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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  December 8, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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tonight. make sure you go to greta we'll put an open thread up. in the meantime, keep it here on fox news channel. good night from washington, d.c.. we'll see you tomorrow night, 10:00 p.m. eastern. factor. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on, tonight: >> there is something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate christmas and pray in school. >> governor rick perry trying to make a come back in iowa by promoting his christianity. is that a smart strategy? we have a special report. >> i know a lot more than, you know, a lot of the so-called pundits that you read about. carl rove is an example. what did he do? he gave you bush and he and bush crashed and burned. >> donald trump angry that some republicans are not supporting his presidential debate in iowa that's scheduled for later this month. laura ingraham on that.
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word has it that king her rod has put a hit out on your baby. >> your baby? [ laughter ] [inaudible] >> a profane virgin mary, that's what aired on canadian tv starring pamela anderson. the culture warriors will weigh in. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone from washington. the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. reporting tonight from washington, d.c. thanks for watching us. a close encounter with an occupy protester. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. last night i was walking over to the white house for the annual media party there. all of a sudden some guy runs up behind me screaming, comes out of the rain, doesn't identify himself. i was with my assistant from fox news and we were startled. i told the guy to get lost but he came closer and closer
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armed with a cell phone camera. when he was about a foot away, i turned to shield myself and my assistant with an umbrella. at this point we were just a few feet away from the white house gate. the secret service stopped the man and we find out that he is an occupy protester. i then asked the service to call the d.c. police because i thought the guy was out of control. the police arrive, discussions take place, but there is no criminal statute in washington unless a person actually touches you, which the guy did not. now, this man could have had a knife. i didn't know what he was going to do. i didn't know who he was. but, in the district of columbia, i couldn't stop him. i mean, i felt like the penguin in the batman show. remember that burgess meredith shielding myself with an umbrella. i'm lucky i had it. otherwise i might have punched the guy and i would have been arrested. ironically a few nights ago i told you bad things were going to happen because these occupy protesters are becoming
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increasingly aggressive. i never thought it was going to happen to me. however, these anarchists are now everywhere. here is what happened to chris christie yesterday. [shouting] >> chris christie and mitt romney. >> [shouting] >> oh, yeah. you are so angry, aren't you? so angry. so terrible. hey, listen, you know what? we're used to dealing with jokers like this in new jersey all the time. don't you worry about it. >> bill: but we do have to worry about it because some of these people are now intruding on businesses and american citizens. i was lucky last night, i held my temper. i'm sure the guy wanted me to hit him. the thing is if the occupier had identified himself, i would have talked to him. in fact, i put him on the factor. but, running at somebody in the dark screaming isn't my opinion a threatening situation and there ought to be a law.
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that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. why isn't there a law? with us former detective trevor huick who is a private investor you worked in the district a long time. >> 22 years. >> bill: what bothers me about this we researched all over the place, not just washington. it looks to me like people don't have any protection when people come at them and you don't know who they are. i'm thinking john lennon here. poor john lennon signing an autograph and all of a sudden he is dead. did i do the right thing last night or how do you see it. >> you did the right thing. i did see some aspect of the video. >> bill: there is a video. we say it's edited it's around on the web site so whatever. >> the police misinterpreted the law because you don't have to have a physical contact or injury to arrest somebody for simple assault. there is an aspect of battery in simple assault and aspect of a threatening act. unwanted touching. you don't have to have an injury. a threatening act to be
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frightening an individual. and i just. >> bill: i have got to be honest. the guy once i saw who he was, that he was some crazy guy asking me crazy questions about newt gingrich, i didn't know what he was talking about and he had the little cell phone. i wasn't frightened. it was in the beginning, which you don't see on the tape because they don't put that on there where is he screaming and running out. i didn't know who he was. but, the lt. and i talked to a lt. in washington, d.c., he didn't want any part of this case. it was a low level beef to him. i'm sure they are busy with homicides and everything else. he didn't want any part of it. >> listen, they are not all doing homicides. he should have dealt with this correctly. >> what would you have done if you were the officer on the scene? >> i would have arrested the man for simple assault. i see this as a threatening act. >> bill: based on what you saw on the tape. >> based on what i could see on the tape. you could hear him and running up. the video is showing the individual running up behind you. you are trying to avoid the individual. >> bill: absolutely.
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>> you are in the company with somebody. you are not only thinking of your safety. you have to think of the safety of the individual you are with. >> bill: she is 5'2". >> you don't know this individual that's approaching you. he doesn't identify himself by name. he is yelling out questions and whatever else he may have, you know, yelled out at you. but the whole idea is he is approaching you improperly. you go to the reasonable standard. and i don't think he makes this reasonable standard. like if he would have said his name, i think he would have -- >> bill: i'm an occupy protester, here is my name. i would have said okay, what's your question? but anyway we do this and i'm sure you know, this we send out jesse watters and other producers to ask people news questions. but, the rules are we identify ourselves. this is who we are. we have a lo-go on the microphone. we do it in daylight. i can't even remember ever a nighttime situation. if they say back off, as i did to this guy, all right, we back off. unless its a situation where there is a criminal or
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something like that. but if it's a regular citizen, you can't i'm very interested. why do you think the lt. didn't want anything to do with this. >> maybe he wanted to be politically correct and didn't want to call his supervisor. i'm surprised he didn't call the watch commander to make the decision. >> bill: the head of the secret service at the white house came up to me at the party and said my guys told me what happened. they saw it the secret service saw it that's why they kept the guy there because it took the police about 10 minutes to get there he said look, you know, this is inappropriate. you can't have this kind of stuff. service didn't have jurisdiction you have to be on the white house grounds to have jurisdiction then it would have been a federal beef. it's in the district, right? >> it can be taken to federal court, yeah. >> bill: you know what? in hindsight, i was annoyed back then. i don't want the guy arrested. that would have made me look like a bully and idiot, wouldn't it? >> no. listen, bottom line suspects
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like that a approach a victim. you are a victim. if you don't stop people from doing this, where is he going to draw the line? >> bill: they are not drawing the line. >> they will continue to do something. >> bill: somebody is going to get hurt. >> because they got away with it this time. they will wind up putting their hands on somebody, spitting on somebody. >> bill: i'm afraid that's going to happen. >> the whole idea is you don't want that unwanted touching. i don't want somebody close to me like that. >> bill: absolutely. i'm thinking do i have a right to defend myself here at all? the answer is. no if i would have hit him i would have been charged. absolutely would have been charged. >> you would have been charged because of how are. i will tell that you right now. >> bill: i might not have been convicted but they would have had to have taken me downtown. >> you are allowed to use force in instances like this to diffuse the situation. >> bill: the umbrella was my weapon of choice. [ laughter ] >> but you are allowed. the victim is allowed to use the necessary force to diffuse the situation. >> bill: i don't know if i difficult -- diffused it or
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not. >> you were under control because i would have decked him. i thought you handled it well. >> bill: thank you, detectivive. i appreciate you coming in. donald trump very angry that some republicans are not supporting his moderating a republic debate. laura ingraham will analyze. senator corzine in capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain.
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>> bill: impact segment tent, as you may know donald trump has been selected by news max to moderate a republic debate at the end of december in iowa. that is causing controversy. ron paul, jon huntsman and mitt romney say they will not participate. michele bachmann undecided. he doesn't like the attention is he getting from some republicans. >> i know a lot more than the so-called pundits that you read about. karl rove is an example. what did he do? he gave you bush and he and bush crashed and burned and to be honest, laura, nobody could have won that election in all fairness to john mccain because of what took place during the bush administration and that was karl rove. >> bill: with us now here here in washington is laura ingraham. >> i just gave him a call a few minutes ago. >> bill: you can get trump on
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the line. >> i can. i used your name. i said it was bill o'reilly calling and they took the call immediately. i chatted with him a few minutes. you seem angry on my show. he said you know why i'm angry? because the country is going to hell and we don't seem to want have a serious debate about the issuing about on in this country. china, what do we do the about the rise of china not just discussing it in broad terms. what specific trade policies are going to be put in place so we even the playing field as china cheats. big issue. >> bill: i know trump pretty well and we go to some yankee games together. i don't understand why they won't show up. if i were running for president on the republic side i would want trump asking me questions. i think that -- because here is the advantage to the republicans. and i don't know why they are not going on. even if they don't much the debate, it's going to be on every web site, your show, my show, everything. there is trump. is he going to give you a little jazz. you can give it right back to him. it's not like it's wolf blitzer and you can't make fun of wolf.
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you can make fun of trump. >> trump also, i think he would ask questions. okay, how will we know that your presidency won't be like a third bush term? i think he thinks it's important to have a debate about what happened preceding this obama administration. how did it turn out that we go from eight years of bush to obama. that's why he is angry. >> bill: the republic contender should be able to handle donald trump -- >> -- if you can't handle donald trump good luck going against a billion dollars of barack obama. >> oh it's a reality show. >> bill: i don't know why he they are not. i sympathize with trump on this one. >> if the republic party was as good as brand managing they would do a good job. >> bill: i think more interesting you know the usual people and, you know, not to disparage any journalist but trump brings in a lot more. >> business, negotiation. he knows how to negotiate. and mitt romney, remember, is really good on china from trump's perspective. he said look we might have to
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put tariffs on china because the marketplace global solid totally unfair now and skewed because china is cheating. it's not a fair marketplace. romney would have been good in that debate. >> bill: two weeks ago herman cain was a player and now he is not. almost every person who supported mr. cain has gone to newt gingrich. and it isn't so much ideology, it's that gingrich is on the assent. >> yep. >> bill: whereas michele bachmann and rick perry they are staying the same single digits, so the perry -- the cain people said, you know, it's not too far from herman cain to newt gingrich so we will go over to him. that's why his poll numbers have skyrocketing. >> i was digging into this with my callers today, bill. what is it? why is gingrich on the rise? it really is coming into play what we talked about a few weeks ago. the people want to believe that they are going to be big things happening to transform this government. that it's not going to be a third bush term. that it's going to be something fundamentally different. and a lot of the people who were around from 2000 to 2008
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when god bless them george bush was in power and especially in those past few years was doing a lot of really liberal things, those people are most of the ones really angry about the rise of newt gingrich. newt gingrich can say look, i wasn't there in the 2,000s. i was out there making a lot of the money. i balanced this budget. i got bill clinton to move to the right on welfare reform. we did some big things. i'm not perfect but we did some transformational things. >> bill: i believe these polls are going to level out. romney has a hard core support of about 23%, 24% there are a couple of more debates. one saturday, right? isn't there one saturday? and then the big fox news a week from tonight. that's going to be huge. romney has really got to step up. >> he has got to fight for this. it can't be a core nation for mitt romney. you think you are entitled to this. he said the other day to his credit i have to fight for every vote. >> bill: he has to really differentiate him vfl from gingrich. >> evangelicals are critical in iowa. >> bill: laura ingraham.
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rick perry has one last chance to turn things around so he is using his christianity to try to win votes. later, pamela anderson in a rather profane portrayal of the virgin mary on canadian tv. those reports after these messages. i'd race down that hill without a helmet. i took some steep risks in my teens. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough.
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>> bill: fedex governor rick perry in single digits in most republic primary polling. is he turning to christianity as a campaign issue. >> i'm not ashamed to admit that i'm a christian you tonight need to be in the pew every sunday to know something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate christmas or pray in school. as president, i will end obama's war on religion.
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now this morning talking to bill hemmer, mr. perry expounded on the ad. >> when you think about the left in general, which the president obviously is a great part of. not allowing our kids to pray in school, not allowing to celebrate christmas. that's what the left has tried to do is to force all of us who are people of faith to basically say you can't be involved in the public arena. >> bill: with us now ford o'connell who developed political ads for the mccain campaign in 2008 and crawford who produced ads for the rnc. begin with you. what do you think? i don't know what gays serving openly in the military has to do with religion one. if you believe in prayer in schools as president what are you going to do as school prayer? >> bill: i don't know if he was making an issue or overarch that he believes secularism and the left is diminishing people of faith.
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if he were president, he would establish a tone that stops that. >> yeah. well, people of faith though, i would argue, they are not about what religion you practice, it's are you faithful and loyal to that religion whether you are mormon or muslim. >> bill: very big in iowa. they see an ad like that. they will respond to that. >> they will respond to it in this day and age, you cannot microtarget a group anymore like you used to. >> bill: you don't think so. >> no. >> where the caucus voting is very small. >> because it bleeds into the mainstream. >> bill: how do you see it, mr. o'connell? >> i think given the situation that rick perry is in where is he so far down in the polls, i think it's a very smart ad. let's remember a significant majority of iowa caucus goers are evangelicals. he is saying i'm going stand up for christmas and school prayer. i have had enough of the p.c. liberal stuff that goes on in america. i'm here and not only am i going to go after president obama who went to for a with
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repealing don't ask don't tell. i will draw a line in the sand with respect to my other g.o.p. rivals. he is actually going after mitt romney here to some extent given his mormon faith and his conviction as well. >> bill: subtle subtext this is a slap that romney is a mormon. i didn't see that in the ad. >> it's not just that romney is a mormon. is he saying i'm going to stand by my convictions and faith and i'm not sure that the rest of the competitors in the field will do it as well as i will. >> bill: michele bachmann very outspoken about her christian beliefs and that she is not for the exposition of gays and all of that. and she hasn't done well in iowa. it hasn't helped her there. why would it helpery if it hasn't helped bachmann. >> let's remember that rick perry actually has an economic record we're standing by. this is an add on to it. michele bachmann nobody knows what she is standing for in terms of the economy. they just know what she doesn't want. rick perry has a more plausible argument.
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>> bill: if i'm rick perry, rain shower are a, i'm -- laura, i'm doing this ad and i will tell you why. he has got to get attention fast. he has already tried the economics. he has already tried a whole bunch of stuff. it wasn't worked. >> no. >> bill: this ad, in iowa, blanketing iowa, people will talk about this ad. they will respond as you just said, to this ad. so he is basically taking -- it's a hail mary pass, zoom, i'm going to get behind it, hope the juans say, you iowaians say i want a guy like that and that's the only chance i have. >> i think at the end of the day it's going to be about the statement about gays serving openly in the military. people it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. people won't forget that. >> bill: you think evangelicals want gays to serve openly in the military they don't. >> i'm not saying they do. >> bill: they are a big caucus. >> for him, what really matters is what is beyond the caucus. >> bill: if he gets wiped out in iowa he is through.
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>> i agree with that. >> bill: you are coming around to my point of view and mr. o'connell's point of view that whether it is valid for campaign doesn't really matter he has got to, rick perry, get on board and get people paying attention to him and this is how he has decided to go mr. o'connell. i think it's a smart move. >> i absolutely do. if he shows poorly in iowa, he is done. he is going to go for broke. if this doesn't actually reach the court he needs to, i could see him going even further with some of these other ads. >> bill: going further? what else is he going to do? >> i don't know yet. i'm -- >> bill: how far do you go? president obama and the liberals are attacking christianity and i'm going to stop it that's pretty far. >> cats and dogs are fighting. we have got to keep going here. [ laughter ] >> bill: we're going to have pestilence if we don't knock it off. thanks very much. we appreciate the debate. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this
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evening. canadian tv broadcasting a christmas show featuring pamela anderson as a profane virgin mary. culture warriors has some thoughts. is it legal on whether attorney general holder and jon corzine can talk their way out of t laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? ♪ [ male announcer ] the new united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in. it's easy to see what subaru owners care about.
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>> bill: culture warriors segment tonight, canadian tv recently aired a show called russell peters christmas special. in that programs there there was a so tire on the birth of jesus with pamela anderson playing the virgin mary. >> word is that king her rod has put a hit out on your baby. >> your baby. [ laughter ] >> get us [bleep] out of here. >> huh? >> jesus. >> someone likes that name.
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>> bill: hysterical. now today, december 8th is the feast of the immaculate conception holiday in the catholic church. gresham carlson and margaret hoover. what say you hoover? >> you will hate this bill, you will say because i'm not a catholic. i'm catholic light i'm episcopalian. i thought this was funny. we can take a joke at the holidays. this was meant to be irreverent. 2.1 million canadians tuned in to watch pamela anderson as the virgin mary. we all get the joke. clearly she is no virgin mary. that's apparent. that's the joke. >> bill: hoover, you thought this was hysterical, funny? >> i thought it was good humor. it was ironic humor. take a joke. it's the holidays. >> bill: i didn't think it was funny. >> the whole thing was hysterical. >> bill: let me point out that 2 million viewers is nothing. it is not a good rating.
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hockey night in canada gets five times that. >> thank goodness we don't live in canada because we didn't have to be bored to tears with this over the top tongue in cheek stupidity. the only people reason why people were laughing with this it was a laugh track. this was the stupidest thing i have ever seen. as far as being offended from the religious aspect i'm not because the idea that pamela anderson for a second is a virgin is joke enough. >> bill: all right. but it is -- there are people very religious and mary is an icon, the mother of jesus is an i con. to have pamela anderson using little profane words under that within within banner. it pushes the good taste realm. is it necessary? i don't know i think it's sophomoreic. very little offends me anymore. i can see why people would be offended by it.
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i just think it's dopey. deck the halls have boughs of holy. you can sing that together ♪ deck the halls fa la la la labile bill let's have bing crosby pick it up. go. >> deck the halls with vows of holly fa la la la la la la la la ♪ tis the season to be jolly ♪ fa la la la la la la la la ♪ gone we now our gay apparel ♪ fa la la la la la la la labile bill okay, gay apparel in the cherry elementary school in traverse city, michigan gay apparel out of there. >> yep. >> bill: why? >> for first and second graders the music teachers started last friday because the kids were giggling when they sang that line that she would change it to bright apparel. now this only lasted a day because the principal got wind of it and immediately said this is a personal decision by the teacher and put it back to gay. this doesn't begin to top
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other things that i have heard happening at other schools. like i told you a couple weeks ago my son coming home and singing we wish you a happy holiday instead of we wish you a merry christmas. he thought that was the actual lyric to the song. and the bigger point here is why are they even singing deck the halls? because christmas carol but it doesn't say jesus. so what's happened is since you can't say jesus in any christmas carols anymore. teachers are dig in the bottom of the barrel. >> bill: technically it's not a christmas carol a christmas song. >> as close as they can get. >> bill: carol with references e birth of christ. hoover in your world you like everything. >> i have no morals or no values. we episcopalians. >> bill: would first graders being giggling at gay apparel. >> as we all know the term gay means happy but gay is a reference to people who are
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homosexuals. >> bill: does gay really mean happy. >> first and second, come on old english. you are an educated guy. the problem here to me is that you have got kids that are going to laugh at anything. if a guy's name is richard call him dick and laugh and point their fingers and make fun of kids. the problem here is if you are laughing at gay, what the teacher in my view should have done is probably said hold on a second, what are you doing laughing because somebody is gay. because there are people who are gay. when you begin laughing at people because they are different that's how bullying begins. >> bill: i don't know if it's that. >> they know more than we think they do. they may not have understand the repercussions. >> bill: why i couldn't laughing at gay apparel. wouldn't it be fascinating if we could channel art linkletter to say kids say the funniest things. why are you laughing? i would love to know why they were laughing. >> they know that being day with is different. and you have to correct them and teach them to be will respectful rather than make fun of people who are
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different. >> bill: they don't even know what apparel means. >> correct. they don't. >> but they do know gay. >> bill: culture warriors. when we come right back is it legal busy day charges against jerry sandusky and syracuse basketball coach may get away with alleged molestation. legal is next. the droid razr by motorola. the first droid that becomes self-aware.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the is it legal segment, attorney general holder again testifying before the house judiciary committee about the fast and furious scandal. >> although the department has taken steps to ensure that such tactics are never used again, it is an unfortunate reality that we'll continue to feel the effects of this flawed operation for years to come. guns lost during this operation will continue to show up at crime scenes on
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both sides of the border. >> bill: here now attorneys and fox news analyst kimberly guilfoyle and lis wiehl. wiehl, the mystery about this is if attorney general holder new about the operation and then the first time around in front of the judiciary committee didn't tell the truth. >> that's right. >> bill: did we come any further today in knowing whether holder mislead or whether he is completely innocent? >> no, we didn't. what he did do today though is admit that the department used inappropriate tactics. those are his word. >> everybody knows that that's not a new thing. >> what i'm saying is he didn't say anything new. inappropriate tactics. these guns are going to be out there. civil down the road guns being in criminal positions here. he also said what was new he did admit to congress that he had not released all of the documents that they had asked for. he used a veil of it's an ongoing investigation. fast and furious is not an
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ongoing investigation anymore. >> bill: guilfoyle, we don't know anymore now after the second testimony by the attorney general what his culpability is in this. >> no. he tried to kind of like walk the fence on this and not really take a position that would show that he, in fact, had specific knowledge of this operation and that he could be blamed for it but, nubles, you -onone the less, he threw himself on the sword threw himself on the banana, mushy, not accepting responsibility. he said that guns lost during this operation will continue to show up on both sides of the border. i thought that was the most significant take away from today. >> bill: we know that you know? i'm trying to get some news out of this and to me it doesn't look like there is any news out of it at all. >> that's the point. he didn't move the ball forward. if anything else, he dug himself into a deeper hole. >> bill: what deeper hole nobody can prove anything. >> that's the problem you try to charge him with perjury or obstruction of justice now
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wait a second though. wait a second. he gets closer to obstruction of justice today when he admits "on the record" that he hasn't handed over all the documentation that congress asked for. he is hiding behind. it's ongoing. >> bill: ongoing investigation himself. >> no, at that point you can't do it. there is a way you can give these documents over that could be sealed. that could be within the congressional record. that's the headline he admits he didn't give all the documents to congress and that could be actionable. you beth agree. >> absolutely. >> bill: i have got to get to corzine. private citizen now, former governor of new jersey, former senator from new jersey. private citizen. takes over mf global loses everybody's money. loses money doesn't know what he is doing. a lot of people thought he would take the fifth amendment in testimony in front of congress today he did not. did he hurt himself guilfoyle. >> potentially he exposed himself to legal liability. the remarks with the help of an attorney you can tell when you read it nevertheless, a little bit of escape hatch because he said look, i
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resigned. i do not have access to illegal documents. the emails, any correspondence from my firm so therefore i'm limited by what can i tell you. quite simply i just don't know where the money went and what happened to the 1. -- >> how much money are we talking about. >> 1.2 billion. >> bill: billions of dollars. i don't know where it went. come on o, wiehl, have you got to be able to prosecute a guy like that, no? >> absolutely. if i'm a prosecutor, i'm using that stunned statement in court in a prosecution. and don't forget because 2002 law that corporations, heads of corporations cannot hide behind i don't know where the money. i don't know how that happened. >> bill: 1.2 billion, i don't know. >> they knew who signed off on everything. >> bill: he could be indicted this guy. >> yes. and the board. >> bill: bernie fine, assistant basketball coach syracuse university accused of child molestation. but the statute of limitations in new york state has run out.
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so fine walks, wiehl; is that right? >> no. not yet. he walked at the state level. i spoke with the state prosecutor today. their office today. he walked at that level because of the statute of limitations it's five years which has passed. that is true. that is over. and the police department and the university screwed up in the initial investigation that is also true. there is an avenue here the u.s. attorney's office and the fbi and secret service investigating him not only for child molestation but also for computer porn. >> that's the hook right there. >> that's the hook. is he not off the hook. >> bill: you get a lot of time for that. >> he could still -- aside from the porn, he could still be charged at the federal level with the sexual assault an rape. the other two victims who have come forward before back in the 1980s and 1990s would come in as other witnesses in that trial. >> bill: no statute on the federal level, right? >> there is. >> bill: it hasn't run. in fact, other people could come forward.
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>> at the federal level. >> bill: child porn on his computer. >> and assault on the third victim. >> it's significant charge and he could be behind bars where he belongs. >> 10 years. >> bill: great american news quiz white house edition. then, actress hillary swank apologizing for a very bad decision. we will come right back from washington. to find you a great deal, even if it's not with us. [ ding ] oh, that's helpful! well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that. it's like a sauna in here. helping you save, even if it's not with us -- now, that's progressive! call or click today. no mas pantalones! here's one story. [ regis ] we love to play tennis. as a matter of fact it was joy who taught me how to play tennis.
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>> great american news quiz the edition. we had some innerg. i was at the white house last night as usual the christmas decorations were stunning. they is v. a little media party every year. joining us from new york -- steve doocy representing stefanie wallace. if you would like to win great
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prizes sign up. doocy and martha were not invited. >> we only go on years you are not there. don't take it personally. >> we have been going through your office since have you been gone and we found some weird stuff in the bottom drawer. >> bill: um-huh. this is question number one. this is the white house edition. john adams became the first president to reside in the white house while it was still under construction in 1800. >> there it. >> it will soon be ready, sir. >> slaves building our nation's capitol. no possible good could come from such a place. >> three executive mansions were used during george washington's presidency. where was his first office?
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the answer is b, new york. presidential palace in philadelphia you are new york was the first office. question number two. this is great. i can't even see. >> we're going to get them all right. >> bill: president reagan may have been sticking it to his predecessor jimmy carter when he had what environmentally friendly amenity removed from the white house? a solar panels on a roof. low flow shower heads. c low flow toilets d light dimmers. what did reagan have removed? cards up, please. the answer is roll the tape. >> white house solar history dates back to 1979 when president carter had a solar
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water heater installed for west wing offices. carter is remembered for wearing a cardigan sweater and asking americans to save oil by turning down thermostats. president reagan removed the soil panels when the roof was repaired and oil prices had plummeted. >> bill: did you get those right or. >> what we did. i swear. >> i can't believe. you better be telling the truth. >> the folks at home know, of course. >> bill: it's a tie. question number 3. gerald ford was portrayed by comedians as a klutz. >> sit with me by the fire side and spend this time together as i put up jack and susan's stockings final christmas ornament on the tree mr. ford was an avid athlete in real life. what did he add to the white
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house grounds? the answer is a swimming pool. did you get it right? >> that's me i got that correct and steve got it wrong. >> steve: what did doocy say. >> he i said tennis court. >> bill: ford a swimmer, football player at michigan and kept in shape by swimming. the easter egg roll the white house's biggest public events. >> the president and first lady hosts the white house's 133rd easter egg roll. >> i hope all of you had a wonderful easter. i hope everybody is having a great time here. welcome to the white house. >> opening the south lawn to children and their families in a tradition that dates back to 1878. >> bill: all right. next year might be the holiday roll. [ laughter ] the easter egg roll used to take place at the capital
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until congress passed a law as mentioned banning it in 1876. why did congress ban the easter egg roll? >> the answer is the lawn. >> bill: that callum in the lead with one to go. question five presidential inauguration is an occasion for many parties. >> hundreds of thousands lined the roof as the newly sworn in president and vice president watched the action from a specially built reviewing stand. >> after some white house private time the president and first lady had a night on the town celebrating in style at 10 different inaugural balls. >> bill: during andrew jackson's first inauguration the celebration was held at the white house and open to the public anybody could come. that was a disaster. a mob stormed the white house and refused to leave until they were lured back outside with what?
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cards up, please. the answer is c, buckets of liquor. >> that's how we get doocy to get him where we want him to go. >> did you get it right. >> we did. >> you both got it right. >> she wins. >> bill: so maccallum beats doocy. >> again. >> bill: yeah, again. oh, rubbing it in, doocy. >> good job in d.c., bill. >> that's so cute. >> bill: we will be back in new york next friday and have control over this. >> see you when you get home, bill. >> hillary swank apologizing. right back with p and p.
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>> pinheads and patriots. susan swank said she was sorry but i thanked the president for signing the wounded warrior posters. looks like it will wade about $700,000 for the warriors this year and some will come from you guys. we have some terrific items for you, hats, shirts, mugs, pens that you might want to own or give as gifts. also our free book promotion, going great. buy a copy of "killing lincoln" and get the factor word book. here is the restore the usa pen and it's one of my favorites of.
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now the mail. tony from maryland. >> i hope so, tony. and from new zealand. austin, from dekara, iowa. >> it was a gest, austin. i believe everyone in the world except you understood that. >> i disagree, dean. our writers come up with some pretty clever stuff. from new jersey.
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>> listen closely, mark. christmas is a religious observe answer if you believe that jesus is god. but if you don't believe that, you are simply honoring a good man who changed the world forever. wise up. paul from california. the tike is a genius. >> ray from kentucky. >> excellent, ray, and thank you for mentioning operation shoe box and the very fine military charity. we hope everyone helps them out.
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pinheads and patriots. recently ms. swank, ana continue winner, was paid for it. >> the bottom line is i should know where i'm going and i should do better research. i definitely can guarantee i won't go anywhere of again without going full research. >> you don't want to do that, no. >> for wising up, hilary swank is a patriot. if you are around burbank, california, we would love to have factor folks in the audience. that's always nice. that's it for us tonight. please check out our website. shout out about us every day. word of the day. when writing to u