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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  November 13, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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now you know the news as fox reports, this saturday, november 13th, 2010. i'm julie bandaras, thanks for watching and let's meet back here, tomorrow, shall we? it's a date. 7:00 p.m. eastern, don't be 7:00 p.m. eastern, don't be late! captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [cheers and applause]. >> mike: you guys are wound up today! thank you very much. and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. tonight, is is there a democratic rebellion building against nancy pelosi?
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in washington? we'll ask ohio congresswoman marcy captor, and, also, black republican activist kay carl smith will tell us why he believes african-americans who traditionally have overwhelmingly voted for dras, ought to be voting like him. -- democrats ought to be voting like him and, why a woman quit her job as a prosecutor and what it felt like being fired by the donald. plus... former columbian president uribe took on drug trafficking and violence en his country and we'll ask him, how we can stop the drug trafficking and violence, at the u.s.-mexican border. and you will meet helene kro krohnin, her song will profoundly touch you and remind us how lucky we are to be americans. [applause]. >> mike: the deficits reduction panel brought forth its recommendations this week to
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keep america from going under water in debt faster than a lindsay lohan rehab stay. what we have is the mindset in america of everyone wants to go to heaven and no one wants to die. americans are rightfully angry and equally frightened that we have accumulated a national debt that is higher than joan rivers' plastic surgery bills. most people who have an iq above a stalk of celery recognize that spending has to be reduced and yet, naming specific programs for the chopping block, always is met with instant outrage that if we do that we'll kill children and old people. and all the good dogs in america. well, the notion that americans would also have to actually pay more for things they wanted like highways that were drivable and military that could buy bullets is usually shot down, because, it would increase some form of our cost. look, i don't want to see taxes increase and i don't think it is necessary. but, i also know that unless we
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put our federal government on the miss call equivalents of slim fast we cannot afford what we have. much less what we think we need. softeni social security, medicare, medicaid are traditional entitlements and they make up the most cost of the government, most people don't realize 91% of the state's general revenue budget was spent to do three things, educate, medicate and incarcerate. schools, medicaid, prison, what it was all about and we could have eliminated everything else at all of state government and would have only saved 9%. look i'm not suggesting we grind up all the sacred cows of federal programs into hamburger but neither can we spend more than we take in. if we don't raise the retirement age for social security and maybe offer one-time tax free buyouts for those who would rather live on their own retirement income than reign in run away costs of medicare we'll
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have to take a rosetta stone cars in mandarin so we can speak the language of our new chinese bankers who own our debt and might soon own us. we shouldn't take the recommendations of the debts panel without question. but, neither can we continue to provide and all you can eat government buffet for the price of a small order of fries. would you tell us swift action, we'll go from the land of the free and home of the brave, to the land of the enslaved and the home of the broke. [applause]. >> mike: that's my view, i welcome yours. contact me at and click on the fox news feedback section to offer your comments. nancy pelosi's party just took a beating in congress, and losing more than 60 seats to republicans in the midterm elections. if the out going speaker of the house refuses to turn loose at the tiller, and she's drawing a lot of criticism including many in her own party. why won't she back down? we're happy to welcome back to
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the show dr. robert pane, joining us from washington. good to have you here. thank you very much. [applause]. >> mike: i want to say i'm sorry to hear about your failed bid for congress but i hear now that you have a new job, the new spokesman for the former house speaker, herself. so, congratulations. >> thank you very much, it is a -- we have a... this is something i can contributed, to and, know, i know, and assume that it is real. >> mike: i think so. absolutely. [laughter]. >> mike: speaker pelosi has been the speaker since 2007. i guess that is her new -- this is a fur question, what do you think she has done to improve the lives of americans since that time? >> i have no idea. i just started myself. but, i would imagine... what we have, may be something of a... [mumbling] a conjecture and that is a word i don't spell a lot.
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>> mike: let me try this, doctor, if she remains a leader, in spite of everything, what will she bring to the table? >> i think, i think, i think, support. legs, legs of support, all of the things we have... what we have... [mumbling] maybe not all. but, some. i think that is what we're looking for. anything. >> mike: yeah. by the way, he's really not dr. robert pane, he's not associated with nancy pelosi for which i'm sure he's great: it is mr. double-talk. derwood finchicer. come out here. >> hey, everybody! >> mike: good to have you back. >> i've spent the greater portion of what we have, really around the country, and... [mumbling] i hope i'm not repeating myself. >> mike: we'd never know! [laughter].
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>> i want to say everybody in our audience will get a copy of his book, you will love the title." once you step in elephant manure you are in the circus forever." thanks for being here. >> one quote. i don't know if it is me, thanksgiving means, seems like it came early this year. god bless you. [applause]. >> julie: mr. double-talk. thank you. in all seriousness, this week, president obama praised nancy pelosi on his trip to korea. >> president barack obama: i think speaker pelosi has been an outstanding partner for me. i think harry reid has been a terrific partner, in moving very difficult legislation forward and i'm looking forward to working with the entire leadership team to continue to make progress on the issues that are important to the american people. >> mike: a growing number of house democrats say they
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wouldn't support her bid to continue as party leader, ohio's marcy captor has sent a letter to her colleagues, asking them to hold off on the leadership elections. here's an excerpt from her letter: we cannot ignore the historic the results of these elections. we believe he should not rush to elect leadership's slate next week and we need to understand where we erred to avoid repeating past mistakes, and she joins us now. thank you very much and i appreciate your being here, representative kaptur. >> thank you, governor. >> mike: there is controversy about speaker pelosi, whether she should remain in the leadership position. you have been bold and it took an extraordinary level of courage but you come from the heart of america, in ohio. you suggested that maybe the democrats ought to step back and find out why they lost over 60 feats seats? >> yes. i think that should be our i.r.s. if order of business when -- first order of give when we return and, peatser defazio and i have circulated a letter among
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our coalition and people are signing on from all parts of the country now, to allow our caucus the time to digest what has occurred and hear from our remembers, those who have lost and won and i understand ben chandler made it, in the carolinas, and we welcome -- excuse me, from kentucky, we welcomes him back to us. and, that we take the time to really study what has happened. in 1994, when there were historic losses, the leadership elections did not occur until november 30th. and we're not asking much here. we are just asking a little bit of space to come back and meet like a family around the table, and to assess what has happened in the different regions of the country and as you know in the heartland we have had a significant washout of democratic members. >> mike: you have had a lot of loss. i want to ask you, have you had
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personal conversations with speaker pelosi or some of the other leadership, steny hoyer and that have they said, look, why don't you disappear with this conversation? >> i'll say this: each of the leaders have spoken with me, and i know they are talking to every member of the caucus, but in some ways i feel it somewhat unseemly to talk about their elections when many of our colleagues are coming back defeated from theirs. and people who worked hard, people who tried very hard to have their ideas incorporated in the agenda of this 111th corning and i think it behooves us all to take a breath, to take a bit of a time out, for a few days to give our members a chance to talk about what they have just experienced. i have the highest regard for speaker pelosi and i don't think any member of that house could work harder to try and pass legislation or help colleagues than speaker pelosi. i know that leader steny hoyer,
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all of them have worked hard as they know how and recognize they are from the coast and, that in fact, the regions of the country that were severely hit hard were those like ours. in the heartland, and i think the american people want to get the economy right. and, they will keep resetting the button on elections until we respond in a way that reaches them. that is really the issue here. and you take a book like "take this job and ship it" by senator dorgan which i think nails the issue on the head and we have had several decades of job outsourcing that have caused harm in production platforms like our own and members from the coast come from government rich regions, virginia, maryland, the capitol. financial centers like speaker pelosi and those regions do not experience the unemployment levels and the harm that regions like we represent do, in the
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heartland. and i think we need to elevate that. and need to get more attention there. i think some of what was done in the first several months of the 111th congress was misfocused. we should have focused on jobs and the economy. and those -- many of the other issues were important and got sidelined a little bit. and that is why people were defeated. it wasn't over ideology, it was over results. >> mike: have you had conversations with other members of congress who may not be as bold and courageous as you, but who have the same sentiments, who are saying, i hope somebody is listening? is there a groundswell to say, let's step back and think through before we make speaker pelosi the minority leader? >> i think people would be grateful for due deliberation and i think this is a time to stem back f step back for a moment. we have time, to allow the membership the full opportunities to digest what has occurred and the leadership
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would do itself a favor if it listened to the membership. >> mike: congresswoman, thank you so much for being here, marcy kaptur from ohio, and, congress people don't have a lot of time on the weekend, and i want to say from the bottom of our hearts on fox news to be willing to be here and for your courage in speaking out. >> thank you, governor huckabee, thank you. >> americans want to know if the turnover in congress will bring results they are asking for. coming up, your questions, about the future. ♪ [applause] in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her lon. oh, now that's t best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health.
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[applause]. >> mike: you can follow me on twitter, join me on facebook and sign up for the huckabee report heard on 600 radio stations across america. and, all available at and, while there, order your copy of the wanna play cd, which puts musical instruments in the hands
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of kids across america, neil sedaka and many more, only $10 and a link to get a copy is at and while the transition phase to a republican majority in the house has begun americans have a lot of questions about the changes the 112th congress will bring. we'll take questions you might have and we'll get them from the our audience. yes, sir? >> okay. republicans were talking about reducing the deficit, using common-sense spending cuts. my question is, in what way do they plan on doing that? i have heard about restoring the bush tax cuts which would reduce revenue. and i haven't heard anything about cutting entitlement spending like medicare and medicaid and social security. >> mike: the real money in the federal budget are in the entitlement as and the deficit
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reduction panel touched them and that is significant. here's an example. the social security, everyone says we cannot raise the retirement age and i know it is unpopular and i'll say something that is politically incorrect. when the social security system was created, people would retire at 65 and the average life expectancy for a male was 67. so, it was really assumed based on actuarial tables you'd retire and within 18 months to two years you would be dead and today, the very same actuarial table would say you are probably going to live to be 81, a big difference and you have a payout of a lot longer period of time. now, the reality is this: i don't suggest we have debt panels, i think that is horrible but i suggest that we take an honest look and say if we live longer maybe we ought to be working longer and, maybe here's another option, guys like me, i'm probably not going to really need my social security, it will not be something i'll live off of, and offer me a one time tax buyout, tax free buyout and at 65, i cash out, one time, the
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government will save money, they have no further obligation to me and i haven't paid in for nothing and there are creative ways to do it. the problem is, nobody wants to talk about it because it is always going to be the political fight. we have to have people in washington who are willing to risk getting defeated if that means they can save the country. we have too many people saving their seats in congress and not thinking about saving the future of america. that is what i hope will happen and i have more ideas but we need to take more questions. okay. who is next. >> hi. do you think that because members of the tea party have said they don't want to compromise, it will end up hurting the country more because we all need to make compromises? >> mike: some people say gridlock is bad, but sometimes frankly it can be better than an activist government, that messes things up. gridlock at least means they will not hurt us and is like, what i call the governmental hippocratic oath, first do no harm and, if the difference is, will that he spend a bunch of money we don't have and borrow
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money we cannot afford to pay back and pass bills that change the nature of american government and do things that are questionably as to their cushional basis, i would say gridlock is a much better alternative. what i would hope is people would understand that you can campaign as and i an ideologue and when you govern that way you get nothing and get it forever and americans are not as focused on right and left, they are focused, will we go up or down and the government whether democratic or republican, that solves problems and gets things done, the government that is more vertical is the one that will be long term successful though elections may shift back and forth. okay, i would like to answer more but i'm told we have to take a break. that is how we really pay the bills, that is what we'll do. at each presidential race the last four decades, the democratic candidate received nearly 90% of the
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african-american vote. coming up, we'll speak to an activist who says if blacks stuck to their values they'd pick the g.o.p. candidates, his surprising analysis, is next. [applause] they could have shipped it too. saved ourselves the hassle. i'm not too sure about this. look at this. [ security agent ] right. you never kick off with sales figures. kicking off with sales figures! i'm yawning. i'm yawning some more. aaaaaaaand... [ snores ] i see your pnt. yeah. snores ] [ malannouncer ] we understand.® you need a partner who delivers convenience. next time use fedex office. you need a partner who delivers convenience. boss: just going over how geico helps people save in even more talkways... ...with good driver discounts, multi-car discounts, defensive driver discounts... woman: you! oh, don't act like you don't recognize me! toledo, '03? gecko: no, it's...i... woman: it's too late stanley. gecko: actually, miss, my name's not stanley. woman: oh...oh, i am so sorry! from behind you look just like him. i'm just....
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[applause]. >> mike: this week the all democratic congressional black caucus said it will allow two recently elected black republicans to join the group, alan west and ken scott won the races and will be the only two black republicans in the house, and, my next guest says that number ought to be higher, and the values of african-americans are more in tune with those of republicans, than democrats. please welcome k. carl smith. good to have you here. [applause]. >> mike: you said you voted sort
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of i guess reflexively democratic for a long, long time and then you made a switch. what led you to decide that maybe your votes weren't moving the right way? >> 2 corinthians, 13:5 and the message, it says, examine yourself to make sure you are solid in faith and don't drift along take things for granted. >> mike: a biblical thing. >> yes, sir and i read it so many times before and it hit me in a way it never did before and i had to examine myself and examine the way i was voting. i was voting contrary to what i believed as a christian. >> mike: there will be people who will go berserk and you are saying god wants everybody to be a republican and that is not what you are saying. >> no. it doesn't matter what party -- >> mike: he probably does, but, i mean... that will get me in trouble. go ahead, i'm sorry. [laughter]. >> it doesn't matter what party are in, it matters how you vote and the way in which you vote doesn't represent your allegiance to the god you say
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you serve. >> mike: 90% of african-americans voted for democrats over the last 40 years, and what makes you say we ought to reevaluate how we are voting? what principle is it that drove you to say, i'm in the wrong party? >> i guess, i have to start by saying one of this objectives of my organization is safe the souls of those who are politically lost, and when i examined my own life and god revealed that scripture i started to read my life backwards an wondered what led me to vote or sin that way. in terms of the way i'm voting and i realized, images are important and what happened was, in my case when i look at my liefshgs life it is this image of dr. king and kennedy brothers, it was on throw rugs, candlestick holders, across the country and the black community and, it is located in most black homes in most prominent in them to and makes it a family photo and the bible and the last supper and john and robert kennedy became my first cousins
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through the image but they were not champions of the civil rights movement, when you look at history and the image is powerful and destructive. it led to my brain washing. >> mike: you wrote, companion guide for the life of frederick douglas and you parallel the issue of slavely he was articulate about and talk about political slavery. what do you explain to them when you say you are' frederick dougla douglass. >> when you invoke his name, in terms of being an american icon you get their attention. it piques interest and you get' chance to engage and it is powerful when i say as a black american, that is my ethnicity and when someone not a black american says they are a frederick douglass republican it gives them a chance to engage. and create atmosphere for political dialogue, would i be
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considered a racist or uncle tom. >> mike: tell me what is key to your basic core principles as an african-american male that cause you to say i really ham a frederick douglass republican. >> those values i advocated, respect for the constitution an rikt for life and believe in the government and individual responsibility and if i look at his life, he was the quintessential black conservative based on my definition and, so in looking at his life and studying his life, his life is a perfect example of liberation. and, i really believe that this movement god has given me the frederick douglass pril movemol movement, you have to get to the issues and it takes race they've table and when you get to the issues as conservatives, we win the argument of good ideas because we have the best ideas. >> mike: it is fascinating and your insights are compelling and unique and i never heard them put quite like you have put them and have them in the ballot, a
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companion guide and call yourself the fdr, real fdr. and you have a shirt here. >> it is for you. >> mike: good! >> to show my appreciation for being on the show and says in bold letters. fdr, not who you think, frederick douglass republican. >> mike: that is great. >> and, this is not a sleeping shirt. republican values. [laughter]. >> mike: i want to say, k. carl smith, thanks for being here, for the in sight i hope people will look at it. fascinating. [applause]. >> mike: a promising future as a young prosecutor and a chance to work for real estate mogul and reality star, donald trump and now is out of work. what is she going to do now? we'll ask her, next. ♪
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>> from america's news headquarters, i'm julie bandaras, the president wrapping up his tour of asia, meeting with dimitri med vemitry medvem president wants the senate to approve a treaty signed in april, before the end of the year and part of it is an you ever to upgrade the u.s. nuclear arsenal, a measure many republican lawmakers support. congress will soon head back to work, high on the agenda of the lame duck congress, some kind of agreement, with the white house, on extending bush era tax cuts, and the president has opposed extending the cuts, for the nation's highest earners and he said he wants to compromise his republicans, though, to be sure tax cuts for middle income families continue. the bush tax cuts expire on january 1st. i'm julie bandaras, back to huckabee, you are watching fox, the most powerful name in news. [applause]. >> mike: she was working for the
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district attorney's office and tried to expand her career options by competing to be donald trump's apprentice and when her tv gig began interfering with her day job she quit and then this happened. >> the fact of the matter is she is disloyal. >> do you think she is lying. >> yes. i have -- >> mr. trump, i am not lying. and, this is -- why would i lie. i am not lying. >> shut your mouth and stop screaming and, with my name in vain. >> i mean -- >> when we came in here and the number -- i was stunned. >> wouldn't you say it is disloyal you gave him the numbers? >> the test was over, it was stupid i gave him the numbers, it -- >> what do you mean the task was over, the boards room has not started. >> true. >> whether or not you are allowed to do that. that is one thing. but, the loyalty, to your team is pretty bad. right? >> i don't think it is disloyal. >> do you think you made a mistake. >> absolutely. >> you are fired.
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>> mike: joining us now, masa, that was really fascinating watching that. i felt for you and they were all banging around on you, and jumping on you like craze, that must have been the most awkward moment. >> it was, it was really awful and i want to thank you so much, governor for allowing me to come here and have the opportunity to set the record straight. you know, my name, has been thrown in the dirt. i told the truth to mr. trump and he knew it for several reasons, production reasons, common sense, and, he just allowed all of the contestants to call me a liar, when they were the ones being deceitful. and he let the boardroom go completely out of control, and he had the men's team come back into the boardroom and as they were lying they ruined my name and there was absolutely no way i was going to sit back quietly and allow that to happen. >> mike: do you regret doing the show? >> i don't, because i think that i conducted myself properly.
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and i have the ability to defend myself, i was surprised at the way that i was fired. i thought that that was inappropriate. but, i don't regret it at all because it open up so many incredible opportunities, and so i don't have any regrets about actually doing the show. >> mike: you have some real i guess kind of tough feelings about donald trump, though. you went into it, thinking that he was this very organized ceo, had it all together and didn't come away with the same pointed of view. >> absolutely not. the reason i left my job as a prosecutor, a job i absolutely loved, was because i admired donald trump so much and i had so much respect for him. when i just was around him and saw how he was treating us and when i watched him just completely not care about the truth and just allow deceitful people to be advanced in the competition and i looked at him and eaves begging for him to do something, about this, but, he allowed me to be branded as a liar in front of millions of
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americans. so, no, i don't have that same level of respect, to put it in the kindest way. >> mike: when people get on real shows and there is always a risk and obviously you took a huge risk to go on it, but, i think that the pain in your face that i saw as you sat at the able and watch it yet again, my heart went out to you, it was like these people ganged up because the whole deal, somebody has to be thrown off so somebody else can survive like survivor's show and other things. do you feel like that is what happened to you? there was sort of a, let's get rid of her. >> i think it was a -- i was a strong candidate from day one and i was out spoken and held nothing back and i think after the first boardroom there was a big x on my back and the second the opportunity came for people to get rid of me, every person started lying, yeah, yeah, she lies, yeah, get rid of her, fire her, mr. trump and he was, like, awesome, let's do it. it was awful.
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he didn't stick up for me at all. i think i was too aggressive for him, too strong. >> mike: but think about it, there are 310 million americans and how many were looked at directly by donald trump and said, "you're fired" and you're part of a small group of people but, i wanted to ask you how it affected your career and options and your opportunities? >> well, i think that in the show leading up to my firing, i went on-line and they had teased it and i saw my picture and above my face it said, "liar, liar" and for somebody who was a prosecutor, at the time, your whole job and reality is around speaking the truth and telling the truth and if you are a lying prosecutor it is like a -- you are worthless and your career is done, so i think that if i didn't have the opportunity to defend myself, on your show and other such things, i think i would be in a lot of trouble. >> mike: if you had to do it all
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over again, what would you do differently, if you were going to be on "the apprentice" again. >> i never would have allowed him to treat me the way he did when i was getting fired. it went on hours and horse, the boardroom whether you saw it or not, and i was attacked and they didn't show you every possible way they could be and i was broken down by the end, and, i would not have -- i would have gone out fighting and i regret that. >> mike: thank you very much, great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> mike: i want to to tell you, you are not fired! >> thank you, i'm hired! >> mike: more in the 28,000 people died in skoi's violent drug war since 2006, mostly in the country's northern region, closest to our own border. coming up, we'll talk to former columbian president, uribe who made great stride in his country's battle against drugs and what mexico could learn from his experience. [applause] but aleve can last 12. and aleve was proven to work better on pain
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than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? good, how are you? [ male announcer ] aleve. proven better on pain.
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>> mike: the u.s. is battling an normally on our southern border, the mexican drug cartel and while it rages on, columbia's former president, made a lot of progress combatting the problem in the south american nation. it led former president bush to award him with a medal of freedom. >> by refusing to allow the land he loves to be destroyed by an
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enemy with in and proving terror can be opposed and defeated. president uribe has shown a model of leadership to a watching world. >> mike: joining you, former columbian president, alvaro uribe. mr. president, it's an honor to have you with us. [applause]. >> mike: you made remarkable progress in your country, that was considered almost a lost cause by many people. but you were able to stop so much of the terrorism and this drug trafficking. there is a growing anxiety, particularly along the southern border because of the mexican drug cartel's intrusion into the u.s., violence is increasing and people are being murdered and kidnapped and many americans are scared to go to certain parts of mexico. what lessons did you learn that you could pass onto both president calderon and also president obama in dealing with what has become a very, very serious issue for both countries? >> i cannot advise president
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calderon and president obama. what i can do is to tell of my experience. it is very important that every country in the world supports president calderon, to deter, and all the support, and columbia, during my administration and now, under the administration of president santos, has been in close coordination with president calderon and we have been given president calderon all the support to understand that he has all the courage and the determination, and, all of our support, not only the united states support, the support of columbia, but, support of the european countries, of the countries, because, it is a worldwide problem and, every country, even producing countries such as columbia, are running the risk of growing
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consumption. >> mike: recently, secretary of state hillary clinton was frankly very complimentary of the leadership that you have played and we have a piece of that comment. i want to get from hillary clinton. >> these drug cartels are now showing more and more indices of insurgency. you know, all of a sudden car bombs show up which were not there before and it is looking more and more like columbia looked 20 years ago. >> mike: she was saying mexico looked like columbia 20 years ago and obviously there has been such great progress during the time that your administration brought a lot of reform. but, then, president obama made a very different assessment and we have just a screen up, this is from the los angeles newspaper. mexico is a vast and progressive democracy with a growing economy and as a result, you cannot compare what is happening in mexico with what happened in columbia 20 years ago.
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a little difference between the president and the secretary of state in the same administration but there is a parallel and, mr. president, spoeak to that parallel and assure us, this is a winnable war and it can be won and if you could just say, here's the number one thing we must do. repeat that for me, please. >> thank you, governor. it is necessary to rise to the challenge, otherwise the challenge will come defeat. my country, for example, got high... moved forward. a high rate of unemployment because of the lack of investment and what was the cause? violence. and what had been the main thing for violence in columbia? drug trafficking. therefore if we want to advance in the economy, if we want to advance in education, in all of
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the social issues, we have to defeat narco terrorism and it is important to call this attention of our consumption. first i no longer believe this idea that there is a problem of consumption, and production in the south, now every country can become producing and can become consumers and can become... a place for narcotraffic, and therefore, every criminal has to fight against the criminal activity. >> mike: mr. president i want to say not only thank you for being a part of our program, but, more importantly, thank you for the leadership you have given to all of this country, hemisphere, and, but, to the world in showing that strong and courageous leaders can make a significant difference, even against what seems to be an
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insurmountable issue of nar narcoterrorism, it has been an honor to have you with us today. >> thank you. >> mike: we'll be right back. [ j. weissman ] it was 1975. my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomi have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae a amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels
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that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the wor's energy demands.
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[applause]. >> mike: this week millions of americans honored those who had served our country by celebrating veterans day. my next guest chance encounter with a soldier inspired her to write a beautiful song, that pays tribute to the men and women, of our armed services. here now, to perform "lucky me". good to have you here. i saw you perform this in a youtube video and i was deeply moved and it is beautiful as any song i have heard, captures an american's gratitude to those who serve. how did this come about?
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>> i was at an airport and i struck up a conversation with a young man on his way to iraq and the conversation we had and the words he said were a gift and number one, they made me think about the difference in our lives and what he did for me and number 2, gave me the song. >> mike: the song, do it for us, it is called "lucky me." ♪ ♪... at the airport ticket counter ♪ ♪ we made a little easy conversation ♪ ♪ i asked his dest nation
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♪ another tour of duty in the middle east ♪ ♪ and he asked me where eaves -- i was headed to ♪ ♪ and he said lucky you ♪ and i thought lucky me ♪ he's right ♪ i sleep in my own bed at night ♪ ♪ i am safe and warm ♪ and he's wide awake in a uniform ♪ ♪ lucky me ♪ while he fights the war ♪ i live the life he's fighting for ♪ ♪ he is the brave ♪ i am the free ♪ lucky me ♪ i stood there silent
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♪ and all i heard ♪ echoing were those two words ♪ were all the things he did not say ♪ ♪ he's lonely and scared ♪ battle scarred ♪ family back home ♪ praying hard ♪ he never knows if he'll see another day ♪ ♪ but he held up his hand ♪ and looked me in the eyes ♪ and right there in those two words ♪ ♪ i could hear soldiers cry ♪ and i thought, lucky me ♪ i tried to thank him before we parted ways ♪ ♪ but the best i could do
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♪ was a tear rolling down my face ♪ ♪ lucky me ♪ he's right ♪ freedom comes with a heavy price ♪ ♪ and we don't all take our equal share ♪ ♪ or know what it is like over there ♪ ♪ lucky us ♪ ones at home ♪ while others go to the battle zone ♪ ♪ they are the brave ♪ we are the free ♪ lucky you ♪ lucky me ♪ lucky you ♪ lucky me ♪... [applause].
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>> mike: heleene cronin, and th songs "lucky me, we are lucky and blessed, in the great country, protected and cared for by those in service. we have had a great time, and now, from new york, this is mike huckabee from the fox news studios, good night, god bless, see you next week. [applause] crucial to your business, but now, to get it really cooking, you need a little website development. some transparent reporting, so you know it's working. online ads and 1-on-1 marketing consultation. yellowbook's got all that. yellowbook360 has a whole spectrum of tools. the perfect recipe for success. visit and go beyond yellow. that advertise flights for 25,000 miles? but when you call... let me check.
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