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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 15, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> i'm jesse watters with the judge jeanine pirro piero, dane fowler greg gutfeld and others.t joe biden did his best clean ina -- clint eastwood impression challenging him to debates. has he's acting like he wants to debate me again will make my day pal i'll even do it twice. let's get the dates donald i hear you are free on wednesdays. >> noticed 5 jump cuts a 142nd video. trump accepted the challenge tot take on the worst president ine the history of the united stated in a true threat to democracy.t they talked to trash for monthso biden's own'n divisors don't wat him to do debates but it's personal for joe we're told
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sleep he is seething with hatred for donald trump because he dear calls out he has listed demands saying joe biden wants no third-party groups and they have the microphones cut when themics speakers and called up on. but is this really an attempt to change the conversation it's no secret joe is bombing in the polls. >> should we see this set an offer from the president to debate as a signal you realize you need to change the subject. >> i don't want t to get into polling any more details as itoh relates to the debate we need to talk to the campaign about it. >> we'll stand and during the prep? >> do >> you're saying i can go debate joe biden behind-the-scenes for as lon joeg as i >> that might be fun for both ou you.
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i don't have anything for you on that unfortunately but i appreciate the question. hea >> judge jenny and we heard this morning out of the blue what does it tell you about thereng strength of the biting campaign that he froze down the gauntlet? like this. >> number 1 he's trying to be a tough guy and number 2 it tells me his campaign is concernedt about the numbers. he has always wanted to debate because he thinks he's a greats tough guy with a great record. when he came in inflation wasat around 9% that's what he thinks but in addition to that i think his campaign is concerned andlo they know they are going to lose. if thectio electioweren were cad today they would lose.teni they listen to the van jones they listen to axelrod and c carville and theary know they ae in trouble but i think he is coming out offensively saying this is what we are going to do
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this is how we want it i don't want an audience and trump says not having an audience is because biden is afraid of them right but more than that they are saying i want to be a television studio. s you already want to be at the podium standing there win th whee cameras go one have joe biden and candidaterump donald trump no walking across the stage stumbling mumbling not figuring out where you are going and no large audience to respond to that. also i hear you are free on wednesdays i found that sod offensive not just becauseeryo obviously nobody note to have windows have a long relationshiph do with donald trump that you thi orchestrated this. the you're sticking the naysaying hate the courts open on wednesdays 1 is cnn as iunde
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understand june 27th. isn't that where they were ablee to get the questions to hillaryt clinton during this cnn debate with donald trump. >> it was a primary debate about bernie sanders.wa >> there was dona brazil and it was cnn and she lied about ital and admitted in the end they think it's a good thing and i think irrespective of the parameters i think he will do will. >> why does he want to do and ie the dead of summer.f >> a couple reasons 1 the story isis fascinating as i woke up tn morning there wag s a debate no0 it's0 5:00 and there are 2 ofs a them so that's fascinating.ll b by the time we go to bed there might be 3. there's a couple things here. thirst oval longtime problem with the presidential debate commission a very old way ofso
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doing things, also often times depending upon when the debate was scheduled people already start voting because of early voting or absentee votin, g i ao agree with the judge a little bit that for the biden team in the trump team the ideal of having a debate the beginning oh summer before folks go in summee hollow with -- holiday and tune into the election is a great way to bring these issues forward and there is interesting timing on this which makes it importanm to remember.eme june 27th is after the supremeri court issued most of the rulings for the term being a big gun ruling that comes out anoten abortion ruling coming out asth these candidates will be able tb tackle it because they will be talking about that.. second the trump team and bidenm team like let's make, it a 2 mn debate's we take third party candidates off the board second but removing the audience was ad value-added what we saw debate earlier this year with dana andi she had to spend half the timeof
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telling them to be quiet when they're millions of peopleople trying to make a decision. who's up and who's down when thh studio audience is in the bulkhk of the -- voters and viewers having just 2 candidates and moderator in the room letting the people focus the term and what candidate they want which is what the debate is about. >> what about th te microphonecu cutting there will be no crosstalk or interruptions does that take away from the spontaneity or does it let joet biden just talk and talk week.>d >> i could argue either way but it's probably good for donald trump and the reason is that when somebody you are debating is searching for wordsody and thinking about things and stumbling not saying stuttering but searching for words as thehe other person you have a tendency to help the other personnel even if you are competing against them or jumping in and saving them from that moment.stin i think it would be interesting
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to sit back and go i'll willu wait find the words you do thato that works in his favor and als. i'm okay on the audience thing there's a difference between aai primary debate where everybody in the room agrees on 98% of the issues and they are only arguing about 2% two-year point wednesdays not only was itundi undignified funny for them they are fundraising off of that. t-shirts free on wednesdays so there was that thing. also it's between biden and his team they reported biden as theo s1 who said i want to do this debate and finally at some poino when the president of the united states as i'm doing the debates and now you as a team after figure it out they hardwired it was cnn to get it done because every 20 minutes we had new information. mark penn was onn wa this morni a democrat centrist guy worked for bill clinton got him get reelected by moving him to the
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center saying it's an act ofh-ri desperation high risk high reward format for biden in particular but he needed to change the conversation he said in your opening the information this week has been so bad and i think june 27th i don't think it has anything to do with the supreme court i think his team was like we need 4 weeks to get it ready. >> a good point june 27th we might have a ruling on thehu hunter biden gun charge his son could be found guilty of the gun fell it knee. >> pfizer better send a big case of adrenaline shots to get him ready the edits it was like 13 seconds 5 edits less edits than a michael bay movie he couldn't even do that challenge in 1at straight shot i wonder what they left on the cutting room floor maybe that's why they hired steven spielberg just to get joe to seamlessly complete a
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.singular thought. he made a mechanical shark lookh real through the magic of c ouediting maybe you turn joe ino a cogent human being bringing cgi standing for corpse galvanizing in imagery he hearde whether people are hearing thart he's on his way out why do you do on your way out you set something in motion to make it harder for you to leave likeik when jessee volunteered to be r fire marshal hoping that wouldt buy him time at the network and it worked.wo why is he doing this some happye he's doing this glad i he's doi it may be joe told him to do it maybe it's easier to say you're going to do it and back out andb if this just buys you time and you can up with reasons for backing out there could be another new hoax they push that makes it sound like we cannot debate this man he's an debatable it's beneath us to debate and we don't even know
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what the hoaxes but they will find 1 or perhaps they are banking on him being found guilty and then they won't debate a felon or they keep t making conditions untenablhee og hope trump makes conditions untenable but i don't think he will. maybe they are trying to keep the republicans thinking that joe is the candidate when he really isn't. because they are in big trouble have to say i don't know whywoul biden would avoid debating it'sd 1 of the few things he's actually kind of good at the best biden is on the debate stage like we make fun of them that's where he really shineses and if you think i'm lying i am. i learned a lesson you don't want to build really, really low expectations for joe biden because it makes it easier for him to win with the media. a very low bar guarantees hebeca will be expectations because you
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go at least he's alive he didn't fall so i'm going to go aheadd and say right now take it out of joe biden is the bestor i presidential debater i've ever seen and it's about time he gets on that stage impossible to beaj >> master debater. >> the ladies of the view put a gag order on robert de niro after his profanity laced rant against trump. >> ♪ ♪ofan here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: the media is still coping with the fact >> the media coping with the fact that trump lâc™arche money trail is a turd tornado thattorn hasn't swayed public polling.
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they direct their disappointment at the trump policy for showing up to court also obsessing overs the orangehu nemesis getting sht eye during boring testimony.t ha >> 1 thing that changed in the republican party is they all nob dressed like him as well. they were all wearing the exactw same outfiert. >> i'm cheering for speaker mike johnson and yesterday was a vere sad spectacle for america as clo head tilted to the right eyes closed and made it like a triala at a nursing home. if he were found like that inndl his chair at a table in a nursing home during the lunch he would be immediately checked for signs of life.gns >> he is enraged and that's why he's sito orange because it's rd underneath. y
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>> easily 5 yeareas younger than trump and rachel maddow has been dressing the same for 20 years like wally cleaver the same clothes the start of dirty grant getting censored by the view after reaching likable saw a red maga hat. >> they may think it's making their life back or something. so most like he wants to do the worst they could possibly do to show this country. >> this. [ bleeps ] jesse i find the made himkn smarter when howe dropped the you causn see because people wep stuck inle some kind of derangement they can't see it themselves and they aren'tpeop surrounded by people telling them they have a problem and he
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lacks self-awareness becausene t everybody either tells him these wonderful wants a sullen cocaine so he has no clue what he's doing and is upset over the emotional thing.>> >> and remember is the most boring interview used to sell his movies on david letterman and jay leno is like watching a wnba game just bored to death and then trump became president and he start saying i want to punch the president in the face. cricket piece of. [ bleeps ] and all of a sudden he became interesting during his m mediaed tours and that's the only way he gets published city for his films by cursing and saying whatever he says. yes rachel mocked them foras wearing the same thing. the democrats all wore african tribal gear and kneeled forar
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george floyd. not what you wouldha call an american hero. the democrats all wear whitedram during the state of the union to honor suffragettes they stilley where ukraine pins a people whee thanks to show solidarity you will likely see red dnc blue at the eagles game and you're going to see green. they said the guys sleeping he's meditating is adi meditative state when you are defensive about something you avoid something trump isn'tn defensivge of being old and tird he can shut his eyes and not feel bad about it like sleepy jo it e. jes >> kind of what jesse said but not really. he represents hollywood in the sense they realize they lose influence with the public andic that's what generate, s the emotional response they've never felt less important. >> doesn't feel 2016 will live through that did they forget it feels they forgot that just thia
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week we had call a harris dropping that the group event whether it's trying to be likable or letting loose or whatever. >> she's drunk though. >> i don't think so. for them making fun of was republicans going to defendic presidenant trump if they thougt the trial was going well the trump is going to get convicted or the case was actually a goodn case to think for 1 second democrats wouldn't be there at the microphones they are running away as fast as they can. if they thought the case was going so well for them to thinko biden would sauly let's do deba and change the subject know they wouldn't need to.>> g >> speaker-01: judge there's a lot of things you never hear him get upset about and they are the real concerns an actual s anreal-life. crime illegal immigration inflation instead he's obsessed with these hypothetical what-ifi that trump will hold onto power.
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>> the amazing part of it is they keep saying this and they ask if i'm i'm living in a different world he was presiden for 4 years didn't do any of the things they are claiming he left office and the amazing thing is robert de niro's good when he'sa reading a script and a movie but he's not too smart and real-life he talks about trump being like hitler or mussolini and if iini, were the relative of somebody 1 of the millions killed by hitler or mussolini i would be infuriated how dare you comparee somebody who was president and may or probably will be the next president to a man who literallu butchered 2 human beings for no reason other than hate and yet we let them get away with it as if these were v of even talkingt about ital. and lawrence oh donald it'slawr amazing he would even talk abouv donald trump like that.wo you thinulk the democrats wouldt
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want to go near any story about an old man closing his eyes because joe biden is the 1 who falls asleep and nods his headel doing it several times doing internationally ended in theth white house i remember he was a winged sheriff another leader and not just closing his eyes he was going like this. they can hate all they want and look rachel wears a black suit every day that's her choice some but could come in and say that means x wires eat nobody cares if men wear red -- blue suit with a red tie what are you t going to wear it's ridiculous. they don't know what else tono say. >> when the other team what soe your team grabs clips of from the or sean hannity or jesse show they can say we are wrong but they can't say they are acting crazy like we have funis why is it on the other sidey would say the msnbc the cnn the view side when they actually
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appear like they have psychological issues the stuff so ingrained trump drains rentrg they are mentally ill robert deg niro was having problem since the therapist is getting paid a. lot is it because they don'ton't have a life outside of politicsd >> i'm not his fare best so ifk. you are his therapist call them up and let him know.let then wearing the same outfit sam whatever honestly. jesse just because i have to say this jesse wnba ratings are upcn now. >> is watching >> not only are they sold outbea there moving to bigger arenas because more people are buyingks tickets so shut out women's basketball right now.he >> great way to change the subject i will get to they had to do that.e i thinhak there's a lot of media coverage too much media coveragr around this trial because at the
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end of the day unlike the debate this trailer will be decided by the toll people in the jury box there were no cameras here orey there they are the ones receiving this information theyo are the ones to make the decision here all the prognosticating and pulling ontn what we think is going to happee is based on those individuals and beyond tha 12 t when it comy the voters how they will feelin about it year old 1 side of youb feel 1 way if you are on the other side you feel away about this those independents i don't think there there there hearingh about kitchen table issuesey. >> of their holding 3 jobs righe now that's an indictment of biden. >> not necessarily their voting for trump many are still undecided in the election which is whyan a debate next month wht talking about those issuesalrogn instead of prognosticating aboue a trial they decide with thempor most support thing.
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>> coming up. alvin bragg letting off copper migrants easy and it has a job - for them if they can swim. ♪ ♪ if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up
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so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: radical d.a. re fn brag >> alvin bragg's disgraceful priorities are front and center throwing the book at the likes of donald trump daniel penny and gos shop the soft on cop beating illegals reportedly offering a plea deal to 6 of the illegal immigrant suspects who violently beat nypd officers in january. and with no deal they werers b facing up to 7 years behind bars if found guilty the new york" post reports 1 of the suspects offered a plea deal was arrestel recently for a completely
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separate crime allegedly trying to steal close and perfume from macy's and is now free but a crime doesn't work out theya might havefu a future in new yo as a lifeguard the new york city mayor eric adams getting mocked like crazy after seriously suggesting t >> how do we have a large bodyp of people in our city and country that are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards and the only obstacle is we don't give them the right to become a lifeguard it doesn't make sense. >> i'll ask if that makes sense of mayor and makes to me a racist claim illegals are coming into the country are excellent swimmers and he wants them to bw lifeguards for children we don't know who they are whether they have a record are a pedophile and the whole idea he would
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prioritize the need forul lifeguardsd to all the other problem is in new york >> maybe he thoughg:t they all swam here something. is a lifeguards main job tomain enforce rules how do they do that no running unless it's from immigration agree that when you drown will you have to scream help in spanish. you know what kathy haut cole said mexicans have annoyed itca would've lifeguard inss i think. i felt. bad for mayor adams he'o no longer mayor of a city operating on rules he is drowning basically figuratively that's why he needs lifeguardsee because it's a sea of chaos what do you do it all makes sense now david angelo has a great bit we designate the most important jobs in the world's to teans. babysitter and lifeguard 1 taken care of your kids and infantshe and the other saves lives now we
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switch that to illegal hingimmigrants in a job which ye supposed to look out fores t people's lives to people we know nothing about but this is the consequence of false compassion we place illegal immigrants in this box of the oppressed soso t they have more rights than you do the actual citizen apparently there are people who are above the law because they already broken. >> dana and illegal who came here illegally you have no righa to bkee here and you make a decision to go if your friends beat up cops get them to the ground kick them in the headth punch them whatever and we pay for their attorney fees and p their translatorays room and bod and alvin bragg wants to cut them a deal this case is all on video all you have to do is turn on the video and say ladies and gentlemen of the jury make ay,
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decision m. >> it's not hard and what's sad. for me is for the new york city police officers who know the da doesn't have their back they can go out there they can get beat up arrest them they will be out the next day i worry about the future of recruiting cops losing 70 cops to retirement because we need their expertise here and we need to have their back today house republicans introduced several pieces of legislation basically backing the blue targeting soft on crime policies from das across the country but the pervasive rot ofe pe progressivism and social justicg rate there are things you can dn togs improve the justice system. this is certainly not 1 of them because it makes all of them unsafe and it reduces the quality of life we have in the city and not just here although we live here and we care aboutti its cities across america and
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it's little things here and there philadelphia st. louis los angeles san francisco denver it's happening in more places then we realize. >> jesse we talked about the mayor and the da i want to talk about the laura would specifically this judge as they read the transcript said she is furious 1 of the guys was rearrested saying she's fuming another slipup for you and you land behind bars. why didn't -- why didn't -- to the judge topic that when it wap illegal tos, begin with they bet up cops and they steal propertyy taking care than we have no ties to the community she saying to illegal for next time i'm realla going toll get serious. >> because she's a new york jud judge who believes in 5 or 6 or 7 chances no judge in theth heartland puts u tp with this yu know it and i know it. alvin bragg didn't cut of plea deal for donald trump but these
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people get deals it's insane donald trump coded illegible on a book. and we don't even know if he coded it these guys come across the country kick a cop in the head.a like guys go on along we have elections to interfere with goo about your how does he know they're good swimmers they floated across the rio grande i will bet judge the central american nations havein not g.a single medal and swimmie not a bronze not a silver not a gold i didn't do any researchi' going oum t on a limb. >> how unusual for you. they need to do more things to just swim they need to do cprth they nee ad to speak english and twirled the whistle if you keep on top going to these democratsl nobody ikis talking about theirr coming here toat be engineers ad b scientistse . come here and wait tables can you pick my crops can you be a
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lifeguard that's what's >> okay. what a but. the fact that all these illegals release id withot bail right kicking cops while they are down. so offensive to me. it so offensive to me you kick cops while they are down and yet i think they've got a whole area of people cursing at the cops and spanish while all of this is going on. do you think they would get ape break if those same people were doing the same thing wearing maga cats.ew >> a crime i ys a crime is a cri is a crime. wait a minute let me answer i think the fact they are getting a plea deal is unfortunate should get the book thrown ater them foric abusing a cop whether you are an american or undocumented a crime is a crime and you should be prosecuted for that makes it a different story heretw mean what the mayor saidn
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wasn't a'tn artful thing to sayi wouldn't say it that way at alle what he said after that is what matters is we have folks in new york who i would like to put them to work doing a lot ofo things and stuffth the rest scientists and nurses who cross the border there are doctors who across the border there's work to be done in new york citylo places looking forok people to y in the countryo undocumented they don't have the right work permits to get theset jobs is what the mayor is trying to say which requires eitherhe side of pennsylvania avenue congress or white house or orsomebody there to do somethinr to modernized edgyni immigration system to make it easier safer d and better for local mayors as well as folks crossing theross border. >> modernize the system?eani how about you follow the law. >> there's nothing to modernize. it was done in the 1980s. >> so most homicides statues were then in many larcenyge j
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statutes and all the crimes we don't need to modernize anything--.ll >> the reason it's so hard to enforce is we don't have enougho immigration judgesn'. >> because we let too many ofau them in. >> if you get caught today we don't have enough immigration judges in the system.nine >> maybe we should let them any people in the system there scientist >> coming up prot - terrorist>>j clowns are ruining college graduations so we have our owngo commencement message for the class of 2024. commencement message for the class of 2024. ♪ ♪ i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros?
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>> anti- israel protesters disrupting you're canceling college graduation commencement of events have no fear the 5 is here to offer students words of advice i will go first to you ready. to the class of 2024 at least those of you who haven't walked out in protest for my support of israel. as you embarhek on the next chapter in your life's venturely keep 2 things in mind never useo social media when you've been drinking and when your life story is told it will either be a biography or an autobiography. of the biography is when youu ma make decisions based on whatt other people want and suspect from you. frthe autobiography is when youa stay trut e to yourself and thas what you want for yourself. 99% of the people he recognized your sick incessant happinesspi write their own story so don't be afraid to follow your dreams and take chances because it's the end result of many failurest and if you're willing to learn from those failures your autobiography will be a bestseller so good you can
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promote it shamelessly like jesse watters. gregers.? >> haven't worn 1 of these since i did undergrads gone wild. an amazing movie hot tub was hot though. if anybody tells youal to be yourself ignore them they are trying to sabotage you. if you were supposed to bee yo yourself why do we have manners or customs or laws or dress codes or the golden rule. as it's a trick to get you to pursue instant gratification untethered to actual self-improvement and oddly being lf-iyourself as you looking like everybody else look at the protesters it's a parade of conformity instead of being yourself try being a betterbe version of youtt. live your life as if yourfe grandparents are watching you ot being surveilled by someone you admire i often imagine as i'm walking around that lee majors
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is looking at me and they end up acting like a better version of me so maybe if you admire someod buddy likey beyoncé rate imagine her looking at is sheed going to be impressed u are sitting on the couch eating pringles playing some videogame or reading some stupid blog i will she go isn't that sweet that young person is helping out her parents or doing something nice for somebody instead of dancing like nobody's watching live your life like somebody isr very good. just equally. n >> it is came up with it. >> kazahkstan faculty grandparents, parents. >> free palestine! jesse watters socks! i will share with you wisdom from the stoics, enlightenment s philosophers and founding fathers because let' s be honest
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you are going to believe anything fox news has to say. graduates sleep no less than 7s hours and no more than 8. rise and shine at the same time as you rest your head every day. when you do rise drink water with lemon outside in the sun, and then i recommend a nice brisk morning run. spend time in nature lift heavyh things. and expose yourself to extreme heat and cold it is good for the silk. he eggs, fish meet, fruits and vegetables as well as nuts. remember stress kills so breathe , read, right and reflect0% osave 10% of each paycheck butn
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investments and savings accounts and have great sex so loud your neighbors call the cops. fall in love and get married have children and keep your bare feet in the soil and always remember i'm waters and this is my world. good i loveds ve it. >> for graduates for many of you it's your first commencementsyor because covid-19 canceled youro high school graduation so life is already taught you the ideal importance of persistence that should take you far today dream all your dreams and live up to e them and pursue them vigourously and never forget even when lifec gives yok,u a stumbling block that's to give you a life lesson at the height of the pandemic in was at my own stubbly block andl return taso the classroom to pursue an advanced degree inou t journalism why do i tell you ths story because sometimes life
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will knock you down the trick is to get back up to learn theom lesson from the thing that knocked you down and most importantly never stop fightingo never stop fighting for yourdr dreams and continue to persist congratulations graduates. judge jeanine pirro guess home. to the class of 2024 congratulations to those of yout who choshoe to be here today to receive a diploma as opposed to your fellow students who reject everything the university stands for and prefer to align themselves with hamas universito university of hate discrimination and extermination. as you already knodiw it's notgo going toin be easy you are partf the generation of hamas studentd who have been raised to believe they can take whatever they wano and want to shout you down and make sure you don't achieve youn goals to them meritocracy is the
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enemy. you have fought hard and long as i want you to fight for the underdog fight for those you can't fight for themselves it's the greatest country on earth t we've alhel the rights otherot countries want to have they to ability to survive and go the 2 the top remember in the end it's about your dream as i told my children for their lives move t your tassel to the other side coming up antony blinken playing the guitar at a ukrainian nightclub.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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when i first learned about my dupuytren's contracture, my physician referred me to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at et
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secretary antony blinkenar jammg out his guitar in a basement bar. equally. >> have a tank of things we have a long election ahead of us and. so a guy wants to jam in ukraine let him jam. dana?di >> at least hedn didn't have to hire somebody to do a form like
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john kerry did.ou >> guitar diplomacy what you think about it grade? >> it' s pretty said he couldn'tyb take requests because everybody there is dead. we have a war that's neverth atending nobody wanted nobody wants to stop it and we are putting on life support and they knew it was coming about wanting to know why did as ukraine s suspended elections indefinitely as a singing rocking in the free world. rocking in the free world as their figgy about families as kids are going to school and all the big buildings as they comes toyo to ukraine and is jamming. >> i mean, come to new york and jam. it's just a bad look, huh? you can suspend elections.
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>> yes. the secretary was also there to announce don't give back government.nians? >> and one more thing is up next. yeah, they should be. my cholesterol is borderline. i figure i can worry about it or do something about it. garlic helps maintain healthy cholesterol safely and naturally. it's odor and taste free with guaranteed potency. i'm taking charge of my cholesterol with garlic. from the moment you were born, you've been on a quest. you've been searching. i'm greg laurie, and i want to share a few thoughts with you about what you're searching for. maybe you thought a possession would do it. maybe you thought a relationship would do it. maybe you thought religion would do it. and none of it is work. you know what the issue is? you are looking for god. and guess what? god is searching for you. he loves you. and he is ready to fill that hole in your life that you've tried to fill with all these other things. just pray.
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. come into my life. forgive me, my sin. i want to follow you from this moment forward as my savior and lord. if you pray a prayer like that, god will hear it and answer it. and i would like to hear from you. there's a number on the screen that you can call, and i'll send you a free bible if you're happy and, you know, you're happy and, you know, clap your hands if you're happy. >> and, you know, i breayour fak your back if you have me. and you know, then your facest k will surely show if you're happye y every and, you, smile big and bright. >> nowpport sh, in your case, je me, are happy every day. me, are haever all because of generous people like you who support shriners hospitals for children every month. >> all you have to do is callple on your screen or
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go online to love shriners .org evw with your monthlye me. gift because of people like gift because of people like you truly have bills children is able to make an everyday miracle happen forknowi kids like met, who have been you know we can show them if you're happy or you know ithappy you're happy or you know ithappy when you shine and you know it in your face will surely show it if you're happy. >> and i know and take a shot. >> and when you call a going line right now to donate $19 line right now to donate $19 a month or more, we'll sendy. you this adorable blow to the rescue blanket as a thank you and mine give all the smiles you bringing to kids faces every day. >> let's give it a go. >> let's give it a go. you send when you call the number on your screen right now on your screen right now and givencchild a month, just $0.63 a day, a month, juswe$0.63 a day,
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changing difference for a child just lik ae sarah. >> your monthly gift today could change your life forever could change your life forever becaus >> we are happy and we know it. thank you. thank you.ait pa >> thank you. thank you.ti please call or go online right now to give. >> if i isn't busy, please wait patiently. a girlfriend of daunte right away. the american people will win through the absolute victory. >> remembering the heroes we can't afford to forget when uncertain times. the recent landing of submarines sound in really brought out the best in us. we wanted a ticket in fight and go on with our lives. the secret history of world war two and the final journey of the greatest generation. new season streaming now on fox nation. fox nation would like to thank active military and veterans this memorial day. >> sign up and get your first year free. the cross-examination of michael cohen is set to continue. biden may have been trying
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to call trump's bluff, but trump said yes. and here we are with diplomatic efforts to end the war. unsuccessful airstrikes continue only on fox news channel. >> not now for one more thing, greg. all right. what a show. tom shillue julie banderas kat timpf tires. >> that's tonight, 10 p.m.. tune in. unveiling a new series. it's called wellness wednesdays. it's where i tell you to ice plunge and eat raw fish. >> data show there were four quadruplets of graduated from a school in new jersey. i didn't think i had time for my congratulations. look at these four people. >> the new jersey quintuplets graduate from same college together. >> congratulations, quince. judge. no, i don't have anything. >> we wouldn't have enough time. no, the first time judge has nothing. their names are our daughters. write it down and they make world records, and it's for us to have a good night. >> welcome to jesse watters,


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