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tv   Headliners  GB News  November 17, 2023 11:00pm-12:01am GMT

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an effort the welfare system in an effort to win over tory mps and despite previously stating such a move would be virtually impossible this year, the chancellor says now is the time focus on now is the time to focus on growth . growth. >> the way that we can >> the best way that we can reduce the tax burden for everyone is to grow the economy. there's no shortcut if we grow the economy, if we support mass fracturing businesses like the one i'm visiting today in sheffield, and that means that we have more money to reduce the tax burden. but also to invest in public services like the nhs. so we will always take a balanced approach, but putting the economy first. >> during his visit to sheffield , the chancellor announced his spending plans will include £4.5 billion over five years to boost british manufacturing. almost half of that will go to carmakers with aerospace companies and clean energy firms. also benefiting from funding. there will be available from 2025 after the next general election . rishi sunak denied election. rishi sunak denied tinkering with the rwanda policy after his former home secretary
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suggested his plan to save the scheme would fail . scheme would fail. >> will the prime minister rescue the rwanda plan? mrs. braverman suella braverman , who braverman suella braverman, who was sacked this week, claims rishi sunaks attempts won't work unless he opts out of the european convention on human rights. >> and she says the proposed new treaty and legislation are simply a tweaked version of a failed plan. a ms braverman has warned rishi sunak his proposal will get bogged down in the courts. the prime minister, though, says he'll take on anyone standing in his way. pro—palestinian protest organisers are planning a national day of action tomorrow instead of another large demonstration in london, there will be more than 100 smaller rallies across the uk, ten of them in the capital, to show solidarity with palestinians and to call for a ceasefire in gaza. previous weekends have seen tens of thousands of protesters gathering in london, culminating in a huge rally on armistice day last saturday. the met police says a significant policing operation will be in place . the
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operation will be in place. the man who murdered a school teacher in ireland last year should never see the light of day. the words of ashlene murphy's mother as her killer was sentenced to life in prison. the 23 year old was murdered while jogging along a canal path in tullamore in county offaly in january of 2022. joseph puska, the 33 year old, had denied the murder but was convicted by a jury murder but was convicted by a jury last week. and outside court, police, who described the case as a monstrous crime, praised the victim's family for courage and dignity shown during the trial . but this is gb news the trial. but this is gb news live across the uk on tv , live across the uk on tv, digital radio and on your smart speaker too . that's it for the speaker too. that's it for the moment. now time for headliners . moment. now time for headliners. >> thank you, aaron. hello. and welcome to headliners, your nightly run through the next day's headlines with three
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headune day's headlines with three headline comedians. can you see where the name came from ? i'm where the name came from? i'm one of them. i'm leo carson. i'm joined tonight . by scott capurro joined tonight. by scott capurro and nicholas desanto. how are you both doing? >> all right. how are you? >> all right. how are you? >> and you just came from america where you're on the gutfeld show on fox. >> at fox tv in >> i'm doing it at fox tv in america. >> yeah. amazing >> yeah. amazing >> audience, you >> well, a live audience, you know, praise you. they put know, they praise you. they put you a nice it's you in a nice hotel. it's different the lefties different from the lefties who throw things at and tell you throw things at you and tell you how you are. so yeah. how off you are. so yeah. >> nicholas, are are you >> nicholas, are you are you feeling a bit jealous that you don't service don't get that level of service when you you do this show? when you when you do this show? you're a limo and you're not getting a limo and adulation, being on adulation, but already being on the scott, was adulation, but already being on the of scott, was adulation, but already being on the of my scott, was adulation, but already being on the of my comedyrcott, was adulation, but already being on the of my comedy mentors was adulation, but already being on the of my comedy mentors and; one of my comedy mentors and yourself, is quite a step for me. >> so hopefully i'll get there. >> so hopefully i'll get there. >> well, that's that's a surprisingly and true. surprisingly nice and true. let's have a look at the front pages. the guardian leads with cameron call for billions in foreign aid risks. tory anger. the telegraph has hunt at the time has come for tax cuts. somebody wants to get elected
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next year. the daily express has prime minister gets punchy. i'll take on anyone standing in her way . he's talking about the way. he's talking about the rwanda plan, the i news has labour health chief tells nhs i'll hold hold the door wide open for help from the private sector . the times has toxic open for help from the private sector. the times has toxic nhs puts people at risk , says puts people at risk, says watchdog. the star has 2028. the return of woolly mammoths . and return of woolly mammoths. and those were your front pages . those were your front pages. anneliese of a closer look at those front pages, starting with the telegraph. >> scott the telegraph. jeremy hunt. the time has come for tax cuts. he wants to improve the economy people less economy by taxing people less and cutting inheritance tax, cutting investment tax for companies that are being developed and his final decisions about where the tax cuts will come will happen. this weekend. he says that he wants to replicate the tax systems in
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nonh to replicate the tax systems in north america and south east asia and asia , where he thinks asia and asia, where he thinks economies are growing really rapidly . and he thinks that's rapidly. and he thinks that's because there's a lower tax burden in those places . and he burden in those places. and he thinks you tax people in thinks if you tax people in higher they'll higher positions, less, they'll spend more money. although that's proven that that's never been proven that trickle down theory has been thrown at people many, many times. sense. times. well, it makes sense. >> i mean , if you have to >> i mean, if you don't have to pay >> i mean, if you don't have to pay much in tax, then you pay as much in tax, then you spend the money yourself or you hide and you spend hide the money and you spend it elsewhere in other. but elsewhere in other. yeah, but you get you're going elsewhere in other. yeah, but you buried you're going elsewhere in other. yeah, but you buried withre going elsewhere in other. yeah, but you buried withre like going to get buried with it like some sort of viking warrior, like take to valhalla with take your gold to valhalla with you. to eventually you. you're going to eventually splurge yacht, splurge on a yacht, maybe. >> yeah. >> em— 5 nicholas, we've >> i mean, nicholas, we've looked sort of tax and the looked at sort of tax and the share of gdp spent by governments in western western countries has risen steadily over time , and it seems to be over time, and it seems to be choking off the economy, choking off society . and we're gradually off society. and we're gradually moving towards a sort of soft communism because we are it's somehow inevitable, unfortunately , because we have unfortunately, because we have an ageing population, people aren't having kids and the
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governments don't support the family units, don't support higher birth rates. >> so we have a constantly ageing and ailing population that that is a burden on the health care system, health care system. and then at the same time, we have decided that we want to defeat putin so we have higher energy prices. so the subsidies for that gave rise to inflation, putting people , inflation, putting people, setting them , seating them on setting them, seating them on their coaches for two years, giving them money for nothing. that helped inflation rise. so the issue here is that bank of england is squeezing money out of mortgage owners because they want to fight inflation. now we should see how these two policies can be reconciled , policies can be reconciled, because if the government really does cut the taxes, that means more money and rightly so, will be available in the market. but that that is an antithesis to the policy of the bank of england to reduce inflation. >> if more money is splurging around in the in the market,
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then then it's going to push up pnces . prices potentially. >> £4.50 >> a latte is £4.50 near my house now. oh my god. i know it's organic, but it's still £4. >> okay , well, moving on. what's >> okay, well, moving on. what's in saturday's express, nicholas? well all pm gets punchy. >> i'll take on anyone's standing in our way. this >> i'll take on anyone's standing in our way . this is standing in our way. this is rishi sunak. after just standing in our way. this is rishi sunak. afterjust after rishi sunak. after just after the supreme court rejected the government's appeal over the rwanda scheme for people who might not know . rwanda scheme for people who might not know. but rwanda scheme for people who might not know . but how can they might not know. but how can they not? the idea was and is to send some of these asylum seekers, at least men who are in fighting age. and we don't know why on earth they are here. if they are escaping from a war, why aren't they and worst of they not fighting? and worst of all, why have they left their women children in war women and children in the war and come here? and have come here? >> maybe the women and children are fighting over there. do we need there. no we >> do we really need those kind of men for the future of our society? let's give them to rwanda. didn't take rwanda. but the plan didn't take off, if you pardon the pun. and now the prime minister says he
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will take on anybody who stands on his way. he doesn't look like someone, though, who could really, you know . really, you know. >> do you think he's about 4.5ft tall? >> yeah , he's adorable. >> yeah, he's adorable. >> yeah, he's adorable. >> could pick up and move. >> you could pick up and move. you know, he's so sweet. it's a shame. >> the only one he took, he took on and he took down was suella braverman, was arguably braverman, who was arguably a pushing in that direction and maybe an inch or two shorter than he was , shockingly. than he was, shockingly. >> there's also photo on >> so there's also that photo on the front page of daily express of season, of diane and the current season, the season six, i think of crown . you been watching the new . have you been watching the new season with diana? >> not. or the old >> i have not. or the old season, i haven't . season, no, i haven't. >> only seen this one >> i've only seen this one because i how was. because i heard how bad it was. and this girl is terrible. and she's this girl is terrible. and she's this girl is terrible. and not even attractive and she's not even attractive in diana. one you can diana. what one thing you can say was she was hot say about her was she was hot even. think especially even. i think that especially i think and this woman has she has no no boobies. and we're getting >> no boobies. and we're getting the now. pretty the crown now. it's pretty contemporary . this the crown now. it's pretty contemporary. this is only going back, what, 20 years or some 25 years? so people can years? yeah. so people can remember yes. so remember better. yes. and so it's not you if it's it's not like, you know, if it's 100 you you can
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100 years ago, you can you can fudge and get away fudge it around and get away with it. >> or the queen who's made up anyway, inside anyway, she's been dead inside for but this one, she for decades. but this one, she actually now, actually had a chest. now, the new one thing new actress, the one thing actresses could have is nice breasts. think they breasts. i think at least they could do for us. >> this comes not in the >> and this comes not in the post. in the post. weinstein post. not in the post. weinstein era, afraid, but era, i'm afraid, scott. but getting back to rwanda, do you have confidence prime have any confidence in the prime minister have any confidence in the prime ministto make the rwanda plan happen? >> it's never going to happen, ho. 110. >> no. >> he's had years and years to make it happen. >> to be out of a job >> he's going to be out of a job in a but it won't be his in a year, but it won't be his responsibility. but also, the supreme it illegal supreme court dawned it illegal two have a of two days ago. they have a lot of climbing of ladders to climbing up, a lot of ladders to for to happen, they've got for that to happen, they've got to change the policy completely. they've way they've got to find a way to make more appealing. make rwanda more appealing. although the economy and rwanda itself as africa itself, again, as far as africa is concerned , is doing quite is concerned, is doing quite well. i it's bit of well. i think it's a bit of racism for people, people to think that that's a horrible place as the place to go because as the government africans , i government run by africans, i think think they can think they think they can do a better i feel like betterjob. i just i feel like the conservative party messed this up a little bit. i think that i think also suella is a
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bit unpopular. maybe if they have a new person selling it with a slightly kinder well, i think suella is unpopular with screeching leftists, but i mean , screeching leftists, but i mean, what do you think of suella? >> i. >> no, i. >> no, i. >> i think very highly of her. there go. >> i think very highly of her. theshe's go. >> i think very highly of her. theshe's got a fan right here. >> she's got a fan right here. >> she's got a fan right here. >> a lot of people do. i think a lot of people in conservative party disappointed. yeah, party were disappointed. yeah, things but is things could well but this is about she out so about anyway she wanted out so she can run. >> yeah, i think could be >> yeah, i think she could be prime in years. prime minister in five years. what guardian what do the guardian have the front cover? scott? oh cameron's calling for . calling for billions in aid for. >> for his moral mission. now that he's back in office, he wants to unlock billions of dollars for foreign aid over the next decade to help the world's poorest people, even though the conservatives have closed the department for international development and slashed foreign aid budget, he thinks in his astonishing comeback that he can repair that and throw money at countries all over the world, which he thinks is the uk's responsibility . responsibility. >> so he's going big on hug a hoodie. he's taking hug, hug a
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hoodie. he's taking hug, hug a hoodie. international yeah, he is. >> yeah. he wants more friends, i think. and more and more people that'll hire him when he loses his in a year. loses his job in a year. >> right. for vast sums on the on speaking circuit. i mean, on the speaking circuit. i mean, nicholas, we've lot of on the speaking circuit. i mean, niciforeignre've lot of on the speaking circuit. i mean, niciforeign aide lot of on the speaking circuit. i mean, niciforeign aid budget lot of on the speaking circuit. i mean, niciforeign aid budget because the foreign aid budget because of the cross channel crisis is actually spent in the uk housing refugee or asylum seekers or people who say they're asylum seekers and thank god, thank god, but foreign aid was already very unpopular. >> i don't know who doing >> i don't know who is doing david cameron's pr the same people do hillary or greta people who do hillary or greta thunberg pr . i mean, this is thunberg pr. i mean, this is very unpopular. the guy has just came back after leaving the country in turmoil. but his his his political career on on on remain he lost. i mean any country worth its salt his career should be finished. i mean next time people people make fun of italian politics i'm going to punch them while shouting jihad so the police won't arrest me in this country. >> well, i think andrew doyle made good point the made a really good point the other night said, you other night where he said, you know, is proof that
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know, clearly this is proof that the have run the conservatives have not run out bringing cameron out of ideas by bringing cameron back countries we pay i back in this countries we pay i don't want to mention names because from that because i have fans from that country my youtube channel, country on my youtube channel, but of these countries we but some of these countries we pay but some of these countries we pay to but some of these countries we pay to pay but some of these countries we pay to pay foreign but some of these countries we payto, to pay foreign but some of these countries we payto, they to pay foreign but some of these countries we payto, they have) pay foreign but some of these countries we payto, they have space oreign but some of these countries we payto, they have space programs i >> -- >> they have, you know, india, for example , pardon india. for example, pardon india. >> that these people that >> is that are these people that are of yours, you know, how are fans of yours, you know, how many aircraft carriers? many how many aircraft carriers? >> that's right. know >> yes, that's right. you know how carriers is how many aircraft carriers is his royal navy have one. how many? india has two. i mean, it's just ludicrous. so they should be giving us some foreign aid so we can buy another aircraft carrier. >> there's a slightly larger country with a maybe a wider coastline probably coastline, and it's probably not going carriers , in fairness. >> i mean, there the >> but i mean, there is the saying, i don't know. i don't know it. the foreign know who coined it. the foreign aid taxing people in the aid is taxing poor people in the west give to people in west to give to rich people in the third world, which is very true. that's deal for true. that's a good deal for them . yeah. them. yeah. >> are we doing here? them. yeah. >> it's are we doing here? them. yeah. >> it's a are we doing here? them. yeah. >> it's a good'e doing here? them. yeah. >> it's a good deal ng here? them. yeah. >> it's a good deal for here? >> it's a good deal for everybody except the british taxpayer here. what's everybody except the british taxthe er here. what's everybody except the british taxthe coverz. what's everybody except the british taxthe coverz. the what's everybody except the british taxthe coverz. the daily|at's everybody except the british taxthe coverz. the daily star? nicholas? >> so this is the fourth
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headline. the fourth cover. i usually get these. let's say, heartwarming stories a bit of a science story , exciting news for science story, exciting news for star readers, fond of the place to seen epoch. okay. i had to practice pronunciation. thank you. really well, so the epoch of modelling clay in the epoch of modelling clay in the epoch of modelling clay sorry, just a little joke because plasticine plasticine. yeah, yeah, yeah. but but this is, i don't know how many , how many fans of math how many, how many fans of math booths star counts among its readers, but apparently scientists from this corporation called colossal biases sciences are hellbent on reviving the mammoth in as few years as five. >> basically, by 2020 alone, they take to thaw out longer than it takes to. is that how long they take to defrost in the mix? >> no, mix? > no, no, mix? >> no, no, it's not going to be a full mammoth to defrost, but it's they're going to use a bit of fossil and mix it with dna of i've jurassic park. i've seen jurassic park. >> don't worry about i understand works it. understand how it works gets it.
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we crazy. we've we all get let's go crazy. we've all this eat everyone all seen this eat everyone well mammoths . all seen this eat everyone well ma i moths . all seen this eat everyone well ma i mothsknow how wild >> i don't know how wild mammoths but they look mammoths were, but they look like know. i think like more. i don't know. i think they're vegetarian. >> i think. yeah, i think they're a woke vegetarian. they're a bit woke vegetarian. the mammoths. yeah. >> then hippos >> so i think but then hippos are kill people. >> oh right. >> oh right. >> yeah. i mean it's basically a big elephant. i'm not big hairy elephant. i'm not a scientist, way. anyway, big hairy elephant. i'm not a scientiit , way. anyway, big hairy elephant. i'm not a scientiit for way. anyway, big hairy elephant. i'm not a scientiit for part way. anyway, big hairy elephant. i'm not a scientiit for part one. anyway, big hairy elephant. i'm not a scientiit for part one. any'usr, that's it for part one. join us in two tiktokers in part two for tiktokers praising osama labour praising osama bin laden, labour privatising the nhs, and tony blair back in the middle east. spicy see you in a
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>> you're listening to gb news radio . mammoths radio. mammoths >> welcome back to headliners . >> welcome back to headliners. i'm still leo carson. i'm still here with scott capurro and nicholas de santo. and kicking off this section with the daily mail and a sign of how far woke culture has diverged from reality. tiktokkers are praising osama bin laden and jewish stars aren't happy. scott well, they've been reading his letter to america online. >> the kids , because they're >> the kids, because they're bored and angry at their parents and they hate themselves. so they fallen on the lap of osama
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bin laden . they think he's a bin laden. they think he's a soothsayer from the past. they don't really know what happened. you 23 years ago. i guess you know, 23 years ago. i guess it is now. i know at that time, it's just flown but osama it's just flown by. but osama wrote this letter to america and said some pretty nasty negative things that these kids think is true. so they've been reading on tiktok and amy schumer, sacha baron cohen and debra messing took on the tiktok executives in an 80 in a 90 minute heated sort of phone conversation where they demanded that they make some changes on tiktok and the executives basically said no to everything they demanded. wow and sacha baron cohen said that tiktok , he accused them of tiktok, he accused them of being, quote, the biggest anti—semitic movement since the nazis because tiktok is allowing all this co cohen interprets as anti—semitic behaviour going on in tiktok and the executive is adam presser who's the head of operations, and seth melnick , operations, and seth melnick, the global head of user operations , have said we're it's operations, have said we're it's clear exactly clear what is
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meant when they say, quote unquote, kill the jews, eradicate the state of israel, unquote . the content is violate unquote. the content is violate as is will be taken down. that's what they say when it's clear that they are violating tiktok principles, we will take it down. but messing wanted them to remove from the river to the sea. >> yeah. which is a chant for the whole of israel to be and all the jews in it to be to be killed. and. well, that's what israel says. >> that chant palestine >> that chant means palestine cohen's claim and people protesting in bethnal green yesterday singing yesterday who were singing on the home, the streets near my home, students been led out of students who've been led out of school, weirdly and were chanting it, claimed that it just palestine, just means peace in palestine, peace . peace in israel. >> that's laughable . >> i mean, that's laughable. that's ridiculous. >> it is. and messing was saying that, too. and she's really these people la, know, at these people in la, you know, at least people la least these people in la are saying, this is getting saying, look, this is getting way out of hand. and tiktok, the social giants, have to put social media giants, have to put an end to it. >> well, it's not the >> well, it's not just the social media nicholas. social media giant, nicholas. this is owned this is i mean, tiktok is owned by it's basically by china. and it's basically a soft weapon. it's like digital
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fentanyl . it's a weapon that fentanyl. it's a weapon that china is using to destabilise the west and spread divisive, harmful views. we've seen it with the gender ideology and we're seeing it with with anti—semitism. >> viral videos on tiktok that go against family values and getting married and all that. but here, you know, this is my favourite italian proverb. they say the law is applied to the enemy and interpreted for the friends . so basically the issue friends. so basically the issue these jewish stars have taken with one of the issues is from the river to the sea because israel is between the river jordan and the mediterranean sea . but tiktok says, no, it is open to interpretation. maybe they are using it casually. but i mean, if you say sieg heil, which means we salute victory casually and you are not aware of the meaning of that, would you get trouble? you not get into trouble? >> force here >> but the police force here said about jihad, said the same about jihad, didn't they said it didn't they? they said it can mean things when we mean all sorts of things when we all jihad is. it's a all know what jihad is. it's a holy war. but i think in some way people are trying to avoid conflict. >> well, i think people are scared of people are basically
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scared of people are basically scared losing money. scared of losing money. >> that's what tiktok is afraid. that's what these guys are afraid of, losing their job, actually. >> well, that's why they tiktok is afraid of not not sowing enough west. enough discord in the west. i think should be banned. i think it should be banned. i don't know don't we don't don't know why we don't we don't ban wouldn't let chinese ban it. we wouldn't let chinese the government, come and the chinese government, come and sell the chinese government, come and se the actually they do. in the west. actually they do. that's is anyway, that's what fentanyl is anyway, moving on, we've the now moving on, we've got the ai now and blair advising keir and tony blair is advising keir on east. is he on the middle east. is he telling to bomb telling him the best way to bomb an wedding ? an iraqi wedding? >> nicholas is acting >> nicholas tony blair is acting as keir starmer's middle east broker . as keir starmer's middle east broker. apparently tony blair is coaching keir starmer. you know , coaching keir starmer. you know, predicting that he will be our prime minister in a year or so. and he's using his experience and extensive, extensive network of contacts in the middle east. apparently he regarded apparently he is highly regarded not israel , but some not just by israel, but some other eastern countries other middle eastern countries as . anyone british as well. anyone but the british people to become a potentially peace broker even there have been reports in the israeli media that prime minister netanyahu wants tony blair potentially to work as a, you know , peace envoy or middle east
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know, peace envoy or middle east envoy in case they are going to sort out the situation in the gaza strip after the war is oven gaza strip after the war is over. well, yeah, because it says here that tony blair actually has an office in israel and he's been trying to resolve the palestinian israeli conflict, not with much success. >> if the last decades , at least >> if the last decades, at least he was involved in as prime minister as well. >> i think that he sees it hopefully as one of his legacy. i think that he hopes this will erase the memory of the disaster he led his country into earlier. yeah, and i think to a lot of people who are on the sidelines, like gay men , they see tony like gay men, they see tony blair as a bit of a hero because he introduced the idea of marriage equality right. to the uk government and was uk government and that was eventually through by by eventually brought through by by the tory government. it was it was. he introduced the was. but he he introduced the idea civil partnership . idea with civil partnership. right. and i think that for a lot of us, we see him as someone who represents people with difficulty as and i think that's
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the way he'd like to be remembered. >> yeah and obviously israel must need some placating that the new labour leader isn't going to be like the last labour leader who called hamas his friends took money from iranian state tv to appear and generally had terrorist . had terrorist. >> at least he's not afraid, though, to get in it, to get in, to get in the mess at least he's not afraid to have an office in tel aviv say, look, i'm tel aviv and to say, look, i'm here. you need me. you know, here. if you need me. you know, a politician who are in a lot of politician who are in the position of just walked a lot of politician who are in the pcyou»n of just walked a lot of politician who are in the pcyou know,1st walked a lot of politician who are in the pcyou know, we'relked a lot of politician who are in the pcyou know, we're looking away, you know, we're looking for of solution. for some sort of solution. there's solution that's there's been a solution that's been the last 80 been looked for the last 80 years, you know, and maybe maybe blair is the person that can help. i don't know. somebody's got to fix this. yeah, well, moving got to fix this. yeah, well, mowe've got the again and >> we've got the ai again and the have been accused of the tories have been accused of privatising the last privatising the nhs for the last 13 years and it still hasn't happened. but labour have privatised say they're going to privatised say they're going to privatise the nhs in the first week basically. >> well, you know, part of the nhs has always been privatised hasn't know, dental, hasn't it? you know, the dental, the, reading glasses,
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the, you know, reading glasses, the, you know, reading glasses, the pharmacy. but i think that this guy is saying that we want to open the door to anyone who's got money to throw at the nhs to fix some problems. yeah. you know, wes streeting. i know, it's wes streeting. i think the door think that that hold the door wide open quote kind of . it wide open quote kind of. it might anger lot of people might anger a lot of people because afraid the because they're afraid that the nhs turn into like an nhs will turn into like an american health care system where have to pay for where you have to pay for doctor's visit, that stuff. doctor's visit, all that stuff. and parts of uk, i and there are parts of the uk, i think either or think it's either jersey or guernsey do have to guernsey where you do have to pay a guernsey where you do have to pay a gp pay a very small fee for a gp visit and the locals like it because then people are more likely to attend visits. likely to attend the gp visits. it's you to get an it's easier for you to get an appointment quickly and it's only about £10 and people don't mind think mind paying it. they think they're helping. maybe there they're helping. so maybe there are to privatising are some a few to privatising strategy that they can utilise to improve the nhs. strategy that they can utilise to improve the nhs . and that's to improve the nhs. and that's what he's saying. is anyone with money to the idea. yeah. >> but i mean this, this seems like the antithesis to what labour stand for. this is, this sounds like a two tier nhs. >> nicholas well labour could get away if it had. tories been talking about privatising nhs.
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you can imagine all the backlash against them, but the labour did privatise part of the nhs when they were in power. the problem is privatisation per se, but is not privatisation per se, but what our friend dominic frisby would call crony capitalism . i would call crony capitalism. i don't know if he's watching us just look at what happened with the train companies in this country, which country that country, which the country that gave railway network, gave the world railway network, railway travel. the more companies we have, the poorer the service is because you either privatise by giving the concession to your friends and buddies and then there is no regulator or there is no effective regulation over the quality . quality. >> but rail isn't a free market because obviously the trains can only go on the tracks that are there. it's not like, you know, there. it's not like, you know, the nhs could buy from any paracetamol provider , but i mean paracetamol provider, but i mean privatisation makes sense for the nhs. it makes sense across all industries because you can get more specialisation and more efficiencies. i mean it'd be ridiculous for the nhs to manufacture its own ambulances . manufacture its own ambulances. >> scott right, and i think that about 7% of their budget goes
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into the private sector already . into the private sector already. and i think what people worry is that it's not going great for the nhs . so if we put more money the nhs. so if we put more money in the private sector, will things get better or worse? i think it's impossible for people to what it might be like to picture what it might be like to picture what it might be like to private companies to have private companies involved own health involved in their own health care, as we've stated, they care, but as we've stated, they already . they're there. so already are. they're there. so maybe a little bit more wouldn't be so bad. >> yeah. and we might get receptionists and receptionists that smile and answer phone. we've the answer the phone. we've got the telegraph answer the phone. we've got the teleg agree on anything except can't agree on anything except that rent caps are a terrible idea . but nicola sturgeon has idea. but nicola sturgeon has never seen a terrible idea. she didn't like nicholas. >> the snp vilify tied landlords sturgeon's rent cap was foolish and short sighted. who would have known interfering with a free market? i mean, i think you have talked about this before on gb news as well. we covered this on headliners as well. essentially what happened was that they put this cap, they they not only morally they vilified the landlords, but also
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the stock was reduced because as when the overhead costs when the cost of being a landlord exceeds what you can gain in profit, obviously fewer and fewer houses are available because landlords just leave the business and landlords sell their houses into the into. >> so people buy the houses, but then there's fewer houses for people there's no people to rent and there's no incentive for new landlords to enter the market to build houses to, to refurbish houses . to, to refurbish houses. >> and ironically, rents in scotland have spiked far sharper than in england because this cap was on basically raising your rent on existing tenants, but not one one. somebody new came in. that meant once everyone knew it was coming in the desperate landlord had an opportunity to raise it. so raise it by much higher than than than what would have happened otherwise. so scotland, ironically , actually had sharper ironically, actually had sharper rent rises than england. >> and that's why rent raises
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went up. so much for performers at the edinburgh fringe in the summer. >> summer. >> so there is plus >> so there is a plus side. comedians get . comedians get. >> i know. yeah, i know what it and what i thought was interesting was the guy being interviewed, michael lawson, who's in scotland, who's a landlord in scotland, and he was talking about his his who's a landlord in scotland, and strategyalking about his his who's a landlord in scotland, and strategy was|g about his his who's a landlord in scotland, and strategy was sayingt his his own strategy was saying that dodgy are old hat in dodgy landlords are old hat in scotland, which is what sturgeon's trying to sturgeon's policy was trying to control. then later he says control. and then later he says a really interesting thing. he says, his family says, mr lawson said his family receives calls from tenants saying evicted by saying they're being evicted by other landlords. he said i'm not a dodgy landlord and dodgy landlords anymore. landlords don't happen anymore. but there are all but then he said there are all these evictions these illegal evictions happening. know , it is happening. so you know, it is rent control made rents higher in san francisco than the rest of the us. yeah, we've seen it in new york as well because the rents are controlled in certain buildings . buildings. >> it means nobody wants to let go that rent. so then you get go of that rent. so then you get chains of illegal subletting so people god, it's people end up, oh my god, it's market value landlords themselves. >> create the mind you >> they'll create the mind you know, a unit was know, in our building a unit was just created in cellar. just created in the cellar. suddenly and, know, anything
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suddenly and, you know, anything older than 1970 is rent controlled. anything newer in san francisco, you can charge whatever you like. so some people are paying 5000 for a flat. the size mine. flat. the same size as mine. and i much less than that. i pay much, much less than that. it's there's no there's it's insane. there's no there's no medium ground . there's no and no medium ground. there's no and also no loyalty to also there's no loyalty to landlords. vice versa. and also there's no ability to plan for anything in the future. if you leave the city in terms of school, come school, you can never come back because increase because your rent will increase by fivefold. right? >> right . i by fivefold. right? >> right. i see by fivefold. right? >> right . i see what by fivefold. right? >> right. i see what you mean. anyway, for part two, anyway, we're done for part two, but us asylum but stay with us for asylum seekers faking gayness, americans outlawing gayness and trans miss universe going bust. see you in a couple
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necessary. we you're listening to gb news radio . to gb news radio. >> welcome back to headlines . >> welcome back to headlines. we've got the telegraph now, and apparently it's not just cocaine. it's not as strong as it should be, according to a police boss, the laws to deal with cocaine are also too weak. >> nicholas drug crime policing
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pathetically weak , says pathetically weak, says commissioner. so this is alison hernandez. a crime and police commissioner or police and crime commissioner or police and crime commissioner , rather. she says commissioner, rather. she says this is approach we've had for a few years now. right? the focus of law enforcement has been replaced by focus on the public health or public health approach towards drugs . and that has made towards drugs. and that has made the attention diverted from from cannabis because people now see this as more of a health problem. if at all. a lot of people, because there has been so much talk of legalising it, a lot of people already think or believe it is already actually legal . and this is not a good legal. and this is not a good idea because apparently there's a lot of health issues still connected to cannabis. she she thinks terrible choices in music as well. >> i agree . hairstyles and >> i agree. hairstyles and hanging up tie dyed scarves and things, you name it, sandals with socks. >> it's just terrible.
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with socks. >> it'sjust terrible. it'sjust >> it's just terrible. it's just terrible . and she says these terrible. and she says these things on our streets. but the interesting thing is that it's not the cannabis per se, not just the cannabis per se, but also gangs , she argues gangs but also gangs, she argues gangs that deal cannabis manufactured locally here in britain, also are involved in other kinds of crimes , even exploit asian crimes, even exploit asian terrorism as well. >> we've seen terrorism being funded from from cannabis farms and cannabis cannabis. >> there are a lot of ills that are connected to this, but the ira moved drugs around for years to fund themselves. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and i mean the focus i mean, it does it does kind of make sense to focus the that sense to focus on the drugs that kill people . but i mean, i'd say kill people. but i mean, i'd say the argument against cannabis is that a person's life that it saps a person's life force . i've seen you know, i've force. i've seen you know, i've seen it with friends . they just seen it with friends. they just they lose the ability. they lose all the ambition. they just want to at home listening to go to sit at home listening to go trance and smelling bad. i think there's some positive aspects of it, especially you're it, especially if you're older and need some healthy and you need some healthy painkillers as opposed to pills or, you know, people with hiv
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use marijuana to improve their appetite. >> all sorts of there are all sorts of positive benefits to it too. but i think legalising it has been such a boon in countries, in states in the us, as well. it's such a great tax revenue. yeah. and it reduces the pressure on the police to monitor it because let's face it, what she says is true. the streets of london are reeking with marijuana. there's no point trying to police it. they just they've lost the battle. they lost it 20 years ago. so policing has failed. >> well legalise it. >> we might as well legalise it. >> we might as well legalise it. >> it might again , the revenue >> it might again, the revenue from it will be great for the uk. >> yeah. well, moving on, we've got the guardian now with proof that working class people aren't just scruffy, just ill mannered and scruffy, they're at they're also terrible at negotiating scott they are. >> they should have done better in school because now when they go into the workforce, they're complaining that they less complaining that they get less money, because of their money, i guess because of their accent. that's accent. i'm imagining that's what . isn't that it what it is. isn't that what it is? because how else do you is? no, because how else do you know someone's working class? but they speak or but by the way they speak or their vocabulary ? don't know.
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their vocabulary? i don't know. although of working although i know loads of working class sound pretty although i know loads of working class me. sound pretty although i know loads of working class me. but sound pretty although i know loads of working class me. but i'm nd pretty although i know loads of working class me. but i'm working! smart to me. but i'm working class, well , that's class, so. yeah, well, that's the thing. >> i'm working and >> i'm working class. and remember a job, remember when i first got a job, i of reason is i think part of the reason is you you see money in you sort of you see money in a different way. when i first got a job that was over 20 grand, i was like, my god, i couldn't was like, oh my god, i couldn't believe it. i felt like a millionaire. whereas somebody who went to eton probably wouldn't feel that rich. >> which >> are you working class, which is scottish, because they're kind thing. i think kind of the same thing. i think what are saying is what people are saying is working class people making working class people are making about you said about £6,000 less, like you said , that women who , annually, but that women who are working class make have an even pay gap of almost even greater pay gap of almost 19% between the average professional salaries of a woman who's not working class, you know, a woman who's from a decent background, and then a woman who's scraped her way to the middle , i guess. i don't the middle, i guess. i don't know. i just think people like to i just pay your to complain. i just pay your mortgage, just isn't your working class mouth and take your paycheque to see. >> yeah, this is worse. worse than the gender pay gap, which is bit of a myth because it's is a bit of a myth because it's really i mean, it's a tax on
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having a and only having a baby. and women only women have babies despite having a baby. and women only wom was . you're right. so >> yeah, i was. you're right. so much nuggets of wisdom in an introduction, but i totally agree. i'm very sceptical because gender pay gap, i believe , is a myth. now this believe, is a myth. now this article in in the guardian again alarmed bells doesn't provide any evidence as to how they have come up with these figures. you know, and how did how did they manage to establish that working class people are being paid less? obviously, if this is actually the case, they couldn't ask her in the office because they're the they're all posh at the guardian. nobody has they're all posh at the gua northern nobody has they're all posh at the gua northern or nobody has they're all posh at the gua northern or scottish y has they're all posh at the gua northern or scottish accent, any northern or scottish accent, but i think just hide the accent for a while and of course, at least in some industries like tv comedy , northern accents or or comedy, northern accents or or scottish accents are invoked . so scottish accents are invoked. so i don't see a problem there . i don't see a problem there. >> it might be anecdotal because working class people do rattle on and on. you know, it might be some story they're lying about, i don't know. but do. i do i don't know. but i do. i do wonder, why they bother
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wonder, though, why they bother looking proof. you're looking for the proof. you're right. looking the right. i was looking for the evidence about these evidence they had about these percentages couldn't find percentages, and i couldn't find any article . and it may any in this article. and it may just you know , that they just be, you know, that they need work harder . yeah, well, need to work harder. yeah, well, 78% of statistics are made up . 78% of statistics are made up. >> everybody knows that. the male now with evidence that some people are pretending be gay people are pretending to be gay to claim asylum in britain, it also helps when applying for arts council funding . arts council funding. >> nicholas, would have >> nicholas, who would have thought this a story obviously is and ad funny in is enraging and ad funny in a way. at the same time, nigerian con who won refugee status and the right to stay in britain by saying he is gay, claims he is by sexual after it was revealed that he fathered three children with different women in uk, he even married one of these women. i mean he must have been a very active bisexual considering he's busy . very busy. busy. very busy. >> he was really checking to make sure that he was gay. i mean, he was you know, he thought maybe, you know , i'm thought maybe, you know, i'm just going to make sure that i don't like this by impregnate another one. so this is one of those stories before i became a
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successful panellist on such a prestigious show, headliners no need to be sarcastic. >> yeah , i know. i mean it. as i >> yeah, i know. i mean it. as i said at the beginning of the show and it's a friday night slot, so i'm very grateful. you're really well. thank you're doing really well. thank you. i used to be an you. yeah, i used to be an interpreter for some of these asylum interviews . right. and, asylum interviews. right. and, you , and these potential you know, and these potential asylum seekers or potential. they were asylum seekers potentially successful. they had to rehearse their interviews with the home office and of course, their lawyers all paid by the legal aid, by the way. so taxpayers money had to go walk them through this, prepare them so that the second interview would match the interview. would match the first interview. long story short, the funniest thing remember guy is thing i remember the guy is being home office. being asked by the home office. so you have converted to christianity now. and the answer was yes. yes. i swear to the holy quran. yes and i was just to make ends meet. i had to translate all these lies. you know, you're a christian now.
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tell us about the apostles. i have no idea who the apostles. i just love jesus. you could have stayed in tehran and loved jesus in the bottom of your heart. if you are not a church goer, why did you feel you were in danger? yeah. >> i mean, do you think we should should bit should we should get a bit tougher have some sort tougher and maybe have some sort of make sure that people of test to make sure that people are gay when they're saying they're gay, too? well, that's what theresa may wanted. >> film footage, >> she wanted film footage, which, remember, i think which, if you remember, i think this guy had also through this guy had also been through a homosexual relationship in nigeria. around nigeria. he'd been passed around as boy . he'd been as a young boy. he'd been abused. and when his lover helped get out nigeria to helped him get out of nigeria to him, him, when his him, according to him, when his lover get out of lover helped him get out of nigeria, his lover was murdered. and that's doesn't want and that's why he doesn't want to nigeria. he's to go back to nigeria. he's saying, killed to you, right? >> did he say in an email >> did he say that in an email asking for £50,000? >> he did. he's broken the law. he. owes somebody 220 grand. he. he owes somebody 220 grand. that's the part i have a problem with, whether or not he's bisexual or gay. you know, people do change their minds. i mean , we're all technically mean, we're all technically bisexual , mean, we're all technically bisexual, right, nico? so i think i think there's that in
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his favour. and he's still young and he's still hoping to change his life. i just wish he didn't break the law for that reason. i think he needs to be put before a court. think he needs to be put before a c> scott in the daily mail. apparently the miss universe judge , emily austin, one of judge, emily austin, one of them, has sat down and said that she's just a bit furious about what's happening to these beauty pageants because as she said, that the outrage about a trans woman coming to a miss universe and woman has bought and a trans woman has bought miss universe. yeah a trans woman named. i'm going to try to pronounce this properly. and jacques tati , she bought the jacques tati, she bought the rights to miss universe and has bankrupt it and is trying to bnng bankrupt it and is trying to bring it back to life. and this last year's judge, emily austin , last year's judge, emily austin, said, this is insane because this trans person is saying we're trying to empower women through this contest and this trans person is a man in a dress
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and is allowing other men in dresses to compete. miss portugal , who'll be dresses to compete. miss portugal, who'll be running in when the contest happens this yearis when the contest happens this year is trans. miss netherlands is trans . miss netherlands, is trans. miss netherlands, you're right, is a bit rough. you pointed it out. i think miss portugal is looking, but maybe it's all the olive oil the it's all the olive oil in the diet. i'm just saying that this judge is saying i don't know how to judge these contests anymore because i'm going give to judge these contests anymore bec award m going give to judge these contests anymore bec award to going give to judge these contests anymore bec award to go in] give to judge these contests anymore bec award to go in a give to judge these contests anymore bec award to go in a dress. the award to a guy in a dress. and basically cited and she basically kind of cited the fact that this would have happened before 2015, because as we know, donald trump owned the contest and he would have never let any of this happen the minute sold it, it's gone to minute he sold it, it's gone to pot , so to speak. pot, so to speak. >> donald trump needs to take seize control of all the business in the western world. well, russia wouldn't have invented the ukraine. >> war might be a better >> the war might be a better place. have ever place. i would not have ever voted trump, but there are voted for trump, but there are benefits. saying benefits. but i'm just saying that some these are that some of these judges are saying know how to saying we don't know how to judge contest anymore, judge this contest anymore, whether back or whether it comes back to life or not, we know because is not, we don't know because is there point this?
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there a point in funding this? it women a it doesn't empower women if a guy it. well, also, guy is winning it. well, also, nicholas, it's nicholas, it seems that it's very in vogue moment to very in vogue at the moment to just give it to the to the transgender contestant just as a sort they're sort of even if they're obviously not the best looking. sort of even if they're ovayusly not the best looking. sort of even if they're ova mean.)t the best looking. sort of even if they're 0va mean. all1e best looking. sort of even if they're 0va mean. all right.t looking. sort of even if they're 0va mean. all right. some ng. sort of even if they're 0va mean. all right. some of. >> i mean. all right. some of them good. think miss portugal. >> portugal is amazing is amazing. >> miss netherlands, my >> but miss netherlands, oh, my god, eat an apple god, she could eat an apple through racket. through a tennis racket. >> like she's been >> she looks like she's been kicked back her head. kicked in the back of her head. >> societal changes that these transgender women are bringing to this competition. and the because this year, as you suggest, as you mentioned , we've suggest, as you mentioned, we've had a trans gender miss netherlands for the first time and also for the first time a dutch people, dutch men are saying i'd rather have sex with my wife than with miss netherlands . that had never netherlands. that had never happened before . happened before. >> so this is actually going to improve family values. that's amazing. anyway, that's that section finished with. but stay with us for final section with us for a final section where we'll have friendly feminists, unfriendly and feminists, unfriendly prices and an angry bear mauling an eco protester . it's definitely worth protester. it's definitely worth staying up for. see you
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welcome back to headlines as we've got the mail now with some good news. feminists actually like men . it good news. feminists actually like men. it must be good news. feminists actually like men . it must be why they like men. it must be why they dress like them. scott well , now dress like them. scott well, now there's a there's a man hating feminist myth. >> the feminists think men are terrible and they blame the further issues and they only want to be around women and all this which is not at this stuff, which is not true at all. has said that all. jane fonda has said that she in game she was late in the game of feminism because assumed feminism because she assumed being a feminist meant that she was angry with men, which clearly people clearly she wasn't. and people in nine countries, including the uk, us , italy and japan, were uk, us, italy and japan, were asked how warm and favourably they felt towards men and feminists i'm fine. i feel feminists said, i'm fine. i feel positive about men. so i think that whole anti male thing has been kind of busted, which is really good. and i think it's all happened a bit because of all happened a bit because of all this terf dialogue that's going on now and the lgbt
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community, lgbt, q plus s . community, lgbt, q plus s. community s is for spirits anyway. i think all that kind of, you know , chubby people in of, you know, chubby people in pointy glasses with dyed magenta hair have said basically me that feminists don't . and it's not feminists don't. and it's not true at all. i think. i think by by separating, you know , i've by separating, you know, i've never been comfortable, to be honest with you, with the lgbtq myth because lesbian and gay men don't necessarily along and don't necessarily get along and their male female, they their male and female, they might they might get along or they might not. bisexuality exist . not. bisexuality doesn't exist. sorry, nico, it doesn't. and sorry, nico, but it doesn't. and i love trans people, you know, as long they're in heels and as long as they're in heels and as long as they're in heels and a through a wig and through the roof, i want them dressed so they're want them dressed up so they're easy and the rest easy to catch. and then the rest of intersexual, have no of the intersexual, i have no idea. spirits ? idea. questioning spirits? >> yeah. after >> well, yeah. everything after the like lesbian, the lgb, like lesbian, gay and bisexual, that that means something. and an something. and it's an objectively measurable thing. whereas the tc, the queer and the fetishes and all this, the asexual, why did they need representation? they're fine . representation? they're fine. it's like having a sport at the olympics called not playing sport. >> no , no one wants to go near
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>> no, no one wants to go near the asexuals. >> so just leave it. also, i just. i feel like, you know, a lesbian rifle, a good lesbian with a rifle, a good idea. gay man with gun. idea. a gay man with a gun. maybe so we'll just show maybe not. so we'll just show off. i feel like there's differences that have be differences that have to be recognised, like we're differences that have to be recog|with, like we're differences that have to be recog|with , community. we're stuck with this community. that's and that's a bit of a lump and that's not really progressing. and i'm not even sure that there's that there's a necessity for that community certain countries community in certain countries to themselves . to really identify themselves. so politically anymore, i think they've they've won in many ways. and i think celebrating thatis ways. and i think celebrating that is what's a necessity. really. yeah >> well, staying with the theme, we've got the express now and an american town has banned public gayness. american town has banned public gayness . it's going to make gayness. it's going to make their pride march interesting . their pride march interesting. >> me about >> nicholas yeah, tell me about it. is let me read the it. this is let me read the headune it. this is let me read the headline first. rural tennessee town bans public gayness and offenders left facing five years in jail. now, this is a rural town called murfreesboro , if i'm town called murfreesboro, if i'm pronouncing it right, it's quite a lovely town. >> i looked it up. i thought it was going to be a trash pile, but it's not. it's all right,
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actually. >> so they have something to lose. but it's basically moving in two directions. again, lose. but it's basically moving in tsureirections. again, lose. but it's basically moving in tsure whyons. again, lose. but it's basically moving in tsure why this again, lose. but it's basically moving in tsure why this article . all not sure why this article. all the express insists that this is essentially against gay people because all it says is indecent behaviour, including indecent exposure, public indecency , lewd exposure, public indecency, lewd behaviour, nudity or sexual conduct. so i don't see anything they do specify in the ordinance , they specify the sexual conduct includes homosexuality. >> so they're saying i mean, i guess they need to be clear on that because, you know, they're interpreting it here is like two men holding hands. that could trigger the law. but do they need to be more specific? does trigger the law. but do they need need more specific? does trigger the law. but do they need need to ore specific? does trigger the law. but do they need need to ore penetration?ys there need to be penetration? anything that? goodness. anything like that? goodness. >> yes , there does need to >> well, yes, there does need to be. but don't know about in be. but i don't know about in that do. i think that town. but i do. i think that town. but i do. i think that what they're trying to do is they're trying to tell lgbt people, not welcome here. people, you're not welcome here. don't come here, don't move here, open business don't come here, don't move here, we open business don't come here, don't move here, we have, n business don't come here, don't move here, we have, you business don't come here, don't move here, we have, you know, ss don't come here, don't move here, we have, you know, we're here. we have, you know, we're a christian fundamentalist town and we've got enough already . and we we've got enough already. >> like it's an >> yeah. it looks like it's an overreach. an overreaction , too, overreach. an overreaction, too, because i know there have been a
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lot of books pushed into school libraries that are essentially pornographic. this book is gay and stuff like that. yes. there's this book is gay, fearfully wonderfully made fearfully and wonderfully made flamer. and flamer. let's talk about it. and like, these books are not pornographic at all. there are i've seen i've some of i've seen i've seen some of these of these books keep these some of these books keep some of a top shelf at some of them in a top shelf at my house and get them out special occasions. but mean, special occasions. but i mean, some are very like some of them are very like literally got diagrams literally they've got diagrams of looking own name, of them looking for my own name, you fingers you know, fingers crossed. >> think also . so, you know, >> i think also. so, you know, it's difficult, too, because cause you ask yourself, well, why would a gay person want to move to that town? well gay people might grown people might have grown up there, have there, might they might have family going visit there, might they might have fami if going visit there, might they might have famiif i going visit there, might they might have famiif i was going visit there, might they might have famiif i was a going visit there, might they might have famiif i was a cong visit there, might they might have famiif i was a con man.'isit there, might they might have famiif i was a con man. yeah, now if i was a con man. yeah, exactly. mean, i'll you exactly. i mean, i'll tell you one about town. the one thing about that town. the sex is good because it's always better when it's illegal. i miss the . oh, women, right? the old days. oh, women, right? >> men straight guys will do just what they're told, just what they're told. >> rules . >> they like rules. >> they like rules. >> okay, on. we've got >> okay, moving on. we've got the potential the sun now with a potential solution to just stop oil protests. angry bears . protests. angry bears. >> nicholas, like the sound of
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>> nicholas, i like the sound of that activist mauled by a that eco activist mauled by a bear after disturbing its den, trying to prove it was forced to move by move out by loggers. so this is the irony of the night. possibly the week this german , possibly the week this german, it's always germans, the ones who buy ships to do taxi service between africa and the italian shoreline. and this time a german is in polish carpathian mountains. they had no they were actually filming an area that they presumed was empty of bears because of loggers. and wouldn't you know, there was a bear got very angry and mauled them. >> yeah. because they were in they were basically in its den or whatever, a bear's house is called. yeah. yeah. so it came. whatever. yeah. >> it's too. a woman >> and it's funny, too. a woman had hand off in the us had her hand torn off in the us last because she last week because she was. she was. was petting small was. she was petting a small bean i just in bean and she said i just in my garden, just it was garden, i just thought it was sweet. like it's a wild sweet. it's like it's a wild animal. maybe don't animal. well, maybe you don't deserve maybe deserve your hands. maybe you're better because you won't better off now because you won't do again . oh, god. people, do it again. oh, my god. people, when people infantilize animals or them human
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or they try to give them human characteristics , characteristics, anthropomorphise characteristics, ant we)omorphise characteristics, ant we saw»rphise characteristics, ant we saw that ;e characteristics, ant we saw that with grizzly >> we saw that with grizzly saying you can do. yeah. saying you can do. really? yeah. and you because and then they eat you because they're people they they're not people or they just think would think you're people would like to well. yes. and to eat you as well. yes. and then eco activists had then there's eco activists had to saved by the loggers and to be saved by the loggers and the forestry commission or people they'd, they'd, people that they'd, they'd, they'd be with double they'd be at war with double irony , isn't it? irony, isn't it? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> anyway, let's squeeze this one we're staying with the one in. we're staying with the animal now animal world where the times now in that killer whales in the news that killer whales don't metal. i think don't like heavy metal. i think they prefer of steel. scott. >> they do. i put that story aside because i where is it? you have it. okay. yes thank you very much. frustrated skippers have resorted to blasting heavy metal to deter the whales. apparently along the strait of gibraltar . yeah, it's a real gibraltar. yeah, it's a real whale . hov. is that the right whale. hov. is that the right word? hub. a hub? a whale hub. i'm scrambling. it's a whale hub.and i'm scrambling. it's a whale hub. and these skippers are saying, you know, we can't get away from the whales. so the only thing to get rid of them is this loud music that they make that they hear it . i
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that noise when they hear it. i can't the sound, but you can't do the sound, but you know, whale song, the whale know, the whale song, the whale song, they make whale song song, they make the whale song because they're frustrated. and then whale then they, they, they whale away. yeah. away. right? yeah. >> we're quickly >> and we're going to quickly try and squeeze this one in in 30s. now 30s. we've got the metro now with about london with a story about london prices. any scots or yorkshireman watching, please prices. any scots or yorksisure an watching, please prices. any scots or yorksisure you're ching, please prices. any scots or yorksisure you're sitting 3lease prices. any scots or yorksisure you're sitting down. make sure you're sitting down. >> nicholas phillipson you know say someone's shocked that fish and chips at harrods notably luxury store in london. for those who don't know are really expensive now fish and chips is of course a humble meal and it is at harrods as well. >> we've got a picture here. it looks like school dinners. i know. look at that. >> £37. >> £37. >> 37, £30. >> 37, £30. >> that'd be a good piece of fish. >> count the chips, nine chips. that's absolutely ridiculous. >> small portions are staple of pretentious but nine chips pretentious food, but nine chips with a too much . absolutely. >> i think it's just about the atmosphere. >> sure is nearly over. so let's take look at take another quick look at saturday. his front pages, the guardian cameron. guardian leads with cameron. call for billions in foreign aid risk tory anger. the telegraph
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has jeremy hunt, the time has come for tax cuts . the daily come for tax cuts. the daily express has prime minister gets punchy. i'll take on anyone standing in her way of the rwanda plan. he said that before the i news has labour health chief tells nhs i'll hold the door wide open for help from the private sector. the times says toxic nhs puts people at risk, says watchdog and the star has 20, 28, 2028 and the return of woolly mammoths . and those were woolly mammoths. and those were your front pages. and that's all we have time to time for. thank you to my guests, scott capurro and nicholas de santo. nicholas
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>> welcome to the anderson's real world. tonight on the show , real world. tonight on the show, i'm joined by former ukip leader henry bolton, former brexit mep beunda henry bolton, former brexit mep belinda de lucy. she's back on the show for the second time. also got political commentator matthew stadler and former bbc journalist and royal correspondent michael cole. he's on for the first time and designer and reality tv star april bambury. designer and reality tv star april bambury . but first, let's april bambury. but first, let's go to the news headlines . at 7:00. >> i'm karen armstrong in the gb newsroom. the chancellor is considering cutting inheritance and business tax in an effort to win over tory mps with his autumn statement. jeremy hunt had said tax cuts this year would be virtually impossible. well now, after a recent fall in inflation, he says it all depends on how much the economy's growing. >> the best way that we can reduce the tax burden for everyone is to grow the economy.
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there's no shortcut if we grow the economy, if we support manufacture , bring businesses manufacture, bring businesses like the one i'm visiting today in sheffield, that means that we have more money to reduce the tax burden, but also to invest in public services like the nhs. so we will always take a balanced approach. but putting the economy first and as part of that visit, the chancellor has announced £4.5 billion in investment for british manufacturing as he attempts to boost sluggish growth rates . boost sluggish growth rates. >> car makers, aerospace companies and clean energy firms will benefit from the funding, which will cover a five year penod which will cover a five year period and become available in 2025. after the next general election . rishi sunak denied election. rishi sunak denied tinkering with the rwanda policy after the former home secretary suggested his plan to save the scheme would fail . scheme would fail. >> will the prime minister rescued the rwanda plan? mrs. braverman well suella braverman, who was sacked this week, claims his attempts will not work unless he opt out of the european convention on human
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