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  FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 23, 2011 7:36am-7:41am EDT

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good morning to you, donald trump. >> good morning. >> sorry about that. >> yeah, it is the home of donald trump when you think about it. >> i know, you are here more than ali and steve combined. >> i think so. you keep calling and i keep accepting your call. i don't accept a lot of calls but i accept your call. >> we appreciate and we know you wanted to come on and talk about your reaction to the president's afghanistan speech last night. what did you think? >> ali, i think it's time that we start rebuilding our own country. you look at what happens with karzai over the last couple of months, the horrible statements he's made. he's mocking us. he's laughing at us. he thinks we're fools and he's the head of afghanistan and you look at what's going on with all -- with the world even but you look at afghanistan where we're spending trillions of dollars ultimately and this is money that should be poured back into our country and i'm -- by the way, and into our military because you have the world that's out to get us so we ought to have a strengthened military but we're actually dissipating our military by being there and frankly, you think anyone -- does anyone really think that government is going to work?
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they have a tribal system. they're never going to have democracy. it's a joke. >> is karzai a crook? >> he's a crook and he's mocking us. he's laughing at us and he's -- and the diplomat that just left was saying how horrible and how embarrassing it is. the horrible things he says and how our soldiers react to his statements that we're an occupier and that we shouldn't be there and here's a man that we're fighting for. look, it's time to rebuild our country. afghanistan is not going to be a democracy for 1,000 years. it doesn't want to be a democracy. their leaders are laughing at us. and it's time that we spend trillions of dollars on our country and not other countries. >> only thing i would say to that is you're a master deleg e delegator and you oversee a lot of projects and petraeus wanted something to be successful. he's got a great track record. they're not giving him what he needs. >> well, i don't know why you say he has a great track record actually. because, you know, if you look at petraeus, in iraq, do you really think iraq is going to
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work out about two minutes after we leave? ok, well, we disagree. two minutes after we leave, that's going to explode and i think that afghanistan is going to be really a worse -- it's a worse situation. so, you know, i mean, we follow petraeus because he says oh, gee, let's do this or that. i believe we should be rebuilding our highways, rebuilding our schools, rebuilding our transit systems, putting money into this country and making our country great again. and there's nobody that's more of a hawk than me and you folks know that, rebuilding our military. our military is being dissipated by these ridiculous wars. >> we have a lot of topics for you. let's move on to ben bernanke. he was asked in a two-day conference, what's going on with the economy? listen to him. >> we don't have a precise read on why this slower pace of growth is persisting. some of these head winds may be stronger or more persistent than we thought.
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>> what's your reaction to that? >> well, you know, i went to the great wharton school of finance and i studied economics at length and i will tell you the one thing i learned is that nobody knows what's going to happen. and he obviously doesn't know what's going to happen and we're spending, again, close to a trillion dollars on artificial stimulus. it's ridiculous. this weekend, i was in scottsdale and it was very windy and the wind was blowing like crazy and there were hundreds of reporters there because i'm building a big job in scotland and they said take off your hat. take off your hat and i took off my hat and they saw it was my hair. with bernanke, it's like if i was wearing a hairpiece. you'd take off your hat. it's an artificial stimulus. by the way, they were shocked to see it was my hair. >> head wind. >> blowing viciously in the wind. but it's really an artificial stimulus and it's proven to be and now the country has another trillion dollars in debt. and it's absolute ridiculous.
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>> tell me about the golf course. what's going to make yours good? >> it's a special piece of land and it's the great dunes of scotland. i was lucky enough to buy it seven or eight years ago. it took a long time to get it zoned. i got it zoned and we're building a golf course that's going to really be the greatest golf course in the world because the land is so incredible. >> donald, we want to talk to you about something in the new york papers yesterday. "the new york post" reported that you got $130 million to do "the apprentice" franchise for nbc for two more years and i notice that nbc came out yesterday and denied it and in fact, their official statement said that in regards to "the celebrity apreseprentiapprentic information, grossly inaccurate and overstated. >> i don't talk about what i get. they pay me a lot of money and the show is a big hit and it's been a big hit from the time it was on.
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i never discuss what i get. they pay me a lot of money and other than that, i just don't discuss it. >> so you're not going to tell us how much. >> i never discuss how much i get. but, you know, it's been an amazing hit. it's been an amazing success and i just don't discuss the numbers. >> so that number came from somebody? >> can you tell us who is on the next season? >> we're just casting right now. i think it's going to be an amazing season. john richards won, joan rivers won, pierce morgan won and even if you look at trace adkins who is great by the way. he came in second and he's like the biggest country singer so all of these people, everybody wants to go on. it's very good for their brand. >> all right. you can watch more of donald trump every monday on "fox & friends" at 8:30 eastern time. donald, great to talk to