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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  February 22, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EST

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>> together we can make it happen and save $250. that's it for us on "the five." we'll see what happens welcome to "red eye." i'm andy levy filling in for greg gut felt. he is trying to make a last-ditch effort to explain himself to the judge. >> tonight's top story, tehran has placed limits on a u.n inspection team stating investigators would not be allowed to go to nuclear facilities. but they released a statement saying, perhaps instead you would like to visit our museum of female inferiority or check out a taping of our national game show jail or no jail, or our western say tan nick wax museum with bruce willis. and the american mustache instiewt is planing a million mustache march to gain
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government incentive to grow facial hair of the this comes as great news to the hawaii an investigators, romanian pour nothing graw fers and tonight's -- pour nothing graw fers and tonight's guest. and finally, a poll suggested that 4.3 of fashion designers believe their job is making the world a worst place. and of that 4.3% in the fashion industry 92 are dana vachon's team of designers. >> an excellent middle east accent. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> i am here with brooke goldstein, founder of the children's rights institute and director of the law fare project. two things that are made up. >> and he has been called the blackest man in america by, well, absolutely nobody. it is tucker carlson, fox news editor of the daily caller. bill schulz, he thinks he is on "the voice" right now. and next to me is the former
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u.s. ambassador to the u.n and fox news contributor. right now he is considering whether or not to shave his mustache live on the show. stay tuned. and his readers are leaving because his cart cals -- his articles are deceiving. good to see you, pinch. >> today in sports he focuses on the five-time olympic medal list as she trains to jump back into the bull at the advanced age of 40. and to that i say big deal you buoyant harlet. i am 161 years young and training to be a shot put and be a paper maid curling during the winter games or something to read as the wrestlers grunt their way to making way to top their locker room toilets. >> you are not really. >> will negotiations get bumpy as iran acts jumpy? the islamic country is no longer the ray of sunshine i once thought it was? warning that it would take
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preemptive actions against the perceived foes if it felt threatened. talk about a snub, tucker. iran's deputy armed forces head said, quote, our strategy is that if we feel our enemies want to endanger the national interest and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions. that increasing tone will no doubt reinforce the view that iran is our biggest enemy. they found a record number of americans believe they are america's number one foe up from the previous year. china came in second followed by north korea. and brazil because of their aggressive dancing. anyway, while iran is becoming more belligerent, things are escalating in other corners of the globe.
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>> ambassador, you were just saying that dog and catistan will be the hot spot. >> i thought that was the national security council. >> you may be right. i know we are the first show on fox news to have you talk about iran. what is the latest statement from this country mean? >> well, i think he see the israelis are close to a decision. the middle east being a conspiracy theory capital, one of the theories out there is that iran would have these bow law -- hezbollah attack first, thus derailing and attacking iran. it is a credible threat and it is one that israel and the united states have to take seriously jie. we do have to take it seriously? >> absolutely. >> aren't we the only country
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allowed to make preemptive strikes? who the hell does iran think it is? >> actually i know you are sort of kidding, but i agree with that. >> i am not kidding at all. >> that's the only country with authority to do that. i do think -- i'm sure i am the lone voice, but i think iran deserves to be uh. lated and i think they are evil. i think that is a small factor and it could tank our economy. >> why are they suddenly so aggressive? they used to be chilled. it is like, relax. >> you want to take that. >> thank you. i would be a good ambassador. >> you don't want to know. >> you were saying in the green room that we should give iran whatever they want and do whatever they say. >> have i to retract that. i have to retract that. i agree, and i think iran's statement they will take preemptive action against anyone they unilatirally see
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as a threat. it is a way to shift away from violence and will result from their actions. they have taken preemptive steps in forms of acts of war. they killed hundreds of americans civilians. they killed officials on our soil. they want to provoke war. and they want to do it while claiming victim status. >> bill, after ambassador bolten, i am guessing you have something important to add to this discussion. >> -- narnia. iran has no griffens and you know by their hybrid outlook on things have the capacity to inspect our entire ecosystem. >> so you are saying narnia is the real threat? >> hobbits are easier to of cay. >> griffins can fly. >> it is not a good point, but it is a point. >> ambassador, there is a poll about america's enemies.
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it didn't include terrorist groups. does that make it pointless? >> it didn't include russia either. i would put on an interest national enemy's list and i think it reflects what people are saying day-to-day. but it should give iran some polls. earlier polls show a polarity and a majority would support a u.s. military strike against iran. >> right. tucker, the poll had iran one and china two. do you agree with that? >> one controls our economy and the other doesn't. i am not downplaying any sense of threat we face. i think it is real. but china owns trillions of our debt. so how are we a fully sovereign country when a communist nation owns the majority of our debt. >> so you are saying possibly -- >> of course china is a greater threat. >> don't yell at me. >> i am not even supposed to be here. >> i came into work and they said,ing loo, you are hosting -- they said, look, are you hosting. >> i thought i would be in the
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newsroom by myself and eating a snickers. can i say snickers on tv? >> we can't invade iran, right? sorry, iran. i want to pronounce it right. anybody who know what's they are talking about from an intelligence perspective says as lonesome as they are, they are all about the cost benefit approach i keep hearing about. and it is bad they are getting the nuclear weapon, but if israel were to strike it is in the bank for about two years. even if we at full capacity were to destroy everything they have nuclear making wise, they are still going to be in action enough to get back to the program with a lot more devotion. and what if we do destroy iran. the rest of the middle east is not going to be, okay. >> they don't want iran to have nuclear weapons anymore than israel does. for them it is a three-fer. they get to criticize and eliminate iran's nuclear weapons and the price of oil goes up. >> iran is not going to attack anyone.
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>> i don't think anyone -- i don't think anyone is talking about annihilating iran. there is talk about taking out their nuclear capabilities. >> everybody has said that. >> about uh. lating them? taking out their nuclear capabilities. that's different. >> annihilating their nuclear program. actually, i want to ask you both about something that bill brought up. he had a piece in the daily beast that i thought was interesting. most high level u.s. military and intel officials believe or are saying that iran is irrational and they are making their decisions based on cost benefit analysis. we don't have to worry about them. >> i think their rationality is 180 degrees different. maybe there is deductive logic. we are talking about a nation that sent its own children to walk in front of tanks in mine fields. we are talking about a nation that teaches kids to kill themselves as suicide
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bombers. their end game is martyr dom and it is funding terrorism to kill jews, christians and infidels, and they are acting rationally? >> so you are saying these things are bad? >> well, that's a judgment only you can make. >> i just wanted to be clear. >> i wonder who does this benefit? obviously, again, iran is a threat run by loonetics. always somebody benefits. who benefits? >> it is just the first step. eliminate the nuclear weapons and overthrow the regime. that's the real long-term solution. and we have spent 10 years not doing that. that's why they are so close to nuclear weapons now -- >> who would be the beneficiary? that's all good. >> what bad people would benefit from that? >> i think that this regime is
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just about the most evil there is on earth. therefore anything would be an improvement especially if the nuclear weapons program disappeared in the process. i think the iranian pell would favor a representative -- iranian people would favor a representative government. >> you have the director of national intelligence and the joint chiefs chairman and the head of the defense intelligence agency. all basically saying hang on. they are making cost benefit decisions. are they all wrong? >> let's assume they are right. how close today is iran to getting nuclear weapons? this close. the defense secretary panetta says they are a year away. >> is this a technical term? not all of our viewers are experts. >> it is only for nuclear physicists. if anything a rational actor would say i am this close, and i would cross the finish line and then talk to these guys when i have nuclear weapons in my back pocket. >> all right.
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some people do contraception and i do nuclear weapons. who handed out these assignments? >> i was going to say, if you need contraception, i can take you to the green room. >> i have nuclear weapons. >> i guess you don't need contraceptions. should the feds play more of a role in how kids stuff their pie hole? awful, bill. the obama administration, is there any other kind, is attempting to set nutritional standards for snacks sold in school vending machines and outside the cafeterias. while details are yet to be released, they predict that changes will be similar to the lunch program that reduces sugar, salt and fat, aka, the good stuff. many schools worry that overly restrictive rules could lead to a man -- ban on sweets sold at fundraisers. as james mccarthy, the president of the snack food association which does exist says, quote, we are a little
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concerned that they might make the rules too stringent. for more let's go live to our health correspondent, super pug. what do you have for us? >> maybe ltle -- maybe a little more representing and a little less -- >> i am not waiting. >> an interesting fact in this story is that some kids -- a sizable percentage of kids get half of their food from the government. so the government is basically monitoring these kids. they are basically mom to these kids. once you enter into a relationship with the government this intimate don't be surprised when they are restricting your sodium. >> childhood obesity has tripled in the past 30 years.
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so is it an awful idea for there to be some new guidelines? >> no, it is a noble effort to try and combat child obesity. this is a disease that is literally killing this country -- >> allegedly. >> it shouldn't be a devisive issue, but it is the way the government is pursuing it that makes it a questionable thing. they have always been controversial and it is an easy solution. they should provide incentives for the state to engage in research and to combat obesity locally. >> what about the parents. what kind of loser parent would i get? what does the government have to do with this? they are terrible parents. their kids get high and have guns and get fat. >> those are not all bad things. >> it is like, buddy, you are a bad mom. you are a bad father. i'm all about pointing fingers. let's do that. >> i agree, but ambassador, the food and beverage industry or big snack, seem okay with
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selling healthier stuff in schools. they worry the guidelines might go too far. but the government would never go too far, would it? >> no. they are in a position now through obama care to govern everything you eat. they have rules about how much fat you can consume and in california the disclosure on menus and restaurants is longer than the menu. and this is exactly what you get when people don't have personal responsibility. after all, president obama is smarter than all of us. he should decide what we eat. he should decide what our children eat and why should we object to it? >> i think you have given us the out of context sound bite. thank you. >> have you seen fashion week? whatever bloomburg is doing, it is working. they are famished. >> one in every five children is obese right now. you have five i will i will legitimate daughters. is it the same percentage? >> three i am aware of, but there might be two. they resemble me, but they
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resemble somebody else i know. >> i will be honest they each weigh about 250. but before you say i am a bad parent, know that i never see them. this is all on their mom. >> herald is four years 08d. >> he is 250 and 40. if not for the gender as a woman i would say future line backer. i am talking about my beloved daughter i haven't seen in five years. i am not even sure she is 4. >> tucker, if kids want junky snack foods, they are going to get them somewhere. >> of course they are. i am just amazed -- my neighbors are always saying, i want the government out of my bedroom. the amount of government intrusion into our lives growing exponentially. i just don't see government's place to be determining what you eat or in fact feeding
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you. i am skeptical of the school lunch program. call me a fashist. >> to get to that . you are a facist. a big snack has done -- even the health food people say big snack has done a good job at offering healthy alternatives. but the problem is that the kids #r* choosing the snacks that have higher sodium content or more sugar or higher fat. so basically what we need here, we need the government to take that choice away. that's real freedom, isn't it? >> look, the issue is simple. it is one thing if the government fines schools and says you have to have these options. it is another thing if the government says you can only have two scoops of potatoes. you have to have x amount of vegetables. the former is fine and the latter is not. the essence here is the food industry. look how we are treating animals in this country. look what we are injecting into them and then eating them. we are what we eat. that's what we should be
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paying attention to. not regulating how many vegetables a kid should have in school. >> i don't agree with the fact that kids will find something crappier. what do we know about today's kid? a they are fat. b, super lazy. they will look at the vending machine and whatever is in the vending machine they will stick it into their greasy little pie hole because they are too lazy to run across the street and get something else those sweaty little jaba the huts will progressively turn more plug-like with every single one. >> walk a mile for a kit cat. >> the real deal is by doing this the government gives us the freedom of not being fat. >> that's right. you know what, the goal is noble, andy. that's the point. we want what is best for you. >> and if you don't do what we think is best we will kill you, but it is for your own good. >> we can make you do what is best for you. >> we have guns and you don't. >> that's freedom. >> coming up, will ambassador
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bolten shave his mustache on our show? stick around to find out. that's how you do a tease, shep.
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can mitt win the mitten state? fyi, that's one of michigan's nicknames for reasons nobody has understood. and romney is starting to catch up to rick there ahead of tuesday's big primary. a new poll from ppp shows the vest leading the hare by four points. if you put that into perspective that is four points more than no points, but 11 points closer to where it was in the month. with the race tight and newt and ron paul showing no signs of ending their fight. it is possible that the gop could have a brokered convention in tampa, putting the nomination up for great grabs as the 2,000 delegates
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cash their votes as they please. but according to a new poll, most want to avoid that. and this graphic confirms what i just said. what a world we live in where tbrasks can instantaneous -- where graphics can instantaneously go with what we just said. ron paul is bringing his a game. watch. >> is this dude serious? fiscal conservative, really? they voted to raise the vote five times. double the size of the department of education and then supported the expansion. rick santorum, a fiscal conservative. >> i am ron paul and i approve this message. >> i bet you did, ron. >> tucker, we are not going to have a brokered convention. this is driven by wishful thinking by big media types like you and me. >> there is no question that ron paul will be chairman of the fed in the romney administration. there is a lot of pay back coming for ads like that. it is not a brokered
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convention. it is against the basic republican temperament. the republican party is a sweep it under the rug party. you know what i mean? >> they hate the idea of airing this stuff in public. i think it would be interesting to cover. >> that's what i am saying. >> it gives uh chance to decide what they believe. it is up in the air at this point. it would allow 2,000 republicans. >> as our proxy. >> who will win michigan? >> i actually think romney is going to win. republicans in washington have decided he ought to be the nominee and they have pulled out all of the guns. i think they badly hurt him. and by the way, romney is spending millions and millions and millions of dollars. santorum is spending less than a 10th. >> he spent $6.95 yesterday. >> he didn't even make a dent with that. >> he has to win the mitten state. it is named after him. >> this whole segment, you lost me at poll. >> i know i should know this stuff. >> you were canadian?
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>> i was born in canada, but i have dual citizenship. >> say about. >> but i rant to know, can someone explain to me how you weigh the primary vote against national convention vote and what primaries have to do with a 1,144 nominations you need to win? i printed out the republican party presidential primary explanation and it is 30 pages long. the sled dogs have a -- oh that is canada. >> the electoral college system is the dumbest thing ever. maybe it was okay back in the day, but now it has to go. you can read that on my blog. >> 18 and over. >> you were saying in the green room and i found this interesting that you would like to see what obama could do with a second term. please explain. >> how fast he could take the country right off the edge of the cliff.
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that's what he is planning to do. the primary reason why he meeds to be defeated. >> all right. is this dude serious about rick santorum? more like is this ad serious, am i right? >> i don't know what you are right about. that obama thing he completely made up with the ambassador. i feel like this show is off the rails. let me try and bring it back. >> we are in trouble now. >> we are. >> ron paul, you already got the kids. the kids like you. using the word dude, and then it got worse. he actually had a tie dye motif and it said not groove vee. don't try to appeal with the language. >> i think the groovy was a point about something in the 60s. if santorum gets the nomination, would you vote for him? >> will i vote for santorum over obama? >> yes. >> are you kidding?
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yes. i would vote for jeffrey domer over obama. >> what we learned from this segment is. >> >> i absolutely would not. >> you wouldn't vote then? >> i think i might actively vote for obama. >> none of this is making sense. >> you think owe about you ma is less -- obama is less intrusive than santorum? >> i think they are equally intrusive. >> who will spend more? >> the social issues are very important to me. i disagree with santorum on just about all of them. >> interesting. that is so warped. >> i guess this will be the last time i will be hosting the show. >> what is the other choice? do you have a comment on the show about anything other than what i just said. e mail us at fox to leave a voicemail call 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from jesse joyce.
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welcome back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong. for that we go to jesse joyce. w45* is up? >> how are you? good show so far. first off, i just wanted to say to tucker that the last time i did the half time report you were here it took a few seconds to misleadingly pretend to apologize so that i could throw out the line again that i made earlier that you look like a middle aged dennis
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the men nighs if he had grown upton a -- dennis the menaze if he had grown up to be middle aged. >> i hold the words close to my heart. >> thank you. >> no problem. >> andy, you had said at the beginning there the word belacoast. it is from the latin roof -- root belum for war, and it means favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars. >> you and i know that because we both -- restudy lapping wedges. we study languages. >> but the number of times i have seen you do this job the whole purpose is to be a punch line buzz kill. isn't that what you do is you take people things say? >> i don't know. i have never had a punch line on the show. >> you are fun. >> brooke, you said iran has hired the mexican drug dealers. i think you are confusing iran
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with gary by see. busey. it happens a lot. tucker, you mentioned that iran is not a bigger threat than china, not even close. iran may get nukes and china controls our economy. that is actually not true. it is a common misnomer, but china accounts for 2.7% of u.s. personal consumption expenditures in 2 010 according to the federal reserve and the 2010 census. a total of 88.5% of u.s. consumer spending is on items made in the united states. it is a misnomer because of the the -- because the economy is a bigger picture than knick-knacks. so what happens is -- >> no, no, no. i was talking about the economy of plastic dog vomit. they account for 100% of the market. >> i'm sure when you look
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around your own home 80% of your bow ties were made in china. >> sure. all of the party favors in my living room were made in china. i have a distorted view. >> tucker, isn't it that we owe china? >> i was talking about the debt, the american debt. >> there again, china owns 10% of the national debt. we owe 90. >> they are the single largest owner of our debt. and they are bent on world domination. >> if china owns 10% of your bank account that would still be crappy. joy way cra -- >> way crappy. >> bill, i am thrilled you dressed like a member of the pensacola vice squad tonight. >> i get the feeling it is not thrilled about that. >> i like this job.
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i am supposed to ambuds form every u.n ambassador on his views on iran. i have like absolutely -- what am i supposed to do? unless that is not in fact former ambassador bolten. i didn't know if it was you or sam elliott repricing the role as a divorced midevil studies teacher. >> it is a fake mustache. >> jesse, it is important to remember that on television everyone everyone -- everyone is equal. you can correct the ambassador on iran. >> i am under qualified. >> not on tv. >> imagine you are joe biden and go for it. >> then you are under qualified. >> ambassador, you said at the end that you know about nuclear weaponry and not contraception -- or not -- >> you are not going to be able to say that with me.
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i don't know if you have ever seen godzilla versus mothra, but nuclear radiation is the best contraception. >> i am multi polar. >> you know what you are talking about. regarding the kids and vending machines, tucker, you mentioned that 50% of the food at school is where they get their food. it is like mom. in which case you are raised by dad which means you are drinking three day old pizza and drinking tang that tastes like whisk key. >> i was ate by a divorced dad and we ate a lot better than how the government would have fed us. >> there us go. there you go. >> bill, i thought it was great that you took the time to tell everybody i will be at the comedy club in san antonio this thursday through sunday. that was very decent of you.
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see what i did? i don't get time to plug things at the end. >> we see. it wasn't subtle. >> bill, one of your daughters is called lunesta? >> you named her after an insomnia medicine? >> that is an insomnia medicine? i was told it is a quaint african village. >> no, it has a glowing butter flai. >> her name might be alowicious. i haven't talked to her in a longtime. >> you mentioned you want to keep the government out of the bedroom and i agree with the way you do it, tucker. like i said, anything that goes on in the bedroom should be between you and your partner and a donkey and your web subscribers. >> that's literally exactly right. it is pay per view too. >> i know you were thrown by the fact that brooke is
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canadian. >> it is like invasion of the body snatchers. you are not sure who is who. >> i am more american than you are right now. >> when you find out somebody is canadian, isn't it like finding out they are adopted? >> that is unsettling, but it is so much worse than that. >> here we have been talking like we grew up the same way, and then it is like, wow, it must have been crazy to grow up that way. >> i can hear you guys. >> tucker, i have to mention you said you would vote for jeffrey domer over president obama. >> yes. >> i don't know if you are aware of this, but jeffrey dom -- domer was a cannibal that murdered people. >> and he was beaten to death with a mop in the men's restroom. >> obama has murdered no boys. >> and i may be guilty of a mild over statement. >> and lastly i am almost done here, but i took offense to
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the fact that i am not doing anything march 1st to the fourth. i will be at harvey's comedy club. back to you, andy. >> thank you. nice job. >> coming up, the excitement builds. will he go through with it? we will find out after this. >> one of the top 10 jobs that makes the world the best place. based on this tape i wonder if one is a fast today worker. you are watching "red eye" on fnc. stick around.
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does it cost a lot of cash to keep your mustache? bearded bros think so of the the american mustache institute says they are planing a million dollar mustache march. it is part of their campaign to convince lawmakers to create government incentives to grow facial hair. they want a $250 million
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annual tax deduction for expenses related to muss stash grooming supplies like shaving creams, combs and in the ambassador's case, laundry. join us for this to not fake event. we must discuss in the -- >> lightning roooooouuunnnnd. lightning round. >> ambassador, i go to you first. >> why am i here? >> we get -- we lure you in with iran, but we get you with the mustache story. first of all, will you be uh henning the -- attending the march? >> i will take a pass. >> you are a face trader. >> i am indeed. >> what do you make of all of this? how many thousands of dollars a month do you spend on grooming? >> i don't count it. but every special interest group in america has to give
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up something to cut the deficit. and let's start with this one. >> would you be willing to give up your mustache to cut the deficit? >> no. >> why stop at facial hair? clean shea ven guys like -- clean shaven guys like us we look good. >> i mean no disrespect at all, but are you swimming against the tied of history which is moving in a brazilian direction. this country is becoming less and less hairy by the day. >> it is one reason i considered running for president. that was to vindicate william howard taft. you know, tom tried to do it, and he couldn't make it. i thought i had a serious chance. maybe the history overwhelmed me. >> we may never see your likes again. we don't know what that means. studies done by the american mustache institute say men with facial hair are better looking than others. it is hard to argue with the numbers because i am fairly certain they are made up. >> i just learned a new word
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mustachio d. >> they don't have that in canada? >> you have moose. >> they eat moose. >> should women get a tax break? >> according to a report that i just made up, they spend a crap load on grooming. >> the only fallout is my blowout is tax deductible. >> bill, you couldn't grow a mustache no matter how hard you tried, yet you have seven nipples. are you sad? >> i am amazed you turned that into a question. kudos to you. >> i can grow a mustache. it looks like a super glued pubic hair on my face. i was going to grow one and join these guys, but during the commercial break i had my
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first first -- nicorette. they don't exist well together. >> how is it? >> i love it. i will say you have three eyes. i don't know how that happened. >> the walls are bleeding. >> the next topic, a company called pay scale researched how workers view the meaningfulness of their jobs. we will just focus on the negative nillies. it is the 1% of respondents who selected this option. quote, my job may make the world a worse place. among the occupations with the highest shares of workers saying they were doing the opposite of god's work. number one fast-food employees. followed by bartenders, attorneys, fashion designers. and finally, producers of the show "two and a half men." >> brooke, you are an attorney. do you feel that way? >> i want to point out that it was a senior attorney that made the list. it was not human rights attorney. human rights attorneys do the work of god. specifically the jew day yaw
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christian god. i am very sad. >> you are a self-confident lawyer. >> aren't they all? >> tucker, it is time to make my money. >> they are not self-aware enough to be self-loathing. >> only wise people hate themselves. the fast-food worker statistic , anybody who hates their job that much would spit in a cheese burger. >> ambassador, frequently i run into you across the street. will this maybe you think -- will this make you twink twice? >> i think the snack industry will need help about the oppression. i will give up the big mac and go to dorritos. >> that's fair. >> bill, do you think your job makes the world a worst place. >> you and i pitched this story story and when i knew we would do it i knew what questioning you would give me. most people when they have
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jobs like this they say if i don't do it nobody else will. >> did you just quit? >> no. i have three to five daughters that i may or may not see. be a human being. don't think of me, think of lunesta. it is time to take a break. find out if the ambassador will shave his mustache in three minutes and 40 seconds.
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we are back and you have no idea what you just missed. recently the husband of finish land's president was caught eyeballing the danish princess' cleavage at a royal dinner in copen hey again. been there, pal. i mean i have been to many royal dinners. check him out. he is totally scoping it. but the amazing part is eventually when she looks up he is like, what? >> the classic up look and look at her hand. she knew exactly what was going on. >> ambassador, have you been around a lot of heads of state. >> that is the first time i
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have ever seen anything like that at any royal dinner i have been at. it does recall when he was white house chief of staff in the carter administration and sitting next to the egyptian ambassador's waive and asking her about the pyramids of egypt. he was drunk at the time. >> i love that guy. >> tucker, i was kind of surprised to discover the president of finland was a woman. that was her husband -- that can't be legal. >> a lot of things are legal in scandinavia we don't put up with. i mean, bad furniture, kiddie porn and bad behavior. >> isn't finland not scandinavian? >> no, it is not. >> of course it is. >> no, it is a different language group. >> they have it on their birth certificate. >> like you can believe a birth certificate, am i right? >> sweden, norway and denmark. >> and iceland. >> i don't think so. >> i think real
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scandinavians -- >> look ambassador to the u.n., what do you think you know? >> i am team bolten on this one. >> brooke, is there a gender reversal for this? is there somewhere women stair at guys when they don't think they are being watched? >> i sympathize with the princess here. being canadian i have been to many, many royal dinners and it is a big, big problem. >> are you the king? >> you know the unicks. >> we should probably do this whole segment -- just went straight to hell. >> in the future if you could not stair at brooke's necklace.
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>> still little bit rude. we will close things out with a post game wrap up from jesse joyce. and the ambassador's last chance to shave his mustache. to see recent stories go to fox eye.
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" return appearances from comedian paul mccurio, boo, margaret hoover, yea, and chris barron, yea. time to go back to jesse joyce for the post game wrap up. >> thanks, andy. why was he naked in that photo by the way? brooke, is there someone you would like to wish a very special birthday to? >> indeed there is. i want to wish benjamin ryberge my colleague and friend a happy birthday. he is the director of research at the lost air project. >> that would be weird if it was in the prompter and you were like, no.
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all right. tucker, tell us about what matt boyle is up to at the daily caller. >> i am glad you asked. she continuing the series of the light squared. they made special allowances for a favorite company and it is a big deal. >> ambassador, where can we see you next? >> i will be at the presidential debate in mesa, arizona tomorrow responding to the call from across the nation for more candidates to get into the race. i guess i will do it. >> i thought you were going to be at cracker's comedy club this indianapolis march 7th through the 11th. >> not on this show anytime soon. >> your president thing is cool too. back to you, andy. >> thanks, jesse. ambassador, broker convention, are you jumping in? >> yes, me and sara palin. >> a special thanks to brooke goldstein, bill schulz, tucker carlson and ambassador john bolton. that does it for me.


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