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tv   Saturday Morning Live  GB News  April 13, 2024 10:00am-12:01pm BST

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gb news. >> very good morning to you. i'm ben leo, alongside olivia utley. and this is saturday morning live. great to have your company this morning. all our top stories coming today, including this bombshell breaking news from sydney of a major incident declared after reports that multiple people , including a multiple people, including a nine month old baby, have been stabbed in a shopping centre. we have all that and the rest of the day's top stories with writer and commentator candice holdsworth and singer and tv personality ben ofoedu . personality ben ofoedu. >> and it's not long until the grand national, one of the most
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iconic horse races, kicked off in aintree . in aintree. >> later today, along with the glitz and glamour comes a huge amount of gambling. we'll be exploring highs and the exploring the highs and the terrible of the betting terrible lows of the betting world, former gambling world, with former gambling addict goalkeeper world, with former gambling addictshilton goalkeeper world, with former gambling addictshilton cbe goalkeeper world, with former gambling addictshilton cbe . goalkeeper peter shilton cbe. >> and of course, like every week we'll be meeting our greatest britain and today it's a man who believes in connecting people through music . we'll be people through music. we'll be heanng people through music. we'll be hearing all about his great work very shortly. very good morning to you. and if you're just waking up this morning, this breaking news from sydney, australia, where a man, perhaps two men have been stabbing innocent bystanders in a shopping centre as they were out on friday night. you're looking at live pictures now from down under. there's reportedly 4 to 5 people killed . reportedly 4 to 5 people killed. a nine month old baby has been involved, unfortunately , the involved, unfortunately, the youngster is receiving surgery,
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so fingers crossed that. that goes well, but we're going to be live on the ground from sydney with reporters. all the major updates , and of course, updates, and of course, information on the suspects as well. we want to hear from you this morning on all of our topics, sydney, and everything else we're covering. d'orsay. but before we do anything else, let's news headlines let's get to your news headlines with . very good with sam francis. very good morning from the newsroom just after 10:00. and we start with a round up of that breaking news from sydney this morning, where we're hearing that a major police operation is underway following those reports of a stabbing spree at a shopping centre near bondi beach. at least five people are confirmed to have been killed in that attack, which we now know took place at the busy westfield centre in the area of sydney. we understand a police officer in the area at the time confronted the area at the time confronted the male suspect and shot him
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dead. that was as he faced her and raised a knife. at this stage, police believe the offender did act alone in that attack . now, if you're watching attack. now, if you're watching on television, you can see here these live pictures coming to us from the scene outside the shopping centre in sydney, the new york, the new, the new south wales police force, rather have confirmed that seven people who were stabbed during that attack have now been taken to a number of hospitals across the city. and as we heard at the top of the hour, that does include a nine month old baby. earlier. officers could also be seen in aerial footage searching the shopping centre's rooftop car park and we heard from the assistant commissioner, anthony cook, moments ago, who gave us this update . this update. >> our hearts go out to all of them , as they do to anyone them, as they do to anyone touched by this terrible incident this afternoon. i do not have information in relation to the offender . i do not know to the offender. i do not know at this stage who he is . you
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at this stage who he is. you would be. you would understand this is quite raw. inquiries are very new and we are continuing to make attempts to identify the offender in this matter. >> during the afternoon in sydney, multiple police and paramedics were called to that scene where reports of a lone knifeman were given stabbing people indiscriminately. eyewitnesses said that was just after 3:00 in the afternoon local time. if you're watching on television, here's how witnesses describe the scene. moments ago , i didn't see him properly. >> i was running, but, it's just it was insane . it was insanity. it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it. >> i have some guy running around stabbing people. seems pretty random. probably a terrorist attack . terrorist attack. >> we saw all these people running towards us, and then we heard a shot that they're the accounts of witnesses from sydney following that alleged knife attack in a shopping centre near bondi beach.
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>> as i said, the major police operation is still unfolding and we will, of course bring you more on that throughout the morning as we get it to other news now, the us president expects iran will attack israel. he says sooner rather than later. that's after officials in the us said threats from tehran were real and credible. however, joe biden had this warning. >> we are devoted to the defence of israel. we will support israel. we will defend, help defend israel and iran will not succeed. thank you very much . succeed. thank you very much. >> the iranian government's promised revenge for an israeli air strike on its consulate in damascus that killed top commanders. in response, though, the us is now moving additional assets into the middle east countries, including india, france and poland have also warned their citizens against travelling to the region . back travelling to the region. back here in the uk, the chancellor says he is ready to cut taxes and to bet on growth. that's after the economy grew by 0.1%
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in february. the office for national statistics also revised january's figure, pushing it up to 0.3. writing in the daily express, jeremy hunt says britain has done the hard years and the economy is bouncing back. but labour says most people aren't feeling any of the benefits. with low growth and higher taxes under the conservative government the chief executive of the nhs in england has called out what she's called unacceptable abusive behaviour that doctors and nurses face in the workplace . amanda pritchard says the health service needs to stamp out abusive behaviour, and that it shouldn't be exempt from its own metoo movement. according to a major survey , there were a major survey, there were 80,000 reports of nhs staff in england being sexually harassed while at work last year, reports were more prevalent among ambulance staff, nursing staff and healthcare assistants . well, and healthcare assistants. well, we've heard this morning that the royal navy has seized nearly
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£33 million of drugs from traffickers in the indian ocean, around 3.7 tonnes of substances, including heroin, crystal meth and cannabis were taken by crews aboard hms lancaster. the ship was on its first security patrol when its wildcat helicopter spotted a suspicious boat in the area . labour claims that area. labour claims that britain's roads now have 100 times as many potholes as there are craters on the moon. figures estimate that there were more than 1 million potholes in the uk last year, which can cause serious damage to cars. the party's deputy leader, angela raynen party's deputy leader, angela rayner, says rishi sunak is living on another planet after failing to fix the problem. the government, though, says it is investing billions of pounds to improve our roads. that's the latest from the newsroom. for now . more to come latest from the newsroom. for now. more to come in the latest from the newsroom. for now . more to come in the next now. more to come in the next houn now. more to come in the next hour. until then, you can of course sign up to gb news alerts. just scan the code there
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on your screen or go to gb news. carmelites . carmelites. >> good morning to you, ben and olivia with you on saturday morning live. now the clear top story this morning is, of course, the major incident in sydney, with reports that multiple people have been stabbed. i believe six people are declared dead currently, including the attacker. let's get more now from gb news homeland security editor mark white, who joins us. mark, what's the latest please .7 what's the latest please? >> well, this incident every bit as bad as we had feared with five people who were killed by this attacker. the attacker himself shot dead by a police officer, a lone female police officer, a lone female police officer , an inspector who was on officer, an inspector who was on patrol nearby and responded to this incident at the westfield shopping centre in bondi junction. she entered the shopping centre just after 320
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in the afternoon. to these reports that a man was stabbing multiple people, she managed to catch up with this individual who, according to the police, turned round with a knife raised and at that point the inspector opened fire and shot dead. this, assailant . now we're also opened fire and shot dead. this, assailant. now we're also being told by the emergency services at this time, new south wales ambulance service, that they treated and assessed six people at the scene, including, of course, the attacker as, deceased. in addition to that, eight people. now, we're told, eight people. now, we're told, eight people. now, we're told, eight people. okay we've lost mark's sound there, but you can get from what he's saying that . get from what he's saying that. >> sorry, mark. go on. we just lost you for a second there. yeah >> so the, eight people taken to hospital among those, was, a
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child, a nine month old baby. according to one eyewitness who spoke to nine news, who spoke about actually being handed the baby by the mother, who had been stabbed , he noticed the baby was stabbed, he noticed the baby was injured as well . he tried to injured as well. he tried to stem the bleeding until the paramedics arrived on scene and managed to take that child to the hospital. now, we've been heanng the hospital. now, we've been hearing from assistant commissioner cook from new south wales police. i believe that we do have, some of that news conference that he, gave just on the steps of the westfield shopping centre. >> i'm advised that there are five victims who are now deceased as a result of the actions of this offender. there are more than several other people who have been conveyed to hospital . a number of those are hospital. a number of those are in serious and or critical conditions .
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conditions. >> now, in terms of the suspect, we don't know an awful lot at this stage , the police say they this stage, the police say they haven't yet been able to determine a motivation for this attack, but they're ruling absolutely nothing out, including terrorism. but they also add they haven't yet found anything , also add they haven't yet found anything, and certainly nothing at the scene that points to a motivation, the individual, he looked to be about, in his 30s, maybe early 40s, of kind of medium build with, a short beard , wearing a football top and, football shorts , swarthy football shorts, swarthy complexion, and he was going seen on cctv, throughout the shopping centre, various bits of cctv that the media have got ahold of that's been released now on social media as well, showing him running through this shopping centre on a busy
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saturday afternoon of course, the first day of the school holidays, in australia , in that holidays, in australia, in that area we're told as well. so a lot of families out in the shopping centre. and he was clearly seen running up to, people with young children as well. at that time very much. >> i think we have the australian prime minister is giving a news conference. >> let's listen in. yeah >> let's listen in. yeah >> it was also a witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police, our first responders and of course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment. and some of the footage is quite extraordinary . staff for whom extraordinary. staff for whom this should have been a normal shift at shoppers peacefully going about their lives. shift at shoppers peacefully going about their lives . and going about their lives. and yet, for these australians, their first instinct in the face of danger was to help someone
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else. that is what we hold on to tonight as australians. that's confirmation of who we are. brave, strong , young, together. brave, strong, young, together. the work of the new south wales police and the australian federal police is ongoing. but what we can say for sure tonight is this to any australian affected by this tragedy , every affected by this tragedy, every australian is with you . before australian is with you. before i hand to commissioner kershaw , i hand to commissioner kershaw, i can say that i've also spoken with the new south wales acting premier , tonight and the premier, tonight and the commonwealth stands ready to assist in every way possible , assist in every way possible, while commissioner kershaw thanks prime minister tonight the afp is supporting new south wales police investigate a mass casualty event in sydney. >> the afp has deployed afp
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members to the crime scene and we've offered our full specialist capability , such as specialist capability, such as digital forensics. it is too early to determine a motive and it would be unhelpful to speculate . i want to reassure speculate. i want to reassure the community that the afp is providing new south wales police with whatever support is required, and tonight i've also spoken with the new south wales police commissioner and the director general, asio. and finally, i would like to give my condolences to the victims and families out there . given your families out there. given your opening remarks , i know you opening remarks, i know you stressed this and given the attack . this is online receipt attack. this is online receipt of vie portland eastern sydney. >> i think there are people asking about whether terror is part of this attack. >> any information about whether there was any terror, terrorist motivation for this attack . motivation for this attack. having spoken with the new south wales police commissioner at this stage, it's too early to give that assessment out.
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however, all the agencies, the right agencies are working together to make that assessment and would you comment on that, given that there are already a lot of people speculating about that as a possible motivation here, what's your response to that motive, that speculation? >> i think the afp commissioner has made it clear that speculation, certainly not from myself, would be unhelpful at this time, we should allow the investigator to go about their work. the police . i've also had work. the police. i've also had a discussion tonight with the director general of asio, the motive at this stage is unknown. and we will, of course, continue to update the australian public as more information is known. >> commissioner, just how serious is this incident? >> it's very serious given the amount of people that have been
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harmed. and, you know, it's something that we take seriously. we do sadly exercise for these kinds of events. and what i would say the police and the emergency services on the ground there are doing an incredible job and also working with victims and trauma , quite with victims and trauma, quite some incredible work from all the services can you say anything about how many afp resources have been mobilised because of it? not at this stage, but it's hard to say because you have people at the scene, but you then have the support in the in the back end of our business. so a lot of people are working on this right now work together, and now and we work together, and new south wales police have the lead and dan, what lead on this. and dan, what would australians who would you say to australians who are other attacks, are worried about other attacks, whether may lead to other whether this may lead to other attacks or , you know, spur them attacks or, you know, spur them on, whether there should be any concern about further threats? >> look, it's certainly is my view that we should allow this
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investigation to take place , it investigation to take place, it would appear that this person has a lacked acted alone. the motives are not known yet, and speculation on that would not be helpful at this time. but we have been , clear and transparent have been, clear and transparent . and i know that the new south wales police, as well as now the afp, have made information available all, as, as a priority because we understand that the australian public will be very shocked by this event . our heart shocked by this event. our heart goes out to them and i think also, in conclusion, can i say i spoke before about the bravery, that has been exhibited here, the bravery of the police
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officer who she entered and, the, proceedings that were taking place, obviously very dangerous by herself, she is certainly a hero. there is no doubt that she saved lives , doubt that she saved lives, through her action. and it is a reminder that those people who wear uniform , are people who wear uniform, are people who rush to danger, not away from it. and i give thanks to every, every one of them, for the actions that they've taken up to now and the actions that they will take over the coming days, which will be a difficult period as well. thank you . as well. thank you. >> so the australian premier, anthony albanese, they are giving that news conference alongside side the australian federal police and saying really
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concluding his remarks there with praise for that police inspector who was on soul patrol nearby, to the shopping centre, rushed into that shopping centre on our own, confronted the attacker and killed that attacker and killed that attacker . he said that, she is attacker. he said that, she is incredibly brave and shows, just what the police do in running towards danger. and of course, we know from attacks in the past that the modus operandi now of those who carry out , especially those who carry out, especially these multiple, casualty attacks , they are trying to cause as much in the way of harm as possible. so police won't negotiate any more. they rush forward and try to neutralise the threat. well, this officer did that on her own, other, sort of notes of interest, i think, in that, news conference, was
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the refusal, i think, of the prime minister to go into any detail on the potential motivation at this stage. it may be that they just, are too early on in the investigation to know for sure whether there was any kind of, motivation behind what that motivation might have been, but clearly , in the absence of but clearly, in the absence of any confirmation from the authorities , there is authorities, there is speculation. but at this stage, what they are confirming is an absolutely horrific incident that unfolds . and with, five that unfolds. and with, five innocent people killed, the attacker killed, and eight others now in hospital in serious and some in critical condition. >> well, thank you very much, mark, for that. now we're joined here by writer and commentator candice holdsworth and singer and tv personality ben ofoedu. candy ben. i mean, what really struck me about that press conference was the bravery of that female police officer who shot the suspect and was an eyewitness account, saying that
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if she hadn't shot him, he would have carried on. he was on a rampage. i mean, it's terrifying, isn't it? >> it's amazing to think of her. i mean, in those circumstances, you go into fight or you do just go into fight or flight . and she obviously just flight. and she obviously just her kicked and her fight response kicked in and it incredible. she went it was incredible. and she went in own. she had no idea in on her own. she had no idea what she facing. i mean, what she was facing. i mean, almost makes me feel tearful, what she was facing. i mean, almthankmakes me feel tearful, what she was facing. i mean, almthankmakes me forel tearful, what she was facing. i mean, almthankmakes me for someone but thank goodness for someone like her. >> thank and thank >> thank goodness and thank goodness it does now sound as though there was one though there was just the one attacker for little bit this attacker for a little bit this morning. sounded as though morning. it sounded as though there were two, but there were there were two, but it an isolated attacker. but it was an isolated attacker. but i cold comfort i mean, that'll be cold comfort to people in sydney to the people in sydney now trying escape surrounding trying to escape the surrounding streets of that westfield shopping centre. >> exactly. >> no, exactly. >> no, exactly. >> i mean, so the police officer, up for the officer, the lady is up for the ladies. that's an amazing ladies. so that's an amazing thing , yeah. always get really thing, yeah. i always get really scared things like this scared when things like this happen, that in happen, because i think that in the to follow after the months to follow after everywhere in the world, there's going to be tension. and we always worry. we don't quite know the motives of you know the motives of it. you know, i suppose they suspect it's but we don't it's terrorism, but we don't know. you know , everywhere know. and you know, everywhere
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we you know, i always fear we just, you know, i always fear about copycat incidents. i know it sounds like a bit too premature to say, but that's what always scares me about stuff like this . it's just stuff like this. it's just completely frightening. >> it's a good point to make. i mean, we don't know the motive for incident this morning. for this incident this morning. we know it's terrorism. we don't know if it's terrorism. it have just been some, it could have just been some, you know, some some lone person. yes this week we did you know, some some lone person. yes threats this week we did you know, some some lone person. yes threats this islamica did you know, some some lone person. yes threats this islamic state have threats from islamic state on across on football matches across europe. league europe. the champions league games bayern games arsenal played, bayern munich at the emirates in north london or london on. was it tuesday or wednesday night? was an wednesday night? there was an increased presence there. increased police presence there. so don't know the so yeah, we don't know the motive for this, be honest. motive for this, to be honest. let's hope it's not terrorism because, you know, because, yes, you know, and let's hope it's wolf let's just hope it's a lone wolf situation said, situation because as i said, we've been hearing the growing threat from islamic state. there's same situation there's all the same situation with gaza and israel. so the last thing we want, especially on grand national weekend, is a heightened sense of, you know, fear, in the northern hemisphere, you know, let alone down under. >> well, absolutely. and australia, actually, the terror level little bit level threat is a little bit lower is over here in
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lower than it is over here in the uk, feels a little bit the uk, which feels a little bit alarming. we've said, alarming. but but as we've said, we not know what the we do not know what the motivations are yet. and anthony albanese there, the, the australian minister was australian prime minister was very to, not to speculate. >> yeah, exactly. you're saying. yeah, okay. going to stick yeah, okay. we're going to stick with during show , with this, during the show, eyewitnesses, going to go eyewitnesses, we're going to go back live as well back to the live feeds as well and all the updates as and give you all the updates as they happen, including the situation nine month old situation on that nine month old baby was stabbed. the baby who was stabbed. the youngster still alive, we youngster is still alive, as we understand moment is understand at the moment and is undergoing operation in undergoing an operation in hospital. so fingers crossed for that boy girl. up that little boy or girl. but up next be sitting next we're going to be sitting down the legendary down with the legendary peter shilton, england shilton, the former england goalkeeper, the dangers of goalkeeper, about the dangers of gambling. course, gambling. it is, of course, grand of grand national week and lots of you going be having a you are going to be having a flutter today. are olivia? flutter today. are you olivia? are you prone for a. >> i'm not actually, but my husband is there at the grand national. lucky him i know national. oh, lucky him i know in in a box. in a in a box or in a box. >> oh, there we go. >> oh, there we go. >> how the other half live a right? stick with us. lots more to come. this is saturday morning live on gb news,
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>> well, welcome back to saturday morning live and don't forget to keep sending me and ben questions about the topics in the news this week. and we'll chat through them with our panel and guests. chat through them with our panel and guewe will get to them. so >> yes, we will get to them. so it's i can see them flying in, but when we get time, we will get to them and you've and we'll see what you've been saying, course, today saying, now of course, today is the return of one of the biggest sporting spectacles in the world. they call world. my favourite. they call it on turf. it the greatest show on turf. it's grand national, and it's the grand national, and whilst can be as a bit whilst it can be seen as a bit of fun, i guess with millions of people across the country putting on bets for the races, for can be difficult for others it can be a difficult time of the year. >> yes, and gambling charities are that are are urging those that are struggling addiction to struggling with addiction to seek advice this seek help and advice this weekend. course it can be, weekend. of course it can be, you know, me might put you know, you and me might put a fiver on the grand national once a year, some struggle a year, but some people struggle every this. very every single day with this. very hard the balance right. hard to get the balance right. >> yes, exactly. >> yes, exactly. >> well, who best speak to >> well, who best to speak to you about this and the you now about this and the
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dangers gambling, dangers of gambling, then? former goalkeeper a former england goalkeeper and a hero of peter shilton. hero of mine, peter shilton. good peter. how are you good morning peter. how are you doing? >> morning. i'm very well, >> good morning. i'm very well, thank you. >> thank for joining thank you. >> now, thank forjoining thank you. >> now, tharas forjoining thank you. >> now, tharas mentioned us, now, look, as we mentioned in introduction, it's, for in the introduction, it's, for most it's a, you know, a most people, it's a, you know, a great sporting occasion. it's iconic. it's historic race. we iconic. it's a historic race. we go down the bookies and put a couple of quid on. maybe you'd pick based, you know, on pick a horse based, you know, on the name, the colours or the name, perhaps, people and perhaps, but for some people and including and i'll let you, including you. and i'll let you, you talk your own you know, talk about your own experiences. for some people experiences. but for some people it's occasion where we have it's an occasion where we have to bit conscious about, to be a bit conscious about, digging up past habits. >> yes. i mean, as you've just alluded to , it's a fantastic alluded to, it's a fantastic event, always has been. and it bnngs event, always has been. and it brings people who would not normally have a bet throughout the year to have a couple of quid or a fiver on the national. it's, it's something that's been traditional . i suppose the only traditional. i suppose the only other race would be the derby that you would, you know, look on it as the same way. but of course, you know, it, it brings up the fact that, you know,
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there are awful lot of people out there now who are addicted. you know, we're addicted to many things in life these days. but gambling is one of the biggest. and certainly, you know, there is a lot of misery to not just the gambler, but to the people around a gambler, you know, family, friends , etcetera, who family, friends, etcetera, who probably have lent money and, you know, it affects a lot of people , not just the gambler. people, not just the gambler. and obviously, i had the, the problem for, for 4 to 5 years, you know , certainly it started you know, certainly it started out as a hobby with me, but it grew into much more because, you know, you sit there and it, you know, you sit there and it, you know, you sit there and it, you know, you get the excitement and everything else . and then at the everything else. and then at the end of the day, you look back and you think, oh, i don't think i should have lost all that. and it's just a natural reaction to a gambling addiction . a gambling addiction. >> i think one thing which is so often difficult for gamblers is that it's very difficult to get your get your way out of it once
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your get your way out of it once you are a gambling addict and you're sort of credit ratings are through the floor, then trying to trying to get back trying to get trying to get back up , being able to, you up again, being able to, you know, buy a house, get a mortgage, etc. can become very, very difficult indeed. you very difficult indeed. do you think the government and think sort of the government and gambling charities are doing enough to , to, to help with enough to, to, to, to help with that problem. enough to, to, to, to help with tha yeah.lem. enough to, to, to, to help with tha yeah. well money fuels >> yeah. well money fuels gambling. and if you're earning a lot of money, you know you can get away with it because gamblers are secretive. they hide things all the time. you know, they only tell people when they as we know, they have a win, but as we know, they have a win, but as we know, the majority, majority , he the majority, vast majority, he will always lose. and, you know , will always lose. and, you know, you know, that that's the way it is. i listen, i don't i think we've been waiting for a white paper by the government on gambling to be brought out so we can see what new legislations are going to be, you know, in that in that white paper, you know, obviously we're never season the premier league are taking the gambling off the front of premier league teams,
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but then you here and i may put it on the sleeve or on the back. so it's a start. it's a start. but there's far more i think in terms of, you know, the gambling advertising , terms of, you know, the gambling advertising, you terms of, you know, the gambling advertising , you know, it's in advertising, you know, it's in people's faces all the time , you people's faces all the time, you know, their, their code of conduct, their they're getting fined continuously. gambling firms for, for breaking the rules and letting people who, who they know, you know, probably shouldn't have the money they have on. and, there's all those sort of things going on now. so peter, sorry, sorry to interject. >> can you just remind us of your own story, your experience that you've spoken previously about how you lost millions of pounds gambling? i think at one point you were spending, is it £18,000 a month on punting? i mean, what kind of things were you betting on and how did you pull yourself out of that hole? i know you credited your wife, steph, helping you? steph, with with helping you? >> much well at >> yes, very much so. well at the time, you you just don't you don't look at what you're
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losing. you just, you know, you want to win and, you know, and if you've got quite a bit of time on your hands, which some sportsmen do, you know, they they do their job like play football or cricket or whatever it is. and then they train and they have a lot of rest time. and sometimes that rest time can turn into, you know, what we talk, you talk about talk, you know, talk about addictions. you know, you addictions. so, you know, you want be the high. and want to be on the high. and i think that's the thing when i look back, know , you wake up look back, you know, you wake up and all you're thinking about, in case, it's mostly horse in my case, it's mostly horse racing. know, i'd studied racing. you know, i'd studied i studied paper , and the whole studied the paper, and the whole day gone. and at the day would be gone. and at the end look back end of the day, you look back and think, well, that was a and you think, well, that was a day wasted. i've done is day wasted. all i've done is lose money. and it was nine years over nine years ago that, i my wife's. well, my wife i met my wife's. well, my wife steph helped me overcome, my addiction. dropped addiction. and the penny dropped and, you know, i realised that, you know, there's more to life. i've been wasting my life. i've got a lot more pressure on myself than i needed to. and now i wake up and i'm thinking, oh,
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i'd like to do this. i'd like to do that. i'd like to do this. i'd like to do that . and mentally, you know, do that. and mentally, you know, you're so much better off and financially you're so much better because time better off because every time you earn money, you keep it, you you earn money, you keep it, a gambler, it will always be short. short of money. and there is not everybody's, you know, an addictive gambler, but it's getting more and more people who are men, women and children as well. >> as you said, it's so prominent in the advertising. you watch a football match today and you've got bookies adverts. you've got, adverts on front of the shirts, the sleeves everywhere, the training kits even have specialist bookies sponsoring so peter, a sponsoring them. so peter, as a as a reformed addict and i know addicts take it a day at a time, but what's your advice to anyone today who maybe doesn't see themselves as an addict, but, perhaps to , you know, perhaps wants to, you know, curtail their gambling a bit and is conscious that today is a big betting day. >> you will get addicts >> well, you will get addicts who will probably have a bit more on the grand national, and they should do. but you know that the that that's part of the territory, you i mean,
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territory, you know, i mean, i just think my advice to an addict you know, look , face addict now, you know, look, face up to the fact that you're not going to win. there's only a very, very small percentage of people gambling. you're people win at gambling. you're not going to win in the long term. you know, you are wasting your and money and you're your time and money and you're probably yourself probably going to get yourself in seek help. seek out in debt. so seek help. seek out help. there's plenty of help out there , my wife. wife now works there, my wife. wife now works for moody, which is for gordon moody, which is a which is a big charity. and she she's got a new service which helps the, you know, the family members around an addict when they go into treatment because there's a lot of debris left and there's a lot of debris left and the addict needs to walk out into a better situation. and, there's a lot more going on than people realise. so get help, seek help and, and start on the road to a better life and a happier life and a more prosperous life , because you're prosperous life, because you're going to be far better off financially, you know? absolutely >> well, thank you so much, peter. >> yeah, i mean, i love horse
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racing. always have, you know, and, you know, the horses love it. the fit. they're trained up . it. the fit. they're trained up. they get well looked after, so i love that sport. but it's the gambling side of it. goes with it. yeah >> well, as you say, peter, i mean, for some people, it's easy. for some people, it really isn't so easy at all. and i think it's really inspiring to hear from someone who was in that hole and managed to get themselves out of it. so thank you very much. thanks, peter. telling us your story. >> pleasure. >> pleasure, pleasure. >> pleasure, pleasure. >> coming up, we're going >> right. coming up, we're going to with this breaking to stick with this breaking incident sydney, shopping incident in sydney, the shopping centre we centre stabbing spree. we understand have died, understand six people have died, including the australian prime heard from the australian prime minister anthony albanese, who said police said that a female police officer was brave enough and courageous to run into danger, apprehend the suspect and shoots him dead. also, we'll try and get an update for that nine month old baby who was stabbed and is currently, i think, undergoing surgery in hospital. all that and more after the break. with . us.
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break. stick with. us. >> we are proud to be gb news the people's channel and as you know, we always love to hear your views. now there's a new way of getting in touch with us @gbnews .com forward. slash your say by commenting. you can be part of a live conversation and join our gb news community. you can even talk to me, bev turner or any of the members of the gb news family. simply go to slash your forward slash your say
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i >> welcome back in a very good morning to you. it's ben and olivia on saturday morning live. we're just going to get some emails now from you on this incident in sydney. of course, the breaking news that multiple people stabbed a people have been stabbed in a shopping were out shopping centre. they were out and about shopping on a friday night in, australia when a lone attacker , went around with attacker, went around with a knife. 5 or 6 people, at least five people are confirmed to
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have died and a nine month old baby. can you believe it has been stabbed? and currently undergoing critical surgery and hospital? june says. good morning to you, june. thank goodness that the lone female police officer armed and police officer was armed and thus able to stop him here in the uk . she would not have been the uk. she would not have been routinely armed. and says routinely armed. and donald says a world the amazing a big world under the amazing aussie policewoman shot dead aussie policewoman who shot dead the perpetrator. that's the way to deal with this type of situation. this lunatic is no longer a threat anyone. longer a threat to anyone. >> yeah, lot of you are very >> yeah, a lot of you are very impressed bravery of that impressed by the bravery of that female officer. and then female police officer. and then mary says, i find myself being wary out in day, and wary when out in the day, and i live in the north, i don't feel safe walking around in the shops. don't safe on the shops. i don't feel safe on the bus what people bus either. what must the people of think? think that is of london think? i think that is the you can't help sort the thing. you can't help sort of imagining it would be of imagining what it would be like it happened in london. >> well, i mean, we mentioned a bit earlier how islamic state had football matches had threatened, football matches in this week. arsenal in the uk this week. arsenal against was against bayern munich, there was an increased presence, an increased police presence, and wonder, you know, and you just wonder, you know, the with israel, gaza, the situation with israel, gaza, iran, tensions rising high.
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iran, tensions are rising high. so surprised . many so i'm not surprised. many of you home know, you are home feel you know, worried about kind of worried about that kind of thing. a lot of thing. there's a lot of discussion about about whether our officers too should discussion about about whether omarmed officers too should discussion about about whether omarmed offic on too should discussion about about whether omarmed offic on a»o should discussion about about whether omarmed offic on a routined be armed on a on a routine basis, says. basis, lin says. >> australian news. my >> dreadful australian news. my heart out to them in this heart goes out to them in this country. police officer country. the police officer would have been arrested. >> yeah. interesting point. okay, to stick with okay, we're going to stick with that throughout the show, expert witnesses. have witnesses. we're going to have reporters ground, live reporters on the ground, live shots well. and of course, shots as well. and of course, all updates that go with it, all the updates that go with it, slight change of gear. now with the weather getting warmer. well, getting warmer, has it? we had getting warmer today. had it's getting warmer today. we day yesterday of we had one day yesterday of about 20 minutes of sunshine, and really seen the and we haven't really seen the weather . weather yet. >> yeah, okay. >> yeah, okay. >> well, won't be long before >> well, it won't be long before we're festival season, so we're in festival season, so beer music, and beer tents, i guess, music, and of huge queues for the toilet. >> and it's an age old problem for women, particularly , who for women, particularly, who often find they spend more time queuing for the than at the queuing for the loo than at the event itself. but perhaps the answer is finally here. two women from bristol think so ? women from bristol think so? they've invented what they say is a revolution in the female
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toilet at our south—west of england reporterjeff toilet at our south—west of england reporter jeff moody, who else was dispatched to find out more ? more? >> it's all right for us blokes. we can be in and out of the loos in a matter of seconds, but not so for women . so for women. >> it's very frustrating having to queue , seeing men coming and to queue, seeing men coming and going, and we have to wait to go in here, also, there's a thing about men can just do it and not have to sit on anything or hover in an uncomfortable position. introduce hazel and amber. >> after spending too much of their lives in lieu queues, they've invented a toilet that lets women spend a penny as quickly as you can. say, ladies urinal. >> and so we were really propelled forwards by women saying this must happen. so we made prototypes, we gained investment, we manufactured the product in the uk, and then we started, we actually launched in 2022 at glastonbury. so so that
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was like we went to the most influential event. so it would trickle down to all the other events trickling down is the key to the success of the girls invention , but i'm not sure i'm invention, but i'm not sure i'm the best one to explain all this. >> let's ask a festival goer who is their number one fan, but recently i went to glastonbury festival a couple of years ago, and they had these these new pickle pickles, i think they're called. and they're more of a cabin. they're very comfortable to be able to squat down, and they're just a much better setup. no paper, cardboard bits that can go horribly wrong and much less margin for error. that can go horribly wrong and much less margin for error . and much less margin for error. and it's really nice. it's in a big open space. so everyone's kind of chatting away about how brilliant this is, that we've got a new innovation to help us got a new innovation to help us go to the toilet without getting dirty and queuing and everything. so yeah, it is a really , really nice experience. really, really nice experience. i had them more often. i wish they had them more often. i've ever seen them at i've only ever seen them at glastonbury festival . glastonbury festival. >> i really need to pee long.
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>> i really need to pee long. >> it's called pickle equal rights for people that pee and the girls think with a change of mindset. this could make them flush . flush. >> it's almost, driven by ease of use because instead of going for a 30 minute toilet queue, you can use a pickle and you're in and out. it's almost driven by convenience, is the word i was going for. >> it's the word i'd go for, too. this script writes itself. >> we did actually just win the best toilet of the year award and it felt good. dream come true. >> blunderbuss. >> blunderbuss. >> yeah , it is very funny. my >> yeah, it is very funny. my parents do say i never thought you'd be going into this full time advert, but. okay, but, you know, it isn't just a toilet. it is this whole movement movements, though, are an entirely different matter. >> the pickle is only set up for tinkles. the girls are now looking for investment abroad and hope their invention will keep them engaged for years to come . jeff moody talking toilets come. jeff moody talking toilets for gb news.
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>> well thank you jeff for that slightly graphic package there we were just deciding who was going to pick up after his package. >> i said, look, i think this is your ring. i'm gonna sit back and you can deal with it. >> the sun, well, you know, this isn't the only way that women can pee easily in public. and actually, we're here with sam fountain, who's the founder of shibui. you make of all shibui. what do you make of all this , sam? this, sam? >> they're brilliant. i >> oh. they're brilliant. i hadnt >> oh. they're brilliant. i hadn't them before, hadn't seen them before, actually. i've used similar squat toilets in france, but fantastic if it makes it quicker for ladies and more efficient and actually, we can become more practice because the younger kids start using them, then. genius. yes, i love it. i love a female designed something female who's designed something awesome without awesome for people to be without awesome for people to be without a . a toilet. >> well, i agree there. actually at the london marathon last yean at the london marathon last year, was running and year, which i was running and they very useful indeed. they were very useful indeed. can tell us a bit more about can you tell us a bit more about about your invention though, because been at because they've been at festivals for, for really long festivals for, for really a long time now. exactly does it work? >> yes. so the way we designed it in 1999. so yeah, over 20
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years it works by acting as if a female has got the same appendage as a male. so you just unzip your fly, put it between your legs and it directs the flow of wee away from your body. so you can either stand up at a female urinal or a male urinal. if the queues are too long or behind a tree, so you don't need to expose your bottom, it's much safer. we find that women in the army use it because it's not just quicker, but it's safer not having to take your trousers down and have round your down and have them round your ankles, in hospitals or ankles, women in hospitals or people they as people rehabbing, they use it as well . it's better than having well. it's better than having a bedpan. so it's got loads of use. we find the biggest market is generally, people is walkers. generally, people who be free. and it's so who want to be free. and it's so small it just fits in your pocket. it's really easy. and you can just give it a flick and it's dry. >> sam, how is business >> and, sam, how is business going? when found the going? when did you found the company how have you grown company and how have you grown since then? is it becoming more and popular? and more popular? >> popular. so designed >> no more popular. so designed it 1999, james dyson it in 1999, won the james dyson award. year, when i was a
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award. that year, when i was a student at university. now, 22 years the years later, i actually sold the company are now company to delaware, who are now called which are a bit called kiwi, which are a bit like blacks and millets, and that those sort of companies and it continues grow. it's it continues to grow. so it's probably 10 to 20,000 units a month in the summer because the summer is, as you say, festival time and the walkers. but we have distributors in the us and in canada all over the world. really, sam, you don't rent them, do you? >> it's quite. oh, sorry. >> it's quite. oh, sorry. >> people don't rent them, do they? or do they? they buy. they buy them. >> buy them. they buy them. so they're and once they're about him and once you've your own, you've got you've got your own, you've got your to say, your own. but i have to say, they're a bit like umbrellas that once one, you that once you've got one, you probably it after a few probably lose it after a few months. you get another months. then you get another one, get another colour, and one, you get another colour, and some into the fad and some people are into the fad and they different colours for they have different colours for different outfits. >> brilliant. >> well, that sounds brilliant. >> well, that sounds brilliant. >> as who spends a lot >> as someone who spends a lot of time long queues, i think of time in long queues, i think i might be investing one of i might be investing in one of those. you so much sam. those. thank you so much sam. it's really great to hear from you. >> okay, more to come including all the latest updates from
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sydney. has seven sydney. there has been seven confirmed sydney. confirmed dead now from sydney. we're on that just we're going to be on that just after break. live reports after the break. live reports and also yeah, we're going to recover from the recover that statement from the australian anthony australian pm, anthony albanese. this morning
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us. now for those . welcome back, now for those. welcome back, saturday morning live here on gb news. we're going straight to sydney again with this shopping centre attack . at least five centre attack. at least five people are confirmed dead. the police now are suggesting that seven, including the attacker , seven, including the attacker, have died. just as a reminder, if you're just joining us, so late last night, uk time, a lone attacker entered a shopping centre in bondi beach in new south wales, went on a what can only be described as a stabbing spree, including a nine month old baby who was currently undergoing surgery for critical injuries. so anthony albanese, the australian prime minister
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paid tribute to a heroic female police officer who apprehended the suspect, actually shot him dead as well, and yeah, we're going to continue to stay with this as we get more updates. so at least five people dead. australian police suggesting there may be seven. we're not quite clear on the final number just yet, but at least five dead in australia. as it stands . in australia. as it stands. >> and we'll be we'll be bringing you more about that awful story throughout the rest of the show. but for now, here on saturday morning live, we love to give a spotlight to people who do amazing things. and this week we're joined by founder of queer organisation md brunch , naveen ulez. now naveen. brunch, naveen ulez. now naveen. it's fantastic to have you with us today. and i've just heard you give us a little talk about what you do and you sounded so enthusiastic. i just want you to give the give the viewers a flavour of what you just told us. >> us. >> well, what i, i guess when people ask me what i do and when my mom is waiting for me to grow up and get a job because i can't
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describe it so easily, i talk about myself an animator, but about myself as an animator, but i what people understand i guess what people understand that be a choir director that to be is a choir director or a musical director, and people then think, well, and you know, where's the thank you. that's but what's the that's very nice. but what's the benefit then and benefit there? and then and that's a reasonable question. so i'd like to contextualise that a little bit in the uk we have more than 42,000 singing groups. and that's that's seven years old. we know it grew old. so we know it grew massively after pandemic . so massively after the pandemic. so 42,000 people get 42,000 groups of people get together those together and sing in those groups. there's 2.14 million people week and if you people every week and if you then stack that up, we have 300,000 people per week more sing in a group than play amateur level football in the uk. so actually, as a pastime, singing together in groups is the national pastime. think about a football stadium. think about a football stadium. think about the last wedding you were at. think about the last night out on on a on a dancefloor anywhere, and people are getting together all the together and singing all the time because it makes you feel good. >> it lifts the soul. >> it does lifts the soul. >> it does lifts the soul. >> it does lifts the soul. >> i think. absolutely. so then actually then i what i actually though, then i what i started to was, you
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started to realise was, you know, indian kid who should know, the indian kid who should have grown up to be a doctor and didn't do that. so failed miserably. actually, when my colleagues and i doing the work that do get in room, we're that we do get in a room, we're we're people or 70 people or we're 30 people or 70 people or 300 people, those 300 people, and all of those people get place people suddenly get to a place where they belong . they aren't where they belong. they aren't ostracised somewhere they where they belong. they aren't ostribettersomewhere they where they belong. they aren't ostribetter .)mewhere they where they belong. they aren't ostribetter . and/here they where they belong. they aren't ostribetter . and so re they where they belong. they aren't ostribetter . and so at they where they belong. they aren't ostribetter . and so at a they where they belong. they aren't ostribetter . and so at a veryhey feel better. and so at a very simple, basic body level, your body gets healthier , your body gets healthier, your belonging gets better, so your well—being better. and then well—being is better. and then the output that you take home to your lives gets better. >> think a really >> i think it's a really fantastic thing to be doing, particularly the of particularly in the sort of current that, current climate we know that, you churches, church of you know, churches, church of england closing, you know, churches, church of engleare closing, you know, churches, church of engleare closing closing, you know, churches, church of engleare closing across.osing, you know, churches, church of engleare closing across the|g, you know, churches, church of engleare closing across the uk, pubs are closing across the uk, all of sort of mainstays all of those sort of mainstays of community seem to be of the community seem to be disappearing in front our disappearing in front of our eyes. do see what you're eyes. do you see what you're doing as a as a kind of alternative, that another to alternative, that another way to have alternative, that another way to hav it's alternative, that another way to havit's always been way since >> it's always been a way since the beginning of human nature, as a way to together and as a way to get together and sing families around a piano at christmas time. singing carols should thing that should have been the thing that we still do, but we don't
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we all still do, but we don't know how play the piano know how to play the piano anymore. but we, people anymore. but we, the people running those 42,000 choirs in the aren't trained the country, they aren't trained to do that. often there isn't like an actual formalised pathway. so the organisation we set up empowers them to do their role because they're role better because they're doing of things. like doing all kinds of things. like if they're not down to the if they're not going down to the pub, have to organise pub, we have to organise a building and then invite everybody where to go. >> so for example, you do wellbeing support in wellbeing support groups in prisons, right? yes. so prisons, is that right? yes. so what does that entail practically? go prisons practically? you go into prisons and you all the prisoners to and you get all the prisoners to join with a group singing session. >> if all of them would do it, that would be amazing. >> if all of them would do it, that worwhat's,|mazing. >> if all of them would do it, that worwhat's, what's|. >> if all of them would do it, that worwhat's, what's generally >> and what's, what's generally the when in and the response when you go in and you to the inmates, we're you speak to the inmates, we're we're super lucky working we're super lucky in working with organisation called with this organisation called liberty go we take volunteers >> we go in, we take volunteers with and we socially with them and we socially interact i guess interact because i guess rehabilitation looks like changing pattern. changing a behaviour pattern. so we these people and we normalise these people and they become they become they become us and they become free for hours in a room free for two hours in a room where nothing between them and us of any kind of boundary, us is of any kind of boundary, and we sing together. the and we just sing together. the singing releases dopamine and and we just sing together. the
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singoxytocinases dopamine and and we just sing together. the singoxytocin and dopamine and and we just sing together. the singoxytocin and makesine and and we just sing together. the singoxytocin and makes theand and we just sing together. the singoxytocin and makes the body the oxytocin and makes the body better. the sitting posture wise, better makes everybody. as soon as you said that, quite naturally. but so the health benefits but them realising that they're valued by other people is hugely powerful and the stories that come out of liberty, choir of guys coming back out of prison, not having that and then now finding new social networks and jobs outside is exciting. >> you a is exciting. » you >> well, you received a british citizens award, i think, for your efforts, your great work, and greatest briton. and you are our greatest briton. this week. so congratulations to you, you're doing you, naveen. you're doing great work. you would say work. god's work, you would say from the from singing and sharing the joy of you so much of music. so thank you so much and congratulations. of music. so thank you so much anchu're atulations. of music. so thank you so much anchu're welcome. thank you. >> you're welcome. thank you. thank very much. thank you very much. >> more to come the >> right. more to come in the next hour, including all the latest sydney. we're going latest from sydney. we're going to date with the to keep you up to date with the death there. it's currently death toll there. it's currently seven confirmed. seven that has been confirmed. unrwa these are live pictures from shopping centre, from that shopping centre, the westfield in sydney, westfield centre in sydney, police have said that one of their officers, a female officer who has actually been praised by the australian prime minister this saying that she
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this morning, saying that she was courageous in apprehending that suspect alone by herself and she saved many, many lives in the process . you're with ben in the process. you're with ben and olivia on saturday morning live only on gb news, britain's news channel. stay with us. we'll be back in
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tick. hello. and a very good morning to you. i'm ben leo, alongside olivia utley. and this is saturday morning live. great to have your company this morning. and we've got an action packed show coming up. >> well, our top story this morning is the awful news breaking from sydney. >> a major incident has been declared reports that declared after reports that multiple were hearing. multiple people were hearing. now people have now six people have been stabbed. in a shopping stabbed. killed in a shopping centre. that was late last night uk time it is the holidays in australia . there are lots of australia. there are lots of families out in that shopping centre in westfield and horrific . one of the victims is a nine
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month old baby . that child is in month old baby. that child is in hospital at the moment receiving urgent surgery and we will keep you updated with what is going on with that child. >> yeah, really tragic news and horrible scenes. the videos circulating online from bystanders who've recorded incidents on their phone. see incidents on their phone. we see a man running through the shopping centre with a quite a large knife in his hand, and also heroically, as the australian prime minister, anthony albanese, said, we saw footage which is circulating online. we'll see if we can get it for you of a female police officer apprehending the knifeman by herself in what the aussie pm has described as courageous, heroic and i think olivia said that she had saved many, many lives in the process. so absolutely. >> i mean, eyewitness accounts said that if that police officer had not intervened, then this man would have carried on. he was on a rampage. it said. so thank goodness that that very brave police officer intervened. we're going to be reacting to that and all our other stories
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today with commentator candice holdsworth and singer and tv personality ben ofoedu. >> plenty more to come, including the countdown is on arguably for the world's most famous horse race. i call it the greatest show on turf. it's the grand national. it's of course, kicking off today. we're going to live to andrea to be going live to andrea aintree , rather in liverpool aintree, rather in liverpool with sophie for a grand with sophie reaper for a grand national bonanza. will you be betting races today? let betting on any races today? let us know . us know. >> and how do you feel about having a royal navy with recruits that can't necessarily swim? is this a sink or swim moment for the british armed forces? we'll be discussing this with a former british marine and we'll find out more. >> so that swimming story from the navy is ridiculous, isn't it? so they've changed the rules to allow non—swimmers to join and start training right? >> yeah. they've changed the rules so non—swimmers can join.
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they have to pass the swimming test actually test before they're actually allowed but will allowed to swim. but they will be lessons with the navy. be given lessons with the navy. >> yeah. right there. >> yeah. right there. >> what do you make of >> what do you guys make of that? news commodore say some that? gb news commodore say some people said that it people critics have said that it shows desperation of the shows rank desperation of the armed because they just armed forces because they just can't anyone. can't recruit anyone. >> can't recruit anyone. >> they can't recruit anyone. and issue. so and this is the issue. so they're having to open up that field and wider. field wider and wider. but i think the idea for lots of people, of someone on a boat defending who would people, of someone on a boat defer big; who would people, of someone on a boat deferbig problems who would people, of someone on a boat deferbig problems if who would people, of someone on a boat deferbig problems if they would people, of someone on a boat deferbig problems if they gotjld people, of someone on a boat deferbig problems if they got in have big problems if they got in the water, it's quite worrying. >> okay, well, look, there's lots of hard going around lots of hard news going around today, need to lighten up today, so we need to lighten up a bit. we're to joined today, so we need to lighten up a bit latere to joined today, so we need to lighten up a bit later on to joined today, so we need to lighten up a bit later on ato joined today, so we need to lighten up a bit later on a wine joined today, so we need to lighten up a bit later on a wine expert a bit later on by a wine expert to discuss the impacts of post—brexit wine tax, and i think we might even have a little or if we're little tip or two if we're lucky. olivia. before all lucky. olivia. but before all that, your news headlines that, here's your news headlines with francis. with sam francis. >> ben and olivia, thank you very much. and good morning from the newsroom. it's just coming up to 11:04, and we start with a recap of that breaking news
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coming out sydney this coming out of sydney this morning. we've been hearing morning. as we've been hearing a major police operation is ongoing after a stabbing spree at a shopping centre near bondi beach. at a shopping centre near bondi beach . we now know that at least beach. we now know that at least six people have been killed in that attack, which took place at the busy westfield centre . we the busy westfield centre. we also understand that a solo female police officer was in the area at the time of the attack, tracked down the suspect . he was tracked down the suspect. he was appearing to have been wearing a green rugby league shirt and was seen running around the complex. he allegedly raised his he then allegedly raised his knife before he was shot and killed by that officer. police haven't at this stage identified the suspect but believe he did act alone . so far there's no act alone. so far there's no motive, but terrorism hasn't been ruled out. if you're watching on television, you can see here live pictures from the scene outside the shopping centre in sydney. and the officers earlier were also seen in aerial footage searching the shopping centres rooftop car park. new south wales police have now confirmed a nine month
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old baby is among eight victims who were stabbed during the attack. they have all now been taken to a number of hospitals across the city, while australia's prime minister anthony albanese, has thanked the country's brave police and first responders. >> today, bondi junction was the scene of shocking violence. but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police, our first responders and of course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment. and some of the footage is quite extraordinary . extraordinary. >> well, soon after the incident in sydney, we also heard from the assistant commissioner, anthony cook, who gave this update. >> our hearts go out to all of them as they do to anyone touched by this terrible incident this afternoon. i do not have information in relation
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to the offender. i do not know at this stage who he is. you would be. you would understand. this is quite raw. our inquiries are very new and we are continuing to make attempts to identify the offender in this matter . m atter. >> matter. >> police and paramedics received multiple calls at around 3:00 in the afternoon from members of the public in the shopping centre, reporting seeing a man stabbing people indiscriminately. here's how some of those witnesses described the moment. >> i didn't see him properly. i was running, but, it's just it was running, but, it's just it was insane. it was insanity. i wasn't expecting it. >> i have some guy running around stabbing people. seems pretty random. probably a terrorist attack . terrorist attack. >> we saw all these people running towards us, and then we heard a shot . heard a shot. >> the accounts there of witnesses in sydney during that
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knife attack in the shopping centre. as i said, the major police operation is still unfolding. we will, of course, keep across that for you throughout the day. do stay with ben and olivia over the next hour for more on that. in other news, a ship appears to have been boarded by what's been described as an unknown party off of the united arab off the coast of the united arab emirates . a warning has been emirates. a warning has been issued the uk's maritime issued by the uk's maritime authority, at this stage it authority, but at this stage it is light on detail. it comes after iran has called israel's presence the uae a threat, presence in the uae a threat, and had warned it would close the shipping lane if it was provoked. meanwhile as middle east tensions continue to rise, the us president says that he fears an iranian attack on america's allies will come sooner rather than later. however, joe biden had this warning for tehran. >> we are devoted to the defence of israel. we will support israel. we will defend, help defend israel and iran will not succeed. thank you very much .
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succeed. thank you very much. >> that warning from that warning there from joe biden comes as the iranian government promised to have revenge for an israeli airstrike on its consulate in damascus that killed some of its top commanders. in response , the us commanders. in response, the us is now moving additional assets to the middle east, and countries including india, france and poland have also warned their citizens against travelling to the region . back travelling to the region. back here in the uk, the chancellor says that he is ready to cut taxes and to bet on growth after the economy grew by 0.1% in february. the office for national statistics also revised january's figure , pushing it up january's figure, pushing it up to 0.3. writing in the daily express, jeremy hunt says britain has done the hard yards and the economy is bouncing back. but labour says most people aren't feeling any of the benefits. with low growth and higher taxes under the conservative government liz truss has revealed that larry the downing street cat, was her saviour during her time as prime
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minister. she's written a book about her 49 days in charge, which is being previewed by the mail. the former prime minister also says she was in shock when the late queen elizabeth died on her second full day in the job. and horse racing's biggest race of the year, the grand national, is taking place this afternoon, but there are a few changes . new but there are a few changes. new safety measures are in place, meaning six fewer horses are running later. it's after four horses died last year. however, the rspca still wants the british horseracing authority to investigate after two more horses died just yesterday on the track, though it will be as competitive as ever for the million pound prize . for the million pound prize. for the latest stories, you can sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the code on your screen, or go to gb news. com slash alerts. now though, it's back to ben and olivia.
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>> well, we do have some more news now on that baby who was attacked in this awful stabbing in sydney, the an eyewitness says the baby got stabbed , the says the baby got stabbed, the mum got stabbed and came over with a baby and threw it at me. i was holding the baby. it looked pretty bad. but he later goes on to say that with the compression, he managed to stop some bleeding. he's some of the bleeding. he's really that baby is really hoping that that baby is okay. well, now we're joined by gb home and security editor gb news home and security editor mark white. mark, can you tell us a little little more us a little a little more about what's right now ? what's happening right now? >> yes. that man you were referring to was interviewed on nine news a little earlier. he spoke of how the mother looked very badly injured , came up to very badly injured, came up to him and handed the baby over to him and handed the baby over to him . the baby had also been him. the baby had also been stabbed. he said he managed to stem the flow until paramedics arrived , but clearly very arrived, but clearly very concerned as well for the mother of this infant, one of eight people who are now being treated
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in hospital for varying degrees of injuries from critical to serious, and we're told, confirmation now from new south wales police that six people who were stabbed have died. one of the eight who was taken to hospital has succumbed to their injuries as well. no further details on that individual, but absolutely horrific scenes that unfolded in the shopping centre. the westfield shopping centre at bondi junction just after about 320 in the afternoon, according to the police. they said that they were alerted to reports of a man stabbing multiple people. a lone police officer , a police a lone police officer, a police inspector, rushed to the scene . inspector, rushed to the scene. she tried to catch up with this individual. she eventually did on the fifth level of the shopping centre and according to reports, this man turned round ,
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reports, this man turned round, knife in hand, raised and the officer opened fire that undoubtedly, according to authorities, saved more lives. what we've been hearing from the australian prime minister anthony albanese, in the last houn anthony albanese, in the last hour, he praised his officer and he spoke about the horrific nature of this attack. >> today, bondi junction was the scene of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police, our first responders and of course , everyday people who of course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment. and some of the footage is quite extraordinary . extraordinary. >> and of course, that brave police officer is quite rightly being commended for her actions. but also, members of the public intervened as well. we saw images of one man at the top of an escalator he'd managed. i think, to press the emergency
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stop to stop that escalator . the stop to stop that escalator. the attacker trying to get up the stairs in this man had one of these bollards that you use with a bit of tape across to shut off the escalator. he'd picked that up and he was managing to fend off the attacker. incredibly brave intervention by this member of the public because this shopping centre was full of families at this time of busy saturday afternoon , when this saturday afternoon, when this attacker seen on that video and that cctv running around and randomly stabbing people and people trying to run and get out of his way. >> okay. mark weitz , thank you >> okay. mark weitz, thank you very much for that update. just, you know, a horrific detail. and actually, we don't know the motive yet of this attack. however i can't help but be reminded of the london bridge terror attack in 2017. i happen to be there. i was getting a sandwich. i was on a night shift at my old newspaper, the sun. the westminster attack, at my old newspaper, the sun. the know,1inster attack, at my old newspaper, the sun. the know, finst�* eyewitnesses ck, at my old newspaper, the sun. the know,1inst�*eyewitnesses have you know, and eyewitnesses have spoken news in america,
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spoken to abc news in america, australia. they've that australia. they've said that there people running there were people running hundreds and hundreds of people running, some who weren't fit enough, old ladies, elderly gentleman. were gentleman. and they were terrified running for their lives. have we had any update on the exact number of dead yet? is it seven confirmed with the attacker? is that right ? attacker? is that right? >> yes. six innocent people and the attacker themselves. so seven is the number of fatalities at this hour. but of concern is the news from the police that of course some of those in hospital are in critical condition. and we know that one of those people succumbed to their injuries also. of course, getting these reports as well, that the attacker, as far as they're concerned, they haven't been able to establish yet what any motivation was. they haven't found anything at the scene that points to a motivation , but points to a motivation, but importantly, they haven't ruled
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anything out. they haven't ruled terrorism out as a motivation at this stage. although anthony albanese, the australian prime minister, wasn't willing to be drawn on that, on at this stage. but clearly a lot of people concerned , as you say, quite concerned, as you say, quite rightly, ben, it has echoes of what we've seen on not just in london, but in so many places and cities, around the world, with these lone individuals going on a rampage , just going on a rampage, just grabbing a knife and inflicting terrible , terrible harm. yeah. terrible, terrible harm. yeah. >> well, thank you very much for that, mark. and we will be speaking to you again a bit later in the show . we're joined later in the show. we're joined now by a journalist drive host for two gb, chris o'keefe, who is in sydney at the moment, chris, are you there? can you tell us more about what's been going on? >> i can, and unfortunately, i can confirm the mother of that nine month old baby that was stabbed has unfortunately
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succumbed to her injuries. so it's quite , quite, quite it's quite, quite, quite a terrible thing. and if i can paint a picture and i know you, ben just said that this was very similar to what you recollect from the 2017 london the borough markets incident. yeah, it is extremely similar. you've got to remember, this is the first day of school holidays here in sydney. there were kids everywhere. there were families everywhere. there were families everywhere. bondi junction is like the mayfield of sydney. it is an affluent area. it is an extremely busy shopping centre. you can never get a car park. there's always people in there. and at 3:00 on a saturday afternoon , it would have been afternoon, it would have been absolutely full to the brim . and absolutely full to the brim. and this gentleman, whoever he was , this gentleman, whoever he was, whatever his motivation was, police don't know who he is. they haven't certainly shared that with the public by any stretch of the imagination. but there was no discussion about any ideological , comments made
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any ideological, comments made dunng any ideological, comments made during the stabbing attacks or anything of the like. so we're kind of in the dark, but if i can paint a picture of exactly what that was, you're talking about families , you're talking about families, you're talking about families, you're talking about babies, you're talking about babies, you're talking about young kids on their first day of their april school holidays, confronted with a guy with a 6 to 12 inch knife running around indiscriminately stabbing people. now, thankfully , the situation is in hand, as police say there is no active threat at bondi junction . it is threat at bondi junction. it is an extremely affluent area. there are it is well known, the eastern suburbs of sydney to be a dense in terms of its jewish population. now there is no suggestion at all that this has anything to do with what's going on in the middle east. there has been some some people sort of trying to infer that , but i trying to infer that, but i think that would be both
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unhelpful and extremely premature for given authorities haven't , told us anything about haven't, told us anything about that just yet. so as it stands right now, six innocent people have lost their lives. the stabber themselves, the attacker himself. he has been shot by an incredibly brave policewoman who was there on her own , with no was there on her own, with no help, with no partner, with no team members, and did the noble and right thing to save many, many other people's lives. so we can only be thankful for her. >> what a hero, your prime minister alluded to it earlier. courageous, fearless, running towards danger and in no doubt saved many, many lives. and chris, to just confirm, you say that the mother of that nine month old baby, as you understand, the baby's in hospital, having surgery on critical injuries. but the mother you think has died? >> yeah. she has. i can confirm that she has passed away. and i was, watching some of my colleagues at on nine news here
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in australia , talking with two in australia, talking with two gentlemen where the mother effectively was stabbed in the back. multiple times. her infant was also stabbed. nine month old child. she then threw the baby to two unsuspecting passers by and said, please look after my baby as she's trying to get some sort of treatment from people in a chanel shop in the middle of a department store in a suburb of sydney. and she was not in a good way at that point. but i'm told from what those witnesses said happened, was her final, efforts to ensure that her baby injuries weren't and the blood loss wasn't as significant as it couldn't be as it could have been. couldn't be as it could have been . the mother's final efforts been. the mother's final efforts potentially save that baby's life. so fingers crossed. and we're hoping and praying that that baby's life is saved. but for the mother, it is just. and
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that family. my god, how could you how could you possibly how could you possibly put yourself in their shoes ? in their shoes? >> spine tingling detail, chris? and, you know, just just awful. all i can say is i'm sorry this has happened to you and your people and your country. and thank you so much for being with us, no. >> you're welcome. and our heart went out to you guys. yeah. >> got the end of that. thanks, chris, i don't know what to say. i'm. i'm welling up with emotion there. so, chris, describing how there. so, chris, describing how the of that nine month the mother of that nine month old baby who is in hospital receiving surgery, her last act as a mother was handing her baby to someone saving, saving their life. and mother has died as life. and the mother has died as a result. candice. >> it's evil. i mean, what sort of person stabs a mother with her mean, we don't know her baby? i mean, we don't know what motivations it what the motivations for it were, but, i mean, what sort of mindset does that? cannot mindset does that? i cannot imagine she must imagine how desperate she must have those few have been in those last few moments. it's just it's horrifying. >> it's unbelievable. >> it's unbelievable. >> really been close >> i've never really been close to crying on, you know, on tv. and i'm trying to compose
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myself. lost for myself. it's i just i'm lost for words . lost for words. i just words. lost for words. i just terrible, just terrible. >> it did, as i said to chris, i was i happened to be working in 2017 at the sun newspaper when the london bridge terror attack was taking place. i went down to get a sandwich, and i somehow found myself, amongst all and found myself, amongst it all and just seeing this brings chills down my spine, imagining the terror that these people are going through. we heard eyewitness to eyewitness accounts speaking to abc from. i think abc news australia from. i think it a woman who was working it was a woman who was working in a nearby salon, she said. we had, elder women , elderly women had, elder women, elderly women coming into the salon who were in westfield. were in westfield. they were traumatised. to sit them traumatised. we had to sit them down they were running. down because they were running. they to run they weren't fit enough to run fast enough. other fast enough, fast enough. other people, things people, they'd seen things that had happened in tommy hilfiger where they seeing stabs. it where they were seeing stabs. it was horrific, anthony was absolutely horrific, anthony albanese , the australian prime albanese, the australian prime minister, of course, describing earlier and if there is one sliver of positivity from this awful news, it's the heroics and the courageous actions, olivia,
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of that female police officer. >> absolutely just incredible , >> absolutely just incredible, she was on her own going in and shooting dead that attacker. and it's said by eyewitnesses on the ground that if she hadn't stepped in at the moment that she did, then this tragedy could have been even worse than it was. so it's just incredible to think did there . think about what she did there. >> those people are incredible. i mean, you mentioned the london bridge mean, i bridge attacks. i mean, i remember police officer just remember a police officer just trying off people trying to fend off people with a baton. that's all they had. i mean, this is just mean, it's mean, this is just i mean, it's an animal response. i mean, you just have an animal response in those moments. the trauma, though, lasting. i mean, though, is long lasting. i mean, there families now there are so many families now whose who have lost someone they just to have the just stepped out to have the most imaginable. most ordinary day imaginable. and the of news and this is the sort of news they're be getting. they're going to be getting. it's horrific. it's just horrific. >> think that's the thing >> and i think that's the thing as well. i mean, there's the people who've actually been attacked their families, attacked and their families, their everyone their friends, everyone in their social but also social circle. but also we hear reports of people reports that hundreds of people were, flee were, were having to flee the scene. and people will scene. and those people will have memories for the rest have those memories for the rest
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of their lives. >> just really i thank god for >> i just really i thank god for bravery. know, i remember bravery. you know, i remember with the borough market with the, the borough market attacks was like attacks and there was like a football, supporter this football, supporter saying this is millwall, you know, standing up, and, you up, standing at the bar and, you know, in any other occasion you'd say, oh, he's a football hooligan, whatever, you hooligan, but whatever, you know, that's what people would have people like have said. but people like that end you know, end up saving lives. you know, this flight thing this fight or flight thing is a really real thing. and i know it's for all of us to stand it's not for all of us to stand and fight , but i just thank god and fight, but i just thank god that there are just brave people who it, and that there are just brave people who don't it, and that there are just brave people who don't think it, and that there are just brave people who don't think about it, and that there are just brave people who don't think about it., and that there are just brave people who don't think about it. it'sd they don't think about it. it's and like you said, it's quite animalistic. you don't think about it, you see it and you just jump in and you end up saving money. >> so i've sat many a time in incidents like this saying, yeah, of course you've got to get and you've got to get involved and you've got to help, know, course you help, you know, of course you have. when you're in the have. but when you're in the moment, as i was in london bridge, when you're in the moment terrified. moment i ran, i was terrified. yeah everyone to play the yeah everyone likes to play the big but takes very big man, but it takes very courageous people to kind of get involved. police involved. a lone female police officer. wow. just as officer. wow. crazy. so just as an update , unfortunately, we
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an update, unfortunately, we just heard from o'keefe just heard from chris o'keefe from gb radio in sydney that from two gb radio in sydney that the nine month old baby, who was stabbed and is currently receiving surgery in hospital, the her heroic act the mother, her last heroic act as a mother was to give her baby to somebody else, get it to safety and stop. it's injuries. stop. it's bleeding. we're going to stick with this sydney story for, the next hour or so. we'll be back after the break. stay with us. ben and olivia on saturday morning live only on gb
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1127. you're with ben and olivia on saturday morning live on gb news. we're going to go back to sydney very shortly with an update on what's going on there, the tragic scenes from that shopping centre. but a shopping centre. but first, a slight of gear. today, of slight change of gear. today, of course, grand national. course, is the grand national. it's underway. festival it's well underway. the festival and is at around, and the big race is at around, i think, 4:00 this afternoon. so thousands of people are descending upon aintree in liverpool annual horse liverpool for the annual horse race, including our very own
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sophie north west sophie reaper gb news north west of reporter sophie of england reporter sophie looking fab, may i say in blue? what you drinking there ? what are you drinking there? >> i've got a little bit of champagne this morning. it might be early, but it's a special day here in aintree today. of course, as you say, the grand national running at 4 pm. so to talk a little bit about this and the importance of it to the city of liverpool, i'm joined by iconic liverpudlian and friend of price . good of gb news, pete price. good morning to you, pete. >> definitely a friend of gb news because i do the breakfast show. i love reviewing the papers. we are here at the art school. paul askew's in the middle of aintree and it's grand national day this is the most amazing thing ever and i've been at the grand national when you and the cameraman weren't born and the cameraman weren't born and this is how many years ago it was a bottle of moet chandon was 12 and six in old money, which is about £0.75 for a bottle of champagne. that's how many years i've been coming to the national. >> i imagine this perhaps costs
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slightly more than that. >> is gerry bowen over >> this is gerry bowen over there for us finish there waiting for us to finish it. indeed. there waiting for us to finish it. so aed. there waiting for us to finish it. so you are, of course, an >> so you are, of course, an iconic scouser. this this festival, the grand national. it must mean so much to you . tell must mean so much to you. tell me about how it makes you feel coming to this every year. >> it's incredible. thursday is a sort of like a race day to really strange, nice day, more really strange, nice day, more real racecourse . friday is real racecourse. friday is ladies day, which is outrageous and yesterday was unbelievable and yesterday was unbelievable andifs and yesterday was unbelievable and it's incredible and we give them all, flip flops to go home with, which is great. and then today the world is watching. the world is watching liverpool. right now, and it's one of the biggest races, if not the biggest races, if not the biggest races, if not the biggest race in the world. the people have come from all over. i've been interviewing people today i think blackpool is today and i think blackpool is empty because they're all here. it's incredibly iconic and, you know, we had that dreadful pandemic. was it ever going to come back again? it's come back bigger and better than it's ever
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been. >> so if anyone's watching at home, what what should they expect to see on camera today from aintree. what are the people of liverpool going to bnng people of liverpool going to bring out? >> they just bring out an atmosphere of love and joy. you couldn't here your own, couldn't come here on your own, you not be left. mean, you would not be left. i mean, this restaurant here is absolutely buzzing this is absolutely buzzing and this is one of the restaurants one of many of the restaurants and there's restaurants that cater this is fine cater to everybody. this is fine dining this is superb. just dining and this is superb. just behind here where the horse behind us here where the horse is that over there is where the horse is. parade and then go through over to there. but what is great, sir kenny dalglish is here, sam quek here. people are just dotted all over the place and you just bump into people and you just bump into people and everybody's got time for you . and it's great fun. and please, the rain is going to stay off. don't fell a couple of drops haven't we. >> but it is holding off for us just now of course it's still a few hours till the grand national. but several of the races as well for people to enjoy i believe so, yeah, i come the national never see a horse.
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>> honestly, i just love this. >> honestly, i just love this. >> i can't they do. >> i can't believe they do. >> i can't believe they do. >> know, i come to party. >> you know, i come to party. i just love partying. i actually worked here, for a few years. i used to work all the marquees and do a comedy spot. so i'd do ten minutes on a comedy spot and then i would, introduce and introduce , use the tipster, and introduce, use the tipster, and then we would go. and it was great fun . and i used to walk great fun. and i used to walk from here with a lot of money in my pocket and not waste it at all. >> amazing . pete, thank you so >> amazing. pete, thank you so much for your time. let's have a quick cheers to a good grand national and the rain holding off for us. >> a good time and watch >> have a good time and watch the race. >> thank you so much for that, sophie. looks like it's sophie. it looks like it's shaping up to be a really great day in aintree. you're day there in aintree. you're looking wonderful blue. looking wonderful in your blue. >> the best job today, >> she's got the best job today, hasn't the best hasn't hasn't she? the best gig hasn't she. swigging wine at half 11 she. swigging on wine at half 11 in the morning. she. swigging on wine at half 11 in tgoodnessig. she. swigging on wine at half 11 in tgoodness me. >> goodness me. >> goodness me. >> that's gonna be us >> well that's gonna be us racing. we're going to be back with later on all throughout with her later on all throughout the of so we'll see with her later on all throughout the kindf so we'll see with her later on all throughout the kind of so we'll see with her later on all throughout the kind of state so we'll see with her later on all throughout the kind of state she'sz'll see with her later on all throughout the kind of state she's in. see what kind of state she's in. hopefully she moderates herself.
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hey coming up hey sophie. right. coming up next, has news next, sam francis has your news headlines. very good morning to you. it'sjust headlines. very good morning to you. it's just after half past 11, and we return now to news out of sydney, where a major police operation is ongoing. after a stabbing spree at a shopping centre near bondi beach. we now know the death toll has risen to seven. that includes the lone knife attacker. footage from the shopping centre appears to have shown the suspect in shorts and a green rugby league shirt running around that complex. he was then tracked down by a lone female police officer who was in the area at the time. he allegedly raised his knife before he was shot and killed by that officer. at this stage, police haven't identified the suspect but believe he acted alone . alone. >> today, bondi junction was the scene of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police , our first responders and
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police, our first responders and of course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment. and some of the footage is quite extraordinary . extraordinary. >> anthony albanese there, speaking earlier after the incident in sydney police. as i say , have now confirmed that say, have now confirmed that a nine month old baby is among eight victims who were stabbed dunng eight victims who were stabbed during that attack. they have been taken to a number of hospitals across the city and as we heard there from anthony albanese, he was thanking the country's brave police and first responders. >> our hearts go out to all of them as they do to anyone touched by this terrible incident this afternoon . i do incident this afternoon. i do not have information in relation to the offender. i do not know at this stage who he is. you would be you would understand. this is quite raw. enquiries are very new and we are continuing
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to make attempts to identify the offender in this matter. >> the police commissioner from sydney there, anthony cook, giving an update earlier. well, multiple police and paramedics were called reports of that were called to reports of that lone knifemen stabbing people indiscriminately . that was just indiscriminately. that was just after 3:00 in the afternoon local time. and we're going to cross now live to sydney, where the police are giving another update on the incident . update on the incident. >> provide an update for you all, following the media conference that was done at 630 tonight by assistant commissioner tony cook. tonight by assistant commissioner tony cook . and i'll commissioner tony cook. and i'll start from the top just so i don't miss anything , just to don't miss anything, just to clarify those details , about 330 clarify those details, about 330 this afternoon, a male with a knife entered the westfield shopping centre at bondi junction and attacked a number of people . police were called of people. police were called and a police officer responded
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and a police officer responded and faced that man and neutralised the threat within that shopping centre . other that shopping centre. other police attended and helped witness houses and shopkeepers and others that were in the shopping centre move on from the shopping centre move on from the shopping centre move on from the shopping centre . as a result, shopping centre. as a result, there were four female, all women, deceased in the shopping centre and one male and subsequent another female passed away in hospital , taking it to away in hospital, taking it to a total of six plus the death of the offender . there are about the offender. there are about eight people in hospitals around sydney being treated for different injuries associated with being attacked in the hospital in sorry at the shopping centre , including a shopping centre, including a nine month old infant that is being has been in surgery . being has been in surgery. police have secured the crime
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scene, which you can imagine is expansive inside a very big, busy commercial shopping centre in sydney and the crime scene remains ongoing and it will remains ongoing and it will remain ongoing for a number of days. the shopping centre will in fact be closed tomorrow for trade, and westfield will work with police to assist in the removal of vehicles etc. from the shopping centre tomorrow . the shopping centre tomorrow. but in the meantime, the shopping centre will remain a crime scene . later this evening crime scene. later this evening we became aware of who we believe the offender is, and we believe the offender is, and we believe that he is a 40 year old man . however, we are waiting to man. however, we are waiting to formally identify him and we cannot speculate yet on his
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identification given. but let me assure you that we are confident that there is no ongoing risk and we are dealing with one person who is now deceased . are person who is now deceased. are there any questions? >> what do you know about this 40 year old man at this stage? >> well, i actually will hand over to the deputy commissioner who's acting for investigations about, we know a little bit about, we know a little bit about this person, but as i said, we're waiting to confirm his identification, and if, in fact, it is the person that we believe it is, then we don't have fears for that person holding an ideation . in other holding an ideation. in other words, that it's not a terrorism incident. >> is that is that person a man who is known to you? >> but, he's known to law enforcement , but he's we're
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enforcement, but he's we're waiting to identify him formally. thank you. confident. thenif formally. thank you. confident. then if it is this man, this is not a terrorism related. we, as i said , the investigation will i said, the investigation will be ongoing for many, many days. but there are elements that we understand at this point in time that that that don't indicate that. but as we move into the investigation and background , investigation and background, background, background, this this person , his home, his this person, his home, his vehicle, his associates, we will only know at that time its state of mind during the attack. >> no, the intoxicated, you know, we don't know if, it's unlikely to be terrorism once the this person is identified, is there any any other early indications of what might have motivated him to do something like this? >> not yet. and it's really it will take a thorough investigation. it will take time for us to go back in his life and history to determine that. >> was was he randomly was it a
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is the indication that it was a random spree or was it okay? >> that was police commissioner karen webb in sydney, australia . karen webb in sydney, australia. we're going to mark white, our homeland security editor, now for an update. >> well, some significant information there from the police commissioner confirming that although they have not made a formal identification, they know who the killer, who was taken down by a police officer was a 40 year old man known. she said to the police, however, the sort of preliminary investigations into his background and would not appear to show any link to terrorism . to show any link to terrorism. but that, she said, could, of course, change as they delve further into the background of this individual. but that attacker, of course, taken down by by that lawn police inspector who was patrolling nearby and arrived in the shopping centre
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and managed to catch up with him on the fifth floor of the shopping centre and opened fire before the man could stab any other individuals. also, of course, the confirmation coming from the commissioner that there are six people, innocent people who were killed and of course, the gunman, the gunman , the the gunman, the gunman, the knife attacker, shot dead as well . so the six, people who well. so the six, people who died , according to the police died, according to the police commissioner, include four women and a man in the shopping centre and a man in the shopping centre and then another female who died in hospital . in addition to in hospital. in addition to that, eight other people are being treated in a number of hospitals for various degrees of injuries from critical to serious. so the ongoing investigation at this time will involve multiple crime scenes and mean, of course, that that shopping centre will remain closed for a while. >> well, thank you very much for
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that update. mark and we'll have more from you as the day progresses now, though, to the
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welcome back. >> 1143 with ben and olivia on saturday morning live on gb news. just a quick update about the situation in sydney, australia. the knifeman running riot in a shopping centre there. seven confirmed dead, including the attacker, tributes made to a really heroic female police officer who apprehended the attacker all by herself, saving many, many lives , and a really many, many lives, and a really tragic anecdote as well. a nine month old baby currently receiving surgery in hospital for stab wounds. the mother, unfortunately, we heard some extraordinary detail how she handed the baby over to a stranger. saved his life. or her life. the young baby , life. the young baby, unfortunately, tragically died herself from her injuries. so a really, really horrific details coming out from australia,
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right? it's time now for your weekly dose of showbiz news. we're delighted to have showbiz journalist ellie phillips with us. hello, ellie. how are you doing? >> yeah, it's time to lighten the mood a little bit on this tragic day. >> hi. have you in >> hi. what have you got in store, bridget for bridget store, bridget jones for bridget jones film. jones for the film. >> is coming. it's been announced. official. it's announced. it's official. it's happening. going to film happening. it's going to film this in london, then this summer in london, and then it's for a 2025 it's slated for a 2025 valentine's release. so it valentine's day release. so it feels far away. feels really far away. but i think it's going to be really exciting to see it filmed in london, it's set four years london, and it's set four years after the last instalment, which was filmed, was in 2016. it was filmed, which baby, was in 2016. it was filmed, whi(she's baby, was in 2016. it was filmed, whi(she's obviously baby, was in 2016. it was filmed, whi(she's obviously going baby, was in 2016. it was filmed, whi(she's obviously going to by, and she's obviously going to return. zellweger, as is return. renee zellweger, as is hugh grant. and the new addition to cast is leo woodall. so to the cast is leo woodall. so he's star of one day. he's the big star of one day. he's been in white lotus. everyone loves and everyone loves him, and apparently going to play apparently he is going to play bridget lover, 30 year bridget jones's lover, 30 year old which sadly means old lover, which sadly means that colin firth won't return because mark darcy in this final instalment will have died. i know , tragic, but it's about know, tragic, but it's about life after that and moving on from that . so really exciting from that. so really exciting news bridget jones fans. it's
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happening. there was some talk that, the gen z—ers or the gen z—ers however you pronounce it, we're going to kick off about the facts that you know about fat . fat shaming. >> yeah. course. what's all >> yeah. of course. what's all that about? yeah. >> people say, you know, it's outdated. look at outdated. now, if you look at the films about how, the original films about how, you she said she was you know, she said she was overweight when look at her overweight when you look at her weight the markers, you're weight on the markers, you're like, weight. like, that's a normal weight. like going on? like what's going on? >> 11 stone. >> 11 stone. >> yeah, but nine and a half. but i think you have to take it as it is. it was what was. but i think you have to take it as it ishaveras what was. but i think you have to take it as it ishave changed was. but i think you have to take it as it ishave changed and s. but i think you have to take it as it ishave changed and hopefully times have changed and hopefully this will this bit of the film will reflect change. i think reflect that change. and i think i'm pretty certain it will. >> it's quite refreshing to see a woman with >> it's quite refreshing to see a with woman with >> it's quite refreshing to see a with a woman with >> it's quite refreshing to see a with a much woman with >> it's quite refreshing to see a with a much youngervoman with >> it's quite refreshing to see a with a much younger male| with loving. >> i am about this. i'm >> i am all about this. i'm loving this life for her. she's like, my like, yeah, i've lost my husband. i've got young kids husband. i've got two young kids to and i'm going to to bring up and i'm going to keep living my life and keep living my best life and move and means with move on. and if that means with a old in leo a hot 30 year old in leo woodall, why not? woodall, then why not? >> times have changed. >> how times have changed. >> how times have changed. >> a sad, casting that >> what a sad, sad casting that is. have you got? so, is. what else have you got? so, sadly, opening night, which is the that smith has the play that sheridan smith has been received very been in, which received very mixed the end, mixed reviews on the west end, is two months
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is going to close two months early, which kind of unheard early, which is kind of unheard of west end. it's mixed of in the west end. it's mixed reviews, a polite way of saying mixed polite mixed reviews is a very polite way based on way of saying it. it's based on the by john the 1997 film by john cassavetes. i can say his cassavetes. if i can say his name right. cassavetes sounds great, follows. great, though, and it follows. yeah, follows, theatre yeah, it follows, a theatre production company york production company in new york trying broadway. production company in new york tryirplays broadway. production company in new york tryirplays the broadway. production company in new york tryirplays the star broadway. production company in new york tryirplays the star role oadway. production company in new york tryirplays the star role 0&1il,iy. she plays the star role in it, a woman with mental health problems. don't know problems. and i don't know if you've this, a lot of you've seen this, but a lot of the was focused the the press was focused around the fact the takes fact that some of the play takes place the theatre, and place outside the theatre, and she breakdown in the she has a breakdown in the street, drunken and street, a drunken meltdown and that live into that is streamed live back into the theatre. a lot of theatre goers didn't get it. were goers didn't get it. there were reports people early, reports of people leaving early, but producers said the but the producers have said the official line is that it's challenging. financial times for the which the theatre world, which is true. enough. yeah. true. true enough. yeah. so they've it short. they've cut it short. unfortunately, it will finish in may. meant finish in may. it was meant to finish in july, if you want to and july, so if you want to go and see it, and see it now, see it, go and see it now, i will say of all the reviews, she's given flying colours, she's been given flying colours, which expected. which is only to be expected. she's unbelievable is. she's unbelievable like she is. have pve she's unbelievable like she is. have i've not seen have you seen it? i've not seen this, but i've seen her other this, but i've seen her in other things before. like things before. live and like my jaw floor time jaw is on the floor every time she performs anything and she she performs in anything and she can well, like funny
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can sing as well, like funny girl. would say go girl. yeah. so i would say go see just you know, see it. just you know, interesting watch. i'm kind of it's intrigued now, it's made me more intrigued now, you know. exactly. >> great stuff . thank you ellie. >> great stuff. thank you ellie. we'll have you back next week, hopefully a longer stint. hopefully for a longer stint. sorry. short and sorry. it's been short and sweet, excellent always. sorry. it's been short and sweeto excellent always. sorry. it's been short and sweeto comecellent always. sorry. it's been short and sweeto come and�*nt always. sorry. it's been short and sweeto come and it's always. sorry. it's been short and sweeto come and it's quite ays. still to come and it's quite apt. this actually, isn't it? we're be joined by we're going to be joined by a wine in studio, and wine expert in the studio, and after really tragic and after all the really tragic and horrible we've today horrible stories we've had today from think little from sydney, i think a little tipple in order. so tipple is well, in order. so stay with us. you're with ben and olivia on morning and olivia on saturday morning live wines coming .
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next. >> well, welcome back to gb news. saturday morning live with me, olivia utley and ben leo. and some bad news, i'm afraid. now, if you're a red wine lover , now, if you're a red wine lover, because consumers have been told that prices on some of the best loved red wines could increase
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by ”p loved red wines could increase by up to 40% next year. >> it comes after the government supposedly ignored pleas from the industry to abandon the wine industry to abandon complex tax changes, complex post—brexit tax changes, and is said to cost businesses huge sums of money to talk through, what all of this means and also, he's got some wine with us as well, which i'm very, appreciative of. we're joined now by managing director and head bay head winemaker at lyme bay winery, james good winery, james lambert. good morning james. good morning to you, james. good morning. what's going on morning. explain what's going on with this post—brexit wine tax then hampered your then how's it hampered your business, well, i think first and foremost, last year in august, we saw the biggest single increase in wine duty for the last 50 years. so we went from a very simple , method of from a very simple, method of taxation of wine from £2.23 for all wines between eight and a half and 15% alcohol. that then has changed. it went from 223 to 267. so for the consumer that's a 53% ap increase because in our government's wisdom, we also charge vat on duty as well. so
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we tax the tax. >> so we've got a couple of bottles there lyme bay what have we got. we got pinot noir the red and we've got a crack open. >> ooh a bit of red red red red. >> ooh a bit of red red red red. >> let's have a taste. >> let's have a taste. >> so sorry olivia. >> so sorry olivia. >> you go. >> you go. >> so this is an english winery that that you're running. yes, yes. so and it even you are being are being hampered by these post—brexit rules. you would have thought that post—brexit we would be welcoming in the era of english wine. well, quite right. >> i mean, i wear two hats, really. i'm a member of the uk dnnks really. i'm a member of the uk drinks industry, but also an engush drinks industry, but also an english producer. so english wine producer. so i think first and foremost the big change is happening. in february next we go from one next year, where we go from one level of tax for wines between 11.5 and 14.5% alcohol, up to 30 different taxation levels. >> so what, we were supposed to be cutting red tape with brexit, this absolute winding, the whole industry in red. >> it's absolute madness. you know, a great know, we've got such a great opportunity help our industry
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opportunity to help our industry and to support the businesses within industry. and a uk within our industry. and as a uk producer as well. we're such a success story. i mean, the growth of vineyards and wineries in been exponential , in the uk has been exponential, and so, you know, from one hand, on the one hand, we want to ideally see at least just stop, the changes really prevent this february change, for heaven's sake. you know, if you think it through in terms of the administrative costs of , of administrative costs of, of checking all these alcohol levels, english wine is supposed to be this, this great new frontier in the uk, right? >> because is it true to say that in a few years time, because of climate change, england will be a better place to grow champagne champagne itself? >> absolutely. mean, our >> absolutely. i mean, our sparkling wines are already, a huge success story domestically and in in other countries around the world as well. i think we're we're demonstrably we, performed extremely well against champagne and other traditional methods
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sparkling wines. but the other key kind of success story that's quietly becoming more and more successful, as are still wines. and we're finding pockets of land in and around the uk, lyme bay itself, we source grapes all over the uk, and there are some regions that are really ripening grapes like pinot noir and chardonnay. you're tasting the pinot noir now to alcohol levels, potential alcohol levels of 13% upwards. naturally, in the are now becoming a the uk we are now becoming a serious still wine producer. >> such a good news story. you would have thought that the government would be sort of embracing it open arms, but embracing it with open arms, but absolutely. not. absolutely. certainly not. >> think, absolutely. certainly not. >> know, think, absolutely. certainly not. >> know, i think, absolutely. certainly not. >> know, i personallythink, absolutely. certainly not. >> know, i personally and;, absolutely. certainly not. >> know, i personally and for you know, i personally and for our industry would love to see excise duty scrapped for all uk produced wines. i think the cost of producing wine in the uk is already extremely high. we're already extremely high. we're already on the back foot relative to other wine producing regions from around the world. if we were to scrap excise duty and say, for example, it were to
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increase sales of english wines by 40, that would be £72 million extra revenue. that would be £14 million extra to the exchequer. and vat. and that's before you're looking at all the extra employment opportunities and investment opportunities. >> can i ask about >> can i ask you about i remember years ago when i worked at newspaper at a local newspaper ten, 12 years nyetimber their years ago, nyetimber their vineyard quite near to my vineyard is quite near to my house and such an awful house and we had such an awful wet season, very similar. it's probably bad as we've had probably not as bad as we've had recently. how has the wet weather? it's been weather? i mean, it's been a deluge pretty much since summer last year. how has that affected your this if your crop this year? if anything, think 2023 first and anything, i think 2023 first and foremost was the largest crop. the uk has ever produced, i think it was challenging in some areas. other areas did well. the wet weather during the winter by and large doesn't have a huge effect on grapes for this coming season , but what we are hoping season, but what we are hoping for obviously is a very, very warm summer. warm summer. >> warm summer. >> right. all right. james lyme bay winery, what's the website?
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very quickly, lyme bay winery . >> it's absolutely delicious. >> it's absolutely delicious. >> you much needed >> i can tell you much needed after today. >> so just an update on sydney. seven dead. unfortunately we're going to have more of that with dawn neesom. who's thank dawn neesom. who's next? thank you joining us and
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>> hello and welcome to gb news. saturday i'm dawn neesom. and for the next three hours, i'll be keeping you company on tv, online, and on digital radio. keeping you up to date on the stories that really matter to you coming up this hour. obviously we have live breaking news coming to you. eyewitnesses have described scenes of chaos as they fled a busy sydney shopping mall where a knifeman killed six people and wounded several others. we'll bring you all the latest on that, then ceasefire now calls for the government to denounce actions
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taken by the israeli defence


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