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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 18, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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i like to call him punxsutawney bob. he is not a leader and a time c when the country is in crisis and pennsylvania's in crisis, we need leadershipous crisis, t shown it. he's a follower and he's a fan of 98% the time with joe biden. i mean, dave, this is this is a no brainer. i know that's an overused phrase, but in this casei thin,n what's happened, this is a no brainer for pennsylvania. davea . tha can't wait to have it backnk. thanks so much. good luck out there. dave mccormick, paycom d. wil >> thank you. all right. what a wild week it's been and what a wild week w it'll be. next week. we'll be covering the trump we win related,thing of course, to the 2024 pre presidential election debatesids on. yeah, they're on. and they're going to be incredibly fun and we're going to be there to cover it all the way. remember, it is america now and forever make sure to follow me on social media, on all the usual channels and. >> and jesse watters takes it all from here. willo, everyone i'm judge
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jeanine pirro along with harold ford jr. jesse watters dana perinoerin and greg gutfeld. greyit's 5:00 in new york citywk and this is the five. >> fake eyelashes and, butch bodies. the real housewives meets wrestlemaniayelashes on capitoll with a little bit of jerry springer on the side bickering, lawmakers lobbing trashy bick insults at one another and completely derailing a very congressionalpp hearing. the purpose was to holose todd attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress co hand over andk garlan audio recording of president biden from special counselding robert classified documents investigation. the biified mentsg guy is now cg executive privilege to deny the and he was dodging like crazy when pressed about their hypocrisy. when it comes to transparency,
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why not just release a discussion with this white house to commitment to transparency? >> well, one for one, the transcripts, as you all knowlready o is already out. >> but does the white. house feel that the recording audio could be politically harmful since that point wasng brazen? >> so i can't i don't want to get into dive int don't wo the specific point that you're making about the politics. i would have tt yoaro refer youd our counsel's office on that. but there were determination that the president took very seriously on behalf of the i was at the request of theth attorney general, and that's how his decision was made. >> and that lead wass us to the congressional cat bite heard around the world. eadsthe house oversight committe th contempt was full of contempe t for each other.u n >> do you do you know what we're here for? ow hereyou know we're here. i want you to know what you'refe here for. you are >> well, you don't wantng to talking about. i think your fake eyelashes are messin>> i tg.
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>> ain't nothing out of this order. point we do have a point of order, and i would like to move to. to take down ms.. greene's wordsr i' dow. that is absolutely unacceptable. suspend of another person? are yourttac her words down? oh, girl. >> g girl. >> oh, really?, do don't even play,n' baby girl. tk >> i don't. we are going to move and we're going to take your words down. i'm just curiousyo just to bettr understand your ruling. >> if someone on this committee, then talkingommitt about somebody, please. blond, bad builtee , butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities. >> correct. what now? >> my mom down. no, you. please don't tell me to calm down. because y'all calm down in there. you're out of control. as if i carry them back home and talk to her. >> if i don't have a detrimentgs i have to hear. and aids. i'm very deaf. i'm not understandin deathg. s yell everybody's yelling. i'm doing the best i caninin. io but the congressional cage match didn't end there. aygressionho is trashing fellowt
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john fetterman after compared the hysterical lawmakers to the je show and aoc hitting back and saying, quote, i stand to bullies. >> all right, greg, who's your money on? >> i have to say, i just felt sorry for the haples is guy lik in the middle. i felt like i was watching outnumbered. yeah. when two people are yelling and you go, but i you know, watching ombered wre up with three sisters. >> you can't stot p a fight between women, whether it's on planes or the worst places, bars. you never get it because it just gets so bad in the hallsf b of congress, obviously, because the moment a guy stepsusly bec d says anything you will be they will gang up the you. >> yeah. what did you say? don't you tell m, e to caldon'm by the way, if you want to upset anybody, tell them to calm down, even if you mean it. >> and obviously aoc, how you. >> how dare you?s this is from a chick.
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>> will not think twice to call you a. >> this is the thing that, like, normally, you know, you. i don't like the lacdon'k civily in this stuff, but the reason why the gloves are off now is because one side has decided that politics is now personal. so if you support israel, you're a. an if you support trump, you're a. if you're skepticalf lock of lockdowns, you want you have blood on your hands. and if you're skepticadoha ol of obvious climate hokum, that means you want to kill the planet. >> sofo they they have basically morally condemned people. and i talk about this one when people say, why do you make fun of like stelter's weight, o the view's looks? >> it's because on the latter of offense, physical attack doesn't come to calling somebody a racist or a whiteis nationalist when they go after your moral character, the gloves are off. funth make fun of the falsefals eyelashes, call someone fat. that's nothing like. ke cal calling somebody a , so have at it. aolii soc should be ridiculed be
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whe things she says to people about who they are, that stuff is a smear. >> gerald okay, you know what? maybe it will go to harold.haro >> harold, you were in congress. did you ever see anything likeli sais? >> and how would you react to this in congress? no. d to be k and gone all week and good to come back to this story. >> the i it's it goes to show to some of the points that greg apeg just made, just how far the reputation and approval that how how it's fallen in theo united states congress. we always say you know everyone is regardless of how or what they do, we're all the same and we are. but you don't want to see this. we know people have can hurl personal insults, but i'm never quite i didn't quite see anything like this when i was in the congress. and i hear what i hear what greg is sayin g. e peop no doubt that some of these people are hypocrites,pocrites but everyone's watching this and we are the model of the
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world where we are the city on the hill. and congress is a big part of it. and to see this, you can only imagine this is airing all across the world . and whether you're a democrat or republican, we should all be embarrasser republd by you. you can you don't need to wonder too far after looking at thio wands why so many congrn are retiring, because the seriousness of the place was taking a tick and a knock. >> o dana, as woman, when aoc comes out and she says, oh, baby, oh girl, don't even play, i mean, she's like, that tough girl. it's like, girls take this, you know, like, it's going to be a new movie coming out this wait, do you see it? the thing that was happeningg to is the democrats are trying to filibuster because they don't want to have to answefilibustr question as tt biden is trying to hide this audio tape froying to m being be the transcripts of the interview, those are already public the that's how we know that robert her said he's an elderly man with a poor memory who had trouble answering the questions. so we already have that questiontranscript. he the question is on the audio. how bad must that audio be?
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yeah, that they are so desperate not to have it out there. now, having been in the middle ,some executive privilege fights myself. i understand that no matter. >> who's in office?ff they will fight to the deathic for the executive privilege and i'll try to make a point. they'll try to drag this out, but i think we can imagineemocrs what is actually in there. what the democrats are saying is thaha t they don't wantt want to release the audio because they're afraid that th e republican are going to take it, chop it up and use it for political purposes. what do you think this is?d this is politics. this is what i that't is. but what did they what do the democrats demand when don mcgahn, the general counsel for president trump, was in the white house, they went to trump's office, tried to goe to the mat for executive privilege. the democrats cried foul democr it's kind of the same thing. but the difference being this transcript is already out. we already have it. the only question is are you willing to release the audio? so i would say that the white house is making more of thist nd than it needs to be because now we can all just sit back and, go, wow, that must be really bad. >> you know,e as jesse was
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three and a half months ago that the requests came in for this. i think it wasand onth february. it took them three and a half months. so to say we're going to use executive privilege. i mean, they they just kind of pusa privilh back push back d it's like, oh, let's try executive privilege. >> so my congressional sources, judge, are telling me, i'm not talking. chad pergram. they are telling me this is what happened. this was supposed to be an 11:00 hearing in the morning. and because of these republicans to show solidarity with donald trump in new york, it pushed the entire hearing8:0s back to eight. so everybody was hungry and they like that the lik republicans pushed their schedule back. so when they goth in was a lotm of anti-trump talk from the democrats and. >> goldman at one point, the democrat told everybody, get mtg under control. i don't if you're supposedpeop to tell people to get a woman under control, but that really got under everybody'le t1 rs skn and then that's against decorum. you're not really supposed to be rude. >> you would know better than i would. and then that's whention cam
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the eyelash came out and then that's when the what is it, a bad body, butch body. >> which bad body? what is it again? >> body, bleach, blond hair, something like that. i can't here just as badly as the komar could and then it go until midnight. >> that's bad. it went. and what they're trying to do is they're trying to subpoena this audio because they don'tevh believe this wasn't doctored because the whitise doctor's transcripts all of the time. how do we know it wasn't? how do we know it wasn't messed with? and they have authority as a co-equal branch of government to have oversight over the executive branch. now, i'm hearing is this they're doing what's called inherent contempt, but it's not like you say contempt. have the doj go arrest garlandts because, you know, the doj is not going to do that inherent contempt kno hasnt been used for 100 years. this would give the authority te speakerar johnson to tell the sergeant of arms, sorry, you're right to arrestt
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the attorney general, and that's going to be voted on next week. >> and, you knowhe attor, amazia of it is marjorie taylor greene apparently goes aftema mr i dan goldman and says he's in. he's advising juan merchan the the judge in the donald trump case. >> she went because she thinks his daughter trump cas works fo. no, it's employed her daughter. his daughter . mor oh, he did. oh. so we have even more connections with that trial. connhe trail and the democrats coming up from jail to the first day,the o the world's number one golfer, scottie schefflerls.r, reactingr the first time after she got arrested befor gote, the start h a huge tournament saying the song about the heartland. the only place i feel homeou lov is thee way we'd never spoken. >> but you've told us many things that you love stargazing, hate, parallel parking and your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus s didn't begin the studio. the studio. >> it bega
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to my hands a breeze for him. well it's like tom bradyadtoy getting arrested before the super bowl. arre the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler, detained and charged with felony assault on a policea officer while on his way to the pga championshipula poli. shocking video shows the masters champion being led away in handcuffs afte.itamr wid series of events. police say he allegedly refusedo stop his car at a barricade at the entrance of the bachelor golf course. after the road was shut down after a deadly bus accident had killed a vendo br working the pa event. an eyewitness reporter explaining exi v the scene, a pe officer in a yellow jacket approached schaeffer's car, told him to stop. stop scheffler continuede co to drive his vehicle, at which poinrivet the officer attachedca himself to schaeffer's car. the officeo thr ripped the door open, pulled scheffler out by the arm pushed him up against the vehicle, placed him hand. geuffsve scheffler attempted to get the attention of the officer who dintion ofd put him in the hands
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originally and pulled him from kne vehicle to tell him that did not know he wasowa po a police officer. >> copli officers. e dete the detective involved was hospitalized after being dragged by schaeffer'scti vehicle for a short distance. the 27 year old pro was bookeddi and processed all before 9:00 this morning. scheffler making it back to the golf courshe made in time for the first tee and rolling in a birdie. he is now several charges, including second degree felony assault of a police officer and reckless driving. l d he says it's all a big misunderstandingof. ig it was a chaotic situation and a big, big misunderstandingb . i feel like my head's still spinning. i can't really explain what happened this morningeg ha >> i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell. that was a first for me. i definitely never imagined ever going to jail . >> i definitely never imagined going to jail the morning beforel the . >> one of my tee times forudgeme sure, judge, when this newsnt broke morning right beforee du during america's newsroom, right beforeamerica', it was li, wait, what happened? and we got a lot more information by the evenin g
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. it feels like we know a lot more. and this maybe was a misunderstanding. do you think it turns out on tuesday when he goes to court, i thought this is going woe be worked out.will there's no question this is going to be worked out. bbut there are a lot of interesting things here. now, he's going first of all, the police are super hyped right now because there's beeny a fatality. and so what they've got to do is they have to preserve t crime a scene. they have to get people around c that crime scene makinget peg. r that nobody disrupts the integrity of it, making sure that they know people get to where they're going. now, other people are hyped up because they wan t to into the tournament. but at the same time, you know, then a vehicle that's marked te and the police officer, whether he heard him or didn't hear him, that's question of facttio the police officers grant, grabbed onto his vehicle . he didn't catch the cop and drag the cop. the policehe didt officer tried to stop the car and then grabbed on to the cap the car te the police officer. then when the car stopthen whes ten yards later, pulls, tries to get stetler get a to get outf
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and schaeffer opens the door himself voluntarily. so you can almost tell from the facts here that it's not real clear what's on.n but i got to tell you,bu i am se impressed with this guy. the guy has a focus afterted an he's been fingerprinted. mug. there's a there' affects fatality. he's facing a tournament to do his stretches in the cell and then go out and birdie cell the first team talk about focus. it's unbelievable but he's facing a classtalk about focus . if they want to play hardbally they can bunch of misdemeanor orders. did he not obey the the directions of the traffic copsud ? who knows? but the police officer, his wrist is apparently injured. but then the question is, why did you grab on to the car? you couldn't stos when e cap. . mm-hmm.>> b by all accounts, harold, he's a gentleman. he has a great reputation, by all accounts. but thenn gr you can have a situation where here he didn't. this is not the day he plannedyr to. >> have no agree with thee judge. i think this is clearly
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a massivclearl e misunderstanding on a bunch of people's parts. first, our prayers all go oupeot to. the family of the deceased and i can't imagine. i've met this young man. i've met his father, cannotgine imagine him intentionally doing anything like this. inte i hope that they're ableot to handle the matter quickly and that the charges had in the interest of fairness, greg? >> well i see it differently. trying to pretend to be it sounded okay. here's the deal. it is ironic that it'sc itl the golfer, not the ball that ends up in the hole. >> mm-hmupm. >> he went from tee time h to hard time. ohatime to coming up. >> here's what here's my first point on this. it sounds a very chaotic scene in the early hours of the morninthe g. it's dark. you see all these lights flashing. the cop probablyflashing wasn'td of what kind of car he was driving. this is why i don't golf o was o do a sport that has you upwork that early in th te morning when it's like getting up whenn it's notit's out, that's you.
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>> nobody wants as a lifestyle. it's too stressful. you're not awakeit's way. >> you probably haven't done all your stuff yet. yeah, it's jusr stuff t. >> you're describing my life. yeah. i don't understand how he usedd you that i don't know anything really about golf, but do know that it doesn't make you above the law, harold. >> o h you know that.king >> and i know what you're thinking. oh, he's a nice gu he'y. >> but you know what? there are a lot of nice guys had get falsely in prisoen do. this is why i have a policean escort to win from so i don't run it. >> and by the way, how hard is golf reallyly you g it's you get arrested, you're in there and then you come back and you do okay it just showd yoso that golf is easy to do. >> if i got arrested beforifeott thishe, this show would go downn in flames because. i'm such an integral member of it and it would affect my performance is hard work. woi >> that is not one great thing about scott. he's the number one ranked golfer. nc
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>> not once did he say to the t officer, do you who i am, whichn is something jesse even says to telemarketers and your namei was invoked. asy don'tthis morning wh they have a driver? >> yeah, well, the same thing. v >> tiger was talking to club tiger woods. remember what he did? he didn't have a and they're all their cars are marked. >> they know this guy' s in championship. so now the best three golfers in the world have gotten mug shots tiger woods shuffler and trump had a nice sleep done. but look how good this guy is. and you know what i'm talking about. he goes in four under on thursday. he spends the morning in jail. it's a five under. he's only two back of the lead at the championship. this guy has ice in his vein thn i'm with the judge. you're all wired because there's a crims jude scene that you have to preserve. but this guy has to get to the tournament, and it'stoe tourna r >> it's like, kill me. go into work every morning. right? if he gets dark, he orderedto
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dark. >> you know what's interestingp ? >> was willing to withdraw from the masters because his wifewils about to give birth. >> yeah, you know, he said i don't like what it was. >> i know it's a championship. so he was he said, ifif i i'm leadin'mg sunday and my wife can see the baby is born, i'll leave wherever >> and it's just i mean, that's thineind of guy he's just ther to get a c-section scheduled. oh, cherry now you're saying, oh, that's it, guys. >> we think he's a great guy. of courscoming ue, friends are . >> yeah. i mean, the liberal is attacking nfl star kicker harrison becker after his faith based commencement speech goes viral,went v he shares some outy careou and care. oh, yeah. i'm here to give your inner child what you really need r in life is some frickin talk. /. what the dodge hornet are to
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>> but nature holds a solution. >> aam req colostrum grazing on rich soil armor cows produce premium colostrum and over 400 living nutrients unleashing transformation for your health a heart attack do they have life? >> no but we have life insurance. >> john i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately in only a few minutes selectquote found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month go to select, quote com now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford selectquote we shop you save save great health. >> the liberal media attacking nfl kicker harrison booker after three time super bowlbowlc
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champ for the kansas city chiefs gave a faceha based commencement address speech at a private catholic college in kansacoress at catholics. >> some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but i venture to guess that the majority orlddildrenmost excite about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. thyi'm on the stage toda yl brin and able to be the man i am because i have a wife who leansl into her vocation. >> but ieao t cannothe be oversd that all of my success is made possible because. >> a girl i met him be in class back in middle school, would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all homemakerrtan booker's defense of faith, setting off a media firestorm. even his own league's involved the nfl distancing themselves from the star kicker with its anversity and inclusion officer saying harrison was speaking in his personal capacityf offisaying h.
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headlines trashing booker is a ,a bigot, racist, sexisthehomoph and homophobic. >> who is here to tell? i don't speak foob>>r. the i think that's kind of thing. stop speaking for wome n out there. >> somebody gets up and says that sort of thing to somebodyoe yourself or your daughter. >> it's just outrageous. so i think he half daughtes mot. >> he probably was left alone because she was busy with her career. >> he's to the therapist. it's unbelievable what bucher was saying in the speech, saying that women might be better off staying at home instead of pursuing careers. that's02 2024. >> yeah. i mean, just saying matter. but their outrage just made booker's star burn brighter sting tf harrison' are skyrocketing and he's finding supporhet in unusualberc places like whoopi goldberg coming to his defensam his de te are his beliefs and he's welcome to them. the >> i don't have to believe i'm right. i don't have to accept them. >> all right, judge, what is so controversial about, you know,
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women have a great career, but you know what?ing >> you're probably also looking to falling in love and having kidsfo to absolutely nothing. a >> i mean, the amazing partmazi of this speechngof this is that a private catholic college. okay? he is espousins g his belief in the in the catholic place, faith in christianity. and he's talking about women and his own wife in particulartn ,and is drawing a conclusion for that from that. and it is amazindrthatg in this country that people are willing t. rash him for his beliefs even the nfl apparently is coming out and saying coing he the nfl.for well, when colin kaepernick was trashing cops as pigsk wa and trashing the american flag, the nf l didn't come out and say t he doesn't speak for the nfl. you know, the nfsuspecl never cg out and said, you know, we're sorry, we have 117 have nfl players who've been arrested for domestic violence, seven who've been indicted for homicide a for charges and not n counting burglary, drug possession, all this otheri
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stuff. now they want it. they want to take him downonhey he says something that is innocuous. if you don't like it, don't listen to it. now, his jerseys are really are going up eall in terms of sales. i'm going to buy a jersey and a white first of all, i like the kansasa w why chiefs to a second of all, i believe that the man has the righevt say whatever it is he wants to say. >> and yetwants people go out y and they espouse, you know, we want to we want to kil le ki the jews, we wantll to exterminate them. we want to eliminate extermin israel. and they're the ones who are supposed to be so inclusive. this guy talks traditional catholic, christian values, and all of a suddeo muchn left s to take him down. and you know what? the catholic church has beento undedownr for 20 years and it'll never go away. dana, why do you think>> why the outrage over something that jus dk tht so benign? >> i think partly, partly it's social media and also because hot takes are popula r right and everyone there's people everybody gets a choice
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on how to reacy getst to. and a lot of people choose not to listen, not read the room. >> the jerseys are all sold out in all the women sizesn's. >> interesting. and so the nfl actually makes money on that. so theakes m i can't believe thl weighed in instead of just saying nn't o, because no comme would have left it. but choosinge that to be offenda is a choice. nochoicew, the left loves choice unless you decide to be a stayft at home mom. if that's your choice, the youn you are a traitor to your race. >> or what could we? shall we revisit the women's sports trans men and women's sports? do you want to have that conversation again? you want to get outraged about that n you watraged. y is i'm glad that whoopi goldberg is true to her beliefs tog to stand up. it reminded me a little bit of when nbc all marched in lockstep because they were so outraged that ronna mcdaniel mighn t actually go on that network and everyone said the and exact same thing and notd
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a school said, oh, actually, i don't think it's such a bad ideaa whoopi goldberg wast will at least willing to do that. >> and good for whoopi. into do greg, it's almost like they they just heard him say should stay home barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. >> but it judge and then right it doesn't matter what they heard because it wasn't for they are intrudingud in on that momenont by their tht choice. you select the times that you want to beim. you want to manufacture the outrage. that's why they're a bunch manu, as whoopi was right. >> the rest of them, they're a bag of that entire clip is a giant bag of aholes, every single one of them. he did not export his religion or his politics to a to thehi playing field. >> he didn't he didn't kneel. he didn't wear blm swag or anti-police socks. >> he was making a pro catholica speech at a pro catholic university catholi.
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>> if you are upset about that and you weren't there and it wasn't for you, you are a big loser. >> i mean, you are so pathetic that you actually have to seek this outo ac because this storyo wasn't for you. >> you you were actually like up thi s outrage because you have nothing going on in your life. god forbid you actually listen to his message. you mighu li tt actually out th, wow, you know what? maybe he's got a point that these people i bet a few of these people were upset over the chiefs drafting a man who choked his pregnandr t. et tha right.t i bet that didn't kind of that was it on, you know, x timeline, you know. but here they are. >> oh, my you know what? there's so man gy thingsod there that could upset you if you if you choose, but you're choosing it. and i just have to ask, what is the d-i office at the nfl? do ? what do you actually do? teis playoff diversity? >>am what do you do? g do you actually look at the team and go like, you know, we need we need a black
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quarterback, we need a white linebacker? what dd o you do? >> i thought that the nfl is based on like, who's the best athlete that has nothing to do with d. i.comp >>et it's competence, it's meritocracy. a bunch of losers. >> and harold ford jr. sojunior i share the view. i share whoopi goldberg view about this. i think everyone the right this and i think everybody around the table is their career. everyone has a right r to what they want. whether you agree with them or not is a different thing. i thint whk that the the most important thing is that women now have options to do whatever the i y want to do in life can be professionals, can stay at home, can dostay i b a wife that does both and i'm thankful for that. sootor glad he thanked his wife. and i think those who are being critical should watch the entire speech and understand the reason we're proud to be americans is because we can all be proud in our own right to be the american we wante be.. >> oh, go outside. don't watch the speech. just go outsid>> you ge. >> something with actual people. if you're going to have an opinion on all of us. i don't disagree with you want
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to have an opinion, you should at least watch it and get off your phones. >> i donbut if you at leastp. s. >> okay, greg, that's enough. i don't need it. but when i saw i could tell, the i could just tell that. >> they have no concept of how to, like, actually prioritize things how their life wheny're s they're like, how dare he say, that's why don't you just do hsd something? like the producers say, you should be really outraged. yeed outrathiss, i'll make up m. >> god, we don't do that. ucer we never listen to the producers at all the fastest is up next. >> thank god there was. >> thank god there was. oh, you know, we all thought water would help with this dry spot. spot. >> that's lorne aziz. >> but scott's health plus will cure his lung disease. been going around, so, like other people have it and it's not. >> pick up a bag the new scott star filled or healthy plus lawn food today did long it. >> welcome to stormy heights where the windows are always paella pellets. fiberglass is the strongest material for windows and patio doors. the fiberglass frame is even scratch and dent resistanted a t
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broke your hand. any last word? you prepare to meet your maker. if business is done here. your names are known the world over. some are heroes. some are villains. but most. well, they were a bit of both. and that's where the fun begins . i'm planning and shooting off his mouth. we aim to shut it. best star crater. yeah, you heard me. i want to hurt you. u.s. marshal. they're three. there's a bad man. these are the true stories behind their legends. this is outlaws and lawmen now streaming on fox. bring them out. ♪g. bring them up. bring them out. you bring them to bring them in the country to cheer. >> welcome back. time for the fastest. first up, a mystery in the skytm . >> jetblue passengers left soaked after a mysterious mist filled the airplane. e viral video showing passengers baffled as what appears to basee fog started soaking people on a freezing cold four hour
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flight. experts say the vapor is completely safe, though it's result of condensation from human air coming into contact with cold surfacesg into . y >> iouf you were on this flight, greg, what would you think? all the time, doesn't it, coming in contact with herald's cool surfaces and all of a sudden there's just this mist that rises from harold ford. ro >> they're complaining about this, considering all the things that coule thingsd to yot flight these days. th off. >> come on. this should be mandatory. this seems like something that would be rejuvenating. airlin six months, the airlines will be charging you for the mist. >>e charging yeah, they paid. >> is this happening? it gives everyone the vapors. >> oh, he does have the vapors . bi my fainting >> is this. this has happened a little bit on flights where this seems a little excessive. on f never seen it this bad. i don't think i would have panic the cold, though. bad it patyou. >> that's why i. that's why i won't go down to court here. it's meat locker down there,
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primetime. >> and you fly like this. this happened in your house. so wheenin icen get out that ic, you get into this one. >> i get a facial at home. they d t o a little mist. it opens up the pores. harold, you know exactly what i'm talking about. i have que a for all of you around the table when they give you guys the hot towels, the meal. >> yeah. do you ever. and i've seen people just take themac and wipe it all over your face. >> that's what i do. you do . >> you do that. do you do that? well, you know, i. oh, why does it do you. i know because have makeup on. oh, okay. i would just take the makeup off. oh use men do it yeah, because me. >> yeah, i do. t on you>> wr face. you all? you should try your bathroom, chantelle. you should try.. >> i should try it. you like it? no, that's not. we all just share the same sam one and. >> yeah, i mean, i'll saey you're in school. >> yes, quite. i know what it's called inass. the first part. that's like from a steamship. >> i know guys your age as a girl, you a strong opinion
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about this? >> yeah. i think they should add fragrance to it. for thos>> i thiy e go on a plane in their pajamas and look ridiculous and take their shoes ,their hair, lavender. >> consideres our taco sandwiches. well, a superior court judge in indiana, he so he just ruled that tacos and burritos are mexican styl ae sandwiches. >> judge well, if a taco was a mexican style, stylech i sandwich, which i have no problem with, then a hotdoe nog is an american style sandwich. >> should we put racia sandwicl identification around and geographic identification around sandwiches? t >> well, i don't know. do mexican cable tv host ho segments about our sandwiches, considered burritos? >> i don'tnts e know. >> being american burrito, peanut butter and jelly. you know, it made me. think of that pinata. that's an argentinean sandwich. then. where does this go from here? gyros, a greek sushigentin. >> is that a japanese sandwich? judge in indiana. >> listen to us here. greg, what do you think? s ar
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they're saying that tacos are sandwiches. but dr. jill says tacos are people. >> here's the deal. sandwiches require bread.o br that's all we ask.ea if there's no bread, there's noo sandwich. right. o itnyou do it in you can't say a sandwich is a taco. sondwi, no, a taco is not a sandwich. >> don't try to appropriate froe from us. >> if i can't wear a sombrero on may 5th, you can't call it cl a sandwich. >> well, finally, you can wear a sombrero for a shirt, though . yet it seems like something. you get a monsoon a lot on a beach. it's a towel . >> it's a good way to. and that's one here. and finally, i always know it's saying please is, a a strategic weapon. a study claims that people are more likely to use the magic word s when they expew to be told no. they'll judge. you agree with thahe et? >> yeah, i think it's like next level. it's like i think you're going to say no. >> so i have to. please. hmm. deep. >> i can think of something really vulgar. i don't like that. like the letter e this study,s
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it's about manners. >> there's manners. primetime. jesse, can i have a cookie? i say, no. he says, can i please have a cookie? i said, here you go. a >> yeah. works every time. discuss this with you. what have you say? please cookisay no.>> what ay? >> no, please. no. people say that a lot too. i bet they havay thae. yeah, that reminds me. i've got to poke those holese . the box. oh. fan mail product is up.ose hole i'm a guy who lost a bet and mya dignity, as ifha. watching my ty lose wasn't punishment enougouh >> hey, jim. great car service if you pay for that yourself. >> so get all state. >> my cholesterol is borderline. i figure i can worry about it
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to end shop now at show allegiance dot shower. >> yeah bad male friday let's get oh this is from nick if you could delete one song from history never ever ever ever to be played again. >> he's serious. yes. and i'm going to go to you first, harold, because you seetm have pretty good taste in music, but there must be some song that makes you sictask to your stomach. >> but you're so happy to be here. you probably won't say i don't. >> i love music so much. i can't think of a song i would want it. i mean, things i hear a lot, but i don't. oh., i can find one.
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>> which one would you give us? one. since you call a number, go back and you tell that one by maroon five where he sings with that stupidwith girly voic. i will be loved if i hear that song again. i will kill all of you. you know what i hate? what i hate. >> the music in the game shows them downtown. then back then. actually, it was in our ear yesterday when we were waiting to come by there. i even that doesn't count, judge. >> it has to be a song. okay, dana, what is it?apsody that bohemian rhapsody. oh, got that. >> because it's a great it's a great song that's been donna e to you. >> don't need to hear it any more. my favorite song ever needed. i even heard it. and that's not that. i never, ever want to hear it again. i won't even watch the the movi >> yeah, i miss it much. i loved queen, though,nd jesse need to. >> what was the song in bar mitzvahs and weddinghe s where they make you dance through the chicken one? >> yeah. where they make you putut your foot in the electric slide. >> the electrics. get it out of there. well, this should be saidpl the most played songs that you never want to hear. >> oh, you want to telle.
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you what i like. >> you want to. and you want to add in the question. >> tcal democrat. >> chall, i still don't want change the meaning. you king of game showsng another question cyndi asks. you're on a game show and you need to phon ae friender a f to help answer a difficult question. >> interesting. who do you call? cause it might not be the person you think is the smara b but. mm-hmm. judge, who would you have? have a friend named karen? mm-hmm. i would call karen. do you know karen? i do not know. karen nameis mah is mahoney.evei >> i would call him. yeah. he's smart, honorable. google him right nowright . >> yeah. yes. yeah, you may call. all right. jesse, going i'm going with petr zion, ill. the question could the ques be somethingones like what are indonesias top three exports? >> yeah,ia's he knows it cold. >> yeah. i don't know any friends like that. he didn't write about new caledonia that night. >> slipped. yeah. dana peter meister, sister probably 100% his he knows everything i call the boss, i call my wife. i'm
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>> yeah. i'm going to change mine to have a two. yeah going, i'm going to go wit. i'm going to go. i would thinking i'm goingg to g to go with kennedy. >> do you know why she's smart? cross section of pop, cross- cue and politics. >> so like, she's one randommeno stuff. know she's one of the only people i will mention a bandd a ba and she'll know everything about it. but then if you talk about libertarian politics. >> yeah, she'll go. she'll go, oh, yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blahblah. >> allman brothers, give me the top three songs. i have. lemon dickey betts. >> yeah, that's it for me. what feels like one more question. what is the most interesting thing you know about your family history? >> hmm? jesse, what of my ancestors ran for president. oh, really? wow. ancestoanlike the 1800s.r thou >> i'll get that far. that's awesome. yeah. >> okay. dana moonshiners really are you prohibition? >> wow. they must big, tall, good stuff there in the black hills.
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>> why do you have to bring race into it? yeah, who cares? >> who lived in the hills?o danacare? >> i think jesse. >> i mean, he did. jesse, harold. my grant my dad's parents things. they overcame to to raised 12 kids and send them all to college. >> i thinkm to college we knew . >> good judge it's so bad. judge what about my family like phoenicians? like they used to fly around on rugs. >> oh, oh, carpets. i just think my family is true. >> i can't talk about one more thing right now. >> pet dander. skin cells in dirt are, settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley steemer removes
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. ie lewis it's jamie lissauer, dagen mcdowell, kat timpf tires sets . . awesome. oh, my favorite subject. oh, we go. t. greg animal, new. all right, come and join me int into the water house. >> okay. >> yeah. it's a family of asian, small, clogged arteries in for a day of water. >> fun. melbourne zoof water o. >> just splash it all over me. not in the eyes i brought out.tu >> give me those. give me, those. >> the waves splashing my skin as i twirl and surf against the cold yet warm breeze. >> oh, oh, oh, oh. okay. hot in here? yeah hot. >> one of those.e all right. todanow. an national pizza day. and what better way to celebrate than with a party around ty the table to start
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the weekend? everyone's favorite pizza, minus pepperoneveryonei peppero pepperoni. i do love pepperoni, but ido loi a vegetarian just to be inclusive, brad. >> i got pepperoni, but i likea okcon. >> okay. all right. and now he's ever been charged all t. crime rged, but we now have aa horrific assault on tape. p diddy. don't forget fox nation has it. he did he do or did he do o it? >> all right. oand i'm on "hannity" tonight. >> jesse, we had a great morning. and hudsonad a great farms, a shoot to raise money for the special charitable trust, a great organization that provides care and all sorts of resources foros green berets f and families. fai each green beretes was placed in one of the groups. we had an absolute blast. i love it. in owe had a if you want to go and donatet tg a special forces charitable trusspecial t, do that right no. >> tonight, jesse watters, primetimtters,e new video as mentioned by judge jeanine >>ddy at 8:00.
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>> all right, harold. two things. first, a 90 year old sprinter named emma maria masinga from italt, a 90 named emy just brokr two hundred meter dashd for for0 year old. she ran in a 51.4 seconds. this incredibl 1.4 secoe holds five nine in 2pean records in 28 best italian performance records and five other world titles. you go, girl. but toda five otrld titly is myd birthday, my son. >> happy birthday, brother. see you later. happon.appy, hay girl. ,dana. okay, so, canine companions, t which is a really great organization, never having a nametion, th , but dana pup contest,up because dana is the yellow lab you see there. she had six puppies. becausna is thyou sethey're all. >> they're having a naming contest. s.every one of them has to start with a. and you can go to canine dot again, dana pup and find out who is going to win or that's given ♪ ♪


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