockets which. so these arrow rockets which. so the other thing calling everybody of iron dome everybody sort of uses iron dome as shorthand. reality is as a shorthand. the reality is that is specifically that iron dome is specifically designed specific of designed for a specific type of short rocket . a real short range rocket. a real threat coming probably short range rocket. a real threa russia. coming probably short range rocket. a real threa russia. so coming probably short range rocket. a real threa russia. so thating probably short range rocket. a real threa russia. so that itg probably short range rocket. a real threa russia. so that it just»bably from russia. so that it just wouldn't work. >> so what do you need? like a platinum dome? >> we need another one. these arrow rockets, which are much
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more expensive, more expensive than well, that than £1 billion for. well, that attack was also with long—range missiles. so. but we do need to spend more on defence. there's no doubt about that. we are moving into a different phase. it's unfortunate. i wish that we weren't as a human species, but. but this country needs to spend more and it's not all bad because that money goes back into the economy. as long as we don't go spend it all don't just go and spend it all on french fighter jets. maybe if on french fighterjets. maybe if we actually invested in uk , we actually invested in uk, systems that that's not a bad thing . thing. >> paul. thoughts on this? >> paul. thoughts on this? >> well, penny morden, she hasn't just cherry picked defence you know she she's the mp north portsmouth. she is mp for north portsmouth. she is very close ties to the royal navy. very close ties to the royal navy . she understands the navy. she understands the defence industry. she's had roles within it in the past. and i think she's right. it's very difficult to disagree with her on this. why wouldn't we? i don't think i'd want to meet the person who doesn't who person who doesn't want, who wouldn't defend wouldn't want to defend themselves country that themselves or their country that they or the family they live in, or the family or they live in, or the family or the communities. >> we actually have >> and i think we actually have quite people in this
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quite a few people in this country fall that. country who do fall into that. >> well, agree, and >> well, well, i agree, and i say it slightly facetiously, because knowing this, because knowing that this, this, this, true . look, it's this, this is true. look, it's all very well . i mean, i the all very well. i mean, i the only thing i would disagree with, with labour is, is it's since keir starmer has turned round the perspective from labour with regards to defence because under corbyn, you know, who'd have thought that all we needed to do was, you know, wave danderns needed to do was, you know, wave dandelions at people and they would in love with his would have fall in love with his friends we're friends anyway. yeah. and we're just just them jam. just we're just offer them jam. but you know, he's playing a shrewd game here. starmer, however , when he gets into however, when he gets into power, he's going to realise why the not being spent on the money's not being spent on defence because so defence because there are so many different issues. and you just basically if you you just basically if you if you don't spend on defence, you spend somewhere else, you're always sacrificing something. so is it police? you know, i've been in situations in a been involved in situations in a previous job before where a terrorist has happened on terrorist attack has happened on the day of a budget and it has changed whole budget for changed the whole budget for local government. >> we all know >> absolutely. and we all know
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there's money tree. there's no magic money tree. okay. news in the daily now okay. news in the daily mail now about conservatives about the conservatives preparing what could be the mother ofcom complaints, mother of all ofcom complaints, paul. paul >> yes, the conservatives have assembled dossier of evidence . assembled a dossier of evidence. can't say mother anymore. no you shouldn't. they haven't gone to iceland about alleged iceland anyway about alleged anti—tory the bbc as it anti—tory bias by the bbc as it prepares to mount a pre—election challenge to the corporation's impartiality. and a tory source said the bbc aren't even pretending to be impartial in their news coverage these days, and we would agree with them. i think all of us, maybe josh may have a slightly different view, and i'd be interested to see how the bbc do defend themselves, because if we only got to because if we we've only got to go and look at jon sopel go back and look at jon sopel and emily maitlis. now i know we rule out every time have rule them out every time we have this discussion, the reason this discussion, but the reason we because these people we do is because these people led coverage for the last 3 led the coverage for the last 3 or 4 general election campaigns under the idea that they were not biased anyway, and now they've got the news agents podcast, which is entirely left
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leaning and doesn't even add any balance to the conversation whatsoever. and we know that's their personal view. so there is evidence to suggest that that the bbc are biased, but but we always hear this from both sides of the argument. there are many people on the left, labour voters , who would say that the voters, who would say that the bbc is clearly favour the tories . i'm not sure that their remit of being impartial was ever achievable. and that's the problem here. >> interesting point . yeah, i've >> interesting point. yeah, i've have seen people complaining that they're not they're not left enough. >> mean is it have we >> yeah. i mean is it have we changed. have they changed. who knows , i've just stayed still. knows, i've just stayed still. it's the world that's changed. >> it's a nice idea. it's whether we've woken up more. i think that they've changed. i think that they've changed. i think they have been partially captured. they are definitely impartial on many matters, including gender, and i believe israel and just jews or jews
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generally . there's been some generally. there's been some terrible things the way they've reported in the past, attacks on jewish kids. but saying all of that, i just don't think you should trust anybody, including us. i'm sorry to say. just don't trust like we i think that we are less hypocritical. that's what i think. >> we do our best. >> we do our best. >> no, no, no, that's the thing. i think we do our best. i think that mistakes are made. and we and and you admit them and and you and you admit them and you strive to better. but you strive to be better. but i don't think there is this like , don't think there is this like, purity thing, this kind of purity thing, like this kind of snobbery looking down the nose. just trust because we just just trust us because we say it. and that's what i think the bbc has. and i think it's wrong. and i think nowadays everybody has woken up to that. you to multiple you have to check multiple sources. that you have to check multiple sou are ;. that you have to check multiple souare less that you have to check multiple sou are less hypocritical that you have to check multiple sou are less hypocritical and, it we are less hypocritical and, you know, trust everything i say. of course. but do your own research. >> don't listen to josh howie. okay? finally, in this section, the mirror rishi sunak promised to lead a government with integrity , professionalism and integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level. so he's had another brilliant week, hasn't he, josh?
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>> yeah . tory mp mark menzies to >> yeah. tory mp mark menzies to stand down amid claims he used campaign funds to pay bad people. he was already there was already a bit of a hoo ha about ten years ago. i think it was when he'd, there was a brazilian male escort, and who hasn't? >> the first time i've heard somebody flesh out. and i'm not saying all brazilian male escorts bad people, escorts are bad people, but that's of of escorts are bad people, but tispicy of of escorts are bad people, but tispicy story, of of escorts are bad people, but tispicy story, becausef of escorts are bad people, but tispicy story, because this of a spicy story, because this we've been saying bad people for sort days now. and sort of two days now. and i'm thinking when are going to thinking when are we going to get information? get more information? >> going start >> when are we going to start talking? escorts, >> when are we going to start talki so�* escorts, >> when are we going to start talki so he escorts, >> when are we going to start talki so he called escorts, >> when are we going to start talki so he called up escorts, >> when are we going to start talki so he called up hisescorts, >> when are we going to start talki so he called up his 78»rts, >> when are we going to start talki so he called up his 78 year too? so he called up his 78 year old campaign manager in the middle need middle of the night. i need £6,000 a £6,000 straight away. it's a life death thing. £6,000 straight away. it's a life no. ieath thing. £6,000 straight away. it's a life no. and| thing. £6,000 straight away. it's a life no. and t0|ing. £6,000 straight away. it's a life no. and to bei. £6,000 straight away. it's a life no. and to be fair to him, >> no. and to be fair to him, we've all been there. >> yeah, it's twice not. >> oh yeah, it's twice not. >> oh yeah, it's twice not. >> it's twice this weekend. >> it's twice this weekend. >> have to be a tory >> you don't have to be a tory mp to be, like calling up 78 year i six year olds and going, i need six and life and death and a half grand. life and death brazilian, . bring the brazilian, brazilian. bring the brazilian football shirt. whatever >> anyway, he's gone. paul, he's. we've lost an absolute legend. possibly someone we'd
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like to go for a drink with. yeah. >> and at this point, every night to be party night is going to be party night. this does it night. at this point, does it really matter, i mean, really matter, chris? i mean, you rishi sunak left you know, if rishi sunak left now, it wouldn't affect the tories chances. >> it wouldn't be as exciting as that. okay, time for a break. join us in part three for news of a hate crime. the latest on nhs toilets and a debate
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soon. welcome back to headliners. opening this section with the mirror. and news that a convicted sex offender is getting letters in prison. now, who on earth would write to them? paul >> oh, it was me, wasn't it? trans double rapist prisoner claims to be at wrote to them . claims to be at wrote to them. yeah, of course i did. yeah. trans double rapist prisoner claims to be hate crime victim in jail, make up row, make up row. so, double rapist . isla row. so, double rapist. isla bryson. oh, good. it's isla
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bryson. oh, good. it's isla bryson. this is going to be interesting, isn't it? 32, from clydebank, scotland. says they have been misgendered by staff at hmp edinburgh. the prison has apologised following the complaint . right. apologised following the complaint. right. i apologised following the complaint . right. i want to say complaint. right. i want to say right now isla bryson is a man. isla bryson is pretending to be a woman to get a lovely little life in prison. i isla bryson was a man that raped a woman, two women, two women and i just cannot hear. i don't care if he was misgendered in prison. i really do not care . it's a shame really do not care. it's a shame because the snp have propped this up for so long. they didn't need to. nicola sturgeon started it . humza yousaf has carried it it. humza yousaf has carried it on. we just need to call a spade a spade here. isla bryson is a bloke . bloke. >> there's a part of me that didn't want to cover this because i think, do you know what? i'm not giving this airtime. but on the other hand, we need to see that this is something people said something that some people said would it has would never happen. it has happened and here we are. yeah. >> mean, continue from what >> i mean, to continue from what you it's just
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you were saying, it's not just the, this is the mirror. the, the snp this is the mirror. and the mirror, points out bryson, who was born a male. no. bryson, who was born a male. no. bryson, who was born a male. no. bryson, who is a male. bryson, who is still a male. bryson, who is still a male. bryson who, when he dies will forever be a male, dies. bryson, who ten years and 10,000 years from now when his bones are dug up, will be identified as a male. so that kind of language just permeates these institutions, in this case, the mirror. which is left leaning, obviously has an issue with facts, you know, born anyway. but the fact that this the other fact is that this, this prison officer had to immediately apologise, sort of called, called him son and went all right, son. and then went, oh, i'm sorry. and then he complained. and then he's got an apology for it, a written apology, rapist blows my mind. apology, a rapist blows my mind. >> this is a prison service that hasn't got enough staff is busy. it's got what have we it's got lots on. what have we got to do? let's write to got time to do? let's write to isla bryson. >> just it make >> it's just it would make a good episode of porridge. >> moving to the >> amazing, moving on to the daily and news that daily mail and news that activists charge of activists are in charge of hospital toilets now. josh? activists are in charge of hosyeah.:oilets now. josh?
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activists are in charge of hosyeah. leakediow. josh? activists are in charge of hosyeah. leaked internal? activists are in charge of hosyeah. leaked internal nhs >> yeah. leaked internal nhs trust likens who trust document likens people who are using same sex are uncomfortable using same sex toilets to racists. so this is for cambridge university for the cambridge university hostels. this is another captured institution . and the captured institution. and the document, which the sun found said that, just the trust will not adapt practice in light of racist concerns expressed as discomfort . so the trust will discomfort. so the trust will not adapt practice in light of transphobic concerns expressed as does it. so it's an incredible comparison . and when incredible comparison. and when we're saying transphobic, what they really mean is women who want to protect their spaces. we see vulnerable women in a hospital. we saw a that we there was a case about a year or two ago, a woman was raped on on a ward, on a female only ward by a trans woman, a man and the police and the hostel would not admit that it was possible because they said , no, there are because they said, no, there are only women here. so you couldn't have been raped. and it was only when she was able to obtain footage that then the police was able get involved, and she able to get involved, and she was prove so an
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was able to prove it. so an incredible situation women. was able to prove it. so an incredwomenration women. was able to prove it. so an incredwomen want women. was able to prove it. so an incredwomen want their/omen. was able to prove it. so an incredwomen want their own n. some women want their own spaces, and that's totally fine to say that. that's racist. to say that's transphobic is disgusting. to say that that's racist, to compare it in any way is equally disgusting. and again, this is just another institution captured. they're spending four grand to send the senior staff to equality, diversity and inclusion training courses here. that's four grand just for one person to go to many of these courses. >> can you build with four grand? just build. >> how many people can you treat? well it's so treat? yeah. well it's so upsetting this is . upsetting that this stuff is. here we are. we've been talking about years. about this for years. >> gaslighting still going on. if you were in a marriage and you a concern and the you raise a concern and the other person just no, other person just says, no, that's ridiculous, i'm not listening, marriage listening, that marriage isn't going go well. it drives me going to go well. it drives me nuts. paul. >> so it's ideology top >> correct, so it's ideology top trumps, you can't trumps, isn't it? if you can't quite get enough points on your card for saying transphobic, you go straight to racist, don't you? it doesn't . it doesn't have you? it doesn't. it doesn't have to be racist. you just know that
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if you're not quite getting the message across by calling someone transphobic, you need to go racist because nothing go to racist because nothing beats everything's beats racist and everything's racist. these people must be racist. so these people must be bad. i mean, it's an absolute nonsense. know how we nonsense. i don't know how we find ourselves this position. find ourselves in this position. hospitals to be a hospitals are supposed to be a safe space for people to and safe space for people to go and recover , be treated, be, you recover, be treated, be, you know, be taken in as a patient and made better and do no harm. do no harm. and this puts people in harms way. i'm just i'm getting exasperated with this . i getting exasperated with this. i know we're on gb news and we talk about this, infinitely , but talk about this, infinitely, but i'm glad we do. i'm really glad we do. >> one thing i would say not exactly in their defence, but we don't have a date on this. and because think this because this i think the, this ideology is starting to crumble, isn't it? we've had the cass review. it's beginning . they review. it's beginning. they talked it. and have talked about it. and have i got news you week? i mean, news for you this week? i mean, that be a sign that it's that must be a sign that it's the yeah. so maybe this is the end. yeah. so maybe this is actually the past we're actually in the past and we're moving this £4,000 for office >> but this £4,000 for office indeed. >> we're looking at the times
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next. paul, can we summarise ofsted rulings as inadequate , ofsted rulings as inadequate, well we can we probably shouldn't do in the future . no shouldn't do in the future. no more inadequate. one word ofsted rulings could be ditched. so ofsted one word judgements which brand the schools within a single adjective , such as single adjective, such as outstanding or inadequate, are likely to be scrapped following the suicide of headteacher ruth perry, very sad story. we've covered it before. it's well known in the news cycle and this is good news. this is really good news. if something comes out of a very tragic incident like the suicide of ruth perry, and it is that ofsted are challenged for what they do, then this is a good thing as far as i'm concerned. i'd like to see schools, measured as happy or enjoyable . we send our young or enjoyable. we send our young people on josh. we know because we had unpleasant experiences. isn't it , that you don't need isn't it, that you don't need a isn't it, that you don't need a i mean, i've never put a child in school, but surely no one's
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going on a one word review. >> i've always been surprised that this is needed, because don't school, you don't you go to the school, you talk teachers, you talk to the teachers, you get a feel for it. surely isn't that how pick a school? no. how you pick a school? no. >> you what? going to >> you know what? i'm going to disagree you. but you. disagree with you. but you. these they are these are important. they are a shorthand understand shorthand to understand the levels also arguably levels that they also arguably raise standards of schools because something because it gives them something to the issue to attain. i think the issue here, the immediate here, beyond the immediate tragedy, turns out , is tragedy, and it turns out, is how they went about it, because in this case, there were failings, i believe, in terms of how the tests were run, how they communicated. she it went from an outstanding school to, inadequate overnight . and then inadequate overnight. and then it turns out a few weeks later it turns out a few weeks later it got redone as good. so i'm not saying the system is perfect and the system could do with work, but having something clean and easy for people to understand, for people to strive for for, parents to easily understand. i think it's a shame to throw the baby out with the bathwater. >> it's also quite arbitrary though. josh, that's the only thing i would say. i don't think it is arbitrary. >> it's a system. well,
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>> it's a it's a system. well, like any system. >> but but but the things i >> but but but but the things i measure them against for me are arbitrary. , who one arbitrary. i mean, who one person's another person's inadequate is another person's inadequate is another person's good, vice versa, you know. oh, well, i think you have your inadequate. >> stick i'll go with outstanding. >> but just you know, people do judge, you know, does your kid go to an outstanding school, right. people do judge. >> to put on the >> have something to put on the flyer. josh got flyer. okay. josh you've got this next the this next story in the telegraph. how's the temperature? are you temperature? over there? are you comfortable? thank you. so >> very. yes. thank you. so that's very, very thoughtful of you. snp says it's not you. snp report says it's not just women who get menopause symptoms. and it's true , men symptoms. and it's true, men also get, symptoms of menopause , also get, symptoms of menopause, my wife is going through the menopause, and i would just like to say that i am suffering as well. i get no sympathy whatsoever, and this is, as you were talking earlier, about this document, but this is a document from 2020 does usual from 2020 which does the usual people who menstruate language, the erasure of women and, because women is such a
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terrible, disgusting word. and how dare you refer to that? the of course we should, i think, be talking more about the menopause, and it does have a serious physical impact on women, but to try and raise it as an issue at the same time obfuscating who it's actually impacting is a stupid way to go about it . well, yeah. about it. well, yeah. >> at first i actually thought, oh, maybe they're referring to middle aged men suffering and buying sports cars, but no, they're just talking they're really just talking about of, trans about the minority of, trans people men but have people who become men but have women's equipment. >> paul, it feels like women, the menopause in particular, as a as a subject matter for women, is finally being taken seriously and being much better understood. the impact on the women and how it affects their life and how it affects the people around them. and of people around them. and all of a sudden managed get to a sudden we've managed to get to a point that. like point with that. and like with a lot of things with women have come this journey come on this this journey to being understood and appreciated. sudden men appreciated. all of a sudden men have got involved again. >> man, you just said journey
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i >> -- >> say here they say transgender, non—binary and intersex employees also intersex employees may also experience menopause. no transgender , non—binary transgender women, non—binary women, non—binary doesn't exist. intersex they are still women. this idea that there's this third sex called insects know if you're insects, you are still either a woman or a man. it's binary clarity, story in the guardian now about trying to get kids to listen to an old bloke. paul >> yeah. salman rushdie being the old bloke. salman rushdie has warned young people against forgetting the value of free speech. and i was starting to think when i was reading this, why the guardian? but why is this in the guardian? but we'll to that minute. we'll get to that in a minute. as discussed, sorry, is as discussed, sorry, this is about salman he's about salman rushdie. he's saying to young people must value free speech. discussed, value free speech. as discussed, the very big and negative impact of second trump presidency in of a second trump presidency in a rare public appearance since his stabbing. now it's the trump bit that the guardian are really homing in on. and here, they're not that i would quite happily argue with anyone who reads the
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guardian or with anyone from the guardian. they're not particularly interested in free speech. they're much more interested in the speech they want to hear. and that is true of probably the mail and anybody else, the only place where i really see open debate is here, genuinely here. and i know josh said earlier, you shouldn't listen to us and maybe you shouldn't, but one thing you do get you get they get on gb news is you get they go and speak the people , not go and speak to the people, not just us 100% on what just trust us 100% on what you should on our website should do is go on our website and read the yourse comments from public. from the public. >> that's a good balance >> that's, that's a good balance thing do. >> that's, that's a good balance thirbut do. >> that's, that's a good balance thirbut ido. >> that's, that's a good balance thirbut i would, the way to >> but i would, the best way to cover that, salman cover this is that, salman rushdie has, has come out and publicly speaking again, which is fantastic since his horrible he was unfortunately, he was at home on a zoom call. >> he. >> was he. >> was he. >> oh, really? i didn't . >> yeah. oh, really? i didn't. is that true? yes. oh, really? that is. but it's good. it's good to it's good to see him and good to it's good to see him and good to it's good to see him and good to see them. i just read what he says here. >> the defence of free expression begins at point expression begins at the point at which somebody something at which somebody says something you and you're
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you don't like, and you're defending what people saying you don't like, and you're defeyowg what people saying you don't like, and you're defeyou don't|t people saying you don't like, and you're defeyou don't like ople saying you don't like, and you're defeyou don't like it. e saying you don't like, and you're defeyou don't like it. that'saying and you don't like it. that's what it is. painful. i've what it is. it's painful. i've had do it recently myself . i had to do it recently myself. i didn't enjoy it. but that is what have to what you have to do. >> the greater good. all right, that's the end of part three. but in final section but join us in the final section for frightening news about massive hornets, a solution to the the the housing crisis, and the best excuse
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welcome back to headliners. there's always one story that makes me glad louis isn't here. and tonight it's in the telegraph. >> josh, this is a really big story, i think university student disciplined after flatmate overheard him saying veganism is wrong. this is a guy called robert iverson. he was studying at the university of exeter, a philosophy student, and on. but is the insane and on. but this is the insane thing, right? he was in his room on the phone saying veganism is wrong. gender fluidity is
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stupid, i agree with one of those statements. the other i'm not so bothered about. and someone overheard him from outside the room and he got a summations. he had to go before a board. he had to sign a letter saying he wasn't going to be offend anybody ever again for his heart. and this. but this happened 2018, so it's happened in 2018, so it's incredible that the ideology had such six years ago. but such a hold six years ago. but he talks about the stasi coming to that is what it is. and i can't believe the story is coming out now because this is this is sort of free speech union stuff straight away. i don't think free speech union existed at the time, but this would be the first thing that they should getting involved. >> they were upset about the gender though. i think at gender stuff, though. i think at this veganism, think this time, veganism, you think it peak. vegan it was the veganism peak. vegan peak, peak. linda peak, vegan peak, peak. linda mccartney days, it? mccartney days, wasn't it? >> with this is the >> the problem with this is the adults the people adults in the room, the people that charge of the that are in charge of the universities agree universities punished him. agree lead eavesdropper. lead with the eavesdropper. they have sort of pathetic, have become sort of pathetic, spineless pubes, pubes , pubes as spineless pubes, pubes, pubes as in pubic hair, we all love a
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pube with a spine in it, do we not? but but we have, haven't we? the adults have. in that situation, the adults should say, why were you listening? >> well, it drives me mad. whenever an educational body gets involved as though they were the police. it's like it's either a police incident, in which case get the police involved or it isn't. in which case stay of private case stay out of their private lives, particularly when they're talking the phone in their talking on the phone in their bedroom. move to bedroom. right. let's move on to the times an excuse a the times. and an excuse a million times better than anything ever told your anything you've ever told your wife, paul. >> confessions a >> yeah. confessions of a sleepwalker . i've woken up in sleepwalker. i've woken up in strangers says decca strangers beds, says decca aitkenhead and decca is someone who does a lot of sleep walking and has found themselves in some pretty awkward night time fixes. now, this reminds me actually i used to sleepwalk as a child, particularly as a teenager , and particularly as a teenager, and i got myself into the loft space and woke up in the loft space
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just like terrified. >> you thought you were in like a josef fritzl. had you ever beenin a josef fritzl. had you ever been in the loft before? >> did you know? so my bedroom was in the eaves of the house. i was in the eaves of the house. i was like the black sheep up upstairs, out the way i was fed bread water, barely spoken bread and water, barely spoken to. and i got out of bed and climbed eaves , and then climbed into the eaves, and then woke up in the eaves. there was no other way i could have got there was. there unless it was. >> a better story than >> i've got a better story than that. you? cannot repeat that. have you? i cannot repeat it here. please to youtube, it here. please go to youtube, type howie and marek type in josh howie and marek larwood i'll it on larwood or i'll put it on twitter afterwards. it's the best story ever. twitter afterwards. it's the best is story ever. twitter afterwards. it's the best is a story ever. twitter afterwards. it's the best is a promise. story ever. twitter afterwards. it's the best is a promise. buty ever. twitter afterwards. it's the best is a promise. but in ver. twitter afterwards. it's the best is a promise. but in the that is a promise. but in the meantime, this is fascinating. and that there are people here with parkinson's disease who can move their bodies fluidly whilst they're dreaming, because it affects certain parts of your brain. turn on. and now the parts, the frontal lobe, which contains like, your consciousness, i guess, is still off. so you can do all of this stuff, but it's incredible. i mean, i wonder if there's even a possibility of cures looking ways of tricking the brain or
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whatever, but it is a fascinating article. it seems like decca aitkenhead has spent a lot of time weeing in pint glasses , but my story is better, glasses, but my story is better, i believe you. >> okay, josh , news from the >> okay, josh, news from the mirror. now that we're going to have a killer summer. >> yeah. have a killer summer. >> killerzah. have a killer summer. >> killer asian hornet plague on the uk with 3,000% the way for uk with 3,000% increase in numbers , this this increase in numbers, this this kind of story happens every yeah kind of story happens every year. but we have seen this increase . they are terrifying. increase. they are terrifying. they can kill up to 50 bees an houn they can kill up to 50 bees an hour. we need our bees. we love our they give us honey. our bees. they give us honey. they're already under threat with and or whatever with pesticides and or whatever louis might want to have as an alternative thing , but these are alternative thing, but these are really dead. and can kill really dead. and they can kill people, they're terrifying. people, and they're terrifying. and release a hormone in people, and they're terrifying. and which elease a hormone in people, and they're terrifying. and which drives a hormone in people, and they're terrifying. and which drives alliormone in people, and they're terrifying. and which drives all the one in people, and they're terrifying. and which drives all the other| you which drives all the other hornets crazy. >> the makings of a >> it's got the makings of a horror hasn't oh, for horror film, hasn't it? oh, for sure, it's the bird sure, it's the. it's the bird and the rest come out. >> really scary you see >> it's really scary if you see one. they're basically they've got as opposed to got orange stripes as opposed to europeans have europeans which have yellow yellow capture them yellow stripes and capture them and got to kill them. we've got to kill these hornets. >> everybody. >> everybody. >> them terrified. paul
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>> yeah . who wouldn't be, you >> yeah. who wouldn't be, you know, i mean, it's in the mirror, so , they're they're mirror, so, they're they're probably quite left—leaning. >> i it's just a secret >> i think it's just a secret excuse to tell us how brilliant bees it's very fashionable, bees are. it's very fashionable, isn't to bees nowadays, isn't it, to love bees nowadays, well, these bees. well, i don't like these bees. >> do one last story. >> could do one last story. moving on to the express. and an inspiring story for those of us trying to get the property trying to get on the property ladden trying to get on the property ladder. paul. >> inside ancient saudi >> yeah. inside ancient saudi arabian that humans arabian lava tube that humans hid in 7000 years ago. josh. so one such dwelling was only recently found by archaeology working in saudi arabia, where evidence of an ancient shelter was found inside a vast lava tube. so this fascinating, isn't it? the fact that, you know, i mean, lava pours out of volcanoes. you're probably aware of that. and i know you're not stephen allen, but, some of us can comprehend these things, and obviously solidifies. you obviously it solidifies. and you end you end up end up with these, you end up with these vast tubes, and people made habitats people have made habitats within them people, people, them. people, actual people, 7000 know, 7000 years ago. and, you know, isn't it fascinating? i mean, we'd kill for that now. you'd
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kill for now, wouldn't you? kill for that now, wouldn't you? wouldn't a lava tube? >>i tube? >> i would live a lava tube. >> i would live in a lava tube. yeah. it have plumbing? yeah. does it have plumbing? >> yeah, but it's. that reminds me, like matrix back to me, like matrix going back to the it's like. that's the beginning. it's like. that's why dressed way. why i dressed this way. it's like. it's like matrix. it's like. it's like matrix. it's like you like matrix revolutions. you know, the big know, they live in the big underground the lot. underground caves and the lot. so vaguely, vaguely. >> to watch it again. >> you need to watch it again. don't josh don't watch it again. okay josh is go and take his red is going to go and take his red pills. the nearly over, pills. the show is nearly over, so let's take another quick look at monday's front pages . the at monday's front pages. the daily jewish leaders at monday's front pages. the dailjon jewish leaders at monday's front pages. the dailjon met jewish leaders at monday's front pages. the dailjon met chiefvish leaders at monday's front pages. the dailjon met chief toh leaders at monday's front pages. the dailjon met chief to quit.1ers at monday's front pages. the dailjon met chief to quit. the call on met chief to quit. the guardian has pm faces calls to put afghan concessions in rwanda. bill the times has voters put police in the dock and the i has tories face new pay and the i has tories face new pay clash with public sector workers before autumn election. the daily mirror has together for steven and the daily star has rain . for steven and the daily star has rain. rain goes for steven and the daily star has rain . rain goes away and has rain. rain goes away and those were your front pages . those were your front pages. that's it for tonight's show. thanks to my guests josh howie and paul cox. tomorrow, simon evans will be here with louis
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schaffer and nick dixon, obviously we missed louis tonight. and if you're watching at 5 am, stay tuned. i haven't for breakfast. good night. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boiler airs sponsors of weather on . gb news. weather on. gb news. >> good evening. welcome to your latest gb news weather from the met office. so after a drier end to the weekend, for many of us today, it looks like change is on the way. an area of low pressure situated out to the north of the uk brings some weak frontal systems that will slowly sink their way southwards, particularly of particularly into the start of the working week. that the new working week. and that area pressure seen area of high pressure we've seen pushes so cloudy end to northwest. so a cloudy end to the for much of eastern the day for much of eastern scotland northern england, the day for much of eastern sc
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quite under all that quite as cold under all that cloud and rain, and particularly across parts of scotland, holding single holding up into the high single figures. for figures. so cloudy to start for many of us on monday, particularly to what we particularly compared to what we saw . and this saw over the weekend. and this rain continues to spread way rain continues to spread its way southwards monday. southwards through monday. daytime particularly daytime not turning particularly heavy, and heavy, but definitely a grey and damp compared to the recent damp day compared to the recent couple days. northern couple of days. northern parts of probably seeing the of scotland probably seeing the best the sunshine through the best of the sunshine through the afternoon here afternoon and feeling warm here with 14 or 15 degrees, with highs of 14 or 15 degrees, but feeling much but definitely feeling much chillier of england chillier across much of england and under cloud and wales. under all that cloud and wales. under all that cloud and rain , that cloud and rain and rain, that cloud and rain does eventually clear its way towards to start towards the southeast to start on tuesday. so there will be some brighter spells, particularly northern some brighter spells, partiof larly northern some brighter spells, partiof larly plenty thern half of the uk. plenty of sunshine around through the morning, 2 bubbling morning, 1 or 2 showers bubbling up the afternoon, up through the afternoon, particularly north particularly along some north sea regions and staying sea coastal regions and staying quite the southeast quite cloudy in the southeast through . further through the afternoon. further showers their way through showers on their way through wednesday showers on their way through wednofjay showers on their way through wednof low pressure returning hints of low pressure returning as we head towards second as we head towards the second half week . half of the week. >> looks like things are heating up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news as
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gb news. away. >> good evening. i hope you're well. busy one tonight. it's 9:00. on television. on radio and online. in the united kingdom and across the world. this is mark dolan tonight. the scandal that won't go away. angela rayner can run, but she can't hide. i'll be explaining why this story is far more important than the labour party would have you believe. another crisis for rishi sunak as disgraced tory mp mark menzies resigns from the party and stands down at the next election. i'll get reaction from a top westminster insider. also tonight we will remember the late great queen elizabeth the second on what would have been her 98th birthday. in the company of my mark meets guest, the queen's favourite royal photographer, ian lloyd . looking
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photographer, ian lloyd. looking forward to this. following his lure and confessions of drug use, the duke of sussex is praying that joe biden will be re—elected in november because if donald trump returns to the white house, prince harry could be deported to britain . that's be deported to britain. that's right, folks, this is not a drill. prince harry could be deported to britain in the next year or two. we'll cover that at ten. so two hours of big opinion, big debate and big entertainment. lots to get through. don't miss a second of the action. first, the news headunes the action. first, the news headlines and sophia wenzler. >> thanks, mark. good evening. i'm sofia wenzler in the gb newsroom. your top story this hour. newsroom. your top story this hour . mark newsroom. your top story this hour. mark menzies has announced his resignation from the tory party saying he won't be standing in the next election. the filed mp was suspended
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following claims he used political donations to cover medical expenses and pay off bad people who had locked him in a flat. he disputes the allegations , though. following allegations, though. following an investigation, the conservative party says it can't conclude there was a misuse of funds, but said there was a pattern of behaviour that falls below the standards expected of mps. the mayor of london sadiq khan, will meet met commissioner sir mark rowley tomorrow to discuss community relations. it comes as sir mark rowley is facing calls to quit over his handung facing calls to quit over his handling of pro—palestinian protests, with the former home secretary, suella braverman suggesting he's emboldened anti—semites . the campaign anti—semites. the campaign against anti—semitism is also calling for sir mark to resign or be sacked after its chief executive was described as openly jewish by an officer . the openly jewish by an officer. the met police have now responded in a statement, saying the assistant commissioner has written to gideon falter to offer a private meeting to apologise and to discuss what the met can do to ensure


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