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tv   The Journal Editorial Report  FOX News  November 21, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EST

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st two weeks. hi. [ female announcer ] for a noticeably whiter smile. crest 3d white toothpaste. >> good morning everyone, it's sunday, november 21st, new information that north korea secretly built a nuclear facility to step up the arm program defying international demand. we have details and a live report for you moments away. >> and president obama says he understands why americans are upset over these invasive tsa patdowns and body scans, but they are the best option. >> procedures they have been putting in place are the only ones right now that they
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considered to be effective. >> so, why then do security experts say the exact opposite? >> and terrorists posting details about those failed mail bombings. how easy it was to do and how they're planning even more attacks just like it. >> "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> hello there. >> hello. >> good morning, bright and early. how you guys doing. >> great. >> wonderful. >> how about you. >> fantastic. clayton bummed out, i didn't get my high school or elementary school yearbook photo to him. >> overnight. >> a story, would you touch up your picture. >> or your child's photos because i want to touch up one of my four year olds at the
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time photos and she had a scrape and now it's possible to touch up a class photo. >> it's happening in droves. something is wrong with that. >> we start with a massive new facility to enrich uranium has gone up secretly and very quickly, mind you in north korea. what does it mean for the future of international and u.s. security? julie kirtz joins us from washington with more on the troubling story, julie. >> hi, guys, the report that north korea secretly built a new nuclear facility bought a quick reaction from the obama administration. careful now to independently confirm, the senior official clapd if true it's a provocative act of defiance. we have long suspected north korea of having this kind of capability and regularly raised it with them directly and with our partners in this effort. according to an american scientist who visited the
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secret atomic complex earlier this month, north korea has 2000 recently completed sent funerals and the first report from a former director of the los alam los alamos facility. he said it was stunning and the uranium enrichment facility could be to convert bomb fuel. they're sending a special envoy on north korea to south korea, and japan. and telling it's wrong to alert u.s. intelligence agencies has somehow missed the boat. the u.s. has been aware of the enrichment activity for years, but did not know about a new plant back in april of 2009. that's when the last american and international inspectors were thrown out of north korea.
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we'll have more as the story develops. >> oh, boy, so troubling. to the rest of your headlines, president obama arriving back in the u.s. they worked out an exit strategy and the president says he's confident that the u.s. can start withdrawing troops next year. last year we made progress and i expect we'll make more progress next year and will not be without occasional controversies and differences. >> the president also met with afghan leader hamid karzai and he told them he wants all u.s. combat troops out by the year 2014 so afghans can take control. this morning in utah hundreds of officers resumed the search for a wounded man who repeatedly shot a park ranger and recovered his backpack and bloody towel. police are unsure of a motive. >> he has a record, but
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nothing of any kind of violent activity. he does have some active warrants right now, but they're minor warrants, they're not very serious so we don't really know what caused the shooting. >> ranger brody young was shot three he's currently in critical, but stable condition. former u.s. senator carol mosely-braun says she wants to be the next mayor of chicago. she introduced herself to voters some of whom were not born when she won the last election 18 years ago. she joined a crowded field, including rahm emanuel. those are your headlines. >> let's check with rick reichmuth for a look at this arctic blast and the only reason it's an arctic blast because it said it in the teleprompter. >> at least you fessed up to that. if you see that, that's an arctic blast. it's going to eventually win over in the kind of war of two
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temperature masses this week and big changes in store, enjoy it right now, kansas city at 61 degrees, that's not going to last for very long at all. a couple of things going on,s this the big storm across the west and right here is the center of northern california southern side of it bringing in pretty significant rain into southern california and some heavy snow in across the higher elevations and take a look ago the video out of the sierra nevada area chains and snow tires were required as people were going over the passes there. we'll probably see another three to four feet in some areas and so the ski area around the lake tahoe area are extremely happy off to a very good start for this winter season which certainly makes the ski years happy and commerce in that area. >> things are very quiet, but this is a piece of energy moved in toward the northern plains and brought some icing on across the roads. if you're around the minneapolis area, careful this morning, freeze be rain caused
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problems and slick roads. highs today. 68 in kansas city, 70 in st. louis. the warm temperatures here to the south a bit of a see saw for tomorrow across the northeast, enjoy 62 in new york city. it's not going to last long and the cold air will eventually make its way and we'll talk all morning about the travel plans and what the weather is doing and looks like a few problems. >> there might be a few problems at the airport regardless of the weather. we're talking about the new tsa security procedures you're sure to endure this week. if you're not on board, you may have to pay dearly. >> this is the new rules overnight from the tsa. if you enter a check point, not just waving outside from starbucks to your family. you enter the check point and
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refuse by the scanner or groping, law enforcement will be called. >> the law enforcement will be called and if you refuse to stay there when law enforcement arrives, detained and given $11,000 fine. >> it gets better, not only a 11,000 fine you won't be able to leave the airport. so if you get there. let's say you admit the fact that the new machines that let tsa agents basically see you naked through your clothes or do a very thorough body check of you, if you say, i'm not comfortable with any of this, okay, you're saying all right, i won't take my flight and i'll go home. oh, no, they will not let you leave the airport if you say no and slap you with a $11,000 fine. they're stripping you of your clothe and dignity and freedom to leave. quite a big deal if you go to the airport. now it's gone all the way to the top. the president is now addressing the tsa
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restrictions. he's over in portugal as you know at the n.a.t.o. summit and he was asked about this big situation we have here with people getting all upset. he says he understands people's frustration. >> tsa in consultation with our counterterrorism experts have indicated to me that the procedures they've been putting in place are the only ones right now that they consider to be effective against the kind of threat that we saw in the christmas day bombing. >> okay, interesting, david greenberg is going to be here in a short amount of time. he's introduced legislation about to ban these full body scanners and the reason they're going to put the ban in place or try to place the ban, they don't work. and el-al airline, saying
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these scanners won't work and the president says the best thing we have the el-al disagrees. an online report in an english onlien magazine from al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula in which they spell out what they did with planting explosives in the cartridge toners for the cargo plane coming over here. how they did it, how much it cost them and plans for the future. these are no more shadowy figures lurking in the darkness of terrorism. this is a pr wing and they're talking. >> this is something they're not going to stop doing either. here is what they say, this whole package including shipping and all the materials and the explosives, total cost $4200. imagine for a moment how easy it is to do this two, three, 10, 20 times.
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and 40 grams, the explosives is included in the printer cartridges. they're calling this operation hemorrhage. the point here, says al-qaeda in arabian peninsula, is not to inflict mass casualties. there's a fear they want this to explode over a major city and no, they want to inflict economic damage on the united states. >> the and plan is a death by a thousand cuts. the small attacks, it's in the that they want a big attack. they don't need spectacular attacks, inspire, the name of the website. they say that america can be brought down with the small scale attacks because of our economic stance right now and plus how scared we are about flying and all of the issues associated with the enhanced screening technologies, death by a thousand cuts is how america will be brought down. >> we'll tell you more about
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what they're saying this morning. meanwhile, we told you that the tsa is standing by the body scanners at the airport and some lawmakers carrying them comparing them to a strip search and want them stopped. that is next. >> and this is old enough, old enough to marry, but apparently not old enough for a hotel room. what happened when he and his young bride were turned away from a room for their honeymoon, mind you.
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. >> as we've been telling you all weekend. the backlash growing over the
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tsa's security measures, president obama says they're the best options available. >> some lawmakers are calling on the government to ban the procedures and one is david greenfield. he joins us this morning, nice to see you. >> you penned a piece in the new york post and many new yorkers told you they were willing to sacrifice significant knit for safety. what's changed? >> i think that new york plays a lot. we put up with traffic and congestion and i think that millions around the country, the first time we're going to be exposed to naked body scanners that won't work. that changed. we don't like to do things that don't work and according to the israelis who by all accounts have the best airport security, they won't use that because they can get enough explosives through to blow up a 747. >> the president as we've heard at the n.a.t.o. summit say they are the best available option that we have.
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>> why don't you think they work and-- >> if you look at the experts and the testimony and a quick search down google lane, we'll show you they don't pick up thin plastics, don't pick up powders and some liquids. tsa is really aren't doing their job many plane the panels are not scanned. so basically what we're doing is playing yemeni roulette. folks in yemen can go to the ups and ship a bomb that stnt scanned. what's better. >> the comprehensive report everything in security from the time you get to the airport and behavioral and checks on those actually going on airplanes. >> we mentioned in the show yesterday. the only way to stop the bom
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bombs, and some bombs made it through scan e.r.s. >> this is an underreported story in the united states, why are they pushed through. >> smoke filled back door deal. with the underwear bomber, michael chertoff, if only we had one of the scanners it'd be great. he didn't tell us he was shilling for these, and the scanners would not have stopped the christmas day bomber. >> we had on the former head of el-al in israel and he said that technology will never stop terrorism, but what will and israel used to great effect these decades is asking passengers one-on-one.
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can we do that? is that practical. >> most of us went online to get our bags checked and i've been to israel and that's when they ask you the questions that time. there's nothing wrong with folks coming up to you say where are you from and what are you doing and in fact if you're stressed. kind of like the tv show "lie to me" on network tv. >> a great piece this morning and some of this stuff is underreported. go to the new york post and read david greenfield's piece, thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> fewer businesses are not off the ground and many many are not hiring. and why big government is the reason they're not taking on new employees. >> then it's the time of year to be tharngful and celebrities like trace atkins, a look inside the uso tour coming up. how about this one!? not big enough. awwwww.
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>> 22 minutes after the hour. a couple of quick headlines for you. top officers in namibia's airport a scare. officials said he planted a dummy bomb inside a bag from munich, germany. and more than 300,000 people in new orleans will have to keep boiling their water until this afternoon. officials say the city's system is tested for bacteria and the largest boil water advisory since hurricane katrina. let's go over to dave. >> thanks, aly. with the economy in a slump. viewer new businesses are getting off the ground and turns out. even those that do get off the ground are hiring less than in the past. why? we're joined this morning by
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two small business owners owns a physical therapy business and flower child bakery, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> the wall street journal looked at data, fewer businesses with one employee or mow in the last years, looked in 18 and in the last two, as you can see the graph, devastating in terms of start-up companies, why? what is happening here? >> i think it's going to continue to be did he ever stating until the government gets out of the way of small business. as i've said many times to friends and associates, small businesses leads the way out of these recessions, but the government directly is impeding our ability to grow our companies. we're quite nervous what they're going to do next to us and i think that is the general climate of fear i find out in the business community i interact with, we have a certain degree of uncertainty
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what they're going to do next. it's not just uncertainty, but fear what they're going to do next to us. they have a lot of power and so with the health care reform legislation that was recently passed and the 1099 fiasco involved in that, we're legitimately concerned about what they're going to do next and we're holding our money close to our chest. >> we used to talk about innovation and now the two words that mark said, fear and uncertainty. does this have something to do with the government? >> well, i believe it does. he think that the business climate right now in general, sort of on main street america is that there is burdensome regulations that we have to deal with as existing businesses. so, anybody with a new idea is going to be far more cautious because they're not even sure how to navigate through the bureaucracy. and then as mark was pointing out. is that the rules are chenging constantly for us, so, for those of us that live the american dream, we've grown up with what the rules are and we've followed them, but for
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those people that are liao being to enter into this arena now, they don't understand what that means anymore and they don't know how to get started or what the future holds. so much of what we do as small business owners you can't put in a piece of paper, you can't predict it. you can't quantify it for someone. it's what we believe in, it's what's in our gut and it gets us up every day and motivates me. for people like that and they don't know where to take it now, they don't have the confidence, it's absolutely bone chilling and they won't enter into the arena and don't know how to play this game. >> how much of this is out of the government's hands. it's tough to get a loan these days and we know that venture capital is drying up. down a quarter last year and worse the year before. they're not investing in start-up companies, how much of this is out of their hands. this is the problem. the cycle is broken and the corrupt player, the criminal in this is the government. they've hurt the lending standards for us, so it's
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harder for us to borrow money and scared venture capitalists because they're afraid in investing in a business that might go under because of some new burdensome regulation from the government so the player in this is the government. you know, in the last election cycle dave, up in new york, it was the rent too damn high party i think it's time to start the big government, the government too damn big party so i'm sort of at that point. katherine in this environment, would you be able to start the business that you did years ago? would you be able to do it now and did it all over again if the factors were the same today? >> well, i'm probably one of the few who would, but that's where i started eight years ago when the economy wasn't necessarily very good. it was after 9/11 and i was told the same thing. why would you start your business now when things don't seem predictable. i had to do it. that's how i'm driven, that's what i had to do. i tell other business owners it's to be smart about it.
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don't step too far forward. don't go so far out where you would have in the past and not have a financial safety net. we can't get financing it's dried up for us. believe in yourself and america, we will come back and unfortunately these are tough times. >> katherine, thank you for getting up early, 3:30 in fran and katherine and mark, appreciate it, very insightful this morning. >> thank you. >> a suspected drug lord could soon be in the u.s. to face justice. why lawmakers have been after the man known as la barbie for years. and most school pictures are notoriously bad. and before they're sent home, they're doing it and one probably one of the most anticipated weddings of the year. and prince william and kate middleton will tie the knot.
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