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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 14, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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fec complaint about american media groups payoff of mcdougal. cohen told david pecker the matter will be taken care of and the person doing it was attorney general jeff sessions and cohen says it was post a conversation with trump. 30 seconds here to react to that. >> what relevance does that have to this case? this is more of the stuff that allen bragg's team is trying to bring in. let's streamline it. >> bill: cross examination may happen this afternoon. thank you, andy, jonathan and jonna for being on. >> dana: thank you for watching "america's newsroom." we love being with you. we're back tomorrow. harris faulkner takes you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: brand-new hour and
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brand-new information breaking out of the criminal trial. day two of testimony from michael cohen. his witness resume as you would know would lead most people to begin with one single fact, he lies as he breathes. cohen has been convicted of lying to congress and even admits he is a liar. he is forced to untangle now some of those lies after admitting he submitted false invoices. when your testimony stabs even yourself. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." who knows if that's true? who knows if anything he says is true? yesterday cohen testified about his close working relationship with the former president. he says trump knew the reimbursement for a payment to the sex film worker stormy daniels, ahead of the 2016 election, would be labeled as legal services. but some big questions over whether the jury will believe cohen, an admitted and convicted
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liar. right now he is still under the prosecution's direct questioning. that has been many hours. one headline on what's to come for cohen, here is one. he will face a bruising cross examination by trump's lawyers. experts expect trump's team to lean heavily on his perjury conviction and rampant social media attacks on trump. trump has had to stay silent, as you know, on cohen and other witnesses or anything really about the case because of that gag order the judge merchan has put on him. the prosecution said he had up to 14 violations and the judge went to work with $1 thousand on the ones he felt were actually violations. here is the former president when things opened today. >> the gag order has to come off. when you ask me a question about the people that we are talking about, i'm not allowed to answer. there has never been anything
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like this in the history of our country. it is a scam. it is election interference at a level that has never taken place before. >> harris: also in the courtroom today trump allies, house speaker mike johnson, north dakota governor doug burgum, congressman byron donalds and cory mills and former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. fox news senior correspondent is outside the new york supreme court. the drumbeat of surrogates getting louder and their presence is being known. surrogates for trump, eric. >> that it is, harris. former president trump may be the criminal defendant here in this courthouse, later on today it will be michael cohen who is put on trial. as you said, cohen has admitted to this jury a few moments ago he did lie under oath before. when his cross examination
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starts, expect him to be torn apart and pummeled over that. trump's attorney, todd blanch, will try to impeach cohen's credibility. slam his character and shake his composure. when cohen testified against trump last fall the cross examination with cohen at that time descended into a combative, angry us the el. he described his meeting with the new president back in february of 2017 while trump signed off on reimbursing him for paying off stormy daniels. trump asked me if i was okay and needed money. he said he told the president he was fine and trump then assured him that he would get the checks that trump would reimburse him for the $130,000 that paid -- to cohen paid to stormy daniels. that testimony links trump directly to paying cohen back, checks that prosecutors say were
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the false business records. while he was testifying, cohen did not say if he knew that trump knew that those were false business records classified by the trump organization. and among those attending the trial to show their support, as you said, house speaker mike johnson. >> the crime that they are accusing president trump of is falsification of business records. i think everybody knows he is not the bookkeeper for his company. president trump is innocent of these charges. and again anyone with common sense can understand what is happening here. in the midst of all this nonsense and corruption. >> cohen also told the jury admitting he did lie to congress. he said he lied to protect mr. trump and out of loyalty to his boss. but now prosecutors hope this jury believes he is telling the truth. harris, back to you. >> harris: loyalty. a man who secretly recorded his
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client. okay. eric shawn, thank you. a mountain of analysis on cohen's opening day on stand was a bevy of information. again don't know how much of it was true. constitutional law professor jonathan turley puts it this way. mr. fix it bombs on the stand and offers no new evidence to conflict trump. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, michael cohen's lies, and more lies could sink d.a. bragg's case. jarret explains how cohen's testimony presents the jury with a liar's paradox. a twisted explanation of what it would take for them to believe an admitted liar. bret tolman is here and former federal prosecutor. phil holloway is here, former assistant district attorney. you are with me for the hour and that's a great thing. brett, start with you, a liar's
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paradox. what is that? >> harris, thank you for having me on. looking forward to this hour as well. i will tell you that when i was a young prosecutor, i was sat down by the u.s. attorney and i was told you need to be very careful if you think one of your witnesses is lying. and trying to reach a certain result in a case. and it wasn't just because you put your case in. there was a -- that said if i know knowingly -- i could be subject to penalties even as a prosecutor. it is shocking for me for alvin bragg to put oh witness on the stand and especially for so long. the longer on the stand the more likely it is that you will expose his lies and that really is a problem for the case but if i were looking into this case
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afterwards if there is an acquittal i would certainly want to investigate whether there was a conspiracy to sub oren perjury from some of these witness are necessarys. >> i agree. in a rational legal world, harris, this is the kind of thing that a prosecutor would never dream of bringing this case. but of course, in manhattan where alvin bragg clearly thinks the deck is stacked in his favor with this manhattan jury. but as a prosecutor i could not fathom bringing a case against anybody, let alone the former leader of the free world, on the uncorroborated, unsubstantiated testimony of a corrupt liar like disbarred lawyer michael cohen. there is so much reason to disbelieve him. he has got bias, he is running around wearing t-shirts showing former president trump in jail. going on tiktok making money off
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of this trial. he wants to be center stage. he wants this to be about him. he is a convicted felon, the judge will tell the jury if somebody is a convicted felon you can disbelieve them on that basis. his felonies are lying and false statements and in addition he has a multitude of prior inconsistent statements. all things that can be used to impeach his testimony. if i were doing it, i would have it cataloged and go through hours and hours and hours of individual prior inconsistent statements to show that this man cannot be believed. the fact that they are bringing a case based on his word and his credibility is in my opinion reprehensible and turns the fundamental fairness that's required in our legal system, it turns it on its end and makes the system a complete joke as it applies to this particular case. >> harris: yeah, i'm trying to imagine if you do not have the resources in a justice system
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that is willing to behave in the way you gentlemen are suggesting is possible in this case, what do you do? i mean, if you are a liar they put you on the stand and let you go through what you have to go through and they pick you apart and that's the prosecution? imagine what the cross examination will look like? if you are out of prison, if you are not on home arrest, as michael cohen. if you are just a free person now who happens to lie a lot and they want to use your testimony, this could further ruin your circumstances in terms of ever getting a life that you could live proudly. brett, your last quick word on that and i want to talk about an fec statement that he made. >> well, you hit the nail on the head. it really comes down to corroboration. you notice they don't seem to have identified any other witnesses that will come in and corroborate what michael cohen
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has said. harris, i haven't heard yet anything that has come out in this trial from stormy daniels to michael cohen, i have not heard anything that goes to the elements of the crime that the prosecution is supposed to be able to prove. so without corroboration, what case do you have? >> harris: on the screen right now, the right box, which is where i send viewers every day. this is so helpful. you can get a moment by moment. cohen is talking about that the f.b.i. moved in on him, cell phone seized. he remembers it was 7:00 a.m. in the morning when they came to his home. so on and so forth. this was in 2018, and first of all let me get your thoughts on what he is describing right now, phil. >> well look, if michael cohen is describing anything in this courtroom, then i would have to wonder whether or not it is
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actually true. i don't know what the prosecutor is planning to get at. i think what they're trying to do, among other things, is take the sting out of some of the cross examination that they know is coming. it will be a bloodbath for him. it is part of the prosecutor's strategy to take the sting out ahead of time to go ahead and tell the jury what's coming. it is not going to be enough. the defense lawyers have so many things to work with in this case that it is just -- there is just no rational way that a jury will be able to believe it. the question earlier about what do you do if that happens? normally we don't have prosecutors who rely on this kind of garbage to bring felony cases. normally this doesn't happen. when you have a judge, jury and prosecutors that are all on the get-trump team the system is -- you have all the elements in place there for an absolute
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disaster. you know, it's turning the legal system on its ear and it is not the way it's designed to work. >> harris: we'll get into more of it. the f.b.i. he says he was subjected to, the f.e.c. investigation into a payment he made to stormy daniels, cohen states he did pay stormy. it was lawful and not a campaign contribution. we'll get into all of it. that blows away this case, though, wasn't this about election interference? i'm not really sure if he helped the prosecution with that. gentlemen, we'll all stand by. when we come back there are surrogates showing up outside the courthouse and we'll get into that. people supporting trump, lawmakers coming from d.c., more of them to support the former president. stay close.
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>> harris: thumbs-up just now from the former president of the united states, donald trump. he has left the courtroom for a ten to 15-minute break. he has been out for a few minutes while we were in a commercial break. they're really fastidious keeping the time. these breaks are short before lunch. we'll get a couple of these. on the outside of the courthouse is something that really has
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supported this president. the house speaker, the united states speaker of the house, mike johnson, here from d.c. gave a statement and news conference earlier. not even an hour ago he was on that lawn and he was talking about supporting the president and each of these surrogates now that are traveling in. today we'll see a number of lawmakers on the list for today. we'll see vivek ramaswamy, the former presidential candidate. and we'll see doug burgum, who is interesting. might he go from governor to vice presidential candidate with this president who is now running again? might that happen? his name is being talked about. we'll see. the surrogates are doing what the president can't do right now. yes, he can get out on the campaign trail on his days off, those types of things off of court every wednesday or whatever he can work on a weekend. not the same as being able to take on a case that he says is a sham. it's not the case because he has
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a pretty strict gag order and already twice the judge has threatened to throw him in jail if he breaks the gag order again. these surrogates play an important role for talking specifically about a witness like michael cohen, who lies. i mentioned it before. as he breathes. so back with our legal experts now, brett tollman and phil holloway. i'm trying to understand the positioning that michael cohen has been put in now. not just position but now he is -- it's a verb. he is having to maneuver now to get around all of the facts that are being tossed into this case and phil, he is trying to explain the payments to stormy daniels and saying at one point he was working with eric trump, in case stormy would want to go public that all that had transpired and what that would mean and i thought okay, is that about protecting former trump or is that about protecting michael
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cohen's own back side? >> my first response is so what? what does any of this have to do with the allegation that donald trump kept an improper book of business at the trump organization? after all, donald trump, as the house speaker said, is not the bookkeeper. this is a lump sum kind of thing and it was characterized as a drop down menu how to characterize the stuff. who cares about stormy daniels thought about things and what she was going to do? i see this as more irrelevant stuff coming into this trial and i wonder if judge merchan has even bothered to consider he might be in reversible error territory now if there is a conviction. did he not see what happened recently with harvey weinstein because a judge let in too much stuff that had nothing to do with the issue at hand? this jury needs to be focused on the matters at hand and not all
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of this extraneous thing that do nothing to advance the needle in this case. >> harris: judge merchan you said may be in reversible error territory. what would it look like in terms of the case and for the judge? >> well so unfortunately for a criminal defendant, harris, reversible error doesn't come into play until after there is a conviction and oftentimes years and years later. there are a lot of things that have to happen before you get to that point. but this has to do with allowing too many things in that are overly prejudicial to the defendant. prosecutors will say all our evidence is prejudicial. you can't be so much stuff in there to slime the defendant because you are talking about due process being violated. the protest and trial becomes fundamentally unfair. >> harris: real quickly, brett,
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i will come to you. we have opportunity to go to fox news legal editor kerri urbahn inside the courthouse now and just come outside. kerri, if you could, give us a little bit of the flavor that's going on in the courtroom with michael cohen. i have notes here that say he is talking slowly, seems calm. nate foye can tell he is agitated at times and he is shaking. >> so the prosecution is ponderously going through testimony with michael cohen. he is speaking slowly. part of me has to wonder is if a strategy to wear us and the jury out. on the other hand they are trying to get in everything they can. this is their star witness, he has lied to everyone in the world. that's a lot of what we heard about this morning. how he is now saying that every statement he put out to the f.e.c. and media, to the courts where he said that trump was not involved in paying stormy
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daniels was all a lie. the jury will have to suspend their disbelief that everything he said for years was not true and now he is saying actually, this is what happened. another thing that's interesting is that i should say we have had to sit through is painstakingly going through each and every invoice from 2017 that michael cohen billed trump organization for and now he is saying now the descriptions on those invoices were false because the invoices at the time said for services rendered as if it was happening then. he is saying no, it was for reimbursing me for the stormy daniels payment, christmas bow news and other matters he was getting paid for. one problem. at the time when he was getting paid, even if there was for services rendered for the prior year, he still retained the title of personal attorney to donald trump. not just that year, but in 2018 as well.
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why does that matter? well, i think the defense on cross is going to say did you provide any services to him? you said were trying to protect him. couldn't it be you got reimbursed and also getting paid as his lawyer and that would mean the statements then are not false? the other thing is, he benefited tremendously off of characterizing himself as personal attorney to trump, which they let him keep. he testified today that he made millions of dollars in outside consulting gigs, that he wouldn't have otherwise gotten had he not been personal attorney to trump during this time. these are all the things the jury have to consider. >> harris: i want to get your color, if you will, too, your description of what the support for this former president looks like. is it apparent there are all the lawmakers who showed up or only apparent to us because they're
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outside? does the president -- the former president think he has i have support today from ramaswamy and others? >> i think it's a big deal the speaker of the house showed up today to show support for donald trump. that's a big statement. it goes to something happening this whole time. we have heard positive things again and again from witnesses throughout this whole process about donald trump whereas we have heard only negative things of michael cohen from the same witnesses and it says something. even the witnesses that the state called in to testify against donald trump would often say something positive about him and so doesn't surprise me that today we see support from such high ranking republican officials as we do at the court. >> harris: thank you very much. i have know the break is very short. i want to bring back brett tollman for a second.
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the new york appeals has just denied trump the appeal of his gag order. you heard kerri talking about the surrogates and importance of them being there. that is even more so now, i would imagine. >> it is. and remember, the gag order is a tool that is utilized by judges to protect the defendant. it is also something that is rarely, if ever, applied just to one individual, one side, if you will, in a case. i've never seen it applied to the defendant themselves. so you have a constitutional problem. you have no surprise the appellate court upheld the district court. i'm sure they'll take it to the superior court. the inability to saying anything about his case and the witnesses free to say whatever they want on tv and internet it is a reminder this judge is not interested in a fair fact finding.
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it is more of a show to dirty up donald trump. >> harris: it is more -- deeper than that for cohen. he is monetizing what he is saying about trump. he has the doll in the orange jumpsuit, the t-shirts. he is merchandise happy. not only can he lie about and disparage donald trump, he can make money off doing that. the judge doesn't see this apparently as a problem. a huge question in the judge's judgment. sit by, we all will together. michael cohen resumes his testimony on day two. we are waiting to hear from former president's allies who went to court with him today as well. we're watching for that. stay with us. dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. book direct at all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this:
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blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> he is more ahead than he has ever been. fewer people think january 6th was any kind of what it was, an assault on the temple of
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democracy, constitution, i don't know, whatever you want to say. it is going the wrong way. it is not working. everything that we're throwing is spaghetti at a wall and none of it is sticking. me included. >> harris: are you seeing and believing what you are hearing from democratic -- we know who he is, james carville, analyst, strategist, wears a lot of hats. right now wearing the hat of saying the quiet part out loud. i thought the justice system was the justice system. he says everything democrats are throwing at him. that's an admission this is all part of some kind of a game against trump? it is not working. t.w. shannon, former oklahoma house speaker and attorney himself. when you lose james carville and al sharpton saying similarly, how can democrats talk about january 6th if all the protesting is going on and so on and so forth. we look like what we say we
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hate. i'm paraphrasing here. >> animal farm. we have all become the pigs in this country now. the thing we say we hate the democrats have become. listen, this is what you have to believe if you believe the case. because the democrats can't beat donald trump at the ballot box they are trying to beat him in the jury box. this case is built on two things, a liar, professional liar and whore. she has accepted money for sex. you have the liar whoreing himself. this whole case in and of itself flies in the face of our democracy. our republic. founding fathers are turning over. at the end of the day what you have to believe if you believe the case of alvin bragg's is that donald trump should have used campaign funds in order to obtain this agreement that he had with stormy daniels as part of the agreement that they have as a non-disclosure. this is not a campaign expense.
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cohen even admitted it yesterday. so the fact that this case is falling apart, we see it happening before our very eyes. i'm so glad we have the speaker of the house and others there. this is a constitutional crisis that we are facing. these people have taken an oath of office and they should be there in support of our president. anybody should who cares about this country and the constitution. >> harris: i want to ask you about the political part of that. i'm talking with attorneys this hour. it is important to put this in the context of just how bad biden is losing particularly five battleground states where it really counts. you heard james carville say we're throwing everything, spaghetti against the wall. they didn't even care that justice is not being carried out fairly or correctly in this case. they don't care that one person has a gag order and none of the other people do, especially those who have been talking and making money on the deal like michael cohen and continuing to lie as you pointed out. they don't care about that. the politics are driving this
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moment and we don't have to report that with any sort of attribution other than to say they're saying it. t.w. >> you are right. from the moment donald trump came down that escalator some eight or nine years ago the radical democrats have been trying to silence him. now we see it with the court case that basically the only real benefit to them is that they are keeping him tied up and off the campaign trail. they can't beat him at the election box so they are trying to beat him in the jury box. a sad day for our democracy and the country should not stand for this type of abuse of justice. that's exactly what it is. >> harris: t.w. thank you for your time. i want to bring back the legal experts brett tollman and phil holloway. we are expecting to hear from some of the surrogates for the president. we've been talking about that this hour. what moves the needle on the public at this point, brett, in terms of what those surrogates
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can say about this case? >> well, you know, i was always warned to not try to do too much with a witness. they are trying to do everything. their whole case with one witness. and you have -- keep in mind there is a reason why michael cohen right now is trying to present himself as the -- not the attorney for donald trump. it is not just because of the transaction, but donald trump has an absolute defense of advice of counsel if he has a lawyer and whether it was legal or illegal, if the lawyer is advising him to do something, that's a defense. but what we haven't heard is that donald trump had any discussions about this particular transaction, let alone that he made the entry. surrogates need to be out there pounding away on the facts that are coming out and the inadequacy of this case. when they do that, you know this, he is jumping in the polls because of this use of the law
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as a weapon to go after a political opponent. >> harris: it is not the worrying that i would have used to describe stormy daniels coming from t.w. shannon. this op-ed puts it a different way and makes a point, quote, stormy daniels is not a victim and byron york's new column points to what he calls trump's sleazy accusers, again his word. he argues the thing about both daniels and cohen is they have an extreme animus against trump. so much so that even if they did not have records of making untrustworthy statements, and they do, their trump hatred would make it difficult for an unbiased observer to believe anything they've said. most of their lives in the past decade have been devoted to attacking or getting money out of trump. >> when a witness has an extreme bias against a party to the case, oftentimes that means that
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it is game over, right? because if they have this bias, this animus to the point they are going to this extreme to slime donald trump and they have this record of lying about the man on top of that, normally that means that the jury is going to discount everything they have to say. in this case, with this jury, i think we just don't know. we'll have to wait and see if one or two or maybe even three of these jurors can potentially get in the jury room and say you know what? even if we don't like donald trump we can't trust these witnesses and at least have a handful of them hold out for not guilty, in which case that would set up the potential for a mistrial based on a hung jury. i still predict -- i don't see you will get 12 jurors that will unanimously agree in manhattan that donald trump is not guilty. but at this point i think i'm firmly in the camp that at a minimum, we're looking at a hung jury simply because of the
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biased witnesses. there are two lawyers on this jury. hopefully those lawyers will remember their legal training and understand that when a witness has this kind of bias, you can discount all of their testimony. >> harris: i'm hoping they are people that are allergic to the lies. it would be great if we could get 12 americans know when a liar says he they are a liar you believe him on that instance because that's the only thing that could be true. michael cohen back on the stand, day two. they came back from the short break. it has resumed inside the courtroom. the prosecution trying to shore up where he might continue to lie on cross examination. stay with us. -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from?
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that is the american people have already acquitted donald trump because the things that they are concerned about, inflation, crime, the border, the economy, all of these things president trump is leading by huge double digits versus joe biden and the sooner that this scam trial can be concluded, the sooner that the president can get back to getting out campaigning and talking to the american people about the issues that matter to them. and with that i will turn it over to the congressman and then vivek, thank you. >> ladies and gentlemen of america, this trial is a joke. this thing is a farce. we were in there all morning, microwave all cohen basically sat there and said yeah, he invoiced legal expenses, the trump organization not the campaign paid out money in legal expenses. where is the crime? there is no crime. the only crime that is happening here is this democrat judge and the democrat party prosecuting
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their political rival right in the middle of a presidential election. the crime here is that the issues facing our nation are not being addressed by the democrats but they want to go after donald trump. and there is nothing wrong. there is nothing that has been wrong here. nothing that has been done poorly by president trump. the only thing that is being done wrong is by this judge. his daughter is making money, raising money for democrats and all of the fundraising emails and things are about this trial that his daughter is using. he won't recuse himself? this is a travesty of justice. this is a misuse of the justice system and look around new york. new york has got plenty of issues. i'm from brooklyn, new york. you have all of nypd's finest here because of this travesty going on in the courtroom. the citizens of new york are less safe and the district attorney is not going after real crime but his political rival in
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donald trump. america is better than this. unfortunately it will take the american people this november to let their voices be heard on this travesty of justice that is occurring and making sure that donald trump is the 47th president of the united states. i've never seen anything like it. this is a joke, a farce, a travesty. we are better than this as americans. unfortunately the democrat party has lost their ever loving minds. so it will take the american people to remind them that justice is supposed to be blind. it is not supposed to be going after political opponents and political rivals. with that i will turn it over my colleague, congressman cory mills. >> thank you so much. what did we learn here today? what we've learned is that michael cohen, who has no credibility, perjured himself multiple times and 0 integrity has admitted to frauding the
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trump organization. he have has listed invoices in a legal precedent and now claiming something other than that and knowingly and fraudulently put that forward. why do they want this trial to continue? they want it to continue because this is the fundraising source for adam schiff, biden and the democrat opponents. this is nothing more than election interference at its finest. you are saying where the weaponization of what was the department of justice, now the department of injustice is utilized against the american people and the president of the united states. i will tell you right now the same way that i stand here steadfast behind our president, i know america stands with him as well. they see this sham indictment. they see this for what it is without actual substance whatsoever. keep in mind they keep talking about the f.e.c. violations. when you are utilizing personal funds or utilizing a trust that is not campaign funding. there is no violation and why the f.e.c. never pursued this.
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i think the american people see this for what it is. they want to keep president trump off the campaign trail. they are seeing what's happening in the swing states across america and they are seeing exactly this is draining down assets and resources that can be utilized by the president to continue to forge ahead to build a stronger economy, to secure our border and get our nation back on track. this is a sham and that's the only thing this is. michael cohen has no credibility, no integrity and weaponization against our president. >> thank you. i want to thank my colleagues, governor burgum, congressman mills and donalds for laying out the political back drop here. this is a politicized persecution that is nakedly apparent. i want to dive a little deeper into what we actually learned today in that courtroom. what are we seeing? i learned a lot from being in there in person. one of the moves depressing places i have been in my life but fitting. the only thing more depressing
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than the environment in the courtroom is what's happening in there. the prosecution's main strategy appears to be to bore the jurors into submission. if you look in that direction, sadly, it may appear to actually be working. i would like for anybody here in the press, anybody at home, anybody at msnbc or the media afterwards to clearly state what exactly is the crime that donald trump committed? oh, wait, we have not heard a good answer to that question. it has been vague until today you heard michael cohen's testimony after which i would say it is less clear than ever what that crime actually was. they will say falsifying business records. who did we learn falsified business records today? our two hours felt like it was seven hours with michael cohen saying he falsified business records. a perjureer in the past saying he falsified business records.
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what's the crime donald trump committed? they might allege a bookkeeping error, whatever. the real bookkeeping we need accounting of is judge merchan's family member collecting millions of dollars as a democratic operative using the existence of this trial as a fundraising ploy for democrats. imagine if the same shoe was on the other foot. imagine if it was joe biden that was on trial, you had a republican judge whose son was collecting millions of dollars as a republican operative. what would you all be saying? this would not be justice. this is injustice at its worst. let's go a little deeper. let's go a layer deeper actually. the alleged crime here is supposedly -- trying to point to this ever day, that he does not actually use campaign funds. he used personal funds. let's get this straight. support donald trump had used campaign funds to make a personal expense. they would be going after him for that. so if they will get him going or
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coming, that is the best proof that this is a politicized sham. let's go through it piece by piece. if you tell somebody to go buy you a suit and you want to look good on television because it will affect the voters the way voters vote for you, they prosecute politicians if they use campaign funds to buy a suit. if they say get a hair cut, if you use campaign funds to get a haircut they will prosecute you for using them for personal expense. the whole case that alvin bragg brought depend on one premise, donald trump somehow should have used campaign funds to make an allegedly personal payment. but if he had done that their case against him would be stronger. this is garbage. that's the best proof you have. if they get himing or coming, damned if you do, damned if you don't. this is some third rate banana republic. if this were happening in another country we would laugh
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at them as a shamed democracy. i am ashaked to watch the former leader of the free world and likely next leader of the free world sitting in this courtroom and fifth rate lawyer on the stand as a witness with fourth rate prosecutors violating attorney/client privilege left and right and nobody is talking about that. it is a shame on this period of our country's history. we'll get through and be stronger. you know who casts the vote on this case? it is every one of you at home. every american who votes this november to say no to the weaponization of justice. if you are at home and say i don't agree with everything donald trump as head or even agree with policies. you agree whether democrat, republican, black, white, gay, straight, man or woman that our justice system should be blind to politics. regardless of whether your last name is biden or trump.
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regardless whether you've been a politician or not you get a fair shake in our legal system. when you have a prosecutor who campaigned on the pledge of going after trump and keeps his campaign pledge. when you have a judge whose kids are collecting money from democratic operatives by fundraising off the very trial that judge is presiding over and telling the u.s. president he can't talk about it under a gag order. that is a bastardization of what this country is founded on. we're all here as friends of donald trump supporting him in our personal capacity sharing our opinions. that's why we're here today. i hope every american at home who isn't able to be in that courtroom is able to see what's actually happening there and when you do, we will have a landslide of historic proportions this november if every american understands the injustice that is playing out in that courtroom today. may god bless our country. i pray for our future and let's pray for our country being stronger on the other side of this disgusting sham political
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prosecution. thank you. >> thank you vivek and congressmen. in closing i want to double down on that. >> harris: so that's governor burgum. he has come up for a second time to the mic to thank everybody for being there. vivek ramaswamy, the last time i saw him speak was the eve of the primary in new hampshire. people started voting 30 minutes after that event that donald trump had. nikki haley had one. they were both at night. and i haven't seen him speak since. i will tell you this, between him and tim scott, the president has some strong surrogates. vivek ramaswamy came to play, as we like to say. this group is showing up for the president. now, none of this has anything to do with what's going on on the stand with michael cohen but voters are watching that. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" next.
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