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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 18, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> hello everyone i'm judged ani with harold ford, jesse watters, a dana perino and grey good got felled it's 5:00 in new yorkhe f city and this is the 5. [ ♪ ] fête eyelashes and bushed bodies the real housewives meet wrestlemania on capitol hill with a little bit of jerry springer on the side.e bickering lawmakers lobbyings at trashy schoolyard insults at 1 another derailing a very important congressional hearing. the purpose to hold attorneynd general merrick garland inin contempt of congress after he refused to hand over a recording from the classified documents investigation. the big guy is now claiminge to executive privilege to denied the release and they dodged when
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pressed about hypocrisy when itn comes to transparencspy. >> why not release c >> for 1 the transcript says you know are already out there. >> don't they feel the recording could be harmful? >> i don't want to dive into specifics of what you are making about the politics i would have to refer you to council offices on that but the determination is the president took seriously the request of the attorney general and how the decision was made. and that leads us to the congressional cat fight heard the world. they were full otempf contempt r each other. >> do you know what we are hered for? >> point of order. >> you are the 1 talking about... >> i think youing.r fake eyelass are messing up your vision. >> a
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>> i do of a point of order i'd like to take down her words. absolutely unacceptable." dear you attack the physical appearance of another person. >> are your feelings are?i >> girl, baby girl, don't eveno play baby. we are going to move and take your words down. >> just curious to better understand your ruling if somebody on this committee starts talking about somebody's pleased blonbad-d sleepy built . as then a your out-of-control i. i come and talked leap leap about her you have a problem.ds >> i have 2 hearing aids and very death i'm not understanding everybody's yelling i'm doingin the bestg i >> the congressional cage matcnh didn't end of their with aoce co
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trashing john federman after he compared the lawmakers to the jerry springer show. and aoc saying i stand up to bullies. who is your money on. >> i feel sorry for the hapless guy in the middle felt like i was watching outnumbered when 2 people are yelling i grew upi with 3 sisters you cannot stop a fight between women whether it's on planes and bars as it just gets so bad in the halls of b congress obviously because the moment aec guy steps in and says anythingeps they will gang up n you. what did you sayill , don't youl me to calm down. if you will want somebody to get really upset to you calm down and for aoc how dare you. this is from a check will not
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think twice to call you a genocide her. i don't like the lack of civility in this stuff normallyr but the reason why the gloves are off now is because 1 side p has decided that politics is now personal if you support israel you like genocide and if you support trump you are a nazi if you're sceptical of lockdownsu you haveha blood on your hands d if you're skip the coal of obvious climate hokum you want to kill the planet. you've morally condemned people and i've heard this when you make fun of stelter's way or thl views look on the ladder of the fence physical attack doesn't come close to calling somebody a racist real white nationalist when they go after your moral character the gloves are off.f make funth of the false eyelashs call someone fat it's nothing like calling someone a nazi so have at it.
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she should be ridiculed because the things she says people about who they are it's a smear. harold? >> maybe i will go to harold. harold you were in congress did you ever see anything like this saudi reacted this? >> good to be back coming back to the story as it goes to show the points that greg made ittion just so far the reputation and approval of how it has fallen in the united states congress regardless of them all being the same and they hurl personal insults and i didn't quite see anything like this in congress here greg saying there's noth doubt some of these people are hypocrites everybody is watching thisyone is where the model of e
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world the city on the hill in congress is a big part of this hearing across the world democrat or republican we should all be embarrassed by this. you don't need to wander too far when looking at this way sony congress and people are retiring with the seriousness of theea place taking a knockni.n, >> is aa woman when aoc comes t and says oh baby girl don't even , play she's acting like a tougt >> it's like meaa:n girls take e hill like a movie coming out this august wait until you see it. thing happening is the democrato are trying to filibuster because they don't want to answer the question as to why biden is t trying to hide the audio tape being released because the transcripts are already public that so we know he said he's an elderly man with a poor memory when trouble answering theth questions we have the transcripu the question is the audio.on how bad must the audio be thatth
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they are so desperate and i have it out there as a mother who ist in office as they're taking a point as the democrats aree. saying they don't want to release because they are afraid as that's politics that's whatli it is when the general counsel as they trade as the democratsoi prayed fell it's kind the samet thing as this grant transcriptsl is already a the question is are you willing to release the audio as they're making more of itt than what needs to be as it was
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3 and a half months ago the request came in february 5thhalf as they use exec it a privilegec >> mike congressional sourcese not talking about chad therelida when they went to show solidarity with trump in newhear york it pushed the entire hearing back to 8:00 so everybody was hungry and angry and they don't like to push then schedule backs when they got in there was anti- trump talk for the democrats they told him to geveryt green under control i dd know if you're supposed to telln people to get a 1 woman under control that got under everybody's skin and that's when
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dilation came out and was a bad butch body and bleach blonde here i can tear and then he wen. until midnight. that's how bad it wentthat and i they are trying to do they don't believe this wasn't doctor i dow note wasn't redacted and whatha they aret doing is called inherent contempt as you know they are not going to do that. inherent contempt has been used for hundreds of years giving authority to speaker johnson to tell the sergeant of arms to
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arrest the attorney general.part >> the amazing part is marjorie taylor green apparently goes after goldmamarjn and since he s advising 1 rochon judge in thend donald trump case employing the daughter. he did so we have even more connections with the trail for the democrats from jail to the first see. the world's number 1 golfes.r scotty scheffler is reacting foe the first time 3 got arrested before this start of a huge tournament
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we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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>> like tom bradtoy gettingarre arrested before the super bowlo. world's number 1 golfer scotty scheffler detained a felony assault with on a police officer on his way to the pga itam shows him being led away ii handcuffs afteldr a wild seriesf events.y police sayre he allegedly refusd to stop his car to barricade the road was shut down after the deadly bus exit killed a vendori working the evenngt a police officer and a yellow jacket pproapproached the car told himf stop he continued to drive his vehicle at which point thecer officer attached himself to the car ripping the door open aga pushing him up against the vehicle placing them in handcuffs attempting to get the attention of the officer in the
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vehicle and told him he didn't know he was a police officer. >> cops say the detective involved was hospitalized after been dragged from his vehicle for a short distance the 27-year-old pro- was booked in process before 9:00 this morning he made it back to the golfgolf course in time rolling a birdie facing several charges including second degrefee felony assault f a police officer and reckless driving all of it being a big misunderstanding a big misunderstanding for like my head is still spinning began to claim it happened this morning.t i spent time stretching in a jail so that was a first for mer never imagine going to jail or going to jail the morning before a teatime for sure. >> judgement this broke during america's newsroom or right before it was what happened wewe got more information g by theby evening it felt like we knew aan
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lot more maybe it was a misunderstanding how do you think it turns out tuesday when he goes to court no question he will be worked out a lot of interesting things here policere are super hyped right now because there's been a fatality and what they have to do is theo have to preserve a crime scene get people around the crime scene make sure nobody disrupts the integrity of it people get to where they are going other people are hyped up because theg want to get into the tournament at the same time he is in a vehicle that's marked in the police officer whether he heardn him or't didn't hear him that'sa question of fact the policehi officer grabbed onto his vehicl he didn't catch the cop and drag the cop of the police officeren tried to stop the car and grabbb on to the car. the then when it stops 10 years lateyardr tries to get them outd
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heou opens the door himself doorvoluntarily she can tell frm the facts here it is not cleargn what's going on but i have to tell you i am so impressed with the guy he has a focus after he is been fingerprinted and mugged affect talent he with the tournament and doing histc stretches in thehe cell and then goes out and birdies first will talk about focus unbelievable buddies facing a felony if they want to play hardball they can bunch of misdemeanours that hehe not obey the directions of the traffic coughs kudos for thein police arrest is apparently injured the question is when you grab into the car you can stop. >> by all accounts he's a gentleman great reputation byal all l accounts but then you hava situation potentially where this is not the day he planned to have. >> agree if the judg.e clearly massive misunderstandinga on a
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bunch people's park first first the prayert s go out to the famh and i can't imagine have neverhs met this young man i have met his father can't imagine themin intentionally doing anything like thilikes so i both hope thy handle the matter quickly and the charges are dropped in the interest of fairness. i >> i see it differently tryinggt to put trend to be interested here's the deal it's ironic it's a gopher not the ball the ends up in the whole event fromme h teatime to hard time coming up here's my first 1 and this sounds like a chaotic scene in the early hours of the morning dirk you see the lights flashing cop probably wasn't aware whatri kind of car he was driving this is why don't golf don't do list work that has you up that early in the i getting up when it's not light out nobody wants that as as a
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lifestyle it's way too stressful u are to wake you probably haven't done all your stuff yet i don't understand how you doand that i don't know anything abouh golf by a know it doesn't make you about the law harold you know that i know what you're thinking he's a nice guy but you know what there's a lot of nice guys to get falsely imprisoned to that's way of a police escorn and by the way how hard is golf really you get arrested and youd doo okay just shows you that gf is easy to do if i got arrested before the show this show would go down in flames because i am such an integral member it would affect my y performance this iss hard wor ik that is not 1 great thing about him number 1 rankede golfer's not once did he say toi
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the offer sir do you know who io am which is something jesse says even to telemarketers jesse for> like your name is invoked i asked this why don't they have a driver saving a tiger woods remember he didn't have a driver in the their cars are marked k they noticnoe guys in the championship's another best free golfers in the world of mugshots tiger woods scheffler and trump would go get an ic is he goes in or under thursday shoots a 5in under only 2 back of the lead ai the championship as ice in his veins with the judge you are aes wired because the crime scene you have to preserve but this guy has to get to the tournament it's dark it's like kill melm going toea work every morning.
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if you get stop these flooring.g >> he was willing to withdrawas from thete masters because his wife was about to give birth he's a decent guy. >> that's what i don't like about them lists. if i'm leaving on sunday my wif conceives the baby i will leave where i am he was saying that ih think they had a they have this c-section schedule. coming up the liberal media attacking star kicker after his faith-based commencement speech went viral. r his big commencement speech goes viral. ♪ ♪ what the biggest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide
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with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine.
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have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and president trump speaking at the nra convention. let's listen in. and i gladly stand up next
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to you and defend her still today, cause there ain't no doubt i love this land. god bless the usa. may and i'm proud to be an american. where at least i know i'm free. and i won't forget the men who died. who gave that right to me. and i gladly. the executive director of the national rifle association announcing the group's endorsement of former president trump just moments ago. the president out there on stage about to speak to the group, receiving a very warm reception from the nra in dallas, texas, and enjoying the music. proud to be an american as he's about to deliver his address. let's listen in. wow.
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well thank you very much. and thank you, randy. it's a true honor to be here today to receive the endorsement of the proud american patriots at the nra. these are great patriots. he's a great people. and we're going to do things like, nobody can believe we're going to win this election at levels that nobody's ever seen before. but thank you very much for that. endorsement means a lot to me. you know, when i started off, as you know, in 2016, i got that endorsement early and i got it. some people thought they had it made, but we got it and we got it again. and we've lived up to everything, as you know, everything i said, they just were under siege with the guns, the rifles and everything else. we're under siege. but they didn't move us an inch and we have to stand strong, you know that. we have to stand very strong. so thank you very much, everybody. i appreciate it. the nra has stood with me
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from the very beginning, and with your vote, i will stand strong for your rights and liberties. and four more years in the white house. we're going to do things like nobody can believe we're going to turn our country around. we're going to quite simply, make america great again. but one thing i will say, and i say it as friends, we've got to get gun owners to vote. because you know what? i don't know what it is. perhaps it's a form of rebellion because you're rebellious people, aren't you? but gun owners don't vote. what is that all about? i've heard that, and i heard it a few weeks ago. if the gun owners voted, we would swamp them at levels that nobody's ever seen before. so i think you're a rebellious bunch. but let's be rebellious and vote this time. okay if you go out and vote, i
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understand exactly why you don't. but we have to win this election. it's the most important election in the history of our country. you've got to get all your friends, all the gun owners, they have to go and they have to vote. if they vote, there's nobody that can beat us. nobody so it's very important. and i want to thank the nra president, charles cotton, your first vice president, bob barr, and interim executive vice president andrew arulanandam, who was a terrific group of people. that's a terrific group of people. we're also grateful to be joined by a very special man. he's a hot politician, very hot governor greg abbott. where is he? he's around here someplace. he's around here. thank you. greg, you're a hot politician. greg. you know why he's hot? because he's doing a good job. that's a good reason, right? right. doc? ronnie. thank you very much, greg. appreciate it. great job. also, a friend of mine is the chairman of our campaign in
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texas, and we're two and zero. and we have lots of people running. and so far i think we're 51 and zero in texas. i don't know, i like texas and they like me. somehow it works together. but this man is very, very strong, very popular. lieutenant governor dan patrick thank you dan. very strong guy. very popular guy. thank you very much. great job. how are we doing, dan? are we doing okay? we're way up in texas. we're way up. thank you very much. and members of congress are here. we have a lot of them, but a few of them i'm going to introduce. we also have senators and we're going to just introduce a small group because we have to get on about our business, don't we, members of congress, the only man to hit a ball in washington out of the stadium, he hit a home run, slow pitch. you know, they play the democrats and slow pitch, meaning about 55 or 60 miles an hour. not that slow, but nobody's ever hit a home run
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over the fences except this one man. and he was wearing a maga hat, so i didn't know him at the time, but i said, who's the guy that hit the home run? this was a couple of years ago. he hit it right over the fences and the deepest part of the park. and that's not an easy thing to do for a civilian. you know, if you're a baseball player, you can do it. if you're a civilian, you're not supposed to be able to do it. but he was wearing that beautiful red maga hat, and i said, who is that guy? and his name is greg stupi, and he's here today and he's my friend with his incredible wife. thank you greg stoopy. where are you? greg? where's greg? what a shot that was. one day where i had it says maga. that means they're with us all the way. they're with us. thank you. greg. also a terrific congressman and a friend of yours. very good friend of you and the state and the country, pat fallon. pat pat. thank you. pat great, pat. great job.
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another man. he was the doctor for. i don't think any of you have ever heard of this gentleman, barack hussein obama. has anyone ever heard of barack hussein? now he was the doctor, the very talented doctor too. you know, he's got a lot of things on his resume. he was a great doctor. he was a great admiral. and now he's a great congressman. and before i introduce him, i just want to say when he was the doctor at the white house, they asked him , who's healthier, who's a better physical specimen? is it trump or is it obama? and he said, it's not even close. it's donald trump, not even close. i said, i love this guy, doctor ronny jackson, your congressman. great congressman from texas. then he had a louse it up. you know what he did? he said, and he lived for 200
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years, except he likes junk food. so he might only live to 110. can you believe? i do like junk food. who doesn't? a real good friend of mine. an incredible republican conservative. really? a person that loves our country more than anything else, happens to reside solidly, reside in the state of texas. the president of the america first policy institute. what? she's done is incredible. she has taken the policy institute and brought it to a level that nobody thought possible. and fairly quickly, too, i would say brooke rollins . brooke thank you. thank you. brooke. she could run any company in america, but i don't want to say that because i don't want her stolen away from me. texas legislature candidates who have my complete
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and total endorsement. david covey, allen school, alan schoolcraft. where is allen? allen schoolcraft, helen kerwin and brant hajinbu. where are you? stand up. oh, there they are. and david is, lead ing very substantially. and absolutely terrible speaker of the house who didn't want to go into voter fraud he didn't want to do. and david, is david, raise your hand, david, because david's leading very, very substantially against your against your speaker of the house. and i see the recent polls, but still it's about a week away. they all have my complete and total endorsement. they're phenomenal people. and they're going to do really, really well. and we appreciate you being with us. thank you and good luck in a week from
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now. good luck. you're going to win big. you're all going to win big. we have to get we have to get your speaker out of there so that we can go into voter fraud. because, you know, even though we win texas, dallas and houston, those areas, a lot of bad things happening. right, dan, you know, they have a lot of bad things happening. and we got to stop it before it gets out of control. and they will do that. also a man, you know he was operating a piece of equipment a big, big, hauler, a big truck. he was a truck guy, a real truck guy. not like biden. you know, biden says i drive trucks, i drive trucks. i used to drive an 18 wheeler. he doesn't know what he's saying. he didn't know. he always says that. he said, i used to drive an 18 wheeler when the truckers come in, that's what he says. when the pilots come in. i used to fly a plane. no, it's true. he's misinformation. i was going to say he's full of, but i don't want to use bad
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language because there are a lot of young. no, i don't want to. i don't want to do that. well, i played golf today with a really good golfer, tony romo. do you know tony romo? he may be a better golfer than a football player. i don't know, but we played really today. we were talking about the state. we were talking about a lot of things and we were at a wonderful course very nearby. and we had a tremendous amount of support from the people at that club. i'll tell you, it's amazing. they love this state. they love your governor, your lieutenant governor. they love this country. it's a beautiful thing to see. really beautiful. but, you know, biden, he said his biggest lie of all, because i'm a nice golfer, is the expression goes, we have another nice golfer here, by the way, mr. steve witkoff and his son alex. he's a nice golfer and he's one of the most
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successful businessmen in the country. he flew in just to spend some time because he's a big believer in the nra. but biden, his biggest lie of all, he said he's a 6.2 handicap golfer. this guy couldn't break 200. i really mean it. and he actually challenged me, you know, last week we had we're going to have debates with him and that was good. that's good. i think we're going to you know, he's still looking for that white stuff that was found in the white house. he's saying, where is it? never arrived. it never arrived. they can't find it. everyone thought it was for hunter. maybe it wasn't for hunter. i think it was for somebody else. but he said 6.2, you know, so usually a guy says 6 or 7 or an eight or i played golf for a long time. i won a lot of golf, 31 club championships. can you believe it? and he challenged
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me to a golf match. he said, i'll give him three a side. the guy can't break 200. here's his swing. i'm very good at imitating swings. it's not just me. oh, now, will you ask tony romo about that? he'll tell you about trump. but, no, but that's his biggest lie. 6.2 he's got to be 6.2. you know why 6.2 is like totally accurate. you know down 0.2 i never even heard of that before. who's a 6.2. but this gentleman that is from north carolina got up and made a speech. and the place said, why aren't you running for office? and he gave it a shot. he ran for lieutenant governor. so he went from a truck, tractor. he was a very good operator right here. it was a forklift. and a good one, a big one. and he had
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a great job. but he made a speech. i think he was protesting taxes or something in north carolina. and he took the place by storm. one of the most beautiful and resonant voices you've ever heard. he stood up. i said, i hope. i said, i think i'm going to really insult him by saying this. it's possible that i will, and i didn't want to do that. and, you know, we're doing well with the black voter. they can't even believe it. they love trump and i love them. but i said to this man, and when he endorsed me, he gave a speech and i said, you are doctor martin luther king on steroids. that's how good you are. you are unbelievable. as a speaker. and he got up and he's doing fantastically well in north carolina, and i think he's going to be the next governor of north carolina. mark robinson.
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and a very popular guy. how's it going? good. the polls are looking good, i hear. yes you got to hear this guy speak anyway, he's going to be speaking at the convention very loudly and beautifully, and we look forward to that. we're going to have a great convention in milwaukee and we're not doing one. you know, they're going to do a zoom convention, i hear, because i you know, they're blaming the pickets, the riots, whatever they might want to blame. the real problem is he doesn't want to get up and speak. he doesn't want he doesn't want to walk. he can't walk from that stair to this podium. he can't put two sentences together. even his challenge on the debate, it took him seven shots. they have seven different clips for more than 150 years. the nra has been defined by men and women. like all of you loyal, hard
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working citizens who believe in defending your families and your communities and our country. rfk jr. i call him junior, by the way. he's radical left. don't think about it. don't waste your vote. we need a conservative person with common sense. this guy is radical left who destroyed new york. they're taking down all of the energy components we have the highest. and all of new england. actually, he's a disaster. he's radical. left rfk jr is radical left. he reminds me of this fly that's driving me crazy up here. his fly is brutal. i don't like flies. but rfk jr calls you a terrorist group. you know, he calls you a terrorist group. can't vote for him. you can't. you know, somebody said, well, they like his policy on
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vaccine. the other day he said, no, no, he'll go for the vaccine. he's not he's got no policy on anything. he's radical. left he always has been. his family is angry at him because he's doing this. they won't talk to him because they said, where the hell did this come from? and for some reason, for some reason, he's getting probably a little bit more biden hurting biden a little bit more. but we can't waste any votes. we have to make sure we win. and i'm meeting, i don't know if you read, but i'm meeting next week very soon with the libertarians because largely they have so much of what we have. you know, there are also people of common sense. generally speaking, they have a couple of things that are a little different, but we have to join with them because they get their 3% every year. no matter who's running. and we have to get that 3% because we can't take a chance. on joe biden winning. he's the worst president in the history of our country by far. we can't have
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it. but rfk jr says bad, bad things. he calls you a terrorist group and i call you the backbone of america. that's a big difference, wouldn't you say? but under crooked joe biden, everything you stand for is under threat like never before. our second amendment, which is largely why you're here. i mean, that's the biggest statement for you. you know, when i go and make speeches at different places, it's always important. but today, this is the big statement. it's under siege. second amendment is under siege. our constitution is being run through the shredder. our borders have been obliterated. inflation continued to rage, and it's raging right now again. and they shouldn't lower the interest rates because they're going to have to stop it. but he's going to lower it just for purposes of trying to win an
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election, just like he went into the strategic reserves to try and win an election and let this stuff that's supposed to be used for war and national emergencies to try and keep the gas prices down. and now we have the lowest strategic reserves we've ever had. our country is going to hell. rapacious gangs and ruthless criminals are terrorizing our streets, and crooked joe biden's weakness has us teetering on the edge of world war three. you know, i've i've gotten to know i've gotten to know the leaders of the world very well, the ones in south america that are sending all of their criminals and their prisoners and their gangs into our country intelligently. i do the same thing. if i was there, i would do the same. i'd do it faster than them. but they're sending everybody into our country. i mean, think of it. we have these people coming into our country. we don't want them in our country. they're from prison. they're gang members. they're drug dealers. they're rapists. we have people
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coming into our country. we can't. no country can sustain what's happening to us. and they don't check them. they have no idea who they are. it's not just south america. it's all over the world. it's time for a president who will replace weakness with strength, turn poverty to prosperity, and vanquished joe biden's corrupt tyranny with a great restoration of american freedom . we have to do that. from the very first day that we take back the white house, i believe we are going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country. and it's hard to believe when you look at what's happening right now with the inflation and the bad economy. and one of the greatest, i'll just say, scott, i call him scott. he's one of the great prognosticators on wall street, one of the smartest people on wall street. he said. the only reason the stock market's doing well is
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because trump is leading in all of the polls. if trump wasn't leading in all of the polls, and if trump doesn't win, you're going to have a collapse like in 1929. so just remember he said it. but i said it too. i really believe it. i believe it. that's the only thing that's doing well is the stock market. it's doing well because we're doing well. we had a great stock market, but if it didn't happen, it's going to be a very bad time. i think for our country. but to achieve the future, you have to march into the voting booth and you have to tell crooked joe biden, joe, you're doing a horrible job. you're a horrible president like the apprentice. joe, you're fired. get out of here, joe. you're fired. and let there be no doubt the survival of our second amendment is very much on the ballot. you know what they want to do? they're going to. oh, if they get in, our country is going to be destroyed in so many ways. but the second amendment will be
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it's under siege. but with me, they never get anywhere. and we need that second amendment for safety. forgetting about even going hunting and all of the things that you do. we need it for safety because, you know, the bad guys are not giving up their guns. you know that the bad ones are not giving up their guns, so they will be so happy if the biden regime gets four more years, they are coming for your guns. 100% certain. crooked joe has a 40 year record of trying to rip firearms out of the hands of law abiding citizens. he's always wanted to do that, and you can't do it. you know, we're the party of common sense now. it's like i call it the party of common sense. we're conservative and all of that. but we want borders. we want good elections. we have to have a second amendment that's meaningful. if we don't, we're going to have levels of death and destruction like this country has never seen before. we're the party of common sense as we speak. the biden administration is trying to crush independent firearms
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dealers by revoking their licenses. if they make a single error, even in very unimportant paperwork. you know that. are there any people in here that have that happened because if hands go up, it's sad. no, they want to take away your rights. well, i know that better than anybody. they want to take away my rights better than anybody. more. worse than alphonse capone. al capone was indicted twice. i got indicted four times. i never heard the word. what's an indictment? what's an indictment? please think of it. i go years and years. i go through all sorts of stuff in new york. i built buildings with the unions, with all the people that are involved. it's a rough business. i never had a question about me. all of a sudden, within a period of like a little tiny period, i got indicted four times and on a civil basis, 4 or 5 times, with it all being run from the white house and the doj. and i say
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alphonse capone, the meanest, roughest, most horrendous. i'm looking at some of the people here like this gentleman, rough guy, rough guy. he's a rough stand up. but you know what? you don't want to have dinner with al capone. i can tell you that. right? he'll be. he wouldn't like you. you look too good. he wouldn't like you. i'd say. let's get rid of that guy. al capone. so remember scarface, right? scarface he is a scar that went from here to here. and he was rough. and he got indicted less than i did. think of this. my father is up in heaven, and my mother and my father was tough. but he was a good man. he was a good person. so i know he's in heaven. my mother, i guarantee it. my father, i think, okay, i think i'm pretty sure. but he was great. he was a great guy. and they're looking down on me right now. they say, can you believe it, darling? my son, he
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got indicted so much and i heard they were going to try and do it a couple of more times. and the white house said, don't do it, don't do it. you're indicting this guy into the white house. is it a little truth to that? there's a little truth, but we have the highest poll numbers we've ever had. we have the highest poll numbers we've ever had. and, you know, there are those. i don't want to ever say this, you know, bing, bing. i don't know if this is wood or plastic. you can't tell nowadays. i think it's plastic. is there any wood around? oh, there's a piece. but, we have the best poll numbers we've ever had. and i think a lot of it is the weaponization of justice. or as i call it, the weaponization of injustice, because that's what it is. and they'll use that on these great congressmen that i just introduced, because i have a platform that's a very big platform, and i can tell and talk to the voters, whether it's on television or i can do whatever. i can get it out. and
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i have done it, and probably a pretty good job. you see, this case that's in new york, this fake case with a highly conflicted judge so conflicted. there's probably no judge, maybe in history that's been as conflicted as this guy. and he refuses to recuse himself. but i'm able to talk about things. although i do have a gag order, i can't talk about the things i want to talk about, because when i talk about is just on the surface, because if i go in, they want to put me in jail. if i say, can you believe they want to put me in jail if i say the truth? so i can't talk about certain things. it says, you can't talk about this. you can't talk about that. you can't talk. but those are the best things. but we talk about the things i can talk about. it has to be unconstitutional. nobody's. can you imagine? you've won the republican nomination for president of the united states, and you have a local judge appointed by democrat politicians. he was appointed. he didn't win the election. he's appointed. and he says,
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i'm going to put a gag order on the republican party's presidential candidate. think of that. i'm going to put a gag order. so when people when people ask me questions, i'll have to say i'm sorry, i can't answer that question. and they're easy questions. they are like softballs. they're so easy to answer. but i'm able to speak to the people, and the people understand. and we're well into the 80s and even more than that, and they see how fake it is. and so many of the politicians like the ones i just, mentioned and others, many of them that aren't here from all over the country, they go to the trial and they watch what's going on. but we had a big day on friday, didn't we? didn't we have a big day? but they want to rig that just like they rigged the presidential election of 2020. they want to rig it. this is their form of rigging. and it only happens in third world countries. never happened here. it's a disgrace what's going on. but with me in
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the white house, the radical gun grabbers will run straight into a very, very powerful brick wall. their dreams have taken away. your god given rights will die when the polls close on november 5th, 2024. those dreams that they have will be dead. they will be dead. dreams. every promise i made, every single promise i made to you as a candidate i kept as your president. look at all the things we did. taxes and think of it. biggest tax cut in history. biggest regulation cuts in history, greatest economy in the history of our country. larry, larry kudlow was on last night. he was on, i think, sean hannity, another great guy. a lot a lot of good people out there. we have a lot of great people that get the word out. but larry kudlow was out and he was comparing our economy to biden's economy. he says not
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even close. i mean, we had the greatest economy ever. and he's got an economy that is so bad with inflation, no matter what happened, you can never override. inflation is a country buster. it has been for hundreds of years. you go back to germany of old. it's a country buster and it's busting our country and it's destroying our people. just as i pledged back in 2016 when i appointed nearly 300 pro-constitution judges to interpret the law as written, it's a record, by the way. and i face down vile attacks from the radical left, who confirmed three great supreme court justices neil gorsuch, brett kavanaugh and amy coney barrett. they're great. oh they were thrilled when i got through. you know, a lot of presidents get none because they stay in office. they're usually appointed at a young age. it's interesting. i have a friend in new york. he
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wanted to be a judge so bad. and when i want a great lawyer, actually, when i won, he called me. he said, wow, do you believe in a big real estate lawyer, a phenomenal talent, and 69 years old? he said, believable how you did this? can i be honest? i'd love to give up my practice. he makes a lot of money. i'd like to give up my practice, and i'd like to run. i'd like to be a judge. i'd be a great judge. and he would be a great judge. and i called my people, and i said. i told him, don't worry about it. you're going to be a judge. congratulations then i called up my people and i said, i have a guy from new york who's an incredible lawyer. he's got the right temperament. he'd be a really great judge. oh, good sir, how old is he? i said, he's 69, sir. so he's going to be there for two, three, four years. we like people in their 30s, so they're there for 50 years or 40 years we don't want. and as soon as they said that i realized, yeah, they're exactly right. so i called up
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my friend. i said, you're phenomenal. we love you. love you, love you. but will you guarantee that you're going to be there for 25 years? well, i can't do that. good. then i can't appoint you. could sort of a shame, actually. he would have been great. but, you know, after three, four years, i said, i think i want to go to i want to move to texas and i want to retire in texas. a lot of people are moving to texas. standing before you at the nra leadership forum in 2019, i revoked america's signature from the globalist united nations arms trade treaty, which was one of the worst things to happen in. but we revoked it. i stood up for our hunters, fishers, and sportsmen like never before. no president has ever stood up for you, the people in this room like i did, opening up millions of acres of federal land and rolling back barack hussein obama's assault on hunting, fishing and
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trapping. it was an assault he didn't want you to hunt. why i don't know. they usually blame the environment. it's the environment, right. and i stopped coal. their efforts to take away your ammunition. you know, those efforts are big. the ammunition. has anyone noticed? it's been they going after the ammunition? when the radical left democrats tried to use covid to shut down gun sales during the china virus, i proudly designated gun and ammunition retailers as critical infrastructure so they couldn't touch it. they tried. many of the gun dealers are in this room. they came up to me backstage. a couple of them i met, i said i was so honored to be called critical, i was critical, he was critical. i've never been called critical in my life. you gave me this powerful, this powerful designation. but we did that and it really worked. a word critical was very important because that's what it is. we have to save our country. my
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administration also petitioned the supreme court to overturn new york city's unconstitutional ban on transporting handguns outside the home. they say you can't do it. and we overturned it. and in a landmark case two years ago, the court affirmed that the right to self-defense does not end when you step outside the front door of your house. we want it. in my second term, we will roll back every biden attack on the second amendment. the attacks are fast and furious. starting the minute that crooked joe shuffles his way out of the white house at noon on inauguration day, we will sack the anti-gun fanatic steve dettelbach have you ever heard of him? he's a disaster and replace him with an atf director who respects the sacred rights to keep and bear arms and remember every single
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thing i told you i did. that's one of the big things, is that when i first ran, we ran. and when i first ran, nobody, you know, i did great in business and did a lot of success even in show business with the apprentice and all. but, you know, i never did this before. and i said i was going to do certain things every single thing, virtually every single thing that i said, i said, we're going to give you the biggest tax cuts. i said, we're going to give you the biggest regulation cuts. i said, we're going to give you space force. we're going to rebuild our military, which we did. i said we were going to build hundreds of miles of wall, which we did. we had 200 miles of wall ready to go and they decided then we had the rigged election, and they decided not to put them up, and they sold that very expensive wall. it's exactly what the border patrol wanted. exactly. i wanted nice, beautiful 40 50 foot concrete plank. they didn't like that. and i did everything they wanted. even the repellent
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panel on the top. it stops you. it's called an anti-climb panel. you can't climb over it. we had people that climbed mount everest. we had all different walls built so that we got the best one. they couldn't climb this one and the anti. i didn't like the panel on top. i don't know if you know what i'm talking about, but there's an anti-climb panel on top. but it makes it very hard for people to get over the walls. they could scoot up those walls. it was incredible. and we built everything. and now, you know what they did. we had 200 miles that would have been put up. we built 571 miles of wall and we had the safest border in history. i got mexico to give us soldiers all of the things i did, but these people, they took the 200 miles of wall that could have been flipped up. and thrown up. and they was sitting there, ready to be installed, and they sold it for $0.05 on the dollar. i don't even knowr, right in maybe other countries are buying it -- jon jon you're watching former president trump deliver the keynote address at the nr


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