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tv   Dan Wootton Tonight Replay  GB News  March 22, 2023 3:00am-5:01am GMT

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ignored by the establishment media. different media. we think different things. different things. we've got a different style. gb is here to be style. gb news is here to be optimist and positive about the future . it's real kind of future. it's real kind of dynamic and flowing with the audience very much at the heart of it, like a big family here at gb news, we talk about the things that matter to. you heanng things that matter to. you hearing the voices from across our towns , cities, especially our towns, cities, especially our towns, cities, especially our towns, cities, especially our towns, all sides of the argument with a heavy dose of opinion. we're on a mission here to make a difference in the gb news family really is here for you and whatever time day you can watch or listen. britain's watching britain's watching . watching britain's watching. we're proud to be gb news is the people's channel. britain's news . channel no spin, no bias, no , . channel no spin, no bias, no, i'm dan wootton tonight on the eve of facing a kangaroo court designed to destroy his political career. boris fight back against the westman . a back against the westman. a witch hunt has begun , but if his
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witch hunt has begun, but if his bombshell 52 page defence dossier fails to end this massive and supported stitch up a very dangerous political precedent will be set. i'm going explain why this matters for british democracy my digest next here my superstar panel gives their view tonight i'm joined by christine hamilton calvin robinson and rebecca reid. also on the show . the case report has on the show. the case report has that the police's racist , sexist that the police's racist, sexist and broken, but the force's commissioner has denied it's institutional issue . don't institutional issue. don't accept that your force is institutionally racist . the institutionally racist. the reason and i respect louise using that term the i don't use it i think it's a very ambiguous term so as a whitehall source claims nothing is off the table isfime claims nothing is off the table is time to break up the world's most famous force. three of britain's most respected coppers norman brennan, maggie oliver and harry miller debate that in the clash in what the farage
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reacts to the shocking that the number of hotels housing migrants has more than doubled in five months and he'll reveal why the problem is actually even worse than we think after gary glitter , a £15,000 knee glitter, a £15,000 knee operation on the nhs is the only hope actually that he should be receiving actually chemical castration ship. well, former tory education, our very own culture warrior jenkins unveils . her controversial idea to deal with child sex offenders later in the show. plus, could drug confessions from the duke dover see him deported from the us at someone's country during a shooting weekend .7 i've been shooting weekend? i've been offered a line and i've done few more since it wasn't fun . more since it wasn't fun. esteemed royal biographer bower explores the serious questions being asked about prince harry's us visa application in counselled. elsewhere on, the show with a liberated east sex slave cave in shemima beckham
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learned how to use suicide belts and guns at a terrorist camp. documentary maker alan duncan, who uncovered this tragic witness after fighting against in syria, speaks out on his disturbing findings that . prove disturbing findings that. prove why the begum must never be allowed return to the country. and as a snowflake student union deep platforms baroness claire fox because she found this gervais joke funny . oh women gervais joke funny. oh women i mean the old fashioned one year old fashion women. oh you know, the ones with wombs . oh funny, the ones with wombs. oh funny, right? so you have the intolerant youth of today become a menace to society by de—platforming her we'll get stuck into that in the mediabuzz a first look at tomorrow's newspaper front page is a brand newspaper front page is a brand new greatest person union jackass people the night jackass named people the night is to this is dan wootton is out to this is dan wootton tonight let's go .
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tonight let's go. so this court is going to be sitting in westminster tomorrow . most of the msm don't want to actually talk about the rebekah of what this actually means british democracy. so i'm going to do so in my digest very shortly first though, the news headunes shortly first though, the news headlines with polly middlehurst . dan, thank you and good evening to you. top story tonight on gb news. a report into britain's largest police force has been described by the home secretary as very . baroness home secretary as very. baroness casey who led the review the met police to be institute really racist misogynist . police to be institute really racist misogynist. homophobic. the report also found the met's current ethics standards and discipline procedures have to , discipline procedures have to, quote, failed abysmally . and quote, failed abysmally. and she's calling for a complete overhaul of the service. suella braverman says she has every faith now , commissioner smart faith now, commissioner smart role will be a catalyst for
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change. she's vowed to hold officers and mayor of london to account . well, as you've been account. well, as you've been heanng account. well, as you've been hearing on dan's introduction there, boris has accepted he misled parliament over partygate? but he maintains it intentional or reckless , intentional or reckless, submitting his 52 page defence dossier to the privileges committee today, the former prime minister admitted gatherings at downing during lockdown should have happened. he also said statements in the house of commons were made good faith. he's due to give more evidence in person before . m.p.s evidence in person before. m.p.s tomorrow . international news and tomorrow. international news and has strengthened ties with china saying it's prepared to step up its oil deliveries to the country . president putin made country. president putin made the comments on the second day of the chinese leaders state visit to moscow. describing talks with president xi as constructive, adding he hoped they could remain in contact yesterday. president putin, welcome his dear friend to the kremlin , as he put it, and the
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kremlin, as he put it, and the pair discussed , china's peace pair discussed, china's peace plan for ukraine now . in the plan for ukraine now. in the united states, people have been protesting outside trump tower in new york calling for the authorities to condemn the former us over an alleged hush money payment. donald trump been accused of paying off a actress in the run up to the 2016 election. if trump is charged, it would be the criminal case brought against us president. former nationals security adviser to mr. trump, john bolton told nigel farage earlier. the important thing is if mr. trump is. earlier. the important thing is if mr. trump is . the real if mr. trump is. the real question here is not whether trump gets. i think that's coming in. i don't know exactly when, but it days not weeks in the stormy daniel stormy daniels matter. the real issue is will he get convict if he is acquitted? i think that will give trump, the republican nomination and could elect him to the presidency . now, lastly , to the presidency. now, lastly, prince of wales has brought together some of the uk's
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biggest companies in a business taskforce to back her campaign about early childhood companies, including lego, ikea and unileverjoin including lego, ikea and unilever join the princess including lego, ikea and unileverjoin the princess in unilever join the princess in london earlier. unilever join the princess in london earlier . kensington london earlier. kensington palace says . the taskforce will palace says. the taskforce will play palace says. the taskforce will play an essential role in the princess's work to transform form the way society priority and supports children in their earliest years . you're up to earliest years. you're up to date on tv online, a deeply plus radio and on the tune in app with gb news the people's channel. back now to dan wootton wootton . wootton. so tomorrow, a kangaroo court that threatens to undermine british parliamentary democracy will take place at westminster and the msm will sit on the sidelines cheering on this dangerous farce because it suits their agenda . the privileges their agenda. the privileges committee with labour chairwoman
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harriet harman, who prejudge the outcome before hearing any evidence . was it as the judge evidence. was it as the judge jury evidence. was it as the judge jury and executioner in deciding the future political career of the future political career of the former minister boris johnson , the so—called crime johnson, the so—called crime which could result in boris being suspended parliament and facing a recall petition ending his hopes of returning to number 10 hangs on whether he quote, knowingly or misled parliament when , answering questions about when, answering questions about partygate he is all prime ministers do relied on assurances provided to him by civil servants and advisers . but civil servants and advisers. but there's nothing normal nothing normal about this westminster witch hunt. there is no precedent for such a stitch up . precedent for such a stitch up. so who decides if boris recklessly intended to anything, why has the committee only released selective evidence with statements seemingly deliberately taken out of context ? and aren't they aware context? and aren't they aware of the chill in effect, such an approach will have on future ministers answering questions in the house of commons ? now, boris
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the house of commons? now, boris allies are largely being in the mainstream media hunt to bring him down, but when they are given the opportunity to speak publicly , they are horrified . publicly, they are horrified. how can a handful of members of parliament and the committee know really be that object in light of some of the individual comments that have been made? i don't want to name people, but you know, it is a fact. the lack of transparency, lack of accountability. i there is a culture of collusion quite frankly, i'm concerned that it will be a witch hunt and a concern to read papers that obviously are being briefed by everybody left, right and centre of we're going to of concern that we're going to get a mccarthy like approach to justice on the privileges the committee has decided to stand outside the rule of law and to abandon justice they denied him access to proper legal counsel. they've denied legal counsel the ability to ask questions. they are going to edit defence, continue court which ed defends
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. defend and today the committee finally released the 52 page defence dossier from boris himself. in my mind , i've read himself. in my mind, i've read it all, i've read every word . it it all, i've read every word. it categorically proves he either knowingly or recklessly misled parliament, while also make a mockery of his government's own regulations and guidelines blighted and destroyed so many lives three years ago in which he should never have agreed to implement the fact that it's been just accepted that this committee has shape shifted in a bid to the prime minister's ambitions of . the man elected ambitions of. the man elected and in landslide less than four years ago is a disgrace . so years ago is a disgrace. so i want to share with you now some key parts of boris's evidence. first, he slams the committee listening his proven enemy, dominic cummings , writing, there dominic cummings, writing, there is no evidence all that supports an allegation that i intentionally or recklessly the house. the only exception is the assertions of the discredit dominic cummings, which are not supported any documentation . and
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supported any documentation. and bofis supported any documentation. and boris then goes on to say it is no secret that cummings an animus towards me having publicly stated on multiple occasions that he wanted to do everything that he could to remove me from he cannot be treated as a credible witness . treated as a credible witness. now boris goes on slam the profound and implications the future of debate in the house if it is considered reckless for the pm to rely on assurances . the pm to rely on assurances. trusted advisers, he writes . trusted advisers, he writes. that allegation is untrue . it that allegation is untrue. it entered and absurd . i was the entered and absurd. i was the prime minister of the country working day and night to manage government's response to the covid 19 pandemic and other the sue gray report, which should surely now be discredited that she is keir starmer's choice to his new chief of staff. the so called rigorous and thorough investigation has no smoking guns as , boris writes. the guns as, boris writes. the committee did not identify a single document which suggested that i was informed or warned by
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anyone that . any event at number anyone that. any event at number 10 was contrary to the rules or guidance. it fails to refer to the fact that a significant number of witnesses evidence that i had in fact received that the rules were with the number 10 and it fails to refer to fact that the view of many other working at number 10 was that the rules and guidance were being complied . tomorrow show being complied. tomorrow show trial marks a new low westminster and could a dangerous precedent parliament allowing a block of m ps desire to finish off an electorally pulpy to finish off an electorally pulpy rival to outweigh public's democratic will. but but to respond now my superstar panel , respond now my superstar panel, the author and broadcaster hamilton gb news presenter and conservative commentator reverend calvin robinson and the and journalist rebecca. christine i read this all today and i cannot see at all how this privileges think that they can
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prove that johnson recklessly mid misled parliament. the problem there's no precedent for deciding if anyone has recklessly done anything. and that's why i believe this is now a kangaroo court. well we'll see what decision the committee come , come, come to in the end. but i mean, you're quite right. this whole court is so flawed. the idea that harriet, has idea that harriet, who has already publicly that she thinks bofis already publicly that she thinks boris lied , how can she said as boris lied, how can she said as the in all this, she's sitting there , madame de farge, in tale there, madame de farge, in tale of two cities, just waiting to slam the guillotine down and watch the hedgerow what she wants to for the rest of wants to do, and for the rest of the committee, i mean chris bryant himself as bryant accused himself as chairman knew that chairman because he knew that had publicly criticised boris the them honestly they the rest of them honestly they are just longing for their moment of glory. but harman did the thing. mean, the same thing. i mean, she tweeted, i know. that's why. tweeted, no, i know. that's why. course she she shouldn't. i mean, herself. mean, she have recused herself. she sorry i thought she should know. sorry i thought i said that earlier. of course she except she should. it's except politically . yes. that politically outrage. yes. that she stay judge. she should stay in the judge. she's pre—decided it. of course she they've taken evidence
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she has. they've taken evidence from anonymously. the from people anonymously. is the only cases where you can do that. and honestly, it's rape cases the victim or cases where the victim or the alleged victim out on in alleged victim gets out on in which that which she said that is. and i mean, yes, everybody that boris so a fly in here and i think so is a fly in here and i think i just swallowed it everybody good amy everybody knows that bofis good amy everybody knows that boris law is it's sort of you know it's just taken his read. i mean, it does look boris like just boris breathe. yes, of course. but i have seen no evidence at all. he lied to this committee. and if they that he has, then, as you said, this sets an incredibly dangerous has, then, as you said, this sets arrishi edibly dangerous has, then, as you said, this sets arrishi sunakiangerous has, then, as you said, this sets arrishi sunak when'ous has, then, as you said, this sets arrishi sunak when he; has, then, as you said, this sets arrishi sunak when he spoke mean, rishi sunak when he spoke to the house of commons about the winds, a framework we now know from the frankly, know from the air that frankly, he was so we say very elastic with truth . and they have with the truth. and they have pointed out that certain things, he are correct . and he said, are not correct. and this potentially going set this is potentially going set a hugely dangerous because actually just in recent weeks you have to at ed davey the lib dem leader keir starmer the labour lead there are examples of them recklessly misleading
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house now that they're going to be hauled before emergency committee. and the danger here is that prime ministers will now get up in parliament and say no , i can't comment on this. we've got an official got to wait to an official investigation . and so actually investigation. and so actually this could be used to stop being held to account . yeah, it's not held to account. yeah, it's not about boris misleading or recklessly misleading the house of parliament or what this is aboutis. of parliament or what this is about is . the globalists wants about is. the globalists wants it really sunak in power. they wanted a coup. they got coup. and now they want to make sure that boris johnson does not come back because he still could back into number 10. he's still a threat. they finish him threat. they want to finish him off, you said. i mean look off, like you said. i mean look at how treated tony blair at how they treated tony blair warmonger, criminal. you warmonger, a war criminal. you could no one went him. could say no one went after him. look matt look how they treated matt hancock. caught breaking hancock. he was caught breaking the adulterer, the rules with his adulterer, with his with his lover. you know he didn't get any consequences nor he get know he didn't get any consconsequent nor he get know he didn't get any consconsequent receive for he get know he didn't get any consconsequent receive anye get any consequent receive any consequences from parliament, at least for moment. what about least for the moment. what about the current prime minister, too, because know i'm not saying because i know i'm not saying for a single second that i think
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the privileges committee investigate rishi sunak, but rishi stood in the rishi sunak stood up in the house commons and also that house of commons and also that he was any parties or he was at any parties or gatherings and received gatherings and he received the same they don't speak you same fees. they don't speak you speak you know, speak of recklessness, you know, hancock's decision to put elderly care homes elderly people in care homes with testing with or without testing them. covid then by midazolam than covid and then by midazolam than we before all these we have had before all these things were reckless. all the they going off to now, of they going off to him now, of course want to finish course they want to finish boris johnson him johnson it's about him personally being the personally being a threat. the globalist coup rishi sunak, globalist coup of rishi sunak, but won't , you know, but they won't, you know, he's like body. nailed him like the body. you nailed him down in the coffin he will down in the coffin and he will get yes, he will rise get up. oh, yes, he will rise again . this is a witch hunt. no, again. this is a witch hunt. no, sorry. you say that . sorry. you sorry. you say that. sorry. you said this is nonsense, which i don't is politics. because don't think is politics. because what saying. can't what you're saying. so you can't really them. whereas really hunt for them. whereas lawyers real. boris lawyers are all real. boris johnson an inveterate liar. johnson is an inveterate liar. think there are women over think there are women all over london nodding at london who've been nodding at the screams here think the screams here that i think the screams here that i think the reality you a the reality is if you want a definition north, this definition from the north, this is the worst thing you could have because we've waited long enough. longer as enough. people are no longer as cross once were. people cross as they once were. people were were were heartbroken, people were furious. have an
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furious. but people that have an attention. similarly, the attention. and similarly, the one boris johnson is one thing boris johnson is really like one really good at, like the one thing he's at is thing he's good at is performing. and he will out performing. and he will get out there will look for from there and he will look for from every person room, every single person in the room, he's a show pony. he will speak latin. he will messy how we latin. he will have messy how we will we're getting. will know what we're getting. and there part of you that and there was a part of you that will be always that bad. is will be like always that bad. is he so you this could he so you think this could backfire will 100% get away he so you think this could back ite will 100% get away he so you think this could back it unquestioned'o get away he so you think this could back it unquestioned public nay he so you think this could back it unquestioned public get with it unquestioned public get away well with with away with law. well with with having and i think we all having lied and i think we all know deep down he probably did things in office he things in the office that he wasn't supposed do have you wasn't supposed to do have you have read the report today have you read the report today but well, if you read but no. okay. well, if you read the report, i think you would call think you'd come to a call i think you'd come to a different conclusion. they weren't different weren't they had a different system. were a work. system. what they were a work. it mentality, were it was a mob mentality, were together every day. i together all day, every day. i would have for glass of would have stayed for a glass of wine heartbeat, but they do wine in a heartbeat, but they do things, from what i've things, i think from what i've read we couldn't have got read that we couldn't have got away with the big up. the committee investigated. committee isn't investigated. whether boris broke the rules or bent 10, they bent rules in number 10, they are whether he'd are investigating whether he'd misled he misled parliament, mean he deliberately misled parliament is he is serious. but i didn't. but he
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didn't this two page didn't because in this two page document, you actually document, what you actually realise is that boris not realise is that boris did not intend parliament intend to mislead parliament because any of the because he wasn't any of the gatherings that then turned into and that did need to be or not need to be that on a dossier. if i could write a thing like, oh yeah, i didn't break the rule ehhenit yeah, i didn't break the rule either, it wouldn't be true. his civil service in a separate and guilty way. so they have to prove otherwise. yeah, i suppose. mean, i think surely he's innocent unless proven guilty. other guilty. that's that's the other thing that it's more thing that i think it's more that we probably i think he probably guilty i'm not sure probably is guilty i'm not sure how cares anymore how much anybody cares anymore because there many other because there are so many other things do worry. well things that you do worry. well of of but that is of course of course. but that is the a party has never the point. a party has never been kelvin says. it been a big as kelvin says. it has been used by the msm. it's been used as i was saying it last year. boris johnson and now you've the prime minister you've got the prime minister that wanted. i hope that you wanted. well, i hope you're happy off the next you're all happy off to the next election. going to have to choose. avoid. choose. i love him or avoid. i mean. well, at the choice mean. well, look at the choice on offer to live with me all night now still come night now still to come as migrant numbers double migrant hotel numbers double
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could problem actually be could the problem actually be far worse than the way i imagine nigel me live on nigel farage joins me live on this to sound the alarm from next in the clash after the casey report the police is casey report the met police is racist sexist and broken is it really now time break up the uk's biggest force of the country's most respected coppers , norman brennan. maggie oliver harry miller debate that in the clash tonight off the clash tonight straight off the right i want to know right but i want to know what you think. me down at you think. email me down at poll at gb in our poll at gb news. the results news. twitter the results straight after, the .
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break nigel farage coming up live. but it's nigel farage coming up live. but wsfime nigel farage coming up live. but it's time for the clash and the review into the met concluded the force is racist, sexist and broken. this suella braverman said london's had a long road recovery but rejected lazy labour claims that they laid the blame at her door. here is the home office plan in response to this on standards or neighbourhood policing, on violence against women girls, and on systemic or institutional discrimination . where are those discrimination. where are those plans? londoners have been let down the net. the shadow home secretary knows is ultimately responsible . that. she shouldn't responsible. that. she shouldn't be looking up to scoring political points today . it's
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political points today. it's a disappointment. political points today. it's a disappointment . and frankly, she disappointment. and frankly, she should know better. accepting the findings, commissioner sir mark rowley has rejected the left's fixation on insisting the forces racist, sexist and homophobic. you accept the full findings of the report ? we findings of the report? we accept the fact that the findings report absolutely . the findings report absolutely. the full findings of the report . i'm full findings of the report. i'm sorry. i'm not sure i understand the exactly what it means. we're talking about your suggestions that you don't accept that your force is institutionally . the force is institutionally. the reason, and i respect louis using that term , the reason using that term, the reason i don't use it. i think it's a very ambiguous term. i purposefully looked it up in the dictionary this morning. institutionally means convene on norm in a culture . and that's norm in a culture. and that's what allawi's he thinks is happening in the met. is taking all that into consideration what do you think is it time to break up the police down the vote in our poll at gb news?
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look, i'm going to bring in three of the countries top cops now former officer harry miller , founder of the fair cop campaign group, retired police officer , 31 years norman brennan officer, 31 years norman brennan and maggie oliver, a detective constable and whistleblower of course in the rochdale grooming scandal. and maggie , course, you scandal. and maggie, course, you put everything the line to blow whistle. in your particular case in rochdale . do you think that in rochdale. do you think that the met is corrupt and is the solution . breaking it up ? the met is corrupt and is the solution. breaking it up ? i'm solution. breaking it up? i'm not sure whether the solution is to break so but what i do know is that the max needs strong leadership it doesn't have strong leadership . if you look strong leadership. if you look at the majesty's inspectorate, it's toothless and if you look at the mayor of london, he's useless. he's far more interested in ulez and locking down londoners than he is in sorting out and giving strong leadership to the police force.
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so we do have problems, but the answer lies strong leadership, as far as i'm concerned . and the as far as i'm concerned. and the man hasn't had it. maggie oliver. problem is, it isn't just the met. this is police forces throughout the country. my forces throughout the country. my experience spans over 30 years as a serving police officer, i express aryans, sexism, misogyny when i was in my probation obviously rochdale case is why i'm known and i literally went to the top of the organisation pleading for victims to be supported and i was treated as though i was the enemy. so it is a culture, it is mismanagement. it is lack of effective leadership . it is the effective leadership. it is the police marking own homework. and i've been saying for a long time, we need a royal commission into policing . it is into policing. it is unaccountable. it's covers up their own mistakes . and we their own mistakes. and we really need massive overhaul of is absolutely a failing system is absolutely a failing system is failing the public and in
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which the public have lost all trust . and the final point trust. and the final point i would say is that, you know , would say is that, you know, latest experience i have is within the maggie oliver foundation. we are approached every single by victims and survivors who are being blamed, who being let down, who are not their serious sexual offences and prosecuted . nothing has and prosecuted. nothing has changed and this review is very brave. but we need action now . brave. but we need action now. not just more words. norman brennan i know that you feel like police is broken and that the message is certainly lost. the respect of the streets . but the respect of the streets. but i believe you have real concern bones norman at the concept of actually breaking up the force . actually breaking up the force. yeah we don't have the time to break up the metropolitan police or any police force in britain at this moment time. policing is broken. i've been involved . law broken. i've been involved. law and order and policing for 43 years. i've seen the bad and the indifferent. today i see a catastrophe . i see a broken catastrophe. i see a broken police service . i see the public
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police service. i see the public failed . i see victims failed . failed. i see victims failed. and i see too many people within policing that have been blind . policing that have been blind. what's going on? we have to many frontline pieces that have no respect . they don't say, respect. they don't say, sergeant inspector. ma'am, sir. and the too many sergeants and inspectors are looking for promotion and. that is sometimes is their primary over the protection of public and looking after victims and supervising frontline whistle up the ranks to such a right that they are detached from frontline policing. so has become lost the are the losers and we are losing. police today like never before . and unless we fix our before. and unless we fix our health not with rogue traders , health not with rogue traders, but with proper professional police leaders, with vision passion, direction , the true passion, direction, the true leaders. i'm afraid the police service will not be reformed like it needs to be. harry miller isn't one of the great
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ironies in all of this. oh, sorry, maggie. you've come in and they'll get to harry. i was just going to come in on that and say to norman that, you know, i believe that promotion system is in large part blame system is in large part to blame for because the officers for this, because the officers it to the of di and it gets to the rank of di and from that rank forward. you know, is all down to know, promotion is all down to cronyism and who you you get along with and get your best into job. to me, is that the into the job. to me, is that the top that we need these changes that were a lot of good on the on the street who are not properly not properly paid not trained effectively. it's what i worry them. i worry about them because of course, my fundamental belief, you know, i come from a family of officers. my come from a family of officers. my fundamental belief is i to support the police. but miller, you say one of the great ironies in all of this is that you look at what the casey report has found and, it is appalling behaviour , the least woke behaviour, the least woke behaviour, the least woke behaviour you could get . but behaviour you could get. but actually so many of the bosses
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are obsessed with these non hate crime orders and are appeasing woke mob and the tooth things really don't go together now that they say that's exactly right. since the macpherson report let's remember we've been here before macpherson following the of stephen lawrence the police were invited by macpherson to check that own thinking primarily to check their own attitude. now, in 2020, 2021, the road to tooth thousand and accusations of racism directed to the met police. now they should actually resulted in at 2000 on crime hate incidents you know how many there were . what the police have there were. what the police have not put their house in whilst they've been liberally dishing out non crime hate incidents to the public. they have been wilfully blind about their own failings. so i am not surprised at all that we are in this
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position . of course that it's position. of course that it's almost by being woke. yeah indeed. and that i will agree with norman. brendan one thing though, that the last to have become obsessed today is this word institutionally and. i'm going to be honest with you, norman. i have an issue with saying that the police as it rises institutionally takes institutional homophobia because actually that's been starting to say as a society , we are say as a society, we are institutionally and sexist, homophobic. and i don't believe norman. we shouldn't get caught up with sideshows . we don't need up with sideshows. we don't need them. what we need now is to get them. what we need now is to get the public back . the thing what the public back. the thing what mikey mentioned earlier , a royal mikey mentioned earlier, a royal commission that will take about five years. i think that far too long by the time five years is up the dynamics of policing would change. i'm here not to defend the indefensible but the tens of thousands of frontline police officers. that book each day that are as disgusted as all
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of us about those that have at fault the police service to its knees. if you want to know a solution, then quickly we need to recruit officers , the right to recruit officers, the right ones to join the nine. so, robert peel principles are what they all need to have. we need to make sure they're vetted that the right ones join. we take them back to 16 weeks of training school so the trainers can pick those that have got through the actual application status . and every police officer status. and every police officer that puts their helmet on and the card in their pocket knows the card in their pocket knows the public wants and they have rebuild that. we need police officers to be accountable and. we need to remember the big path of clear water. if you put a bit ink of the corrupt and bad , it ink of the corrupt and bad, it affects everybody . let's not affects everybody. let's not throw the baby out the bath water. let's let the settle and let's all roll sleeves up the pubuc let's all roll sleeves up the public and the police working . public and the police working. the alternative i'm, afraid, is the fascinating conversation
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with three of britain's most respected police officers. a great pleasure to have tonight. harry miller, of course, was the founder of the fair cop campaign group. i retired officer of 31 years norman brennan just there and before that maggie oliver the legendary detective the legendary former detective constable whistle blower, of constable the whistle blower, of course, in the rochdale grooming scandal. with? scandal. who do you agree with? is time break the met is it time to break up the met d on twitter says the majority do a great under extreme stress and if i was one of those officers i would be extremely offended by this sean writes, not this report. sean writes, not broken but the bad ones need broken up, but the bad ones need to who spoil it for to be weeded. who spoil it for the rest do a great job? and the rest to do a great job? and from lee, the met is a great force. there will be bad eggs in any of life, but depends any walk of life, but it depends on focus. everyone is on the focus. everyone is looking the negative. the looking for the negative. the majority amazing and majority do an amazing job and right minority are letting right now a minority are letting all down. and you know what? all of down. and you know what? this is one of our closest clash ever , 49.9% of you think the ever, 49.9% of you think the match should be broken up . 50.1% match should be broken up. 50.1% of you say it should not. so a
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country divided on this issue at the moment and our view is divided, too . still to come , as divided, too. still to come, as migrant hotel numbers , could the migrant hotel numbers, could the problem be worse than we imagine? nigel farage joins very soon to sound the alarm, but up gary glitter receives £15,000 neil operation on the nhs chemical castration be the only operation he receives . former operation he receives. former tory education minister alco rachel warrior andrea jenkins unveils her controversial idea to deal sex offenders. she's live after the .
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break nigel live shortly. but first, disgraced pop star of yesteryear, gary glitter was . yesteryear, gary glitter was. just halfway through his 16 year prison sentence for sexually abusing schoolgirls. when he was released last month. and it's been revealed that the sordid singer was treated some pretty treatment behind bars. curtis of the already overburdened nhs. so the already overburdened nhs. so the sun has revealed glitter received a £15,000 knee replacement and an nhs hospital back in november, despite hundreds of other patients facing a four month wait for the same with a source exposing how he left young female disgusted with chilling stories . he left young female disgusted with chilling stories. his offending and i quote pervy anfics offending and i quote pervy antics during his five day taxpayer funded hospital stay so i'm sorry . why on earth we
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i'm sorry. why on earth we prioritising care for prison like gary glitter over ordinary brits? well, joining me in the studio tonight is culture warrior, the tory mp, former vice chair of the european research group and educate minister andrea jenkins, now andrea , prompted by this story , andrea, prompted by this story, i believe that the only sort of treatment you think in britain should receive is chemical castration . um, actually castration. um, actually biological castration. i wish to the surgeons has slipped lower. didn't you done ? with with didn't you done? with with glitter me they are the lowest of the low and there's only one thing for them. the chop and they all get to the next yard and this does happen and lot of other countries doesn't. this isn't some extreme policy you know, ukraine, many states of the us do this africa, czech repubuc. the us do this africa, czech republic . well yeah absolutely . republic. well yeah absolutely. i know it would be popular. i think so, definitely. and not
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only that regard i'd go a step further as well. child killers there's far too many ones, too many and i think they should have the lethal injection. they don't deserve to breed. in my books. no, i think these would be very popular policies and i have to say, hearing about glitter clearly, absolutely no remorse. why on earth, why on earth should the nhs be operating and why should we pay for the british taxpayers? why should we be paying a penny towards people like this and days now? after he was days now? look, after he was outrageously from downing street in a globalist, anti—democratic, cooler some of the political witch hunt against johnson still not over this privileged committee, of course, will hear evidence tomorrow and despite insisting and written evidence that he did not intentionally, recklessly mislead parliament in, his statements over partygate johnson's detractors seem determined to drag him down by means necessary. so, by any means necessary. so, andrea jenkins, as an mp how disgusted are you by what's
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going to happen at westminster this is completely i mean , let's this is completely i mean, let's go back to the magna carta. you know the englishman should have the right to a fair trial trial. bofis the right to a fair trial trial. boris has not had that. we've seen the chairman of, boris has not had that. we've seen the chairman of , the seen the chairman of, the committee. she's already her thoughts clear. she's judge, jury thoughts clear. she's judge, jury and executioner . and it's jury and executioner. and it's just not right. and i'm sure you agree. then how come the left get away with it look at look at keir starmer , look at him having keir starmer, look at him having his beer and curry. boris was in the workplace with this work and he got fined ricci got fined why was a nothing regarding keystone rishi and also rishi who's the prime minister by the way i don't think she should be facing the committee. but what it does show is there is an agenda against, boris. and now, look, you though a big supporter , you are though a big supporter, boris, you? you believe boris, aren't you? you believe in and you him, don't you? in him and you him, don't you? oh, absolutely i mean, i think the left and the just villainize him and if i could just give you
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him and if i could just give you him and if i could just give you him and carrie are amazing . can him and carrie are amazing. can i just give you an example him and carrie are amazing. can ijust give you an example ? him and carrie are amazing. can i just give you an example ? last i just give you an example? last november, my sister was in a coma. my mum was dying and boris and carrie went to a church. they both lit some candles for my mum and my sister sent the picture and prayed for them. i mean that was wonderful. i've had so much support them since my mum passed away. and did you hear from rishi? well, when my mum passed away i got no letter , i got nothing which maybe does say a lot . now look of course say a lot. now look of course other big news today, the aig , other big news today, the aig, you're obviously a former deputy chairperson, the european research group , mark francois, research group, mark francois, the current chairman has announced that he will vote against rishi sunak's windsor framework with concerns that, it does not give northern ireland a veto over law. so you are spotted in you are a true brexit believer. can you tell me whether you're going to for the stormont brake no, i'm going to vote against dan . you're going
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vote against dan. you're going to join mount completely. i mean , you and the dup and i mean if you look we've had bill cash martin how you know we've had lawyers pouring this and this isn't brexit this we're treating northern ireland differently and that's wrong . and i'm sure that's wrong. and i'm sure you'll see some of the big piece of in that same lobby a tomorrow. well, it's going to say, look, there's going to be a lot of interest. of course in bofis lot of interest. of course in boris johnson tomorrow at the privileges committee. but also this vote. yes, you know what's going to do. do you have any indication if he will vote against sunak ? i think what's against sunak? i think what's just based on but i mean boris is mr. brexit. i mean look how he fought hard against all the leftie remainers in parliament, including the speaker at the time in bacco to get brexit. you know he's on brexit man, he's the reason we got this majority in parliament. so i think what just based. so would you say
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it's impossible to be a true and vote for the stormont vote tomorrow. well i can't put words in other people's mouths but as a sportsman myself who's is i mean i fought for a referendum as well. i had colleagues in the tea room speaking to me, but you know, it was worth it because you know i'm a democrat and. absolutely. and to me we have. but boris got elected at the general election. that's why i've supported him . brexit was i've supported him. brexit was voted for in the referendum and we should honour absolutely democracy . it was worth it then. democracy. it was worth it then. it cannot undermined now and similarly, i give huge credit the way to the small . but who the way to the small. but who knows, maybe a bigger number. tory mp like you tomorrow who will be brave enough to vote against the stormont. right, because if you are a true brexiteer, i think you know it's the right thing to do. iceland, i imagine. i know. we don't know for sure, but i imagine we will see johnson vote against see boris johnson vote against this which of course sets this bill, which of course sets up the next chapter of sunak versus think there versus johnson. i think there
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may chance it was a may be a good chance it was a tomorrow night . andrew jihua, a tomorrow night. andrew jihua, a former education minister, thank you so much . former education minister, thank you so much. but former education minister, thank you so much . but still to come, you so much. but still to come, as the metropolitan police force faces calls to be disbanded , the faces calls to be disbanded, the militant taking advantage militant left taking advantage of the met's failings to push their dangerous defund . the their dangerous defund. the police mantra. this is what blm pushed to the us. are they bringing it here? now, that's a big debate after ten but next as the number of hotels housing migrants more than doubles in just five months. nigel reveals why the problem is actually even worse than we. he's alive with me after the .
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break what the fraud is time now. and shocking home office figures have revealed the incredible strain on migration is putting on the country . an anonymous on the country. an anonymous government source told the bbc
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of all places that there are now more than 51,000 migrants taking up residence in 395 hotels across the country, costing taxpayer an eye—watering £6 million a day. the number of migrant hotels has reportedly doubled in the past five months, and that figure represents staggering 2,000% increase in just three years. and nigel joins me me now. nigel, what do you make of these shocking figures ? they're not right . figures? they're not right. well, based on their based on a newspaper writing a local authority it says and everybody's picked up as if it's true . right. i've got an f. oh, true. right. i've got an f. oh, i'll said from the home office , i'll said from the home office, dated 31st december, confirming . 452 hotels, one. so it's even bigger? yeah and i can now show you . a 9th of march f i
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you. a 9th of march f i y response saying , we're not going response saying, we're not going to tell you . we have decided. we to tell you. we have decided. we have decided we will not be releasing any new numbers because of the sensitive of the situation . the home office are situation. the home office are now refuse saying to tell the truth. i'm miles ahead of all these ridiculous media. it was 400 back last october . all 400 back last october. all right. so we are somewhere between . four 5500 with no between. four 5500 with no prospect of it reducing. and they thought , by former military they thought, by former military bases , they might reduce the and bases, they might reduce the and now they've chosen the home of the dambusters raid . right. the dambusters raid. right. that's a place that is of huge cultural significance . think of cultural significance. think of the film , the music, the amazing
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the film, the music, the amazing deeds that those men did on that night almost exactly 80 years ago. whichever way you cut this the problem is getting worse . the problem is getting worse. 500 young men crossed channel last week and. and as we approach the major june, july penod approach the major june, july period , we can confidently period, we can confidently expect tens of thousands more. and the really important . even and the really important. even sue ellis succeeds . and by the sue ellis succeeds. and by the way , i don't doubt her sincerity way, i don't doubt her sincerity . but one moment i really don't doubt it. but even if she succeeds, we already have a mass problem on our hands. succeeds, we already have a mass problem on our hands . we do. we problem on our hands. we do. we absolutely do. look, i want to move on to talk about brexit, because of course, this moral authority that sunak to have when it came to the within the
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framework seems to be evaporating . nigel because we evaporating. nigel because we had the dup yesterday , we had had the dup yesterday, we had the g today , andrea jenkins here the g today, andrea jenkins here just before break saying she's not going to be voting for this deal and heavily implying that bofis deal and heavily implying that boris johnson will also vote against stormont brake tomorrow . your thoughts? yes. wouldn't that wouldn't that be ironic ? that wouldn't that be ironic? bofis that wouldn't that be ironic? boris johnson, the man who sold out northern ireland to get a deal over the line, lied about it openly and publicly, and is now this you know, but a debate , you know you've got to get bofis , you know you've got to get boris ten out of ten. but political opportunism. look sooneris political opportunism. look sooner is the biggest summer we've seen since . you know , we've seen since. you know, comes out with this stuff . it's comes out with this stuff. it's all very put together. well worded. and the conservative press buy it hook , line and
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press buy it hook, line and sinker . what you've seen today , sinker. what you've seen today, of course, is the erg bill cash and others going , the legals and others going, the legals making realise the stormont brake doesn't actually work and the truth of it is that through brexit a part of the united kingdom has been hi dolphin still the control of the european union and that isn't just bad for northern ireland it makes it more difficult for the rest of the uk to diverge from eu law . this is not brexit. it's eu law. this is not brexit. it's very simple . and so if you're very simple. and so if you're a brexit here nigel if you are true. brexiteer because you know, look at look at these folk like steve baker, michael gove, you know , who campaigned for you know, who campaigned for brexit. if, if they vote for plan tomorrow , they can no plan tomorrow, they can no longer say they are true brexiteers in your view . yes. brexiteers in your view. yes. i mean look the truth of it is there were very few true
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brexiteers imagery policy. very, very , you know, there was never very, you know, there was never more a few dozen brexiteers in the tory party. they were kicked and pushed by the ukip's and the brexit parties and the others into where they were . and yes, into where they were. and yes, they all go along with it the same labour will back it and we find ourselves out of . the find ourselves out of. the european union. increasingly incapable of taking benefit from it. and that's why northern ireland is so significant . it ireland is so significant. it isn't just about those 1.75 million people. it's the impact this deal has long term on the rest of the uk. the ability to break away and become competitive and goodness me in a country of low productivity low and now high taxation . the one and now high taxation. the one thing we need to become is competitive . otherwise, we are
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competitive. otherwise, we are just to go backwards and backwards in the world leagues. so i think tomorrow is important . nigel word on donald over the weekend he predicted that he could actually be a race today. doesn't look like that's going to happen. perhaps an indictment could come out of new york . to happen. perhaps an indictment could come out of new york. but do you agree with , folk all over do you agree with, folk all over the right wing of politics, from elon musk to mccain, not all fans of trump . look, if they go fans of trump. look, if they go down this path basically heading your mate, the presidency . yes, your mate, the presidency. yes, i'm going have to confess, a bit of me wants to see him arrested to wake up to wake up middle america to the fact that the deep state is not a conspiracy theory . it's the truth that the theory. it's the truth that the american is absolutely bent . and american is absolutely bent. and whilst the drug hunter biden and biden's brother take millions from beijing, from moscow go. i'm from kyiv trump. but is no
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more than a financial rounding error some that is merely at worst a mr. could receive an indictment that i. so in a way we're almost at a point where worse is better . i we're almost at a point where worse is better. i don't want to see my friend with handcuffs, but if that's what it takes to make up middle america , then make up middle america, then that's what it takes . and what that's what it takes. and what are you hearing, nigel? do you think they are going to go through with that? well he's obviously pre—empted them quite cleverly . you know, he's he's cleverly. you know, he's he's obviously okay, guys , you know, obviously okay, guys, you know, come and get me and they put, you know, the security up around the new york court . and there the new york court. and there are people milling around in mar are people milling around in mar a lago . and honestly don't know a lago. and honestly don't know . i suspect what he said will bnng . i suspect what he said will bring them to their senses and they'll realise this would counterproductive. but don't underestimate one thing the
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trump derangement syndrome is so great that it defies all logic . great that it defies all logic. oh yeah. oh yes , it does. nigel oh yeah. oh yes, it does. nigel farage. goodness. well, it's going to be a big news day tomorrow and you are going to want to be with farage. 7 pm. on gb news about what you've got going on. nigel speak next week but later in the show as shocking new evidence emerges suggesting shamima begum underwent terror training with documentary filmmaker alan duncan who fought against isis in syria, joins me to explain . in syria, joins me to explain. she should never be allowed to the uk. that is really shocking stuff. but first, with the metropolitan police engulfed in scandal over hard left hijack the situation to bush america is apocalyptic. defund the police mantra my superstore panel thrashed that one out. plus we're going to have tomorrow's newspaper front pages hot off the press as well . lots of going the press as well. lots of going on in. the next house will be back with us in just 2 minutes
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time .
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it's 10 pm. i'm dan wootton tonight . on it's 10 pm. i'm dan wootton tonight. on the it's 10 pm. i'm dan wootton tonight . on the eve of the tonight. on the eve of the westminster hunt, boris johnson has dramatic actually published his defence dossier to prove he did not intentionally or recklessly mislead parliament, but as his political rival rishi sunak refuses to intervene . it's sunak refuses to intervene. it's a witch hunt. do you agree that that's ultimately something for bofis that's ultimately something for boris johnson ? he'll have the boris johnson? he'll have the committee process to go through, and that's a matter for parliament. that's what i'm focussed on. so is the current pm using a kangaroo court against? the man he helped pose to his own premiership ? that's to his own premiership? that's the big debate with my superstar panel on tonight. i'm joined by chris hamilton calvin robinson and rebecca reid . as the case and rebecca reid. as the case reported to the met police
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concludes it is . institutionally concludes it is. institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic. there are widespread calls for radical reforms in the force . but do the hard left go force. but do the hard left go too far with these proposals? i've never been defund the police . i started doing this police. i started doing this work and. i've been terrified and shocked by what i've learned . so what will be a fervent debate? we scrutinise whether it's wrong to use the met's troubles to bring the damaging de fund the police movement to the uk in the media about next. also coming up as a liberated isis sex slave said to me my bacon had terrorist some training on how to use and suicide vests . alan duncan the suicide vests. alan duncan the documentary maker who uncovered this tragic witness , speaks out this tragic witness, speaks out about his shock findings. don't miss that made a blow to the muslims. beg him project very . muslims. beg him project very. plus as campaigners demand to know if prince harry admitted multiple drug use on his us visa application, has the duke of doubt boasting come back bite
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him esteemed royal biographer tom bower analyses the prospect of a humiliating deportation from the us for harry and i'm cancelled this hour. we'll also have a new greatest person, a jackass before the night is out too. plus the first front pages were as they are hot off the press. lots of reaction to the bofis press. lots of reaction to the boris story so i'm going to show you them in just a few moments. first, though, polly middlehurst . dan, thank you and good evening to you. our top story tonight on gb news report into britain's police force has been described by the home secretary today. described by the home secretary today . very concerning . baroness today. very concerning. baroness louise casey, who led the review found the met police to be insta racist, misogynist and homophobic. the report found the met's current ethics and disciplinary procedures have failed abysmally, and she's calling for a complete overhaul
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of the service . suella braverman of the service. suella braverman said she now has every faith. commissioner sir rowley will be a catalyst for change and has vowed to officers and the mayor of london to account . boris of london to account. boris johnson has accepted. he misled parliament over partygate, but he maintains he wasn't intentional or reckless it submitting his 52 page defence dossier to the committee today. the prime minister admitted gatherings at downing street dunng gatherings at downing street during lockdown should never have happened. he also statements in the house of commons were made in good faith . he's due to give more evidence in before mps tomorrow . russia in before mps tomorrow. russia has strengthened ties with china saying it's prepared to step up its oil deliveries to the country . president putin made country. president putin made the comments on the second day of the chinese leaders state visit to moscow , describing visit to moscow, describing talks with president as constructive, adding hoped they could remain in contact. yesterday, putin welcomed dear
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friend as he called him to kremlin and the pair discussed china's peace plan for ukraine. now, as you've hearing tonight on dan's show, people been protesting outside trump tower in new york , calling the in new york, calling the authorities to condemn the former us president over an alleged hush money payment. donald has been accused of paying donald has been accused of paying off his actress in the run up the 2016 elections. if trump is , it would be the first trump is, it would be the first criminal case brought against a former us president for a national security adviser to mr. trump. john bolton told farage earlier the import thing is if mr. trump convicted . the real mr. trump convicted. the real question here is not whether gets indicted. i think that's coming in days. i don't know exactly when it's days, not weeks in stormy daniels . stormy weeks in stormy daniels. stormy daniels matter. the real issue is will he get convicted if he acquitted? i think that will give trump the republican nomination and could elect him to the presidency . john bolton to the presidency. john bolton speaking on gb news early this
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evening. now the princess of wales has brought together some of the uk's biggest companies and a business task force to back her campaign on early childhood companies , including childhood companies, including lego, ikea and join the princess in london earlier today, kensington palace says the task force will play in a role in the princesses to transform the way society prioritises and children in their earliest years . i'm in their earliest years. i'm back in an hour. now back to . back in an hour. now back to. dan . dan. time for tomorrow's news site. now in the media buzz, the first front pages are in in the metro leeds on boris johnson's partygate dossier . the former leeds on boris johnson's partygate dossier. the former pm believes vindicates him from the accusation that he knowingly misled parliament about his
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knowledge of lockdown parties at number 10, with boris arguing they weren't even proper whoppers. that's how the metro puts forjohnson puts it. it's d—day forjohnson , says the i as the former prepares to face 4 hours of televised questioning by the privileges committee that could decide his political career and not very nice take from the daily star. i'm not liar. i'm just a is what they splash on with picture of bojo mocked up as pinocchio after his admission that he misled over parties but only because he didn't realise any rules had actually been broken my superstar panel . back broken my superstar panel. back with me now, author and broad costa christine hamilton , the costa christine hamilton, the conservative commentator, the way forward and calvin robinson and the author, angie rebecca reid . now the case report into reid. now the case report into the met police has concluded the force's institutionally racist , force's institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic . misogynistic and homophobic. speaking earlier the london's failed mayor sadiq khan to clean up the met which was described
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by the report broken. of course i apologise to those londoners who feel let down. i apologise . who feel let down. i apologise. black asian leadership in london as i apologise to londoners. i apologise to those from the lgbt community. they've been let down by, you know, generations of politicians . they've been let politicians. they've been let down by generations of commission as. i want to be that politician that a change and my mayoralty will be one will be before in the police service. it's always about identity politics and term, isn't it? other individuals representing , other individuals representing, the country's hard left are in favour of extreme action , with favour of extreme action, with the guardian's rabble rouser oven. the guardian's rabble rouser oven . jones tweeting today. oven. jones tweeting today. aboush oven. jones tweeting today. abolish the met police while in years many have advocated the police to be defunded altogether . look, we not want to invest institutions that are inherently violent and inherently racist and that continue to perpetuate cycles of violence and abuse in our communities. people aren't
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advocating defunding police because they want the police to simply be punished in some way. they're talking about defunding the police as reality of the police as a reality of funding. i've never been anti—police defund the police until i started doing this work and been terrified and shocked . and been terrified and shocked. what i've learned . so will this what i've learned. so will this failed movement now use today's horror report to undermine fine law and order in the uk ? kelvin law and order in the uk? kelvin robinson it is more hard left american , isn't it, coming over american, isn't it, coming over here? i think that it's individual laws that are racist, misogynistic and homophobic rather than institutions. but in this case the met does look like a broken institution. it looks corrupt and it does look like it needs overhauling. that does not mean should defund it. that doesn't mean we should do away with the police. we need a police force when there are burglaries, rapes, murders, and there are increasing and increasing those in increasing numbers of those in london. interesting to increasing numbers of those in lonia n. interesting to increasing numbers of those in lonia mayor interesting to increasing numbers of those in lonia mayor trying resting to increasing numbers of those in lonia mayor trying to ting to increasing numbers of those in lonia mayor trying to apologise see a mayor trying to apologise whilst passing the blame. whilst also passing the blame. he's the mayor london he's been the mayor of london for now? this is his
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for how long now? this is his fault this is his problem. and as ever, making it all about identity politics. you know, it only you are only matters if you are a minority in city council women owns what if i'm owns a minority and what if i'm weird. found really weird. but i found really actually what actually offensive what his statement was like, statement was that it was like, sorry if you're bame sorry if you're a woman for lgbt that's if you put all of those things together most people together that most people who live together that most people who five and together that most people who live and actually live in london and actually disproportionately live in london and actually dispthis rtionately live in london and actually dispthis but1ately live in london and actually dispthis but disproportionately say this but disproportionately actually women are affected by this issue. the other groups, absolutely. mostly and absolutely. but women mostly and it's more so it's endemically sexist more so than any other ist . and this than any other ist. and this dodge the constant dodges . how dodge the constant dodges. how many people in the un suspicion of abuse towards women of , of abuse towards women of, violence towards women? it's a sickening number and that's sort of like sorry, sorry, sorry thing just really minimises how incredibly the problem is. but issue that i have with your solution rebecca is that you're one of these folk on the hard left who i think very a response and very recklessly. to honest ironic given that we were using that in regards to veracity but very reckless . you just want to
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very reckless. you just want to defund it. if i explain this to you can let me explain it quickly . okay. when i, say, quickly. okay. when i, say, defund the police, i do not mean that we should have no emergency police service. what i would like to do is to see that the money we have that is currently to trying understand to police trying to understand where from and why where crime comes from and why we the majority we have crime. the majority of crime as a result of addiction or lack of social care, it's because are or because people are poor or because people are poor or because people are poor or because people victims of because people are victims of abuse people are abuse or because people are addicts. those addicts. if you stop those things, you the majority of things, you stop the majority of crime. yes. you have to have an emergency service who comes to like of police to like a sort of riot police to break conflict, active break up active conflict, active fights. the majority, the fights. but the majority, the social police social work done by the police is among people who are not qualified. know a lot of qualified. we know a lot of equally as as you when it equally as crazy as you when it comes to this. nothing. just comes to this. nothing. i just wanted in the us. it wanted to do this in the us. it was done well property was not done well or property mean specifically atlanta? mean specifically in atlanta? well, no. i'm going to give you a whole load of examples. okay. actually, been actually, because i've been researched today because actually, because i've been researc wanted today because actually, because i've been researc wanted to today because actually, because i've been researc wanted to defund because actually, because i've been researc wanted to defund theiuse i knew wanted to defund the police it doesn't police and i that it doesn't work and in the us to live to getting a god in their faces. so
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have a look at july 20 new have a look at this july 20 new york city council , york city council, $1,000,000,000 away from the nypd budget in 21. shootings in city up 40.1. why did they reallocate 2020? i'll let you respond after . reallocate 2020? i'll let you respond after. i've reallocate 2020? i'll let you respond after . i've got reallocate 2020? i'll let you respond after. i've got some more examples, rebecca. 2020. san francisco's mayor moved $120 million away from law enforcement and homicides. it increased . by 20% over the increased. by 20% over the homicides in 2022. fox news analysed data from seven cities in america and found that violent crimes rose by 40% over 2021 after cuts were made in portland . that's one of the very portland. that's one of the very famous examples from july 20, 22 february homicide rates rose to hundred and 70.6% in the city, 14 major us cities saw their highest homicide levels on in 2021. d0 highest homicide levels on in 2021. do you accept now, rebecca, that defying the police is a job. that is the worst data that i have ever seen in nearly two years of doing this program . why was the money reallocated to was of that money to was any of that money reallocated the way that
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reallocated in the way that i very clearly that they very clearly outlined that they we to community we allocated to community policing variable. i'm sorry i would need to see how it reallocated also this doesn't happen overnight if you reallocate to social care, you're starting to so you don't even even when even like saying even when you've facts, got you've got the facts, you've got a whole chaotic cities in the us. a whole chaotic cities in the u.s. that did same thing. you still believe christine, still believe it's christine, this idea it christine. this is a mad idea it christine. because what i worry about is, yes this report is bad. but let's not undermine so much good policing that's done in this country. little good policing . country. little good policing. meanwhile, back in the uk mind what's going on in the states? no, i'm certainly not in favour of defunding the police, but the police. i mean, we have personal of the way they screw things going way back to 2001 that when we very publicly for rape going way back to 2001 that when we waszry publicly for rape going way back to 2001 that when we was a! publicly for rape going way back to 2001 that when we was a newlicly for rape going way back to 2001 that when we was a new it:ly for rape going way back to 2001 that when we was a new it was»r rape going way back to 2001 that when we was a new it was arape which was a new it was a nonsense but they got their priorities wrong. we've recently had operation midland , which is had operation midland, which is another example of another horrendous example of how they misallocated funds and to sit and have watch. sadiq khan defending it's all been on his watch . keir starmer in
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his watch. keir starmer in favour of reappointing cressida dick and most of this has happened on her watch it all been building up it isn't just arrived with mark riley this has been going on for ages and you you were saying how many people were being investigated? i don't the number against women but apparently there are 548 policemen, police officers being investigated now and 111 of those are just working as normal. yeah. and the other thing which is appalling. but the solution is not defunding the solution is not defunding the police. of course it's not. no, but solution totally no, but the solution totally overhauling way. yes. and one of the simplest one, one one part solution i think is and there was some mp has suggested this , was some mp has suggested this, i can't remember who that they should a proper for should have a proper charter for whistleblowers that supposed whistleblowers so that supposed to to come to encourage them to come forward must have complete and utter affection know utter affection because i know it wasn't the it, but look at it wasn't in the it, but look at what with maggie what happened with maggie oliver, oliver oliver, the great maggie oliver who earlier who on the show earlier rochester. lost rochester. and she lost everything because was everything because she was a brave whistleblower. i don't believe if i just one very believe if i can just one very quick i do believe that there is institutional racism that's a
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highly charged emotive term and that means that it's the norm it's the norm. of course it is. you know, it's a highly charged, emotive term that the left, again, want to use . they want to again, want to use. they want to say that all britain is institutionally . and that's why institutionally. and that's why we've got to be very careful with some of the way that is being covered now. being covered today now. snowflake unions to put snowflake student unions to put their sensibilities their fragile sensibilities ahead of their universities, once position as bastions once proud position as bastions of speech, are afraid of of free speech, are afraid of the show and free speech. baroness claire fox is the latest speaker to be deplatformed after royal holloway is debating society. well, a hint of irony bullied the university into cancelling her speech about white for the importance of discussion her heinous crime. she found this ricky gervais joke amusing women. i mean the old fashioned yelling out fashion women. oh you know the ones with wombs . oh you know the ones with wombs. oh those dinosaurs . no, you know the ones with wombs. oh those dinosaurs. no, i love
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you know the ones with wombs. oh those dinosaurs . no, i love the those dinosaurs. no, i love the new wave. i know the new i mean, that great. you know, the new ones. we've been seeing lately. they were the ones beards because they're as good as and earlier today during the house lords debate on the higher education speech bill, baroness foulkes called out the hypocrisy of actually offended royal holloway students who use to silence her watch student union bullied the society into disinviting the speaker. they wanted to listen to . this is not wanted to listen to. this is not about me yes. okay my freedom of speech was curtailed, but much, much more significantly while the student union didn't cancel the student union didn't cancel the talk , their hostile the talk, their hostile reactions created situation in which students who are keen to hear difference opinions were denied. the right to so on a university campus . yeah indeed university campus. yeah indeed indeed. it's time the government gets its act together and starts defending free speech. well of course continue to shed light on this important topic too. and funny jokes because allowed to laugh at them aren't we allowed to for now anyway. rebecca it
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laughing. i've seen it like five. i know it's funny. five. well i know it's funny. every i've seen so many funny every i've seen it so many funny is good i think the left have much more sensitive on these issues. look your this issues. look your face. this isn't a since in her bakery do stand by because coming with stand by because coming up with political witch hunts launched on sides of the atlantic on both sides of the atlantic against boris johnson here donald trump there are the lefty detractors of these strong leaders determined to oust anyone they disagree with. now, my superstar paloma returned to have that later in have their say on that later in the the next as isis the show. the next as an isis slave reveals saw shamima slave reveals she saw shamima begum as a terrorist training camp in syria would . we be camp in syria would. we be asking for trouble if we let her back into the uk. well, documentary filmmaker alan duncan, who spent time filming with isis in syria , certainly with isis in syria, certainly thinks so. and he's to reveal all of the shocking new information that he has uncovered about begum that you won't see on the bbc straight after the .
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break welcome back . runaway isis bride welcome back. runaway isis bride shamima begum has spent the last couple of years trying to convince west that she was a vulnerable schoolgirl, hoodwinked by terrorist groomers when she ran off to join the death cult in 2015. as she's fought to return to, politicians have long hinted that more to her story than the general know about, though without ever going into detail, his former secretary, priti patel , doing secretary, priti patel, doing just that. in my interview with her last. now, when you were home secretary you were absolute clear that this woman must not re—enter the uk. do you by that? that's clearly right . absolutely that's clearly right. absolutely right. and i maintain that i will always maintain that position on. the basis that i have seen the security and intelligence information . and intelligence information. and quite frankly, it is the job the home secretary of the day to protect our citizens, protect our country from individuals who are threats . indeed and now
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are threats. indeed and now a nafive are threats. indeed and now a native exclusive documentary filmmaker alan duncan , is set to filmmaker alan duncan, is set to reveal eyewitness accounts that put shamima begum at the heart of terrorist training camps in syria, where she would have learned to use guns and even build suicide vests. alan, a former british soldier who later fought alongside isis, who later fought alongside isis, who later fought isis alongside the kurds. sorry went on to undertake pains taking interviews with yazidi slaves who suffered at the hands of the group. his latest bombshell interview with a young woman who was kept prisoner by isis for seven years reveals bacon was even friends with slave master who oversaw the and kidnap of girls as young as 14. solo alan your findings about begum are incredibly shocking. i think it's so important that you've done this work because of course what we've seen over the past couple of months, alan, is attempt by the bbc or the
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british bashing corporation as i call it to rehabilitate begum to try and claim that she's a victim. so reveal exactly what you found out . actually witness you found out. actually witness thatis you found out. actually witness that is on camera. she's all she's done is confirm what i've been told by other witnesses . been told by other witnesses. however, they can't go on camera because they're involved in trials or they yet got family members held by isis. but yeah. and i one of them was telling me that begum was even trying to recruit isis females as suicide attackers. and i've got my own ongoing . wow. and so these are ongoing. wow. and so these are people who were effectively prison isis prisoners of war who you're now speaking to you couldn't you can't even call it prisoners of war. the yazidis
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were captured en masse in thousand and 14 when the world woke up to isis on that mountain . that was the yazidis. you've seen and women and children getting sold by isis . that's the getting sold by isis. that's the yazidis. you can't call them prisoners of war. they basically sex slaves, rape up used for years by isis males. sex slaves, rape up used for years by isis males . and the years by isis males. and the there's not an isis's one single if there's not a female what there's not one western female that was not involved in that slave but also in the is told me in many the women were is in some cases worse than the men. and we're seeing on camera here, alan, is you actually showing some of these victims pictures of be more begum . so can you go of be more begum. so can you go into a little bit more detail about what they told you about belgium's active because of course we've always suspected
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we've always had hints at the fact that she was helping males bombers. she was even potentially putting them into suicide vests. but what you found out actually moves on, doesn't it? it shows that she was actively involved in the icis terror campaign . yes, she icis terror campaign. yes, she was actively involved. what's the alarm bells off for me to be with you. was was her husband when i interviewed her husband , when i interviewed her husband, he confirmed to me that she was getting wages from isis while he was seemingly in prison. now, i from interview another isis . you from interview another isis. you weren't getting a wage for sitting at home. you had to be actively involved within your organisation . so i've been that organisation. so i've been that she was she was in sharia classes . she was getting trained classes. she was getting trained in weapons. suicide belts were standard, normal thing there. but i've also been told that she was actively trying to recruit
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females . she was her friend was females. she was her friend was selling yazidi women and children. now, the witness said to me, i can't say they were best friends inside of the. however, they were best if they were the only two to them were hanging about if they were hanging about if they were hanging about if they were hanging about together in the classes. trust me they were best of friends and. soledar husband also his reaction during the interview as well to the yazidis . set alarm bells for myself as well . . set alarm bells for myself as well. indeed. indeed. so actually it looks begum. and there is her ex husband, by the way, who you interviewed. it looks begum could actually have been far more involved in the terrible despicable deeds of isis's that has previously been reported. so how do you feel alone when you see the bbc? i doing what i have described as sort of propaganda puff piece to try and paint bacon as a victim
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because i believe you had some harsh words for her previously . harsh words for her previously. oh yeah . well, what can i say. oh yeah. well, what can i say. it's not only the bbc. you've got the times that made her into front page cover as if she's some sort of conflict is over. there's a drip feed, an agenda within the mainstream media. you've got a preview. you've got the bbc , you've got the times, the bbc, you've got the times, you've got other journalists within that fleet as well . within that fleet as well. they're all trying to do it . they're all trying to do it. you, the rss females are now suddenly victims . they fell for suddenly victims. they fell for the boom . they fell for that. the boom. they fell for that. i witnessed that change at the very start when i was interviewing them suddenly were instead of saying, interviewing them suddenly were instead of saying , well, i interviewing them suddenly were instead of saying, well, i had one that said to me they weren't sex slaves, they were slaves that you could have sex sex with. that to me sums up all the west's surmises, including shamima. they didn't have a
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problem. but tell me something. this mainstream media bleating for. bleating for shamima begum amongst us terrorist. for. bleating for shamima begum amongst us terrorist . and also amongst us terrorist. and also it's not a bank begum only she gets back. they all get by and not of them will stand trial . not of them will stand trial. samir hussein is the perfect example why they would stand up and we will end up funding her for the rest of her days if she is back in this country. look, final, final word, alan, are you actually believe isis like shamima begum would pose clear and present threat to british security if they were allowed back into the country. why you have to bear mind whereby it's not lost war, it's a lost battle. they think a generation ahead, whereas you me think a month ahead, a week for isis. it's a long term goal. they're is to the caliphate . it's not to is to the caliphate. it's not to britain. it's not to the country that they come from. it's to the caliphate , no matter how long it
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caliphate, no matter how long it takes , really disturbing stuff. takes, really disturbing stuff. incredible work, exposing the truth of should be begum, which for some reason, the bbc refuses do really really pleased that you've shared your shocking findings with us tonight. that is the documentary filmmaker duncan now coming up in on cancelled journalist and royal biographer tom bower live in the studio, tackle the bombshell revelation that prince could face deportation for his careless drug confessions. find out the details . the doped uk's out the details. the doped uk's visa scandal cancelled shortly . visa scandal cancelled shortly. but next in the media buzz as donald trump and boris johnson both face witch hunts launched by their critics is the stateside fondness for driving top politicians out of public life, now spreading to the uk. my superstar have their say. plus, tomorrow's front pages hot off the that straight after the
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break let's to 2 hours now in our mediabuzz . straight front pages mediabuzz. straight front pages outside the front pages. no surprises what they idiot on the guardian says 2 hours kangaroo court against boris johnson where say he will be fighting for his political survival . will for his political survival. will the daily mirror a dig at boris with the headline last chance before ? the daily telegraph before? the daily telegraph leads with accusations of hypocrisy against keir starmer after it emerged he has a special mention deal . after it emerged he has a special mention deal. his time as director of public prosecutions that allows him to avoid tax on his saving only ego . what a surprise . no more in . what a surprise. no more in the media buzz now . tonight's the media buzz now. tonight's superstar panel, the author and broadcaster christine hamilton, the conservative commentator, reverend calvin , and the reverend calvin, and the journalist rebecca rees. so bofis journalist rebecca rees. so boris johnson , as we saw there
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boris johnson, as we saw there today, published his defence ahead of tomorrow's kangaroo court privileges committee hearing. but she sunak his chancellor, who spent months trying to depose him , has trying to depose him, has confirmed he will refuse to intervene in the westminster witch hunt he surely hopes will secure his anti—democratic premiership by hammering the final nail into jojo's political coffin . watch. are you prepared coffin. watch. are you prepared to give your conservative mp a free vote on that? to let them vote according to their own wishes ? you not going to tell wishes? you not going to tell them how to vote? yes. i mean, that's generally the rule of thumb these things. these thumb with these things. these will his. yes these are will be his. yes these are matters for parliament and the house individual house and pieces individual rather than for government. so is that we is the general process that we would witch hunt. would follow. it's a witch hunt. do agree that that's do you agree that that's ultimately something for boris johnson and he'll have the committee process go through and that's a matter for parliament. that's what i'm focussed on now. of course it's not. you've your fixed penalty notice you made the same comments in parliament. you're not facing the privileges
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committee. i wonder why. meanwhile the pond a similar pattern has been developing months now as us president, who probably is if we're on a serious presidential, donald trump faces potential arrest , trump faces potential arrest, historic hush payment made historic hush money payment made to the adult film stormy to the star adult film stormy daniels and much bojo. he believes he's been unfairly targeted by with ulterior political motives . these four political motives. these four horrible radical left democrat investigate of your all time favourite president me is just a continue ation of the most disgusting witch hunt in the history our country. the stormy faced daniels extort should plot the all sick and it's fake . this the all sick and it's fake. this our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know that we are the only ones who can stop them. and they know very strongly . but good. the witch strongly. but good. the witch hunts against the donald and bofis hunts against the donald and boris backfire, both charisma think leaders who have a of
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entrenched public behind them which may only grow stronger after this week. so amidst growing concerns that stateside style witch to drive top politicians out of life are spreading to britain . are the spreading to britain. are the left guilty of trying eliminate those they disagree with from the political landscape ? the political landscape? christine hamilton well think you'll be unfair on rishi sunak what he said was absolutely. this is a parliamentary matter it will be quite wrong for the prime minister. take russia if it take boris of it. the situation we have, it will be totally wrong . if the prime totally wrong. if the prime minister of the day told me how to vote, it's got to be a free vote. that's christine is of him and his allies had nothing to do with the party guys investigation the first place. and i'm sorry yes they did give the but that's not the question the but that's not the question the question he was off was not the question he was off was not the question. now will you but he was being asked about now the whole thing is now rolled forward. parliamentary forward. it's a parliamentary committee and that has the one. let's put it to you this is the thing. and then but why not back
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boris? christine i'm boris? christine because i'm sorry. he worked in sorry. sunak he worked in exactly the situation as exactly the same situation as boris. of that time boris. so all of that time he also received a fixed notice, kristie would have really too hard for mr. sunak in that case to say. i worked closely with bofis to say. i worked closely with boris johnson over the course of the pandemic. i saw how hard he worked. i know he wasn't party, he nearly lost his life. and then his best. would it then he did his best. would it really hurt to even really have hurt sunak to even just that about the former just say that about the former prime minister of course it wouldn't have. he did it. it wouldn't have. he did it. it would been very magnanimous would have been very magnanimous of to do it. suppose of him to do it. i suppose i'm just literal about just being very literal about the situation if he wanted the situation now. if he wanted do that. but know, he do that. but you know, he doesn't he doesn't doesn't want to do he doesn't because wants be because he wants him to be destroyed. as i said earlier, we're to be left with a we're going to be left with a choice vacuum and choice between a vacuum and a void. we've only got him. stop and take a choice. which is which. and which. but if the committee. and i'm not at all sure that they will. but if they recommend suspension be voted on by suspension has to be voted on by the the tory the house of commons the tory mps they vote for that, mps if they vote for that, they're voting christmas. they're voting for christmas. last should want is a last thing they should want is a by—election is not by—election in what is not a terribly safe seat. so i
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honestly think we're going honestly don't think we're going to the disaster scenario to have the disaster scenario but yes of sunak could have reached of hand of reached out of hand of friendship to boris but politics ruthless is ruthless of course it is but have lot of people have have what a lot of people have not spoken is that they have what a lot of people have not s|that1 is that they have what a lot of people have not s|that this is that they have what a lot of people have not s|that this is s that they have what a lot of people have not s|that this is all1at they have what a lot of people have not s|that this is all at they have what a lot of people have not s|that this is all a labour think that this is all a labour stitch up because of the keir starmer scandalous hiring of sue gray way that is a gray and by the way that is a national scandal that we will be talking about for many. talking about for many, many. however, what are not talking aboutis however, what are not talking about is the fact that actually many the people who made this many of the people who made this happen boris's enemies happen were boris's enemies within own party who wanted within his own party who wanted a sunak . and that's what they've a sunak. and that's what they've now got. yeah, we've seen the coup hand and i think there's nothing the british people hate more than an injustice . and more than an injustice. and we're seeing an injustice play out what's here is out. so what's happening here is they're making a martyr of boris johnson. they're actually increasing popularity . and increasing his popularity. and that's problem with that's the problem with character we have character politics. we have a us style character politics and the exact same with donald exact same thing with donald trump. arrested, he's trump. if he gets arrested, he's going to be the next president. yeah you think sunak should yeah do you think sunak should have stepped rebecca rees?
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have stepped in, rebecca rees? i mean, in what world, what he why would he have done? what would he have possibly gained from it? i think it's an extraordinary thing consider that would thing to consider that would ever what. i'm i'm ever have done what. i'm so i'm confused by you're asking confused by why you're asking question almost because why would what would he have would he what would he have benefited doing that? benefited from by doing that? well, you what would well, i'll tell you what would have to note that have been kind want to note that in a amy in he's admitting, in a amy in that he's admitting, oh, no, i'll answer your question. people missing, what's oh, no, i'll answer your qustake. people missing, what's oh, no, i'll answer your qu stake tomorrow?issing, what's oh, no, i'll answer your qu stake tomorrow? what. what's oh, no, i'll answer your qu stake tomorrow? what thisat's at stake tomorrow? what this committee means now? the way that they have changed the definition of what could actually get boris sanctioned from intent essentially misleading parliament to recklessly misleading parliament. what that actually means is that could happen to sunak. so that go up in parliament be asked about some sort of national scandal based on advice from his officials or civil servants. he could give an answer which out to be correct, and he could now political opponents drag to the privileges committee undermined and forced him out as prime minister is that the sort of system that we to be operating? i think that
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realistic the prime minister should be control of what should be in control of what they the prime minister should be in control of what they be he prime minister should be in control of what they be aware ne minister should be in control of what they be aware what nister should be in control of what they be aware what they're should be aware what they're saying they realistic. saying and if they realistic. rebecca, it's not always you know, they always because they are constantly relying on advice from officials not realistic for the prime to know what the prime minister to know what they're saying to they're saying. they have to rely advice from shows and rely on advice from shows and civil servants and. they have to believe that what they've been is largely true. this was the that people cared about most in the at one point not me personally but a lot people in this country cared more about this country cared more about this in the entire this than anything in the entire world. this should have been one where should all where boris should have been all over known. he was saying, over and known. he was saying, if about parking, sure, if it's about parking, sure, have spot tell you what have some spot to tell you what to if it's the thing that to say. if it's the thing that everybody this country stop everybody in this country stop talking about. get your facts right . i mean, right and get it. i mean, they're it's semantics. they're really it's semantics. isn't that dancing on the head of a pin or what was a work event? what was a leaving what was the policy? what was this what was an official photograph therefore? it was okay. i mean, it's you tomorrow, it's didn't you know, tomorrow, bofis
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it's didn't you know, tomorrow, boris about the boris going to take about the amount time in front this amount of time in front of this committee. and sure you said committee. and i'm sure you said he'll be brilliant. somebody probably will. brilliant. but it's the amount of time it's the same amount of time that blair they giving . that blair they spent giving. blair about iraq. now, that's really what's he's like 20 years out countries are not exactly scared as much about to i'm not saying that's proportionate i'm not saying it's but people feel meanwhile putting all meanwhile people are putting all their pain about the pandemic. it's the place where people to put emotional put all of their emotional trauma. british people trauma. it is the british people don't this. it's the don't about this. it's the mainstream it's not. no, mainstream media. it's not. no, they did not like that. they did it's not like that. also johnson is arguably much also johnson is arguably as much a globalist, globalist as a globalist, a globalist as rishi don't really think rishi so. i don't really think that holds much water. that argument holds much water. no. look, in ecuador no. look, yesterday in ecuador a violent 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the and it tragically killed at least 15 people and at the time. local sports presenters were actually forced to flee their tv studio following quake. however one brave host continued broadcasting even after all of the other presenters had bolted
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in panic. watch this . new york in panic. watch this. new york bar is an important episode, so have us all. you'll see the gleam. i've learned that tranquillity but can you see mama more yet? but anyway, they blow like in a fish i can afford it the same way for the opportunity see me on thursday i'll double checking on other companies say i want know centres what if i mean you can literally the building shaking he wasn't i think my superstore would stick with me and slow down sweet so i'd be in my taxi stop solidarity stay dan wootton cover a wall and said rebecca read do stand by because coming up was it fair for a tory to be suspended for saying she does not want pride? six flags or even heterosexual on her high street ? we're going to discuss street? we're going to discuss that when i crowd tonight's greatest person in union jack but next in i'm cancelled as prince harry's drug boasts raise questions over the accuracy of
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us visa application top royal author tom live in the studio to tackle the latest sussex drama . tackle the latest sussex drama. we're back in just 2 minutes time .
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it's time now for an cancelled and this is where britain's top commentators speak out on controversial issues without the fear of the cancel culture sweeping . the rest of the media sweeping. the rest of the media and prince harry has made a series of dim—witted boast this year about his excessive use, including this in his tone deaf book, spare . sure, of course . i book, spare. sure, of course. i had been doing cocaine this time, but someone's house during a shooting weekend , i'd been a shooting weekend, i'd been offered a line and. i'd done a few more since it much fun. it didn't make me particularly happy and so seemed to make everyone around me, but it did make me feel different and that
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was the main goal. feel different . but those could now different. but those could now land the runaway royal in hot water in the us conservative think tank the heritage is demanding harry's visa be released to the public so they can discover if the duke of dobe declared his drug use before entry into the country. if harry is found to lied on his visa form, then he could deportation from america and be barred from applying for citizenship in the future while, top royal biographer tom bowerjoins future while, top royal biographer tom bower joins me now. also, tom, harry just shot himself the foot. well, i think so mean one hopes straight away because he'll discomfort him. i mean there's he's foundations of really serious right wing group but they there's seven page submission to the government lists all the reasons why the government must instantly release harry's visa applications and the rest. and of course problem really is that he's got to the title, which again counts him in america . but again counts him in america. but having boasted so much , taking
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having boasted so much, taking all these drugs and having boasted that he also shot the taliban, 25 of them. and then there's admission of his inconsequential and all the rest of it . we are dealing with reid of it. we are dealing with reid at the moment with harry think looking pretty even sadder than ever before i think really what is really troubling for me that his father king could even consider wanting harry to come to the coronation. here is a man now under investigation in america for having been a serious drug abuse and user , a serious drug abuse and user, a man who admits he needs therapy all the time, a man is abusing his title all the time, whose capital lazing on his family's misfortunes. and i what king charles is problem now is many people in britain will think he's in charge of a mad house. andrew one side, harry on
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another side . where is the another side. where is the sanity in the house of windsor? and that is the real problem is he's very close now to the coronation and i think will fall straight from the king if he lets harry get anywhere near westminster abbey. well, of because these campaigners obviously looking at his visa and we don't know where that will lead the strange thing though, tom, when it comes to the coronation still we get all of these polite noises from the house of windsor even suggestions that maybe a prince, archie and princess lilibet should should get a role in coronation. what do you make of this? well, i just it is all of reflection of king charles's indicia vision. he cannot decide what to do. he wants both a modern ceremony and he wants the ancient ritual . he wants ancient ritual. he wants something that appeals to the public, and especially to the young who are not real royals and the diversity white
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community who may be now aggressively against him because of all the racism allegations . of all the racism allegations. so i think what you're seeing really is confusion and mess. and this is a ceremony, this over a thousand years. what is he playing it and heritage foundation in mind, this investigation of harry's visa, the conditions in which he was into america, the supervision he may need to be under just may need to be underjust reflects king charles's problem. how on earth can put is the interests of william's self as a father and how harry behaves above the institution of the monarchy and the country. and i think we discussed this last week is not getting any better because the leaks about his children having a role when he has he was he's going to come to in there for the coronation seems to me just showing utter confusion in buckingham palace at the moment. indeed now, confusion in buckingham palace at the moment . indeed now, look, at the moment. indeed now, look, tom are talking about big figure who you have written on, of course, your widely biography of
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bofis course, your widely biography of boris johnson was called the gavin blow . you might argue gavin blow. you might argue tomorrow's privileges committee will be the bank gamble of his political career because it may determine whether he ever returns to ten downing street. now, you obviously are closely followed the man for some time . followed the man for some time. do you think he's going to thrive under this pressure or . thrive under this pressure or. well, i think he'll thrive because he loves the battle . i because he loves the battle. i read very carefully his two page submission. of course , very submission. of course, very impressive and very it does demolish to some extent. the committee's credibility, no doubt about that . on the other doubt about that. on the other hand, we haven't heard what the other questions are going to be and if he makes a mistake , and if he makes a mistake, they'll have him for forgotten they'll have him for forgotten they'll eat him up. so maintain his cool and rational thought without wandering off . it is a without wandering off. it is a battle for his life . it is a battle for his life. it is a battle for his life. it is a battle for his reputation . but battle for his reputation. but
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he be honest, he brought it on himself . but he be honest, he brought it on himself. but on the other hand, i did with him when says your number 10 was a hothouse or working close together, the official photographer was at these so—called illegal parties . his mistake was to deny anything to the house of commons. he should've said, i'm thinking about it. i'm not sure we'll have to look at it. he was just so cavalier that is where it's like the same with chris pincher. i would deny that. you know didn't think before he spokei know didn't think before he spoke i hope he does that tomorrow for his sake but he is going challenge tomorrow for sure . he does have a challenge , sure. he does have a challenge, but at the same time he always seems to get through the tough , seems to get through the tough, doesn't he? that is of the stories of boris johnson's life really . is this just going to really. is this just going to end being another one of those chapters of. yeah it was it was a tough moment, but actually. he came through in a way that other politicians probably wouldn't be
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able to. well he didn't come through the challenge for 60 minutes, which forced his resignation and gambled there and lost . and i do think at the and lost. and i do think at the moment he really at that moment he really how tough the odds were i think tomorrow the odds the thought party game would finish. well no but and he didn't think the lie about his venture would finish him off. the problem is that there was a whole starting of with the olympics and all that stuff. it tomorrow he's got to reassert himself as a prime minister. he can't be the chaotic journalist he's got to show magisterial real authority he's got to be the master of the brief he's got to show that he knows more than the committee and turn it on them that they are the vindictive persecute looters. if he can do that, he'll win which i think well, you know but he's got to show tomorrow. but i agree with you, having read all 52 pages today myself, too, i thought it was incredibly impressive if it was a very well put together argument, but you've to hope and we're
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you've got to hope and we're told, by way, that he has told, by the way, that he has been rehearsing hours and hours on something never got on this, something he never got the to do as prime the opportunity to do as prime minister. got to hope minister. you've got to hope he's have the money. he's going to have the money. he's hugely team. he's got a hugely legal team. i mean, much than panic. mean, it's much than panic. there are about five or six top rate lawyers going through with him. in the end, him. but he's got to in the end, turn it against harriet harman and jenkin say, you and bernard jenkin and say, you are the rules . you're are changing the rules. you're the people who are persecuted . the people who are persecuted. you will not give me a fair chance and, have to answer chance and, then have to answer for themselves. if you can do it, you may away with it. talk about biographer of boris about the biographer of boris johnson about to, of johnson and make about to, of course, like i say, about someone but someone sitting next week. but it's now to reveal it's time now to reveal tonight's greatest person in union christine , who are you union christine, who are you going to nominate for me tonight 7 going to nominate for me tonight ? well, it might be the members of the european reform group who have fired a magnificent shot across . and then they said boris across. and then they said boris ricci's opposing the half truths, frankly that we're told in the windsor framework. i just hope that they've got the balls
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to follow and vote against it and. of course, we had andrea jenkins from the iag on earlier said that she was going to vote against watching andrew, your spot. against watching andrew, your spot . you know, you are a true spot. you know, you are a true brexit believer . you tell me now brexit believer. you tell me now you're going to vote for the stormont brake. no, i'm going to vote against done. you're going to join mount francois completely. i mean, you p and dup solving robin said you want me very sound andrea minus angela kilmartin was suspended for saying sex is for the bedroom, not for displaying preferences public when people wanted to pride flags up on the high , she said no and she got high, she said no and she got suspended for it. put the union flag up if you want to put a flag up if you want to put a flag up. and i believe, i believe we're going to have her on very show tomorrow night speaking about on speaking about this on television first time, television for the first time, our bakery, germany, because i haven't done this for a while. oh honorary taylor swift arrest was started week it's 3 hours 15
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minutes 44 songs that is an incredibly hardworking woman yeah. do you know what i was actually genuinely impressed by that because it's very, isn't it, to knock out a 90 minute show she was putting hours show and she was putting hours in. but i am going to go christine hamilton and the dg for up for brexit on for standing up for brexit on the show tomorrow too. by the way, christine , who's your way, christine, who's your nominee for union jack as my nominee for union jack as my nominee for union jack as my nominee for jackass is nominee for union jack as my nominee forjackass is , nominee for union jack as my nominee for jackass is , the nominee for union jack as my nominee forjackass is , the bbc, nominee for jackass is, the bbc, because they have are producing a version of great expectations and they have they've changed endings, they've made ms. havisham into an open addict and they've mr. have to do this because of the name mr. pompeo chuck and it is a naked s&m session. this is so far from the classic dickens pip obviously swear words. i mean, it is out here pic of abc a cover of obviously quite a great dickens they just cover they have gavin robertson your nominee james o'brien and all the other so—called journalists who've been really abusing suella braverman of it this week. it's been horrible to and rebecca
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your nomination thank you calvin i might be in calvin's category mind suella braverman partially for the photo itself, but also just for the chronic mishandling . and it's part of this thing of doing very little and saying lots of mean things making everyone they were everyone girls they were cropping photograph cropping the photograph and deaung cropping the photograph and dealing with . yes and the way dealing with. yes and by the way , intellectually dishonest just because there is a photograph. rebecca there is the photograph for this lovely, wonderful photograph of all human beings together, having a loss, not a lovely one. portia with us, she's standing. the whole plan is pretty horrible. and the fact that she's looking celebratory in the very honest of not and you're not on the panel i think if people want to give jobs to people that are searching for housing, searching for lives that's wonderful for amanda henry design comment. of it henry design comment. all of it is it just shows is just hideous. it just shows a real lack it's fun team real lack of it's fun team awareness. it it's not saying these people it's not these people back to it's not right incredibly right it was incredibly dishonest to crop that photograph o'brien photograph of what james o'brien did a racist did because he a racist christine hamilton and bbc for
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rewriting expectations and the most appalling way but thank so i see the winner christina hamilton tonight alongside calvin robinson and her bakery thank you so much for your so big show tomorrow night, we're going to bring you the coverage of the virus hounded of the virus which hounded the rest media will not. next rest of the media will not. next up, though its is up, though its headline is goodnight .
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