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  Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  January 3, 2012 4:09am-4:16am EST

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caucus, he better hurry up. right now may be his last chance for preiowa caucus endorsement. donald trump joins us by phone. good evening, sir. you said so often that your endorsement is powerful. on the eve of 22 hour aceway from doors opening, are you interested in endorsing a candidate? >> not at this moment, greta. i'll be maybe making that decision soon. i have not decided as of this moment to endorse anybody. >> greta: all right. there is a report today that you are even considering, still considering running. is that still in the mix? >> there is a group of people, large group of people that want me to. they did some filing or something out in texas because you had to have it filed prior to january 1. i'm honored by that. but it's nothing that i have been involved in. we'll see what happens. >> greta: i'll fill in the blanks. the texas activists filed paperwork to create the "make america great again" party.
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and with the single purpose to encourage you to run for president. >> well, i do love the name. the name of the party is fantastic. that really is what it is all about. america soon will not be great. a lot of people would say right now it is not great. if you look at what is happening in the world. what is happening with the other countries. they are eating our lunch. we don't have leadership. the name is a great name. >> greta: what is your assessment of what is going on in iowa, vitriol with the candidates transpresence of the super pac that added fuel to vitriol. >> a little bit but to a certain extent it is playing in obama's hands because the level of dislike, you know, i just listened to rick perry talking about his friend and, you know, they're all friends. they all talk about friends, friends, friends. but they're not friends. they are doing negative campaigning. it really plays in the hands
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of obama to a certain extent. that is what we can't allow. we can't allow obama to win. this country has been set back so far. under his leadership or lack of leadership. we cannot allow it to happen. >> greta: governor sarah palin was on the air earlier today and she had this to say about you. curious what you think about it. let me play what she said first. >> donald trump has a lot to offer. he is a businessman. he understands that government overreach quashes the ability for him and others to create jobs for the rest of us. who so desire to make it on our own and not to look to government to make it for us. you know, for those who continued to sut down donald trump, i say enough is enough. shut up about it. don't vote for him if he is a third party candidate. work harder for your candidate. >> greta: two things. one, you have an ally. she is a fan.
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secondly, she is hinting if you run as third party candidate, of course, then that leads to the problem if there is a third party candidate is that playing in the democratic playbook and guaranteeing a democratic win in november? >> well, first of all, she is a terrific person. i have gotten know her and she loves this country. she is really an amazing woman. i have a lot of respect for her, so i appreciate her words. it was leading in the polls when i left. when i decided that i wouldn't run as a republican. i was leading in the polls. and leading even substantially in the polls. that was literally as aleft. i was watching "meet the press" one of your slight competitors. i was leading in the polls. then the next day i said i am going to be doing what i'm going to be doing. so it's interesting. i have a lot of people that i don't know if they like me. i think they like what i'm saying. they don't want to be ripped off by the world. we're a whipping buzz for opec and china, india and anybody that does business. we used to be the kings.
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and we're not the kings anymore. >> greta: do you regret pulling out tonight as you watch on the eve of the caucus and you see everyone sort of running around the state and convince vote torres vote for them and blood on the floor in the process? do you wish you stayed in a little bit? >> people don't realizevy a legal responsibility. i have a successful show. if you haven't, it's very unfair because obama can go around and do television programs, can fly around in air force one, raise funds and using our money raise funds for his own campaign, the only thing he is good at. frankly, it's unfair. because i have a show called "the apprentice" i'm not allowed to run. equal time provision. i'm not allowed to run. i would haven't been allowed to run as a republican because of the show. as you know. >> greta: are you taking this dead serious? or are you just playing with people in terms of the
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intrigue, because you have a lot of power or are you really in your mind set serious about considering running as an independent? >> as i said to you and others, greta, if the republicans pick the wrong candidate, which is a possibility. >> greta: what is that? what is that? >> we'll see very soon. if it's the wrong candidate in my opinion. the biggest thing hate to be a candidate that can beat obama. if that candidate is in the going to any n my opinion beat obama and continues to be bad, which i think it will be, because we have no leadership whatsoever, i will consider it strongly. >> greta: in terms of the group of candidates running now is there any republican candidate running in iowa now, who you think can't beat president obama? >> absolutely. >> greta: who can't beat president obama? >> i don't think ron paul has even a little chance of beating him. >> greta: anyone else?
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>> the fact that he is doing so well in the polls -- i can't imagine he does well. but if he won it would be a tremendous black eye for iowa. i really think it would bring iowa down as the first great state in terms of the process. i really think it would be very, very bad thing for reputation of iowa. >> greta: is there any other candidate who you think couldn't beat president obama in november? >> yes, but i'm not going to mention the names of them. >> greta: give me a hint. >> i'd rather be positive. let's see what happens. at a certain point in the fairly near future i will be letting my views be known. but certainly there are some i think could win and some i think could not win. >> greta: all right. one last question along the line and i'll stop beating a dead horse. you say ron paul. you say there are others. would have many more of the others do you think couldn't beat president obama out of universe are running? ingly don't want to make a big deal. i don't think ron paul has a
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little chance. i don't think he will run as third party candidate. i don't think his son could allow that. >> greta: with 41% undecided tonight, do you think it's fair to say nobody knows who will win tomorrow night? >> it's probably true. it's like a bunch of yo-yos in terms of it goes up and goes down. one person is leading. go from 1%. whether you like rick santorum or not, i mean he never gives up. i write books about never give up, never quit, never, ever, ever quit. he never quit. it's amazing when you look at what happened. i'm not saying love him, like him or anything else but he never quit. you see someone going from 1% to being number three is unstable process. no question about it. >> greta: are you staying up to midnight to watch the special live on the record tomorrow night? >> greta: only if you are on the show. i am. we'll have a lot of coffee. see you at midnight. thank you, donald. >> so long, greta.