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tv   Dan Wootton Tonight  GB News  March 23, 2023 9:00pm-11:01pm GMT

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now no spin, no bias, no censorship . i'm dan wootton censorship. i'm dan wootton tonight boris is bloodied but unbowed by the party witch hunt, and despite msm already writing his obituary , one of his oldest his obituary, one of his oldest allies , he's winning in the allies, he's winning in the court of public opinion . do you court of public opinion. do you think he's doing the by—election oh, yes, yes . and the former pm oh, yes, yes. and the former pm has suggested he could refuse to accept the kangaroo courts . she accept the kangaroo courts. she wouldn't categorise it as a witch hunt or a kangaroo court? i wait to see how you proceed with the evidence . so tonight, a with the evidence. so tonight, a very important should boris johnson reject the verdict of
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the party? great privileges committee boris backers david campbell bannerman and cold beer ranger go head to head with nina bischoff on that in what will be a feisty clash shortly. plus, after leading yesterday's rebellion against rishi, boris is drawing clear battle lines in the fight for the soul of the tory party. but will the next leader from this crop of anti woke brexiteers what suggest they do is get off twitter, get her a q&a and i'll show them how to stop the boats. we do not want to see teachers teaching their white pupils about white privilege and inherited racial guilt . so in privilege and inherited racial guilt. so in our big debate tonight, i'll ask my superstar panel whether the tories need to plump for a pro—brexit anti woke warrior or face boris taking up his own party with me. adam brookes, shaun bailey and adam hayman. get elsewhere on tonight's show three years on, from the disastrous decision to lock down the country i'll explain why that unforgivable catastrophe means that i and gb
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news jews will never stop fighting against the official narrative . don't miss my special narrative. don't miss my special next. also on the way is the crown created sparked fury graphically recreating princess car crash. how can harry continue to bank netflix his millions while they finance it exploit his mother's memory ? exploit his mother's memory? diana's former butler and robert paul burrell speaks out live . paul burrell speaks out live. and does the duke of doubt perceive special treatment over his drug revelations? and should he be deported from america by royal most mind society? colin campbell and phil dampier, wired i couldn't believe this. the bbc bacon pr machine roared back into life after they tracked down her terrorist base , who down her terrorist base, who claims the easiest bride is a non—believer? so is it time for the begum backing corporation to just stop this twisted rehabilitation campaign. we'll debate that in the media buzz. plus, after he despicably boris johnson of fearing of faking his near death, covid experience. why is alastair campbell still a
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commentator of choice for our msm? well, calvin mackenzie gives blair's former spin doctor a much needed dressing down. and i'm cancelled. we'll have a first look at tomorrow's newspaper front pages. the moment. they arrive hot off the press and the final greatest person in you need jackass. the week coming up to this week will be coming up to this is dan wootton tonight. go . is dan wootton tonight. go. do you remember where you three years ago tonight ? i do i'll years ago tonight? i do i'll never forget it actually three weeks to flatten the curve we were told. i had one phrase back then. i had huge worries about what we were going into . and what we were going into. and it's turned out to i believe be an unforgiving all catastrophes. i'm going to mark three years since that lockdown decision very shortly. and a special digest. first, though, the news with polly middlehurst . down.
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with polly middlehurst. down. thank you and good evening to you. our top story on gb news tonight, rishi sunak and albanian prime minister rama have vowed to work together to tackle illegal migration following talks at downing street today . joint statement street today. joint statement said the two prime ministers have agreed to deepen the relationship between the two countries to cooperate on trade, investment and address global threats . it added that mr. sunak threats. it added that mr. sunak welcomes the albanian community to british life and its aftermath . rama criticised the aftermath. rama criticised the home secretary suella braverman for referring to some people from his country as comments he branded as disgraceful while speaking the talks, he denied many of the migrants in the uk from albania . there's a lot of from albania. there's a lot of confusion and the results so a lot of speculation about the data because it's not simply not true that all these people come from albania . this is
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from albania. this is theoretically impossible arithmetically , impossible and arithmetically, impossible and factually not true are albanians that come also from other countries . greece the northern countries. greece the northern ireland secretary has told stormont leaders there's no negotiating the framework and it will become law . chris will become law. chris heaton—harris has been holding talks over the prime minister's post brexit trade deal at hillsborough castle. it's after a element of the eu uk agreement known as the stormont brake was overwhelmed wrongly passed in the commons yesterday . dup the commons yesterday. dup leader sir jeffrey described the windsor framework as a sticking plaster that won't work, which the northern ireland secretary disputed . world athletics disputed. world athletics banning transgender from competing in female . if gone
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competing in female. if gone through male puberty. the world athletics president says the decision is based more on more than ten years of research and evidence of physical advantages. these bring to the female category . lord coe has said the category. lord coe has said the council has decided to prioritise fairness before inclusion . russian athletes will inclusion. russian athletes will also remain barred from the track and field for the foreseeable future because of the war in ukraine. our parliament has banned the chinese owned social media app tiktok from government devices . tiktok from government devices. it follows security concerns from the house of commons and lords but won't include personal devices. scotland has followed suit its deputy first minister saying the ban will be implemented immediately. it comes as tiktok's chief executive has faced questions at the us over data security and user safety . and lastly, the user safety. and lastly, the bank of england has raised interest rate for the 11th time
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interest rate for the 11th time in a row from 4% to four and a quarter% it's in a bid to slow down the rise in cost of living. the central banks announced it expects the economy to grow slightly in the second quarter, revising a previous forecast that it would contract up to date . i'm back that it would contract up to date. i'm back in an that it would contract up to date . i'm back in an hour. now date. i'm back in an hour. now back to dan . back to dan. three years ago today , the most three years ago today, the most catastrophic policy in modern history was enacted in the united kingdom . it would cause united kingdom. it would cause of thousands of unaccounted deaths and result in economic calamity. but even today, the complicit msm and political establishment are not prepared to admit its true cost and vow to admit its true cost and vow to never do the same thing to us again . the national lockdown
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again. the national lockdown should never have happened. i have to say my personal story this defined my life's and saw me helped launch this new free speech channel gb news to try counter the dark forces had taken hold of british society . taken hold of british society. most of the media anti—science forces who believed in censorship of all dissenting views as if we were north korea or russia . on my very first show or russia. on my very first show on this channel, as the country remained in some form of, ludicrous lockdown. 15 months on from three weeks to flatten the curve. this was the summer of 2021 to the outrage of the chattering classes and. the ofcom obsesses to . i set out why ofcom obsesses to. i set out why following china's inhumane policy had been an unforgivable mishap and then in the months that followed , proceeded to turn that followed, proceeded to turn over airtime to those good folk who themselves banned by the
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rest of the media. lockdowns are . a crude measure , mark my . a crude measure, mark my words, in the years to come, we will discover they have caused far more deaths and than the government has admitted. i would say to my kids, don't immunise your your children , that age your your children, that age group as long as they're healthy people to discredit . sadly many people to discredit. sadly many scientists , many colleagues, scientists, many colleagues, many friends were happy to sign up to that it is extraordinaire free that the narrative of world's largest authoritarian regime took hold became the prominent narrative throughout the whole of 2020. the iraq war was popular. yes. believe it or not, i was . and now it's a dirty not, i was. and now it's a dirty word. i think that that that same transfer machine and public consciousness needs to come to
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the lockdown. and so that public health, if it ever, suggests it again, will we the public at large, will. are you sure? and then push back hard with all their as you saw the great barrington declaration need for herd immunity. chinese lab leak theory the complete lunacy in vaccinating the young , the vaccinating the young, the healthy, not to mention the untold damage covid jabs has caused. all those good folk and many more who have proven to be categorically right and me were branded conspiracy theorists and granny killers. even today . that granny killers. even today. that trend continues when . i use this trend continues when. i use this show to question , for example, show to question, for example, the deranged march to net zero agenda extreme ism or the anti—democratic forces now controlling westminster . so yes, controlling westminster. so yes, lockdown changed me forever. i no longer trust the official narrative . i no longer believe narrative. i no longer believe civil servants in the blob , our
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civil servants in the blob, our best interests at heart . and best interests at heart. and sadly , i know much of the media sadly, i know much of the media works in lockstep with the establishment. that's why i've been so frustrated . the been so frustrated. the privileges committee witch hunt against, boris johnson, someone who, by the way, tried and failed to defeat those locked out and forces. now, of failed to defeat those locked out and forces . now, of course, out and forces. now, of course, bofis out and forces. now, of course, boris must a lot of the blame for giving to in the nefarious and scientific public health establishment . but how on earth establishment. but how on earth how on earth is the full of westminster now focusing on bringing down over partygate. while ignoring the scale of the catastrophe caused by lockdowns , the official covid inquiry is . a joke. it's a joke . and years . a joke. it's a joke. and years away from even achieving a thing , i actually doubt it ever will. given the terms of the inquiry as so, fix in the favour of lockdown zealots still peddle this insane that if we'd locked out two weeks earlier then none of this would have happened. that's why i had to launch
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lockdown inquiry here on this very show to try and hold bad actors like matt hancock to account. your policies , mr. account. your policies, mr. hancock, caused the situation like that caused grieving folk to miss the final moments of their relatives lives caused fathers to miss the birth of their . do fathers to miss the birth of their. do accept fathers to miss the birth of their . do accept at all that their. do accept at all that there was overreach your part and that form of human suffering was not worth . there's a reason was not worth. there's a reason that these policies were in place . and the reason is that place. and the reason is that the scale of the impact in terms of the from letting covid run without restraint would have been worse than that. that is, there's no way you can't get away from the fact that that's that's true . rubbish. he's a that's true. rubbish. he's a liar . and actually, that's true. rubbish. he's a liar. and actually, there's a lot of people trying to rewrite history this week from piers
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morgan , susan, mickey. but they morgan, susan, mickey. but they must not be allowed to lockdown . unforgivable. we feel its dark impact many years and that's why we must continue to fight the official narrative here on gb news. no matter the labels they at us. because guess what. guess what? three years on those so—called conspiracies have virtually all come true. to respond now, my superstar panel , the businessman and activist adam , the former conservative adam, the former conservative london mayoral candidate, shaun bailey , and the author anna mae bailey, and the author anna mae . so adam brookes, lockdown changed you well, didn't it? you went from being a relatively happy 90 went from being a relatively happy go lucky bloke your life to a strident political commentator. yeah. and getting labelled by government departments as. labelled by government departments as . an anti—lockdown departments as. an anti—lockdown campaigner and god knows what else a danger. danger. the danger was official narrative. i
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was monitored and everything . at was monitored and everything. at the end of the day , when my mum the end of the day, when my mum was really ill and sort of mid to late march . so i was sort of to late march. so i was sort of on both for three weeks or so, especially when this in three weeks to flatten the curve. of course, under no circumstances. did i ever think or ever dream that it was going to go on so long and be so damaging and you know, and was sort of late april that i really i was speaking to people like professor sikora and other people that advise governments in health and different matters and realised that i had to up and use my platform to fight back , you platform to fight back, you know, and credit to a lot of the people that put their head above the parapet. there was, there was a lot of us and we were called every name under the sun as said work. yeah. a lot of friends through this were cancelled that they lost tens of thousands of pounds. they lost their livelihood. they put it all on the line. i mean, they believe it's now it's a fact that lockdown has cost lives.
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you can't disagree. no. one, even if you're pro lockdowns , even if you're pro lockdowns, cannot deny that. i mean, it's even more than that, though. they cost more lives than they ever saved . yes. and i believe ever saved. yes. and i believe they cost many, many more lives than covid as well, especially you actually break down the age of the. the thing that annoys me that i think now the data proves that i think now the data proves that infections were falling into before every lockdown . so into before every lockdown. so from this government of course and that's why it should always have been voluntary. shaun bailey because i'm a bit like i was prepared had to say, okay, fine three weeks, very reluctantly . but even in march reluctantly. but even in march 20 when i wasn't on this network, i was on talk radio at the time i was going on air and i was saying this is the uk we are great britain, we never going to do what they are doing right now in china. they're never going to force us to stay home. this needs potentially be a voluntary effort, but
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something changed and obviously at the time you were very close to the tory party leadership. what changed? what happened and to this sort of intrinsic and civil liberties that we thought we had in the uk. why was the conservative party prepared to give them away ? i'll say two or give them away? i'll say two or three things. i was a person who wasn't against the first lockdown. we had a pandemic. no one in our lifetime and no. had been through it. a need to do it. and the government were very afraid causing death being afraid of causing death being held to that to that measure. so the first lockdown. yes think if you look at lockdowns, the second one, how long they and most how on most importantly, how on targeted they were. that's the problem arose. if we had locked down the real vulnerable and denser supported the vulnerable, the of the covid outcome the whole of the covid outcome have looked very different. if we today if we didn't have the second lockdown, for instance, because really, i think where this inquiry is falling down, if
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we can't have a truthful conversation with ourselves because , we are saving the because, we are saving the blushes of someone else, which is punishing our children in the future because one of the real outcomes from lockdown was the mental health effect . another mental health effect. another one would be the effect on our children's education and what that their futures. so that means for their futures. so because of the very serious effects and of effects of lockdown and of course the financial effect we should having realistic should be having realistic conversation with the heart of a future and guess what? future impact. and guess what? poverty causes deaths to. and this idea that somehow our cities and our businesses have bounced rubbish. they haven't bounced rubbish. they haven't bounced back . all look out of my bounced back. all look out of my bank. and like many on the left, you a lockdown you were a bit a lockdown hysteric . three years on, do you hysteric. three years on, do you admit that you wrong? i'm a political swinger. i'm not on the left. i'm yeah, it depends . the left. i'm yeah, it depends. you listen . listening to you, you listen. listening to you, i'm absolutely shocked. why? because you're missing the point. no, i'm not so spectacularly . it wasn't about. spectacularly. it wasn't about. it was about the. and the damage the virus was doing, but it was
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about the nhs . the nhs was about the nhs. the nhs was buckling , it was falling into buckling, it was falling into a hole. know it was. and what happens. i mean we've came for 20. you killed the toilet rolls. how would you feel about queuing for treatment or your turn on a ventilator for your pain ? we ventilator for your pain? we looked at the state of the now you know, and but you know why that's in such a bad state. we were told to delay going to you. i'm not saying no hope. it's aids day and it became it for me in the national health service, the national covid service. and guess what? i'm not saying dying of in their system to of cancer in their system to anything else. well, i'm telling you is the government did government didn't handle everything perfectly? of course i didn't. they bumbled their way through it . matt hancock's through it. matt hancock's a disgrace. the home situation was a disgrace . but the fact is that a disgrace. but the fact is that there weren't there still aren't enough doctors. there certainly weren't then. when you weren't then. and when you consider the doctors were consider that the doctors were getting virus and dying and getting the virus and dying and seriously ill with it what was going to happen the going to happen to the population? you're talking
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population? you're all talking about yourselves and i have to say very sorry for the say i'm very sorry for the people lost relatives and people who lost relatives and friends and loved ones. but was the virus that wasn't the government i just lost that. can i just can offer a little challenge. firstly, i wasn't talking about i talked about children the country . the second children the country. the second thing is, well, the experience we in london was very we had in london was very, very empty. were . empty. nightingale they were. and the other thing i'd say as well, the idea that we need to protect the nhs . i always grew protect the nhs. i always grew up with the that the nhs was going to protect us. so i found that a little challenging on the front hands. i mean. no, no, no, no. when i was first at the time because so why are you going to why would you look at china. why would you look. at china? we had a public health policy was ludicrous. and i'm really that you can't look three years on and actually just hold your hands up and say it was a mistake. the nhs was never close to being overwhelmed that's more people there aren't
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people have died there aren't enough now now and enough talent is now now and the government picking government is still picking a fight for them. after all they did about about us. it's the fact that there's not enough doctors we can on. but doctors we can agree on. but i had nothing do the pandemic. that situation happened that was a situation happened beforehand the pandemic made beforehand and the pandemic made that possible. there was still this government . this is this government. this is obviously i've got to say this and i'll stop here. it's not the government, it's the nhs who weren't ready. we give them £140 billion. they should be doing some of that money. the data shows infections were falling before every lockdown, every subsidy life that we've had has gone up and down very quickly . gone up and down very quickly. the same would have happened if we hadn't locked down in march by way, if i read the daily telegraph lockdown files , which telegraph lockdown files, which expose matt hancock's messages and all of the conversations were going on. do you know why were going on. do you know why we stayed in lockdown? that was nothing to do . the nhs, there's nothing to do. the nhs, there's nothing to do. the nhs, there's nothing with public holds. nothing to do with public holds. it to do with the media it was to do with the media coverage and the fact that the
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had been so terrified and this scumbag then before christmas 2020. oh we're going to terrify pants off them now by unleashing next variant. it was all a spin it wasn't . the fact is that we it wasn't. the fact is that we don't have enough and nurses now when there's no . so imagine what when there's no. so imagine what it was like years ago nothing to improve to end this than the facts. it's a pity the sweden has the lowest excess mortality over the last three years in the eu and the nordic. yeah, but this is not. then that was a mistake. maybe so. now please acknowledge we were wrong to lockdown all of these people. say now , oh, the science has say now, oh, the science has changed. bull the science hasn't changed. bull the science hasn't changed. it was a science told nord the science ignored the science that didn't . so why do science that didn't. so why do it now? we didn't come out nor if it was a deadly virus that we all had to lock down for. i don't think. there was a virus.
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you actually denied the fact that it wasn't winnable. what was it? just like the flu or so. what did you tell me? i know what sweden collapse and i'm sorry. why didn't sweden collapse? they didn't lock down. sorry. why didn't sweden collardo? they didn't lock down. sorry. why didn't sweden collardo? theknow1't lock down. sorry. why didn't sweden collardo? theknow1't loci
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bailey, adam brookes, adam magnum, my superstar panel on with night. but coming with me all night. but coming up, has prince harry benefited from his visa from special on his visa application and as a result, should he be facing deportation nafion should he be facing deportation nation his drug use ? royal nation for his drug use? royal mastermind said you call it gambling. dampier weigh in gambling. phil dampier weigh in soon. but up in the clash, soon. but up next in the clash, as jacob rees—mogg suggests he would a by should would easily win a by should bofis would easily win a by should boris reject the verdict boris johnson reject the verdict of the partygate kangaroo court former transport advisor to johnson coverage ex conservative a staunch boris david campbell—bannerman and the broadcaster and journalist nina maseko. she's not due fast or straight either, right i via email on the stand at vote in our poll at gb news we're back .
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soon lady colin campbell is on the way . it's time now for the clash way. it's time now for the clash . and despite bloodthirsty msm prematurely penning his obituary, i think boris johnson will feel emboldened by his performance in front the partygate kangaroo court yesterday and former leader of the house, former business secretary mike gb news colleague jacob rees—mogg believes he'll have concerns if the witch hunt is in sparking a byelection. watch think boris has won in the court of public opinion and that's ultimately for politicians. what matters do you think he's doing the by—election oh, yes, yes. but i doubt it. by election will be necessary. bofis election will be necessary. boris has himself cast doubt on
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whether he would even accept kangaroo courts verdict. here he is during yesterday's hearing she categorise it as a hunt or a kangaroo court. i happened to lose weight to see how you proceed with the evidence that you have. i will study your conclusions from the evidence i deprecate the terms that you've used. either way , i believe that used. either way, i believe that if you study this evidence impartially , you will come to impartially, you will come to the conclusion that that i i've given . so what do you think ? given. so what do you think? should boris johnson reject to the verdict of the party group privileges committee? let me know by emailing me dan at gb news you can tweet me at gb news. the poll there two and two in barcelona is now a form of transport adviser to boris johnson, coffee arranger, ex conservative staunch johnson, coffee arranger, ex conse ally, le staunch johnson, coffee arranger, ex conse ally, david staunch boris ally, david campbell—bannerman and the broadcaster and journalist nina miska . so david miska. so david campbell—bannerman , surely boris campbell—bannerman, surely boris shouldn't accept the verdict . shouldn't accept the verdict. the privileges committee i've said for months, i think the verdict was before they a scrap
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of evidence and they've changed the goalposts. i've the rules. so why should he give this kangaroo court legitimacy . well kangaroo court legitimacy. well done. it's great to be back . done. it's great to be back. just to say you're right. i mean, there were three tweets. harriet harman , and she harriet harman, and she shouldn't really chaired the saying . so i think you're right saying. so i think you're right on that. well, it's complex process. if the privileges do rule against him should be a vote in parliament and. hopefully mps will then it it was only tory mp as well. you know i think the consequences of bringing down boris to them would be personally very damaging and possibly terminal . damaging and possibly terminal. so you go that stage and then of course someone has to get a petition together maybe sue gray his some allegedly the campaign manager in in the oxbridge would get it together and you'd have a bad election and boris may not stand or else he might maybe go to another seat. that's a
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possibility and maybe a safer seat inverted commas. so there's lots of angles on this but hopefully privileges committee will their job they are representing whole of parliament and i think it's very important they get this right because if you start saying these vague terms about recklessly misleading or whatever then minister in future or official advance and joke will end. it's chilling for democracy. but covid ranger i believe the verdict fixed. i believe it's set . we know what it's going to set. we know what it's going to be. i mean, nadine dorries, one of boris's great allies, you know, form former culture has come out tonight and said he will be found guilty . yeah, done will be found guilty. yeah, done . and from what people saw yesterday , it didn't feel like yesterday, it didn't feel like on that committee there was an even handedness in dealing with the prime and used owen smiling
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people watched it and could see that as this really affair examination of man he's giving his evidence and all it felt like was an attack it didn't feel like looking for a fair balanced view the facts and there is as you've said a shred of evidence as yet. now let's see as boris's said, let's see what evidence they get. let's see they put in front of themselves around whether was knowing and whether it was reckless. boris johnson himself was absolutely crystal clear. he had his time to put it on the record, but did not knowingly. and he did not recklessly. and i think this is the fact that there's lots of colour thrown on this. exactly. they are the facts, but the is the goalposts have been moved many times to make this a joke, in my opinion. so, nina, why on earth should bofis so, nina, why on earth should boris have to accept this verdict? he's made it very clear he doesn't agree with way that the privileges committee has done their business. he shouldn't accept it should be he doesn't to legitimise this joke
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of a process because it's democracy in action. how this is because it's a committee that was set up for parliament by parliament. nobody voted against it. nobody voted against harriet harman as chair did anything and watching it yesterday , i thought watching it yesterday, i thought it was entirely evenhanded . it it was entirely evenhanded. it was totally transparent. a kangaroo court is a kangaroo is held behind, closed doors. this was for everybody to see. watch bofis was for everybody to see. watch boris bluster , getting testy, boris bluster, getting testy, getting cross . and the thing is, getting cross. and the thing is, you know , you are telling the you know, you are telling the truth . you don't need a hot shot truth. you don't need a hot shot lawyer at hundreds , thousands of lawyer at hundreds, thousands of pounds to tell you to what do when . you have to. and i always when. you have to. and i always have to. you got to react to want you to rehearse. so you will represent yourself and have to think to make sure you will, of course. but you need to be rehearsing if you you don't need to. you don't need to because he's being attacked. you you don't need to be rehearsed. you know what the truth is? the
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trouble with boris is that he's always been liar. he's been caught out at lying all aspects of life. he was dumped from of his life. he was dumped from his first job lying. i think his first job for lying. i think it at the times or the it was at the times or the sunday his to his wife, sunday times, his to his wife, his women to be, as they call it . and then other complaints about boris . . and then other complaints about boris. that's . and then other complaints about boris . that's not about about boris. that's not about the issue at hand, about the point of whether parliament is being misled to bring all these other issues that they may have against him. personally, i got the decisions he's made previously once in previously in an amazing once in a generation politician. you insane? is that what just did? we're talking about a very specific point that he misled parliament knowingly or recklessly. and you talk about his marriages today. and let me put to you just be honest to just honest you just hate the guy i hate the guy. the guy because he delivered. he's an amazing man . because he delivered. he's an amazing man. he's a, you know , i amazing man. he's a, you know, i don't hate him. kelvin is quite right. he's a once in a generation. he is an
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extraordinary man. he's incredibly charismatic. he's got a brain the size of the planet. he's got a vocabulary, a, you know, real classical education. and i'm very , very funny. but he and i'm very, very funny. but he lacks in terms of a leader or somebody who should who should be in charge of what happens to people's lives. he has no integre team where you want the world twice where he is to push reform because one of the leadership majority covid leader david corbyn, met david cummings, the idea that this was today, i mean comparing number 10 to speedometer where you've a very handy guide to what's on when you've got hundreds of thousands of officials working on things is complete joke and there's been a gentleman going on about it have been obvious. i mean. well know it's like what is it obvious to prime ministers? what's happening in every nhs hospital around country? but he's not living in nhs hospital. he is living in number 10. and although it may
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be a large place if there is a party goes on till 4 am, people are throwing up the cabinet room. his son speaks wing broken suitcases of wine and he should know he he must have known . he know he he must have known. he knew very well. but that that can i just recommend something go and read the 52 pages of evidence boris admitted to the committee because i think you didn't get a fair and accurate book. he and i did, because the committee members had an agenda . if you go away, nina and, read that 52 pages of evidence like i did earlier this week. i promise you, you will come . absolute you, you will come. absolute resolutely clear that he know utterly or recklessly mislead . utterly or recklessly mislead. that's all that matters. actually matter. what happened at the parties. this is about did he does it matter? it does matter because he did it. does he knowingly mislead parliament now ? the point i was making now? the point i was making about him being liar was that i've i've read from people who know him well, ex—girlfriends
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who say that the trouble with bofis who say that the trouble with boris that he had to lie to get out of it. and by the time he was in within 24 hours, he's convinced himself that the lie is true . okay. find a way to is true. okay. find a way to cope with it. we talk about girlfriends. his character references . this doesn't make references. this doesn't make sense? this is not serious that needed to . it is a serious needed to. it is a serious conversation . have a reason to conversation. have a reason to have jacob rees—mogg completely wrong. the country is against him . over two thirds of the him. over two thirds of the country think he's lying . he'd country think he's lying. he'd find a way to find a way. he will. he will not be if he still would not be able to find a way. david. nina, the left. phil bofis david. nina, the left. phil boris because he delivered brexit and can still win and i believe will come back in whatever guy's you know he will come back and you this is a bit farcical this analysis is all the procedure and it's very unfair and you know for instance you never any cake it was
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advises a win on his talking about his party was going to win not to get any there thank you all so much that was former transport adviser to boris don't i a of ex conservative mep a staunch boris ally always david campbell—bannerman and the broadcast journalist nina michiko. but who do you agree with? should boris johnson reject the verdict . the party reject the verdict. the party group privileges committee mark on twitter says it's not and honest verdict if they had already decided prior to joining the committee that boris was guilty just a kangaroo guilty it's just a kangaroo verging on a lynching from paul bofisis verging on a lynching from paul boris is guilty and they should suspend him from parliament for ten days. he would then have to survive a by—election which . he survive a by—election which. he won't win. adios and from joan blair lied to the house on weapons of mass destruction in iraq, which led to half a million deaths. johnson east cake will actually , as david cake will actually, as david pointed out, he didn't even eat the cake and get stitched up. and your verdict is now , wow. and your verdict is now, wow. 56% of you say boris should
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reject the verdict of the party get kangaroo , 44% of you say he get kangaroo, 44% of you say he needs to accept it coming up as tory councillor kilmartin is suspended for saying she doesn't want pride or hatred . six flags want pride or hatred. six flags in high streets is this yet another example of the left cracking down on free speech to force through the agenda ideology? angela herself joins me in the studio very soon, but it is the duke of duke receiving special treatment over his drug revelations and should he be deported ? america. my role deported? america. my role masterminds lady colin campbell and phil dampier weigh in right after the .
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break it's break wsfime break it's time for our royal masterminds lady, colin campbell. and phil dampier , now, campbell. and phil dampier, now, prince harry under intense scrutiny tonight over his excessive drug taking . i have it excessive drug taking. i have it the duke of dover openly about on several occasions this year in this post in his autobiography spare. of course i had been doing cocaine around this time but someone's house dunng this time but someone's house during a shooting weekend . i'd during a shooting weekend. i'd been offered a line and i'd done a few more since so speculation now rife in the us that harry could have either on his visa application received special treatment from us officials to enter the country. now a dc based conservative think tank called the heritage foundation is currently in a battle with
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officials who are at this point refusing to publish the details of the duke's visa applications. this is what gardiner from the heritage foundation us about it. there's issue of accountability and transparency . and there and transparency. and there should not be under any circumstance , preferential circumstance, preferential treatment given to a public figure like prince . harry so, figure like prince. harry so, ladies , see big question marks ladies, see big question marks over this. do you think harry potentially lied to enter the us or has he been given special treatment by his mates in the white . house or gone ? you've got white. house or gone? you've got a call and you've got a code lady. say more than a cold. maybe a rogue can go and get me a coke. you know tangerine? yes. they call a account. yeah, yeah . i hate you. i'm sure i would.
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very surprised if he did not falsify in some his visa applicant shouldn't fall because really does ask . oh it's quite really does ask. oh it's quite in gets questions about your drug taking and it does actually though say have you had conviction since which of course he's not had what have you been charged with an offence which he hasn't been charged . but if hasn't been charged. but if i remember correctly from my own visa application, the that they do actually ask if you ever taken illegal drugs. and of course has taken them constantly over a decade and he's proud it phil he's boasting about it. phil so surely this is his own fault. he doesn't seem to have any for the laws of his new country . phil
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any for the laws of his new country. phil no any for the laws of his new country . phil no. any for the laws of his new country. phil no . been hoisted country. phil no. been hoisted by his own petard hasn't . country. phil no. been hoisted by his own petard hasn't. he dan i mean, if he hadn't been so open about it in the book, you know same as confessing to killing 25 taliban and going on about he's now been you know about he's now now been you know exposed for the drug taken and it's all his own fault. you know, he probably thought it was therapeutic to talk about it but it bad example for the young it set bad example for the young people. now it's coming people. and now it's all coming home a couple of home to roost in a couple of hours ago, i might have said to you i thought might, you you that i thought he might, you know, nothing would happen to him. mind got him. bearing in mind got a democrat house and democrat in the white house and the are running the the democrats are running the run. this show california, run. this show in california, when side, harry when we know which side, harry and but so that this and are on. but so now that this group, heritage foundation, group, the heritage foundation, is sort of getting stuck into this and the department of homeland being homeland security are being a bit about the answers bit coy about the answers i'm starting, he's starting, think he's got something about? well, something to worry about? well, lady does, doesn't he? lady c he does, doesn't he? because the of the day, because at the end of the day, the the homeland the immigration, the homeland departments are very departments in the are very strict on this type of thing, unless you are a us citizen, you know, are a non us. look know, if you are a non us. look at nigella lawson and you know she was banned from entering the
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country actually off a plane as a result of a newspaper story , a result of a newspaper story, hadnt a result of a newspaper story, hadn't even admitted to drug taking. well but you know, the fact of the matter is, it doesn't really matter which political is in power. the reality is that harry is a member of the royal family and both the democrat house and the republicans are not going to want to antagonise the crowd. i mean , face facts. i be very mean, face facts. i be very surprised if anything happens . surprised if anything happens. but i think what should happen is when harry leaves the country, he be denied entry . country, he be denied entry. that's what should happen . will that's what should happen. will it happen? i wouldn't bet. good. well, that is interesting, phil, because some folk for that reason, that lady c bring up think this might be reason why harry decides to come to the coronation . yeah it's kind of coronation. yeah it's kind of
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it's like a reverse thing, isn't it? prince andrew doesn't want to go to america in case he's arrested, and harry doesn't want to come of it. now we wanted to come out of it. now we wanted to come out of it. now we wanted to come out of it. now we wanted to come to the coronation, so you can't get back. i mean, we keep our minds like, keep changing our minds like, i think biggest problem is if think his biggest problem is if he still taking drugs, know, he still taking drugs, you know, if party or some if he goes to a party or some other social state and you get the impression he might be still taking them, that's when he could get into trouble. if he goesif could get into trouble. if he goes if someone him up, goes if someone sets him up, takes a of him, something takes a photo of him, something silly, it be a big silly, i think it could be a big problem for him, but i don't think he's going to be arrested. i don't think anything's going think he's going to be arrested. i chappen�*nk anything's going think he's going to be arrested. i chappen�*nk anythbuts going think he's going to be arrested. i chappen�*nk anythbut i going think he's going to be arrested. i chappen�*nk anythbut i think to happen to him. but i think there is danger in the future if he he keeps taking drugs. he if he keeps taking drugs. well, other he was well, see, the other he was boasting drugs again boasting about drugs again and that therapy session, he that public therapy session, he seems be proud of them. he doesn't actually have doesn't seem to actually have any understanding drugs any understanding that drugs cause people cause miss free for the people who claims care about you who he claims care about you know impoverished people know the impoverished people around the world, the young kids who crime who are dragged into crime through line gangs. it's through county line gangs. it's this middle class snobbery, isn't drug isn't it, of the posh drug users, lady. see oh, absolutely.
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i mean, but harry is a gross elitist of the highest order, you know, he doesn't really care about the people. he cares about milking his supposed love for the people so that he and meghan can make a lot of money. i think , though, that if you stop to think about what's going on, harry is actually , in my opinion harry is actually, in my opinion and i've written books on the subject of personality disorders and addiction. harry and now your opinion is , is a drug your opinion is, is a drug addict and he's a drug addict who is using drugs as a as a medici. yeah well, of course. can of course he has admitted to drug use in spare. he has that he is not addicted. but at the end of the day, if he's taking them over a very long period of time, who knows? fascinating discussion . lady colin campbell discussion. lady colin campbell and philadelphia royal
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masterminds. we will speak next week . but masterminds. we will speak next week. but coming as boris week. but coming up, as boris johnson sets the agenda in the for the future of the conservatives, i'll ask my panel whether the tories need plump for a pro—brexit anti woke culture warrior or face the prospect of boris setting up his own rival . that's up soon, but own rival. that's up soon, but next tory councillor angela kilmartin is suspended for saying she doesn't want pride or sex flags in high streets. is this yet another example of the left's clampdown on free speech to force through their gender ideology ? angela herself joins ideology? angela herself joins me in the studio very .
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soon welcome back. the fate of angela kilmartin , a councillor from kilmartin, a councillor from braintree in essex onto national newspaper this week after she was hung out to dry for simply expressing opinion on public
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decency approach in an online community by a man offering pride, flags for local businesses on display. she replied , don't want pride. six replied, don't want pride. six flags along my high street . replied, don't want pride. six flags along my high street. i don't want a heterosexual along my high street. sex for the bedroom and private life and not for displaying preferences in pubuc. for displaying preferences in public . now, believe it or not, public. now, believe it or not, angela , suspended by some town angela, suspended by some town council who say they celebrate diverse . do you expect her diverse. do you expect her councillors and staff to do the same and not now investigate her despite supporters reaching out to her to agree that they are sick of this insistence on forcing sexuality and ordinary pubuc forcing sexuality and ordinary public life? and angela joins me now. so, angela, what a shocking story . you know, where the story. you know, where the people of it disagree with your view or not. surely, as a well—respected councillor who has had a very long life i know you don't look like you have a very long life. you should surely be able to express your rights about whether want pride flags or heterosexual flags or whatever your high street. whatever and your high street. well, did take the
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well, i be and i did take the precaution totally of signing on to my own private account , not to my own private account, not the personal view you were not expressing thought of, you know , not you can't do that . you , not you can't do that. you have to be extremely careful what. you what you sign off on. and i wrote it onto personal account because honestly , it got account because honestly, it got under my skin. how someone go round and every shop owner and say, please take a pride flag . say, please take a pride flag. now i've called it the pride sex because i understand that the pride movement and won't have this burden on me. i understand that pride is about different sexual allergies. no problem . sexual allergies. no problem. they've made themselves different . i haven't made them different. i haven't made them different. i haven't made them different. we will love the people who live in witham and round about. but i've had hundreds of thousands of supporters. you can see newspapers, the comments . one newspapers, the comments. one person can write a comment as . person can write a comment as. nearly 5000 ticks on it. well, exactly. so what was the concern
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for the party doing? suspend you for the party doing? suspend you for expressing your view that action amongst conservative party members is pretty popular. well, i think it's a generic thing if complains about you to the district council all, the town council they put in a series laws , whatever, and they series laws, whatever, and they those through presumably to letter the monitoring officer is also in control . letter the monitoring officer is also in control. but no one's written to me. i don't know if i'm charged with anything. i obviously don't know what those charges are. in 21 days, they have to make some of reply and i'm just sitting here waiting . i i'm just sitting here waiting. i must tell you that boris johnson is suspended for ten days and i was suspended. no, i think he is already, isn't it. well, no, that's what cowardly looking at. that's what my point is. look the suspension. i didn't see why , which is actually if you were
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bofis , which is actually if you were boris , be out on your good as boris, be out on your good as a result that. but look do you feel that this actually represents though a more chilling attack on free speech in society? because i am very concerned about this now if pubuc concerned about this now if public elected politicians cannot viewpoints that their constituents actually agree with without fearing for their job, this country is going in the wrong direction. well but they've already got these rules and laws laid down and nobody to look at them until . you get a look at them until. you get a situation. this is the only situation. this is the only situation i've ever suspended on and the only word i know about suspenders is what wear. and by the way, you're not saying that you have a problem with you're just saying you don't want these pride flags up on the street. i'm they were never they want there's nothing i want any flags up my high street even our town hall has a union flag . a. armed
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hall has a union flag. a. armed forces day flag and royal british legion for remembrance time. those are the only three flags that fly up there. and that's correct. and every council will go along with that and every citizen will agree with . look, angela kilmartin, i with. look, angela kilmartin, i think you're absolutely brilliant and actually, you've got quite a following after this week for to . us look out. no, week for to. us look out. no, i'll join . boris. we can go. i'll join. boris. we can go. hang together. there's suspended quota. we will keep the story. thank you so much for giving tonight. now, coming up, should netflix's ghastly diana crash see recreation in the crown be the last straw for prince? sordid hollywood media deals . a sordid hollywood media deals. a former butler and close friend pulled joins me soon. but next, as the boris versus psychodrama continues with their party lurching to the centre , did the lurching to the centre, did the tories need to plump for an anti—woke warrior or face boris setting up his own rival party by superstar panel? debate that and i'll deliver the of tomorrow's newspaper front pages that straight after this short .
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break it's 10 pm. i'm dan wootton tonight . where have all the true tonight. where have all the true blue conservatives gone? i made boris's partygate scandal which she's hated brexit deal just did the tories pull themselves out of the politically send to swap that's left them wet and rudderless . a huge lashing of rudderless. a huge lashing of meat policies is tipped to appease the discordant party. but are whispers that boris could quit and start his own farage like movement. the solution ? my superstore panel solution? my superstore panel debate next. and tonight, i'm joined by adam brookes, shaun bailey and, adam avian. good as alastair campbell morphs from socialists to swivel conspiracy theorists after claiming lied
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about his near death poverty . about his near death poverty. just why does the lamestream media hold tony blair's shameful former spin doctor in such high regard ? fleet street legend regard? fleet street legend kelvin mackenzie cancelling that dunng kelvin mackenzie cancelling that during the hour and has the crown , you know, the netflix crown, you know, the netflix show gone beyond licence by reconstructing princess diana's grisly car crash? and how on earth can pius prince harry keep working for this hollywood company when they keep cashing in on the memory of his late mother , di's confidant and mother, di's confidant and former butler , paul burrell former butler, paul burrell joins me live for an emotional interview you won't want to miss. plus, the bbc, me my begum love and continues after they track down her terrorist best mates . so she played down her mates. so she played down her role with death cult. isis should the beeb just stop its obsessive of the isis bride who betrayed her country and woke sky bosses blow full time on this saturday morning favourite book of . joan. joan joan , joan
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book of. joan. joan joan, joan. but what are they wrong to give self—care the booze after 30 years? or has society moved on from that kind of behaviour where we get stuck into? both of those stories in our mediabuzz , those stories in our mediabuzz, also new jackass greatest britain's to stay out with us and the first front pages i just about land i'm going to show them immediately polly middlehurst. ten. thank you. good evening. the story on gb news tonight rishi sunak and the albanian prime minister edi rama have vowed work together to tackle illegal migration following talks in downing street today, a joint statement says the two prime ministers have agreed to deepen their relationship to cooperate on trade, investment and global threats . it added that mr. sunak threats. it added that mr. sunak welcomes , the albanian community
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welcomes, the albanian community to british life. that's after mr. criticised the home secretary , referring to some secretary, referring to some people from his as criminals. comments he branded as disgraceful . speaking after the disgraceful. speaking after the talks, he denied many of the migrants in uk are from albania . there are a lot of confusion and there is also a lot of speculation about the data because it's not simply not true, but all these people come from albania . this is from albania. this is practically impossible , practically impossible, arithmetically impossible . and arithmetically impossible. and factually not true. they are albanians come also from other countries, mainly greece . also countries, mainly greece. also today, the northern ireland secretary has told stormont leaders there's no negotiating on the windsor framework and. it will become law . chris will become law. chris heaton—harris has been holding talks over the prime minister's
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trade deal at hillsborough castle. it's after a key element of the eu, uk agreement known as the stormont brake was overwhelmingly in the commons yesterday. leader sir jeffrey donaldson described the windsor framework as a sticking plaster that wouldn't work , which the that wouldn't work, which the northern ireland secretary disputed . now world athletics disputed. now world athletics banning transgender from competing in female competitions if they've gone through male puberty. the world athletics president says the is based on more than ten years of research and evidence of physical advantages. these athletes bring to the female category . lord coe to the female category. lord coe has said the council decided to prioritise fairness before inclu . russian athletes will also remain barred from track and field for the foreseeable future because of the war in ukraine, parliament has banned the chinese social media app tiktok all government devices. it
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follows security concerns from house of commons and lords, but won't include personal devices . won't include personal devices. scotland has followed suit with its deputy first minister saying the ban will implemented immediately . it comes as immediately. it comes as tiktok's chief executive has faced questions at the us congress over data security and safety . and lastly, the bank of safety. and lastly, the bank of england . the interest rate for england. the interest rate for the 11th time in a row today from 4% to 4.25. that's in a bid to slow down the rising cost of. the central banks also announced it expects the economy to grow slightly in the second quarter, revising a previous forecast it would contract you up to date on onune would contract you up to date on online and on plus radio, plus the tune in app here with gb news. back now to dan wootton tonight .
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tonight. tomorrow is newsnight now. now, many of us, first of all, pages here in. let's go to the metro first and the headline harvest of horror, nigerian as wife who faced jail in the for plans to harvest a young man's to save their sick daughter. meanwhile scheming sturgeon vows out as first minister. we have a lot to say about this. their last day on monday the eye leads on news . there will be no tax cuts this year as. the government grapples with rising inflation. it comes as the bank of england raised rates to 4.25% in another blow for brits . and the guardian for brits. and the guardian carries an exclusive, revealing that taxpayers have forked out almost half a billion pounds buying debates in the country's worst care over the past four years for councils left with awkward to answer . my superstore awkward to answer. my superstore panel back with me now. the businessman and activist adam brookes , the former conservative
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brookes, the former conservative london mayoral candidate bailey, and the author anna mae mangan . and the author anna mae mangan. now amidst chaos of party gazing , rishi sunak's hated brexit dealis , rishi sunak's hated brexit deal is conservative party that lost identity by lurching the centre of politics a real issue? here's a flavour of what could have been for the tories had they not succumbed to an undemocratic globalist coup . do undemocratic globalist coup. do you not want to see teachers teaching their white pupils about white privilege and inherited racial guilt? what i suggest they do is get off twitter, get rwanda and i'll show them how to stop boats. some of the nonsense that been getting. we had a training programme called check you privilege on earth is that. a job creation scheme created by the woke for the woke 40 year old man. masquerading as teenagers . i old man. masquerading as teenagers. i mean that's absolutely immoral . i don't absolutely immoral. i don't think that biological should be competing in female events. so it's not the baby . you know, you
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it's not the baby. you know, you actually get your facts right . actually get your facts right. truss enough already . now, truss enough already. now, sunday's allograft , alister sunday's allograft, alister heath says voters are now desperate for a new hero to empower the disgruntled , urging empower the disgruntled, urging the next leader to be quote more of a johnson than boris ever was. he wrote in the daily telegraph today. the tories must be just eurosceptic, but also sceptical of net zero anti—european convention on rights, anti woke and pro—economic growth for all, but with the conservatives being run by a bunch of centre weights, johnson's former newspaper further in a bombshell lead column today. this is what the daily telegraph had to say. it is not difficult to imagine if bofisisindeed is not difficult to imagine if boris is indeed removed from parliament, him returning an ally of the guise, maybe even the leader of a new party. dedicated to channelling the fury and disappointment that many millions towards a failed . many millions towards a failed. so let me come to the top on the
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panel so let me come to the top on the panel. sean bailey , is your panel. sean bailey, is your party facing an identity crisis? sean because over the last dunng sean because over the last during the leadership contest, you roundly rejected rishi sunak and all of the wets in the party and all of the wets in the party and backed an anti woke low tax vision propagated by liz truss and her allies . that's not how and her allies. that's not how the country's been run. look, we face a identity crisis, there's no doubt about that. and if you see what members calling for, what the country is calling for, what's being delivered. there isn't much difference between us and the labour. almost every major step the government has done. keir starmer has backed save yourself home as tory. you're asking where's my tax cuts? where's the support for enterprise? what we did about discipline in schools . how come discipline in schools. how come i'm having to have this culture war, groupthink . i have war, these groupthink. i have absolutely no stake and time. i open my mouth, i get cancelled. there is a growing number of people would like people in country who would like to that represented
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to see that represented that taken on. and i think the next leader that would be the start point because . imagine god point because. imagine god forbid have a labour forbid we have a labour government. you will definitely an alternative a need to be an alternative and a need to be an alternative and a need to be an alternative and a need to be an alternative to that group. think there's a pervasive attitude particularly in in established that does not feel like that the british people could agree more . but adam could agree more. but adam brooks that's why this witch hunt against boris johnson could actually turn out very for the conservative party if privileges committee and nadine dorries , a committee and nadine dorries, a bofis committee and nadine dorries, a boris ally, has predicted just i have that they will find guilty if that is they and voted through by house which would mean that conservative in large numbers would to vote against bofis numbers would to vote against boris johnson essentially . they boris johnson essentially. they are risking prospect of him potentially launching his own political movement. the fact that the daily telegraph know this is boris's old newspaper, this is boris's old newspaper, this is boris's old newspaper, this is the conservative party newspaper . the fact that they, newspaper. the fact that they, in their lead column today wrote about as a possibility.
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about that as a possibility. i think is a warning shot to the conservative party. do not screw screw over. boris johnson at your peril. how refreshing to hear someone insurance speak as honestly as he just has. and there is no real between the conservative party now and labour. either i couldn't vote for either them, you know. but the fact that boris could set up his own party and poll highly, i think is ridiculous. i say the same when there was this big hysteria about jeremy corbyn in 2017 89, saying if he had set up his own party, he wouldn't even have polled 10. you've got to remember, people vote blue or red. that is that is the strongest. alastair heath's portrait is that you're actually going have a big swath of people who just feel it would sound like both the conservative party's is on, you know, on the edge of collapse. now united.
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it's not united, but going forward. you know, at the moment if they stick with rishi sunak jeremy hunt, as the leaders of this party, they're facing annihilation at the next election . now, ladies, you never election. now, ladies, you never wanted . no one wanted. there's wanted. no one wanted. there's no mandate . again, i keep saying no mandate. again, i keep saying the polls are wrong because if bofis the polls are wrong because if boris did come back. love him or hate, he's the only figure that could run labour close. i mean, and i imagine he is, isn't he? bofis and i imagine he is, isn't he? boris johnson is still the conservatives hope to win in the next election . and that's why next election. and that's why bnan next election. and that's why brian , and that's why labour is brian, and that's why labour is so scared of him. that's why the political associate of him. that's why this witch hunt is going on, don't you think? think the opposite. i think he's really lead his own party because it doesn't. monster raving loony party still exists . just go throw his . you could just go throw his hat them. and honestly, hat in with them. and honestly, that's . this is. is that's unfair. this is. this is a prime minister who delivered brexit something then brexit of winning something then bofis brexit of winning something then boris would now . so boris johnson would now. so you've got boris derangement syndrome. i'm going to diagnose
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you by phone and i also think harry harman was exactly like miss trunchbull . those miss trunchbull. those procedures . so i'm not procedures yesterday. so i'm not in the middle. i'm just joe pubuc in the middle. i'm just joe public here seeing what they say. and boris johnson is a busted flush and so is the tory party . they give their busted flush and so is the tory party. they give their plumbing a good flush and get rid the mole and find somebody inspiring and find someone with policy . and find someone with policy. but i've got to be anti—woke. i've got to be pro—brexit, i've got to be low taxed. i don't know. i think the country's been through such an upheaval, they actually don't care anymore. people care about their taxes, people their people care about their mortgages all mortgages people care above all else about the nhs, which i before i don't think think it's a new start now i really do. and bofis a new start now i really do. and boris johnson is it's over and he got his optics are dreadful under he can't there's no resurrection for him he's. oh i disagree he's a superstar politician. i mean, come on, sean. politician. i mean, come on, sean . have written off boris sean. have written off boris johnson's career now for the past decade . they've done past decade. they've done a number of times to . the thing i
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number of times to. the thing i would say, if you're conservative, i knew you use opportunity with this style , opportunity with this style, this committee, to punish boris. if he missed out. if he set up something different, he he might not work as but he'd be a lot of conservative mp . so you wouldn't conservative mp. so you wouldn't destroy the party. but look, i want to move on because we've made putin was accused of quite literally having a brass neck with his surprise visit, surprise visit. the occupied ukrainian city of mariupol this week bizarre video week, because a bizarre video which is picking up a lot of steam in russia, claims that despotic leader is actually using body doubles for trips he doesn't want to take. now the sleuths reckon the main giveaway is the alleged doppelgangers turkey neck with the eagle eyed investigators, claiming the man seen in the film has lost his jawline to saggy skin amateur analysts , also take apart the analysts, also take apart the man's elbow , moles and wrinkles man's elbow, moles and wrinkles across that face, forgetting to mention the putin they're using to compare with the guy in the video our of the russian leader 20 years ago. so what do you think post insult hotline his
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work trips. oh time will tell adam brookes sean bailey adam mangan do stand by because coming as the bbc shamima begum podcast continues to try and rehabilitate her shattered pubuc rehabilitate her shattered public image, is it time that the begum backing moved on from this propaganda on behalf of a terror by superstar panel, i've got to thrash one out very shortly. but next, should netflix's ghastly diana car crash scene recreation in the crown be the last straw for prince harry's sordid hollywood media deals? her former butler and close friend paul burrell joins me live to give his final insight on this straight after the .
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break the netflix series the crown has been audiences since 2016, with its high budget and high drama interpretation of the life and times of the british royal family. however producers this week disgusted royalists as it was revealed by the mail that the tragic final moments , the the tragic final moments, the late princess diana's life have been brutally recreated for senes been brutally recreated for series six during filming in paris late last year, despite showrunners promising not to depict exact moment of the crash impact , shocking depict exact moment of the crash impact, shocking leaked images of the mangled mercedes that was secretly smuggled to paris under tarpaulin by the film crew have caused , as it becomes clear that
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caused, as it becomes clear that netflix value the six shot factor of diana's final moments of any sort of dignity or respect for the crash and their loved ones . and one of those loved ones. and one of those loved ones. and one of those loved ones. and one of those loved ones , ironically, has loved ones, ironically, has recently spoken about the emotional impact of seeing images . his emotional impact of seeing images. his dying mother in that paris tunnel back in 1997. all i saw was back of my mum's head slumped on the back seat. there were other, more gruesome photographs , but i will photographs, but i will eternally grateful to him for denying me the ability to inflict pain on myself by saying that , because that's the kind of that, because that's the kind of stuff that sticks, in your mind, forever , which i completely but forever, which i completely but surely this raises the obvious but uncomfortable how on earth can prince harry continue to take netflix his millions as payment for his own projects when they are prepared to exploit his mother's memory for financial and commercial gain . financial and commercial gain. time and again , there's only one
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time and again, there's only one person i want to speak to on this is princess diana's former butler. she described him as rock. paul burrell . paul, you rock. paul burrell. paul, you were obviously a very close friend of the late princess. how do you feel? firstly about seeing netflix record , right, seeing netflix record, right, the car crash and actually move the car crash and actually move the car crash and actually move the car the mangled of the car, a fake version of the car to paris. how has it made you feel? poor well done. i think netflix have just plunged to new deaths and depicting the car crash scene and in fact, create a replica of the crash is distasteful . it's insensitive distasteful. it's insensitive andifs distasteful. it's insensitive and it's heartless. we all know how the princess died. we don't need to see it portrayed in graphic on tv. it's sensationalism as . graphic on tv. it's sensationalism as. it's graphic on tv. it's sensationalism as . it's worst. graphic on tv. it's sensationalism as. it's worst. i thought actually , that depicted thought actually, that depicted the queen as a cold, heartless, distant woman was , bad enough. distant woman was, bad enough. and depicting queen elizabeth
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mother as an actress pulled through a hedge backwards when she such grace and elegance dunng she such grace and elegance during her lifetime. but this takes the biscuit. i mean, honestly they're not thinking about any sensibility towards family members or people who the princess by revisiting that scene in such graphic detail . scene in such graphic detail. has it been your your sister your your daughter. would you want to see that recreated on the screen . no. she was so the screen. no. she was so deeply in this country. there are many ways which netflix could have could have shown you the princess had died. a flash of light may be something very simple , but to go into such simple, but to go into such detail i think is disgusting i really do. i would appeal to the producers of the crown to do the right thing and delete those scenes because they shouldn't be seen and they shouldn't be revisited. i mean, look, while i have great sympathy for . prince
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have great sympathy for. prince harry and the trauma that he continues to suffer around his mother's car crash . i really mother's car crash. i really struggle, paul , with the fact struggle, paul, with the fact that he continues , take the that he continues, take the millions and millions of pounds from netflix because it feels to me not for the first time he is now putting money ahead of morality . well harry's game now morality. well harry's game now unfortunately he has got into bed with netflix he has got into bed with netflix he has got into bed with netflix he has got into bed with the devil and taken the money and quite frankly, he should give all that money back and walk away it to do the decent thing just like he did with frogmore as he gave the money back . you know, they the money back. you know, they the money back. you know, they the money which he used for the taxpayer his money which he used for frogmore cottage just was would be returned to him . he would be returned to him. he should do the same thing with netflix because netflix and not a company which he should be rubbing shoulders after what
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we've just seen and knowing how upset him and william at the time i was there i what happened does he really want to work in the company who are going to betray all of that for the world again i'm really not a fan of the crown and especially paul, when over the past few years has set himself up to be almost like some sort of moral arbiter of the media, you know , is so quick the media, you know, is so quick to criticise newspapers and photographers. but all of a sudden when it comes to him making money, he's actually turned into a bit of a propagandist for netflix and the crowd , while the rest of the crowd, while the rest of the family are loathe . talk about it family are loathe. talk about it because they feel the impact of the crown deeply, especially king charles because he knows how damaging the crown has been to his reputation and with young people around the world. harry actually in interview has actively promote the crown and
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said how much loves watching it . well it begs belief doesn't it. i mean especially in this coronation year he's he's he's not promoting the family at all. he's sort taking it apart and we're watching the dismantling of harry and meghan because their brand i think is going to collapse i don't think he's going to survive because they are only relevant because they are only relevant because they are members of the royal family. they're only relevant because they have royal news to tell . so they have royal news to tell. so you know how will that last? and long? do we have to suffer? harry dirty laundry in public ? harry dirty laundry in public? because that's what he's doing the rest of the family are doing the rest of the family are doing the right thing. they're staying silent . they're having great silent. they're having great dignity in silence and look at kate and william. look at that. look at the difference between
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harry and meghan on one side of the world and william on this side of kate and william side of world kate and william are not putting a foot wrong . are not putting a foot wrong. they're doing exactly what they should be doing. they are representing the royal family in an immaculate way . they are an immaculate way. they are after all, our future king and queen and date . and look, i do queen and date. and look, i do have to say, paul , i don't queen and date. and look, i do have to say, paul, i don't think i think you're right by the way, i think you're right by the way, i think you're right by the way, i think the brand is completely collapsing i think harry and meghan are becoming a laughing stock in the us. actually, they are not taking seriously over there as they are here, but they are viewed as joke . people are viewed as a joke. people laugh about the self part laugh now about the self part depiction of their world, why privacy ? it is a joke. but. but privacy? it is a joke. but. but for i think what the netflix deal shows in this hypocrisy shows is that they can no longer claim to take the moral high ground they have for so many years because what this proves is that if it's about the big bucks, if it's about the moolah, they will put morals to one
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side. and i, if they come back to britain, the country which they've rejected and abandoned , they've rejected and abandoned, i worry what the people this country might say , because i country might say, because i personally that they should stay in america have a happy life up their children in an american way and not come back to britain because isn't a place here for them and wonder what's going to happen with the coronation coming towards us. whether or not harry will be brave enough to sit amongst his family members whom he's thrown under the bus . i have no i have no, i the bus. i have no i have no, i do that. meghan will stay in the states. i think she will stay there to look after the children, especially as it's a birthday time . but i honestly birthday time. but i honestly think that harry will come because , you know, he's not the because, you know, he's not the brightest spark in the royal family and i think he will come and try and try and pull it off because, you know, it's a story which he can then go back to the
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states and relate in another world or netflix as well. i guess what that's all about, paul,it guess what that's all about, paul , it all guess what that's all about, paul, it all comes down to the main things. of course it is. it's all about being relevant and he's only if he has another story to tell. what a tragic state of affairs what a suicide . i'm very sad about george and ted will help pull such a pleasure to speak to you. you know , we are all sending huge know, we are all sending huge strength and love to you right now as well know you're going through this cancer battle. you being so brave , so strong, so, being so brave, so strong, so, you know , all behind you. pull you know, all behind you. pull back. you know, all behind you. pull back . i'll you know, all behind you. pull back. i'll come straight very soon. you absolutely. well, thank you, paul . now, coming up, thank you, paul. now, coming up, iran cancelled and alastair campbell cast over how boris johnson really was while fighting for his life in intensive care with covid. why is the man supported the country into invading iraq ? still a into invading iraq? still a commentator of choice for the former of the sun, calvin former editor of the sun, calvin mackenzie has a lot to say about
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he's here soon, but thanks to the media blitz with the bbc's shamima and podcast continuing its attempts rehabilitate her pubuc its attempts rehabilitate her public image is this really the best use of taxpayer fee licence fee money? i say not but my is our panel get their thoughts after the.
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break calum mackenzie and greatest britain union jack has on the way but first tonight's two sorry tomorrow is news today in the media buzz and we have the of tomorrow's newspaper front pagesin of tomorrow's newspaper front pages in hot off the press the daily express leads with economic optimism as the bank of england governor andrew bailey hints that we may finally be over. hints that we may finally be over . worst of the brutal cost over. worst of the brutal cost of living crisis . the bank of living crisis. the bank raised interest rates. today's 4.35, the daily telegraph 4.35, though the daily telegraph reports that labour plotting a
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tax rate on savings investments by raising the capital gains levy, the hike would come on top of other rates on the middle class planned by labour, class as planned by labour, including reversing the government's to the government's plan to the lifetime on free lifetime cap on tax free pensions is just going to get worse and the labour folks and the daily leeds on fury at woke barristers who are refusing to prosecute eco warriors like to stop oil and xor leading lawyers have been accused of undermining the legal system by declaring they won't . climate criminals . they won't. climate criminals. around 120 top professionals have signed to declaration agree not to go after the groups. i mean, what's happened ? what's mean, what's happened? what's happened to the uk ? my superstar happened to the uk? my superstar panel outraged by that. i've got shaun bailey with me tonight. the top tory the social media adam brooks they both say that's absolutely disgusting. i agree. and joining us tonight to the author and emma mangan , also author and emma mangan, also disgusting are these twisted efforts to rehabilitate the pubuc efforts to rehabilitate the public image of the runaway bride, shamima begum and i've really laid recently, led
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recently by the brazen bbc who have made her the star of her own podcast series for the past three months. in the latest released just yesterday, bbc journalist managed to track down and speak with shah mina baker similar name but different. and speak with shah mina baker similar name but different . this similar name but different. this is the friend credited with inspiring the three schoolgirls to follow her. syria so she says, i didn't force anyone or send them propaganda . i simply send them propaganda. i simply informed them what wanted to do and when told me, we don't think it's a good idea, i simply went on my journey myself. i'm not responsible for anyone. they came together their own initiative here. i the bbc went on to report that she saw me now play on to report that she saw me now play down her friend shamima. his role in islamic death cult dismissing her as a non—believer who was doing nothing more in syria that i quote living off the benefits provided by isis . the benefits provided by isis. so all the baker broadcasting
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may be keen to play down shamima its involvement in the murderous terror group. my interview with documentary filmmaker duncan, who filmed with isis's in syria, uncovered a rather different story . one of them was telling story. one of them was telling me that begum was even trying to recruit isis females , suicide recruit isis females, suicide attackers . and i've got that attackers. and i've got that ongoing . so there you have it. ongoing. so there you have it. the beeb happily peddle propaganda that diminishes alleged crimes, but refuse give alleged crimes, but refuse give a voice to people like alan who have discovered a much darker truth . so is it time that the truth. so is it time that the bbc just stopped these obsessive to rehabilitate shamima begum yes , yes. look, i've been on yes, yes. look, i've been on here enough times and the viewers know this, this girl is a monster . viewers know this, this girl is a monster. we've got numerous government officials saying she poses serious threat to the uk . poses serious threat to the uk. we have you see witnesses telling about her patrolling
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camps with a machine gun , her camps with a machine gun, her journals friend of 18 months, andrew drury that comes on the show and said that her new image and you know a new spin is a pure lie they will fight right so why is the bbc so desperate to give her a better public . i to give her a better public. i can't understand that . it's can't understand that. it's almost like they just like our country. and then my mangled say though that you support the bbc. they are doing the right thing and you want shamima back in the country. why way you're all talking it's like bbc have done shamima the musical or something. would show something. well would just show it's i'm it's a documentary called i'm not monster . it's a documentary called i'm not monster. this sets them not a monster. this sets them the suits that they think she's innocent because in my view she a monster right now in this country there are 200 convicted terrorists and should be two one as far as i'm concerned to make as far as i'm concerned to make a 50. she was 50. i'm not justifying anything did but she's such an easy isn't she whereas this people who we know
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murdered people we don't even know their names. they're in prison and we don't know who i mean tell me who was who did the manchester arena bombing. okay. so you can say that yeah but you can say that and i know but we don't them because don't don't name them because don't know was she. is know them. where was she. is being on us by the bbc being pushed on us by the bbc which . why? the bbc were trying which. why? the bbc were trying to paint her as some sort of westerner. what should they be doing ? the westerner. what should they be doing? the bbc only westerner. what should they be doing ? the bbc only sort of doing? the bbc only sort of taken a straw poll and saying, well, people would like to listen to hear about who did you know, do you do? i think know, what do you do? i think they should doing what i they should be doing what i think should be doing the think they should be doing the real journalism real investigative journalism that . and that alan duncan did. and very quickly, was able to track quickly, he was able to track down the sex victim of isis , who down the sex victim of isis, who in shocking detail revealed to him the real shamima. in shocking detail revealed to him the real shamima . we've him the real shamima. we've heard none of that on the bbc documentary. bbc documentary is trying to. oh, she was just a poor little innocent person who was subject to racism . and then was subject to racism. and then she was a poor little, i suspect . know she was suing. so so in . i know she was suing. so so in suicide is about isis and how
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bad they were and how bad it is. so, in fact it's her film wants to come and look look unbelievably this is what the gary lineker thing was such disaster for the bbc because . disaster for the bbc because. now people don't believe the bbc be balanced, they don't bleed. the bbc can be fair. they believe they can see, but they think the bbc has an angle sell because of what went on with gary. gary lineker they haven't got theme because look, let's got a theme because look, let's be bbc should be be clear, the bbc should be talking about these kinds of topics. absolutely should , topics. they absolutely should, but they shouldn't be talking about it in type of way about it in this type of way probably . that's probably an, probably. that's probably an, i may say talked about the 200 terrorists in jail that we don't know what did, but they are not free they have been subjected to our law and our law has put them away . but so is shamima our law and our law has put them away. but so is shamima bacon. she been subject to the law under the decided she should stay where she is . me stay where she is. for me personally, do think she was personally, i do think she was 15 years old and that needs to part of it. but what really for me keeps her where she is . my me keeps her where she is. my mind her response to the
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mind is her response to the manchester bombings. so when government you government officials tell you she a threat and then she she poses a threat and then she gives response the way in gives a response in the way in she i believe that. she did, i believe that. correct. remorse. correct. she showed no remorse. again quote, women and children of the uk a legitimate target she. yeah i mean beheadings didn't faze me. i again i've said it before i've seen some terrible things in my life. i've never someone beat you know what i would never come back to she no, i would never come to that because because if you speak to someone like alan duncan, who really knows how a lot of these isis operate, he says even though they are trying to portray this different picture, they in clear and present they remain in clear and present dangen they remain in clear and present danger. they are allowed. danger. if they are allowed. i mean, she she she said to him in prison, but she said british and children legitimate . all she children are legitimate. all she does, if you run the security forces say that's more than enough to she enough for you to say. she should where is not should say where she is not because didn't wake up 15. because she didn't wake up 15. who in spite of, she who does she in spite of, she comes , she will become a comes back, she will become a figurehead for people that want , join and want to do these atrocities. i've got a legal
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note here. in response to , note here. in response to, criticism of it. shamima begum vodka by folk like me . the bbc vodka by folk like me. the bbc said this is not platform for shamima begum to give her unchallenged story. this is robust public investigation to who she really is and what she really did. the documentary also features testimony by those impact by the group . now sky impact by the group. now sky sports have been cancelling content at a furious pace in recent times, with sunday supplement goals on and soccer saturday all being shaken up or shelved completely. a british fans have been dealt another blow week, with the sun revealing that the legendary soccer will be axed soccer am show will be axed after almost 30 years on screen . the saturday morning sports comedy mash up built up a cult following for its comedic characters and cheeky sense of fun political correctness fun but political correctness yawn . we hate it, don't we? and yawn. we hate it, don't we? and i don't like it the politically correct mob because it was often in short supply on soccer am. look how old the air i'm 25 friday right i'm trying to ask
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why am i how old are you? i'm 18 . yeah, you know, i am . don't be . yeah, you know, i am. don't be sent . he's here with us. this sent. he's here with us. this morning is labour's john prescott . prescott. and john. john good . prescott. and john. john good. john good . and maybe that's why john good. and maybe that's why the show has come to an end. don't the road after years of toning down their controversial content to appease the new world, the woke viewing figures fell through the floor, representing another tragic example of go woke go broke. you loved it, didn't you, adam? i loved it, didn't you, adam? i loved it, didn't you, adam? i loved it growing up. yeah it was it just epitomised banter you'd have for your mates we know have of that out in the culture i'd really liked soccer am it's a shame hasn't been the same in recent years . cannon—brookes recent years. cannon—brookes
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sean bailey anna my man good my superstore panel do by because coming up will personal facebook not following sweden's lead over lockdowns during covid pandemic. we will discuss that because it's three years of course to the day since we were plunged into the first national lockdown into the first national lockdown in 2020. that's when crowned greatest person in the union jack has very shortly but next in capsule fiery fleet street calvin mackenzie weighs in on blair's former spin doctor alastair campbell, after the man who marched us into iraq launched a cyber bullying campaign against boris johnson, claiming white for claiming boris, he up the whole covid thing . he was never close to thing. he was never close to death . alastair campbell has death. alastair campbell has become a conspiracy theorist, hasn't he? calvin mackenzie lets loose straight after the break we're back in 2 minutes time.
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some now from cancelled . and some now from cancelled. and this is where britain's top commentators speak out on controversial issues without . controversial issues without. the fear of the cancel culture sweeping the of the media. one of life's biggest mysteries is why media darling of the left alastair campbell, is held up as a pillar of authority this country, despite his shameful past . blair's wrong past. tony blair's the wrong spin doctor . well, maybe spin doctor. well, maybe that will now change the wake of this vulgar tweet yesterday , he said vulgar tweet yesterday, he said he believe boris johnson he didn't believe boris johnson nearly of covid during the nearly died of covid during the pandemic nadine pandemic. boris ally, nadine dorries put the swift slide conspiracy theorist in his place blasting. there is a horrible hatred and sickness resides in the heart of some people who so partisan and so politically obsessed that they lose all sense of humanity. obsessed that they lose all sense of humanity . you are sense of humanity. you are beyond help or hope. it's a coven beyond help or hope. it's a cover, mackenzie what i want to ask you is why this ranting hateful and now conspiracy
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theorist rabble rouser remains , theorist rabble rouser remains, theorist rabble rouser remains, the commentator of choice for sly news , the bbc and . channel sly news, the bbc and. channel 4. if you're in the media, you are with me with the exception i mention of gb news you are of the left and therefore you go to somebody know he's going to be safe for them, not going to say anything i mean a clarkson had a great thing the other day where he said he was going on the one show. but we worked on the producer said to him he, look, don't don't the public sector workers, will you? that workers, will you? because that would awkward. right. you would be awkward. right. so, you know a huge thought process from a very successful vote is allowed if you are a for a mainstream television programme you are not interested in view from the centre right you're just not getting on that. you ask any of your panellists over week. what i can't understand
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campbell who has a shocking associated with sending us to a war like blair still get on television unbelievably sending us to a war which has led the whole of the middle east, even today, 20 years later, in complete uproar. i can't understand this . we have to be understand this. we have to be very, very gentle about it. mr. mental health issues he carries forward is a big kind of blob in front it when he's interviewed and yet when somebody almost dies and even if they didn't, almost die, they are in intensive care for three days, that's close enough, especially with thousands people dying in intensive care. right he has no sympathy whatsoever for that man, isn't that an incredible state? why on earth shouldn't we let , campbell, have it over state? why on earth shouldn't we let, campbell, have it over his mental health? why should believe he has a mental health issue? he doesn't even believe what he sees when somebody is lying in a major london teaching hospital for three days in
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intensive care . he's now saying intensive care. he's now saying there's a question mark about it. well, frankly, i don't believe it, campbell. well, is a shocker what he does know, by the way, is that appearing regularly on television has to affect one is social media following goes up because are a load of mad lefties out there who love all this . and also he who love all this. and also he gets to make speeches and the like to charitable organisations paying like to charitable organisations paying him ten 1015 2025 grand all the cash piling of course there and of course i won't stoop to his thinking not to like now and i won't stoop to his level if he says he's on well fine, i believe it. but what i think is so despicable about what he said regarding bofis about what he said regarding boris johnson, he's not just accusing johnson being accusing boris johnson of being accusing boris johnson of being a accusing the staff a liar. he's accusing the staff in hospital who looked after in the hospital who looked after bofis in the hospital who looked after boris johnson's, who by the way never shared boris johnson's political views lying as well.
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and that's particularly disgusting . and by the way, we disgusting. and by the way, we saw really , didn't with saw this really, didn't we, with the lineker debacle over the gary lineker debacle over the gary lineker debacle over the of weeks, the the last couple of weeks, the way he was used a pro way that he was used a pro lineker voice again on the bbc on sky news on channel 4. all the usual suspects and no one ever bothered to reveal that he makes a podcast for lineker. his media company. so there's actually a fine and sure motivation for him to back lineker, and that was never at the start of these interviews. so it's just it's astonishing . so it's just it's astonishing. me but if you're of the left , me but if you're of the left, money comes you very secretly and nobody wants to talk about it. they just very nicely into the old bank account like that. if you make money the right, there's a huge amount cry. we've just seen it. we're rishi i'm delighted last year paid £432,000 in tax. that's a lot of teachers . that's a lot of nurses teachers. that's a lot of nurses and not that makes a change from the scumbags on the left who are
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basically born with both hands out , wanting basically born with both hands out, wanting their lives to be subsidised . and yet nobody ever subsidised. and yet nobody ever says. subsidised. and yet nobody ever says . and the thing that says. and the thing that i that's a very good thing that that's a very good thing that that guy makes money because we got starmer's tax return to do today to calvin so starmer paid £118,000 in tax over the last two years compared to sunak's £1 million. right. i draw that we had i rather we had we 100 sunak explaining that but then 100 100 starmer's in fact being a i would prefer that it wasn't a work at all, to be frank with it. but the reality all the time, all the time the left got a free ride , either over money, a free ride, either over money, over over social media, anything like that. they're fine . anybody like that. they're fine. anybody on the right says on the thing they have to be on council. it's a make it is astonishing that campbell figure could survive of the sexed up dossier allegations or that could survive even if they true right even if they weren't they could survive war
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right which nobody wanted which cost 175 of our people their lives . how on earth does this lives. how on earth does this happen ? it never happens to the happen? it never happens to the right we are going to need to change the way the media is run in our country. no newspaper anymore will run any kind of quote dodgy story of any kind normally involving race . right. normally involving race. right. because they think that the advertising community will boycott them . what they will boycott them. what they will coven boycott them. what they will cover. i was shocked. someone pointed out to me earlier the front page of the metro newspaper , i think it's tomorrow newspaper, i think it's tomorrow a big burger king ad over the front page of , the metro talking front page of, the metro talking all about how boris johnson told all about how boris johnson told a lot of whoppers at the privileges committee hearing . it privileges committee hearing. it just shows you, doesn't it? yeah it just shows you that the advertising community. so in their left wing london bubble that they just when not
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advertising to the entire country that everyone's to agree with them advertising executives that boris johnson is crooked. i thought it's another example of how the advertising industry now is so influential in terms of limiting media debate. well may be true. i don't think you need to worry about metro for much longer. by the way, because i'm afraid that's probably one of the last of their ads. they're not doing very and not doing very well. and unfortunately they're culling a load journalists. i as load of journalists. i as journalists are being, which is a shame because, you know, it's good you anybody good newspaper. do you anybody exposes anything of any kind these days is unwanted within most media organisations a very very bad it's a bad world to want to go into . yeah what a sad want to go into. yeah what a sad state affairs for the former editor of the sun. say that kelvin mackenzie, thank you so much. we will speak on monday night, but it's time now to reveal tonight's greatest of the union. jack has had my superstore panel return for this
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. adam brookes, who's your gp, my nominee is it's honorary it's and is tegnell sweden's health chief for basically showing us that lockdown is not only wrong but they wasn't needed and they shaun bailey your nominee. my is serviceman's after a police officer was attacked by dog yesterday in london they just made me think about all the service animals that have helped people as guide dogs help people recover from ptsd and we all of course a nation of pets and i think we have some video this really shocked me actually have a look have look at this attack how did the dog fight oh go . how did the dog fight oh go. really really horrible stuff there adam and get your gb nominee. yeah i'm going for 13 year old max woozy . he's also year old max woozy. he's also known as the boy in the tent . known as the boy in the tent. he's been sleeping out for three years, raised hundred thousand for, a north devon hospice and.
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it's coming up to time now. i think week he's going back into his own bed well—deserved. imagine being parent, allowing imagine being a parent, allowing your to sleep a tent. oh, your son to sleep a tent. oh, they must be so proud of him. three years or disagree on that one. but i'm going to go with adam brooks and andy's take no the brilliant and brave swedish health chief who now i'm not following china three years ago. we're going to do it our way. and guess what? they were proven right , you jackass time now, right, you jackass time now, adam brooks, your nominee. my nominee , alastair campbell, he's nominee, alastair campbell, he's the man that spun an illegal war for tony blair. he's a massive hypocrite is a really nasty lefty . he got really personal lefty. he got really personal with boris and. his recent tweets, which i thought were pretty low and it surprises me that he's held up as the arbiter of morals by people like lineker and the left can't stand the man showing . bailey, your nominee.
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showing. bailey, your nominee. my nominee . smartphone my nominee. smartphone microphone and cyber specialist lord vpn have confirmed that our phones are constantly listening to us giving out our private details. privacy that we've got to put a stop to this. oh, my goodness. i'm so concerned about this because constant lee, are we having a conversation with someone about something i want to buy i haven't searched to buy and i haven't searched for anything. they don't go on to it comes up to my instagram but it comes up as ad listening to us as an ad listening to us terrified out of my mind and your nominee. yeah, i'm going for the baroness or me. that's karren brady who was really horrible to a contestant on the apprentice last week and said when the contestant said thank you, karen, she said that be baroness. oh, look let's look at it because i loved it time it's baroness brady's baroness brady my friends call me karen . what's my friends call me karen. what's wrong with that? well, you know she could and people would call themselves lady but she would have been lady brady apparently
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she didn't think was serious enough. so she decided she was a baroness. and it's fine as long as she doesn't go around acting like a baroness. i say big up to cover brady about that least cover brady about that at least there's someone not on the bbc in your name . think. yes, that's in your name. think. yes, that's true . but look, i'm going to go. true. but look, i'm going to go. oh, it's the double win tonight , adam, because of course it's got to be alastair campbell as the union jack. guys, thank you so much to adam brookes shown by the man gate, my fabulous superstar panel. you superstar panel. thank you for your all week. i am your company. all week. i am back monday night at 9 pm. sign up scheming sturgeon good night yeah .
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good evening in a moment headliners. but first, let's bnng headliners. but first, let's bring you the latest news headunes bring you the latest news headlines and rishi sunak and the albanian minister, edi rama have vowed to work together to tackle migration following talks in downing street today, a joint statement was issued saying the two prime ministers had agreed to deepen their relationship between . both countries to between. both countries to cooperate on trade investment and address global threats, it added mr. sunak welcomes the albanian community into british life. that's after mr. criticised the home secretary for referring to some people from his country as criminals. comments branded as disgraceful
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. speaking after the talks, he


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