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tv   Dan Wootton Tonight  GB News  March 28, 2023 9:00pm-11:01pm BST

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7 become pm at the last election? louise ellman says that he is a danger just to the labour party but to the entire british jewish community. i don't accept that. i don't accept that. i it clear that we won't tolerate antisemitism or the denial. antisemitism so i'll explain why the bloke with no political philosophy or morals bad news for britain and my snakes there. my for britain and my snakes there. my superstore panel will give their view tonight. i'm joined by amanda patel. calvin robinson and rebecca reid. also coming up, humza yousaf. this has officially become first minister officially become first minister of scotland and. he's wasted no time making promises he can't keep to. when can the prime minister expect to hear from the uk? australia's you're going to be asking for section 30, right 7 be asking for section 30, right ? so was sturgeon's doomed wrong to make that unreal stick pledge that topic debate later in the show fearless women's rights campaigner kelly j. cain forced out of uber, woke new zealand the weekend after violent protests and protesters attacked
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. and there can be no doubt this mob was for blood and samantha to because i want you to block anymore . kelly speaks out live anymore. kelly speaks out live in the studio about her terrifying ordeal with the trans extremists who left her for her life. you want to miss that? also on the way as prince harry returns to reignite his cry war with tabloid media once charles right to snub his treacherous son during his to the uk. no gardiner, ingrid seward and nina mix call battle it out in the clash shortly plus esteemed royal biographer tom bower will offer his unmissable analysis on the latest leg of the duke of delusions, world war ii privacy toun delusions, world war ii privacy tour. he's on cancelled later in the show will also bring you coverage of an extraordinary developing story as. coverage of an extraordinary developing story as . a woman developing story as. a woman claiming to be madeleine mccann appears on hit us tv show. dr. want to know you and i want to
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know if i am madeleine mccann . know if i am madeleine mccann. but with the home office set to approve yet more funding , should approve yet more funding, should the £13 million investigation and ready get another 100,000? 16 years on, we'll get stuck into that in the media polls also the way is labour peer lord griffiths right to say this about shamima begum of her citizen statelessness is a form of capital punishment in the sense that it deprives somebody status forever our culture warrior the former conservative education minister jenkins, education ministerjenkins, gives her unmissable take on the left's dangerous attempt to rehabilitate the isis terrorists . and as the guardian newspaper owner apologises for, its founders links to slavery . founders links to slavery. author virtue signalling woke simply eating them selves. laurence fox investigates the fox report and as ever , our fox report and as ever, our first look at tomorrow's newspaper front page , hot off newspaper front page, hot off the press and a brand new
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greatest version union jack has before the night. out to this is dan watson tonight let's go . dan watson tonight let's go. so can we actually believe a word that keir starmer about anything first corbyn was his friend now he's expelled him from the party and banned him from the party and banned him from ever running again. my on slippery starmer in just a moment. first though the news with polly middlehurst . dan with polly middlehurst. dan thank good evening to our top story tonight on gb news mi5 has increased the terrorism threat level in northern ireland from substantial to severe , meaning substantial to severe, meaning an attack is highly likely and that comes roughly year after britain lowered the threat for
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northern ireland for the first time in more than a decade . time in more than a decade. deputy chief constable mark hamilton said this afternoon that the police service of northern ireland was working hard to make the community safer . also in the news today, prince says the royal family without doubt withheld information from him about phone hacking by news group newspapers and made the claims in a witness submitted before his civil against the publisher of the daily mail associated newspapers . prince associated newspapers. prince harry is among a group of celebrities launching legal action against the publisher, accusing them of numerous breaches of privacy . associated breaches of privacy. associated newspapers denies all the allegations . newspapers denies all the allegations. us newspapers denies all the allegations . us joe newspapers denies all the allegations. us joe biden has called on congress pass an assault weapons after another school shooting, this time in nashville in tennessee saying , nashville in tennessee saying, the country owes families action , not just prayers . and for , not just prayers. and for viewers on tv, a warning, you may find the following footage distressing in the incident six
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people, including three young children, were killed in on monday. police and shot and killed the 28 year old transgender. killed the 28 year old transgender . a former pupil transgender. a former pupil saying the attacker had bought seven firearms legally, three of which were used in. the shooting hear former labour leader jeremy corbyn says he has every intention representing his constituency north at the next general action, adding that he won't be intimidated into silence . that's after labour's silence. that's after labour's national committee approves. sir keir starmer's motion to block corbyn's standing as a labour. mr. corbyn was suspended from the parliamentary labour in 2020 over his reaction to a report into anti within the party. he could, however, still run as an independent . the education independent. the education secretary is urging teaching unions to accept the latest pay
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offer from the and end their industrial . the government is industrial. the government is offering a thousand pounds one offering a thousand pounds one off payment as well as a four and a half percent pay rise for the next year. but the national education union recommended its members reject deal and instead hold strikes on april two. ten ovens and may the second. and lastly , the snp leader humza lastly, the snp leader humza yousef has now been officially selected as scotland's first minister. the 37 year old is replacing nicola sturgeon , who replacing nicola sturgeon, who formerly resigned to the king earlier on today. formerly resigned to the king earlier on today . more than earlier on today. more than eight years in the role . it's eight years in the role. it's understood. kate forbes , leave understood. kate forbes, leave the scottish government after a demotion from the first minister. it means, ms. forbes who previously served as finance , will return to hollyrood backbenches. , will return to hollyrood backbenches . you are up to date backbenches. you are up to date on tv online plus radio and on the train app with gb news the people's channel. let's get back
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to dan wootton tonight . to dan wootton tonight. will the real keir starmer please stand up today? he's effectively ended jeremy corbyn's career , a frontline corbyn's career, a frontline labour politician with the party's ndc banning its former leader from ever running again . leader from ever running again. oh, that's probably a good for british politics, right but yet again, exposes the fandom a problem we all feel amounts to pre starmer. we can't trust a single word that this bloke says starmer for years told us he wanted corbyn to become our prime despite his extreme hard left views and position as an apologist for antisemitic views behind jeremy corbyn. you know , behind jeremy corbyn. you know, i am working with jeremy corbyn
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to try to win the next general election. loyalty. jeremy corbyn. and you spoken in his defence just now, but louise ellman says that he is a danger not just to the labour party but to the entire british jewish. i don't accept that. i do not accept that even after being elected leader, he praised as a friend to pay tribute to jeremy corbyn, who led our party through some really difficult times who energised our movement and who's a friend as well as a colleague or not any more. that rhetoric has changed. 180 degrees there you are shaking hands, looking like good pals. where are you pals? well, we were never friends. said that you would never find jeremy corbyn. will stand for labour at the next general election . the next general election. nothing changed about corbyn, though. so what changed with
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you, mr. starmer ? does your lust you, mr. starmer? does your lust for power overrule any form of a moral compass ? of course. corbyn moral compass? of course. corbyn should never been prime minister. even though he may well now run an independent and his listening to north constituency, or maybe even as a city councillor for the london mayoralty . i would say to that mayoralty. i would say to that his bizarre behaviour today proves that he's unfit for high office. can we just very quickly ask you if you're thinking of sending an independent? mr. corbyn very much. i'm to the demonstration against the immigration bill and i suggest you too. you report that too. are reporting will take 10 reporting it. it will take 10 minutes. i have can minutes. do i have to say? can i just you for second? however, i thank you very much. i just want to talk to for seconds to talk to you for 10 seconds about thank very about your future. thank very much. sorry. thank you much. okay i'm sorry. thank you very want to very much. why don't you want to talk it's been in the talk about it? it's been in the news today for our statements. thank very much. lots of people really to about really want to hear about your future . as, by the way, did his future. as, by the way, did his closest allies, like the
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communist ash sarkar, sickeningly dismissed his downplaying of rampant anti—semitism on the bbc . and he anti—semitism on the bbc. and he was, by the findings. he didn't disregard the report that that was contentious and got this is so boring and doesn't impact people lives just on anti—semitism. no no no i'm you know i. love but the thing is we knew this about corbyn and his mob years ago back when starmer was trying to convince us that this cranks should run the country and this is not the first time step starmer has flip flopped. far from it. in fact there is now a civil within labour about the fact that i've got a who changes his opinion as often as the wind or the latest opinion poll from brexit to state ownership of assets to shamima begum . our options must shamima begum. our options must include campaigning for a public vote and nobody is ruling out remain as an option. i've said on a number of occasions that we are not going back to the eu.
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can you guarantee that under leadership the 2019 labour commitments to nationalise water energy rail, the royal mail , energy rail, the royal mail, they'll all be in labour's next election manifesto. i've made that commitment. will you nationalise ? the big six energy nationalise? the big six energy companies? yes no. no. no, you will not. the decision by the home secretary was the wrong decision, and i think it was a rushed decision . i want to ask rushed decision. i want to ask you about shamima begum. she's lost her appeal to regain it. should she be allowed to appeal again ? i think the court again? i think the court decision yesterday was the right decision. national security has come first. so will the rail. keir starmer please stand up ? keir starmer please stand up? well, he has actually . he has. well, he has actually. he has. he's the bloke with no political philosophy other than personal ambition and a craven desire to seize power without . any clear seize power without. any clear morals to explain why? and that is a terrifying prospect . but to
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is a terrifying prospect. but to respond now. my superstar panel top daily mail columnist amanda patel . the conservative patel. the conservative commentator, the reverend calvin robinson and the and journalist rebecca reid. so, amanda patel, how earth can we trust a word that keir starmer. well, we can't. dan it's too little, too late with him suddenly deciding that he's disowning corbyn. can i just tell you a little story about what happened me during the corbyn era, when starmer was supporting corbyn. the momentum . remember, corbyn got half a million new members in the momentum lot that was supposed to be looking a new world. a wonderful new. they put a hashtag up about me, which was and i've got to watch it because we're on tv. it was hashtag kill the sea . asterisk. asterisk the sea. asterisk. asterisk patel . and then after thousands patel. and then after thousands of them piled in, they decided they would strip me gang rape and guillotine me with a rusty
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blade in a public square . that blade in a public square. that was corbyn's labour party during all that time , keir starmer all that time, keir starmer supported him and the vitriol towards people like me. i mean , towards people like me. i mean, what kind of idiot thinks you find a guillotine in. you know, in the. it's got to go into phones. i mean, some. some piled and said, that's too good for that c patel i want a gang rape all on my own. so that was the basically that was the venom that we had the bernie burrows the bernie sanders brows in the us and it often is the extreme left to actually the most violent the violent modernistic . i had so many death threats from momentum that the cops came round to my house. yeah and starmer and. it is just man to be on. but i just want to put a caveat in. but i know lots of
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labour people and most of them are really good, decent . corbyn are really good, decent. corbyn brought a hideous underbelly of the labour party and keir starmer supported it. yeah. end of story. and corbyn at the end of story. and corbyn at the end of the day, he had a choice. oh, yeah, he had a choice to walk away. but he didn't do that. and what he's now admitting is that he lied to the country time and again , a public platform. he again, a public platform. he lied when he said that corbyn would be a great prime minister. he lied when he said that corbyn was a decent person. he lied when corbyn his when he said corbyn was his friend. because like most politicians , he's a careerist. politicians, he's a careerist. he's , wanted to get he's ambitious, wanted to get into that seat power and he into that seat of power and he put party loyalties above put his party loyalties above the loyalties the country's loyalties by supporting a man who said he's friends hamas , a man who friends with hamas, a man who said friends hezbollah said he's friends with hezbollah , brought the labour , a man who brought the labour party disrepute making party into disrepute by making anti—semitic, essentially , he's anti—semitic, essentially, he's anti—semitic, essentially, he's an anti—semite . and even when an anti—semite. and even when they wrote all those horrible things about me, i don't think they even knew then that i have german heritage, that might have
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given this away. but that they had no idea the vitriol from them . but what rebecca read what them. but what rebecca read what shocks me is that even though you know everything about corbyn and you know , what a disgraceful and you know, what a disgraceful bloke he is , you still say, even bloke he is, you still say, even today , that he would have been today, that he would have been a better prime than boris johnson? i think what i said. if remember correctly, is that i believe the reason keir starmer supported him is that he felt he would be a better prime minister. boris johnson. it's johnson. i have. it's complicated for me because i'm of generation. who of that momentum generation. who would just becoming politically active when jeremy came would just becoming politically actbutnhen jeremy came would just becoming politically actbut hen jeremy came would just becoming politically actbut i absolutely came would just becoming politically actbut i absolutely revile came would just becoming politically actbut i absolutely revile his me in. but i absolutely revile his antisemitism. therefore did not. he was my he was my mp in islington and i never voted him, islington and i never voted him, inever islington and i never voted him, i never voted for labour while he was in charge because i used sometimes you live in islington , i anymore. i haven't got , i don't anymore. i haven't got nobody with i never nobody with a finger. i never would guessed that somebody would have guessed that somebody would have guessed that somebody would sadly , i would have. west london sadly, i did live in islington for ten years very happy that
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years and i was very happy that used to love. where are you gentrifying nice gentrifying at the moment. nice to i some more to see me. can i do some more points? yes, like. well points? yes, i'm like. well done, everybody jeremy corbyn. i think would have socially in theory be better than boris johnson for most people this country. however, i think there's antisemitism should always a precluded being in charge. therefore he would not have been the ideal candidate . have been the ideal candidate. okay, about starmer? okay, but what about starmer? what about the fact that starmer didn't ? i think moral compass. i didn't? i think moral compass. i find really weird find this a really weird argument mean argument because that would mean that in the labour that any who was in the labour party when corbyn in charge party when corbyn was in charge should officially no longer be allowed minister. not allowed to prime minister. not allowed to prime minister. not all because everybody. all of them, because everybody. lady no, rebecca, that's not true. on. they won't say true. come on. they won't say no, no, no, they people who stayed within the labour party, who did all they could to try and remove corbyn, starmer stayed on floor because he was sensible. knows infighting doesn't get you anywhere . there doesn't get you anywhere. there was no none of those people who said rude things about non—trade things of people things any of those people who said criticisms said fair criticisms about jeremy when he in charge jeremy when he was in charge made progress on left made any progress on what left to and sense. it makes
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to try and make sense. it makes him moral vacuum of i know it him a moral vacuum of i know it makes him tick not know it makes him a coward. it makes him someone who has no moral compass, no mean he should not have supported jeremy corbyn. look, i've had the threats from his lot , you know. he can come his lot, you know. he can come and answer to me about what it's like being someone , you know, like being someone, you know, under a government . if jeremy under a government. if jeremy corbyn got in cry , you know, corbyn got in cry, you know, this isn't the first major flip flop either i will never forgive and, forget over brexit, you know, this is man who for a long time to overturn the biggest mandate this country has ever seen. he actively was also campaigning for a second referendum. he thinks that we're stupid. i think one of the reasons why sunak is really increasing in the polls at the moment is that people are actually this about stop when he was campaigning for a republic wasn't a norwich pretending to be a monarchist and a patron. it as late as november last year as as late as november last year he was saying he was going to be
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tough on immigration and last month he's saying we should open our flops our borders. so he flip flops left right the time. left and right all the time. shamima begum he said that they see that shamima begum be see that shamima begum should be able return, was correct , able return, which was correct, but that he's public but now he, now that he's public opinion poll be discussed opinion poll to be discussed later most i went on i was really sad but i he has the most unenviable job generally speaking and i am talking pro bus strikes here. conservatives in this country think roughly the same about roughly the same things labour is a party things. labour is a party of two. of these like two. half of these people like me all of the me who care about all of the vegan , as you would put vegan wokeism, as you would put it. is people in red it. and it is people in the red wall care about more wall who care about more traditional labour, would say the conservatives a leader who can is so much harder. the can unify is so much harder. the conservative party, i think, is more so of showing that conservative party is just split as the labour. i don't think the liberals we've got the tories really will care really ultimately will care about though. no, not about money though. no, no, not you. you are a little sick you. but you are a little sick and jesus , you know the and said oh jesus, you know the texas to make the texas i hate to look after people who don't
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work and you know after a lockdown decided you know it's quite being on furlough or working from home don't give any lectures speeches and is don't give me any lectures about you cheeses. give me any lectures about you cheeses . i don't . suppose to get cheeses. i don't. suppose to get started. i, i stand by because it's a big show ahead. amanda brazile calvin robinson and rebecca. and now with me all night . but rebecca. and now with me all night. but still to rebecca. and now with me all night . but still to come, as the night. but still to come, as the guardian newspaper's owner is forced apologise for its links to . slavery, all the virtues . to. slavery, all the virtues. segolene whitecross is just starting to eat themselves. i've got laurence fox running in the pc crazed henhouse with his fox report shortly. but next in the clash as prince harry because of his craven hatred of tabloid media was king charles right to snub son during this unwell trip to the uk? nile gardiner , nina to the uk? nile gardiner, nina minskoff and ingrid seward . that minskoff and ingrid seward. that straight after the break. but your voice most important on this show is the email we found
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at vote our poll at gb news. results and the gb news. the results and the clash now course .
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it's time now for the clash and the latest leg in prince harry's wide privacy tour saw him jet london yesterday where he robbed
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shoulders without and john and sadie frost at preliminary high court hearing in their case against associate newspapers . against associate newspapers. but one man who will not be with harry on his surprise trip is king charles after he said he was too busy to meet his treacherous son. so was the monarch right to snub the duke of . i want to know what you of. i want to know what you think about this tonight date at tweet me at gb news. you can vote in our poll right now i'll bring you those now too. i'll bring you those results shortly to help you make up results shortly to help you make ”p by results shortly to help you make up by the up your mind, i'm joined by the former aide margaret former aide to margaret thatcher, nile gardiner of the heritage . they've had their own heritage. they've had their own beef with harry recently the journalist and broadcaster nina minskoff and editor in chief majesty magazine, ingrid , so majesty magazine, ingrid, so looking good. you have covered king charles for decades . this king charles for decades. this must have taken a for the king to say , no, i'm too busy i'm not to say, no, i'm too busy i'm not going to see you this it was the right thing to do, wasn't it .
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right thing to do, wasn't it. well, prince sorry. i beg your pardon, king charles is not a fan of family confrontation . he fan of family confrontation. he can , you know, confront people can, you know, confront people as much as he likes in the letter and, you know, people with , you know, he feels really with, you know, he feels really strongly the environment. but come to the family he he he he melts away he doesn't like it . melts away he doesn't like it. and i remember years ago and i'll be very brief just to tell you this to illustrate it , when you this to illustrate it, when he and diana were in the throes , their separation discussions , , their separation discussions, they had a meeting with the queen and prince at windsor castle . and beforehand, diana castle. and beforehand, diana and charles, they would say x—y—z and would just be very brief and they'd say to , the brief and they'd say to, the queen and philip, this is our problem. you know, we some help. well, diana ended up saying everything. myself and charles didn't say a word , and she was didn't say a word, and she was furious. and when the queen or
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philip said, we want a meeting again tomorrow , she does. so again tomorrow, she does. so what's point? so charles what's the point? so charles doesn't confrontation, doesn't like confrontation, especially with his darling harry as harry is known, as he calls him . and quite honestly, calls him. and quite honestly, when he's super busy, he's got a state visit coming up tomorrow when the last thing he wants and indeed needs is to deal with a very tricky son indeed who wanted to split the newspapers. and charles is very against that. but now gardiner, he is making a point here, and i think the point is a powerful one. you have us you have completely slammed the reputation of , both slammed the reputation of, both myself, my family , my son, who myself, my family, my son, who is the heir to the throne. and as a result, don't get the privileged access that you got before . yes. and i think before. yes. and i think actually the right message sent by king charles to harry. why on earth. should the king meet with harry after harry launched a
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series of nasty attacks against the royal family? in fact, the memoir, meanwhile, basically was a vicious of attacks upon the royal family here. and so the king was absolutely 100% right to reject a meeting with with harry saying that he was too too busy and. i do think that harry should learn a from this actually . but harry is using should learn a from this actually. but harry is using his his royal title . he's using his royal title. he's using increasingly wealth as well to launch a campaign against the british monarchy against. the royal family he is behaving extremely rude and arrogant manner and the he shouldn't be given the time of day frankly when he comes over to the uk he should not be frankly invited to the coronation and hopefully meghan and harry will stay away from the coronation after all of their attacks upon the royal family. so i believe harry has behaved absolutely disgracefully , is a hugely unpopular figure. of course , in the united kingdom of course, in the united kingdom
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at this time . also increasingly at this time. also increasingly unpopular america as well . and i unpopular america as well. and i think the idea , harry, meeting think the idea, harry, meeting with the king is just absolutely preposterous at this time . the preposterous at this time. the animation of that makes perfect saying it tarzan. why on earth should king charles meet with harry after he's done so terrible things the last few by way, including, by the way, nina, revealing an intimate, private conversations that they had at prince philip's to the world. there was a lot more that harry could have said and has not said, and that is one of the reasons why the royal family of are always very, very reticent and in fact will not you know, go into a courtroom. they will because they , as harry says, because they, as harry says, it's opening a can of worms. there's far more he could have said . and while now you know said. and while now you know raving on about in kind of mean way about harry walking away i would say well know what what what he forgets is that charles said very unkind things about
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his parents, about the queen and the duke edinburgh in his authorised memoir with jonathan dimbleby and charles with him, nina , it wasn't written by him , nina, it wasn't written by him, but it was with his it i don't know, actually, it was his. what he said about it was his it was his words. and giles was not gyles brandreth biography. gyles brandreth was about as close as a journalist or could be to the duke of edinburgh and has written, you know, his own books about that . he confirmed that about that. he confirmed that they'd be bringing gritted ingnd they'd be bringing gritted ingrid to nina's seems to be. i'm sorry charles you deserve this you deserve this because you slagged your own mother you slagged off your own mother and back the day. as and father back the day. so as a result, you've got to take this from harry. i don't think nina saying that . i think that what saying that. i think that what nina is saying that, you know, harry has a point. he he has a right to maybe see his father because, you know, he doesn't have a right to see, doesn't
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have a right to see, doesn't have any son, has a right monarchist. and i love prince . monarchist. and i love prince. so i love king charles. but, you know, he is he is not without faults . but, you know, i think faults. but, you know, i think what we have to remember is that charles is actually deeply and religious and is like his mother was all about forgiveness . and i was all about forgiveness. and i don't think he would absolutely stand harry's way if harry wanted really needed to see him. but obviously now is not the right moment. i probably doesn't need the aggravation of harry raving your way about something that charles doesn't agree with. well, indeed. and also , nile, well, indeed. and also, nile, what we're seeing is that king charles is prepared to make some calls. yes, he does love son. and yes, he is struggling with this at the moment. but with cottage, he said not out. you're out. i'm not going to keep paying out. i'm not going to keep paying for you to live in this mansion . and now he's saying, no mansion. and now he's saying, no you're over here to pick up pick a completely unnecessary battle with the press. i'm not to buy
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in to that of publicity campaign. you're going to use me in that way and. also now, by the way, he's very concerned , the way, he's very concerned, too, about the fact that there could be to the american media, because we have seen that happen. you know , the oprah is happen. you know, the oprah is the kings . if happen. you know, the oprah is the kings. if he goes and the gayle kings. if he goes and has meeting with charles, most has a meeting with charles, most of it's to be fed back immediately to the us media. yeah, that's right. so and i think that king has actually been extremely generous towards harry. and i have to say that harry's behaved like a completely spoilt brat frankly you cannot trust harry at all actually any private conversation would be immediately linked to the media. and i have to say that i do think any of the royal family actually trusts harry on this. and i know he's a royal who is not a sports and he's not just in the front he is a young man who is protect his family, who has served his country , and he has served his country, and he is who has pushed out the royal family because . he became his family because. he became his family, know he's not trashing
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his family. he is there is a more that he could say. and i'm sure knows that he has not said it. and in fact , he's just with it. and in fact, he's just with press. i need to just hold on a moment . what are you implying? moment. what are you implying? because i think what you're implying is that there's some dark, dirty about charles and william, that harry could . and i william, that harry could. and i think that's a really nefarious implication. it's not the any family family has secrets any . family family has secrets any. family has secrets and that the secrets that that were told were not damaging secrets. no, the is harry's harry's war is not against his own family his war against his own family his war against it is against the media in this country and his family's entanglement with the media, which means that he that things are compromised because they they they they don't tell me this . i they they they don't tell me this. i is they they they don't tell me this . i is not they they they don't tell me this. i is not i just want to ask you a final question, because, of course, you're of the heritage foundation. the heritage foundation at the moment engaged battle us
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moment engaged in a battle us authorities get details what harry revealed to them about his drug use before moving to the us . has there been any progress, niall, since this went public well? so, so far the by administration is stone on this request. i it's in the clear pubuc request. i it's in the clear public interest actually for those officials to make public prince harry's immigration application. we have to make sure that he did not receive any special treatment at all so that he acted in a fully honest and transparent with regard to his application . so yeah, so let's application. so yeah, so let's see that application in the pubuc see that application in the public to see if we should see nothing to hide, you should welcome as well. absolutely. would it please us posted on this. it's very important . our this. it's very important. our former margaret former aide to margaret thatcher now heritage now got a part of the heritage foundation alongside the journalists broadcasting and journalists in broadcasting and of in chief of of and the editor in chief of majesty , seward. you majesty, ingrid seward. do you agree with was king charles right to snub son during his surprise visit to the uk ? alli surprise visit to the uk? alli on twitter writes about lutely. if i were charles, i would never
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able to trust him again. if he is , meet him in the future. he is, meet him in the future. he needs to make sure. he has plenty of witnesses present from cranford on twitter. he was also right. i'm absolutely adamant harry will be back within a year or two with his tail between his legs and let's hope king charles maintains his busy schedule all that snuff . the king is that and from snuff. the king is not at his beck and call whenever he decides to drop into the unannounced. the country unannounced. and your now in 85% of you your verdict now in 85% of you agree that king was right to snub his son during his surprise to the uk. just 50% say he wasn't right to dodge duke. now coming is labour peer lord griffiths right say stripping. shamima begum of her citizenship equates to capital punishment . equates to capital punishment. our culture warrior, the former conservative minister andrea jenkins , her unmissable take on jenkins, her unmissable take on the left's dangerous attempts to rehabilitate the isis soon. but coming up next, the guardian newspaper owner apology rises for its founders links to slave
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three are the virtue signalling woke rowdy starting to eat themselves. i've got laurence fox investigating this he's live with me straight after the .
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break time for the folks report with the actor turned activist laurence fox . and virtue laurence fox. and virtue signalling lefty rag . the
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signalling lefty rag. the guardian has developed a bit of reputation for presenting the wokeist of british society. frequently criticising the links of individual businesses to the historic slave trade . but their historic slave trade. but their fascination with reparations has now come back to bite them after independent research found that they're john edward taylor had deep rooted business to. yep, you've guessed it this slave trade . so the scott trust which trade. so the scott trust which the guardian has frantically issued an awkward apology over the origins of the wealth, used to found the guardian as well as a committee to invest £10 million in a program of restorative justice the next decade , which, by the way, is a decade, which, by the way, is a minuscule proportion of their turnover . sir laurence, look as turnover. sir laurence, look as as great as it is , i'm sure we as great as it is, i'm sure we are both enjoying see the guardian with i heck of a lot of 999 guardian with i heck of a lot of egg on its face what is actually to be gained by endlessly dragging up the past of businesses. it's nuts, isn't it
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. well, no, because it's really nice to place six degrees of slave separation in, isn't it? you know, it's really fun because what we all realise that we're all related to slaves and traders. what i find fascinating to you about this, though, is that they've decided that they're going to put some money towards giving some black people some jobs journalism. and you some jobs in journalism. and you who the black people who are going jobs in journalism going to get jobs in journalism are they're going be rich are they're going to be rich middle class black people who would this would never who are part of this great country, modern, progressive and as you progressive country. and as you quite rightly pointed out on we need look forward , not need to look forward, not backwards. and it's one of the diseases, the work rate that look in to look backwards in trying to solve crimes in the past that no one was accountable for. so there's no and there's no victim in this in this case, you're going to get some very rich, upper middle class person is going get a job at the going to get a job at the guardian. and still we're going to have the socio economic poverty that divides us as a society. and no one's going to
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benefit . it's a classic benefit. it's a classic description of virtue signalling. yeah it is. and it's pathetic. middle class guilt , pathetic. middle class guilt, isn't it? i read the statement , isn't it? i read the statement, the editor of the guardian. i just thought . oh, my goodness. just thought. oh, my goodness. get a life. you don't give a about this, but you're having to pretend to now that are doing that radical self—flagellation . that radical self—flagellation. yeah what's so sad about it though you know this is we're living in this society now that is so dumbed to down our present issues. you we're not confronting our present issues . confronting our present issues. and there is a lot of inequality in the world that needs be looked at, you know, and we don't deal with present inequality, dealing past inequality, dealing with past inequality. we do is we inequality. what we do is we look at present inequality is always socioeconomic, always class based, nothing to do class based, has nothing to do with colour, as we know with skin colour, as we know from the white working class children don't to children who don't go to university stuff. university and all this stuff. and if genuinely and we need to if genuinely interested in equality in this country, should try and lift country, we should try and lift everybody not just one everybody up, not just one portion of society may or may
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not emboss . proportions of the not emboss. proportions of the cases have been slaves. their ancestors been slaves hundreds of years ago. it seems embarrassed stupid to me, but indeed annual £10 billion of guilt money guardian bosses is going do all by way. i know. look, i have to talk to you about the failed labour candidate and comedian eddie izzard or susie , as he now wants izzard or susie, as he now wants to be called by some pretty incendiary comments about right wing comics over the weekend. listen to this more left than right. right? okay in stand—up comedy. so yeah , yeah, yeah. comedy. so yeah, yeah, yeah. because it is crazy that right wing comedians to be so sexist and racist comedians who we would have gone away but are still there and there's still some circuit that there's some people are still don't like people are still don't like people that racism is bad. but the problem is some kind of really good comics. you just happen vote conservative. yes probably . do you have a list? probably. do you have a list? i'm not sure . laurence, i'm
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i'm not sure. laurence, i'm sorry, but if we're pointing fingers at bigoted comedians, surely it's those on the left you can't see. throw insults to those they disagree with politically . well, this is this politically. well, this is this great adage, isn't there, don, which is that we should be tolerant of everything except intolerance and. i happen to rather like eddie izzard. i've always been a bit of a fan, but one of the again sorry to harp one of the again sorry to harp on about what cory but one of the major victims in this cultural that we're witnessing at the moment is that comedy is dead and the comedians and the bravest comedians , the refugee bravest comedians, the refugee bases as well, to you don't know how ricky gervais votes , but how ricky gervais votes, but he's very, very funny. how ricky gervais votes, but he's very, very funny . and he he's very, very funny. and he takes the mickey of everybody. so therefore , think freddie's so therefore, think freddie's outlet or whatever is go name is to go there it's right wing racist sexist people it's like army. i let you walk around your dress. i mean, if you want to make a joke, i wouldn't be cowed. no one cares. but for you
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stand around and say the so—called right wing, which is i didn't even think that anymore . didn't even think that anymore. it's sort of embarrassed in vain because you we're told to go your go . that's not funny, your go. that's not funny, because as we've seen what's gone on throughout the world in the last few days , we've the last few days, we've witnessed some some pretty horrendous things done in the name of this so—called transgenderism, which a disease and a blight on modern society. we tolerate him . and we must we we tolerate him. and we must we of us must hold the line at the moment, because this is a very pernicious movement . they're pernicious movement. they're using a very small minority group to further their agenda. and it's extreme and extremely dangerous. and it is no, i have to say i really like eddie izzard. and he's one of the few people is spoken to me post cancellation and being quite nice so you him well i give him some credit for that but i don't give him credit for saying that he can't think any funny comedians who vote . oh because
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comedians who vote. oh because by the way, we've got a lot on the show tomorrow night. jim, david, come on. the legend , the david, come on. the legend, the man, the legend. laurence fox, thank you so much. and of course, dance 7 pm. friday night here on gb news. but coming up, humza yousaf has officially first minister of scotland, what sturgeon's scotland, but what sturgeon's doomed successor wrong pledge. he would push for another independence referendum straight away . that's how big debate away. that's how big debate coming later the show but coming up later in the show but next labour peer lord next is labour peer lord griffiths right say stripping griffiths right to say stripping shamima her citizenship shamima begum of her citizenship equates capital punishment. equates to capital punishment. i'll culture warrior the former conservative education minister andrea jenkins in on that straight after the break .
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break it's break wsfime break it's time now for tory culture warrior . it's time now for tory culture warrior. andrea jenkins, the former education minister and shamima vegans twisted pr campaign to return britain has won backing from right on labour
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peers in the house of lords with claims that stripping her british is a form of cap it or punishment. watch that bizarre suggestion from lord griffiths yesterday. stateless snus is a form capital punishment in. the sense that it deprives somebody of status forever for the rest of status forever for the rest of their lives. leaving her where she is surely inhumane. the so. andrea jenkins, i mean, i can't believe this. it feels like lord griffiths is actually doing the dirty work. the british bashing corporation , bbc british bashing corporation, bbc that has spent the last numerous weeks trying to rehab shamima beckham's legacy . why are the beckham's legacy. why are the left so obsessed with bringing a dangerous woman , a dangerous dangerous woman, a dangerous terrorist back into the uk ? god terrorist back into the uk? god is bleeding heart lefties. what we going to do with them, dunn? i mean, clearly lord griffiths is completely wrong . i mean, the is completely wrong. i mean, the aim any government should be the
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protection of the nation of our people . and let's not forget . it people. and let's not forget. it was actually evil and inhumane of beckham to know allegedly stitch bombs into suicide vests . and as you said, this pr done, you know, this campaign to revive her image by wearing sunglasses and baseball caps doesn't wash with me. she never set foot on british soil ever again . indeed. vote labour, again. indeed. vote labour, though. you get a whole load of those bleeding heart labour lefties wanting to bring it back into the country. and i will not forget, by the way, andrea, that starmer himself, when the decision was first announced, said was wrong. he's said it was wrong. so he's backtracked he backtracked now because he flip flops everything he flip flops on everything and he flip flops on everything and he flip flops starmer flops on everything. but starmer wanted bacon back. and we've got to remember if starmer was prime minister in minister bacon would be back in the today . completely the country today. completely agree you and let's not forget you know as a dual citizen the british government had every right to do what they did. and
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as it was with the legal challenges . and i mean, why challenges. and i mean, why we've tried to protect these people is bonkers. and look, i've to move on to politics here, though, andrew, in all of this. boris witch hunt, there were revelations in the mail on sunday at the weekend suggesting that the party gave investigators sue gray was in talks join labour for over a year which directly contradicts keir starmer's claim that he only started tapping her up as his chief of staff in the autumn. but i wanted play you a brilliant clip, which has emerged, andrew, of boris making of the partygate farce. but in a serious and quite sad way actually in a speech in nigeria . watch this. if thought this was quite funny until a couple of ago, the met actually fined me in circumstances that i still find almost too painful to describe simply simply for standing at my desk , the cabinet standing at my desk, the cabinet room and eating . and for room and eating. and for followers of british politics, i want you to know that the fabled
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cake by, which the bbc and the rest of the media fulminated for well over a year, remained unseen. well over a year, remained unseen . me throughout that time unseen. me throughout that time in its box. can you imagine moscow police arresting vladimir putin for having lunch at his desk for 20 minutes? i don't care. i know he's. making light. but there's a really serious point here, isn't there? he is clearly feeling incredibly aggrieved about this establishment stitch up completely . and i don't blame completely. and i don't blame him. and there was clearly a stitch with liz as well. you know, it's been apparent they didn't have that kind of leader they wanted. and so they every removed to it was i mean, boris was democratically elected , but was democratically elected, but i mean, i watched the committee and it was just followers of bofis and it was just followers of boris bashing and know there wasn't even a glimmer of impartial jollity. there was no . i don't think there was. and they knew at in the sue gray
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conundrum . and you just think conundrum. and you just think how earth is labour getting away with this ? because clearly with this? because clearly they've got the liberal media here. the bbc , the commentator here. the bbc, the commentator is all on their side and putting message out there. an interesting lens to be tv news like we all do it, of course. absolutely know that i totally agree with but you don't think bofisis agree with but you don't think boris is finished though? do you don't actually sign up to what the west amidst a mob wants you to think is a consensus that his career is finished. you don't believe that ? no, i don't. believe that? no, i don't. without a doubt. i mean, it is such an enigmatic leader. i remember i remember when he came to morley, he was shaking hands in a big factory with about 200 people. it amazing. it really lit up whole place and if you remember his campaign slogan was back, boris, how about bring bofis back, boris, how about bring boris this time? i think that's what. it should be. yes indeed.
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now, look, andrea recycling ponds, we've we're learning could see uk households forced to pay to have seven different waste bins collecting cardboard metals plastic and more. now, this is part of this green day, matt dennis intro . steve lee you matt dennis intro. steve lee you have now one of the first mps in the country make an impassioned call for the government to completely scrap its deranged march towards net zero. good on you. tell me why. march towards net zero. good on you. tell me why . because like you. tell me why. because like many of the people, i've been paid off for this for a while and i think it's time to ditch targets. we should be actually focusing on energy independence instead of net zero. we've got amazing resources under feet. dan we actually need to drive down costs for the consumer , down costs for the consumer, stop burdening businesses. they've been through far too much with lockdown and the struggle enough and let's face
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it net zero is a pipe dream anyway. when you've got the likes of india and china polluting anyway. so i'm going to use resources under our feet . not going to make any difference. you know, we're responsible for less than 1% of the world's carbon emissions. we're doing more than virtually any western democracy and have done by the way, since thatcher made progress on this . andrew made progress on this. andrew i think the people are with you . think the people are with you. we're becoming very fed up, aren't we, of having to give our quality of life to achieve net zero aims. i recently spoke at an event in the lords and it's brilliant organisation and i got us to speak out from . but it was us to speak out from. but it was about the positives of net zero as the iron. i'll only speak if i can show you alternative viewpoint and people. there was disagreeing with my views, but i point out that the people that was benefiting from this whole net zero by pushing the agenda and but regular businesses on
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the street they've had to jump through many hoops done and one i'm getting constituents as well who they're having to decide you know what do they pay because the prices are going up with energy we need to focus on that first and energy independence as a country that's far more important. fascinating stuff . important. fascinating stuff. have a feeling you're one of the first, but you probably won't be the last. mp to say let's just scrap net zero. this is going to be a huge story in the months and years to come out. tory cultura, former education andrea jenkins, thank you so much. but coming up imminently , fearless coming up imminently, fearless women's rights campaigner kelly j. women's rights campaigner kelly j- key women's rights campaigner kelly j. key who was forced out of uber boat new zealand at the weekend after violent pro trans protesters attacked her and going she's going to take her life in the studio about that terrified flying ordeal so don't go anywhere . but up next on go anywhere. but up next on mediabuzz , who's useless has mediabuzz, who's useless has officially become first minister officially become first minister of scotland but was sturgeon's
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doomed successor wrong to he would push for another independence referendum straight away. that's how big debate right off the plus we're going to have a first look at tomorrow's newspaper pages hot off the press . we're back in off the press. we're back in just 2 minutes time.
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it's 10 pm. i'm diane watson. tonight homes that useless has been elected first minister. and with this scheming sturgeon watching on in parliament, he pledged his allegiance to the toxic cul de sac scottish separatism . my view and it is of separatism. my view and it is of course , the views of the course, the views of the majority in this parliament that will be able to deliver on our priority is more effective when is independent bodies with a bombshell a new poll showing only a quarter of scots think
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the country heading in the right direction. issues have campaigned for separation before it's even begun . that's the big it's even begun. that's the big debate with my superstar panel next. and tonight, i'm joined by amanda calvin robinson and rebecca reid , fearless defender rebecca reid, fearless defender of women's rights kelly j. king was viciously hounded out of new zealand over the weekend by trans extremists who said they wanted her be full of blood . wanted her be full of blood. well, after those shocking images of the attack circulated across the world, kelly j. herself joins me live in the studio to explain why she refuse uses to be silenced by the harrowing ordeal. don't miss that important interview very soon. also on the way, as prince harry's international privacy, too, it touches down in london for yet another battle with the british. is the king right to avoid meeting his treacherous son esteemed royal biographer tom power gives his uncompromising in i'm cancelled later this hour. plus a woman claiming to be madeleine mccann appeared yesterday on the hit us
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show dr. phil wants to know who i am and want to know if i am. mccann . but as the police mccann. but as the police search, the real maddy gets over £300,000 and home office funding, adding to the £30 million outlay already . should million outlay already. should the investigation still be active years after her disappear and insights media buzz and as eco zealots patrol streets of oxford to enforce the city's low traffic neighbourhood . no, no , traffic neighbourhood. no, no, you can you stop me to? go through there. no but if you go through, you will get informants. okay? i to get through has the local councils to green agenda and bold people like that start policing their lives . i'm like that start policing their lives. i'm going to bring you more of that modern day dystopia shortly. they will also be new greatest britain and union jack has named people that are just out to do stuff with us. and the
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first front pages are off first front pages are hot off press. i'm to be showing press. i'm going to be showing you mayor you them in mayor moments. first, though, middleton . first, though, polly middleton. dan, thank you and good evening to you. the top stories tonight on gb news. m15 has increased the terrorism threat level in northern ireland from to severe meaning. an attack is highly . meaning. an attack is highly. and that comes roughly year after britain lowered the threat level for for northern ireland first time in more than a decade . deputy chief constable mark said this afternoon the police of northern ireland was working hard to make the community safer . are also in the news . prince . are also in the news. prince harry says the royal family a doubt withheld from him about phone hacking by news group newspapers. he made the claims in a witness statement submitted before his civil claim against publisher of daily mail newspapers . associated newspapers. associated newspapers. associated
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newspapers . prince harry is newspapers. prince harry is among a group of celebrity launching legal action against, the publisher accusing them of numerous breaches of privacy. associate newspapers denies all . the and the us president joe biden has tonight on congress to pass an assault weapons ban after . a school shooting in after. a school shooting in tennessee saying the country owes the families action . this owes the families action. this time not just prayers . and if time not just prayers. and if you're watching on tv, you find the following footage distress sing during the incident. six people, including three young children, were shot dead in nashville on monday . police shot nashville on monday. police shot and killed the 28 year old trans gender former. people saying the attacker had bought seven firearms legally , three of which firearms legally, three of which were used in the shooting shooting . the former labour shooting. the former labour leader jeremy corbyn says shooting. the former labour leaderjeremy corbyn says he has every intention of representing islington north his constituency at the next general election, adding he won't be intimidated
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into silence. that's after the labour's national executive approved. sir keir starmer motion to block mr. corbyn standing as a labour mp . mr. standing as a labour mp. mr. corbyn was suspended from the parliamentary labour party in 2020 over his reaction . a report 2020 over his reaction. a report into antisemitic ism within the labour party. he could, however, still run as an independent . now still run as an independent. now the education is urging teaching unions to accept the latest pay offer and end the industrial action. the government is offering a £1,000 one off payment , as offering a £1,000 one off payment, as well as a four and a half percent pay rise the next yeah half percent pay rise the next year. but the national education union has recommended members reject the and instead hold further strikes on april the 27th and may the second. and lastly , snp leader humza yousaf lastly, snp leader humza yousaf been officially selected as scotland's new first minister. runner up kate forbes has said she'll support mr. yusof despite
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rejecting his offer to serve in the cabinet. ms. forbes, who previously as the finance secretary, was a demotion to rural . she'll now return to rural. she'll now return to holyrood's backbenches . that's holyrood's backbenches. that's all the news for me for now. i'm back at 11 now. back . back at 11 now. back. to the tomorrow's newsnight now in our media blitz , the first front media blitz, the first front pages are in straight to them in the metro leeds on a callous trust that was run by mafia of management. senior staff at university hospitals birmingham were overzealous and coercive . a were overzealous and coercive. a fearful employee, a report has concluded. independent leeds on its campaign to stop afghan pilot who served with uk forces from being sent to. tory mp tobias ellwood and former first sea lord admiral west have joined urgent calls on the
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minister to order a home office probe into the case. and i don't believe this. after michael conversation with lawrence and the fox the guardian. how so obsessed to these virtue signals they've decided the most important story. they've decided the most important story . the most important story. the most important story. the most important story. the most important story , the world today important story, the world today is it's ridiculous grovelling apology for role its founders had in trans atlantic slave re. thatis had in trans atlantic slave re. that is one heck of an own goal, is it not my superstore panel back with me amanda was how roberts robinson wrote bakery. i mean come what do mean come on come on. what do you the guardian doing you make of the guardian doing this? and i think it's extremely dan i think out i actually do you know let's go to shut up we're supposed to be the superstar panel. what does he do details are you don't mean that i don't mean i think that what the look i don't even understand it you know if i was running guardian i sack liverpool was the editing and i mean water
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playing nonsense all the meaning of absolute meaningless it also they've given million pounds galvin over ten years that's nothing it's not going to change a thing here's money wow that launching a justice nobody life today it was a victim of trans—atlantic slavery indeed well inherited trauma a thing called inherit trauma . what's called inherit trauma. what's love it when you say like that, rebecca, how do we in they're thing i get traumatised just reading the gun and can i tell i'm sorry i will explain to your boss i'm sorry from within because the study and there's all the stuff. why the most ardent anti—racist are ardent anti—racist people are always they do always the ones when they do this test. they found out this dna test. they found out actually was their ancestors this dna test. they found out actu the was their ancestors this dna test. they found out actu the slave their ancestors this dna test. they found out actu the slave it1eir ancestors this dna test. they found out actu the slave it would cestors this dna test. they found out actu the slave it would have 's this dna test. they found out actu the slave it would have see that the slave it would have see woke up and go. but i know why the guy didn't have the knowledge to put this on the front page of that. now, any time company is caught or another individual is caught with links to the slave trade, which have , that which probably we all have, that you humiliate their you can then humiliate their pathetic don't . and what pathetic you don't. and what i believe is that glorious day for the future of the united kingdom
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homes in homes that useless was voted in by is the new first minister by msp is the new first minister of scotland and with scheming sturgeon glaring on from the backbenches , you have promised backbenches, you have promised to her fine work and to continue her fine work and are achieve scottish are failing achieve scottish separatism . my view and it is separatism. my view and it is course the view of the majority in this parliament that we will be able to deliver on our priorities more effectively when scotland as independent . barely scotland as independent. barely offstage after his victory speech yesterday when he blurted out to journalists, is it lincoln's saved plan for getting a second referendum . i think you a second referendum. i think you can be, yes. we've got 1 to 1. and seriously, if you guys, we've won the election, i think after election. so when can the prime minister expect to hear from be able from you? the uk will be able to. you're going to be asking for section 30 right of for section 30 right away. of course, asking i'm course, we've been asking i'm speaking to 3006. goodness it's such an out political strategy you'd think britain's most useless politician want to be
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surrounded by the very best in his party. but after offering snp's top talent and leadership rival kate forbes and insulting from finance secretary rural affairs, it was confirmed would go to the backbenches . no wonder go to the backbenches. no wonder then that only a quarter of scots believe the country is heading in the right. according to a new ipsos. i mean, imagine just how this guy couldn't run a bar let alone achieve scottish separation. and i think being a little bit harsh here because i, for one, am celebrating the fact that we have hindu prime minister and now a muslim leader in scotland. i mean, there are lots of things to celebrate that is obviously a complete idiot because the prime minister , the because the prime minister, the hindu one, is already said, but there's no way going to open up there's no way going to open up the debate on on independence of scotland. so he's just he's quite a ninny. but i thought his speech was really beautiful because he thanked his wife he's child and his sisters his mom is
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dad the next door is . and the dad the next door is. and the first thing he came out and said and he said, come from punjab to paalam. i am a victory for. all these wonderful things . and then these wonderful things. and then of course, what he failed to mention is that in punjab , i mention is that in punjab, i mean, he said he's going to support the gender recognition bill what he failed to mention is that in the punjab, where he started his family started started it, his family started their all it is their journey. it's all it is illegal in many parts can be gay this then it's he refused to vote for marriage and he was he never backed off that was never there he doesn't you he's supporting a gender bill which does not believe in look just going to be so much fun and games but she says i'm going to miss that overstuffed little haggis that's. probably the last time i ever going to be able say no. so we be hanging around somehow. i mean, kelvin robinson . thing is, i'm sort . look, the thing is, i'm sort of sick of every single time someone's elected immediately turning to identity politics
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because we actually know that identity politics of whom yousef is very dark. i mean , we is very dark. i mean, we explained on the show last night, we played clip and i know you've pointed out on social media slammed of media too when he slammed of these brilliant scots who had high office because they happened to be white even though let's just be realistic about it, it's a 96% white country. so of course you're going to expect 90% of the top jobs to be filled by white people. just make sense, right? well, exactly. there it vitriol from there was it was vitriol from his he said whites , his mouth when he said whites, this this person this person flight, this person , he's a white hater, he's a racist . that's what he is. and racist. that's what he is. and i think if he went back to pakistan went look the pakistan and went to look at the pakistani government saw pakistani government and saw that would pakistani government and saw thébe would pakistani government and saw thébe pakistanvould pakistani government and saw the be pakistan t01ld he be shouting pakistan to pakistan? of he would, pakistan? of course he would, because expect because you'd expect in a predominantly country predominantly pakistani country . however, in scotland , in . however, in scotland, in a predominantly white country, he doesn't expect the most whites. rebecca reid i celebrate the fact reached the top fact that he has reached the top absolutely . i just feel like fact that he has reached the top absolutely. i just feel like his identity politics has a real undercurrent of division am i
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wrong? do you think maybe it's because it's all a bit boring so that sort of interesting thing is to be like, oh, look, this, what is different about him? this is what the story is. i think people i don't think he's a but i think that a racist, but i think that people's characteristics are just interesting than just being more interesting than very section number just being more interesting than very week. section number just being more interesting than very week. setoion number just being more interesting than very week. s
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if i'm not white. .well, try be charitable because that's not what he said. he was quite credible, punishing them for being white and, calling them out being white. this out for being white. and this is a with no integrity. a man with no integrity. he couldn't believe in couldn't say, i don't believe in gay marriage. and would. couldn't say, i don't believe in gay nandage. and would. couldn't say, i don't believe in gay nand clearlyj would. couldn't say, i don't believe in gay nand clearlyj wo more well, and clearly he is a more sensible politician because look what to the one who did what happened to the one who did so married so well. okay. he got married but you know what but actually do you know what maybe want people maybe we just want people who will honest with because will be honest with you because he belief hold he didn't wedge his belief hold up we clearly clearly don't want that and that because he didn't win. and also to be close also nobody to be close neighbours didn't win nobody also nobody to be close neighlt0|rs didn't win nobody also nobody to be close neighlto be didn't win nobody also nobody to be close neighlto be governed win nobody also nobody to be close neighlto be governed by] nobody wants to be governed by somebodies identity somebodies religious identity isn't their own religion. religion, politics be religion, the politics be secular possible because secular where possible because you're somebody you're having somebody else's religious inflicted on religious beliefs inflicted on you. look, i want to move on you. now look, i want to move on because the oxford city council can't this having few can't believe this having few created locals with their low traffic neighbourhoods, which is a policy critics a hard nosed policy that critics has only increased street congestion and pollution a bit like some sort dystopian nightmare . oxford now appears to nightmare. oxford now appears to have eco zealots , the beat and have eco zealots, the beat and an extremely heated confrontation. a woman stopped from going to work by a self—appointed climate police for sport in high vis vests and.
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you guessed it blue hair. look . you guessed it blue hair. look. hello. have you gotten unitas stop here that you'll see the segments in motor vehicles. no, no, no. you can you stop me to go through there ? no. if you go go through there? no. if you go , you will get a phone . okay. i , you will get a phone. okay. i want to get through people who . want to get through people who. want . everyone to. don't worry, want. everyone to. don't worry, i will get the fine . will get i will get the fine. will get the fine. i will get the fine is no government business. no oh, yeah.i no government business. no oh, yeah. i feel rage. how disturbing that those lowlifes by the hard left council think that they can stage blockades their neighbours stop now . their neighbours stop now. rebecca reed couple moments to demand patel do stand by because
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coming up as a 21 year old poush coming up as a 21 year old polish woman walks on us tv to claim she's madeleine mccann . claim she's madeleine mccann. and this is a big interview, by the way, with dr. phil. this ain't some small show. this big american tv. so with that in mind, is it right that the home office have just approved funding to for the funding to search for the missing child ? 16 years on my missing child? 16 years on my superstore panel ? thrash that superstore panel? thrash that one shortly. but next to i'm one out shortly. but next to i'm joined live in the studio by the fearless women's rights kelly jackie after she was violently dnven jackie after she was violently driven out of her own rally in new zealand over the weekend have the militant trans lobby finally exposed this true colours? will college refuses to be silenced. she's with me straight after .
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break now. she's one of the most controversial and fearless women's rights campaigners in the world. and tonight, she's fresh off the plane from a terrifying ordeal in new zealand where she experienced misogynistic violence , from misogynistic violence, from trans extremists . this is the trans extremists. this is the moment kelly j. king doused in tomato juice and away from her own rally in shocking scenes of woke tyranny, she feared could result in her death death .
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later this week . against one later this week. against one unsecured attendant . oh, my god. unsecured attendant. oh, my god. thanks so much. yeah you're still going . to unbelievable . still going. to unbelievable. the person who doused kellyj with liquid has since been identified. a trans extremist who gave chilling speech just hours after the attack calling for courage to be covered in blood . i didn't i didn't do that blood. i didn't i didn't do that did you because i want to be a
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black demi moore genocide know despite been roundly condemned as both a transphobe supporter by the biased new zealand media cage has since won the backing of harry potter author j.k. rowling, who condemned green treatment as repellent and urged fellow pro—women campaigners not to be silenced . delighted to to be silenced. delighted to say. kelly james, you've joins me live now in the studio. so know this is such a difficult story for me because i was born new zealand. i'm a dual citizen in but i know from harsh personal experience of the kind of woke tyranny that has spread through the country since the election of the now deposed former minister jacinda ardern . former minister jacinda ardern. i know that this not how most new zealanders feel, but the shocking thing is, is that no one in authority or in the media or the political establishment was standing up for, you know,
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it's really quite frightening. i really fear for those the women. well, everybody actually in new zealand with the leadership like that and a media that is so gutless and, dishonest, just like lies and from the media with some of them because they have described you both a radical tried phobe and a neo . radical tried phobe and a neo. yeah, yeah . it's clearly neither yeah, yeah. it's clearly neither of those things. i believe that men can be women in any way, shape or form. i don't believe that you can change your sex. i do believe women deserve rights, sex based rights. and the same for men. and i do think we shouldn't sterilise . but the shouldn't sterilise. but the stuff came from a helpful politician in australia who saw good research would be to read a wikipedia entry . so yeah, so wikipedia entry. so yeah, so that really whipped up such a terrible frenzy in new zealand .
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terrible frenzy in new zealand. one of the things that's been so shocking , see, and it's what shocking, see, and it's what j.k. rowling described as repellent, is that these so—called protests. it's not really the right word for them, are they? it's sort of violent criminal activity really. they're a activist men physically beating up on women and yeah , like i think they're and yeah, like i think they're terrorists . i think what they terrorists. i think what they what they want to do is they want to instil fear and they want to instil fear and they want to instil fear and they want to intimidate for a political objective and to silence women. so i think it's fair to call them terrorists. don't think to that's inflammatory but the way that mob behaved you know a genuine and it did feel like was going to be crushed to death or if i got to the floor, i'd never get up i just thought i would be stomped if we saw these things. yeah, it was absolutely terrifying. can terrifying. i look, can i clarify? because obviously it was big campaign to stop until was a big campaign to stop until
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in the the immigration in the country. the immigration minister spoke out. the prime minister spoke . did have any minister spoke. did you have any violent plans or were you literally going to stand up on a platform and talk about the fact that you believe in biological sex? yeah, well, i was going to do that, but the main point of what i do is to enable ordinary so it would be local new zealanders to come and talk about what's happening to them in their own country. it's for not to go and tell the world how to behave. it's for me to facilitate spaces for women wherever they live, to and talk about their own lives . but wherever they live, to and talk about their own lives. but is part of your goal by doing this to actually expose the lobby for what it is. yes. misogynistic violence and i would argue intolerance . oh, just like that intolerance. oh, just like that . the epitome of bigotry, right and fascistic authoritarian behaviour. so yes that that is that's a wonderful thing that we do. i've always everything i do
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has this wonderful benefit of drawing out the poison. so when i put the billboard up back in 2018 i knew that there be some men really angry about the dictionary definition of the word woman and they would do my work for me. and it just happens again and again this was the billboard up billboard adult that you put up at labour conference at the at the labour conference at the time, that's what started time, and that's what started all. at great all. it's coming at great personal cost to you this i mean, for your family , for your mean, for your family, for your safety, i believe that you were personally threatened in new zealand people are trying to track you down why do you feel it's it . well, i think i've got it's it. well, i think i've got a daughter . it's it. well, i think i've got a daughter. i've listened to mothers who have lost their kids to this cult. his daughters now don't have a womb , don't have don't have a womb, don't have breasts, or they have never going to have their daughter's voice again . and also , you know, voice again. and also, you know, once you know this is happening, it's very difficult not to try and do something about it.
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it's very difficult not to try and do something about it . like and do something about it. like it's just completely deeply immoral and women throughout the western world are suffering the same fate through this sort of course , a religious cult has course, a religious cult has become that has . do course, a religious cult has become that has. do you think the tide is turning now, though 7 the tide is turning now, though ? well, what i've got a lot from new zealand and i think that probably is a pattern throughout the world is someone i have no idea who you were and then all of a sudden we didn't want you to come into the country. and so then you and i'm then i looked you up and i'm a big fan. brilliant . yes, big fan. you're brilliant. yes, i with you. that's you i agree with you. and that's you know, purpose of my know, that's the purpose of my activism. necessarily activism. it's not necessarily to cult members to convince cult members to leave it's to convince everybody else that there is something that they really should be looking is the thing looking at. so this is the thing that i want them to see. and i mean, there's a lot of gay and lesbian who feel completely let down by the lgbt madness, isn't it? i mean, this is not just about straight people. there's a real homophobia now to the extreme trends. yeah, well , when
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extreme trends. yeah, well, when you've got a con or i think they call them the rainbow brigade in new zealand or stonewall that actually what we used to say is sexuality . now same gender sexuality. now same gender attraction. if you've totally embraced sexuality just in one fell swoop . so what's the plan fell swoop. so what's the plan now ? because obviously you've now? because obviously you've got this spotlight now . you've got this spotlight now. you've got this spotlight now. you've got this spotlight now. you've got this megaphone . mm hmm. how got this megaphone. mm hmm. how do you this into real change? because you're fighting against the mainstream media. you're fighting against the political establishment very you might be fighting against the british government, too, given that if labour gets into power, you have a prime minister who believes that women can have a penis. well just after the coronation, i'll be launching my political party. where i will go and run against keir starmer and we've got some big plans. but obviously there's loads of legal stuff to get involved . his stuff to get involved. his electorate. yeah i will run
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against him and i will force him to answer questions because i used to be a lefty, so i really betrayed by labour . now i would betrayed by labour. now i would never have, would never go back . but i think women, i think everybody needs a voice in an election where you can vote for someone with conviction who tells the truth who is it's not afraid to say some things that may offend some people because i think need to get back to that. i think being offended is a natural part of life and we should all do it a little bit more. and as your political party be called party going to be called standing women now it's standing for women now it's going to be called the party of women i love it. going to be called the party of women i love it . love it. and women i love it. love it. and presumably you also out to men, though. oh, absolutely . of though. oh, absolutely. of course. i think know everybody wants to live in a world they can say the truth . it's i don't can say the truth. it's i don't know what the impact for children who've been like to i don't know what the is on them long term but has to stop. okay
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well, look, we're going to be following your journey and i'm looking to this battle against keir starmer that is going to make the next election insurance whenever it is. and very that you are safe and well. back in the uk is the women's rights campaigner kelly j, founder of stand in for women . but campaigner kelly j, founder of stand in for women. but coming up, a noncancerous prince harry makes a surprise visit to london . another battle with the british press wants the king really too busy to meet estranged son. well, esteemed royal biographer bower gives his unfiltered interview shortly. the in the media was a woman claiming to be madeleine mccann that has appeared on the us hit tv show phil , want to know who tv show phil, want to know who i am and i want to know if i am madeleine mccann , but could madeleine mccann, but could actually be the real maddie and 16 years old. should the uk investigate and still be active? well, we're going to cover all of that in just a moment. stay tuned .
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there's help for households. are you over state pension age? if your weekly income is below £182.60, or £278.70 if you live with a partner, you could be eligible for pension credit, even if you own your home or have savings. it's worth, on average, £3,500 a year and you could get help with heating bills and more, plus up to £900 in cost of living payments.
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let's return to tomorrow's u.s. now on our media buzz and more. front page has just been delivered. the eye reads lyrica one tax man, neal, delivered. the eye reads lyrica one tax man, neal , the top paid one tax man, neal, the top paid bbc presenter, wins appeal against hmrc over claims he avoided paying almost £5 million. the daily leads with boffins from the institute physics not to be called boffins as they feel it is stopping young people becoming boffins . young people becoming boffins. the daily express slates that the british public shocking loss of faith in the nhs as a new report satisfaction levels at their lowest ever levels and. the daily mail leads with ministers plans to house migrants on cruise ships and barges to solve unsustainable cost of hotels . with cost of hotels. with a government announcement, expect to tomorrow. that sounds like a very sensible plan to me . more very sensible plan to me. more in the media vows now with
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tonight's superstar top daily mail columnist amanda , the mail columnist amanda, the conservative commentator , conservative commentator, reverend calvin robinson and author and journalist rebecca reid , now 21 year old julie of reid, now 21 year old julie of handel , reid, now 21 year old julie of handel, spent her childhood growing up in poland, but she has now landed in california with sensational claims that she is in fact , madeleine mccann . is in fact, madeleine mccann. and i'm not making this up. her story began surfacing on social media early this year. i've been tracking it over that period of time , but she's just gone time, but she's just gone mainstream in the past 24 hours, after making a major appearance on the hit us talk show. dr. phil, watch this . i started to phil, watch this. i started to ask my mother some questions about the pictures from being pregnant and some documents like birth certificate . she always birth certificate. she always changed the subject every child in my country, in poland have child health. look and my child
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health book pages 0 to 6. there are when i started to that i couldn't imagine i called to the poush couldn't imagine i called to the polish embassy. i called to embassy. nobody listen, i want to know who i am and i want to know if i am madeleine mccann . know if i am madeleine mccann. my know if i am madeleine mccann. my goodness look as she awaits the of ancestry and genetic ms. van dahl also , she'd be happy to van dahl also, she'd be happy to take a dna test if it was requested by the authorities, which could be a possibility after the sun reported that the home office is due to approve over £300,000 worth of fresh funding for the mccann investigation , the total cost of investigation, the total cost of the 16 year search for an estimated £13 million. so look, lots going on here, kelvin , but lots going on here, kelvin, but you want this funding to continue you think it's right for the to case receive wolf he
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didn't know how but my point is that we should always continue to search for lost children and the question i would ask is do we do the same for all lost children or is it just famous cases ? however with the mccanns. cases? however with the mccanns. yeah. and you've got a woman like this making these claims. let's get them on the show. let's get them on the show. let's get them on here. let's give the mccanns a dna test. give dna i mean, she give her a dna test. i mean, she doesn't look anything like remake kyle, but has remake jeremy kyle, but she has she has. it so she. has. why is it so complicated? he have complicated? he does have marking she got the marking and where she got the birth . she's got birth defect. she's she's got that signature . i mean that that signature. i mean i mean, look, amanda, all i about this because i have been this woman for a long time. she's she's blowing up on social media. but i feel very sad for the mccanns that they are now having to deal with this playing out. but why is it beginning do you just think that if this woman was serious and she believed that she was maddy, then she would go through the normal channels. then she would go through the
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normal channels . the mccanns are normal channels. the mccanns are very high profile. you would go you do the dna test and sorted out. this is either woman who really believes a young one. you really believes a young one. you really believes a young one. you really believe she is madeleine or she's a cruel which will the to put through this is with the psychic hasn't she rebecca reid and that just does make me feel and that just does make me feel a bit concerned that this could all be a publicity stunt and that's very sick if is i don't, i don't think it's a publicity stunt. i've read they stunt. from what i've read they do think she probably was trafficked into into country trafficked into into the country and think she probably and they do think she probably isn't biological this has isn't the biological this has gotten not but gotten what i read i'm not but from what read, it's from what i've read, it's believed the believed that she's not the biological child people biological child of the people who raised her. and there are massive gaps in her record. so she's not just insane she's not just some insane teenager, doesn't teenager, but her age doesn't match either . would match up either. would actually need or anything, need to be older or anything, especially lot of especially adopted. the lot of missing phil is a real missing dr. phil is a real professional. yes, he makes sensational tv, but it hard sensational tv, but it was hard me head around . the me to get my head around. the fact that dr. phil would have this on for an long this woman on for an long special if there was nothing to case but amanda a rebecca, why
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were so quick to turn on were you so quick to turn on calvin there ? there always just calvin there? there always just seemed like a weirdly nice sense whole philosophy . but you don't whole philosophy. but you don't want this funding to continue. look, i just think there comes a point when we've got stretch resources . and 70,000, i think resources. and 70,000, i think it is kids go missing every year . no one gets something like 70,000 more children are found very quick . okay. right. so very quick. okay. right. so 70,000 children go missing. and this country every year, none of them get the kind of funding that mccanns i've that the mccanns do. i've covered story for years as covered this story for years as a journalist. written a journalist. i've written about it sympathy for the it and i have sympathy for the mccanns oh, look, i feel mccanns. oh, look, i feel desperately sorry, you know, not. does rebecca know? i feel i feel pretty close to them. but they made really bad mistake my parents would never have done . parents would never have done. they left their kids alone . the they left their kids alone. the thing that everyone did , my thing that everyone did, my parents, it was absolutely never was it? it's still my still very normal lots of hotels have a baby listing service where you can take baby monitor anything go downstairs happen to be on the people still
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the same compound people still so nice and the reason so it's nice and the reason they've had all this funding is they're because they're not usual because it's like, it's nothing like like, no, no, it's nothing like this. and it's like it's like a sunk fallacy, once sunk cost fallacy, right? once you spend this money, you're like, , you would cut the like, well, you would cut the funding. rebecca i mean, she , funding. rebecca i mean, she, madeleine now be madeleine mccann would now be like, six younger like, what, six years younger than like, it's she be than me? like, it's she would be she's an adult now. she's old, she's an adult now. she pretty much an adult she will pretty much an adult she would be able she's the to get in say special for madeleine when there's so other kids when there's so many other kids who out there desperately who are out there desperately needing to searched for. and needing to be searched for. and also, going to be heavy also, if we're going to be heavy handed about it, obviously, if it but like i think it my child i but like i think we spend £1,000,000,000 finding her the her but broadly speaking the amount that amount of underfunding that that people's get people's rapes don't get prosecuted that we're still looking at. i guess the point with the mccanns is because of the in case, they've the public in the case, they've had opportunity had lots of opportunity to crowdfund, raise money over crowdfund, to raise money over the which can pulled the years which can be pulled back into the case. but of course, is, course, the thing is, as a country, are invested in country, we are invested in finding madeleine's. so i at least want to know that julia randall, if she's do the tapes.
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yeah, just wouldn't that be incredible if that rather large lady got blonde hair? so that's the only thing associated with madeleine. if she turned out to be the tool, except her recruitment that wouldn't actually make it better for anybody . everybody is completely anybody. everybody is completely screwed by the scenario . even if screwed by the scenario. even if they found her. there's so much trauma , it wouldn't really trauma, it wouldn't even really be outcome if your be much of an outcome if your daughter, when you found her back after a year, you would be you'd be distraught. you wouldn't no. we wouldn't give it back. no. we want rebuild your want to still rebuild your family we to maddie. want to still rebuild your fani ly we to maddie. want to still rebuild your fani think to maddie. want to still rebuild your fani think it's to maddie. want to still rebuild your fani think it's wonderful.addie. want to still rebuild your fani think it's wonderful. andz. so i think it's wonderful. and maddie very important that . this maddie very important that. this woman undergoes the tests, so is it so i it's it taken so long? i know. it's bizarre now. yesterday was another for america. a another dark day for america. a trans tragically killed trans man tragically killed people, including three children, shooting at children, during shooting at a school in nashville, tennessee parents and loved ones of the victims would have hoped their president offer words of president could offer words of comfort and, solace during an impossibly difficult time such as this . sadly, americans are as this. sadly, americans are stuck a bumbling and downright
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insensitive. joe biden . i. insensitive. joe biden. i. i actually find it really shocking how this dementia ridden president responded to the un speech tragedy during a speech a white house women's business yesterday. watch and you'll be shocked my name is biden . i'm shocked my name is biden. i'm dr. biden's husband. shocked my name is biden. i'm dr. biden's husband . and i hated dr. biden's husband. and i hated his ice cream chocolate chip . i his ice cream chocolate chip. i came down because there there was chocolate chip ice cream by the way i have a whole refrigerator full upstairs i think i'm kidding. i'm not got it. who are those? good looking kids back here? know your kids ? kids back here? know your kids? four of them will stand up. guys . before i begin to speak. and the reason i spend a lot of time in kids, i. i just wanted to speak very briefly about. the school shooting in nashville, tennessee is heartbreaking for families worst nightmare . yeah,
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families worst nightmare. yeah, that's what you say at the start joe. i mean, honestly, if this isn't evidence of biden's complete inability to lead the free world at a time of crisis and i don't know what is my thoughts prayers go out thoughts and prayers go out to all victims and my all the victims and my appreciation to the law appreciation to the amazing law enforcement who undoubtably saved many more lives yesterday . the body cam footage shows actually because of course, there have been other cases where police let down the children in the school but not in this case. my goodness, those officers were absolute heroes , officers were absolute heroes, rebecca reed, kathryn roberts and amanda , do stand by because and amanda, do stand by because coming up after ousted as a labour candidate , starmer could labour candidate, starmer could jeremy corbyn's take about go from to worse when we crowned tonight's gracious person and union jackass but next in i'm cancelled as prince harry is royal snub during his surprise visit to london the king right not to meet his treacherous son making remark was biographer and royal expert tom bower joins me live in the studio to dissect
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the latest leg of the duke woakes worldwide privacy to a done go anyway because we're back in just 2 minutes time.
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it's time now for an cancelled and. this is where britain's top commentators speak out on controversial issues without the cancel culture sweeping the rest of the media and despite his attendance being entirely unnecessary publicity added to prince harry returned to high court today for day two of his preliminary hearing associated newspapers . but any hopes of newspapers. but any hopes of royal reconciliation back on home soil have been dashed after the duke of woke was snubbed by his brother william in king charles who told his treacherous son he was too busy to see him. joining now esteemed joining me now the esteemed royal biographer bower. so tom, ihave royal biographer bower. so tom, i have to say , because, look, i have to say, because, look, we've both been tough on charles at certain times. and you have
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described it as a bit weak, but actually, two decisions in recent weeks booting harry and meghan out of frogmore cottage and saying, sorry, mate, i'm too busy to see you. during a little pubuchy busy to see you. during a little publicity visit. good decisions, right by the one. yeah, good decisions . right by the one. yeah, good decisions. but he right by the one. yeah, good decisions . but he still hasn't decisions. but he still hasn't decided what going to do at the coronation because saying decided what going to do at the coroistion because saying decided what going to do at the coro is delay?:ause saying decided what going to do at the coro is delay? well, saying decided what going to do at the corois delay? well, i. saying decided what going to do at the corois delay? well, i. i saying decided what going to do at the corois delay? well, i. i mean,i this is delay? well, i. i mean, it's nearly five weeks. just five weeks before i mean, i think it's i had a piece in the sun saying, you know, is either a visionary king or a caretaker king, has to make king, he really has to make up his mind. the he was project. but harry's position in england really quite bizarre. i mean here comes he's involved in here he comes he's involved in three cases at the moment in london . first he gets the london. first he gets the government on protection , but government on protection, but again, it's mirrored group newspapers hacking and then this case against daily mail associate newspapers is really quite bizarre because he clearly was enticed to believe that he could fight this case because they had evidence that the mail hadnt they had evidence that the mail hadn't only hacked into messages, but phones broken into
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homes had actually done the music criminal things. homes had actually done the music criminal things . and harry music criminal things. and harry said one stage in the last day that it was a conspiracy. the royals had to stay quiet. they weren't allowed to get involved and he particularly get involved with the hacking stories . well, with the hacking stories. well, it seems that that rule is quite good because . the mail haven't good because. the mail haven't come out now with the harry lawyers key is a man called gavin , a private investigator gavin, a private investigator who allegedly admitted to all these terrible things against harry elton john. this the lot of them with the mail now produced a statement by burrows saying he did nothing he's innocent. he's done that so it seems that harry has got himself involved in a been faced a rotten one out the very that royal family should not get involved in. and this was the risk, wasn't it? it was always the risk when he was surrounded
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by trigger lawyers. and craig even celebrities who are putting lots of ideas into his mind and, he thinks he's going to change the and in fact, he'll probably end up in all of these cases looking incredibly stupid, certainly in the case against the government as well as against too against the government too i mean what back now mean because what he's back now he to worry. he clearly he's not to worry. well, is another against well, there is another against the where the man actually, where he claims misled the claims that they they misled the world about his his case against the government on protection . the government on protection. what he's really saying is how dare the mail, accuse him of spin . well, he doesn't believe spin. well, he doesn't believe in a free press. he believes spin. well, he doesn't believe in a free press . he believes the in a free press. he believes the press should be a big deal to him. and so what he's doing is in full is what you're doing is you're kind of more and in you're kind of more and more in depth in the deep mud. but it sounds like you actually believe that the result of all of this could actually be harry ending up in real trouble by taking on all of these. well, i think what it all shows is that charles king charles needs to stand away from his son, who is being so
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controversial becoming so controversial and becoming so happy that he is dangerous . i happy that he is dangerous. i think clearly against gay group newspapers . they've admitted newspapers. they've admitted many times having hacked . so many times having hacked. so there's a plot against government against the mail on the protection thing. i'm told this case is weak, but latest case which is come to britain for that is really messy and the one thing and then the royal family shouldn't do but there is a modesty so going up he says i'm going to get them and there's one lawyer who we can name called david sherborne , name called david sherborne, who's a really gung hater of the media, who worked for the leveson inquiry , a total loser leveson inquiry, a total loser of this guy. and absolutely determined to destroy the free press . and he always fails , press. and he always fails, always found he was johnny depp's lawyer, wasn't eloise, fails sherborne . but but but he fails sherborne. but but but he has surrounded himself by a bunch of people who effectively let's just be honest about it that they want to curtail the
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freedom of the press . they want freedom of the press. they want to the press. so the to control the press. so the press they want exactly is to be under the thumb. it's actually disgusting it's very sinister , disgusting it's very sinister, very chilling. well, what they do is they employ these very high paid pr people make sure high paid pr people to make sure the only stories appear which glorify them anything which in any way criticises magazines . any way criticises magazines. but there's something very psychological actually worrying about this, tom, when look at it because having been caught up completely against my will in some cases like this myself in the past can tell you it is a deeply miserable, traumatic , deeply miserable, traumatic, upsetting experience . it's upsetting experience. it's horrible. no one wants your life dominated by this harry is actually going out of his way looking for his life to be dominated with these terrible legal cases to me that actually paints a picture of a man who's deeply unhappy, deeply unwell just go and live your life if you're so happy over in
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california with your wife and kids want do you want to get tangled with all this tangled up with all this nonsense? he's going nonsense? he thinks he's going mention, doesn't he was in mention, doesn't he? he was in this cleaning up the this aspen of cleaning up the media, the internet. he media, cleaning the internet. he does think he is the sort of the harbinger of this he's just revealed more details in his autobiography than any tabloid reporter is ever revealed. include about the private parts his brother and the private conversations with his father at prince philip's funeral. i mean , the guy's deluded because he hasn't invaded, not just his own privacy , the privacy of his privacy, the privacy of his family , which that in his mind family, which that in his mind and, his friends. yes. and when they've complained, he has just shot them off. and that's extraordinary. but, you know, he isn't intelligent enough to realise the contradiction and the hypocrisy . he's going to get the hypocrisy. he's going to get burnt. that's so interesting. he's on a mission now and people in missions invariably get embarrassed burnt and these cases really one day they're
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going to come and kick him in face. it's a tough vow on that note that you don't in a couple of weeks. but it's time now to reveal tonight's greatest person and jackass jackass . and and duty in jackass jackass. and amanda purcell, who you guide for gb nominee . amanda purcell, who you guide for gb nominee. hi, dan , i'm for gb nominee. hi, dan, i'm going to nominate suella braverman because she very bravely seen off the wits in her party and said i didn't a about the european court human rights we are going to stop illegal migration to this country. we are going to stop illegal migration to this country . well migration to this country. well done. so ella was going on kelly keen because . she's being bold keen because. she's being bold and brave , standing up for her and brave, standing up for her rights against these extremist terrorists that all the trans activists and she was on the show earlier tonight. here's a little what of what she had to say to know that this has happening. it's very difficult not to try and do something about it like it's just completely immoral and women
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throughout the western world suffering the same fate very woman. of course, she revealed as well that she's going to be running against keir starmer at the next general election on her. rebecca, read your harmony . i felt that things were thin on the ground for good news this week. so daniel radcliffe for the achievement of having the grand achievement of having a baby. he's having baby a baby. well, he's having a baby with fine. with his partner who's fine. okay will going to go okay so i will i'm going to go quickly because of course quickly take because of course she was brilliant in the studio tonight union jack has time now amanda , your nominee. i'm going amanda, your nominee. i'm going for jeremy corbyn and all of his momentum support is that wanted to rape guillotine me yeah tate and finally he's out of the labour party although i would that i think this reveals was as much about keir starmer and his flip flopping as it does jeremy corbyn couple moments in humza yousaf or as you him he hums a useless for being a racist and
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okay so we this early in the show if you you're not aware of the clip that calvin is talking abouti the clip that calvin is talking about i played it last night here's a little look at it or president white the lord justice clarke white every high court judge white the lord advocate white the solicitor general . white the solicitor general. white the solicitor general. white so we're to having seen that clip now, can you see why calvin robinson describes it as racist? no, that's just literally calvin . i mean, he's literally calvin. i mean, he's saying it as if it's derogatory thing to be white in a predominately white country that is just by definition racist because dating a white, how did they be white? if there's nothing with being white with something wrong when telling somebody okay. somebody that white. okay. rebecca minus rebecca reed, your nominee minus kate , i'm delighted that kate forbes, i'm delighted that she didn't win . i think it was she didn't win. i think it was an example how you have got to learn to handle religious convictions with dignity if you're going to try and be a politician you mean is don't have them. a great shame have them. that's a great shame . she was starting . she stood by she was starting to values . she
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to equity moral values. she stood by her but didn't like those which is fair enough but i'm delighted to pull it off so chris about values all right chris was about values all right i will any religious view is anti single parenting all. it's just funny because often you don't see you slacking off homes you have for his most views. i also people tend to criticise the christian rather than i also find his novels site . but look find his novels site. but look i'm actually going to go with corbyn and amanda patel because of course he's duty jackass today out of the labour party. he deserves be he's not going to be able to run at the next and he was particularly to the journalists the street which journalists in the street which unnecessary to again i say unnecessary to but again i say exposes keir starmer this more than it does corbyn romantic metalcore romans and rebecca thank you to my fabulous superstar panel i'm back again tomorrow night from p.m. but tomorrow night from 9 pm. but headliners is up next. good night .
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there you with gb news in a there you with gb news in a moment headliners. but first moment headliners. but first let's bring you the latest news let's bring you the latest news headlines. and m15 has increased headlines. and m15 has increased terrorism threat level in terrorism threat level in northern ireland from northern ireland from substantial severe meaning an substantial severe meaning an attack is highly likely . that attack is highly likely . that attack is highly likely. that comes roughly a year after attack is highly likely. that comes roughly a year after britain . the threat level for britain . the threat level for
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britain. the threat level for northern ireland for the britain. the threat level for northern ireland for the first time in more than a decade. the deputy chief constable mark hamilton. the police service of northern ireland, is working hard to make the community safer. also on the news today, prince harry says , the royal prince harry says, the royal family, without a doubt withheld information from him about phone hacking by news group newspapers. made the claims in a witness


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