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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 17, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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>> john: any moment now the white house has had to hold a briefing as the supreme court comes under fire yet again. hello i am john roberts in washington, sander we are almost to the weekend. >> sandra: all right friday it is an sandra smith in new york and this is america reports. "the new york times" published a photo taken in 2021 about upside down american flag hanging outside the home of justice alito. a symbol with donald trump's false claims of election fraud. >> john: justice alito denies having any involvement with the flying of the flag he told "the new york times" his wife on the flag in response to signs in a neighbors yard and the maid already taking aim at the ability. >> we see dysfunction congress and now in the supreme court. >> it's unsettling it's gross. justice alito has become increasingly unembarrassed about displaying himself as a partisan come as consumer of partisan
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natives and media and in ruling in ways that is just kind of out loud all caps disdainful. >> it shows how politicized the court is now. >> john: fox covered with shannon bream who spoke directly with justice alito until you hear what he told her. >> sandra: first rich edson live in washington, rich weddings is that they happen here? >> well, sandra justice alito says a neighbor down the street had put up signs with offensive language and directly blaming mrs. alito for the capitol riot that month. also conversations and alito says because of that his wife was distraught and hung the flag upside down for a short time as a statement. that from a conversation that shannon bream had with the justice periods story was first reported in the times and judiciary chairman dick durbin says flying upside down as a symbol of the "stop the steel" movement and a clear appearance of bias. durbin says justice alito should immediately recuse himself from "cases related to the 2020
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election and the january 6th insurrection and questions regarding for president trump's immunity" and the court is an ethical crisis of its own making. justice alito and the rest of the court should do everything in their power to regain public trust. this latest story is further proof congress needs to pass the skirt act to create an enforceable code of conduct for the supreme court. in november the supreme court announced it had adopted a court of conduct but has far too much leniency for democrats pushing that legislation paired other democrats are also pressing the court. >> if it had been mayor's husband with an anarchist flag, i think it's pretty upsetting. and you know it raises issues that come up again and again as with justice thomas' wife about bias and political position.
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>> alito's virginia neighborhood is familiar with controversy, protesters showed up at his home after his draft decision overturning the federal right to abortion. it was leaked. >> sandra: rich live in washington, thank you. john? >> john: for more on this list bring in shannon bream anchor of fox news sunday and chief legal correspondence here is what justice alito said about the upside down flag "i had no involvement whatsoever in flying the flag was briefly placed by mrs. alito in a response to a neighbor's use of objects no and personally insulting language on the yard signs. so you talk to the justice a few moments ago was this supporting "stop the steel" or was this a middle finger to an obnoxious neighbor? >> there is clearly tension in that neighborhood that is going on a long time. a lot of people are asking questions about why this photo and why this article from "the new york times" is coming out now when this was 2021 but he gave me more context and he said there were some signs out that had vulgarity on them and mrs. alito to address that to the neighbor. this is where the kate tell my kids wait for the school bus, it
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was not well received. and apparently they say there were signs put in that neighbor's yard that directly named mrs. alito and accused her of the january 6th riots. they were on a walk through the neighborhood and there were words between mrs. alito and the man in that house using vulgarity, justice alito told me this man used the c word with relation to his wife in front of them. >> he called her the c word in front of a judge? >> that's what justice alito told me and at some point she was very obviously upset, went home to the flag, he had nothing to do with it, didn't think it was a great idea but it was there for a short time. >> john: he is lucky the only at the flag and that the justice did not pop him one in the eye. >> i think is a husband that would be a difficult thing to walk away from but clearly these neighbors have had an escalated situation. >> john: this is what left-wing media is saying about the situation not knowing this neighbor called mrs. alito the seaward in front of her husband, listen here. >> it shows how little respect he has for the law.
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it really does come at disgusting. is just disgusting. >> i thought for a long time that alito is the worst justice. he is one of the worst justices that we have seen on the supreme court it is just stunning to be. stunning. >> there is no accountability in the united states supreme court, none. >> john: so what they could be talking about was justice alito defending his wife, smacked his neighbor in the eye but no, it was just a flag upside down to say you. >> i'm think we are all happy this is the way it went and i think it's a tough thing they all still live in that neighborhood and rich mentioned this that they were following that time during the protests, that has gone on for years now. we are a couple of years into that and as recently as last saturday we saw there were protesters at alito's house so there is pressure constantly. >> john: i want you to weigh
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in on this because it is must-see tv this happened at a hearing, marjorie taylor greene, alexander across sue cortez and jazmine crockett reenacting a scene out of mean girls, watch. >> please tell me what that has to do with merrick garland, do you know what we are here for? >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up -- >> order exmac >> that is absolutely unacceptable, how dare you attack at the physical appearance of another person. >> are your feelings hurt question marks go girl, baby girl. >> overly question work >> don't even play. >> baby girl? >> i'm just curious to better understand your ruling if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde bad built butch body that would not be engaging personalities, card? >> john: marjorie taylor greene was regina george, aoc was katie and jasmine was janice. >> sandra: was it on wednesdays we wear pink? i can't member how that went
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down. generally if you watch c-span and i love them because i will watch any hearing i love them anyway. this is not what you typically get. this was much more entertaining, but there have been questions. >> john: this was like the taiwanese parliament. >> no one came to blows we are glad this was not physical but there were accusations that say there may of been drinking and while. this is a very late-night hearing. some of these folks had gone to new york to be in support of president trump in the courtroom there. so i think there's a lot more of the story too. >> john: bleach blonde bad built which body, who. did that make it into the record? >> i won't touch that with a 10-foot pole. >> she is live and we have congress menachem class on the other side of the aisle, will scharf by will next week we could have a verdict. >> john: thank you for the update. fascinating. we will see you on sunday. that was quite a story. >> sandra: really interesting stuff. and great that shannon was able
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to get him on the phone. more clarification and to get his direct response you heard it here. now this. >> john: summer just around the corner and so is a developing la nina how it could affect your summer plans coming up here is a tip bring an umbrella on the east coast. >> sandra: yes, plus the white house is out there and expected to again when the briefing begins touting the record-breaking stock market run up as a big economic win. at this as consumers continue to pay sky-high prices. all eons economic advisor joins us on the real impact to everyday americans. >> the problem is the dow jones is up about 24% but inflation is up 20%. that's what the stock market is supposed to do is hedge against inflation. at's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> sandra: fox news alert the man accused of attacking her husband paul pelosi has just been sentenced to 30 years in prison. claudia cowan is live outside the courthouse with what we know, hi, claudia. >> hi, sandra. this emotional sentencing hearing just wrapping up a few moments ago. you are right he was sentenced to 30 years but really he was sentenced to the maximum sentence of 30 years or the attempted kidnapping of a public official and 20 years for the assault on the immediate family member of a public official and those two sentences will run concurrently and with time served and the 85% of a federal sentence that a convicted criminal must serve he will end up spending about 24 years behind bars. but before he was sentenced christine pelosi gave a rather
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emotional victim impact statement reading letters on behalf of both her mother, nancy pelosi, and her father, of course the victim, and main when it's in this case, paul pelosi, describing for the court how this vicious assault when he was beaten with a hammer change their entire fam feel mobley's lives. and taken and how we feel may have been considering a life in public service may been dissuaded from pursuing such a career because they did not want to put their family in harm's way. she said it was simply unprecedented that someone out to attack a government official would break into their private residence. so now david the pop, who has been in custody this entire time more than 18 months, he has been formally sentenced in federal court but sandra, keep in mind he also faces additional charges in state court including assault
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with a deadly weapon and attempted murder there. and jury selection in that stage trial is said to begin next week. back to. >> sandra: claudia cowan back in breaking news for us, thank you. john? >> john: tender the dog days of summer are ahead of us and the national weather service is warning they could be a real scorcher. a developing la nina climate pattern along with increased soil moisture can make the period between june 1st-august 31st 1 of the warmest summers in history. fox weather chief meteorologist rick reich's life in the weather center with what we can expect. rick? >> i will tell you what this will be a really wild summer because of this. let me kind of get you oriented with what el nino and la nina is. it is all based on the water temperature specifically the water temperature here off the coast of south america. if you think of the pacific ocean as like a bathtub that moves back and forth the warm water moves to one side,
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cold water moves to the other end it goes back and forth swapping back and forth. what we are about to go into is one denier with much colder water here off the coast of south america and that has big impacts across the entire climate for the globe. what we have been in is el nino and we are the forecast all of our forecast modeling in the la nina which will happen at sometime over the summer. when that happens, climate change is a bit across the globe. one thing that happens, this is what we are looking for for the summer, is a much drier outlook here across most of the west. spirit which could exacerbate some fires we have had across the pacific northwest because they don't get as much moisture this winter as we would've had. also looking at a lot more moisture across the eastern seaboard, temperature wise almost everybody a lot warmer including the eastern seaboard wetter, warmer, more humid out across most of the west, hotter, drier, that could have been
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problems for some players. that would be immediate probably the much bigger impact for us is what happens in the tropics and in el nino years this is how many tropical storms and hurricanes since 1950. and in la nina years you see it much increased. basically what happens is this cooler water here changes where we have our upper level winds that break apart storms as they are trying to get developed. so this pacificare we have hurricanes probably less but we get far less bad winds or windows that will pull storms apart and what we call the main development region here across much of the atlantic. this is where our big hurricanes generally form that often have big impacts across the eastern seaboard. look at these temperatures here right now. water temperatures are at their highest they've ever been at for the state. we are looking at water temperatures that are almost how they would be on the peak of hurricane season. now really warm water here, john, and no winds to break
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apart the storms. we are forecasting one of the biggest hurricane seasons we've ever had in the atlantic basin and so many potentially could land impact for us across the eastern seaboard. so wetter, hotter, and more tropical systems. john? >> i hope you are not planning any time off. thank you for the forecast appreciated. center? >> that chart you could almost put the dell on top of that. internet chart that looks very similar. here is the dell. after topping 40,000 for the first time after yesterday it's trying to make another run at a record close it would have to close up 38.62 points today. so a look at 39 is what would be a new record high for the dow and that would put it firmly into 39,900 territory. so the white house is taking a victory lap as the stock market continues to go up. now this as americans are paying
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sky high prices just about everything. groceries, gas prices, utilities, health care costs, housing costs, this fox news poll shows most people still save these are a problem for their family. let's bring in mohamed a larry and the chief economic advisor and former chair of president biden's global counsel you were one of my first phone calls this morning as i was making rounds calling economists where i could get a hold of them to tell me what really is the impact of this record a stock market run on the average american family that is still paying those prices. are they feeling the benefits of the stock market rally? >> most of the benefits go to the upper income household. that's where stockmarket ownership is concentrated. for the average american, this is much less important then two things. the prices they pay and how secure they feel about their wages? so it's going to be very hard to
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land of the message of love, the stock market is doing great, we should be happy about it. i don't think it will move the needle much on how satisfied are you. >> sandra: interesting you say that because prussic a dream for the president has said this as a win and she is expected to be asked about this when the briefing is underway about 10 minutes from now as perspective to eastern standard time we will see them messaging after this and it's obviously every election year for the president. this as the concern is getting those prices down. i want to know from you how do we do this? this is jamie dimon on the future of inflation. he sounds pretty concerned those prices will ever come back. >> i'm a little worried about it we have had very big fiscal deficits. i think the underlying inflation may not go the way people expected to. i think there are a lot of inflationary forces ahead of us that may keep it higher than people expect. >> sandra: that's obviously not good news for people filling those high prices and having to change their lifestyle because of it. >> he's right what they call
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"the last mile" which is going from 3.5% inflation to 2% will be very hard and will include trade-offs. why is it very hard? first domestically things have changed. we used to be in a deflation environment. deregulation, liberalization fiscal prudence. now we have industrial policy, government intervention and fiscal irresponsibility so the domestic environment has changed. the global environment has changed. we are no longer globalizing, we are fragmenting global economy. so if you look at the environment, you are trying to overcome a lot of headwinds when those were tailwinds. >> very interesting. i mentioned this came out in the press briefing room with our leader peter doocy which was said about the record stark market run listen. >> eyes president biden celebrating today the dell reaching 40,000 in his position dating back to 2021 about stock market days? that is not how i judge whether or not. >> while we have long said the
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stock market is not the economy and we have said that to your point, it is clear what we will say is that president biden's economic plan is working. >> not to put you on the spot, but we have been from the long time. you hear that and i hear you talking about the headwinds and the economy and how this is not felt by everyday americans, it benefits mostly the rich. they say they are out to help the most or really benefited from the stock market run. would you say this president's economic policies are working? >> whether working in the jobs market where we had 28 months of unemployment below 4% that's incredible. where it's not working is giving the average american security. you see that very clearly in the service. they worry about future wages.
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that pandemic savings have now gone negative. and they are credit cards are maxed out in quite a few of the segments -- >> sandra: do you think this is the next shoe to drop? our usage is going up. we haven't seen a big change in the link with the rates. >> think of a car where you have no spare tires. so if we hit a bump in the employment market which i hope we don't, but if, for some reason, companies started laying off a lot more people then we no longer have the spare time of savings, low-income households have used up their savings and most costs. >> john: i have to leave it there but i feel like i hear concern for me. >> i am worried the economy will start slowing much faster than people think. >> sandra: very interesting. people say you are an obama guy. i mean, you advised of the former president. >> i think of myself as an
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apolitical decnocrat and i'll tell you what will happen. >> sandra: really, really interesting. we will see if they are asked about this again in the briefing room a short time from now. always appreciate when you can join us, mohamed. did you have any thing else? i didn't mean to finish off on that thank you so much. always a phone call away think. thank you. >> harrison but kerr's bright stomach speaking directly to the women. >> i would really encourage him to find the best parts of faith and not divert into extremist. >> john: an nfl kicker's commencement address becomes a political football. is the mainstream media simply attacking him over his face? kayleigh mcenany is fired up about it why she says it's the best commencement address she has ever heard. stay with us
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♪ ♪ >> sandra: the nfl is distancing itself from a player at the start of a national growing controversy. harrison butker with the kansas city chiefs delivered a commencement address at a small catholic college in kansas that has landed him in big trouble for his message to women. chief religious correspondent lauren green joins us live with the details from this. lauren, is all the reaction backlash? what is all of this backlash? >> a lot is going on but a lot of support too, kansas city chiefs kicker harrison g butker where he unapologetically talked about his personal beliefs and his own faith. now he is getting a lot of support. sales in butker's number 7 jersey have spiked since his speech. the winner told the graduates to prioritize their faith and told
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women to embrace their roles as mothers. he also warned about the culture pushing on them what he called the lives of gender ideologies and calling pride month a deadly sin. legendary coach lou holtz posting on x thank you for standing strong in your faith values. or commencement speech showed courage and conviction and he is asking people to sign a petition to publicly support him. this morning on "fox & friends" grace hunter daughter of kansas city chiefs owners talked about her own experiences. >> i can only speak from my own experience which is i have had the most incredible mom who had the ability to stay home and be with us as kids during. i understand there are many women out there who can't make that decision but for me in my life i know it was really formative in shaping me and my siblings to being who we are. >> you understood what he was talking about. >> for sure. i really respect harrison and his christian faith and what he has accomplished on the field.
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speak of the statement from the national football league said that he expressed her stomach has personal beliefs which is not the same as the nfl which is steadfast in the commitment to inclusion which makes the league stronger which i'm sure he will get more pushback as well. >> sandra: log on to any social media account right now you see the backlash is everywhere. >> it's funny because he talked about the latin mass and supporting not more than anything in the 20 minute speech. no one talks about that and it's controversial in the catholic church. >> sandra: lauren green on that. >> john: lets dig a little deeper with former a secretary kayleigh mcenany. again, in a nutshell harrison butker spoke out against abortion, ivf, surrogacy, euthanasia, pride month, degenerative culture values in the media is a catholic college and they want to would it be controversial for catholic values in a commencement address at a catholic university but the left is going nuts about this.
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>> yes they are going nuts. he spoke about his faith. some people may disagree whole or there was something he said even in the christian community and that is fine but if you listen to the full 20 minutes of his speech, the entirety of the speech is that we are better off as a country, as a culture when we recognize faith and family values, when we recognize truth. i mean that is not a controversial thing to say. but then the nfl, the diversity person, i forget his name, diversity, equity, and inclusion that was not the exact title but it was close to that, comes out and has to say these are not the views of the nfl? whatever the views of the nfl with the myriad domestic violence allegations that are there often times they are silent, i am on an advocacy with but now noting that when they speak out over the stair salmon other places. >> sandra: we read through
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some of the things said about him and that they are calling him, kayleigh, great to have you on the program they are calling him a bigot, jerk, it's interesting, kaylee. perhaps you have been very open with your faith publicly. has that been difficult for you? >> no. i think when you are speaking from truth and about your faith when you are speaking of something so central to your being and you speak it out of love i think that it's key. you don't mind the backlash you incur end harrison butker again to summarize his comment is one thing but when you watch him he really speaks from a place of love and compassion and references that in his speech that we speak from a place in charity as christians but that does not mean we need to be silent. it does not mean we need to sub to mexico comment to culture and be part of culture. it's one thing to come from a place of rage and anger but when you watch him he came from a
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place of kindness, compassion, particularly when he teared up speaking about the place his wife has had in his life in enabling him to pursue his career. >> john: as you pointed out you can disagree with what he said like our 13-year-old twins which are a product of in vitro fertilization but it may be what he said in this particular section of the speech that really got the hackles of the left up, listen here. >> our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his catholic faith but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. he has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that i am sure too many people it appears you can be both catholic and pro-choice. he is not alone. from the man behind the covid lockdowns to the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of america, they all have a glaring thing in common. they are catholic.
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this is an important reminder that being catholic alone doesn't cut it. >> john: speaking to what are traditionally called cafeteria catholics out there, you can't have it all parity can't be true to your faith and then dispels these other values as well. >> yes and particularly there he referenced president joe biden. i would note you go back to kamala harris who debuted the language that the administration intends to use on abortion and you can set your personal beliefs and your faith here and still believe in personal freedom. that's the line she debuted. he gave a direct rebuttal to that. when your faith is so central to your core you should stand for life. and not make sense of the cross at abortion rallies or abortion species as we saw president joe biden do. mean, that is, i am a protestant evangelical, my husband is a catholic and what he is speaking to is the real issue in the catholic church they are having versus standing by traditionalism and the values that of incurred in the church is written out in the bible and ignoring it and going forward
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with culture. he is speaking to the first part of that rather than the second which i would argue is detrimental to the face. >> sandra: do you think he is knocking down any barriers for more to be more open and speak more openly about their faith? or do you think things to stay the same question work >> think there are bold people who will speak out and continue to speak out. but for him in particular look, he has great owners at the kansas city chiefs who are wonderful, wonderful people. so i am sure he will keep his job. some others who speak out and maybe are not so lucky or so blessed and that is a really challenging thing but good for him for speaking out. if people can disagree to your point on ivf something that helps a lot of women and a lot of families but the overarching message was one of faith, compassion, and that is it. look at the controversy. >> john: this is part of a bigger debate in the catholic church the pope is on "60 minutes" this weekend, here's what he said about his conservative critics in the united states, listen here.
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>> conservative is one who clings to something and it does not want to see beyond that. it is suicidal attitude. >> john: he said conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that it's a suicidal attitude. what do you say to that? >> yeah, i wonder how that drives with scripture which innately is conservative. i'm not speaking politically, but it is a tradition that has been passed down throughout all of time. look, a lot of people have columns with the current pope peered out say my husband is included among those, but i think when you stand on scripture that's all you need. >> sandra: kaylee great to have you on today, thank you. >> john: thank you, see you monday. >> thank you. >> sandra: breaking news shocking new surveillance video of sean "diddy" combs from eight years ago it is just now emerging we are going to show that video to you next. but because it's gold
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>> john: orally released surveillance video seems to show sean "diddy" combs beating up his then girlfriend in 2016 as senior correspondent william la jeunesse is on the story live in los angeles. william? >> john, this is the original lawsuit that jesse ventura filed against sean "diddy" combs for assault. in it she describes what you're about to see which some viewers may find disturbing. it's surveillance video obtained exclusively by cnn. and it involves an assault in the intercontinental hotel in los angeles in march of 2016. it appears to corroborate her claims in the lawsuit in november that she was assaulted. the case several days later with millions this may explain why. combs maybe did not want anyone to see or the jury about to see what you are.
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venture says did he was drunk and had her in the eye and after he fell asleep she tried to escape. he chases after her and a towel and throws a glass vase at her and then kicks his girlfriend. later ventura made it down the lobby to her apartment, she came back to the hotel and was told by security to leave because they saw the video. combs according to her lawsuit paid the intercom $50,000 to obtain that video. prosecutors in the southern district of new york are reportedly investigating combs for human trafficking and forcing employees to have drc sex against their will what they called "freak off parties" in los angeles and miami homes belonging to cohen in crimes of hard drive seizing hard drives and video footage from cameras that he allegedly kept in every room and used that video to blackmail high-profile athletes and entertainers. combs called this a "witch hunt" on meritless claims ventura says in her lawsuit that these
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parties involve hollywood stars of the 50 year old ralph mollo said he has never been formally charged and denies any wrongdoing. we have reached out to his attorneys in new york and los angeles and have not received an applied. reply. >> john: william la jeunesse for us. center? >> sandra: how did the top golfer end up in cuffs? we will talk to a local sports host who is there on the scene at a wild pga tournament. he ca. finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded, was special to share with my grandfather. you don't get that moment every day. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next.
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>> sandra: the world number one golfer is back on the course after being in a kentucky gel cell earlier this morning. please say's got a shuffler failed to follow their orders as he was entering the golf course for the pga championship. let's bring in drew diener espn morning show host what happened here, welcome. >> what a way to start a mor morning. number one player in the world is not allowed to go into the pga championship which we are dying to host here so moving out the best time to ask for another round of this but it stopped everything on the way. i got the notification this morning at 6:30. then the scheffler who was in a marked car, there are specific
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cars for golfers who are in the tournament whether they are driving or specifically when they go in and as they are in the middle of reconstructing the accident that happened in one of the officers the way reporting goes he held onto the side of the car and got scheffler out and then proceeded to put the cuffs on him, loosen them at one can i don't know if somebody said this is the best player on planet earth may be taken off his wrist, but this was as crazy as anything. this is like tom brady getting arrested on the way to the super bowl. >> john: here are the charges according to louisville police department secondary assault of a police officer, third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving, disregarding signals from police officers directing traffic. i want to put up the police report here. because it was apparently a detective named gillis. gillis stopped the subject and gave instructions, the subject refused to comply and accelerated forward dragging detective goes to the ground. gillis suffered pain, swelling, and abrasions to his left wrist and knee.
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i guess that's the assault on a police officer. he was transported to the hospital for further medical treatment. i mean, when you have a police report like that, i was thinking the charges against scheffler may be dropped later today, but if the officer had to go to the hospital -- >> i think it will be dropped. i think there will be dropped. i mean i think this is one of those moments where everyone in the communications is sideways with absolutely everything. scottie scheffler trying to get into warm up, the best player on planet earth, and i think you've got all of these things in one moment happening i have to tell you he is the people's choice out here. real life happy gilmore after this morning. you have everybody saying free scotty and i think this is an utter total collapse of communication by everyone involved. number one player in the world and no one knew who he was trying to get end of a morning. by the way at the scoreboard he
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is four shots off lead to. but i think the police report is one of those things that reads worse than actually what happened and i expect, look, particularly governor's office, i think this thing will go away. >> sandra: a couple of things i know he immediately assembled a dream team of lawyers to nip this in the bud. >> instantly. >> to your point too he did not do the whole "do you know who i am" thing. >> he should have exmac >> sandra: maybe he should have i don't know. i can get you in trouble too but apparently they did not know who he was. i don't know i'm sure we will get more details but he issued a statement and he said this morning i was proceeding as instructed by police officers it was a very chaotic situation, he said. understandably so considering the tragic accident that had occurred earlier and there was a big misunderstanding he is calling it of what i thought i was being asked to do. i never intended to disregard any of the instructions. i am hopeful to put this to the side and focus on golf today.
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well, for the sake of everybody we hope it was not the situation described in the police report. we hope he can continue, we will see. final thought question wants to go police reports don't tell the whole story that is one side of the story and as you start to find out everyone is looking around saying no one watches golf in the l.a.p.d.? i have a friend who is a driver this morning and he made the point that there aren't a bunch of lexus cars that look like that there is one car that looks like that. and with their driver, their family on the road, missing something that i think judging people and how they react to things rather than what happened. i think the facility jumped behind him, the internet has been a wonderful place to be today because around louisville they say diane sawyer is louisville, he is louisville in a jumpsuit, i think though the people on the course every time he gets a shot it's free scotty,
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free scotty. the one we have to jump but he is compartmentalizing this in fourth place, we really appreciate it. >> we are better than this don't judge us by this morning. >> sandra: all right the nascar all-star race weekend is kicking off north carolina fox businesses madam all worth is how it's already having a impact. medicine? madison question mike >> it's older than nascar itself but that race has only been back hee to go years which means huge opportunities for the town peered out tell you how much the racers will get if they went back what this means for north wilkesboro after this. and occasionally, your right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus es didn't begin in a studio — it began with you. ♪ ( ♪ ♪ )
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>> we're here. it is the weekend. it is nascar all-star race weekend in north wilkesboro. such an iconic track. the racers are going to be competing for a 1 million-dollar purse. but before they take to the track i jumped in a car with 1 of the drivers zane smith who took me around. we hit 100 miles an hour and talked about the importance of being on this historic track. >> oh, my god. >> we are going to be racing this sunday hopefully twice. how does it feel to be on it? >> so-called. would people don't realize when they hear about north wilkesboro and the people who do know about it factors trees growing out of this place just a few years ago. i heard about it when i was a kid but it so long before my time being in the sport so being able to say i've raced here at the new version of it and how they revived this place is so dang cool.
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>> this track was part of the first official 1949 nascar cup series. but it sat vacant for 26 years until last year when it officially reopened. they had to pour a ton of money and but you start to see that come back out. bid adieu restoration modification which is what we're looking at today and it paid off. from last year's race there was an economic impact of $42 million. they expect the same this year. you will catch it live on fox 8:00 pm sunday fox sports 1. i will send it back to you. >> must ctv and if you're going 100 miles an hour tell them to take it out of second gear. medicine thank you. that's going to wrap it up for us. what week it's been and what a week ahead of us. great to be with you and see you in person this week. >> good to have you here. thanks for joining us become john roberts. we'll see you monday. >> i'm sandra smith. the story with martha starts right now.


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