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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  May 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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it's called an anti-climb panel. you can't climb over it. we had people that climbed mount everest. we had all different walls built so that we got the best one. they couldn't climb this one and the anti. i didn't like the panel on top. i don't know if you know what i'm talking about, but there's an anti-climb panel on top. but it makes it very hard for people to get over the walls. they could scoot up those walls. it was incredible. and we built everything. and now, you know what they did. we had 200 miles that would have been put up. we built 571 miles of wall and we had the safest border in history. i got mexico to give us soldiers all of the things i did, but these people, they took the 200 miles of wall that could have been flipped up. and thrown up. and they was sitting there, ready to be installed, and they sold it for $0.05 on the dollar. i don't even knowr, right in maybe other countries are buying it -- jon jon you're watching former president trump deliver the keynote address at the nra's annual convention in
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we will send joe biden's illegal aliens back home. right where they belong. right where they belong. they are going back home where they belong. we start with the criminals and their many, many criminals. lesson four years ago we had the most secure border in u.s. history. we ended catch and release it. built tremendous numbers of miles of border won't like no one thought possible we took it out of the military i considered it an invasion of our country. i got mexico to send 28000 soldiers to our border free of charge. do that that was easy to do? i told the president of mexico on a 20000 soldiers free of charge to guard the border. wrote donald o present he thought he was kidding. because they have to be free of charge i know you will do it there's no question you're going to do if they come to mexico along the drugs which by.
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coming through our border that it was four years ago, 10 times greater per exhibit more than that i believe they are estimating at least 10 times. i need your shoulders you will given to us free of charge he said no, no, no i will not do that donald. he thought it was so funny. i said do me a b of a recent frd of mine is a good guy. he is a radical socialist that's fine, i don't care i don't care he was a the good guys to do ma favor i do not like negotiating with you with some pleasant i wt to negotiate with your people i said give somebody that can negotiate a little bit on the subject and others? and he said yes i will send joée whoever to see you. a few days later a man comes into washington, had the most beautiful clothing i've ever seen i will tell you is wearing
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suits in fact other than it probably would sound bad for the negotiation i wanted to ask him who is your taylor? [laughter] i did not think that is a good way to start off the negotiation. and i said to him i want to do this. i went to the border patrol they are phenomenal people brewing to everybody is anything to do with the border and our country and safety and emigration to give me a top 10 list i want everything i will get it all insert you won't get any of the stuff we've been trying to get for 30 years or mexico face it it one 100% i will get it. anyway they gave us stay in mexico policy. people have to stay in mexico but they don't get him into our country they stay in mexico. they give us catch and release into mexico and on to our country they gave us the many things various illness situation people are ill with contagious diseases they pour into our
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country let's just accept everybody let's spread illness all over our country. bwe had that taken care of. so the guy comes in from mexico and i say here is what i want i want 28000 soldiers free of charge. i want to remain in mexico. i want catch and release into mexico they'd never heard of this he said we won't do that why would we do this are we stupid why would we do this because her said you're going to do one 100%, you don't think you're going to do it because work of course you're going to go. i'm not going to look at it. yes you are going to do one 100% he said no way i said away. i said wait you are going to do it. he's not laughing at me trying to figure out what's going on with this guy sent in no and i'm thinking yes i said no one 100% you're going to do it. he said no i'm not that here's what's happening it is friday evening on monday morning at 7:00 a.m. every single car you sent into our country they've
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sold 32% of our car industry not during my administration by the way. over the years they'd taken a huge chunk out of michigan that so and bleeding in michigan people see what they have done to the jobs and the cars and the building, the manufacturing of cars is just horrible. mexico stated a tremendous amount of that business away. they're building a massive car plants again and mexico had stopped. due to his building a lot of them? china is building car plants in mexico to sell cars into the united states i told them the other day do not do it. you are going to be charged one 100% tariff which makes it impossible to sell the cars you're building these big monster plants you're wasting a lot of money doing it because were not going to accept any of those cars but w were not goingo lose our jobs to monster plans being built along the border to
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sell into the united states because they have a guy like her could joe biden as a president who's accepted a money is that a candidate. his accepted money from china, from russia, from ukraine, from everywhere. if that were a republican he would have been given the electric chair that would've brought back the death penalty. what he has gotten away he's the most creek and he is also the most crooked president we've ever had. to spin it a little bit, he is a threat to democracy by that to say i'm a threat to democracy. what have i done? we had no wars except we defeated isis and we defeated them brutally and quickly. quickly. [cheering] and i said to this handsome, beautiful, well-dressed man you are going to do that because on monday morning reported tariff of 25% on everything that comes in and then a month later it's going to 50. then a month later it's going to
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go to 75. then a month later goes to 100 that's are going to stop i think that's enough. that is more money than the money we are asking for the 28000 soldiers on the other things by a factor of about five. was going to take place on monday morning i had an order on my desk and i said i'm signing the order right now so you can see it. but mr. president may please take five minutes to make a call back to my country? let me guess you're going to call the president, who is my friend he's a great guy. he likes it mexico and i like us. what can i tell you? that is the deal. just like president xi likes ito china and i like the youth a that's losing billions of dollars that no other president got 10 cents. so, and take a moment to make a call? as you may please hurry up i have other appointments pretty comes back about three minutes later, we have decided to provide juicer with 28000
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soldiers free of charge of course. it is our great honor to do so. in addition to that love stayed mexico policy were all of thesee criminals are coming into our country will stay in tijuana but you ought to see tijuana. it's breathtaking to see this. they were not let into our country. we got everything the woman from the state department a very nice woman, very, very good. i'm at work on this for 25 years have been working on it for about two hours and i got everything. [laughter] [applause] i got everything. and then when this guy, this guy with no í-letter low iq individual, our president. think of this we have a low iq individual as our president. he's dealing with steel parties dealing with the president xi we are going to start negotiation now.
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he is doing with putin. he's dealing with kim jong-un own. he is sent with macron of france at that another one charge accompanies 25% tax. he said to him an insured and the other people, go and tell them we are not whenever companies pay 25% tax to france by would they do that? why would they do that you have a week. he had sent them to withdraw the tax immediately. it said it doesn't work they'll we have another day then i'll make a call but they came back and said we can't do it they've already passed it. i said that's okay let me get me emmanuel macron of france you don't mind if i go off the cuff of these teleprompters do you? isn't it nice to have a president does not need that freaking teleprompter? isn't that nice? [cheering] [applause] isn't that a nice thing?
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so, i said let me handle it. they're going to charge american companies massive amount of taxi to business in france but he was to do business in france? why should they do that? they couldn't do it they said sir, i'm sorry sir it's too late. he said it's not too late it's never too late they are ripping off our country it's an embarrassment to our country. it's not too late. i said get me macron of france right away. right away. emmanuel macron is the leader of france. he is it nice man that loves france for the alt love their countries or feel an obligation to their country. i love that my family too. after practice at the fake news back there would say he does not love his family. so i have to preface i love my family so much. and i love my country so much. i love things by love our
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country. feel an obligation. so i say i will do it. so it macron, the leader france gets on the phone. emanuel how are you it's a beautiful, beautiful name especially when when it is spokn french. how are you? i am doing so good thank you so much. thank you for asking but how's your wife? his wife is lovely by the way. how's your wife? my wife is so good, thank you so much for asking. i said i understand you're going to charge american companies 25% for the privilege of doing business in france. oh yes, oh yes. this is passed by our legislature. we are doing that. no, no, no it's happening. i said it's not going to happen. you're going to withdraw it immediately. do not care if it signed or not it is irrelevant.
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we cannot do that. we cannot do that. this is taken place about three hours. i said emanuel here is the story. you do not withdraw that tax immediately on wednesday morning this was a monday. at work all different days i do not discriminate. this was amanda's said if you do not withdraw that tax i'm going to charge you one 100% tariff on all wine and champagne that comes into the united states it will start effective immediately. [cheering] he said no, no, no doubt you cannot do it that we very unfairly said no charging attacks or companies very unfair. i said you have five minutes to tell me going to do it or you're
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notgoing to do it. next i will call you back, dondonimus clay backward he calk follow evan able to stop the legislation pleased environment that we will not be charging you that tax. but now i understand they're charging or the doing something very similar and a lot of it as a pass again because they have a president that is incompetent. i have great respect for the office of the president. i would never talk this way. did not talk this way until he got indicted. once they invited me i said the gloves are off this guy did something that you cannot do. even hilary clinton, we did not want to do it. you don't hurt our country like that and divide our country. this guy, this horrible guy and decidieted a man that's runningr office on the two-party system always going to be a two-party system by the way. they can have all the games they want but we can have a two-party system.
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was devised that way, that is fine. they took the leading candidate who has a republican essentially has a republican nomination. very importantly is leading their candidate by a lot. or it leading in every poll every single pull on the swing states and everything. they have indicted him so they did this in order to hurt his political opponent this is a political thing. the indictments are nonsense. you see that when you watch the television and the news reports. even though fake news cnn and you know fake is going to be one of the people. they said to me the other day sir, cnn hate is a fake looksee how he does. i think is under a lot of pressure to be fair. but he's going to be heading up a team that interrogates you.
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i said that is okay. i accept the debate. i accept it. you know why? no one thought is going to debate. they didn't think i would accept it. i accept. another one called, the put out another when i said i except they do not even tell me where it was, it was i didn't care. what difference is that make? would it said they were shocked out my fears were not going to do cnn were not going to have tapper be the guy. we are not going to have other people involved in that show. there is no negotiations. i accept anything you want. i don't what to do. we go back and finish. there is a genius to her and doing a go from here and it all comes back into a beautiful picture.
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at all comes back into a beautiful picture. a great memory it's a beautiful thing. this horrible low iq individual who is representing us, this horrible person is done such a bad job if this horrible individual finishes the debate i think he will if he is standing. they will say it was a brilliant performance. it was a brilliant performance i've never seen anything like it very much a reminiscent of the days of fdr he had a beautiful voice. a magnificent voice great debater very smart man. almost 16 years he was 14 or are we going to be considered three termer to term? you can tell me.
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think of it he did the state of the unit and it was high as a kite i think we should call for drug tests on the debate. we are going to call for drug testing. so macron calls. even i say to myself you are a freaking genius. i had an uncle, my fat father's brother was it longest-serving president he is that longest-serving professor in the history of mit graduate was a phenomenal student a real genius or a brilliant guy. i ha believe in that resource theory cast forces produced vast horses. he went to mit. graduate this i would love to have it be a professor i think he was there for 41 years is longest-serving professor.
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it is nice to know but do think biden has that and his family? i don't think so, i don't think so. i may be wrong, let's check. let's check. so macron calls me back see it's the final. so he calls me back and he said donald, donald we have agreed to what you want will not charge the tax. how sad is that? there are so many different things like buying air force one sick i'm not going to pay for it and not signing the contract. was it who negotiate the contract? obama. or not signing it because i know it's too expensive. i did not know anything about the plane is too expensive i was able to cut $1.6 billion off the price over. two months. we have a lot of stories we could tell. the saddest thing of all is
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cricket joe biden has turned your state in the entire country into a dumping ground for the world. venezuela, violent crime is down at levels that never seen before. it was 67% three weeks ago is now down to 72%. violent crime is down. if it goes down a 1% you think it's great. down 72% because her inmates, their mental patients in the basement of the most violent prisons and depositing them all into our country but all the gang members and caracas, venezuela, caracas it is a wonderful city. to be a lot safer than our cities the criminals are being sent to us. i'm in a different nra next year's meeting in venezuela is going to be a lot safer than our country.
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venezuela will have no crime because all the criminals won't be deposited so we will go together. congressman fallon were going to go together will take a trip together. we are going to go get dan the whole group were going to go to venezuela when a crime free environment. that is what is happening but that's what's happening pray think of it there down 72% from last year and violent crime. biden wan was to disarm american citizens while he floods the country with biden migrant crime. while pr hears anyone ever heard of the snake? the snake. should i do it now or not? should i? let me look. let's face it. it is a saturday afternoon, we have nothing to do. is like time is like a death in valley time in television terms occult death valley when you're on on saturday afternoon they
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say you've got death valley so let's do this, it's better isn't this better than going home and turning on television falling asleep and being bored? do it yes, yes, yes? this is sort of a metaphor it has to do with immigration. it has to do with the people coming into our country that are wrong. you cannot criminals into our country and expect good things to happen. it is the snake it's an old rock 'n' roll song not having anything to do with what we are talking about. we made certain changes. it is pretty good it describes and people like it they like it a lot. that's what's happening. on our way to work one morning, down the path over the lake at tenderhearted woman saw a poor
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half frozen snake. his pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the do. the poor thing she cried i will take you in and i'll take care of you. take me no tender woman. take me know heaven's sake great take me in oh tender woman side the vicious snake. she wrapped him up cozy and comforter of silk laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk. she hurried home from work that night and as soon she arrived, she found the pretty snake she had taken in had been revived. take me in oh tender woman, take me and for heaven's sake. take me in oh tender woman, sighed that vicious snake. she clutched into her bosom you are so beautiful she cried.
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but if i had not brought to them by now you surely would have died. she stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight. but instead of saying thank you ma'am, this snake it gave her a vicious bite. take me in oh tender woman take me and for heaven sake. take me in oh tender woman sighed the vicious snake. i saved you cried the woman and you have been sent me but why? you know your bite is porous in this and now i'm going to die. shut up silly woman said the reptile with a grin. you knew i was a snake before you took me in. that is what we are doing. that is what we are doing. that is what we are doing.
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we are allowing terrorists into our country. we are allowing prisoners and people from mental institutions and sain asylums into our country. and nothing good is going to happen. it's actually very accurate portrayal of what we are waiting for. one 100% going to be in big, big trouble and number seven ever nr seen before even large numbers of chinese warriors are flowing into our country for their old age from 19 -- 25. almost every one of them is a man but what is that all about? i looked at him the other day on television i looked at him and said they are pretty strong. were they doing building an army and our backyard? how stupid are these people? how stupid. where the party of common sense. it's so important because common
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sense is the key. not even that we are very conservative, all that stuff but we are common sense. he wants to have an open border where people can come and unchecked, unvented? who once you have high interest rates, high taxes? who wants to have men being able to play in women's sports? who wants to have that? who really wants to have that? think of it, who once it? we are joined today by a very proud texan, debbie douglas. you have read about debbie. she is become as famous as me i think. not happy about this, debbie we've got to put it into this. debbie is great her family a ranch in edwards county is under invasion from the cartel and the illegal aliens. because of joe biden's open border steel shutters, steel screens reinforce the doorframes all over our home including on
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her 8-year-old grand dollars bedroom window but she is petrified for the life of her granddaughter. after multiple attempted break-ins and attacks including an attack on illegal border crossings tri try to kick in the door. and break through that window. debbie's granddaughter is too afraid to do anything. show us to go home, only to go home, grandma i don't to stay here. going to stay here. this place is so dangerous, grandma. it is so scary. this whole area is a playground debbie says. they basically own exit. for it years ago it was safe and no one came around because that was trump we had the safest border. we had the best sport in the history of our country but today that beautiful little granddaughter on silt anywhere but the bedroom in that house. i'm not going to fear it. i'm not going to let them run me out of here. debbie is 45 minutes wave that e
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nearest law enforcement that her second amendment she is defenseless. she has no chance. that is why debbie says we are never out of the house without a gun. if we don't have a gun we are dead people. you cannot go out on the porch to have a cup of coffee without being assaulted. but people who have weapons. debbie, i promise to look at the trespassers off your land come out of our country. and your granddaughter would look forward to going home with you, sleeping with you and that beautiful little bedroom. so i would like to ask debbie to come up and tell us quickly and beautifully about how she is doing. >> national nra convention in dallas, texas former president trump addressing that gathering now as he introduces some of their guests we are going to break away. once you bring into the discussion probably to jersey congressman jeff van drew. congressman it was last weekend
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the presid present had the big n new jersey. you were there. he said he wants to turn new jersey red this year. he thanks new jersey is in play. is that possible? >> is definitely possible. let's think about what happened last weekend. when the largest political rally in the history of new jersey, ever. over 100,000 people were there. it was spectacular preaching of it was wonderful about it too, jon? no violence, no fighting no heavy drinking it was good americans, good new jerseyans in pennsylvania and delaware as well to love the united states of america who wanted to celebrate hopefully what will be a great day on the first tuesday of november when we return our country to basic good values. jon: trump campaign to sum up
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flipping another couple of traditionally blue states of virginia and minnesota. minnesota is not vote for republican presidential candidate in 50 years is that pie-in-the-sky? pie in the sky? >> no it is not. in minnesota or virginia or new jersey or any states that you mentioned they are paying high prices they are playing more for food and sustenance in the ever paid before. every single state is an open border states those estates just as every other state you are seeing illegals coming in using tremendous amount of resources because they are paying for their travel. they're paying for housing, in some cases subsidizing vacation. great deal of strife that crime is got up and most of our major cities.
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all the issues we going to see happen happening under this president but whether it is open borders, corruption and his judiciary system and department of justice, all of it. all of it bothers everyone. it bothers them whether they are republicans, democrats or independents. these are real issues tangibly affect real people every day. >> i want to put up the number some survey usa poll in minnesota. again that the state that is not voted for a republican presidential candidate in 50 years or so. joe biden stands at 44% for the former president 42%. the margin of error of 4.3%. you could call it a tie although advantage biden at least in these numbers. and then again we move on to virginia it shows a little closer 43% f for the sitting president in virginia. 42% for the former president.
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these states are very tight. the trump campaign says that by expanding its operations into those states they hope to pick off some surprises here in november. >> i believe they will. we also to concentrate on the fundamentals. those states as well as new jersey early voting. this is not voting by mail if everybody votes as many people vote with to get out the vote of 14 hours on election day on average we won't bother going to people who are devoted. we will be able to really concentrate on those that maybe don't have the greatest energy to get them out to vote as well. it makes a difference for a get out to vote will be real important we need to make sure
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we have voter integrity. thousands upon thousands of attorneys who can be dispatched into any location voting integrity, bloating early by machine is the message don't take it out to people that will be voting on the same people you do on election day. then trump comes president again hopefully we can come back to just voting on election day. we have to play by the rules right now and when by the rules that exist right now very. >> congressman jeff van drew. >> is always great to be with you. i am jon scott fox report and we will be back in just a moment. and the kia sorento turbo-hybrid... (♪) ...we recreated some of the wettest springs... (♪) ...hottest summers... (♪) ...windiest falls...
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predominately black school and. lucas tomlinson with that progress ahead of the commencement address to my morning present biden spoke at a small campaign shots at president trump on the polls over well which show trump ahead. >> my opponent is not a good loser. but he is a loser. you hear about how we are behind in the polls, so far the have not been right once. now look we are either tied or slightly ahead or slightly behind. lex let's take a look at some of the recent bot polls the presidt says are wrong the first from fox and shall biden losing 7% of black voters nationwide young people to fight and down 40% compared to four years ago perhaps the reason biden is going to the historically black college tomorrow to get the commencement address for another poll shows a more dire situation
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from the biden campaign the critical swing states according to this "new york times" whole, biden has lost 28% the black vote in the past four years. former president trump has seen a 15-point bump. some republicans and the drop in support is due to the economy and high inflation. of course the situation on the southern border. >> the problem is no space shall biden is going to give will change the fact he has a right to the economy for all americans. inflation is massively high hurting everyone the southern border is massively open. squeezing cities and air budgets. you should be concerned. >> present biden's do to get the commencement address tomorrow morning at morehouse college. he mentioned historically black college for it also an all mail school. both demographics present biden needs to win again is going to succeed in 2024 precooked sort lucas tomlinson at the white house thank you. as mentioned present biden to
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make in the commencement speech at atlanta morehouse college tomorrow as he looks to rebuild support among key democratic groups. the president' son hunter biden faces gun and taxation trials during the election season. let's bring in a fox news fox ns contributor joe concha. joe soap we heard lucas talk about the president's number of taken among the black males are. can you turn that around with the morehouse college speech? >> i doubt it highly. nine in 10 black voters went for joe biden is dropped nearly 30 points it's lights out in november the support we need remember the margins were so small and 2020 in states like georgia were morehouse is or arizona or nevada those margins
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are gone and then sometimes 10 the trump trial began weeks ago it must be disturbing he is head on average in every swing states you show with congressman van drew they are in a dead heat in virginia it has not been a red and 20 years in minnesota is not been read since a guy named dixon ran for reelection for the momentum is close behind trump at this point. inflation went get better or worse before election day to the point where people feel it. economy is slowing down is not getting better anytime soon they are either the situation in gaza is that you're in the situation in ukraine the war against russia is not going well as well unless all these things change before election d day chance yor question very long way unless you're biden himself shows his skin better with age and not
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worse as things stand now donald trump goes up in your former president to president again. >> to add insult to injury if you will relate possibly the president son could be facing a federal trial as this campaign is underway. >> precisely. these are for things he's basically admitted to doing as far as the tax evasion. as far as lying for the gun permit. this is a clear liability for joe biden, that being hunter biden this is the thing that may save him to a certain extent. of those proceedings on an effort to protect the current president. as lucas adjusts reports at 100 people showed up for biden's campaign event in atlanta. hundred thousand were able to show up in wildwood new jersey.
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seems with donald trump is paying for hunters defense is tapped out some $10 million has been spent on defending hunter biden. there's talk about having a go fund me fundraiser for the president son. >> we are living in a bizarre world right now. i suppose hunter biden could paint a couple more paintings and those go over what five underground epis customer before you know it you're back in the game again. it is just a mess right now. as far as if you are joe biden i do not know what he can do and the next 170 days before election day donald trump's been on for nine years as a politician to biden's been 50 years as a politician's out looking good right now that is for sure.
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his former fix-it man michael cohen is testifying against him in a new york city child that did not seem to go so well. >> oh boy, all i know is on thursday the serial perjurer. it is so disastrous to set legal analyst on cnn and msnbc saying you cannot believe anything this guy says that they are thinking that what is the manhattan jury thinking that's probably made up of a majority of democrats all it takes is a one or two people with common sense to see what jonathan turley, andy mccarthy atand all these have set on this network no crime has been defined. the defense has not done a good job as far as connecting trump to any of them. the start witness completely flopped for them. if it is a hung jury th that the wynford trump if it is an
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acquittal jet fuel for his campaign because as other trials of phonic wills it atlanta and jack smith those are not going to be happening before election day every legal analyst is saying if that is the case we go back to issues again allow for goes away it's trump versus a biden and their policy positions on the inflation border and crime. trump seems to better president of the two to handle those things if he wins again. >> is going to be an interesting time i'll be up to november. joe, thank you. >> thanks. jon: we will be back with mark fox report after this. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world.
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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>> a from the river to the sea palestine will be free. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] all the walls of got to go. jon: anti- israel protest continuing across america israel military recovers a body of three hostages at bodies i should save three hostages this week. in ukraine nato contemplate sending military trainers to ukraine. tell but it's war against
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russia. for more on all this conflicts in gaza four-star general jack keane chairman on the institute for study of war the vice chieff of staff of the u.s. army. the discovery of those three bodies in gaza of the israeli hostages, general, that does not bode well for the others who are still missing. it might go to explain why israel seems to be going forward military operations. close military and operation a rough one is obsolete to destroy the military organizations that are operating in that area. in a widely reported four or five battalions to get at as many leaders as they possibly can that's pretty challenging because they use the tunnels to move around and move away from idf operations.
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the second issue is to put pressure on hamas of the military operation. to look for a cease-fire budgemuch asthey did back in no. release of hostages. the cease-fire on the table and the release of hostages. asummarily rejected all of that insist on a permanent cease-fire. in other words the war ends and pulls his troops out and then we will talk about hostage release. jon: the chair of the institute for the study of war. it's a serious organization. you look at it clinically. what do you make of the criticism of israel for its activities in gaza?
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>> it well, i think it is it pretty much operational meddling by a lot of people were not qualified to metal. why you do that publicly in the conduct of their military operations but i understand policy issues. that is fair game. but how to conduct a military operation specifically one inside of rafah and to suggest to the israelis in the idf that they know better how to deal with this. in other words united states policymakers given the fact israel has been dealing with hamas since 2007 for their stated purpose is the destruction of the state of israel. at the an existential threat they are facing. we have to remind ourselves and our audience of the seriousness of that. i disapprove of that kind of metal leg with had it before during the vietnam war we had obama doing it with isis and iraq and syria in their strikes event of meddl meddling before s
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usually not productive and interferes with competent military leaders. seaport no one took hostages in this country on 911. the israelis have been trying to get back the more than 200 hostages that were taken. everyone seems to forget that at least the pro- palestinian side. >> i think sometimes the administration does for the life of me and there are eight american still held hostage white were not talking about that on a regular basis? and always reminding an audience this is an existential threat against israel's very survival and remind people of that. it should have a focus certainly in israel. there is a major focus, major pressure on the netanyahu administration the growing resistance against the administration from the families of the hostages as they would like to go immediately to a cease-fire for all the obvious
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reasons you can certainly understand their viewpoint on this given their loved ones are at risk. the reality is this is ticking for them and they know full well the longer this drags out the likelihood of more hostages dying as a result of it is certainly very real. jon: so much heartbreak that retired army general jack keane. thank you. >> good talking to you, jon, thank you. jon: deadly storm at the houston area hard there is it leaving seven people dead as city employees conduct damage assessments and clear debris high temperatures post eight new risk as hundreds of thousands of people remain without power "fox weather" correspondent katie byrne has the latest. >> clean up and power restoration efforts are likely to take weeks not days and some of the hardest hit areas of houston. this is some the worst damage we have seen used to be a tire shop it is completely unrecognizable now.
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wins around 100 miles per hour ripped it apart. the owner, marvin told us he was inside with a coworker one happen thursday night but they were able to crawl out from underneath the brie unharmed. as they continue cleaning up what is left temperatures are rising. making that work that much harder. >> i want a breathing machine people who have medical issues we need help. we need a water and food bill looks a stretch of 90 degrees days are on the horizon. cooling centers are open for people without ac to find some relief. city officials warn some of the outages could last a week. >> at this point we are concerned about how long this will last. i did finally as a lucky enough to buy some ice. ice is in short supply right now provokes downtown crews continue boarding up hundreds of blown out windows that shattered in high-rise office buildings and hotels. >> we are here cleaning up the mess. the glass mainly. getting the broken glass is hanging in the halls up in the buildings they don't fall out
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and hurt somebody. >> oh yes very widespread. very dangerous. we are in there trying to be careful and not get cut to pick books present by an approved a disaster declaration that come by thursday night storms to flooding that started to hit texas back in april by that should help people get access to federal funding and some are really going to need it to get back on their feet. jon: obsolete "fox weather" katie byrd in houston, texas. >> and nnascar all-star craftsmn truck series race originally scheduled for tonight has been canceled after flooding at north wilkesboro speedway. while in houston hundreds of thousands are dealing with that power loss we told you about spirit chief meteorologist adam klotz has the latest on the flooding. >> hate jon. active weather patterns across the country as a move f for a wk and for a lot been driven heat the tub went to super on some the showers these are current
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temperatures you really notice them in the middle of the country putting spots in the '90s. 85 degrees in chicago couple minutes ago. it has been a real warm that is fueling some activity but most of the activity for now has been in the eastern united states you can to holland green at most are thunderstorms nothing severe for right now. look at the next couple of days severe weather's going to startt to play a larger role. for tomorrow it's incredibly hot across florida that's fueling at least a low-end risk of severe weather. vertically up and down the east coast of the states. that's going to be the best chance to see big thunderstorms in the afternoon. but the next couple of days for sunday we've got a good risk there and portions of the planes but that's also the case at monday. and then jon, for tickly on tuesday we are gearing up for a big severe weather day across portions of the midwest. obviously "fox weather" app will be all over the story's next couple of days. jon: let's hope nothing terrible develops but thank you for the heads up. adam klotz from the "fox
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weather" center, thanks. that is how fox reports that this is saturday the 18th of may 2024. i am jon scott thank you very much for watching for it would back tomorrow and the big weekend show is up next too. can you get this board to tony hawk? fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries. so i actually got it to tony. woah! and he even sent one back. but in the future, i'm gonna need an address and a zip code. we did this for a skateboard, see what we can do for your business. fedex. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly!
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