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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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are rare opportunity to compare four years of trumped four years of biden. donald trump put them through everything, they put them through this trial and callous others, this will be a least of his concerns, i'm confident he will come out shining. but my concern is that this is in june and it is early. it is part of a broader plot for replacement they have in the works. >> laura: if what they have is gretchen witless and not having gavin newsom then good luck that, that's all i can say. i don't think that will work. it was great to see the other day and come back soon, thank you so much. we have a lot to cover tomorrow night. the trial will continue next week, tomorrow is barron's graduation, happy graduation darren but we will be back on monday and we will be covering it then. remember, it is america now and forever. "jesse watters primetime" is next. >> welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight...
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>> do i think that donald trump is insane? has the guy gone [ bleep ] crazy? i believe that donald trump has actually lost his [ bleep ] >> jesse: michael cohen cross-examined and destroyed. >> michael conlan was cornered in what appeared to be a lie. >> biden and trumbull mean june's way seventh on cnn and one of biden's debate conditions was not having an audience. so that explains why it is on cnn. >> will trump demand a drug test? before the debate? >> he is on some kind of a hand spent in my opinion. >> these police officers that are here today, that is thousands of student scholarships! what job do i have if the students don't have a future? >> jesse: happy thursday. plus... >> you are okay to pay the bill for men? >> absolutely. want to go to lunch? [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: it is day 18 and the trial for a crime the democrats have still not named. michael cohen suffering under a blistering cross-examination today. and owe boy, did he fall apart. the prosecution's entire case rested on one phone call that michael cohen says took place. he testified that he called trump's head of security and told him that the stormy payment was taken care of. that was the big link between trump and the money. today, it came out that the call never happened. trump's defence lawyer showed cohen a sheet of text messages on the night he claims he made that call. turns out, cohen had been getting prank calls from a 14-year-old and called trump's security chief to ask if he could sick the secret service on him. trump's defence attorney raising his voice kegs zeroing in on cohen. that was a lie. you did not talk to president
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trump. cohen panicked. shifted in his seat. voice cracking. i'm not certain that is accurate. but the call logs do not lie. it was a paring masen moment. sources inside the courtroom tell us the entire jury's jaw hit the floor. and george conway put his hands to his face. and stared at the ceiling. cnn could not believe it. >> michael cohen was cornered and what appeared to be a lie. >> i don't think i have ever seen a star cooperating witness get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically is what just happened with michael cohen. >> this does seem pretty bad. >> i feel like there are a lot of questions that have been raised. >> if i was a juror in this case, watching that, i would think this guy is making this up as he is going along. >> jesse: donald trump called it fascinating. >> i think it was a very
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interesting day. it was a fascinating day. and it shows what a scam this whole thing is. i'm spending a lot of time and i'm spending a lot of money which is what they want. they want me to spend my time in my money. and i'm willing to do it because ultimately we have to fight for the constitution. >> jesse: the entire testimony was a disaster. trumps lawyer played for the jury, michael cohen sounding like a lunatic on his podcast. a very different michael conlan from what the journey had seen inside a court. >> i truly hope that this man ends up in prison. it will not bring back the year that i lost where the damage done to my family. but revenge is a dish best served cold. and you better believe i want this man to go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family. he is about to get a taste of what i went through and i promise you, it is not fun. >> jesse: jurors are adopt while the tape played. they were embarrassed for him. cohen looked down at the ground. also embarrassed.
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imagine being a juror, listening and realizing you to spend your whole month away from work, away from your family to listen to a case in which the star witness is exposed as a fanatic. seeking revenge on the defendant. the defence caught cohen and lie after lie. at one point, in the lawyers says, did you ever ask for a pardon? cohen says no. than the lawyer pulled out a deposition where cohen asked for a pardon. the whole courtroom just shakes their head. the defence painted a picture of a jilted lawyer who had been passed over for the white house chief of staff and to even had a hard time getting tickets to the inauguration. cohen was suicidal and was forced to admit under oath that he had a vendetta against trump. if you are a juror and you hear the star witness say that, it's not good. michael cohen's former lawyer told fox this morning, that cohen said he never had anything on trump. which would make sense because if he did have dirt on donald,
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he would have handed it to the feds on a silver platter to stay out of prison. >> besides making that statement, i swear to god, i do not have anything on donald trump. he also said, more times than that answer, i want you to understand i will do whatever the f. i have to do. i will never spend a day in jail. and then he slammed his hand on the conference room table. what does that mean to you? that means that this guy is saying, i will like, cheat, steel, do whatever i have to do, i'm not going to jail. >> jesse: as johnny cochran said, if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. and nothing here seems to fit. his whole case is hanging on a liar. a phone call that never happened and a crime that no one can name. they have not offered any proof that this payment was a campaign-finance violation. that trump knew or believed it was a campaign-finance violation. and that he wilfully falsified business records to cover it up.
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how do you cover up a crime that does not exist? a fox news legal editor joins me now. all right. what was it like in the courtroom today when that moment came where the phone call may be did not happen? >> it was a bit like my cousin vinny. very intense. everyone was paying very close attention. cohen was uncomfortable and just for todd blanche, on drums lawyer to say you like, didn't you! it was quite a moment, made-for-tv in a lot of ways. it was interesting about this text messages that we all looked at and this is part of his case as to why trump never had this phone call -- cohen did not have the phone call with trump. is that this 14-year-old who was apparently prank and michael cohen, cohen was bullying him back. it was unbelievable. this kid started begging, please don't tell my parents, please don't call the secret service. in all caps begging him and he
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was like give me your parents number, your guardians number khaki went to the list and the kid was apologizing saying he was sorry, he didn't realize what he was doing. so he went after him. >> jesse: he is an unhinged monster that calls the secret service on a prank phone call from a 14-year-old. when the jury hears that, do you just see them putting their hands and covering their eyes? >> yes, because they took the text messages in front of us and i think this guy's a psycho. we first heard the audio where he is screaming like a lunatic like a used car salesman. gleefully anticipating donald trump going to jail, watching him on these text messages believe this 14-year-old kid. then it turns out the phone call may have never even happened which the state's case really hinges on that in a lot of ways. >> jesse: what was the state doing when this whole thing was happening? well he was looking for food and his bag and just eating his feelings away? what was he saying? >> the state was objecting a lot. they were objecting a lot because -- at certain points it was a little hard to follow. but then i realized, it is
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because we are going through lie after lie after lie an inconsistent statement galore. so after a while, you are thinking, okay,, which lie was this? i have to remember where we are at this point. what year was this like? that's how it felt. >> jesse: they are losing track of lies, piling its so high. today i think is -- you will be off tomorrow because of the graduation, back on monday. finish them off possibly on monday? maybe one last bite? >> may be. it is an open question as to weather the former president is going to testify. of course if he were to do that, which i would not recommend, that would change the schedule. but right now it looks like evidence could be presented in cases rested on monday, maybe it goes through jury on tuesday, maybe we can get a verdict on thursday but we will see. >> jesse: do you hear that? a thursday verdict prediction! thank you so much. goodbye. >> jesse: the former president did not show up the court alone
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this morning, he came with a posse in the posse is getting bigger. >> this is a made-up crime! no other american and the country would be charged with this type of crime! it is like the mr potato head doll of crimes where they had to stick together a bunch of things that did not belong together. >> we have a judge whose daughter is making money, a judge whose family is enriching themselves on what is happening today. any judge worth their salt would have recused themselves. >> it is corrupt out there, it is the biden prosecution and biden, you're going to lose this election cycle. >> jesse: a congresswoman was in the courtroom and she joins me now. all right, you have heard everything about this case. today you were there for the first time. what was it like? >> interestingly enough, when cohen started to be asked on weather or not he thought new york had a corrupt judicial system khaki actually had his own quotes used against him. and the judge was actually sitting there uncomfortably
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moving in his seat. jesse, we found out just today, to put it into perspective about how stacked against the odds, how corrupt this entire biden trial is, because that is really what it is. we found out that the representative who sits with me on house oversight as a democrat, not only prepared cohen for the testimony today but he is also a client of the judges daughter at the same firm that fundraisers for kamala harris. so when i say this is incest you will, when i say we are exposing them for everything that they are, which is a complete sham, i mean it. and all the president may not be able to speak on behalf of this trial, i can. and what i can tell the merrick and people as the president is inviting spirits, he knows he will win. the juror sat there and shake their heads every time that cohen admitted that he lied to members of congress. so to put it in perspective, i think the trial is falling apart. >> jesse: so the jury shakes their head and even the judge, you say, was shifting in his seat because they played some sound of cohen trashing judges, trashing the new york judicial system and the judges sitting
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right there? >> correct. in fact he got uncomfortable, you could see his body language shifting. you really saw the juror's face and realizing that if cohen is saying this was a known liar, what we can tell you is that it is not by any chance or circumstance that this same judge is also overseeing another trial. look at many judges they have that are sitting on the bench. and all of a sudden this judge just happens to take all of these cases tied to trump. it is a sham but what i'm happy to say is that the media is forced to cover this. the president has a great team representing him and members of congress will not just sit by and let them lie about the president, they try to control the narratives, they try to keep cameras out of the courtroom so that the american people did not see what's happening. but we'll share those facts with you guys. >> jesse: it's good you showed up, i expect more members of congress, memory is of the maybe to show up. and i'm sure the president appreciated the support did you get a chance to say hi? >> most certainly. in fact, we were with him not just to trump tower bomac shall he wrote in the motorcade with
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him over to the courtroom. we were behind-the-scenes with him and then also some of us had to come back to vote on contempt tonight but representative gates stayed with him khaki is in great spirits but the fact that they are doing this -- i'm frustrated with congress because i do not want to just do messaging bills. >> jesse: i think we're all frustrated with congress. not you specifically, but maybe some others. thank you so much congresswoman. >> thanks. >> jesse: cohost of the five, judge jeanine is here. all right you are batting cleanup. anything you have heard today so far that you think you may want to weigh in on? >> i think one of the most significant things that happened today is what everyone has been talking about and that is when michael cohen says he called the former president bodyguard to speak to the president. except we know from text messages and other information that he was an excellent communication at exactly that time about a 15-year-old --
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14-year-old boy who was bothering him. here is my concern. when blanche says, isn't it affect you were lying about that? he said no, i spoke to donald trump and told him i had the stormy daniels thing done, it was a done deal. the problem is if he didn't have that information of those text messages and the prosecutor knew that that information was coming out, was the prosecutor supporting perjury? was the da office supporting perjury, allowing michael cohen to be on the stand and say during those 96 seconds, that he was speaking to the president about stormy daniels when in truth, all of the evidence that you interlaced, the text messages show he was talking to keith schiller about this 14-year-old. >> jesse: does it mean that the prosecution may be thought that this was not going to come out? >> yes! >> jesse: they hung this guy out to dry, hoping on cross, it would not come up. and then bang khaki just perjured himself.
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>> i wouldn't go so far is to say they were hanging him out to dry, they were propping him up. go up and let's make sure that we convict donald trump. >> jesse: and that speaks to the corruption of the prosecution. >> do i have to say more? they have a case that is beyond the statute of limitations. they have come to the end of their case, they have not proved the previous case, any defence attorney worth hazard her salt would stand up and say, your honor,, i would request a directed verdict of not guilty based upon the lack of evidence. has anyone out there ask themselves, has anyone heard any evidence that donald trump had anything to do with the bookkeeping of the books in the trump administration and that he was directing how michael cohen be paid? no! we knew from all of the witnesses that donald trump had just signed checks that came from new york because he was running the company and the trump organization. >> jesse: how many billion-dollar ceos are marking their books every quarter unrwa no one does that if they are the
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president! >> it was going to michael cohen but the president is not a book informant. he is not a bookkeeper. here's the bottom line, we don't even know what the crime is that they are alleging that bootstraps this into a felony. and at the end of the day, everyone on the prosecution case helps the president. they all said that he was concerned about milani a khaki was a great boss and this guy's a dirt bag. >> jesse: you know what else we don't know? what that word means. >> it is evidence. >> jesse: i'm speaking for myself. >> it is proof of a crime. they have not even made the fundamental first hurdle. >> jesse: i need a dictionary when the judge comes on the show, thank you very much. we will see you tomorrow on the five. >> i will be there. >> jesse: you better. >> and then were going after that. >> jesse: you're going to a party? we will not tell you where. too many men. johnny, mr manners. >> why do men hold the door open for women? >> to look at their but.
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>> jesse: fox news alert. joe biden's cash is mysteriously disappearing. we just got our hands on biden's financial disclosure. in 2022, the president head between 900 grand and $2 million in cash. last year, biden reported between 700 -- 700,000 and $1.4 million in cash. how was the president of the united states going through that much cash that fast? is two homes have low rates. and everything else in his life is paid for. he also took out a quarter million dollar line of credit on his house. what does he need that much cash for? and where is it going? is it to pay lawyers for the
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special counsel investigation? or to pay hunter's lawyers? or to pay someone else? today we found out hunter biden's lawyer does not have enough resources to defend him. because hunters sugar brother is tapped out. after loaning hunter over $6 million, no more sugar. and hunter is in debt up to his eyeballs and has two trials in the same month. june 3rd is the felony gun charge in delaware and june 20th are the tax charges in la. president joe biden is terrified that hunter will be sentenced to prison. quote, he worries about hunter every single day. from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to sleep. that will only pick up during the trial. biden will have to pardon hunter this year. after the election. whether he wins or loses. and hunter trials will collide with the first debate in june. the president's son could be freshly convicted on felony gun charges and in court on tax
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evasion charges while he walks onto the debate stage. biden needed the debate early to give a jolt to his sagging campaign and to give him room to recover in the summer if he bombs. but if he does, maybe no one will notice. >> the first debate will be next month which is the earliest a presidential debate has ever been. and if we're being honest, in early debate feels right for these guys. biden and trump will mean on june 27th on cnn and one of biden's debate conditions was not having an audience. so that explains why it is on cnn. >> jesse: nancy pelosi does not think biden debating trump is a good idea at all. >> i myself would never recommend going onstage with donald trump. but the president has decided that is what he wants to do. i think the format he is suggesting is a good one. >> jesse: of course nancy likes the mute button, tapper
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moderating a no audience. no one is confident sending joe into a life to our debate. his own white house does not even want the public to hear him talk. i think both candidates should probably agree to a drug test beforehand just to make sure no one is juicing in the locker room. remember when special counsel interviewed joe about his sloppy classified documents and his open garage and determined he was to mentally unfit to be charged? those interviews were recorded. but today, biden just blocked of the tapes from being released. they do not want us to hear the president sounding diminished so they exerted executive privilege. they revoked trump's privilege to keep documents he was entitled to and then invoked privilege to hide biden being interviewed about documents he was not entitled to. we do not see how anything get any better for biden. 's son is facing two trials, inflation is not going down, of the border is still open, russia just broke through the lines in
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ukraine and hamas is digging in and shifting the guerrilla warfare. the democrats are even considering taking some of their convention virtual to avoid protests. some democrats even want to cancel the convention. not michelle. we are joined by a former white house press secretary and cohost of outnumbered. where do you think joe biden is losing all of that cash? >> i think you hit the nail on the head. legal bills. this is not an expensive. kevon to your point, has spent all he can. you get someone a 6 million-dollar loan, first of all. that is what he did for these legal bills and you know joe biden is showing some of this out as well so i have to figure it is that were the double chocolate chip ice cream that he eats way too much. but i would think that hunter biden's fingerprints would do something in the way of compensating these guys. i've hundred thousand dollars of
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painting and he was apparently selling a lot of them? i mean, that adds up quick. >> jesse: that does add up quick. and how is a 6 million-dollar loan -- it is not a loan. i was $6 million not election interference? how is that not a campaign contribution? when you are trying to affect an election so you keep the president's son out of prison? i don't know where they are on that one but we have to look into it. how about this debate. is this thing really going to happen? do you think we will see two or one? maybe c3? >> i initially thought zero. but now i think to. i think joe biden committed khaki has dug in, he has to do that. but there is no way he does more than that, no way. unless, jesse, the expectations are so low that biden, all he has to do is not fall over. he just needs the state of the union cocktail, whatever that was that i'm going to guess year that there is some sort of something, even if it was just
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read bulk, some sort of something that got him through the teleprompter. so the state of the union cocktail will need to be out in full force. if he gets past the first khaki goes to the second confident khaki gets demolished and the second and that is it, we do not see from the guy until november. unless he is replaced at the convention with f which is highly probable if he cannot get past the first debate. >> jesse: you never know, it is in chicago. and let's talk about confidence. you can tell a lot about someone's confidence by the people around them and what they are plotting. because we now hear that kamala harris has an exit plan. that if she loses this november, she may run for governor of california. >> have you heard? that vice president harris is telling friends that she may go back to california and run for governor at the election if it does not go her way?
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>> that is news to me. i would say this. the vice president has been a great partner to this president. he is appreciative of all the work that she has done, it is impressive what she has been able to do. >> jesse: she just wants options. what's wrong with options? >> that's it. apparently it was reported she jokes with friends about this, let's hope its just a joke. because i don't think you could drive california further into the ground. but she may give them a run for their money on that. may be she just wants the job so she can pardon all of the guys she locked up for small marijuana convictions now that she is the weeds are. but wow, you would think if you fail so bad at your first job, i think it's pretty categorical to say she failed she has a 30 something approval rating khaki would get the hand to go take a lucrative job somewhere, go run aboard, she will have all things at her disposal. but she wants to stay in the game. it is like joe biden he got a taste of political life and he
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spent his entire life trying to make it to the top and he finally did. this lady is not giving up. >> jesse: she is just a dog with a bone. i don't know if you are right about california. i don't think anyone can be worse than gavin but it will be fun to see that put to the test. thank you so much kailey. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: happy dei thursday! [ ♪♪ ] when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market.
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unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. >> jesse: fox news alert. we have confirmed that two jordanian nationals try to crash their way into a military base earlier this month and it was covered up. on may 3rd, the two unnamed man rolled up to quantico and a box truck acting like they work at amazon. the military police knew something was fishy when they cannot show credentials so they waved the truck over to do an inspection. and according to a spokesman, of the driver ignore their directions and tried to access
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the base. before soldiers threw up barriers in their way. the jordanians were then detained and handed over to ice. was this a foiled terror plot? we have no idea, no one will tell us, no one is touching the story. thankfully, our very own peter challenge binder to open up. >> the deputy director of ice is telling us two jordanian nationals are in removal proceedings now after posing as amazon delivery drivers to crash the gates at quantico. does the white house think this may have been a failed terrorist attack? >> i will be mindful of these two jordanian see were speaking of remain an ice custody and given that it is an active law enforcement matter, i will have to refer you to ice. i cannot dive into this because, again, there is -- this is a law enforcement matter. >> jesse: wasn't in the binder. this comes months after a chinese illegal was caught driving onto a military base in california. we are seeing a pattern here. we will keep you updated.
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major scandal rocking the nfl. players in big trouble. not for doing drugs, bedding or beating women, but because he is christian. the kansas city chiefs, or delivered a commencement address to a small catholic college in kansas. during his speech, he talked about his faith, blasted biden as a fake catholic and ripped dei. but this is what freaked out the national football league. >> for the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. how many of you are sitting here now about to cross the stage and are thinking about all of the promotions and titles you will get in your career? some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. >> jesse: he said that educated young women excited to pursue a career might even be more excited to fall in love. and have a family.
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well the view thinks he is mentally ill. >> i think he has mother issues. he probably was left alone because she was busy with her career khaki is angry. and this is my armchair therapist. that's my issue with a guy khaki has big mother issues so get a therapist. >> there you go! >> jesse: what they won't show you is that right after saying that, the kicker started crying, gushing over his wife. >> i am on the stage today, able to be the man i am because i have a wife who leans into her vocation. i am beyond blessed with the many talents god has given me but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl i met back in middle school would convert to the faith and become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all, homemaker. >> jesse: no one loves women
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more than prime time. if women pursue careers, rate. motherhood is amazing. balancing them both is incredible. although i do not love the idea of my wife going to work and being bossed around by another man. but the point is that being a husband or a wife back a father or a mother is what makes us human. not what job we have. but the nfl through a flag on the speech. they are distancing themselves from the kicker. quote, he gave a speech in his personal capacity. his views are not those of the nfl as an organization. the nfl is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger. weight, call and trashed the cops and the whole country. the nfl did not say anything about that. but this guy says women should look forward to marriage and they distance themselves? do you have any idea what happens on a weekly basis in the off-season of the nfl?
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armrests, car accidents, domestic disputes. i do not hear the nfl distancing the good news is that fans are sticking with him. this week, his jerseys are outselling his teammates in both men's and women's sizes. grace curly, host of the grace curley show joins us now. why are they so upset about this comment? >> it is really crazy because i understand there was a lot of the speech that people have a different opinion on and that is, okay,, it is his point of view khaki is allowed to share it. but this point in particular is very disturbing that people find this so offensive because he was not diminishing anyone for their choices. he was raising up women who do choose to have families and letting them know that it is very fulfilling and brings you a different level of joy. and i don't see what is wrong with that. and actually, the response he has received is more confirmation that it does not get talked about and off. because clearly if this is how
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people react to it, that is an issue, that is something that as a society, we need to figure out. wire the women on the view attacking this man for gushing over his wife and explaining what a wonderful thing she does for him and his family? it is very strange. it is something that i think we need a therapist on the view to figure that whole thing out. >> jesse: why is it offensive now to the nfl to say that women make great wives and mothers? >> i do not think anything is offensive to the nfl. as you just mentioned, they're acting like he committed a violent crime. although no, because if he committed a violent crime, they would not say anything, clearly they are not offended. i think the nfl is obsessed with getting people to think they care about women and you know what, i'm starting to think they don't. believe it or not. >> jesse: they care about women watching. i think that is the ultimate point. thank you so much grace. johnny hits the streets.
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>> should men have to pick up the bill on the date for their women? >> otherwise you are not gettind dessert. [ ♪♪ ]s al i grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing my family here to gear up for all of our adventures together. and now, bass pro shops club members enjoy special savings and earn points toward free gear, which is rewarding when buying what you need for your next adventure. spending time outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones... that's an earnhardt family tradition that i'm proud to carry on. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with
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>> we will do this on a weekly basis. >> dei is something we all have. >> jesse: happy dei thursday, our favourite day of the week. we are bringing you the best stories about diversity, equity and inclusion. first up. a california professor was arrested yesterday during an arab spring break protest. she is an assistant professor at uc irvine where she teaches african-american studies, gender and sexual studies and of course queer studies. she specializes in black political thought and african feminism, yes there is more than one. she has even written a book called waste of a white skin. and it explores how black feminism, black internationalism and the black radical tradition affects politics of white poverty on black people's life
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work and political resistance. no surprise she had a meltdown when the cops pulled her off campus and cuffs. >> they are destroying the campus and undoing a democratic peaceful protest! arch chancellor who was a very cruel man! decided to send thousands of dollars worth of state funding paid for by the taxpayers into the trash! >> jesse: dei is alive and well at the capitol. where bernie sanders has a problem with the american medical system. no, not just too expensive, to many white doctors. >> when black, with tina patients have access to black, latina american doctors, their health outcomes substantially improve. >> jesse: and down the hall, a representative has an angry message. are you ready? to many men.
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>> there is not one woman on this panel. i almost walked out just on the strength of that. only reason i didn't is because that is a systemic issue here in congress and often for people who have come before this committee. and if you do not have one woman and a position of leadership and authority that should be there, that is also a problem. >> jesse: meanwhile, nbc streaming service peacock just dropped a trailer for the series, queer planet. just in time for pride month. turns out the entire animal kingdom is by curious. >> everything you were told as a kid's wrong. [ ♪♪ ] >> gay penguins, bisexual lions, sex changing clown fish. >> this is a queer planet. >> the idea of having to fixed sexes is clearly out of style. >> mother nature is pretty open-minded. >> jesse: and no dei thursday is complete. they try to infiltrate the comedy world and after a decade
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of looking over their shoulders, comedians are realizing that offending people does not matter. it is all about making us laugh. just ask sebastian. >> i don't really edit myself. i don't know, i have been all over the country. and if you like the people that are coming at least to my shows, are dying to laugh, weather it be appropriate, inappropriate. i hate to use the term inappropriate. you z. >> jesse: have you been on your best behaviour? how are your manners? we scent johnny to find out. [ ♪♪ ] >> what is the proper way to say hello to someone? a handshake? give a little hug? do a kiss on the cheek? i will not kiss you. >> typically in from new york so saying what's up, how are you doing? >> puerto ricans love to guess. >> joe biden says he's puerto rican. would you kiss him? >> no. >> i will do it twice.
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>> hello. just saying hello. >> italian, obviously kiss on the cheek is the way to go. >> we need a new approach. and i have some ideas. >> why do men hold the door open for women? >> to look at their but. >> respect. >> its courtesy. >> you want women to open the door for you? >> sometimes. >> try to be respectful. >> what if a man didn't hold it open for you, would you do? >> i'd be upset. >> we need to kick that [ bleep ] door down! >> when you were eating at a restaurant and your food comes before everyone else's, is it okay to just again? >> i will munch and have the best time of my life. >> i don't want it to get cold, i will eat. if you get mad that's on you. >> if you are a greedy person, i would say yes. >> it is awkward, almost just to eat and everyone is waiting there. [ ♪♪ ] >> should men pick up the bill on a date? >> for sure, 100%. >> otherwise you're not getting dessert.
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>> women should pay the bill sometimes. >> maybe once in a while. >> you're okay paying the bill for a man? >> absolutely. want to go to lunch? >> you've got the greatest skin in the world. >> is it okay to be fashionably late? >> i'm a girl so if i say i will be out the door in five minutes that means 30. >> if you look good. if you look bad, you better be on time. >> if you are late calculate, bleakly happens. >> what if they get mad at you? >> [ bleep ] them. >> sorry to keep you waiting, on the caden business. >> how much do you tip your cooper driver? >> i do anything extract. >> not a temper. >> 20%. >> i don't tip huber, i walk everywhere. >> get in loser, we are going shopping. >> when you walk your dog, it is okay to put the dog poop in your neighbors trashcan? >> i wouldn't want someone to put their dog [ bleep ] in my garbage. >> they're all garbage cans. >> it's [ bleep ]. it's like you're [ bleep ], your dog bleakly not my dog [ bleep ] >> i have to deal with this because i have neighbours that
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do that, it takes me off! >> how do i keep the poop? >> it's better than not picking it up at all. >> if they see you or you can see them peeking through the window, put it in your own trash. [ ♪♪ ] >> when was the last time you were a thank you note? >> does a text count? >> no. >> a long time. >> sicily, 1922. [ ♪♪ ] >> who has better matters -- manners? joe biden or donald trump? >> biden. >> 's that's who you're voting for? >> i didn't say anything. >> i like that dress, let me see her gown. [ cheering and applause ] >> what's wrong? >> donald trump has better manners because he keeps it real. >> if you call someone fat, it is career ending. we are all fat! >> does jesse watters have good manners? >> i don't know, who is she? >> she's a guy. >> i love it, hello jesse! >> who is jesse watters? >> he is a fox news host.
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>> [ bleep ] faksa. >> you're on fox. >> i am? i love fox. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: a workout routine that will change your life, right back. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> i have a new exercise routine i know you've been dying to hear about it. instead of doing 30 minutes of your normal workout all at once i just work out every hour i'm awake or follow me. when i take out the trash that every time i jog down and do 50. picking up jesse junior's toys in the garage bang out some polyps. going on a morning hike, work in a little lunge, backward and forward lunge. that's right. good for michaela. it's all on this new book i'm reading, good energy. michaela's reading it to. we highly suggest it.
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evan from florida, did you remember to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep last night we i did but jesse junior woke me up smack dab in the middle. met in west virginia, regarding coal and if he throws a fit you must quit. very good. him from leadville california. you have dissent and a signed copy of get it to get a picture we put him in the get it together seriously i don't think he has completely gotten it together. pete from porta, connor sugar brothers out of sugar? why doesn't he sell hunters are clear that's the thing they did sell the art. they still need more sugar lisa from south carolina learned a new word today, rima fosse. you're show so educational. i also know why men open the door for women. this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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