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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  May 19, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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see that? thanyoendek you. shout out to abby, rich, gina always great on you guys really were amazing but like i mean i'm trying not to get emotional but we dg o have to go. seriously get out. [laughter] think of are watching fox newss saturday night set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every d saturdayvr night here in fox ne. for more of me i'm coming to aom cityin near you on my everybody calm dowcan to her. tickets on sale now that fox across you can listen tomo my radio shi weekdays from noono until 3:00 p.m. eastern just sent 156r just a bign deal.or good night from new york city i will see it next saturday. remember what you can be a republican, you can be a democrat just don't be ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. jon: breakages of the middle east helicopter going around the president is believed to have
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crashed all crossing a mountainous area and heavy fog. our running state media describes the incident as a hard landing. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ it is nighttime in the middle east there is still no word on the fate of iranian president ebrahim raisi we are following g conflicting reports coming from iran dig government strictly controls the information it gets released. officials say dense fog very cold conditions are complicating search and rescue efforts but we have complete coverage security analyst dr. rebecca grant weighs in on what a sudden change in iran's government could mean for the region. first peacoat live to trey yingst who is following the story alive from israel. cooks jon, good evening we are following this breaking news out of the region paid around 10 hours ago a helicopter that was a caring iranian president
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ebrahim raisi his foreign minister disappeared. there were three helicopters in a convoy they were returning from a meeting in azerbaijan with ebrahim raisi's counterpart one of these helicopters reportedly crashed in a mountainous region of northern iran. there've been search and rescue efforts under way since that took place. i iranian leadership is basically making statements to the public saying they have no further information on the location of the helicopter crash. there've been a number of statements circulating online from the local red cross and other search and rescue officials in iran indicating they may have gotten a signal from one of the passengers of the aircraft or they may have located the general region where the helicopter went down. none of that information is confirmed. the only thing we have been able to confirm it is a statement fm iran's supreme leader who said
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quote we hope and pray god will return the president to the arms of the nation. right now there are two things on iranian state media one they are showing images of the search and rescue operation and eight mountainous region there's a lot of fog and bad weather. additionally they are showing civilians across the country that are praying for a run in leadership. a lot of questions tonight about how long this operation may take what sort of efforts they will put into place to try to find the iranian president for we do understand at this hour there is a turkish drone over the northern part of iran surveying the area trying to gather any information to help those rescue efforts on the ground. jon: what you know about the weather forecast is it projected to lift and get better? >> it is not present the initial statements we saw on iranian state media from the rescuers who are operating in this area said that as they got the higher elevations some of that rain was
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turning into fog and snow. that's a very challenging environment for the rescue teams to be operating in. again a lot of mixed information floating around online very limited details we can actually confirm about the iranian efforts to rescue or locate the president ebrahim raisi the foreign minister and other top officials that were on this helicopter traveling from azerbaijan to iran went reportedly crashed in the northern part of the country. jon: reported that sub belt to show that the "american built" helicopter but iran has been under american sanctions since 1979. it is hard to believe they have the ability to conduct really good maintenance operations on their american-made equipment. >> absolutely a lot of the aircraft the iranian regime uses for their top officials comes from the russians in his old soviet gear that's being used by
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top officials in iran for there will be many questions about why the iranian president ebrahim raisi was audit aircraft that was out of date and not with the latest and greatest technology to communicate if there were any sort of emergency or primarily to be able to locate such an aircraft right now the rescue teams appeared to be working blind in the mountainous region of northern iran. they have no paintings yet add to where this location is. they are trying to gather as much information as they can. many allies of the iranians have reached out to offer assistance. like i said a turkish drone currently circling the area of northern iran were officials believe this helicopter went down. additionally our producer telling me at this hour the russians have offered a team to travel to iran try to assist with the located this aircraft. i can still search and rescue operation we have not yet heard anything else for my iranian officials to indicate this is entered a new phase. again the weather a key issue
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here are some of the initial video from rescue teams on the ground indicates it's very foggy in this mountainous region really do believe the helicopter went down. jon: very dense fog of the footage or sending back i would not want to be flying in it. trey yingst in tel aviv, israel keeping it on on that story for us if you learn more get back with us immediately thanks. for more on the apparent crash of the helicopter carrying around the president and around let's bring in dr. rebecca grant president iris independent research and a political analyst. he is not that main power center in iran that rests with the ayatollah. but he is up there. if he is out of the political scene now, what happens dr. grant? >> yes ebrahim raisi is the sups been since 2021 and he has been a very hard line president. not a fan of any nuclear deals.
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he has done a lot of crackdowns and killings of his own people. what happens next? there is a first vice president that individual is no better he served in the iran/iraq war the first vice president is the one who went to russia to negotiate the sale of iranian drones to rrussia to use against ukraine. he would step in then there be a process and probably an election if ebrahim raisi turns out to be dead. we do not know yet, obviously. that is going to continue unfortunately iran's hard-line position. at this point just waiting to see what is happening. jon: again we do not know and i stress that, we do not know what is happened to them. it's the foreign minister as well as iran's president. in this country you likely would not have two leaders of that stature flying together. but, let said they are gone they are both out of the picture.
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you don't think that will change much in terms of iran's misbehavior on the world stage? >> i would love to see a big change in iran but the fact is that ebrahim raisi and others but he in particular has really brought iran into a new place of danger. the alliance with russia. the huge failed attack on israel. and, according to international atomic energy agency iran now has almost enough uranium highly enriched in violation of all the treaties. almost enough for perhaps five nuclear bombs. this is what harrison butker is made iran into. the composition of that leaders immediately around too and of course the ayatollah's to continue on the hard line course and supporting the terrors and throughout the region. jon: the ayatollah's on the people of iran to pray. but there is not a great deal of
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support among the populace for this leadership, is there? >> no i don't think there is but they are very closely tied in with the revolutionary guard corps and they control so much of the money, and the business and the economy to the detriment of iran's population. that is how they keep their hold on power with the military, the economy as well as the radical ideology which is all about pushing revolution and terrorism in the worst sort of theocracy. jon: if there is some kind of shift in power and again we do not know whether the president will have survived this hard landing or crash or whatever it is. if there are a couple new people on the iranian stage, you don't think this is some of our reprot with the west, better relations with the united states? >> in the short term know there be a caretaker situation.
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and then an election. that might be very interesting. but anyone coming in is going to be dealing with the new iran the iran that attacked israel the iran that is allied with russia. the iran that has enriched a lot of uranium beyond what they said they were going to do in the eye ron that is of course fact at all times by china who buys their energy and supports them and keeps them going despite other international sanctions. that direction iran is on would be very difficult to change. it's not going to change in the short term unfortunately. jon: dr. rebecca grant thank you. >> thank you. jon: president biden was briefed by a eight of the iran helicoptr crash. president ebrahim raisi officials have not learned much more than what's been reported by iran state media. the president today very busy with major appearances he gave the keynote address to the graduating class at morehouse
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college historically black universities in atlanta a seat e looks to shore up his appeal ahead of november he is set to speak naacp events in detroit later this hour. lucas tomlinson is light at the white house with the very latest for us. >> that is rights. white has said president biden has been briefed on this crash involving that pres president fd minister has refused to offer any more details. earlier on fox and congressman congressman patallen did weigh . >> this is a total. regime know they're lying when their lips are moving through it probably happened, we don't know yet for sure what probably happened was accidental helicopter crash may be of some maintenance maybe is pilot error. >> earlier today president biden gave the commencement address at historically black all mail at morehouse college in atlanta to keep demographics the present is to win reelection in november. some of those morehouse graduates turn their backs on the president when he was
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speaking. the president behind in the polls in the swing states and black voters the white house thought this was the perfect place for biden to try to turn things around. >> today in georgia allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election. what is that all about? i am serious. think about it. and then the constant attacks on black election workers. who count your vote. >> addition to some of the protesters at morehouse college early on "fox news sunday" congresswoman elise stefanik also voiced her protest against biden's israel policy. >> this is about joe biden's a beleaguered and failing polls in states like michigan for there is desperation politically but shame on joe biden it is a betrayal of the importance of that u.s./israel alliance. that's the most precious in the
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region. >> jon just a few blocks are mere hundreds of anti- israel protesters descended on the national mall george washington university is holding its commencement address sprayed the speaker was biden's former press secretary jen psaki. president biden is in detroit and michigan another critical swing state the present has been very itinerant this week many events in an attempt to woo black voters including his dinner tonight at the naacp freedom dinner. >> lucas tomlinson at the white house. lucas, thank you. >> on day one who will seal the border. we will stop the invasion we will give our police back their power and their respect i will sign an executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory but there's no president since abraham lincoln that is done more for the black individual in this country then president donald j trump. >> you have to tell crooked joe
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biden joe, you are doing a horrible job you are a horrible president like the apprentice, joe, you are fired get out of here, joe you are fired. jon: former president trump laying out some of his agenda if he takes back the white house in november. spoke to a crowd in dallas last night before heading back to new york for court tomorrow. michael cohen would back on the stand for what likely will be his final day of testimony former president trump's criminal trial. the case could go to the jury later this week. cb cotton is light outside of new york state supreme court with more of what we can expect in the days ahead. >> hi jon. more than seven hours of cross-examination across two days. former preside president donaldx lawyer michael cohen faces more intense questions when he returns to the stand tomorrow. so far trumps defense team has tried to paint: as someone who is a habitual liar and wants to
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see his former boss behind bars. trumps lawyers have tried to highlight lies cohen has told under oath in the past. todd and blanche the defense attorney has also attacked testimony company it gave earlier in the trial when cohen claims he spoke on the phone with then candidate trump about the stormy daniels payment. blanchet pointed to text argument: instead talk to trumps a bodyguard about harassing phone calls cohen had been receiving for it to that point cohen maintained he spoke to both the bodyguard and trump in the same call. trumps defense team is also tried to paint a picture cohen wants revenge after not getting a job in the white house. during cross-examination on thursday cohen insisted he never once at one and said he only wanted to be considered for a role. earlier in the trial daniels former lawyer keith davidson told the court cohen appeared suicidal after not getting a
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white house position. there is no way to know how any of this heated cross-examination is landing with the jury the defense could choose to call witnesses after the prosecution rested its case. one option could be robert costello cohen's former legal advisor who told fox news cohen completed the stormy daniels deal by himself to gain trump's favor. >> he said specifically and i cross-examine him on this. this was my idea. it was his idea to take care of the nda because he had been contacted by a lawyer for stormy daniels who said she was going to claim donald trump had sex with her. >> while former president donald trump has said he would like to testify during his trial his defense team has not committed to calling any witnesses. >> okc because an outside new york supreme court and lower
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manhattan thank you. fox news alert something of a surprise in washington. chuck schumer at the senate majority leader says he is going to bring back border security bill that died on the vine a short time ago back in january i believe it was. he is going to bring it back and hopes this time he says he be able to pass it. for more on the state at that bill and the presidential race let's bring south carolina congresswoman nancy mace. chuck schumer blamed republicans in the house for the death of that border bill. he said it was bipartisan. said had bipartisan support but he blamed house republicans for the death of the bill is there any chance it gets passed this time around you think? >> it is hard to say the first
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rendition of the bill went i saw both of the senate last time, they were a lot of loopholes put a lot of exceptions for every good idea and the bill was an exception on the very next page which made the built not worth it paper it was printed on. look at the idea of when 5000 people cross the border were going to shut the border down. this country has never shut the border down like that it in the way, shape, form. if you look at trumps policies if you were to use example of title 42 and remained in mexico you reinstated those two policies. you could stem the tide of illegal immigrants coming across the southern border by about 80%. but i do not want to see is it contentiousness it said number one issue. i live in a purple district 40% of my voters are independent this is the number one issue facing our country every swing district every purple district every purple state of which by the weight joe biden is losing to donald trump right now. >> it makes one wonder whether
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democrats included chuck schumer are looking at the polls seeing how concerned the american people are about the situation on the southern border decided that may be as a campaign issue or a campaign promise perhaps we need to do something about the border situation that has been festering for the entire biden presidency and maybe then some. >> three and half years 9 million illegals later. this is a problem created by joe biden literal in the first day in office. his first day in office he shut down all of the building of the wall the southern border put all of it there been steel resting at the southern border for three and half years now. you look at back to back presidents entered donald trump he built over five or 50 miles of wall. joe biden's first term he said he wants to build 21 miles of wall and is not done that yet. we see this in every state even in my district this last week there was an infant tragically killed on the roads by an
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illegal alien in south carolina. we are seeing deaths. we are seeing people affected by legal's every single day in this country got to put a stop to republicans have a plan under donald trump. >> if it weren't for south carolina and particularly south carolina six district congressman james clyburn joe biden very well might not be in the white house right now because it was clapboard through his support to the now president back four years ago. that helped propel his campaign against bernie sanders and others into the white house. now we have a graphic that shows how black support has fallen for the sitting president. in october of 2020 he enjoyed 79% among black voters 79% support now is down to 72% that leaves the president to do things like speak at morehouse college graduation. how much trouble is the
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president in among black voters in south carolina and frankly the whole country? >> he is in significant trouble. look at the polls in swing states he is down and all but one to donald trump he needs as many voters and as much support as he can. the problem is he's not down when he said he was going to do for a black and brown and african-american communities. he needs these voters i look at joe biden he is a lifelong racist is a guy who did not want his children raised near a racist drunk little black voters if you years ago you ate black according to him if you did not vote for him. that divisive language is not the kind of thing that wins black hearts and minds you are seeing that today's been a very divisive at present is not made good on his promises is anything regards to inflation, with the border, to jobs. everyone's worse including black voters and women under joe biden than they were under donald trump. donald trump's polling has got more significant support among black voters than any republican
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i can think of in recent history is run for president. you are seeing some of the voters say hey were not going to vote democrat that sourcing and joe biden's pollster. >> south coletta congresswoman nancy mace could have you on thank you. >> thank you. jon: up next inflation and the economy by the top issues of president biden and former president trumbull's bar over as the 2024 presidential campaign season his full stride. economist steven moore is here with his predictions on what the u.s. economy has in store for us all in the coming months. he is next. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪
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>> we have dramatically reduce inflation from 9% under close to 3% of excess my persona came to office. 9% was at 9% when i came in and snap t down around 3%. jon: presidential biden continued to insist inflation was at nine a claimant finally getting pushback from mainstream immediate with fact checkers confirming we already knew. the inflation rate was 1.4% when he took office in january of 2021.
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joining us now to discuss a economeconomist steven moore cor of the committee to unleash prosperity. where do you think the president is getting those numbers? >> will jon, he just misremembered because you are right the inflation rate when trump left office was 1.5% it was 18 months later into biden's presidency that we saw 9.1% that was the highest inflation rate since jimmy carter wasn't present some 40 years ago. it is ironic by the way they are saying oh well, short the inflation rate easily one half percent but the inflation rate was set to go up when trump left office. the biden people said with a pass or multibillion-dollar trending bills don't worry remember it they said don't worry this will not cause inflation. in fact one is called the inflation reduction act. that did not work out so well. i want to make the point if i
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could. you are correct the official inflation rate number since biden left office was 19%. but when you look at the things you have to buy, you look at groceries those are up about 25% when you look at mortgage payments those are up 35 -- 40% when you look at gasoline prices those are up almost 50%. those are the things americans have to buy it's why people are so financially stressed and strung out right now because that bet basics you have to pay every week and month. >> we have a look at some of those items and the price increases we have seen during the biden presidency overall inflation up more than 19% 21% food. rent 21% food at home, energy 38.4% petfood 23.1%. average hourly earnings are down
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2.7%. it's no wonder people are feeling poor. >> because they are. they are poor and i wish that was not the case. when you are up 70% your cost of living is up almost 20% you've got a real problem there. let's go back again to them andy carter was president the job is why he lost the presidency is the main reason the people were feeling at the gas pump they were feeling higher price at the grocery store he did not feel there is any relief in sight. biden does not have any inflation reduction plan in fact he is talking and now about spending trillions of dollars more and raising taxes is only going to reduce the supply of goods and services and make things more expensive by the way the rent payment you had you said was up about 21%. if you look at what has happened to the mortgage payments for people who want to buy a house those are up more than 50%
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because the interest rate on the mortgage has got up for about 3% was trump wasn't present to over 7% today. >> then there is the fact the president has bragged real wages are up from the pre-pandemic levels. but it is less than a 1% of prices have gone up 20% or 30% in some cases and wages are up less than 1%. that is not a match. >> you better believe it. even that number here's another one if you look at the jobs that have been created as fox has reported the vast majority of those are part-time jobs. try paying your bills when you're only working 20 or 15 hours a week you cannot do it. this is one of the reasons you are seeing americans write up their credit card debt at record levels because they cannot pay their bills.
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[inaudible] jon: a group of more than 100 pro- palestinian protesters are marching on the streets of chicago. ♪ march on that dnc 2024 coalition is leading it in front of the chicago police department. more than 100 protesters chanting we will not be silenced as more begin to show up. wild scenes in brooklyn yesterday were at least a dozen
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anti- israel protesters were arrested after clashing with the new york police department the angry mob of 250 protesters pushback at officers who were trying to move them toward a sigh rock sidewalk and bay ridge. reaction pouring an object music and after musicmogul sean diddys apologizes for the graphic video that surfaced of him violently assaulting his then girlfriend cassie ventura at a hotel back in 2016. combs had denied allegations of abuse for eight years until that footage was released. we want to warn our viewers the video is a graphic and difficult to watch christina pullman is live in los angeles with an update for us. >> , want this apology seems that quite the reverse of her sean diddy combs. filed a lawsuit against the music mogul accusing him of subjecting her to a cycle of horrific abuse including what she described as frequent savage
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and meetings and sex trafficking. strongly deny those allegations. now the violent scene in the surveillance video from march of 2016. again we want to warn our viewers this is difficult to watch. it is disturbing video. the footage was obtained exclusively by cnn for jones combs address and until he beats his then girlfriend cassie and violently drags her down the hall at the intercontinental hotel in l.a. the music mogul public apology comes two days after this disturbing video went viral. >> i mean i hit rock bottom. i make no more excuses. a behavior on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. as disgusted then w what i did m disgusted now. >> this disturbing incident was resident preference in that lawsuit filed last november
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during combs public apology for this incident he said he has sought professional help. >> i have been going to therapy, i am going to rehab. and the ascot for his mercy and grace. i am committed to be a better man each and every day. i'm not asking for forgiveness. i am truly sorry. >> ventura and c combs out of hr abuse lawsuit a day after his filed risk legal battles are not over. fellow producer rodney jones filed a federal lawsuit against him in february accusing combs of sexual misconduct combs l8 miami mansions were reportedly rated as part of a federal sex trafficking investigation in march. we've been reaching out to combs legal team for further comment on these matters. we are waiting to hear back but also combs has not been formally charged with any crimes. >> christina coleman in los angeles thank you.
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up next another assistant a potentially dangerous storms heading to the american heartland. meteorologist adam plotz is tracking it all for us. >> the worst weather likely to come to the next four -- five air hours. severe thunderstorms currently out there i'll be tracking until they were there going up coming up in my full forecast. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ no, no. exclusively at the home depot.
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jon: another round of powerful storms could be descending on the american heartland. meanwhile residents of houston are still reeling from last week's series of storms that left behind death, destruction, a flooded muddy mess.
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adam plotz is here to tell us what we can expect in the coming days and hours per. >> we are getting a set up very similar to a cell back in houston. we don't see this in the national weather service but this is everywhere we are currently looking at the severe thunderstorm watch for they have tagged a particular dangerous situation. is not some that they always identify with that tells you the could be really big a storms running until 10:00 p.m. central time this evening. we have begun to see some of those thunderstorms fire out. we have not got quite to the threshold yet but the storms out there fairly big still fairly impressive. every one of the yellow boxes is a severe warn thunderstorm a minimum of 60 miles an hour this particular one is on the strongest ones we have seen winds at 80 miles per hour actually tagged the storm possible but we have seen out there occasionally so far this afternoon paid this one does not have that. 80-mile an hour winds very powerful whether they are traumatic or not for another storm cell little further south looking at winds up to 70 miles per hour. still a very system.
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we'll continue to see more fire up of the coming hours is kind of a bull's-eye in the heart of kansas. you are looking at an area close interstate 70 that's one of the storms is just pointing out is but it's ki kind of been running along there. moderate to low in tornado risk throughout this entire region as well. it is not just tornadoes, it's not just w when you're looking t hail. baseball size hail that's enough to do damage. the two time this out from 6:00 p.m. this is only going to intensify all the banks of the evening hours presenting or looking at 9:00 p.m. -- 10:00 p.m. will fall apart as you head into the overnight hours. what we are really focused on is the next couple of hours he. then unfortunately i will get to this monday, tuesday we had the same set up. we reload will be tracking severe weather for the next couple of days. jon: what a mess. meteorologist adam plotz, thanks. jon: nascar drivers are revving their engines getting great for the all-star race of the historic north wilkesboro
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speedway and the next couple of hours. heavy rains and flooding for us last night cancellation of the allall-star craftsman truck sers race. fox madison has the latest on the conditions of the race for. >> jon it is nascar all-star racing here today and because of storms yesterday we have a triple header on our hands the trucks are wasting yesterday they had to stop when lightning struck. then, what started as a drizzle turned into an all out downpour. 4 inches of rain here in two hours. flooding turn one completely forgot so badly trucks that were pitted in that area had to be pushed uphill as the water continued to rise. those poor guys came out to push the cars uphill three separate times roughly cars were moved, members of the nascar teams actually started swimming in turn one new pool the fans absolutely loved it as we got dives, belly flops from team members even got a driver
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swimming. but, while members were floating so are the tires. preteens had to rescue those tires as the rain continued to pour down. a major challenge of getting the track race ready today was outside of the track. the parking lots, 880 tons of gravel have been delivered to shore up parking. crews here tell us this is unlike anything they have ever seen at the tracks. >> usually when it rains that hard it is pretty fast. but it just continued to rain for almost two hours so hard, so fast we were joking, knowers are could of had a better chance to take the poll and qualify yesterday. if noah's ark had been here. what's the big race is on fs one tonight. history has already been made here this weekend. there will definitely be more in store. jon: hope they get it on, foxbusiness madison and north wilkesboro speedway in north carolina, thank you. coming up on the fox report and
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new heavyweight champion of the world. details on the thrilling battle of titans in saudi arabia around the globe is next.
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my name is ruth, i've done 10 rounds of prolon. growing up, i went on all kinds of diets. my weight would yo-yo. i started researching fasting. so, i wanted something that was science-based, and this is science-based. that's how i found prolon. the 5-day box has all the food you need,
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jon: harrison headlines from around the globe. in israel popular war cabinet member threatens to quit the government unless there is a new plan in place for the war against hamas in gaza. in ukraine or russia presses forward with its offensive in the middle east and part of the country. at least 11 people were killed in attacks earlier today. at the vatican pope francis once again calls for peace in both gaza and ukraine. in an address to thousands of people. in tunisia hundreds of march to protest the influx of sub-saharan migrants into the country. thousands packed into impoverished towns along tunisia's coastline hoping eventually to reach europe by
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vote. in argentina at commuters and point the saris are paying a 360% more just to ride the subway. the price hike is one of the most dramatic get argentina government tries to reform its economy. [cheering] >> he has done it for like saudi arabia alexander defeated tyson's. bite split decision undisputed heavyweight champion of the boxing world. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. still to come workers at the oakland zoo are really sticking their necks out to make sure the giraffes eat well. we will see about the new contraption just installed to help them shout down show down . animal almanac is next.
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a test or approve a medication. we didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed our lives. jon: trip to space makes history today, listen. [cheering] and hear exits. >> 90 on ed white celebrate his
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launch and his safe landing which marked the moment he became the oldest person to go to space he made the journey aboard a blue origin new shepherd spacecraft along with five others. dwight was america's first black astronaut candidate back in 1961. ultimately was not chosen to join the nasa astronaut corps. congratulations, ed. oakland zoo and california has a new way to feed defeat some ofs tallest residents. this is a giraffe feeder is being used to lift the treats high up off the ground. the zoot zoo said this allows a giraffe too much at a much more natural heights and as you can see the herd seems to enjoy the new snacking system. 10,000 dollars matching gift challenge up as you raise money to buy the tool. a curious coyote it gets a little too close to a camera. the coyote named walker puts his face right into the camera made his feelings known by knocking
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it completely over. this happened at the fort worth zoo in texas. the security cameras meant to observe all of the animals throughout the day. they're going to take the repairs out of walker's paycheck. >> open the freezer. >> what is this? [inaudible] it is open. jon: have been southern california the family spotted a bear stealing a watermelon out of there were garage refrigerator but they tried to shut the garage door once he saw the bear but the bear managed to snatch an entire a watermelon. after the bear left the driveway it sat outside and devoured that succulent melon. you cannot blame him, adam, it's getting hot out there in california this time of year for your bear you've got nice for quick surveyors are so smart you're not joking.
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it's an incredibly hot we can see the red behind me this is watermelon weather. the bear knows what is all. jon: have a great sense of smell so no refrigerator pic looks at just over the refrigerators bears are smart like they definitely are. keep your garage door closer i am going to come eat people's food as well. [laughter] jon: that there is an ear tag i suppose they arty know his name i am guessing. i think you are probably right. adam, good to talk you will see you next weekend. that's how fox reports this sunday at mate 19, 2024 but i'm jon scott free thank you for joining us this evening will see you next week. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hello everyon


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