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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 16, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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actually took home the top prize at westminster dogtm showr she beat out more than 3000 pups for the title and. and her win marks the 11th triumph for poodles in them to event's history. and those are my babies,ould h red ten and stella. they asked them to be in, but they should have won it. they couldavrobbed o. >> at one time, the beach club was robbed once again. verya sk well. >> the sky's the limit for thi one teenage girl from chicago. g i love this story. after earning her doctorate in integrated behavioralrahavioh from arizona state at just 17 years old, dorothy jean tillman , the second started taking college classes at just ten, completed most of her classwork remotely and online, spent her teenage onteenage t doing things we did, but earning associates bachelor's and master's degrees. baelor's the founder and ceoin of a leadership institute supporting stem and the arts. wellth, you go, girl. >> i love you, dad. congratulations to you. all righ mber, itt. >> that's it for us. everyone. have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow. >> welcome to jesse waters.
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>> primetime tonight. do i think that donald trump is insane? has the guy got that crazy? hae that donald trump hasally l actually losost his michael cohn cross examined and destroy lloyd. >> michael cohen was wasined a cornered in whatnd conlan appee a lie. biden and trump will meet juneto 27 on cnn. and one of biden's debate conditionsn cnd was not having a audience. >> so that explains why it's on cnt expl on. >> will trump demand a drug d test before the debate? he's done some kind of ann enhancement in my opinion.n. >> he has police officers out . , thatay that's thousands of student scholarships. s what job do i have? don't don't have a video diary>s . >> happy dui thursday.y thursd plus, you're okay with paying the bill for a man? >> absolutel payy. >> won't go to lunch.
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>> it's day 18 in the trial for a crime the democrats still haven't named. >> michael cohen suffering under a blistering cross-examinatio n suffern today.boy, >> and oh, boy, did he fallll apart. apartthe prosecution's entire e rested on one phone call that michael cohen says took mie. cohen testified that he called trump's head of securit y and told him that the stormy payment was taking car thae of. that was the big link between trump and the money. out today it came out. the call never happened. >> trump's defense lawyer showed cohen a sheet of text messagesn tex on the night he . he made that call. >> turns out cohen had been getting prank calls from a 14 year old and called trump's security chiefd to ask ifcoul he could sic the secret service on him. trump'd t servics defense attorney raising his voice, zeroing in on cohen. >> that wavoiceroings a
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you did not talk to presidentid trump. entcohen panicked, shifted in he seat, voice crackingd . i'm i'm not certain that's accurate ,but the call logs don't lie. it was a perry mason moment.s in >> sources inside the courtroom tell us the entire jury's jaw hit the floor and never trumper. >> george conway put his hands to his face and stared at the ceiling. cnn co >> cnn couldn'ult believe it. >> michael cohen was was cornered in what appeared to be a lie. i don't think i've ever seening a star cooperating witness get his knees chopped out quite as clearlys knee and dramaticaly as what just happened with michael cohen is does seem pretty bad. es seem this this does seem i f. there are a lot of questions that have been raised. >> i think if i was a juror in this case watching that, i would think this guy's making this up as he's going along. >> donald trump called it fascinating. >> i think it was a very i
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interesting day. a fascinating day. and it shows what a scam this whole thing is. >> i'm spending a lot of time and i'm spending a lot a of money, which is what they want. they want me to spend my time and my moneyf mone, and i'm wily to do it because ultimately we have to figh.g tot for the constitution. >> the entire testimony was a disaster. was a disas lawyer played for te the jury. michael cohen sounding like juryc on his podcast. a very different michael cohen from what the jury had seenrt inside of court. it i truly hope that this man ends up in prison. it will bring back the year tha wno thet i lost or thea done to my family. but revengmae is a dish best served cold. and you better believe i want this made to go down believe and rottenid side for what he did to me a and my family. wh is about tond get a taste of what i went through. and i promise you, it's not futn . >> jurors peered up at cohen while the tape played. they were embarrassed for him. cohen looked down at the ground ,also embarrassed. imagine being a juror listeningo
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and realize you just spent your whole month away from work, away fro youm your family to listen to a case in which the star witness is exposecad as a fanatic seeking revenge on the defendant. the defense caught cohen and lie after lithe defee. nt at one point, the lawyer says, did you ever ask for a pardo la >> cohen says no. then the lawyer pulled out a deposition wherer pulled cohen for a pardon. the whole courtroom just shakes their head. >> the defense painted a picture of a jilted lawyerwh who'd been passed over for white house chief of staffen and who even had a hard time getting tickets to the inauguration . cohen cohen was suicidal and was forced to admit under oath whe d that he had a vendetta against trump. if you're a juror and you hearas the star witness say that not good. michael cohen's former lawyer told fox this morninge that cohen said he never had anything on trump which would aa make sense because if cohen did
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have dirt on donald. veonald,he would have handed ito feds on a silver platter to stay out of prison. >> besides making that statement, i swear to godnn i don't have anything on donald trump. he als o said more times than that answer. guys, i want you to understand. i will do whatever they fthe f. i have to do. i will never spend a day havll n evin jail. and then he'd slam his handn on the conference room table. nferenceand what does that meanh that means this guisy is sayingi i will lie, cheat, steal, do whatever i have to dll co. >> i'm not going to jail. as johnnie cochran said, if itan doesn' t fit, you must acquit. and nothing here seems to fit. bragg's whole case is hanging on a liar. a phone call that never happened . ha and a crime that no one can name. bragg hasn't offered any proof that this payment was a campaign finance violation that trump this knew or believt was a campaign finance violation, and that he willfullycampaign falsified businessds t records to cover it up.
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>> how dr it uo you cover up a e that doesn't exist? >> fox new s legal editors me carrie cooper or mom joins megh. now. >> all right, miss auburn, what was it like in the courtroon thtoday whm today when that moment came where that phone call maybe didn'ty be happen? it was a little bit like my cousin vinny. yeah. and very intense. everyone wasnny. paying very cla attention. cohen was uncomfortable. and, you know, just for todd blanche donald trump's lawyer to say, you lie, didn't you? des quite-for-t, it wa a moment. it was made for tv in a lot of ways. but, you know, it was interestin.g about those texte l messages that we all looked at. and this was part of his cas e as to why trump never even hadn this phone call with i'm sorry, i didn't have thdivee phone call with trump. is that this 14-year-oldparent who was apparently pranking michael cohen? cohen was bullyingly micha him . it was unbelievable. he was this kid started beggingm ,please don't tell my parents. please don't call the secret service. i'm in all cape secret servs be.
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and he was like, give me your parents number. your guardian' ys number. he was relentless. and the kid was apologizing, saying he was sorry. he didn't realizkid wa he what s doing. >> and so he was going after him. mo's an unhinged monster that calls the secret service on a prank phone calns secrel fe year old. >> when the jury hears that, do you just see jur them putting their hands and like just covering their eyes? >> well, yeah, because they put the text messages up in front of us. and i'm thinking, this guy is a psychoeessages in front and. sta you know, we first heardio the audio where he's, you know, screaming like a lunatic, likere a used car salesman, you know, gleefully anticipating donald wt trump going to jail. we're watching him on these text messages. hi these this 14-year-old kid. then it turns out that phone call may never eves e n have happened, which the case, the state's case, really hinges on that in a lot of ways. >> what was the state doing when this whole thing was happenin: what w e g? food >> well, we was bragg looking for food in his bag and just eating his feelings away. >> what was he saying? the state was objectinfeelinwha and they were objecting a lot because it was one part of the. at certain points, it was
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a little hard to follow. but thend to i realized it's because we were going becaeistent after lie after li ,inconsistent statement galore. and so after a while sas you're thinking, okay, which lie was this? i have to remember where we're at at this point. er wher was this lie? >> that's really how it felt. all right. so they're losing trac ks, of lies. they're piling so high. there's toda pilinso y, i think, - is you're going to be off tomorrow because of the graduation- yo right back on monday. you're going to finish them off possibly on monday, mayb.hee one last bite. >> maybe it's an open question as to whethe be. oper the formey president is going to testify. of course, if he were to do that, which i would not recommend, though, that would. that would change the schedule. but right now it looks like the evidence could be presentebd in all cases rested on monday. maybe it goes to a jury on tuesday, maybyb e we get ae wi verdict on thursday. >> oh, you hear that? that's a thursda.: doy day verd. prediction aggressive. >> all right. thank you so much, carrie urban. >> the former president didn't show up to court alone this
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morning, came with a posse. and the posse is gettingth c bigger. >> this is a made up crime. a md e-no other american in the country would be charged with this type of crime. it's like the mr. potato head doll of crimes the hea where thd to stick together a bunch of things that did not belonge e together. we have a judge whose daughter is making money. daa judge whose family is enriching themselves on what's happening today. any judge worth their salte wort would have recused himself. >> it is corrupt law fair.s. it's the biden prosecutions and biden. you're going to lose this election cyclecution and. : a cg >> congresswoman anna paulina luna was in the courtroom and shn in thee joins me now. all right, congresswoman, so you've heard everything about thisl righe case today. >> you were there for the first time. what was it like i? you know, interestingly enough, when cohen started to be askedar on whether or not he thought that new york had a corrupt judicial systeoughm, he actually had his own quotes used against him. and judgd against him.e sean acs
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sitting there uncomfortably moving in his seat. >> you know,e unco jesse, we fod out just today, just to put it in perspective about how swampti ,how stacked against the oddns how corrupt this entiree od biden tria,l is, because that's really what it is. and we found out that representative goldmandn, m who's actually sits with me on house oversight as a democrat now, i'm really prepared overss , cohen, for the testimony today, but he's also a client of the judge'sy daughter at the same firm that fundraises for kamala harris. so when i sae firmy that this is international and when i say that we are exposing them for e ex that they are, which is a complete sham. i mean it. and although the president may no e prest be able to speak on behf of this trial, i can add what i can tell the american people i s the president is ine pr fighting spirits. he knows that he's going to win. the jurorsest inviti sat there and shooke their heads every single time. their all four times that cohen admitted that he lied to members of congress tha to to put it in perspective, i think that their trial's falling apart again. >> so the jurythe tria falling , their head. and even the judge, you say who is shifting in his shift seat because what they played some sound of cohen trashing judges, trashing the new york
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judicial system. and the judge is sitting right there. >> correct. in fact, he got uncomfortable. you could see his body languag correct fact hee shifting. and really, you saw the jurors face and realizing that, look, if cohenshaw the is saying thatd a known liar, what we can tell,e you is it's nollt by any chance or circumstance that this same judge, judge mahone, is alsdge is ao overseeing the r bannon trial. >> i mean, look how many judges they hav judgee that are sittin on the bench and all of a sudden this judge just so happens to tak ae all of these o cases tied to trump. it's a sham. but what i am happ s tiedy to says is that the media is forced to cover this. the president has a great teamrr representing him, and members of congress aren't just going to sit by and let them lieesembt about the president. they try to control the narratives they're trying to keep. cameras out there are out of thehe hey try cone courtroom so thai american people don't see what's happening. but we're going to share those facts with you guyle d's hs. > it's good that you guys showed up. i expected more members of congress memberup, mors of e senate maybe to show up. and i'm sure the presidentyo appreciated the support. >> did you get a chance to say hi? oh, mosto sa certainly. >> in fact, we are with hitm not just at trump tower, but we actually right in the motorcadle
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with him over to the courtroom. we were behind the scenes with him. we were beo some folks had to come back to vote on contempt for merrick garland tonighn contem t. es but representative gates stayed with him. he's in great spirits. but i meanayed with hii is, the are doing this, you know, i'm getting frustrated with congress becaus--frustrateo want to just do messaging bills. >> yeah, i think we're all frustrated messag with congress,e not you specifically, but maybe some others. there is a body. n. >> thank you so much, congresswoman. thanks. f the >> co-host of thfie five, judge jeanine pirro is here. all right, judge, you're bad and clean up anything you've cly so far that wan you think you might want to weigh in on. >>to wei in on i think that onet significant things that happened today is what everyone's been talkinstg abouti and that is when michael cohens says he calledchael co keith sc, the former president's bodyguard, to speak to thent president. right. except we know from text messages and other information that he was actually in communication with keithtime schiller at exactly that time, e
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about a 15-year-old, a 14 year old boy was bothering him. >> here'-y whs my concern now, n when the defense attorney, when blanch says, isn't the factlyin that you were lying about that? he said, no, i spoke to donald trump and told him i had the stormy daniels things a bit done. it was a done deal. the problem is, ift he didn'tthi have that information of those text messages and the prosecutore text knew thatt, was that information was coming out, was the prosecutors t suborning perjury? was the manhattan d.a.'s office subornin g perjury, allowinge michael cohen to get on the stand and say durin stane those 96 seconds that he was speaking to the president about stormy daniels, when, in truth, all of the evidence that you interlacf the, the text messages show he was talking to keithages schiller about this 14-year-old. >> so does it mean that the >> jecutioold. n maybe thought that this wasn't going to come out? yeahs no. hun and they just hung this guy out to dry, hoping on cross it wouldn't come up well, and then bang, he just perjured himself
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. i wouldn't go so far as to say that were hanging out to dry. they were prop>> i wou t they were probably they were pushing him, right? yeah. you know, go out there. let's let's make sure that we convict donald. and that speaks to the corruption of the prosecutioump. >> jesn. y look, do i have to say more?? they have a case that is beyond the statute of limitations. they have come to the endth of their case. they have noo thent proved a pra facie case. any defense attorney worth his or her sal e,t would stand upyour and say, your honor, i would honoest a directed verdict of not guilty based upon the lack of evidence. has anyone out theree. askny yourself, is anyone heard any evidence that donald trump had anything to do with the bookkeeping of the of the bookse in theepin trump administration and that he was directing it? how michael cohen be paid? no. we know from all o o the witnesses that donald trump just signed checks that came from new york because he was runningd hat the countrh and the trump organization. >> how many billion dollar stheir ceos are marking their books every time, every quartebor? >> yeah. legal expert.
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no, no one does that. no o is, it was going to michael cohen. but the president is not a bookp and former president not a bookkeeper. here's the bottom line.'s don't even know what crime is that they're alleging that bootstrapped this int o a felony. >> and at the end of the day,at everyone on the prosecutio then case helped the president. >> they all said that he was concerned about melania. >> he was a great boss. and this guy's a dirt bag. weu know what else t? >> we don't know what what prima fascia meanshat word thats evidence for myself on its face and proof of a crime. >> they haven't even made the fundamental first hurdle. all right, i neet madd a dictio when judge comes on the show. okay. thank you very much, judge pirro. >> we'll see you tomorrow on the five. i will be there. you better oc regularll be the:g after that. >> we are going to a party. yep, we are. twe wil we're not going to tellen you where. no. too many men. johnny. mr. manners, why do men holdn ho the door open for women? >> let's loo dook at their eyesb
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in a puddle of puppies. head to mugsy. second to get your first pair of the most comfortable jeans ever worn. >> fox news alert. joe biden's cash is mysteriousmo ,disappearing. we just got our hands on biden's financial disclosur e proof. in 2022, the president had between 900 grand and 2 millionn lastash last year, biden reported between 700 thousand and 1.4 million in cash. >> how's the president of the united states going through that much cash that fast? >> he hates goins two homes wit. rates and everything else in his life is pai d for. he also took out a quarter million dollar lino tooke credin his house. what does he need? whh cash for? and where's it going? is it to pay lawyers for
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the special counsel investigation or to pay hunter's lawyersecial co or to y someone else? today, we found out hunterlawyer biden's lawyer doesn't have enough resources to defend hi doem because hunter's sugar brother, kevin morris, is tapped out after loaninging u hunternt over $6 million. mor >> no more sugar. and hunter's in debte up to his eyeballs and has two trials in the same month. >>the sa june 3rd is the felonyn charge in delaware. arge in and june 20th are the tx charges in l.a.. president joe biden's terrified that hunter is going to be sentenced to priso lln. quote, he worries about hunter every single day froworriemp the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep. that wilmoment hgoesl only pickg a trial. biden's going to have to pardon hunter. the trial. year after the elect. whether he wins or y losesear.. >> and hunter trials are going to collide with the first debate in june. the president's son could be freshly convicted on felonyhv gun charges and in court on tax evasio felonn charges while he s
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onto the debate stage. debat >> biden needed a debate earlyy to give a jolt to his sagging campaignto a jol and to give hie to recover in the summer if he bombs. >>if but if he does, maybe no one will notice. >> the first debate will be next month, which is the earliest a presidential debateis has ever been. and if we're being honest, an early bird debate feeland ife'rg right for these guysht. yeah, biden and trump will meet june 27th on cnn. >>june 2 and one of biden's debe conditions was not having an audience. so bide that explains why it's ont cnn. pelosi nancy pelosi doesn't think biden debating trump is a good idea at al d bidel. >> i myself would never recommend going on stage with donald trump, but the president has decide trumpd thas what he wants to do. i think the format he is do. suggesting is a good one. o >> of course, nancy likeses the mute button. tapperse: ofnanc and no audienco
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one's confident sending into our a live to our debate. >> his own white house doesn't even wans own wht the public tor him talk. >> i think both candidates should probably agree to at drug test beforehand just to make sure nobody's juicing in the lockebeforer room. >> remember when special counsel robert hur interviewed joe about his sloppy classified docs and his open garagewas to and determined he was too mentally unfit to be charged? >> thosey unfi b were recorded. but today, biden just blockedse. the tapes from being released. they don't want us to heart soui the president sounding diminished. so they exerted executive privilege. ge >> they revoked trump's privilege to keep documents he was entitleto keep wd to ani invoked privilege to hide. >> biden being interviewednts he about documents he wasn't entitled to. was ed to.we don't see how anyts any better for biden. for b idhis facing two trials. inflation's not going down. s sl the borders still open. russia just broke through
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the line, bros in ukraine and s is digging in and shifting to guerrilla warfareging. th the democrats are even considering taking some of their convention virtual to avoi to avoid protests. some democrats even wantcancel to cancel the convention, not kayleigh mcenany is a former white house press secretary and co-host of outnumbered. where do you think joe biden's losing all that cash to? >> well, i think you hit the nail on the head. is no i mean, legal bills, this is not inexpensive. von to y kevin morris, to your point, has spent all he can. i mean, he'l h spel give a $6 mn loan, first of all. >> right. that's what he did for thesellif legal bills. and, you know, joe bidenn shoveling some of this out, too. so i've goisof out to figure it's that or the double chocolate chip ice cream that he eats way too much. bidei would think that hunter biden's finger paints would do something in the way somee guys.ting theso
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i mean, $500,000 a painting. and he was apparently sellinandg lot of them. >> yeah, that's i mean, that adds up quick, jesse. it doei adds add up quick.d ho >> and how is a $6is million loan? it's not a loan. how is $6 million not electionhs interference? how is that not a campaign elecribution whet non you're trg to affect an election? so you keep your the president's son out prison? i don't know where the fec is on that one, but we're going to have to look into it. >> what about this debate? is this thing going to happen? t >>wo you think we're going to se two? you're going to see one. we're going to see three. so i initially thought zero, but now i think two. i think joe biden committed. he's dug in. he has to do that. but there's no way haso do he dy more than that. there's just no way unlessthan w jesse. the expectations are so low. biden all he has to do is not fall over. he just needs the state of thene unioedn cocktail, whatever that was. >> i'm going to guess here that there is some sort readomething to at there.
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>> i even if it was just red bull, some sort of something that got him through the teleprompter. >> so this. yeah, the state of the union cocktail is going to need to be out in full force. he get ts past the first, he gos to the second, confident he gets demolished t in the w second and that's it. we don't see it from the guy until november, unless the he's replaced at the convention, which is highly probable. if he can't even get past the the first debate, you never know. >> it is in chicag o. s talk >> and let's talk about confidence, because you can tell a lotn tell about someone's confidence by the people around them. thand what they're plotting,cau because we're now hearing that kamala harriswea has an ext plan that if she loses this november, she may run forember, governor of california. >> >> have you heard i don't know that vice president harris is telling friends that she mayn go back to california and run for governor if the election does not for go her way. s
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that is news to me. i would sai y this the vice bee president has been a great partner to this president. he is appreciative the works doe that she has done. >> it is impressive what she's been able to d iimpreso. >> i think she just wants options. kayleigh, what's wrong o do.stwith options? >> i think that's it. look, as she told politico, apparently they reported she jokes with friends about this. let's hope it's just a jokwith because i don't think you could drive california further into the grounddlifornia and gavin nm did. but kamala may give him a run for his money on thabuhem t. e maybe she just wants the job so she can pardon all the guys shsh locked up for small marijuanama convictions. now that she's the weed czarriju but wow. i mean, you think if you faioull so bad at your first job and il think it's pretty categorical to say she failed. >> e she's got a 30 something rat percent approval rating. you'd get the head go take a lucrativing i te job somewheri go run a board. she'll have all kinds of things at her disposa hav l, but she wantsin to stay in the game. it's like joe biden. he got a taste
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of politicald he life and he spent his entire life trying to make it to ths ee top when he finally did. >> this lady is not giving up now. she's just lik give a dog with . bone. i don't know if you're right about california. e i don't think anybody could be worse than gavin, but it'll be fun to see that put to th gac test. thank you so much, carly. ohey , thanks, jesse. >> happy dea. thursday. the people you know, the voices you trust. all new fox nation exclusives available now. >> my dad spent two combat pilot tours in the vietnam war, so i've come back to retrace his most important steps. i went to vietnam to learn more about him. that is a big deal. and what it meant to serve this great country. dad, you were always with the vietnam. footsteps of my father with harris faulkner, fox nation would like to thank active military and veterans this memorial day. sign up and get your first
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to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people think, well, there's a whole huge process, but the truth is, it's a one page document, but it still must get through one final barrier. the county clerk. when someone in with fraudulent deed, if it's notarized and all the spaces are filled in, we by statute have to accept it and not give it back to them and say, we know this is fraudulent, we're not going to file it. that's against the law. it's a false sense of security. it's not real. bottom line is, yes, it happens. and we can't stop it from happening. and it only takes once for it to stay new. and it's a very sad thing to watch. you've put your your love into the house and all of a sudden it might not be yours. it's a devastating crime for pennies a day. home title lock will monitor your title nonstop, alerting you to suspicious activity. if you get a warning, notice that this first step has happened. you can stop the rest. meet terry. he signed it for home title lock and was immediately alerted to suspicious activity.
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some paprika trio. >> it's an as old saying in the navy that the toughest jobyou ue in the navy is a navy wife.bout in the navy is a navy wife.bout and if you've made. the deploymente and you've been the wife at home or you've been the spouse at home, yto unthe what i'm talking about. >> your spouse has earned the right to apply for a v 100% home loan.hena the new day 100 loan allows you to borrow upnciall to 100%y. of your home's value. so if you're in a situation so if you're in a situation where you need financially, give us a call. >> no one takes care of veterans like day usa. >> fox news alert. >> we've just confirmed that two jordanian nationals tried to crash d that their way into a military base earlier this month and it was covered up on may 3rd. the two unnamed men rolled may p to quantico in a box truck acting like they worked box theyat amazon. the but military police knew something was fishy when they couldn't show credentialsmw a . so they wave the truck over to do an inspection. and according to an basepokesm spokesman, the driver ignored their directions and tried an
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to access the base before soldiers threw up emergency barriers in their wasey. the jordanians were then theained and handed over to ic . was this a foiled terror plot? a we have no idea. no one will tell us. no one's touching the story. thankfully, our very own stupid son of a , peter doocy, challenged binder to open up. >> the deputy director of ice is telling us that tuesday r jordanian nationals are in removal proceedings now after na as amazon deliverythe ga drivers to crash the gates at quantico. thisteo. white house think thise might have been a failed terrorist attack. >> so we're going to be really mindfua failedl. es these two jordanians that you're speaking of remain in ice. o jordane were speakice custodyi and given that it is an active law enforcement matteractive. i. so i would have to refer you ton ice. i just can't dive into this becausot divbecause,e, again, tw enforcement. >> this is a law enforcement matter. oops lawenforcem. e wasn't in the binder. this comes months after a chinese illega s aftel caughtdrivin driving onto a military base in california. we we're seeing ary bag a patte.
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>> and we'll keep you updated. >> major scandal rocking the nfl. in >> players in big trouble, not for doing drugs, betting t or beating women, but because he's christian. kansas city kicker harrison butler delivered a commencement address at a small catholicduri college in kansas during his speech. ngbut you talked about his fait. blasted biden as a fakeidenak catholice cath and ripped d-ii. but this is what freaked out fob the national football league. >> for the ladies presenalt tody ,congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. how many of you are sitting t here now about to cross the stage and are thinkinghe sta about all the promotions and titles you going to get in your career? >> reer? some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but i would venture to guessdsuccessfe wo te majority of you are most excited about your marriage excitedand the children you wig into this world. >> booker said that educated young women excited to pursue a career might even be more exciteend to fall in love famil
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and have a family. welly., the view thinks he's mentally ill, but i think he has mother issues. >> he probably was left alone because she was busy with her career. he's angry that they're doinr kg this armchair therapist. that's the real issue with theth guis itherapisy. >> he has big mother issues. so get a therapist. there you go. they wonow what? >> they won't show you. is that right? after saying that, the kicker started cryingis thasaying, gusr his wife. >> i'm on the stage today and able to be the man i ame ma because i have a wife who leans into her vocation. >> i've been blessed with thee many talents god has given me, but it cannot be overstatet be d that all of my success is made possible because a girl i met in being class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most, important titles of all homemaker. esse:
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no one loves women more than primetime. if women pursunoe careers, great motherhood. amazing. balancing them both. gh i incredible. although i don't love the idea of my wifeve going to work and being bossed around by another man. >> but the point is, being ad oa husband or wife, father or a mother a is what makes us human, not what job we have. but the nfl threw a flag on the speech. . they're distancing themselves from the kicker. quot are disthemselve, harrisona a speech in his personal capacity, his viewecs are not those of the nfl as antion organization. the nfl is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger our way. .we colin kaepernick trash the cops and the wholight, trashede cou the nfl didn't sayt anythingouh about thatat, but this guy sayst women should look forward to marriago e and they distance themselves. do you have any ideas in what happens on a weekly basis in the offseason in the nfl?
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>> arrests, car accidents, domestic dispute s? e nf >> i don't hear the nfl's distancing. the good news is the fans st fa are sticking with booker this week. nshis jerseys are outsellingn bo teammate patrick mahomes in both men's and women's sizes. >> grace kerley, host of thecur, grace kerley show, joins me now . grace, why are they so upsetey about this comment? >> it's really crazy because i understand there was a lot of the speech that people are going to have a different opinion on andfe speech h okay.h it's his point of view. he's allowed to share it. but this paris o t in particular, jesse, is it's very disturbing that people find this so offensivsg thate because he was diminishing anyone for their choices. he washe was raising up women wo choose to have families and lettino dog them know that n very fulfilling and it brings you a different level of joy. gs a and i don't see what's wrong with that. and actually, the response that he's receivedand actual ist more confirmation that it doesn't get talked about enough, because clearl dot
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if this is how people react to it, that's an issue. that's something as a society that we need to figure out. why are the women on the view attacking this man wire t for gushing over his wife and explaining she what a wonderful thing she doesn for him and his family? it's vers familyy, very strange. it's something that i think we need a therapist on the view to figur oe that whole thing out.t. >> why is it offensive now to the nfl>> to say that womenen make great wives and mothers? >> i don't think anything's offensive to the nfl. as you just mentioned, i mean, offe likeent cr he committed a violent crime, right? >> oh, no, no. because ifim he committedy a violent crime, they wouldn't say anything. >> so clearly they're not offended. theyi think the nfl is obsessedh with getting people to think that they care about women . and you know what, jesse? i'm. i'm starting to think >> j don't, believe it or they care about women watching. >> i think that' care abs that'o the point. all right. thank you so much, much gr chri. >> johnny hits the streets.
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possible. >> we'll be doing this on a weekly basis. g.i. is something we must have that pdi thursday prime times favorite day of the week in honor of reverend al sharpton. we're bringing you the best stories about diversity, equity and inclusion. d inclusfirst up, a california professor was arrested yesterday during an arab springb break protest. her name, tiffany willoughby. girard sg brea of course, she he and she's an assistant professo aofessor at uc irvine,e she teaches african american studies. >> gender and studies and, of course, studies o. she specializes in black political thought and african feminisms. yes, there's more than one. she's even written a book. it's called wastshttene of a whe skin, and it explores how black feminism, black internationalism and the black radical tradition affectsi politics of white poverty
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on black people's life worf whik and political resistance. no surprise, she had a meltdown when the cops hold her off campus in cuffs. they are destroying the campus and undoing a democratic, peaceful protest. arch is a very cruel man, decided to send thousands of dollars worth of state funding paid for by the tax payers into the trash. >> thiths is alive and well a at the capitol where bernie sanders has a problem with the american medical system. nope, not just too expensive. >> too many white doctors. when black, latino and native american patients have access to black latino and native american doctors. their health outcomes substantiallcomes suy improve. >> and down the hall, representative ayanna pressley has an angry message for the fdic. read y too many men.y men.
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>> there is not one woman p on this panel. and i almost walked out justane. on the of that. but the only reason why i did it is because that is a systemicson us issue here peo in congress. >> and often for people who come before thisple . >> and io f you don't have one woman in a position of leadership and authorit wom th that should be there, then that is also a problem. >> meanwhileat a probl, nbc's sg service, peacock just dropped a trailer for the seriesstre. planet, just in time for pride p month. turns out the entire animal kingdom is bkingdoy curious. >> everything you were told as a kid is wrong. ing you d you make me want pen, bisexual lions, changing clownfish. >> this is a planet. the ideah. of just having to fix sexes is clearly out of style. mother nature is pretty opende. minded and no die. >> thursday is complete without a prime time victory. of coursye. cancel culture has tried to infiltrate the comedy world, and afte
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r a decade of looking over their shoulders, comedians are realizing that offending people doesn't matter. it's all about making us laugh. just making ask sebastian maniscalco. >> i don't really added myself. >> i don't know. n all over the country and i feel like the people that are coming to at lease peom my shows are dying to laugh, whether it be appropriate, inappropriate. i mean, i hate to use the wordbs inappropriate. let it get weak. have you been on your best behavior? how are your manners? we sent gianni to find out. and what's the proper wayr wa to say hello to someone? a handshake. give a little hug. do a kiss on the cheek. i'm no >>going to kiss you. typically, i'm from new york, so it's like, what's up? thow you doing? the puerto ricans love the kiss. joe biden says he's puerto rican. >> joes he's? you kiss him now? i'll even do it hello?
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just saying hello. italian. obviousl.y a kiss on the cheek is the way to go. >> we need a new approach. ach.i have some ideas. >> why do men hold the dooro me open for women? let's look at their eyes. respect. it's like courtesy. do you want women to open the door for you? sometimes. door youl. e respectfu what if a man didn't hold the door open for you? what would you do? i'd be first. i needd you do'd b to kick that >> when you're eating at a restaurant and your food comes before everyone else is. is it okay to just dig in?? i'm a man. i have the besmuncd havet time d life, and all my food get cold. i'm gonna eai will et. if you get mad, that's on you. if you're a greedy, i would say yes. it's awkward. >> iwkwardt just to ea and everyone's, like, waiting there, like, oh, oh, oh. mm. should men pick up the bill on a date? for sure. 100%. otherwise, you're not getting
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dessert. women should pay the bills sometime>> othwise you s. . not all the time.okay p maybe once in a while. you're okay with paying the bill for men? absolutelyayfor a . >> go to lunch. i want to get to you a schedule . >> is it oka.y to be fashionably late? i'm s it okaa girl, so if i saye i'm going to be out the door in 5 minutes, that means 30. >> if you lookine mi good. you l >> ioof you look bad, better be on time. if you're latebe. late? what if people get angry at you? yeahppens. what ifhey ge. >> sorry to keep you waiting. complicated business. how much to ke you tip your ubeu driver? i don't do anything extra. i really don'trver?. >> not >> i don't wan at to get a tip r 20%. i don't usuall.y tip uber, so i walk everywhere. >> getting low zero wheng shopping. when you walk in, your dog is, it okay to put the dog in your neighbor's trash can. i wouldn't want somebodyne to po their dog in my car. that's why they're all garbage cansp . s [ blee it's like you're your dog now. ? dog >> i have to deal with this because i have neighbors who do
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thi. me off i always take it home with me. how long do you keep it for? like, how long you keep the . >> it's better than not picking it up at all. if they see you or iitf you coup see them peeking through the window, put it in your own traseeith. when was the last timee last you wrote a thank you note?nk um, just a text count.? >> no. oh, goodness. >> ae. m>> no. picture in sicily, 1922. s -- who's better matters? joe biden or donald trump? biden does have better manners biden you'r and trump. >> so that suits you're voting for? i guess i didn't say anything. ng say anyti like that dress. see >> dan senor down, my friend joe. >> donald trump has mannerst because he keeps it real. >> if you call somebody fat, it's caree. someor. >> we're all fat. are jesse watters have good mannersn . i don't know. who is she? well, she's a guy. oh. 'tho ie? oh, i love it. is je >> hi, who's jesse? waters is a fox news host.
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>> fox, you're on fox. fox i am. i love fox. >> a workout routine that'll change your lifeine right back. >> i thought water would help t with this dry spot. that's the illnesses. but scott's health plus but scott's health plus will curbu plus lay. i've been going around. so, like other people have itnaw and it's not pick up a bag of the new scott star builder healthy plus lawn food today diifif you'vd you long feed it.e >>n it's as i was saying in tho >>n it's as i was saying in tho navy that toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. navy is a navy wife. >> and if you madealking a the . you've been the wife at home or you've been the spouse at home ,you understand what i'm talking about. >> your spouse has earned >> your spouse has earned the righ al to borrt to apply for a a home loan. >> the new day 100 loan allows >> the new day 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.? >> no one takes car' of veterans like new day, usm yt
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so y who are you?at? >> i'm an inner chil closet. what you really need in life is some frickin talk why we'reat so cheap. you're going to ge what happened to my inner child? craving love and acceptance. how much you love it, he said. this powerho shockrnet r. when can i drive your? but dodge pointed out to you, but totally talked about crossover. >> if you're shopping for a home, is real commute tool lets you find homes close to work school even grandma's house don't all apps do that? not really trust the number one app real estate professionals trust over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022. your information could be used to open loans, transfer home titles, or even commit crimes. i had almost 20 accounts opened
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in my name. it was terrifying. >> i never dreamed it would happen to me. only lifelock alerts you to the widest volume of threats, all in one place. and if you were a victim, lifelock works to fix it on your behalf, all backed by the million dollar protection package. >> enroll. now we have a garage door that doesn't lift. >> so it went on and it took me just a handful of minutes. so vendors who were knowledgeable, they did high quality work. >> they wanted us be happyut li with the work done as well. >> it is a beautiful garage. yes, stresse they get started ty at and ecom. >> you know, when i take the bike out yep, t this all myo stresses just melt away. stresses just melt away. i hear that isg about bad boy, n fix anything. yeah. tough day at work. nicewell, yon't igno cruise crum you write up when i'm writing, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavityto pay y. rotected >> oh, you shouldn't ignore that. every time i get stressed byycle ins pay my bills ts and it's hop on the bike, man. come on, man, you got to paye come on, man, you got to paye your billsso... worry about anything when you're protected by america's g pain.r. well, you definitely do. those things are related, so. oh, yeah.
10:57 pm
>> oh, that is a vibrating pain right now. someone could be listed as owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that, believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people think, well, there's a whole huge process, but the truth is, it's a one page document, but it still must get through one final barrier. the county clerk. when someone comes in with fraudulent deed, if it's notarized and all the spaces are filled in, we by statute have to accept it. we cannot it back to them and say, we know this is fraudulent, we're not going to file it. that's the law. it's a false sense of security. it's not real. bottom line is.
10:58 pm
yes, it happens. and we can't stop it from happening. and it only takes once for it to stay new. and it's a very sad thing to watch. you've put your your love into the house and all of sudden it might not be yours. it's a devastating crime for pennies a day. home title lock will monitor your title nonstop, alerting you to suspicious activity. you get a warning. notice that this first step has happened. you can stop the rest. meet terry. he signed it for home title lock in was immediately alerted to suspicious activity. so i received the report saw hey, i have a lien against my property that i didn't know about. we got it fixed right away and if you call in the next 15 minutes and mentioned promo code, lock it. >> you'll receive your first 30 days absolutely free. what would it do to your wife if you lost your property i mean, there's no price you can put on that. >> go online or call now. >> 1-800- 9384485.
10:59 pm
the the cross-examination of michael cohen is set to continue. >> biden may have been trying to call trump's bluff, but trump said yes. and here we with diplomatic efforts to end the war, unsuccessful airstrikes continue only on fox news channel. i have a new exercise routine i know you've been dying to heane r about it. d instead of doing 30 minutes of your normal workout all at your, i just work out everyt hour. i'm awake. follow mevery houre when i taket the trash every time, drop down and do 50. picking up jesse jr's toys j in the garage,esse bang outgoin some pull ups going on a morning hike, workin hike,g a little lunge, some backward forward lunge to right. good form a killer. and it's all in this new book. it's ai'm reading good energy. >> akil is reading it, too. we highly suggest it.
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>> i'm evan from florida. did you remember to get seven or 8 hours of sleep last night? i did, but jessef junior woke mr up smack dab in the middle. >> matt from wes ut virginia. ws regarding cohen, if he throws a fit, you must quitrding. very, very good.him from kim from leadville, colorado you should send michael cohen a signed copy if get together. should we put him in the get itt together series? i don't think he's completel hiy gotten it together. >> pete from florida hunter, sugaely go r out of sugar. why doesn't he sell hunter's ou art that's the thing. the they did sell the art. they still nee d more sugar. >> lisa from south carolina learned a new today from judge jeanine. >> prima facie, your show is soa educational. >> also know whytion open the dr for women. i'm waters and this is m


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