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tv   Dan Wootton Tonight  GB News  March 14, 2023 9:00pm-11:01pm GMT

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soon no spin, no bias , censorship. no spin, no bias, censorship. i'm dan wootton tonight. gary has achieved the impossible unhed has achieved the impossible united the conservative party and britain and of course commission to stop the boats but that didn't stop lineker's woke mob attacking one of the people's tories for expressing legitimate concern shared up and down the country simply can't accept hundreds of millions of people . i'm afraid this country people. i'm afraid this country is nearly full it's got benson will be joining me live westminster next right after my digest where i'll tell rishi it's leave the echr or bust then i'll get the view of my superstar panel tonight . amanda superstar panel tonight. amanda patel calvin robinson and
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rebecca reid . plus, nigel farage rebecca reid. plus, nigel farage joins me live to lay bare the grave danger posed by the left reckless borders policy. his unmissable analysis coming up this hour. elsewhere i'm asking if lineker was made a fool of the bbc and the impartiality that it claims to hold so the bbc's former political correspondent john sargeant , correspondent john sargeant, he's furious with match of the day host and he'll explain why when he takes on his former colleague danny shaw and talent manager to the stars jonathan shalit in the clash. shortly then legendary be jim davidson cannot. then legendary be jim davidson cannot . wait for this. he's cannot. wait for this. he's going to speak out on the debacle that could spell the end of the british bashing corporation as we it. don't miss britain's favourite entertainer doing what he does best. very soon. also coming up tonight , soon. also coming up tonight, high tax humped is warned that a rise on corporation tax destroy families as well as businesses. tory grandee john redwood a message for our leftie loving chancellor. my message to jeremy
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is he's got a portrait. nigel lawson hanging on the wall in his study. did what nigel did. cut the taxes . he his study. did what nigel did. cut the taxes. he had his study. did what nigel did. cut the taxes . he had the former cut the taxes. he had the former tory minister and vested arm of conservative economics issues rallying cry in a special budget preview later in the show . plus preview later in the show. plus renowned royal biographer tom bower joins me live in the bowerjoins me live in the studio to analyse why harry and meghan's hatred of the monarchy wasn't enough to stop them demanding prince and princess titles for their californian , titles for their californian, archie and lilibet . and feminist archie and lilibet. and feminist warriorj.k. rowling . her fierce warriorj.k. rowling. her fierce defence against trans extremists . i have to tell you , tonne of . i have to tell you, tonne of potter fans were still with me and in fact, a tonne of potter fans were grateful . i said what fans were grateful. i said what i said she's opened up like never so reveal more of that with you later in the show plus as usual first look at tomorrow's newspaper front pages. a brand greatest person in union jack has named to. this
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is dan wootton tonight. let's go good evening. it's so great to have you with us tonight. all of that on the way . first, though, that on the way. first, though, the news with polly middlehurst . dan, thank you and good evening to, you. the top story on gb news tonight. woman has been sentenced to eight and a half years in prison for perverting the course of justice after falsely accusing a number of rape. 22 year old eleanor williams had also created a facebook post alleging she'd been a victim of an asian grooming gang. preston crown heard how three of the men she'd falsely of rape had attempted take their own lives at the time of her accusations. there were mass protests in her hometown of barrow furness in cumbria , with
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barrow furness in cumbria, with some businesses forced to close . williams will serve half her sentence in prison . now the sentence in prison. now the chancellor is set to announce his spring budget tomorrow. full coverage right on gb news. jeremy hunt is expected to announce a boost to the tax free allowance for pension ends to stop over 50 fives from taking early . he's stop over 50 fives from taking early. he's also stop over 50 fives from taking early . he's also expected to early. he's also expected to announce that parents on universal can receive childcare funding upfront instead of having to claim it back. he could also unveil the expansion of childcare funding among £80 billion plan that would provide 30 hours of childcare a week to . parents of children under two years old. also in the news today, controversial media personality andrew tate has had his bail request by a court in romania . tate and his brother romania. tate and his brother tristan are being held over alleged sex in the country, which is under criminal investigation. it now means
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he'll remain in custody until at least march the 29th. the pair were taken into custody in december and haven't yet been formally charged . and here the formally charged. and here the rock guitarists of brian may has suggested he could go on tour again this year, indicating as much as he was being awarded a knighthood by king. lead guitarist , world famous rock guitarist, world famous rock group queen. he's known for some of the worst iconic riffs in popular, as well as, of course, for his guitar solo performed on the roof of buckingham palace for late queen's golden jubilee . well, today, safely inside the palace of brian was being recognised for his services to and charity. he called the occasion very special . and the occasion very special. and the queen consort met a young dancer today set to star in a new disney documentary . camilla met disney documentary. camilla met antony mardy when she visited elmhurst school in birmingham. the 30 year old nigerian
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received a scholarship from the school after a video of him pirouette in the rain went viral in 2020. well, now disney is making a documentary about him and his life. the queen consort wished the young star good luck . i'm back in an hour. now to dan . dan. so, gary lineker has achieved what i may have been impossible uniting a divided conservatives party and a majority of brits in a mission to stop the boats , a mission to stop the boats, smash the people smuggling gangs , and stop the inhumane trade in humans across the channel, which is british lives and livelihoods at risk. the illegal migration bill, which you know, lineker tweeted , didn't he was passed by
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tweeted, didn't he was passed by 312 to 250 without a single tory voting against last night with the west in peace. instead choosing to abstain, the wet tories that is they know they know this policy is , the one know this policy is, the one that could win them the next election with slippery summer labour proving they're open borders credentials by backing the mob smashing the woke mob smashing impartiality at the british bashing corporation for more. and poll taken for the and every poll taken for the left wing media shows the public rallying the government to not the prima donna autocue. virtue signals multi—million pound salaries . for example, a survey salaries. for example, a survey for wing newspaper the independent has revealed 42% of the public backed superwoman, sam allardyce plan, with just 25% oppose. of course they remain lineker tories. that's what i'm going to call them now. lineker tories like caroline nokes, who are increasingly of step with their party members , step with their party members, the public at large, who are fearful after seeing their communities apart by tens communities torn apart by tens of thousands of illegal migrants , bnng of thousands of illegal migrants , bring myself to vote , couldn't bring myself to vote for this bill. i don't . it's
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for this bill. i don't. it's going to have the impact that the government has suggested . i the government has suggested. i think this is going to deter a single migrant from making that crossing. i listened the words that the home secretary said last week, raising spectre. i think was sort of that 100 think it was sort of that 100 million displaced people are all coming here. well, that simply is a fallacy. they're not coming here. but target for lineker's. twitter disciples today was blackpool, south scott benton for expressing a concern that the vast of brits share . we're the vast of brits share. we're full at migration . legal and full at migration. legal and illegal must dramatically decrease our public are already creaking under enormous pressure and we simply can't accept. hundreds of millions of people who would no doubt look to , come who would no doubt look to, come here for a better life . i am here for a better life. i am afraid country isn't nearly . afraid country isn't nearly. full the measures in this bill are those which residents of
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blackpool have been crying out for an awful long time. these new measures can only work if we fully enact how we want and plan now. the attacks scott is experiencing for this mainstream view shows just far the political and the msm have gone from the concerns of real brits. but this tory battle isn't over from it. the government now faces an important challenge from the of the party, but the spectators political . katie spectators political. katie bowles reporting today that some are planning to quote up the bill with an on leaving the echr now sunak he sees that as the nuclear option . but like the nuclear option. but like the home secretary who campaigned on the policy in the leadership election last summer, i believe it's a necessity if. the government is truly serious about stopping the boats and at this point i think that's only thing that can save . rishi thing that can save. rishi sunak's premiership . am sunak's premiership. am i serious? our panel are going to be with me shortly. but first i
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want to cross to westminster where i'm joined live by the blackpool south mp, scott benton, who, as we saw finds himself the target of the lineker mob, two days. so scott that was a very powerful speech. you you've said what a lot of folk out there will be thinking thatis folk out there will be thinking that is nearly full but my goodness the attacks on you today scott they've been wide ranging. what's your response response ? well i think the response? well i think the attack from the left of the political were only to be expected . they know the vast expected. they know the vast majority of residents in the red wall , in my majority of residents in the red wall, in my own majority of residents in the red wall , in my own constituency of wall, in my own constituency of blackpool south are fully behind the home secretary and her plan. and i'm afraid if a government listened to twitter and some of lineker instinct voice of people that we're in a world class state frankly we wouldn't get done at all. and the place behind us, the british, are sick and tired of this ridiculous,
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merry go round of asylum claims , soft touch brits and costing billions of pounds single year. it has to stop the prime minister and home secretary have a clear plan to do so and it's incumbent upon conservative mps to give these plans a 100% support because frankly , if we support because frankly, if we don't, we have no chance whatsoever of winning the next general election. well, i agree with that. i absolutely do. when you say the country is nearly full, i presume that you're referring the housing crisis . referring the housing crisis. you're referring to the nhs backlog and you're referring to the fact that actually at the moment there's lots of talent centres that are being completely ruined by hotels filled with illegal migrants . filled with illegal migrants. that's very much the case. constituency is among the most depnvedin constituency is among the most deprived in england. when people speak me, it's a surgery, they talk about the trouble their son or daughter be has access in social people can't access gp
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appointments as they used to and frankly there's no chance of you getting an nhs dentist in blackpool. nobody suggests in all of those problems due to small boat crossings or immigration but i'm afraid immigration but i'm afraid immigration ballooned since 1997, both legal and illegal. and i'm afraid that in some parts has contributed to the pressure on services and the pressure on services and the pressure on services and the pressure on housing. and i think whenever speak about public services have a budget tomorrow we have to be very mindful of the pressures as a legal and legal migration continue to add to the exchequer and deliver in those public services. that's one of the reasons i support a cap, not just as home secretary announced yesterday on asylum applicants more broadly on as a whole, we pledge as a party and our manifesto previously . i our manifesto previously. i think it's time we brought that into . indeed scott baines, the into. indeed scott baines, the blackpool south mp . well done.
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blackpool south mp. well done. i think by the way , if you are think by the way, if you are annoying james o'brien , you'll annoying james o'brien, you'll usually doing the right thing. so, so keep it up. scott thank you so much. we'll speak very soon, but i'm going to turn to my superstar panel now, daily mail columnist amanda patel, the reverend calvin robinson and the author and journalist rebecca reid. so, look , patel, scott reid. so, look, patel, scott benson, he's been attacked by the lineker mob today. benson, he's been attacked by the lineker mob today . you know, the lineker mob today. you know, the lineker mob today. you know, the attacks on him have been huge really , vicious, very huge really, vicious, very vicious . but yet again to me, it vicious. but yet again to me, it shows how the msm, how the establishment, how the political is completely out of touch with the people who he is representing in blackpool south because they feel like the country is nearly full. i think it's that the unintended consequence is gary lineker thought you know st gary he goes on and you know he's putting his very very left wing agenda that anyone who opposes a kind of cap on migration is a horrible right
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wing . that's basically his wing. that's basically his message. yeah he had seven uninterrupted days of front page coverage every single bulletin he was leading and he felt utterly triumphant . and now all utterly triumphant. and now all he's done is swing a whole pile of people as polls show, against his policy. it's incredible. you know, he couldn't he must been feeling that it was just so wonderful , feeling that it was just so wonderful, you feeling that it was just so wonderful , you know, feeling that it was just so wonderful, you know, i'm convincing everyone i'm this really great guy. everyone loves me . i'm a i'm a really great guy. everyone loves me. i'm a i'm a humanitarian. i adopted a rescue dog from california. you know, i'm the real deal. and in the show , they real deal. and in the show, they just turn their back on him because people like our lovely blackpool scott, they they understand what's going on, on the ground and it's horrible. but that's how the moments in the issue is, is that like lineker and we now know the vast majority of people who at the bbc both on and screen , they bbc both on and off screen, they don't the real world. don't live in the real world. they in the twitter bubble . they in the twitter bubble. yeah, this whole debacle has showed divide in the country, hasn't it, between the liberal
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elites rest of us, the elites and the rest of us, the normal folk do see the normal folk who do see the country full, who do see that country is full, who do see that we have to continue. you don't think there's anything wrong with and said. with what's got bent and said. no, at all. you don't no, not at all. so you don't even the country's nearly even say the country's nearly full. were beautiful full. you were beautiful for a long time now. you know, when i was in schools, i could tell you the sizes were the classroom sizes were increasing. the increasing. increasing to the point couldn't even point that we couldn't even teach properly. because you just can't kids the can't give the kids the attention that they deserve and need. he's just the guts to say what majority of people what the vast majority of people in actually feel in this country actually feel and. rebecca, and. well, you know, rebecca, we're talking time about net we're talking the time about net zero again i want net zero zero job again i want net zero migration i think that's really sad of step sad sound absolutely out of step the people in this country because but that's not what the policy people responded ukraine when humanitarian when there was a humanitarian crisis. are crisis. absolutely people are absolutely willing say that. absolutely. think it's a real absolutely. i think it's a real humanitarian crisis . is absolutely. i think it's a real humanitarian crisis. is this is the debate right . humanitarian crisis. is this is the debate right. is humanitarian crisis. is this is the debate right . is what the debate right. is what constitutes people saying, yes, we will overstretch our resources to help other humans and what doesn't . but it annoys and what doesn't. but it annoys me when we have conversation like, we don't have anybody
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like, no, we don't have anybody else. that's not true. you know, i net zero migration. no i say net zero migration. no that remember hundreds , that remember there's hundreds, thousands of people who leave the for yeah so the country for years. yeah so all i'm saying that we should all i'm saying is that we should be replacing the amount people who personally wouldn't who leave. i personally wouldn't be you can come and be like okay you can come and refugee. can't. sorry we're refugee. you can't. sorry we're not i say not at net zero. i would say well actually i you may i take a fairly liberal view things but the general party line but i think is sensible is if all think is sensible is if you all coming either to be because coming had either to be because you have a that we require you have a skill that we require which is absolutely true there are multiple services we are multiple services where we still be coming in still need people be coming in or because there's a humanitarian crisis. i think what are to what most people are averse to is something economic is 20 something economic migrants personally you migrants personally, you want open i open . and open borders. i want open. and if if i were in, i don't if i were if i were in, i don't know any of the countries these people come from, i would the people come from, i would do the exact thing. they do exact same thing. they do exactly. at why wouldn't i exactly. so at why wouldn't i be? why wouldn't you? instead of paying be? why wouldn't you? instead of paying grand, got pay paying six grand, you've got pay illegal smugglers. paying six grand, you've got pay illegal smugglers . just a illegal smugglers. just get on a plane and do what lots of do and present yourself to the country and say , okay, here, i'm and say, okay, i'm here, i'm seeking asylum . i it's
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seeking asylum. i know it's difficult i agree with difficult and i do agree with you that we do have have you that that we do have have better legal asylum routes into this country. so if someone like me who literally did arrive on a boat , although it wasn't boat, although it wasn't a dinghy and across the channel but i went and registered immediately , you you the visas immediately, you you the visas worked, but i came in. we need to be doing more of and the people who come in illegally , we people who come in illegally, we just send them back and amanda purcell. kelvin robinson , purcell. kelvin robinson, rebecca reed myself, stop having them there with me all night. but what the foreign urge is still to come . and with the still to come. and with the foster mother of a deport rapist pleading with him not to come back to the uk on a small boat while donald trump declares he's the only who can save the the only person who can save the world three. i have to world from war three. i have to say lots for our nice to get stuck into tonight but i'm next in the clash me bbc political john sargeant goes up against talent manager to the stars professor jonathan obe and former affairs correspondent former bbc affairs correspondent danny shaw on whether gary
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lineker has made mockery of the bbc. and it's trashed impartiality. i want to know what you think on this. email me down at gb news dot uk vote in our poll at gb news. the result and clash straight after the and the clash straight after the
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break time now for the clash . and time now for the clash. and despite comparing the government
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to germany inspiring a woke the left licence fee pay is paying football fans. i and dry at the weekend and showing zero contrition for delivering a fatal blow to bbc's impartiality . gary lineker will be back on our screens this weekend so . our screens this weekend so. afterwards, director general tim davie capitulate to the woke mob. hasn't the canal made fool out bbc . you can email me out of the bbc. you can email me on this stan at tweet me at gb news. our poll running there but how can you make there too. but how can you make up your mind tonight? delighted to of the bbc's biggest to bring in of the bbc's biggest names of the passed there names of the path passed there faithfully impartial former chief political correspondent john sargeant, who was furious with . he's alongside with lineker. he's alongside the former affairs former home affairs correspondent at the bbc. danny shaw and talent manager , the shaw and talent manager, the stars professor jonathan obe . so stars professor jonathan obe. so john sargeant , unlike me, you john sargeant, unlike me, you remain a big of the bbc. however, like you're very angry, aren't you ? that lineker has aren't you? that lineker has been allowed this victory and is
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putting impartiality at the bbc under threat? yeah. i mean, the point it is people think it's all to do with freedoms speech. why couldn't he speak spanish got very little do with freedom of speech to do with what do you do in a large organisation in particular famous broadcasting organisation that's trying to convince the world that it's politically . well goodness sake, politically. well goodness sake, if you suddenly put out a tweet saying the government our government is akin to or can be compared with germany of the 19305 compared with germany of the 1930s you're bound to annoy the bbc you're annoying your employer so i mean the issue it's how much you signed the contract. i which included the impartiality guidelines and for that he gets paid from money 1.3 million. now you say lineker is out of control now . well i just out of control now. well i just i just wonder if he's maybe he's thinking maybe he's just arrogant, right? why that i don't do what i like, but i'm
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not sure about that. i think he's confused just when he says it's , oh, this is so surreal and it's, oh, this is so surreal and can i go to the shops , my dog can i go to the shops, my dog and? you think, wait a minute, don't you realise impact you've made the damage you've done to the bbc , the consternation, the the bbc, the consternation, the chaos you've caused, how is that so real. so did he not realise, did he genuinely not realise that by making this crazy comparison he would be over the guidelines ? i find that hard to guidelines? i find that hard to believe . so is another believe. so is another explanation that he deliberately is a sort of change of life moment where he thinks i do want to throw the traces i don't see, i don't like this stuff. i want to be different. now, if that's the case, of course we know what's going to happen when the new guidelines are produced . he new guidelines are produced. he will not be able to accept them and the will have to sack him now, danny show you were at the bbc 31 years. do you feel bbc for 31 years. do you feel angry with lineker because he actually undermining work that
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folk like you john did for many because people like me now feel like the bbc is not impartial. i feel angry at him i mean i think he's he stepped over the line completely he is quite clear it was a breach of the guidelines that he'd agreed to should be gone, shouldn't he know? i mean, you necessarily to resign you don't necessarily to resign or sack someone because they breach guidelines. what's the point the guidelines point in having the guidelines then? guidelines are then? well, the guidelines are there to ensure that people know roughly limits are to roughly where the limits are to and impartiality on and that there's impartiality on the most politically sensitive subjects of the day . and there's subjects of the day. and there's no more politically subject than migration at the moment domestically anyway . so he domestically anyway. so he obviously needed to be some steps or a conversation or review we're now having. i mean, when i looked at the guidelines, they are muddy. i it's a it's a typical of bbc fudge and. so there needs to be some clarity to it. and also it to be brought
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up to date to reflect the fact that there are a number of people who have views , passions, people who have views, passions, interests , which may potentially interests, which may potentially bnng interests, which may potentially bring them into conflict. the i think what gary lineker didn't perhaps understand what some people have commentating is doesn't understand and is that he does have a special role. i don't think it matters whether he staff or freelance he is the face of bbc football . he's the face of bbc football. he's the face of bbc football. he's the face of bbc football. he's the face of other sports at the bbc. he is a regular on every single thing by the way to say football is political is not true. look at, the qatar world cup, we look at, the qatar world cup, we look at the taking of the ni football it's such a big part of our national life. it is intrinsically political, so many ways. but jonathan shall you say this is actually all the fault of people like me. we've all of this out of proportion and, you know, didn't matter that that lineker compared this humane government policy . that's my government policy. that's my opinion on the policy to 1930s germany. i mean come on jonathan
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as a jewish man must think that is highly highly offensive . is highly highly offensive. well, first of all, i think there's a slight to my words. i think if you want to talk impartial, then your was the most polished introduction to all the point i've ever heard. i'm not being paid for by the public. no, but the fact of the matter is, the bbc, as institution in terms of what it represents when it comes to politics and current affairs, is impartial. the question is if bbc want to be, yeah, of course, when it comes news and when it comes to news and impartial on brexit this this week the bbc is accused of supporting the tory party last year accused supporting the labour party different people they told the bbc things accused of supporting the other party. if you work and deal with bbc news and current affairs is absolutely clear . it is absolutely clear. it is impartial and. the programmes make great effort to show both sides of the argument represented. i dispute that jon and i think there is lots evidence and i'm not talking about your day. i'm not. but if you look over past few years,
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you look over past few years, you know because senior executives at the bbc have admitted it they were completely on brexit and they sneered brexiteers and they never thought that brexit was going to win. they missed the red revolution of boris . they have revolution of boris. they have been absolutely partial on the trans debate. they never represented the other side of lockdown harms or vaccine injuries, which we're now seeing is becoming a huge crisis. i'm sorry , i don't believe that bbc sorry, i don't believe that bbc news or . sorry, i don't believe that bbc news or. right, that's for the sake argument. only for the sake argument. except what you're saying. yeah that is an argument trying to pursue the idea. yes. of political it's tim davie said he was going to do and now he's thrown out the window now know what has happened and that is i disagree with you a bit so. right well they've is they've got into a complete panic. they don't know what to do right. even though this was the key policy which they should have prepared for they were hopeless , unprepared. were , the unprepared. they were stuck . a chairman was in the
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stuck. a chairman who was in the middle of a battle himself over whether or not he should have been appointed. so the only thing they could do and i first saw interview in washington, saw the interview in washington, i how of tim i thought, how pathetic of tim davie. why? and he davie. i thought, why? and he went i'm in listening went, he said, i'm in listening mode . i thought, pathetic . mode. i thought, how pathetic. know you shouldn't be in listening mode. you should be acting should thinking of acting you should be thinking of what's going you should have planned this you to have planned for this you to have known you should known and echo well, you should have him privately. so have warned him privately. so the thing shouldn't have the whole thing shouldn't have happened. oncoming happened. this was an oncoming car crash, wasn't it? so it's okay coming. but in fact, he didn't. so has happened or anything. i will say this now. i now have second thoughts about this because i think the bbc needed time themselves for a breather they've now got a chance to regroup and to fight this battle , but they were not this battle, but they were not ready to fight the battle when it happened, which is ridiculous because the issue i have done is show david is that he claimed that impartiality was going to be the most important part of
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his tenure as general. one presenter yes, a very powerful a very important presenter goes off piece and a whole load of far more minor stars joins him. and david is to chuck that out the window, because come this review, we know going to happen. they are going to loosen the guidelines for staff outside of news and current what else could he possibly faced with the situation which clearly management have handled very badly. they are with a situation where you big sports programs essentially taken off the air and people are out the weekend threatening their really right stadium which i mean you would have loads of clients. jonathan who would love a gig at bbc sport sat alone. i don't , i sport sat alone. i don't, i didn't turn up to my show i could be sacked. i have many cars work at the bbc and i have many clients who don't work at the bbc. i'd like to work at the bbc. i don't. a sports broadcaster , a music broadcaster broadcaster, a music broadcaster commentating on political
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affairs is a sign of impartiality. what matters when you're watching bbc news and current you expect impartiality see if you're watching strictly come dancing, you're watching the apprentice or you're watching the football focus is not you don't need them feeding impartial that's a whole different remit and davie i like gary lineker accurately summarise it's got impossible job tim is actually brilliant for the bbc . job tim is actually brilliant for the bbc. he job tim is actually brilliant for the bbc . he doesn't belong for the bbc. he doesn't belong in this thing. for the bbc. he doesn't belong in this thing . mo's completely in this thing. mo's completely correct and also this wasn't a dramatic crisis and. panic. all that happened was on friday. guy was suspended by monday as a result over the weekend, pretty bad. i think he's pretty think the media the media have conveyed and he made a big it's my fault i know daniel the man who does for a fact and he showed john slides and thank you so much who do you agree with on this has gary lineker made a fool of the bbc and it's impartial see that it holds so dear nicky on twitter says no. the bbc lost any semblance of
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impartial long ago. well, that's what i think. yep dave says yes , lineker has. it has been a total own goal for. the bbc from start to finish and for martin and the worst miss is this now gives the bbc the freedom to employ more hard left presenters can left wing views can vocalise the left wing views and your verdict is now in. 76% of you agree that lineker has made a fool of the bbc. 24% of you say he has coming up with british migration and america's donald trump . hitting the donald trump. hitting the headunesis donald trump. hitting the headlines is plenty to get stuck into is other than nigel into is none other than nigel farage. but first, as the cheltenham festival kicks off today are snowflake animal rights campaigners, right? that horse should be banned . a horse should be banned. a person's favourite entertainer, jim davidson's out on that. and of course this big bbc because jim was a big star at the bbc until they decided they didn't want a working class story host to a prime time saturday night show. jim live with me straight after the .
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break the great jim davidson is tonight's . and after getting his tonight's. and after getting his presenting job back from the mick bbc bosses, gary lineker, it was divisive to the very end. the match of the day host pandered to the woke mob on twitter yesterday. he always does with these closing words, i'd thank tim davie for
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i'd like to thank tim davie for his outstanding understanding dunng his outstanding understanding during this difficult period. he has an almost impulsive boob job keeping everybody happy, particularly in the area of impartiality. i'm delighted that will continue to fight the good fight together . well, well, fight together. well, well, well. looks the director general of the beeb has nailed his colours to the mast and the whole saga has only emboldened woke disciples with one of this one of the weakened strikers, ian wright, still i mean, his bossis ian wright, still i mean, his boss is at the bbc, the evening on his own podcast. listen to this being they made a hot mess. i'm telling you, this is all from high up. you know, i can't blame a man phil, bernie. you know , the bbc, small team, all know, the bbc, small team, all of this over a tweet gary lineker rather manner over a tweet happening in above at some stage surely heads have got a role the ones the mismanage levels of this is . your head levels of this is. your head should roll mate because you didn't show up to work. my
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should roll mate because you didn't show up to work . my next didn't show up to work. my next guest is the comedy legend, former legend of the bbc's jim davidson. of course, he hosted the generation gap on look at him there between 1995 and 2002 on till his contract was abruptly ended . and jim, you say abruptly ended. and jim, you say the bbc even back then even back then they had an issue with you being a working class tory. so is it strictly champagne socialist now? lineker and ian wright , who were allowed at bbc wright, who were allowed at bbc hq ? well i wouldn't actually say hq? well i wouldn't actually say that.ian hq? well i wouldn't actually say that. ian wright is a champagne socialist. i don't know about but line and i got in quite well with him. but my, my political interest was cast upon me way before it was television when i had the jim davidson show, a man called john howard davis , who called john howard davis, who was a bbc producer , turned up was a bbc producer, turned up and got rid of me and benny hill overnight. and then about a year later, i got a little cassette. vhs dropped on my desk from my manager and said , the bbc want
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manager and said, the bbc want you ? i said, what's that? this you? i said, what's that? this is i want you to do? i'm on the show about snooker. so me and john virgo went did that that joe and i never particularly felt welcome there was a i was a smell under some noses. and then one day bruce forsyth went and i stepped in, did the generation game. i replaced just for a day. and i wasn't particularly good, but it might get better very quick . and then when he . yeah, quick. and then when he. yeah, you'll bill right if you play and so what he went to do his new deal that i don't know we got jim davis and i did the generation game for seven years i did big break 12 seasons and seasons of the generation get now look at the bbc i'm totally erased i am the statue statue that's thrown into bristol docks and the same . they gave me and the same. they gave me a million quid to go away. i contract with a million copies of the wages and. they said, we'll give you £1,000,000 if you
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go away. please don't tell anyone. but i've told you, danny boy great. and by the way , thank boy great. and by the way, thank you so much. great to have you up. do you think even then, jim, it was because of we to politically ? yeah, i think it politically? yeah, i think it was worse always a working class tory. i was a traitor i was an i like to mess about and have a laugh and be rude and stuff on the on the rehearsals and it was all pretty much frowned upon. they're more concerned than being woke and ticking boxes you know ticking boxes . the man said know ticking boxes. the man said to me, we have to have 8.9% ethnic minorities on every show. and so if you if you couldn't get anybody that wanted to come on big break who was of non—white persuasion, you had to go out and kidnap some or him, throw him in. you know, it daft and you know what i learnt there and you know what i learnt there and i've been in the business 47 years i don't believe it . i years i don't believe it. i refuse to believe it. i don't believe that you're a day over
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47 jim. well that's there. but but i'm nearly 100. this was one yesterday, 47 years ago. a new so you learn a thing or two and the worst thing i learned about the worst thing i learned about the bbc is full of people that don't know to how programmes and i had to take a box and then i had to be silly. now i wouldn't have thrown that lineker off like that. i mean and i've a boss called tim, i mean come on as scary as a tim but anyway as tv station and probably your if you wouldn't throws i don't know if you just turn them off down you know i can understand that it's taxpayers money and i hate the bbc with a passion it's a toss up between them and the nhs so i must but you know i wouldn't have got rid of him because now tim's shown himself as you know, lily and he's my lineker, a sort of free speech martyr , which is what infuriates martyr, which is what infuriates
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. well, yeah he can now say what he wants , basically these one as he wants, basically these one as me. and he's going to be even smug , smug, me. and he's going to be even smug, smug, smug to me. and he's going to be even smug , smug, smug to the me. and he's going to be even smug, smug, smug to the is he is and where do you see the bbc heading now? jim is it going to become even more of an activist organisation ? because let's be organisation? because let's be honest , jim, ever since brexit honest, jim, ever since brexit we know that the bbc , even in we know that the bbc, even in their news and current affairs department and has campaigned against and for certain , you against and for certain, you know, they despised brexit like nigel farage, who we've got coming up and they never thought brexit was going to win and, you know, is it going to go even more down that path now? well, i don't know. it's up to tim and all those silly people, all they want to do is now they want to get rid of the chairman because he arranged some loan or helped bofis he arranged some loan or helped boris get is just picking on one another. i the bbc a of lost the pubuc another. i the bbc a of lost the public they've lost the dressing
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room you who do we watch now gb news you stream anything but bbc what does bbc stand for ? bring what does bbc stand for? bring back corbyn bring back communism . it is a joke and we have to fight for it. whether we like it or. not that scrap it. let's gb news all day long. well, indeed, apart from when we're watching you on news stream. of course, jim, which you know, i do .jim, jim, which you know, i do. jim, i want to talk to you about, because was the first day of because it was the first day of cheltenham to, of course , one of cheltenham to, of course, one of the most prestigious horse racing the year. racing events of the year. however, all of however, have you seen all of the that these the attention that these snowflake animal rights groups the attention that these snovanimalnimal rights groups the attention that these snovanimalnimal rigetting»ups like animal aid are getting campaigning actually ban the sport altogether for being dangerous. it's like this is just another pillar of british culture . they want gone but culture. they want gone but these are all mad people. they are absolute mad people. i was talking to someone today. funnily enough, a presenter from the bbc i talk about mad people and there's a kid in her kids school that identifies as a spoon right, a spoon and the
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other person identifies a cat. and that's to have a little fry the back. and now so you can identify as a sausage from host rex it's it is crazy i like horse racing i think the horses like it i had racehorse once it was absolute crap and so my trainer said well put it in a shelling race and what that is then if it wins it's sold to someone. well no one wanted to buy it because it never won anything. the stable girl didn't want it when i gave it to her as a presence or in the end i left it in a field and ran away from it in a field and ran away from it and it couldn't catch. it's probably still there somewhere waiting for a snowflake. come and a cube sugar. but and give it a cube of sugar. but jim, know, we are in these jim, you know, we are in these crazy worlds. i love how on your facebook just point out facebook page you just point out all the mad things going on all of the mad things going on every society . the latest every day in society. the latest horse racing should be banned . horse racing should be banned. but look, i still think you should be on prime bbc tv, but thank goodness your news thank goodness have your news straight and every now and then hair on gb news. bbc legend jim
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davidson. thank you so much, jim. bbc what a thing to say. love you, dan. always have. always will say, jim . now, always will say, jim. now, coming up is rishi sunak wrong to refuse to step in as a parliamentary witch hunt again ? parliamentary witch hunt again? as far as johnson rumbles on my superstar panel, we're going to tackle that. plus, we'll have the first the tories news front page newspaper, front page is just after but first as the just after ten, but first as the home secretary slams out—of—touch for out—of—touch lefties for opposing bill will opposing the illegal bill will soon finally stop the small boats. nigel farage, he's unmissable analysis. plus, we've got latest on donald trump to straight the .
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break time now for what the farage and an afghan migrant who was deported from the uk four years ago after raping a 12 year old girl has been found on the
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french coast trying to return to the country by the times newspaper. email court. she has served half his nine yearjail sentence before being sent back to afghanistan in 2019. but the rapist scum is now an illegal comeback, saying he will never give up his that has been slammed by his british foster mother , who warned him there is mother, who warned him there is nothing here for you and to not come back to. right. but but nigel farage, does this show the danger of the left's open border policy, which would allow people like chai very easily back the country ? well, of course, country? well, of course, because he can come back into the country, he won't a passport or any identity document on him at all. it'll give the british authorities a name. it more than likely come in undetected , be likely come in undetected, be put into a four star hotel, and then move on from there. i mean, thatis then move on from there. i mean, that is danger done at a personal level and it's
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distressing and it's wrong. it should never be allowed to happen. just think about this . a happen. just think about this. a lot of people have come the last three years say they come syria again with no identity documents. who's to say they weren't isis fighters ? just weren't isis fighters? just a few short years ago? and remember when this all started 2015, when the eu opened up their asylum policy, which said if you put one foot on eu by crossing the med , you can stay. crossing the med, you can stay. and that's why in the brexit campaign and i use that poster of hordes of young men coming into europe saying , got to into europe saying, got to protect ourselves from this . protect ourselves from this. when that happened , isis said when that happened, isis said they would use the rooms to flood europe with that operatives. and here's a point everyone's forgotten of the eight men that committed those almost unspeakable barbarous is
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in paris that night a few years ago . five of them come the ago. five of them come the mediterranean in boats . so, yes, mediterranean in boats. so, yes, this does pose a threat to us, but perhaps illegally every level. and yet when you stand up and, say that you are called all the names under the sun by the establishment media, existing policies actions. i mean, how interesting. even george osborne, the former chancellor this week distancing himself from the language that's being used by suella braverman and indeed even rishi sunak. so we have sort of inbuilt guilt complex as a country we have to be nice everybody. and the truth is the truth is when it comes to allowing people into the country, either legally or giving people asylum , namely giving people asylum, namely refugee status . and this word refugee status. and this word will really shock people. we have to discriminate . we have to have to discriminate. we have to make decisions about who we do
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and do not want to come into the country and you know , even the country and you know, even the use of that word now . i know the use of that word now. i know the labour party say suella rishi is wrong in what they're proposing. we must have open , clear routes we must have open, clear routes for people to come. well how many? i mean, even the unhcr say there are up to 100 million people who potentially could come to britain. i just think about this one of the ways you can claim asylum , britain, is to can claim asylum, britain, is to say you're gay and you're being discriminated against 121 countries in the world have some form of anti homosexual law in operation. if you add to that extreme poverty basically , most extreme poverty basically, most of the world according to the labour party , come into the uk. labour party, come into the uk. so look , i'm pleased and suella so look, i'm pleased and suella braverman rather like priti patel before her seems genuine and in her wish to stop this. yeah, she herself coming from legal immigrant family. i how
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important fairness is but can this be done if we don't crack the not of the european court of human rights and it just the judges that are the one aspect of this that no one's about over the last week is the british judiciary and the british judiciary and the british judiciary it appears to me to be to be pretty much on a path with the foreign office and the legal right. is that the. and so i think the legal problems will not just come from europe. i think they'll come in this country, too. and ultimately, what legislation does i forget we were told last year that the nationality and borders act would with this all legislation does effectively is to kick the can down the road . there is can down the road. there is going to be at some point a gigantic decision that the conservative party has to face andifs conservative party has to face and it's almost identical to the brexit question when brexit came
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as a policy they of opposed us leaving the moment the conservative party oppose us leaving the echr . but i want to leaving the echr. but i want to leave that . you want to leave leave that. you want to leave knowing a growing number of the silent majority of and i do think that brexit actually gets completed until we genuinely catch up and there's the tory as well who are wanting to add this amendment to the bill. so i think it's the next big fight. but look, nigel, i wanted to quickly talk states side because really significant moment from your mate donald trump who was in iowa last night, just 72 hours, of course, after rival ron desantis made his own visit . and trump made a very big claim about his to stop world war three. look at this . war three. look at this. standing before you today. i the only candidate who can make promise i will prevent world war
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because i really believe we're going to have . world war. nigel going to have. world war. nigel strong words are . but actually strong words are. but actually look at his time in office compared to biden's time time in office does he have a fair point you is very interesting he was always worried about ukraine a year before the invasion i went to see him about an ago. he said i fear putin go into ukraine. i said, now it'll be fine. well, tell you what, i was wrong and he was absolutely right. the invasion would never have happened with trump in the white house of that. absolutely certain, because he told me personally that he'd spoken to people and said you do this and i'll knock out much of your lovely architect in moscow. now, i believe every of that. but he in peace , strength , and he sees in peace, strength, and he sees himself as a negotiator unless . himself as a negotiator unless. just remember this. this was the guy who was in his
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administration brokered the abraham accords , the historic abraham accords, the historic accords which israel and a number of arab states something, by the way, that china is now trying to undermine by getting iran and saudi in the same room. last week . he's the president last week. he's the president that didn't launch any fresh wars . he's that didn't launch any fresh wars. he's the only in recent times whom the russians didn't an incursion. so he sees himself as a peace broker. he's not he's not he's not the neo con we had with both democrats , republicans with both democrats, republicans over the last few years. and he genuinely wants peace. and i think this could be a very important card for him to play not just in the american elections , but actually on the elections, but actually on the world stage to fascinating analysis from nigel farage as , analysis from nigel farage as, of course, nigel beck, 7:00 tomorrow night on gb news. thank you so much, nigel. but coming up, sirjohn redwood joins me you so much, nigel. but coming up, sir john redwood joins me to preview tomorrow's with unpopular tax hikes expected. also should a reluctant rishi
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step in to halt the parliamentary witch hunt against boris johnson ? how we debate boris johnson? how we debate next to the media house. we'll have tomorrow's newspaper front pages hot off the press for you, too, so don't go anyway. we're back just 2 minutes time .
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there's help for households. are you over state pension age? if your weekly income is below £182.60, or £278.70 if you live with a partner,
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you could be eligible for pension credit, even if you own your home or have savings. it's worth, on average, £3,500 a year and you could get help with heating bills and more, plus up to £900 in cost of living payments. it's 10 pm. i'm dan wootton tonight with linick, his henchman facing no punishment for bailing on the bbc have bosses at arms lost control to the mob and as director general davie now need to go that's going to be the big debate with my superstar panel tonight. i'm joined these legends, amanda patel , kelvin robinson and, patel, kelvin robinson and, rebecca reid with fears of another high tax. big states blow . jan chairman jeremy hunt's blow. jan chairman jeremy hunt's budget defender of conservative economics. sirjohn redwood has a clear , simple message for the
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a clear, simple message for the chancellor well my message jeremy hobbs, is he's got a of nigel lawson hanging the wall in his study did nigel did jeremy cut the taxes . good on him the cut the taxes. good on him the former tory minister takes on the anti growth coalition he joins me live very shortly . also joins me live very shortly. also coming up as king charles scrambles to defend the commonwealth like queen's most treasured institution because these two wanted a moment to , these two wanted a moment to, virtue signal. i thought i had an awareness to issues ways of living and unconscious bias like . all of that . so why on earth . all of that. so why on earth are harry and meghan now their children be known as the prince, the princess, even though they live in california and they're in the middle of an assault on the monarchy? well tom bower, he knows lots more about the sussexes anyone else. he's sussexes than anyone else. he's going to be live me in the going to be live with me in the studio on this cancelled as bofis studio on this cancelled as boris johnson prepares give evidence at the official inquiry
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into he misled parliament over the party next wednesday should rishi sunak put political aside to stop the left wing conspiracy. and of course bojo isn't the only victim of witch hunt as the inspirational j.k. rowling continues to podcast her impassioned defence. i have to tell you , a tonne of potter fans tell you, a tonne of potter fans were still with me , and in fact, were still with me, and in fact, a tonne of potter fans were grateful that i'd said what i said. more on both those fascinating stories in the media, next. as ever, brand new, greatest union jack has coming up to end the first front pages arriving in man moments right after polly middlehurst . dan, after polly middlehurst. dan, thank you. the top story at 10:00 on gb news tonight . woman 10:00 on gb news tonight. woman has been sentenced to eight and a half years in prison for perverting the course of justice after falsely accusing a number of men of rape. 22 year old
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elena williams had also created a facebook post alleging she'd been a victim of an asian grooming gang. well, preston crown heard today how three of the men she'd follow slick used to rape had attempted to take their own lives at the of her accusations. there were mass protests in her hometown in cumbria with some businesses to close. williams serve half the sentence in prison . the sentence in prison. the chancellor is set to announce his spring budget tomorrow . full his spring budget tomorrow. full coverage, of course, here on, gb news. and jeremy hunt is expected to announce a boost to the tax allowance for pensions over 55 from taking early retirement . he's also expected retirement. he's also expected to announce that parents on universal credit can receive childcare upfront instead of having to claim it back . he having to claim it back. he could also unveil the expansion of free childcare funding, a multi—billion plan that would provide hours of childcare per
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week to parents of children under years old. to romania now, where the controversial social media personality , andrew tate media personality, andrew tate has had his request denied by a court in the country. tate and, his brother tristan, are being held over alleged sex trafficking , which is under trafficking, which is under a criminal investor gation. that now means he'll remain in custody until at march the 29th. the pair were taken into custody in december and still haven't been formally charged . the rock been formally charged. the rock guitarist, sir brian , has guitarist, sir brian, has suggested he could go on tour again this year as much as he was being awarded a knighthood by the king lead guitarist in the world famous group queen, known for some of the most iconic riffs, of course, in popular music, as well as for his famous guitar solo performed on the roof of buckingham palace for, the late queen's golden jubilee. well, today, safely inside the palace, sir brian was
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been recognised for his services to music and charity. he called the occasion very special . and the occasion very special. and lastly, the queen consort met young ballet dancer set star in a disney docu entry. camilla met antony mardy when she visited elmhurst ballet school in birmingham . the 13 year old birmingham. the 13 year old nigerian received a scholarship from the school after a video him pirouetting in the rain went viral in 2020. now disney is making a documentary about him and the queen consort wished him good luck . that's all for me and the queen consort wished him good luck. that's all for me i'm back in an hour now. more from dan wootton . dan wootton. so it's time for tomorrow, as you say. now in mediabuzz and we've got the first front pages in straight to the metro first, which reports that of fighter jets has brought down a us spy
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drone in an attack over the black sea ukraine. the us has summoned russia's ambassador to washington for explanation of their unsafe and unprofessional operations. the guardian leads with the expected £4 billion free childcare plan for one and two year olds to be announced in the budget tomorrow. as the government look help people into work. this is really significant announcement . the independent announcement. the independent goes with gary lineker, now 20. the bbc as a broadcaster, brazenly updates twitter profile picture an image of him in front of a free speech wall the george orwell quote if liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to. but as i've said time and time again, the lineker issue is nothing to do with freedom of speech . if stop freedom of speech. if you stop and with me , daily mail and back with me, daily mail columnist tell of the columnist amanda tell of the reverend calvin robinson and, the author and journalist rebecca reid now breaking , rebecca reid now breaking, tonight, boris johnson will give
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evidence the official inquiry into whether he misled parliament over partygate next wednesday at 2 pm. so this circus of how he crossed the sandwiches in downing street dunng sandwiches in downing street during the pandemic has been dragging on now for nearly three years, but not content with toppling a prime minister his swivel eyed enemies are now trying to finish him off the good by accusing him of lying about the affair when he insisted all covid rules were followed . boris will appear on followed. boris will appear on tv before the privileges committee, which includes four tory mp who furious conservative members are accused of being part an establishment stitch up against him. so far, sir charles walkers have been a genuine and exceptional bird to costa, who've been urged to step down from the committee by tory faithful . it comes weeks after faithful. it comes weeks after partygate investigates to sue gray, who was meant to be impartial probing the affair , impartial probing the affair, was staggeringly revealed . keir was staggeringly revealed. keir starmer's, new chief of staff . starmer's, new chief of staff. unbelievable albert rishi sunak well . he's not going to save
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well. he's not going to save boris's look at this . you try boris's look at this. you try and influence the tory members that committee not to impose big a punishment on him that wouldn't be right. this is a matter for parliament. the house is not a matter for the government . and just to be government. and just to be clear, if a punishment triggered a by—election that wouldn't worry this is worry you. again, this is a matter for parliament, for the house. so no surprises , house. so no surprises, mademoiselle, that rishi isn't going to ride to boris's rescue. but it's there now a witch hunt against. the former prime minister. i'm just so glad you didn't call it a kangaroo court , because lots of people are calling it that. and you get if i get really offended that kangaroos, really nice creatures , this a hunt by. kangaroos, really nice creatures , this a hunt by . a by , this is this a hunt by. a by i and i'm not going to say i was going to say it's a hunt by a witch who hates tories. but i take that back complete. harriet, are you prepared to carry harriet harman? is on record. i've interviewed her a number times. i've known her for years and years. this she's sort
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of a more civilised version of angela rayner calls all the tory scum she loathes the tories how on earth she's heading this thing when she tweeted how much she loathe boris. oh yes . and she loathe boris. oh yes. and also twice in the house of commons she said that boris actually lied that he misled parliament. so you've got in his own right before she even stopped she's made a decision they've put her in charge of this. this is the most injustice and course she's sitting there all little cubes saying, you know, i'm not going to intervene because that would be on political. he's out there with his knife, sharpest sharpening up the guillotine . the last up the guillotine. the last thing he wants he wants this committee and you know they have the ability to actually say he can from can be suspended from parliament, which could trigger a by—election to get rid of him . so she has all of that power. she's totally and utterly partisan . i mean, i've read partisan. i mean, i've read legal analysis of what's going on. robinson and it really does
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appear like there is serious overreach and it's highly partisan and it's all about bofis partisan and it's all about boris johnson returning to number 10 downing street because that's what they're afraid of. more than anything, i hate all of this stuff. i hate it. this is not politics is not about the voters. this is about and their egos. and they're not this ism. and sunak is and of course, rishi sunak is not to protect boris not going to protect boris johnson because he benefits bofis johnson because he benefits boris deposed, johnson because he benefits b0icreated deposed, johnson because he benefits b0icreated it. deposed, johnson because he benefits b0icreated it. and deposed, johnson because he benefits b0icreated it. and you deposed, johnson because he benefits b0icreated it. and you knowed, he created it. and you know what? i'm so fed up with more when i want to have a piece messaging me saying there's no queue, stop talking about the queue, stop talking about the queue clearly was and queue clearly was a queue. and then messages from then we see leaked messages from whatsapp, these whatsapp, groups of these people, in the queue. people, orcas in the queue. i can't any them. can't support any of them. that's then. it was that's how it was then. it was an anti—democratic coup. it was against boris johnson rishi sunak was involved. we don't know the extent of his involvement. certainly his people involved. they people involved. you know, they wanted prime minister, and wanted him prime minister, and that's what they orchestrated. they the chancellor they if the if the chancellor said support the said he couldn't support the prime minister anymore, boris was . yeah, but it's
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was finished. yeah, but it's about what was before that letter was sent as well. i mean some of those leaked pictures were taken from the treasury . were taken from the treasury. they just called plots , those they just called plots, those pictures of them having a glass final. you were you in. but i didn't care at the time. but let's just be realistic. those pictures are real. they were sitting so they were sitting outside. i mean a glass of wine. what other people weren't able visit the dying relatives it i didn't but loads of people didn't care but loads of people didn't care but loads of people did well they having they did well they were having they were outside now look were doing work outside now look you strongly i disagree you know how strongly i disagree with all of these ridiculous put in place . however, rebecca, i'm in place. however, rebecca, i'm surprised that you don't see that there is a witch hunt against boris johnson just from an impartial of view and you don't support him, but how can you not see that there is a witch hunt going? i don't think it's a witch. i think that two things be at the same things can be true at the same time. he in, to my mind, unquestionably did things other people allowed to do. people weren't allowed to do. i personally the personally have always said the same, that winston same, which is that winston churchill rationing. churchill didn't do rationing. he and cigars. he had champagne and cigars. i think if you're in that a
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position of and privilege, you probably follow the rules probably don't follow the rules that rule for that probably is one rule for him, everybody else. but him, for everybody else. but he got it people got caught and it made people angry it made people not angry and it made people not want vote him. now, want to vote for him. now, people would have forgotten, but they forgotten. people they haven't forgotten. people do resentful it do feel actively resentful it therefore was therefore he was an embarrassment the party that embarrassment to the party that the embarrassing is the most embarrassing thing is that somebody rishi that question somebody is rishi as be like, as if he was going to be like, yeah, no, i'm going to protect him. i'm going to make sure the inquiry find him, go as inquiry doesn't find him, go as if ever going to say if he was ever going to say that. what was that? journalist but what should be doing and surely be doing surely what he should be doing right. he true of right. and if he was a true of the conservative prime the former conservative prime minister, be saying, minister, he would be saying, no, no, this whole process no, no, no, this whole process should be stopped because it is a hunt and say it's not a witch hunt and say it's not done any solid legal basis and that this is wrong. it's morally and the pictures that rebecca refers to when you see those pictures taken from from bosnia they were sitting three feet apart which we were trying to do at the time and the only sunak got a fixed penalty notice. of
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course he did. and also been done today for walking his dog off the leash . what i love i'm off the leash. what i love i'm sorry, his wife. it's just when everything goes wrong. but harriet harman's people , people harriet harman's people, people let's put it this way , people let's put it this way, people around harriet harman say as she's standing down at the next the next election, she wants says scalp , she wants to go out says scalp, she wants to go out as the woman who never got one. she wanted to come out as the woman. so this is the legacy this is her legacy her legacy because she did be a record petition against pa and she could do something about this. but he's part of the problem here is who leaking these images, of boris, images, not just ones of boris, the of matt hancock having the ones of matt hancock having affair. we saw in the whatsapp leaks didn't know how that leaks he didn't know how that image got is how i suggest who leaked this leaked was the leaking of this stuff. amanda , don't stuff. but but but amanda, don't you think there is a that harman and labour and also boris is of course within the tory party and
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not factoring in which is that actually on wednesday the public might be reminded about why they love boris johnson so much. he might come in with a barnstorming performance. now whether you like fishy rishi or not he's not someone engenders any passion . he belongs in a any passion. he belongs in a pond. he couldn't. he's just pond. he couldn't. he'sjust terrible. he belongs in a box. he belongs in a bond is not a storm. we will see. boris it's going to be live answers . it going to be live answers. it will all be televised and that's that's the thing that they really fear they'll see boris at his finest . really fear they'll see boris at his finest. i'm just i'm really waiting for it. doing it. i to waiting for it. doing it. ito come on next. you're going to you're going to have popcorn ready next wednesday you on as a special car as fondant hello jk rowling continues to give a fierce defence of her stance on trans extremism in. the latest revealing episode of a podcast she tells us. so this is what the harry potter author has to say about finding in the most surprising places . i have to surprising places. i have to tell you a tonne of potter fans
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were still with me and in fact, a tonne of potter fans were grateful that i said what i said. i'm constantly told i don't understand my own jokes . don't understand my own jokes. i'm constantly told that i have betrayed my own books . my betrayed my own books. my position is that i am absolutely upholding the position that i took in potter my last brave j.k. said she had no choice but to stand up to a movement she saw as, quote, authoritarian and illiberal. so regardless , the illiberal. so regardless, the bbc's attempt to paint her as some sort of evil villain, i believe in the end, history will judge as a historic feminist warrior fighting anti science madness out rebecca great cover . amanda purcell do stand by because coming up has lineker gate continues to cause chaos at bbc hq has management at auntie now lost all control and shouldn't tim davie be showing the red carpet suits up and listening to their thoughts just after 1030? but next with high
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tax hunt under pressure ahead of tomorrow's budget, veteran tory sir john redwood joins to explain why tax cuts are in fact britain's best bet for growth. so redwood live straight out to the .
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prime breaking tonight jeremy hunt
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will promise to provide 30 hours of child care a week to parents of child care a week to parents of one and two year olds when he unveils britain's first full budget since october 21. tomorrow but despite tory pressure to slash taxes as it looks likely that a staggering 25% of corporation tax rate will set, that's rising from the existing% growing number of employees now begging high tax hunt to reconsider his damaging planned hikes. with tory veteran and former cabinet sir john redwood making plea. just this morning. well, my message to jeremy hunt is . he's got jeremy hunt is. he's got a portrait of nigel lawson hanging on the wall in his study. he says he's a great admirer of nigel lawson did what nigel did jeremy got the tax is and he'll get more revenue and a happier country . hey hey i couldn't country. hey hey i couldn't agree more delighted to say . agree more delighted to say. john redwood with me live now . john redwood with me live now. sir john, has the cost of living
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crisis to worsen? could these tax hikes condemn britain actually to a low growth future or is there going to be a rabbit out of the hat tomorrow? i don't know. if you saw my colleague, jacob rees—mogg, your colleague earlier on his own show, gb news site, he has a sneaking suspicion that he might delay the corporation tax hike. actually, we can have a look at it, john. i'll get you to react. the back army hunt is a fundamentally intelligent man. i've always had a high opinion of him. he knows what he's doing. he isn't some fly by night politician . he's somebody night politician. he's somebody who understands economics , ran a who understands economics, ran a successful business. and i have a sneaking suspicion that he is going to at least delay the corporation tax raise because of the effect it will have on the economy if. he goes ahead with it . john are you hearing . well, it. john are you hearing. well, i'm hearing anything from ministers and nor should i,
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because obviously just ahead of a budget, you don't expect ministers be blabbing about what they're going to do, tell parliament and the nation at the same tomorrow i jacob's same time tomorrow i jacob's right. i fear he's wrong all the briefings from people who may or may not know things they shouldn't in the newspapers seem to take. the line you took in your introduction that 25% corporation tax rate is going to be imposed as they have been threatening to do for some time . and they're very fixated on what the world looks like in five years time. their whole economic control is about showing the debt to a decent levels in five years time. that's what drives that policy i the problem they've got is they have to rely on treasury forecasts for that and i would place a bet that if we went for a 15% corporation tax rate rather than a 25% corporation tax rate at the five year stage, the 15% would yield you much
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more revenue. i say to them look at the republic of ireland, our neighbours , lots of people are neighbours, lots of people are very pro eu remain think we ought to be more with the repubuc ought to be more with the republic of ireland . well republic of ireland. well there's one area where i would really for that and that is i'd to have the same corporation tax in a spirit of solidarity with our irish friends and neighbours across , the irish sea. and across, the irish sea. and i think then like they do, i think we clean up and get so more big companies because that's been so many more big companies here. well indeed. and that's why ireland is just got astrazeneca of course and what i'm so confused about sir john, of course and what i'm so confused about sirjohn, is of course and what i'm so confused about sir john, is that dunng confused about sir john, is that during failed leadership campaign for your party last summer jeremy hunt was campaigning think for a corporate tax rate 12 and a half % so can he in in good conscience . raise it to 25% conscience. raise it to 25% tomorrow. and that was very catching. i mean he had a long come to session with me. i was
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quite tempted by that. but there are other factors that i saw didn't quite add up, so i didn't back him, but it was very attractive and that was when was attractive and that was when was at 12 and a half% now of, course, quite a lot of countries are going over to this world minimum, which i don't think a terribly good idea, but that would mean ireland would have to go which why i'm saying go to, which is why i'm saying that match them 15. but that we match them at 15. but even staying at 19 would be a lot better for the and for our prospects. mean, the prospects. i mean, even the treasury . i'd prospects. i mean, even the treasury. i'd be our prospects. i mean, even the treasury . i'd be our forecasters treasury. i'd be our forecasters who struggle to get their forecasts right i think conclude that a higher corporation tax definitely does reduce growth a bit. it's bound to because it puts companies off and it reduces their profits to reinvest. i'm just look the nonh reinvest. i'm just look the north sea i think it's dreadful that we are not getting all we're getting the oil and gas out of the north sea that we need and. we are instead importing . not only does it mean importing. not only does it mean less tax revenue , fewer less tax revenue, fewer well—paid jobs, but it means more co2 with the shipping
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involvement to. get the foreign imports in that is now happening . so now we've got a government that might actually want to get some of that oil and gas out the people most likely to do it saying well if you had double corporation tax as they do and windfall tax it simply isn't worth the bother. yeah no one date and it just feels like there has been one heck of an over after the premiership because you know we've spoken about a lot before i think charles had lots of brilliant policies maybe not and acted in the complete artful but actually she growth and i think your party is going too far the other way tomorrow that's my fear . way tomorrow that's my fear. well i mean i she she went further in her budget than i recommended she did when had a conversation or two whether about it all but mainly on the spending side, i mean the big reason why the deficit went up under her was all those big increases in energy . now i don't increases in energy. now i don't
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think people on more than 100,000 a year really need it all. those energy subsidies, they could have been tapered or so that they were mainly paid to people who really were struggling on on lower incomes and tight budgets. and that would have helped a lot. what we're doing in this country is creating this self—defeating money. go round that the government has very high tax is on energy and that it needs pay a lot of money out of subsidies so that more people and companies can afford the energy. i say cut out the middleman, cut the taxes, and then you need all those big subsidies. i couldn't agree . the big news agree more. the big news tonight, though this looks like some sort of pre—budget leak. the chancellor promising to provide 30 hours of child care a week to parents, one and two year olds. the idea of being those parents more likely to be able to go back work. it's very costly , though. john, where do costly, though. john, where do you stand on it? well i want to support the government and, the
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budget. and i from the briefings and press reports that they are going to do quite a lot of work on solving this other big conundrum. why are we so short of workers at a time when we're still blessed with ? a lot of still blessed with? a lot of jobs, even though the economy is slowed down quite a lot, but it's great news that we still generating a lot of jobs. generating quite a lot of jobs. it would if more people it would be good if more people already lived were already lived here and were permanently here, could permanently settled here, could take the take those jobs instead of the cheap labour migrant model, which i've really favoured. so i do expect a series of measures on that. and yes, for younger with families helping them with childcare in some way would be very useful. i hope they also look at the regulation of childcare because i think we've now got some of the most expense of childcare in europe and the wider world and. maybe you can still have good quality childcare on more competitive childcare on a more competitive basis. so redwood, the former tory minister, called on the chancellor to cut taxes tomorrow. fingers crossed. there's that rabbit out of the hat. but i'm fortunately i'm
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with sirjohn. think it's looking unlikely , but you never looking unlikely, but you never know. you dosage on redwood thank you so much. we will soon but coming up in on cancelled, the journalist and author tom bower live in the studio to go through all of the later news on those shameless sussexes and collude why they are demanding prince and princess titles for their two californian children . their two californian children. but next in the media vows as gary lineker's bbc bust up makes it into parliament, does director—general tim davie have duty to resign? my superstore panel have their say on that, plus more of tomorrow's newspaper front pages. that's straight after this very .
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break tomorrow, this night now in the media abouts . straight to the media abouts. straight to the front pages and the eye newspaper reports on tomorrow's budget offering parents a free childcare boost . those with childcare boost. those with toddlers set to be given extra
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30 hours a week . the daily mail 30 hours a week. the daily mail also leads with jeremy hunt's offer of free childcare for , offer of free childcare for, toddlers and a back to work budget . also, the front page budget. also, the front page economist had regular panellists on the show. sarah vine asks, why is lineker, lionel as while fiona bruce is out to dry? and i think that is a very good question. actually, the daily runs an exclusive on jeremy plans to incentivise millions back into work with a carrot and stick approach in tomorrow's budget, which will include tough new sanctions on benefit claimants . by super star panel, claimants. by super star panel, we turn now top daily mail columnist amanda tell gb news presenter reverend calvin robinson and the author and journalist rebecca. that's been that no disciplinary will be taken against the tangerines sports presenters who downed tools in solidarity with gary lineker over the weekend slight hours of planned broadcasts failing to , air leaving, failing to, air leaving, football fans flattened . and the football fans flattened. and the issue is being politicised in parliament. labour likely powell
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farcically comparing the uk government to the russian regime of vladimir putin. yeah, really. watch what does she think it looks like to the outside world that a much loved sports presenter is taken off air for tweeting something the government doesn't like . it government doesn't like. it sounds more like russia to me . sounds more like russia to me. did i thank the honourable lady for her spirited questions? i've watched her valiant attempts to kick this political football the weekend and into this week . it's weekend and into this week. it's a we had comparisons to the now . these imbeciles clearly value shock tactics and infantile insults over a meaningful debate about the need to try and make the british boxing corporation partial not a pro—labor activist movement like it is now . so does movement like it is now. so does the bbc's cowardly climb prove that management of lost control of , privileged that management of lost control of, privileged celebrities and actually does tim davie just need to go? i mean, come
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roberts, i'm going to come to you because i remember some our first conversations being when you were an ambassador for defund the bbc movement . and defund the bbc movement. and look at what i've become. i mean, it's got so much worse. i should have listened three years. we should have defunded the bbc by now. you know, i'm a champion of free speech. i absolutely in speech. however we should be forced to for should not be forced to pay for it problem with people. it by the problem with people. this a free speech issue. this isn't a free speech issue. look, at the end of the day, i'm sick of people saying it's a free speech issue. he a free speech issue. he had a choice to sign a contract we all sign contracts that commercial limitations . and as a result of limitations. and as a result of signing that contract , he signing that contract, he receives £1.3 million from us. exactly is the point i'm trying to make. it is a free speech issue in that he hasn't been cancelled. he has this platform he can set up a twitter or a youtube to talk about issues all day long for money, whatever he wants to do. however, we. yes, i have the document. we be have the document. we cannot be forced pay for him to be on forced to pay for him to be on the where he's supposed to
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the bbc where he's supposed to be impartial and then be lectured. you, lectured. why? why do you, rebecca? well, only that i don't want to. whenever this in want to. whenever this is in reverse stripped want to. whenever this is in rei something stripped want to. whenever this is in rei something you, stripped want to. whenever this is in reisomething you, don't stripped want to. whenever this is in reisomething you, don't say,pped want to. whenever this is in reisomething you, don't say, oh,i of something you, don't say, oh, they can start a twitter, they can do want if you can do they want like if you listen the bbc where he's listen to the bbc where he's supposed impartial, we supposed to be impartial, we have for it. yeah but have to pay for it. yeah but being on stocktwits, it doesn't mean that have freedom of mean that you have freedom of speech. didn't that. speech. you didn't make that. when people lose their when all the people lose their platforms. have platforms. oh, well, they have to actually, to go. but but actually, rebecca, challenge you rebecca, i would challenge you on that. and this is why. because would say one of the reasons gary lineker and whole reasons gary lineker and a whole load presenters load of other big bbc presenters have their gigantic platforms is because work they for the because of the work they for the bbc. because if work for the bbc. because if you work for the bbc. because if you work for the bbc country by virtue the bbc in country by virtue of the fact they have this huge distribution lots history distribution, lots of history behind no advertising, behind them and no advertising, it means you a star overnight he would not have those 8 million followers if he wasn't the host of match of the day. i agree. i do. i don't like sport and i don't like gary lineker particularly, but he is below played by lots of people and what he sees need for him to do
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. it's only 4 million people out of all of the country and they coming only 4 million people watch match the day out of the entire country. we're making out as though it's the church the court, gary lineker. i mean, what he's done , what he's been what he's done, what he's been allowed to do is completely disgraceful . he's totally disgraceful. he's totally brought the bbc into disrepute . brought the bbc into disrepute. even the new york times are mocking the bbc now and. my favourite quote. can i read this stuff? yes, please. because you're like a 19 year, so. okay got my book out. okay this is tim davie, a former marketing guy. okay. no understanding whatsoever about how to run something like bbc. i can read cos some labour critic tonight and tim davis after tim davis apology to gary , apology to all apology to gary, apology to all the other people he went straight who should have been sacked quite frankly, if i don't turn up for my job i would get sacked work in the real world
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for change of policies wherever and the audience and. and apology the audience and. then gary tweeted back , i'm then gary tweeted back, i'm delighted. we'll continue to fight the good fight together. now that is a total fabrication. thatis now that is a total fabrication. that is allying him with tim davie, the director—general who should sacked if he thinks davie and he should immediately sack, he should have taken the piss of should easy to say it at that point this is not he should have been and said you've broken the rules already you've broken the agreement what fight are they fighting you to partial left fighting you to partial and left wing and biased and contemptuous of the people making mistakes before come back and can i just make a point to you right. because we had this conversation regularly about emily maitlis. yes and then actually i praised emily maitlis in the end because she did the right thing. but she is a prolific actually. yes. yes. and she and was clever. and she. exactly. she was completely . the point that . but what the point that i'm making is, she did the making is, is that she did the right thing. she left now right thing. she left bbc. now she makes basically a twitter is
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just so not fulfilled with labour points every hour of the day but that's fine. she can do that because she's not being paid for by and i don't criticise her. no one is coming on here criticising maitlis for being a left stooge . jon being a left wing stooge. jon sopel being left. no one sopel for being the left. no one is for being is criticising her for being a left wing is the ironic thing i've ever heard to say. but there no, because that was there was no, because that was a anyway, are loads people anyway, there are loads people who work at the bbc who do not adhere to the, to this, to this media policy. there was and should go to lunch . this is should all go to lunch. this is andrew was not good about it. there's no disciplinary marr is not great about it. peston is not great about it. peston is not great about too low. the places it should sample places that it should be sample the sorry but he was able to use the sorry but he was able to use the h.r. department of the bbc needs to step up and they need to have a much clearer guideline if you are not a political journalist within the bbc, you can't say feed me waller—bridge can't say feed me waller—bridge can't make a comment because she wrote on bbc. where wrote fleabag on the bbc. where does stop ? some who does it stop? some people who work have to be
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work with the bbc have to be allowed she's a presenter allowed so she's not a presenter and that's a difference and i think that's a difference if have a weekly plan she if you have a weekly plan she rates script by week right rates a script by week right that's writes and. that's what she writes and. she's brilliant she has she's brilliant and she has drama. it's the best but if you go out there, gary lineker has completely crossed the line. they of him and they should get rid of him and they get rid of the they should get rid of the director general. and they director general. yeah. and they should also get and start again general. don't give money general. don't give loads money to party like it's to the tory party like it's he. no that's one. that's no that's not the one. that's richard chop. we defunded bbc richard chop. if we defunded bbc we none these we would have none of these issues.i we would have none of these issues. i completely agree with that. one best that. the bbc one of the best things of silicon, they would be they would be subscription for they would be a subscription for exact out lots left exact would put out lots of left wing i pay seven wing people like i pay seven quid month for my gorton quid a month for it on my gorton joint group like i do with netflix yes, exactly. look netflix. yes, exactly. now look as, we know the corporate boardroom is dominated men on this question on. the apprentice, is popular apprentice, that is popular business reality fronted by the aforementioned sugar, currently being broadcast by bbc for its 70 season. but is it getting a bit predictable and a little just fine give aspiring entrepreneurs rain of the
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original 18 ahead of this week's semi final end the role women look it could be for girls simba it could be all girls who knows going -- going. going . now now you going. now now you might going . now now you might call going. now now you might call that an anomaly right but last year's also had an all female semi final and white the last four finals have been women only to so rebecca reed if this was the other way around and we were talking four years of a apprentice finals of all men they would be absolute what's going on. this is a purposeful thing, right? okay. i am an apprentice superfan. this is the only series i have every episode of. so i have some authority in the previous series had leave the previous series had to leave because disability couldn't
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because the disability couldn't catered and alan sugar catered for and alan sugar called the women girls almost the whole way through and fired pretty everybody who was white for the first four episodes. he is a man. this is not a woke is not a man. this is not a woke before for years. before for four years. karen robinson finalist robinson of, all female finalist , said it's not a coincidence that feels like this it is sexism . it's misandry. that's sexism. it's misandry. that's what it is. maybe it's just this all over doesn't exist. and they would disagree. doesn't exist. misandry amanda, misandry doesn't exist. amanda, where on? i totally where do you stand on? i totally i, totally disagree with all of that. i do think it's got anything to do with wokeism. it's got to do with good tv because all of those women look like they're on love island on set. get good tv. they set. they only get good tv. they just like stupid just all look like stupid policies. the only thing policies. and the only thing difference the females policies. and the only thing diffelovee the females policies. and the only thing diffelove island. the females policies. and the only thing diffelove island. eachz females policies. and the only thing diffelove island. each ofzmales policies. and the only thing diffe love island. each of those; and love island. each of those women has one extra brain. so can just to the feature can just get back to the feature set. can't sexist towards set. can't be sexist towards men. you can't. it's men. no you can't. it's literally impossible. it doesn't exist. this is a debate for another time. we will come back to this so that i promise you, rebecca ramazan. amanda patel. do stand by because coming up
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mealy mouthed hollywood actor hugh grant's quest for an award this may finally a this week may finally become a reality as we reveal tonight's greatest britain and duty in jackass. greatest britain and duty in jackass . next, had to jackass. but next, it had to does harry and meghan's decision to bestow royal titles on children? prove that obsessed with the same monarchy they are so desperate to . destroy will so desperate to. destroy will meghan's biographer , the meghan's biographer, the esteemed author and journalist tom bower live in the studio . tom bower live in the studio. the latest on the shameless sussexes he's he's up in just 2 minutes time.
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it's time, brian. cancel. it's time, brian. cancel . and it's time, brian. cancel. and this is where britain's top commentators speak out on controversial issues without fear of the cancel culture sweeping the rest of the media. now yesterday during the king's historic first commonwealth address he the family of nations
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indispensable role in the most pressing issues of time. and it was a crucial day for the monarchy after and meghan used their vile reality series to try and tear down the late queen's most treasured institution. his reminder from what is still described as that you know, a club of friends share common values . i find that language values. i find that language really problematic . i sometimes really problematic. i sometimes call the commonwealth empire 2.0 because that is what is. by the time i know, i think i travelled half of the commonwealth, met people in communities all around the world and through that i thought i, i thought i had an awareness to issues ways living unconscious bias like all of that yawn but instead of cutting ties with the institution find so offensive the shame the sussexes have ensured their kids known as prince archie and princess lilibet because it is their birthright. princess lilibet because it is their birthright . while meghan's
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their birthright. while meghan's biographer, tom bower, joins me now to give his x expert analysis , tom is interested , analysis, tom is interested, isn't it? because this commonwealth day actually was important because of all of the damage that netflix series did literally a few weeks ago. they had all of a sudden they say, but come on, want our californian kids be prince and princess? it's junk film to junk. now what king queen of hypocrisy isn't . yeah i mean hypocrisy isn't. yeah i mean they are the are hypocrites and what's so awful about the commonwealth thing is that it's vital for britain , it's vital for britain, it's important for the 54 nations who are part of it and they have it by saying this all empires stroke too. and the netflix thing . but of course the thing. but of course the greatest damage which sussexes have done to the commonwealth is the accusation of racism and the royal family is racist, which then pedalled back on harry because he knew it was untrue. it was one of meghan's many lies and that is really what so awful. that's why charles tried
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very hard yesterday to assert the importance of the commonwealth. he's quite right but whether that save the institution. well the problem is it's had of the pick up as the netflix. exactly did what did you make of the prince and princess thing because it felt very telling to me that the royal family didn't update their website until they absolutely had to. do you think charles was hoping that harry and meghan would say, oh, you know what, actually don't want the but i think this is a very sad indication of king charles's weakness . he should have signed weakness. he should have signed the letters which , prevented the letters which, prevented them taking the titles . and just them taking the titles. and just in the same way that he can't really whether harry should come to the coronation or not i mean clearly as a father he'd like in there but this isn't about being father. this is about being the of the nation. and he should make quite clear that harry is not welcome. but everything about is so indecisive about charles is so indecisive he even at the moment he can't even at the moment decide whether should wear a
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decide whether he should wear a uniform on car of the uniform not on the car of the coronation breaches. and he can't decide . which religious can't decide. which religious group should be represented ? group should be represented? this is problem with charles this is the problem with charles and it has been throughout his whole life. wants to please whole life. he wants to please everybody and he a everybody and he poses a confronting business and it doesn't work . so he should have doesn't work. so he should have visited the sussexes , cancelled visited the sussexes, cancelled the titles , and he should make the titles, and he should make actually clear that harry is not welcome and the thing is just the public on side. he will and pubuc the public on side. he will and public will be very against the will. harry comes. that is what he doesn't realise and what's to happen because what has happen there. because what has really over the past really annoyed me over the past couple is harry and couple of weeks is harry and meghan treat him meghan yet again. i treat him the asif meghan yet again. i treat him the as if this the coronation as if this is some sort reality show, some some sort of reality show, some sort oh, we've received sort of game. oh, we've received our email invitation now, but we're going to reveal we're not going to reveal whether we're coming or not. it's so that they want to make it all about them. well, absolutely . where the buckingham absolutely. where the buckingham palace is failing because they shouldn't them to get away with it. after all they weren't even ianed it. after all they weren't even invited to elton party
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yesterday. the oscars really . so yesterday. the oscars really. so all the oscar ceremony itself, i mean, they really are nobody is in hollywood, but somehow the king charles is going to make the summit in london the most important event of his life. and, of course , is the problem. and, of course, is the problem. he's not being decisive . and he's not being decisive. and that going to undermine the that is going to undermine the stages of the monarchy in if he is not very careful . and so what is not very careful. and so what do you think, harry and meghan are weighing up whether weighing up how they can always promote themselves and then that's got to come, though. well, whether haven't got to come because if they put row 54 behind the they put in row 54 behind the column they won't come . that's column they won't come. that's exactly happen. but exactly what should happen. but see what it's not going to be embarrassing that embarrassing if they know that we're to be embarrassed we're going to be embarrassed our seating position about our access to official events they might decide the leaks from the palace or they've had the invitation and we're going to put them into iceland. what they should do is they're invited but they're going to humiliated. they're going to be humiliated. and really because week and that's really because week was interesting the was very interesting how the sussex news machine been sussex news machine has been gushing . first of there was
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gushing. first of all, there was harry's misinformation commission report which went into the dustbin then she's going to launch the tig then they say the royals are invited to the baptism ceremony . it was to the baptism ceremony. it was interesting that no one else knew about that. everything is a constant drip now and then, of course , was really important was course, was really important was that photograph of meghan the day after they the christening and the prince and princess that she went to this coffee place. it was what would be called the victory photograph . this was victory photograph. this was meghan riding she scored another one against buckingham palace. they really are not very good in buckingham palace, anticipating this huge existential threat of political problem, which they've got to face. but the thing is, i think you're right to point out it's buckingham palace because william and kate. no kensington palace know of the threat they pose. but about william convincing , pose. but about william convincing, his pose. but about william convincing , his father, that he convincing, his father, that he has to take tougher and he's not
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winning that battle at the moment. william not willing in public. he is. moment. william not willing in public. he is . we don't know public. he is. we don't know whether in reality the problem is that charles clearly feels guilty because of he. harry. why? i guilty because of he. harry. why? i don't know i mean, it's so long ago now and you've been served so many brit where from the book in the and everything else he should stop feeling sorry for harry should begin thinking about his position in the country and i think other of the country and i think other of the photo opportunities is not presenting a real clear political line for his own as a child of the monarchy and that is what's at stake in the next weeks. you mentioned this this website that takes this is the website that takes this is the website that takes this is the website that meghan used to run before she was harry. no one looked at it then it was away basically i mean, i know you talk about it, your book, but it was a way for her to get lots of access to things lots of freebies. she loves a freebie. meghan even when she was within the royal family she was collecting all the free clothes,
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which you're not really to which you're not really meant to do, really think she's do, do you really think she's going back? those of going to bring it back? those of compete gwyneth paltrow ? compete with gwyneth paltrow? well, because she wants well, i do, because she wants she wants status. she wants to a venue. and it was a bit better than you're suggesting that. dan you know, she had a million followers and she a philosophy. she wants to go to lots of free stuff. she a lot of free stuff. she loved her money, i know, but she made some money. but in the end, it gave her a platform. and that's what she wants. now she wants to be a guru. she to be a pontificate. all of the future of queen, meghan and this is possibly politician. this is what it's all. and it's fascinating how they are in theory succeeding. but what's interesting that in america, they're not as popular as they would like to be, and they're actually they're being mocked roundly . that's rather roundly. that's rather heartening. yeah, well, especially if they're not ianed especially if they're not invited to the oscars, which is of course, just down the road . of course, just down the road. yeah. and that's hollywood. what exactly that's wrong. exactly? that's really wrong. that's you know hollywood
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that's where you know hollywood is . for that's where you know hollywood is. for years, meghan had to have nose pressed up against the glass, wanting to accepted by hollywood. becomes the hollywood. then she becomes the star because she marries harry, goes back to hollywood. she thinks i'm back in celebrity will and she's now ignored tom bower, the author , revenge. bower, the author, revenge. absolutely fascinating. thank you, tom. we will speak next week , but it is time now to week, but it is time now to tonight's greatest britain and duty and jackie's. tonight's greatest britain and duty and jackie's . my superstar duty and jackie's. my superstar panel , duty and jackie's. my superstar panel, amanda patel. duty and jackie's. my superstar panel , amanda patel. let's kick panel, amanda patel. let's kick off with your nominee for greatest britain fleet. it has to be for king charles fulfilling his late mother and prince philip's wish . sophie and prince philip's wish. sophie and edward become the duke and duchess of edinburgh, which means that horrible meghan will have to curtsy to them . finally have to curtsy to them. finally do what? i was so happy about this because there there was lots of consternation about whether charles was actually going to do it or not, but in the end it was these mom and
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dad's wishes. and it's a beautiful thing to do . it was beautiful thing to do. it was the right decision . calvin the right decision. calvin robinson, your nominee, please mine is honorary and it's president donald trump for to ban critical race theory transition to insanity and other inappropriate racial, sexual and political content from schools for very, very you're not going to win with rebecca reed nominee minus michelle yeoh who won an oscar at the oscars funnily enough and has actually quite a saying don't let anybody you that your past your prime which i think is lovely. yeah and that was in response to the cnn presenter a guy called donald simon who recently that women in their fifties were not in their prime. but look i'm going to go with amanda patel and the duke and duchess of edinburgh because you know what i actually think they have been the secret weapons behind the scenes of the royal family that are going to have up lot of the have to pick up a lot of the slack after the sacking of prince a frontline
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prince andrew as a frontline royal the departure , harry royal and the departure, harry and . union jack has time and meghan. union jack has time now of patel. you want a minute, please? okay i'm checking my notes here because we will not have to commit this man's to memory. the directory of the bbc . tim davie, who is ? he's now . tim davie, who is? he's now out of a job within the next fortnight. we might as well all just give up. it's totally the bbc into world disgrace and ridicule . calvin robinson, your ridicule. calvin robinson, your nominee, please caroline noakes . she still calls herself a conservative mp . no idea how she conservative mp. no idea how she fights against every single thing. the tories want to do this slightly remotely conservative and she's currently fighting against the migration. yeah. interesting she yeah. interesting though, she said it was disgusting. she didn't vote against. she abstained . rebecca, read your abstained. rebecca, read your nominee, please . my next nominee, please. my next husband, hugh grant. nominee, please. my next husband, hugh grant . why would husband, hugh grant. why would you want to marry here? oh, this was great. oh, so many feelings. but gave the most but he. he gave the most ungenerous interview . ashley ungenerous interview. ashley graham. and she is used this. i will completely accept that. but
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it just i mean i think it it was just i mean i think it a bit of okay, let's have a little this is feel to be in glass onion it was such an amazing film i really loved it i love a thriller. how fun is it to shoot something like that? well, i'm barely it. i'm in it for about 3 seconds. yeah still, you showed up and you had fun almost. oh, how enormous. and why? why do you think that's great? he's right. he's. no. be rude he's been straight up. he's being is not playing the cheesy american game tastic then don't go go to the red carpet you want to ask him his opinion turn up why you play him his opinion turn up why you play game in life. john and i have had an interview that before, i reckon. oh yeah. and the thing is, she tried so many different things and i agree with on the shop richardson in the shade i just try and go for the shade i just try and go for the trier but the big question is why did she turn up without any clothes? because this is what? well, she was a plus size model. the us apparently she is plus size class. i met last
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night that officially in her undies in hollywood. well, look, i'm go with rebecca i'm going to go with rebecca reed, jackass hugh reed, beauty and jackass hugh grant because he the rudest and, the meanest man in hollywood , the meanest man in hollywood, the meanest man in hollywood, the sooner people realise , the the sooner people realise, the better. but also coming now it wasn't rebecca reid, amanda patel, calvin , my superstar patel, calvin, my superstar panel patel, calvin, my superstar panel, thank you so much. you've been absolutely fabulous . so of been absolutely fabulous. so of you.thank been absolutely fabulous. so of you. thank you for your company. i'm back again tomorrow night from 9 pm. we're going to have the best analysis to the budget see you then. good night.
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good evening. it was gb news. in a moment, but first, let's bring you the latest headlines. and tomorrow , chancellor will tomorrow, chancellor will announce his spring budget with full coverage right here on gb news and he's pledging to tackle labour shortages and get people back into work . it's all labour shortages and get people back into work. it's all part of his new plan for growth for the uk . he's expected to promise uk. he's expected to promise a plan that will remove the obstacles that stop investing . obstacles that stop investing. jeremy hunt is expected to announce boost to the tax free allowance for pension to stop over 55 from taking early retirement . that as well as retirement. that as well as announcing parents on universal credit receiving funding upfront instead of having to claim it back. he's also expected to
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unveil a multi


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