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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 16, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> former president trump team is grilling the former attorney michael: right now they are back in session after a short break is a little while ago, and for a michael cohen it is all about the history of rice and painting a picture that is motivated by revenge. hello, everyone this is "outnumbered" i am kayleigh mceany here with kayleigh mceany and also joining us today emily compagno, tammy bruce, and how stuff that then ferguson podcast and cohost of the verdict ted cruz, ben ferguson. michael cohen right now on the stan cross examination taking a couple of days and we are facing some heat meanwhile the former legal advisor plate claims that he has been lying again and again. robert previously worked for the southern district of new york and he ate it, and 2018 after he
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was hit with federal charges, yesterday he was called to testy before lawmakers and they say that he was not involved with any payments made to stormy daniels and earlier today they reiterated that and michael cohen is motivated by revenge watch this. >> was michael cohen at the first day of regency hotel when he was suicidal by his own admission, because he had peace and never miss legal problems coming his way that was so bad in his mind he was willing to kill himself, so i kept on going back and suggesting to him that listen, michael, if you have something truthful on donald trump, now is the time to cooperate. and he kept on saying over and over again, ten or 20 times, i swear to god i do not have anything on donald trump. he kept saying i have nothing on donald trump and then when we got into the discretion of the stormy daniels nda, he said specifically, and i cross-examined him on this, this
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was my idea. it was his idea to take care of the nda because we have been contacted by a lawyer for stormy daniels who said that she was going to claim that donald trump had sex with her, i didn't believe the allegation but nevertheless -- that was michael cohen's words. >> if he was lying now was to say he wasn't lying then? >> here's the other thing, donald trump when he went to washington, d.c., and was elected, he took the whole truck inner circle to washington with one exception. michael cohen. he negotiated with this guy for nda and yet you are telling him how annoyed you are that donald trump did not take you to washington where you can be attorney general chief of staff? you don't think that sitting on this guys mind when he writes a book called revenge, went to jail and was left alone in new york, i think that was his
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motivation now. >> harris: overarching data some damage to michael cohen right there, there was a discrepancy, with some of the timeline and that could be problematic with the defense but otherwise, what a person to have understand again michael cohen. >> kayleigh: right and you talk about the timeline of the nda so that if something he needs to clear up before the election and not after. but costello i find them to be very authentic and what he is saying is is really important. imagine you are sitting at home, and prosecutors come to you or your attorney come see you and you are staring down jail time, you will very likely go to jail do you have anything on donald trump? what are you going to do that situation? we know what michael cohen was about to do, according to costello, contemplating jumping off the roof of the new york city regency, he was suicidal that's how much these legal matters were way down on him. in that moment when you are
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looking at your beautiful family you are thinking about suicide if you have anything on donald trump do you think you're going to hand it over? i would maintain the answer is yes but what did he say to costello he said that according to costello, each time michael cohen said to me i swear to god i do not have anything on donald trump. he didn't give it up then, but now all of a sudden he changes -- he's out on this big tour, aunt tiktok, sold books previously but what costello said is huge. unless there is some information we do not know, you're coming in as a witness but you point out the one discrepancy you are standing up against a towering tall tower of lies from michael cohen, verses may be the nda got the wrong year. >> harris: the timeline is usually the backbone of many cases. so it would come up and they would have to adjust that and move on. it could be a memory thing or a mistake, we are talking one year versus a different year in terms of what he said, but the point of all of this, that you just
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hit on is critical. you would call him as a defense witness even after it, is not even? it is not like the difference is losing right now. >> kayleigh: no they are not losing and that is a fair calculation to make but he underscores so much what the defense's take, i would want him to nail home the inaccuracy of michael cohen, i would also point out that he says that michael cohen said that he paid the nda himself because he did not want to cause harm to the family of donald trump and he did not want him a lot he had to find out and that goes into the argument that donald trump cared about his family. there's a lot of things to gain. >> ben: i also think if you go back to the payment, and i want to read this, costello testified that michael cohen's motivation for this became obvious, he had desires to work in the trump administration after the 2016 election. michael cohen, apparently thought that he was going to be
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made into the attorney general of the united states of america. or at least, chief of staff of the president. so if you want to know why you would pay the payment and why you would take the heloc off to make the payment and why you would try to do this, honestly if you think about it, you go back to donald trump afterwards you say i'm hooked it up and i kept it quiet and you didn't know about it a and i took caref it and it took my own funds out and headed for my wife because she does the finances, now is my paid out want chief of staff rv webster america, it just tells you how insane michael cohen was in general because there was no chance he was going to become the attorney general of the united states of america he wasn't on any list, but he thought he could probably buy his way into that job which also tells you about how corrupt of the individual and how untrustworthy he is, it is almost like you are holding him for blackmail -- >> harris: if not almost like that it is like that, his own
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client, while he was contemporaneously giving right for client advice. that is an ethical violation of rules violation here new york -- has a lot of problems to it but your point is well taken. this was a guy who was willing to do anything to get what he wanted but also he is over aggrandizing for if you think she's going to run the white house for the president -- >> ben: at minimum, i cannot wrap my head around this on michael cohen who have no experience with these jobs actually believed that he was literally at the top of the list for that job with donald trump and then at the bare minimum to make his constellation price is okay we will be chief of staff. that is insane. it tells you about this guy and there's a reason why he successful aunt tiktok right now and that is it. >> harris: that is what others have told me today. people are saying, look you are winning this case if you could just hit michael cohen and emily? >> emily: a few different
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points that i think help to round out as one of the shape of: as a interesting party in the outcome. that sense of desperation. in costello as we said earlier, he also talked about the fact that michael cohen likes to cherry-pick emails and messages obviously to bolster his position, but the whole point is that the journey is getting a small slice of the end of the sea here that the motive behind it is clearly a district man. i cannot underscore enough the links a person will go through when they feel desperate and we have seen this in art criminal justice system, financially, fraudulently, criminally, so the motion that he felt somehow dismayed and discard it and somehow betrayed, by donald trump and his family was also played earlier this morning during cross-examination or those in audio for podcast made where he repeated what trump did to me and my family but it's unclear what that means, what are you talking about? because the investigation into michael cohen had nothing to do
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with trump but if that's the trail of mapping the ambassador of sweden that is not exactly grounds for a true betrayal. i point this out to underscore again the length of his desperation and that there is so much more to this and i thought something that struck me about castella's interview this morning about fox is the amount of evidence frankly that he has that the prosecution has ignored. we know that they could to the criminal justice system that that prosecutor they must turn over any evidence that is in the defense's favorite. >> harris: why do you think they didn't? >> emily: because they never got it. they cherry-pick certain things that's why some people has not been subpoenaed. if there is anything in trump's favor, which is so much, the 99% of this type of the story, does not exist. >> harris: one click want to follow up with you before i go to tammy, why make michael cohen your last witness? that cannot be a good thing for
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the prosecution. >> emily: they see him as a weak witness for the credibility issues and everything we have been discussing, he is the most incredible liar -- because they set the scene earlier to distract the jurors, here is a salacious testimony from stormy daniels, porn star. here are business records you cannot follow because it's confusing. we are hoping that you believe this, keep in mind the generalist, our generous are reporting that they were yelling from the audio recording that was being reported so clearly he is showing his behavior as well. >> tammy: again to that point, when you have a week witness like there's someone who cannot be trusted, you bring in someone who can corroborate that. that is the final person that they do not have that -- the jury is in a notice in the two notice lawyers can i notice that everyone is trying the wrong conclusion. and to the point about his
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attitude about being attorney general or anything else gives you a sense of a man who is not going to be an attorney, because that was his argument about donald trump that he was micromanaged and now he's thinking he's gonna be the attorney general. that is not -- that is a chihuahua, that is what he is portraying himself as a friend believes himself to be the german shepherd. that is what he thinks it was, that is his problem. >> harris: i didn't know that was part of the title but -- that's what i heard from michael cohen. we will continue to watch the courthouse, waiting to see if the former president comes out to speak with reporters. by the way out on the other lot outside, a whole lot of surrogates and supporters for the former president and last check they have wrapped up but there were many lawmakers who have data, we should do a big chunk of that last hour. defense attorney right now is grilling michael cohen about
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wanting to see the former president in jail, senator tim scott joins us up next with reaction. stay close
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>> todd blanche is pressing michael cohen on cross-examination as we speak, the prosecution's star witness is being questioned about his hopes of joining the former president's administration, those hopes were high as we've learned. south carolina senator and former g.o.p. senate it tim scott joins me now for more on the historic trial, welcome to "outnumbered." >> yes, it is good to be the show and god bless your success it's remarkable to see us and it is a blessing from the good lord. >> kayleigh: a blessing
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indeed. senator scott we have seen a lot of the vice president cont contenders, at the courthouse with the former president and you want high on the less i imagine a top person based on everything i have read do you think we will see you monday at the courthouse? >> i have enjoyed being with the president just a couple of days ago and we celebrated $10 million coming into his campaign, being a part of the process is defending the president anyway i am asked to do so because i believe in america's future and i know that future is better with trump as our commander-in-chief. frankly as the ceo of our economy so i will go wherever they asked me to go so i can be a part of the process of making sure that people who grew up in poverty today, like i did, years ago, they have the same type of optimism. i grow up in the reagan revolution, trump's revolution has been bigger he has done the best job. so keeping him off the campaign
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trail is the democrats way of destroying the future of inner-city kids and role kids. so whatever it takes, count me in. >> kayleigh: you made a very important connection there, what the american kids care about is exactly what you said. nats getty children having the ability to grow and not have inflation or those go she does but he seems to me and i'm curious about your opinion on te entirety of president biden strategy revolves around this court cases is no coincidence he wants to debate after the trial just after the immunity case decision comes not from the supreme court in a corner where you had the fulton county indictment, he is selling merchandise about this case in fact how essential is what happens here to president biden's messaging and that the rate? >> there is no question that they have a strategy and the timing fits their strategy. i think of it as being disgusting, degrading, and below the office of the presidency, to
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use that as a marketing tool for reelection. taking your opponent and sticking him in a courtroom. let's be honest, d.a. bragg is making a contribution to the democratic national convention party by keeping trump off the trail. the great news is we live in america, and americans are disgusted by a two-tier justice system. that is one of the reasons why, donald trump's numbers are going up in the polls. it is remarkable, all across the nation, americans are now voting with their feet and forwarding with the attitudes towards the photo president. they want justice in america, they want lady justice wearing a blindfold. it is absolutely clear that in this administration, the biden administration, where they you are in new york or atlanta or in washington, d.c., it is impossible for the former president to get a fair case,
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but i have confidence in the american people, the one thing americans do not want is for the american people to decide the outcome of the election in november. they do not want that, so they are trying to engineer the outcome they want. it is the ultimate election interference. >> kayleigh: just news came out, saying that president biden has accepted a vice presidential debate from cbs he put down to potential dates, one of which is in july and in august, there is a high likelihood that you may go toe-to-toe with vice president kamala harris. should you go toe-to-toe with her, i would like to see how you would respond to this new messaging that she has put forward on the issue of life listen to this. >> one does not have to abandon their faith, or deeply held beliefs to agree that the government should not be telling her what to do with her body. if she chooses what to do with her past or even her rabbi -- it
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should not be fit government what telling her what to do. >> kayleigh: a big issue so what if the response? >> the secretary said to poor black woman that they are better off having an abortion and said that the labor force participation rate of black women and poor black women would go up. here's what i would say in response to no matter where i am, i am a trial born in poverty and i think god almighty that my mother made the decision for life for me, but more importantly, trump has the issue right. it is a state issue, it belongs in the hands of the state. that we should also make sure that we remind the american people that it is the democrats that have the most radical position on abortion. they want abortion up until the day of voice -- and frankly even infanticide is on the liberal
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elite table, allowing a trial to be born and then killed. it is discussing. >> kayleigh: we would love to see where they draw the line again proving why you are a high, where happy to see and we hope to see what comes next. thank you very much. here is a live look on the courthouse where trump is now drilling michael cohen about the past flies included the testimony to congress and the list of people michael cohen has blamed for his own action. the list is long, we are monitoring all the new developments keep it here. that . about what the future looks like. for me. i may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where i'm comfortable and my friends are nearby. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. someone who can help me live right at home.
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overall we are way up. we are up by five or six or seven points and we are getting the word out, and i like to be in these various states campaigning like anybody else. this all comes out of the white house, and it's not justice. this is all them. >> emily: lashing out this morning about being stuck in court, but recent poll shows that despite what happens in the courtroom republicans are saying they are sticking with him. 4 out of 5 saying they would still back trump even if he's convicted in this case, and republican voters in georgia told msdc that the legal battles have made them want to support trump even more. >> has this trial change your opinion even cause you to wait for a question at all? >> no, it has actually caused me to support him more. >> it feels like they are picking on him and people are tired of going after him.
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>> i have talked to many people who firmly identify as a democrat they have changed their political persuasion and they are looking forward to voting for donald trump because now they find something in common with the political canada at that level. >> they have felt persecuted by the system in american justice. and it is not a stretch for them to think that trump might be a victim as well. people see that there is calm commonality between himself and maybe all the black men that have been incarcerated. >> tammy: i've been saying this for a year now on the show in other places, this is -- this support is baked in regardless of what happens when we saw mar-a-lago and that insane raid in those police cars and that night going into this house, the american people saw something deeply unfair, and i love senator scott makes god's word, engineered dynamic, and it is also unfair and inviting
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everything that trump has been saying, that there is to tears at the system is unfair they go after people it is weaponized and all of that has been proven out. so if they are willing to do that at mar-a-lago and doing 91 indictments and the support wasn't just that it state, but also increased, i anticipate that they will put him in jail, but i anticipate everything and my support increases, because now it is engineered and it's a game it's not something to trust and that then ripples into everyone's opinion about the justice system from their town, to their cities, to the states, to the federal government, it is obscene think they're going to this country making everyone distressed everyone else. yes of course defunded the police and discriminative labor now the messages we are in control of everything if we will do this to him we would do this to you so sit down and shut up and take it the american people in november i'm going to make a statement and it is not that they are not acquiescing to it
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is that's this continues. >> kayleigh: quick clarification would that be for the jack warner? >> tammy: they will find something may present gag order, even if he is in jail we have to anticipate with everything they've done they will go to the furthest point. >> emily: theatrics are not working people see through it. >> ben: i would've agree with you a few weeks ago but now they are having remorse over how far they have gone and i think they are realizing that if you put that out of former president of the united states in jail, this will be the bleakest political persecution backfired in the of this country. and i love every day that i get to talk to people around the country around my neck about michelle and the number of democrats that are now coming in and say i actually think this has gone too far, i hate trump and i did not like them, but there is a certain sense of saying if i'm concerned if they could do this to trump, with a
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do this to me? or my family? are my kids. if someone hates me or i stand up against the system? they are starting to remember and i go back to the fbi when they said that parents and the school board meetings where domestic parents, you cannot be stopped now and there's a real fear in this country right now of being put in jail for doing nothing wrong by every american. >> the jersey rally affected them as well. >> harris, people do not like le a unfair fight, they don't see -- what we just articulated is yes and also they are willing to see someone beat by their hands are strapped behind their back, that is never a positive. >> harris: find a way to take on the policies if you want to take on trump, him fairly in the arena. you hit the nail on the head. everything you said was true then but at the same time i think it was more basic than that. and i think that voters said
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that persecuted by a system of americans in justice, yes that is part of it but it is also this idea that why can't you all just get together and agree on the issues, where the american people -- people say they feel like they are invisible right now. everyone is focused on -- do you know who else feels like this? president biden, that's what he wanted to base to put the shannon himself no matter how you talk about this we talk about donald trump all day long and this is they're doing, this is the democrats doing. they have made their own toxic still and now they have to summon it and whether they do adjudicate this case whatever it is it is a fund-raising bonanza for him. >> emily: they said this in the last segment that the democrats did not want the american voters to speak for themselves so they are taken upon themselves to remove the candidate they can actually have a fair fight and argue the policies and own their votes. >> manufactured is a great word and great characterization
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but what you said is so true, today it is trump but tomorrow it will be you. we do not have to imagine it we have seen it is not just the parents but it's the radical people that was rescinded and they would hit up the people and catholic churches but in this actually happening to the pro-life community asked how a father of seven showed up at his house and thankfully we still have choice in this country but they have disproportionately targeted this community and we still have choice in this country and i pray that you have one who gives us a hung jury and what a incredible thing that will be to have donald trump less his own much exonerated. free on wednesday we will meet him exonerated. >> right now speak todd blanche is pushing michael cohen on his desire to be a part of the administration. pick me up. pick me up. admitting a short time ago admitting that it was for his ego. he actually expected that he
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call or go online now to request your free quote. >> will watching and waiting for trump, he may walk out of the stores before the next break and speak to reporters and if he does we will take you there. meanwhile the liberal media is marking trump and the republicans who support him. >> the people have been reported he is asleep, he is not a sleep is enraged. that is why he is so orange because i think he is right underneath. >> the only person who needed waking up in that room today was donald trump whose eyes remained closed for about 90% of the day. the old man sitting there and the defendant's chair, head
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tilted back, to the right, eyes closed. made it look like a trial at a nursing home. >> one thing hedge change in the republican party as they are being in the tank for donald trump, over the last five years it has change and become so much more take that they all now just like him as well. it was like they were rockettes. it is a little bit -- i don't know if they would do a -- trump donald trump cannot campaign in a conventional way because he is on trial. >> he does have experience with his mike being cut off. meaning that he has been sitting in court wanting very badly to respond to everything. his microphone cut off. >> they do outdo themselves. >> harris: that was my point earlier, you can't stop talking about him if you are on the left right now because your plan has not worked out, that is hurting president biden even further because if your own party were
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not chilly you, whatever they are doing with the other guy, they are laughing, none of that was really -- people are nothing to look to that ted not vote for somebody but they are talking about him. and it gets complicated because how could you not talk about a epic trial in our most populous city in america. how could you not talk about it? everyone is going to be covering it, they jumped in long before we did on this. if you look at it, it is true. now that we've seen michael cohen and porn star and the best of this case which was supposedly the weakest, some of the others have put a couple of them on hold indefinitely, a lot has happened and we are inching our way towards convention season. yes, it is in fact pay attention time for democrats it is payment time. >> ben: there are also not talking about anything happening in the courtroom and that's how you know they are losing. this is a you know what moment, where they say there's no details coming out towards trump there's nothing here substance that we can stick because if you
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had it you will go out there with breaking news on msnbc, trump in big trouble for this, there is none of that's another having to move to the cheerleading set of things, which is we've got nothing in this case. we have nothing to give you today, so we are going to go out there on tv and were going to try to convince you that all these other people standing behind them are bunch of as well. they are a bunch of idiots and cheerleaders that is make fun of him and let's mock him, the deplorable's, this is -- mock the other side, and act like they are a bunch of. >> those are -- i agree with you it is performative. and the thing that is so disheartening for me if this is supposed to be the fourth estate and this is supposed to be generous and they're supposed to cover the sensitive issues before it but the dramatic reading by cnn is so rock-bottom and so offensive to every criminal defendant out there and everyone who has set in a courtroom and felt the weight of the government there is nothing
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gleeful about it or joyful about it, and their mockery will come around because, is a strong woman. [laughter] >> all they need is group therapy it sounds like the local bar where people have already had a couple of martinis and they are complaining about the nature of a relationship breakup or about trump. it is -- but that is the problem, that is the insult. the numbers are not great for this type of shows because even liberals are tired of being insulted and tired of being the flat. >> then officiates the american people it just unites us and further divides us but that's what we come to expect from the media. a seat inside the courtroom is being called the hottest ticket in new york, people are paying big bucks for a chance to get inside. coming up next.
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>> trump teams continue to pick up out michael cohen, was he lying about the nda or is he lying now? our legal team is ready to go for you for the next few hours, and what is this trial really all about? is it the pursuit of justice or is it about getting a conviction and handing president biden ammunition for the first
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presidential debate, we will take that up to. join sandra and i at the top of the hour for "america reports" and we will see you then. >> former president trump's trial is historic. it is the first criminal trial against trump. there has been salacious testimony from stormy daniels, porn star. we are hearing a fixer, michael cohen, that republican lawmakers have flown to new york to speak out. it is a dramatic place. case of the century. >> emily: no wonder people are spending big bucks to go see it in person. "the wall street journal" calming a seat of the term try out the hottest tourist ticket in new york with the line for the few available spots in courtroom, forming before dawn. one man paid it to grand to give up his spot in line. then? >> ben: to grant is a lot of money to go see a court case. i will say, it would be fun to be in there and see how much the
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media is getting it wrong saint donald trump is asleep but this is kind of like sitting back in -- but he's not really asleep, if i was there yet is not true it is not happening, it's a part of history and i paid so much money to see sporting events in my life, if this is your super bowl, and you say you want to bother listening you say when the room i get it. i also love the method this i something to make children sitting in line for two hours god bless you. >> harris: nobody like this wanted to see president biden because those tickets were off the hook and it was all fund-raising for him. it was complicated if you are a new yorker. >> that is true you complete 300 grand to take a picture with that -- >> these stories are wild if you read "the wall street journal," one person flew from santa monica, california, and got up at 2:45 a.m. and proofread the trial and there was another couple who came here to celebrate their 21st wedding anniversary they went shopping and went to brunch in soho and
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the men woke up to go see the trim trial and i'm side my husband if you need to go see a trial in the middle of the night no. >> i have my own court case afterward that will be a whole nother trial for me. >> what about the johnny depp versus amber heard, there were crowds outside people flew in from europe it was i going to the terrorist swept concept. >> that's why this is off the hook obviously but it's not about entrepreneurship wherever standing in those lines, how much money but to grant $500,000 i love that about this country so good luck to everyone. >> there is nothing more new york is like that. >> can you sell your spot in line? >> people literally camped out overnight to see a supreme court case so it is a niche industry. >> no. [laughter] >> everyone would rather have
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seats to the mike tyson versus jake parr fight i'd rather be there. >> okay more "outnumbered" coming up next. they don't lose money. forward with their money, never backward. and we do it for our clients every day. if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's
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guide and see if it's right for you. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here.
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medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing. marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal.
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[music playing]
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has a new limited series coming to fox nation "vietnam: footsteps of my father" is available for streaming and follows harris' traveling the country track and her dad's comeback trail here's a sneak peek. >> at first take it. >> okay. >> here, okay? then sit down. >> then i sent down? speak up at your legs on her. speak all right. i'm really claustrophobic, people periods so i am claustrophobic. this is like the widths of my hips. did women get in here?
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omg. oh, my goodness, how could they stay in here? dad, this one is for you. all right, i will try to climb back out. arms out first? >> turned sideways. >> okay. i see the step. i think i've got this. all right. another step. okay. thank you. it's really hot down there. >> think about being an american soldier and it's turn to go down in there. >> go hunting be had, and that hole. >> a special breed of soldier. >> a special breed indeed. our warriors are amazing. america really needs to thank them.
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>> harris, it was obvious how brave you were in that moment. how you were getting over your claustrophobia. that looked like an incredible experience tell us more. >> you know what? it was necessary and thank you for that vote of confidence in me. some of these men guide to doing that. but they had dug miles and miles of tunnel, the vietcong, the warfare with the north vietnamese communist army in one of the tunnels was underneath my dad's base. they did not discover this right away. people started popping up and why is the enemy here and how are they getting an advantage they realized they got none of the base and that was a jungle outside of saigon we had it so hard with b-52s. the thought was we can move them out but you couldn't because the tunnels were togo and three levels deep. it reminded me, and i say this in the limited series, of hamas and how doug and they are.
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in gaza. this is how they are or were in 1967 when my dad was there. i learned from emily, so much. all of you, i mean it is a legacy point to me to get back to vietnam and to touch something that changed our entire family. my dad's younger brothers are in this, my uncles tim and ronnie, that is the only time you really ever see me shaken because i found out things about my dad i didn't know. he is gone now, christmas day of 2020 but i recorded four rules of engagement in 2018 and i never knew i would need them and i needed him to help me tell the story. watch. >> he would move up certain level and then back down. up and down until he was able to pull up. >> i pulled it up over the trees and start climbing.
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>> his plane was shot up. >> he says that was one of the scariest moments ever and he had so many close calls. it is a journey through it's what you say to a vietnam veteran and i are learned of the answer is welcome home, your service is not in vain. there was fighting and so much heartache over people who felt like the world was wrong. at the same time they were carrying out a mission. my dad was serving in the middle of the civil rights movement and he believes in this country. so much nobility in the warriors themselves and/or is hell, mistakes were made and now we could say welcome home and thank you so much. i hope people who watch this one understand how mighty services in this country. find your way to make america
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great. that's what my dad taught me. he was a true patriot. he said find your own way. my way was to fight for a country that hadn't learned yet he needed to fight for me. but that it would. he's tell me growing up i have full confidence where we are going isn't only better than where we have been with the best on the planet. that's why people want to come here. i felt closer to him, both of my parents, really, and i love this country so much i love even more now understanding we don't always win, we spent a lot of blood and treasure but the biggest you can ablate on the planet we left a mark on vietnam, please watch the series of dropped on fox nation this morning. you will get your patriotism and give. >> what an carmel man. >> your father was protected by the armor of god and the shield of faith. thank you, everyone here is "america reports."


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