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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  May 13, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> jesse: transfusion. time now for "one more thing," greg? >> a get show tonight. mopped, jamie lissow, kat timpf, tyrus all-star cast having a all star -- >> jesse: as we said johnny showed up to the trump rally which was just a shy under 100,000. watch. >> judge jeanine: thank you. >> how excited are you to vote for your favorite president? >> i am here to prove that trump is not racist. a lot of black people love him. >> jesse: go to you, harold. harold harold how do you call them, the what? anthony burgess school bus driver in florida write down favorite cots and encouragement to decorate the interior of the school bus. mind set can save everything. >> jesse: have great show, everybody. >> bret: that was half a thing
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not "one more thing." >> teeny little "one more thing." >> bret: good evening, we are coming to you live just down the hall from the "the five" fox news world headquarters in new york. i'm bret baier. the federal corruption and bribery trial for new jersey democratic senator bob menendez gets underway. the biden administration touts what it calls its ironclad support of israel. but, its top diplomat gets critical of the israeli war effort. and former president trump scores big in new swing state polling we will break down the numbers. ♪ but, first, breaking tonight, the star witness of the prosecution case against former president donald trump takes the stand. former trump lawyer and self-described fixer michael cohen is implicating his old boss in a scheme to silence an adult film star's claim that they had a sexual encounter. but cohen will soon face a direct examination that will question his direct
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accountability. nate foy. good evening, bret. at the end of court tonight, michael cohen testified that former president donald trump personally approved of his reimbursement plan after cohen paid $130,000 to adult film actress stormy daniels. cohen says that trump and former trump organization cfo allen weisselberg disguised the payments as cohen's income after trump won the white house. >> do you have any messages for donald trump today? do you plan on telling the truth? >> he has admitted to lying under oath several times. but today the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen promised the truth. telling the jury former president donald trump participated in a scheme to pay off adult film actress stormy daniels we call a legal expense a legal expense. >> trump told wanted the story taken care to have protect his image with women after release of the access hollywood tape. cohen told him quote push it out
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as long as you can. just get past the election. if i win, it has no relevance and if i lose, i don't even care. cohen eventually wired daniels the money using a home equity line of credit to conceal the payment from his own wife. cohen testified he told trump first saying, quote: everything required mr. trump's sign off. on top of that, i wanted the money back. according to cohen, former trump organization cfo allen weisselberg facilitated his reimbursement. trump can't address cohen publicly because he is bound by the court's gag order. >> we have a corrupt judge and a judge who is highly conflicted. there is no fraud here. there's no crime here. this is four weeks of keeping me from not campaigning. >> cohen is a convicted felon and served prison time, partly for his dealings with daniels. today outside the courthouse, republican supporters of trump say prosecutors are now using cohen to influence this year's election. >> whether you love donald trump, whether you like donald
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trump, or whether you are a democrat or don't care about politics, what's going on inside that courtroom is a threat to american democracy. >> when court riewnels tomorrow at 9:300, cohen will again be on the witness stand under direct examination. as you mentioned trump's lawyers still haven't had a chance to pushback on some of the claims that he made during his testimony today and to push back on his overall credibility. bret? >> bret: more on this with the panel. nate, thanks. as mentioned jury selection is underway in the federal corruption and bribery trial of new jersey democratic senator bob menendez. he has pleaded not guilty. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram here in new york with details. >> bob menendez has represented new jersey in the senate since 2007, but the feds accuse him of also representing qatar and egypt. prosecutors allege the senator of writing ghost letters to other senators to unlock $300 million for egypt and then
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there are the shiny objects. gold bars that one businessman is ac accused of giving to menez curry favor with qatar. menendez chaired the foreign relations committee the indictment forced him to creed the gavel it? >> opens a dangerous door for the justice department to take the normal engagement of members of congress with a foreign government and to transform those engagements into a charge of being a foreign agent. >> this is not his first run-in with the law. menendez stood on trial for unrelated bribery charges in 2017. back then fellow new jersey democrat corey booker testified on his behalf. but booker has all but given up on menendez this time. >> i'm not going to follow the day-to-day. >> have you talked to him at all lately about the trial or anything. >> i have not discussed the trial in any detail or depth. >> jurors failed to reach a verdict in menendez's last trial resulting in a hung jury that cleared the way for the senator to run again and win in 2018. >> today's refresh your rucker's refresh yourrecollecti.
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innocent man. >> nadine his wife faces trial in the summer. expect defense council to try to place blame on her selling favors on behalf of her husband. >> now, jury selection continues tomorrow. the trial could run through the 40 of july menendez might run as an independent. the filing deadline, that is june 4th. bret? >> bret: chad, thank you. president biden's top diplomat is delivering some of the strongest criticism yet of israel's conduct of the war in gaza. secretary of state antony blinken is maligning both israeli tactics and what he claims is a lack of results. president biden meantime continues to receive heavy criticism from both republicans and some democrats over his refusal to supply israel with some weapons because of its military operations in rafah. white house correspondent peter doocy joins us live now from the north lawn. good evening, peter. >> peter: good evening, bret.
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just a few minutes ago as we were coming to air. president biden was leaving a reception in the roz garden and a reporter asked him how competent is he that he can bring home the hostages to which president biden said. never give up hope." it was not on camera. but it's also not really consistent with what other officials. >> my name is joe biden i work for kamala harris. >> president biden's team is hoping to clarify what the white house means by ironclad. >> his commitment to israel is ironclad. ironclad doesn't mean you never disagree. >> it also means, according to a report in the "the washington post," offering israel valuable assistance in an effort to persuade it back including sensitive intelligence to help the israeli military pinpoint the location of hamas leaders and find the group's hidden tunnels. >> conditionally, having any kind of condition on offering them the ability to microtarget hamas is absurd.
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>> national security adviser jake sullivan rattled off 10 bullet points to clarify president biden's position on the war and the headline: >> we do not believe what is happening in gaza is a genocide. >> they do believe it's time for israel to get out of gaza if they can't explain in detail a plan to protect innocent civilians. >> if they lee and get out of gaza as we believe they need do, then you are going to have a vacuum and a vacuum that's likely to be filled by chaos and anarchy and ultimately by hamas again. >> a cease-fire deal hinges on hostage releases but officials claim not to know how many remain. >> we know there are deceased hostages and we know there are living hostages. >> sullivan sees parallels between the israel hamas war and efforts to find peace between ireland and northern ireland leads by george mitchell. >> senator mitchell said quite famously that negotiations are a thousand days of failure and one day of success. right now we were in the former days rather than the latter day.
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>> and the numbers of women and children thought to have been killed in this war have been reduced down by about 50%. the united nations says they are not just changing the numbers based on nothing but that the gaza ministry of health has a better idea now of casualties. the current tally is 4959 women and 7797 children killed. that is still a staggering amount of lives lost. bret? >> bret: definitely. peter doocy live on the north lawn. peter, thanks. one of the most popular entertainers, comedian notice world has felt the effects of anti-israel demonstrations on college campuses. protesters heckled jerry seinfeld sunday during his commencement address at duke university. also several incidents and several other schools around the country, including depaul university in chicago. that's where correspondent garrett tenney is tonight. >> anti-israel protests
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disrupting college graduations across the country this weekend. >> jerry seinfeld, candidate for the hun area degree of doctor of arts. >> in north carolina, dozens of students walked out of duke university's graduation ceremony as comedian jerry seinfeld, who is jewish and publicly voiced support for israel, took the stage to deliver his commencement address. [cheers] >> some students cheering on the protesters while many in the crowd booed as the group left. and it was a similar scene in richmond, virginia where dozens of students walked out ache glenn youngkin gave their commencement address. [chanting free, free feline] >> berkeley hundreds interrupted the graduation program. >> not everyone in attendance we work hard for four years. we are extremely saddened.
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>> our son came here to study engineering not idiocy. >> white house is bracing for similar protests next weekend when president biden is scheduled to deliver the commencement address at more house college in atlanta where some students and faculty say they want the president's invitation rescinded. >> the general feeling on the ground is that we don't want them here. frankly the issue on cop city and the general inside palestine are just the straw that broke the camel's back. >> here at the depaul university, students at this encampment say they are precinct for the possibility of police involvement after negotiations with school officials broke down over the weekend and students ignored the school's deadline to clear out by noon sunday. graduation here still a month away. bret? >> bret: garrett tenney in chicago. garrett, thanks. up next, we look at the race to replace one long time democratic senator. we'll take you there. first, beyond our borders tonight. president volodymyr zelenskyy says ukrainian troops ren gauging in intense battles with the advancing russian army in
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two border areas of ukraine. outgunned and outnumbered ukrainian soldiers are trying to hold back a significant russian ground offensive in recent days. meanwhile, the death toll from a russian apartment building collapse blamed on ukrainian shelling roz to 15. twin natural disasters in indonesia. rescuers recovered dozens of bodies after monsoon rains flash floods on the island bring down tore rents of lava and mud. 43 people are confirmed dead so far. another 15 missing. mount ebuoy volcano he runts spilling thick gray ash 15,000 feet into the sky for five minutes. telling residents and tours to stay at least 3 miles away. france this year. microsoft planning to expand next generation throughout and ai infrastructure bring up to 25,000 of the most advanced graphics processing units or
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gpus to france by the end of 2025. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ i see my name is shining lights ♪ a different city every night, oh i here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ >> bret: more than 2 million people from texas to florida have been or are still on alert for powerful and dangerous thunderstorms. tonight, the systems are capable of producing softball sized hail, hurricane force wind gusts and possible tornadoes. the threat of severe extreme weather will last, we're told, over the next few days. the central and southern u.s have reportedly and recently been logged down with 60 deadly tornadoes, severe weather outbreaks over the past few weeks. the demolition of a large section of the francis scott key bridge took place a short time ago. the span crumbled into the water just seconds. the longest tressel toppled away from the ground doll dali
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container ship sending the wall of water back toward the vessel. the dali crashed into the bridge in late march. stocks were mixed today as investors awaited key inflation data. the dow lost 81. the s&p 500 fell 1. the nasdaq gained 47. ♪ west virginia voters begin the task of replacing long-time democratic senator joe manchin tomorrow. their senate primary is one of six open races. democrats are hoping to keep this fall. correspondent bill melugin is in charleston, west virginia tonight. >> four republicans, the road retaking the senate may start in west virginia. senator joe manchin's retirement makes this race the most likely flip for the g.o.p. according to fox analysis. current west virginia governor jim justice has been endorsed by
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former president trump in a state he won by nearly 40 points in 2020. his primary opponent is west virginia congressman alex mooney, a member of the house freedom caucus. is he endorsed by ted cruz. and he has been calling himself the true trump candidate in the race. >> i have a voting record for 10 years as a congressman. and 100 percent pro-life and support offed trump's agenda. i'm running against a former democrat jim justice who still has liberal views on many issues. in my view still acts bike a democrat. >> if that be the case why has trump endorsed me and did not endorse him. i have been a governor for 7 and a half years. i have spoke to mooney one time as our congressman. it's absolutely very weak. >> west virginians tell fox a trump endorsement goes a long way here. >> i think it carries a lot of weight because we are a trump country. >> i wouldn't back the governor anyway but it helps with trump. trump's the man. >> as for the democratic primary it's a three-way race between former marine a self-described
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populist leftist progressive wing of the party and blanken ship a former coal ceo spent a year in prison for violating safety measures. backing the meafer wheeling. i think a lot of voters is true in west virginia have gotten frustrated with the democratic party but i don't think they have left for good. >> and, bret, the west virginia voters we have been talking to out here say their biggest issues of concern are obviously the coal mining industry, fentanyl, and the economy. tomorrow, they will hit the polls, they will make their voices heard. they will decide who will officially be matching up this november to replace senator joe manchin. send it back to you. >> bret: bill melugin live in west virginia. bill, thanks. up next new polls on the president race and the increasing prospects of the nominee's yes, debating. first, here is what some much our fox affiliates around this country are covering tonight. fox 5 in new york as a person of interest connected to the brutal choking and raping of a woman in new york is now in custody.
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can he sean parks faces a slew of charges, including rape, assaulted, sex abuse and strangulation. police say he has two prior arrests. fox 17 in nashville, tennessee as five officers hailed as heroes for taking down the covenant school shooter last year receive another national award for their valor. the officers were honored in washington over the weekend. a former student at the school killed three children and three adults before being fatally shot. and this is a live look at kansas city, courtesy of earth cam. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 4, our affiliate. the national football league schedule will start september 5th with the defending super bowl champion chiefs hosting the baltimore ravens. it will be a rematch of last season's afc championship game. the rest of the league's schedule set to be released wednesday. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report," we'll be right back. ♪ play on ♪ when you are losing the game
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♪ ♪ >> bret: new polls over the weekend show former president trump leading in five crucial battleground states. this comes as the drum beat gets louder for debates between the two presumptive nominees. here's chief washington correspondent mike emanuel. >> former president trump leads president biden in five critical battleground states. michigan, arizona, nevada, georgia, and pennsylvania among registered voters. among likely voters that same poll from the "new york times" and siena college reveals a tighter race with mr. trump leading in five states. with biden ahead in michigan and narrowly behind mr. trump in wisconsin and pennsylvania. >> the "new york times" just came out with a poll that shows us leading everywhere by a lot. >> it is unclear at the moment
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if trump and biden will face off on the debate stage this fall. though both sound eager to do it. >> when will you debate president trump? when? >> set it up. >> trump used similar language on his social media platform. >> let's set it up right now. i'm ready to go anywhere that you are. we're going to win and we are going to win big. >> commission on presidential debates announced locations and dates for general elections debates last november. monday september 16th texas state university san marcus, texas. tuesday october 1st virginia state in petersburg, virginia. wednesday. though skeptical rnc signaled a willingness to participate in cpd events and arguing for holding debates sooner. >> the latest polling reveals a shift among young, black and hispanic voters desiring change and unhappy about the economy and military action in gaza.
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all key constituencies which could tear apart the president's democratic coalition. bret? >> bret: mike, thank you. >> what's your biggest concern? >> the borders. >> i think democracy, keeping democracy. >> reproductive freedom is probably the most important. >> i just wish the economy was better. >> i would also say the economy, inflation is a big issue as well. >> the borders is important. the economy is the big one. and immigration. >> well, the newest polls out. the "new york times" philadelphia inquirer, siena college poll just out. most important issue like you heard those folks economy 22%. immigration, abortion, economic conditions, how do you describe them? excellence only 3%. good, only fair 27%. poor, 49%. and who do you trust better on the economy? biden at 38%, former president trump at 58%. let's get some perspective tonight from fox news chief
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political analyst brit hume and larry kudlow of fox business. good evening, gentlemen first to you, brit, what do you make of the latest polls, it tracks with other polls we have seen about the trust on the economy and how big that issue is. >> well, you put that together with the states where trump appears to be ahead and, remember, mr. trump does not need to win all those battleground states. if he holds the states he held in 2020 and wins a couple of those states, you know, you could pick at any number of them you could pick to be the two. he's president. and if the election were held today i think it poll indicates he would be elected. obviously a long way to go. it's only may. but the issues favor him. abortion favors the democrats but economy and immigration and a number of other issues favor the president and the people are upset about his performance generally age is not an issue they cite but you know working against mr. biden.
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that's where it stands now. not quite fair to say trump's race to lose. but it's getting there slowly. >> bret: larry, reuters, u.s. sentiment. exexceptions rise largest in sentiment reported by the university of michigan. friday was across all age income and education groups as well as political party affiliation. you got to think that that's part of this equation when you look at those polls. >> yeah. it's been pretty much this was for may and pretty much you see the same thing january, february, march and april. consumer confidence plunging, inflation fears rising. actual inflation has gone up quite a bit. about four.5% annual rate. that's the wrong direction. the fed's target is 2. we will get a new number on wednesday. the cleveland fed is looking for a difficult number. maybe 5% at an annual rate. this just bodes very poorly for mr. biden. bidenomics is unpopular because it hasn't worked. there is an affordability crisis
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going on. wages are rising more slowly than prices. that has plagued biden except for auto few months pretty much his entire presidency. i don't see that changing, frankly. if anything, the numbers are getting worse. >> bret: larry, they stopped talking about bidenomics. they are saying the numbers still look good for the economy overall. but here is the national economic adviser on the trump tax cuts expiration. take a listen. >> the expiration of president trump's 2017 tax package next year will put the issue of tax fairness front and center. do we want a tax system that favors the wealthy or the middle class? tax fairness is central to the president's approach to building an economy that works for all americans. >> bret: i know you worked for president trump, but, when those tax cuts do expire, when the pledge is nobody will see taxes increase under $400,000 a year,
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that won't hold true, right? >> it's not true. look, this is a progressive point of view, with all respect to ms. brantner, study after study has shown ivy league schools and so forth. poverty went down, inequality went down. unemployment went down for all the minority groups. the biggest gainers were the middle and the lower income classes. i mean, you had just -- weekly wages under mr. trump went up about 9%. at an annual rate. okay? weaningly wages have fallen over 6% under mr. biden. if you start raising corporate taxes, raise business taxes, raise individual taxes, you're going to see a sinking economy across the board. and, frankly, if a rising tide lifted all boats during the successful trump tax cuts what
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you will have here is a sinking economy will sink all the boats. i never understood this. the data is so clear. i don't care what side you're on, i mean, even some of my democratic economic friends, who are much more moderate than this white house are saying don't do away with all these taxes. that's a $5 trillion tax hike. it's exactly what the economy does not need. >> bret: brit, we are talking a lot about the economy. still seen as the number one issue. if you think about the israel gaza situation. the new siena college poll, it has who do you trust better on the israel -- israeli palestinian conflict. trump at 51%. biden at 36%. how much do you think that all factors in to this moment now? this is, again, a snapshot in time. >> well, in the end, foreign policy is an issue in all these presidential elections. it is the primary business of the presidency because the executive branch of the federal
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government is the primary agency for dealing with foreign affairs, states and locations have and private sector have very little to do with it. this is going to matter. and for the life of me, bret, i cannot figure out what the political strategy is being pursued now by the biden administration. on the one hand they are supporting israel still to some extent saying that the support for israel is ironclad and all the rest of it but they are publicly criticizing israel threatening to withhold public aid and the rest of it. i guess they are supposed to be to somehow have it both ways. my guess is they are getting the worst of both worlds. people supporting israel aren't happy with him and people supporting the palestinians aren't happy with him either. my view that's a loser for the president. one more thing that's a loser for him. >> it's incredible to me. i mean, bret, you have been around a long time. peace and prosperity always the issues in presidential campaigns e over the weekend, secretary of state blinken came out and said the bidens now want israel completely out of gaza. they will not sell weapons
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because they are breaking international humanitarian guidelines and furthermore they are withholding key intelligence on hamas from israel whose side are we on here. people are smart. they are not dumb. they pick up on this. 75-80% want israel to end hamas all together. this should be an easy issue on this. >> bret: last thing, brit. we are 5 and a half a little bit more than that from election day. right now you just said that the position for the former president looks pretty good as you look at the map. as you look at the polls. as you look at the issues. a lot can happen in a short time. painted picture of how the biden team comes back from what looks like an uphill battle right now. >> well, i would say that not the way they are trying to do it now. it doesn't look to me like there is much of anything that's going to work. now, we are going to hear endlessly about january 6th. going to hear endlessly about the threat to democracy.
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i'm not sure how many people believe that certainly democrats all do. and, remember, donald trump motivates democrats more than he motivates in the past at least he has motivated democrats to come out and vote more than he has motivated republicans. and that is the one thing that does help the president is if this were an ordinary garden variety republican candidate, i think the president would be done, the race would be over. but trump is controversial and remains. so and that's -- that is an issue that he needs to confront because the democrats are going to milk it for all it's worth. >> bret: larry? >> 100,000 people turning out in wildwood, new jersey, 100,000 people, new jersey may be in play. no possible in play. >> bret: we will see. cover it all. appreciate it very much. >> bret: up next the panel as president trump's one time fixer now accuser takes the stand against him just a few blocks with away. jury selection gets underway for
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current senator democrat bob menendez's criminal trial. we will bring it to you all. ♪ s... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ >> we paid a lawyer a legal expense, legal expense. it's perfectly marked down.
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the other side doesn't know how to handle it. they say let's indict him anyway. >> michael cohen is the prosecution's star witness. this guy is a convicted felon. >> government has essentially precorroborated michael cohen in a lot of ways. i doubt the new york indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not donald trump. >> bret: some different takes as michael cohen takes the stand, the prosecution laying out their case just down the road here against former president trump's. this may be the week alvin bragg's case falls apart. no rational prosecutor would base a criminal case almost entirely on the testimony of microen recently dough announced by a judge as a serial perjurer peddling theories in court. the obvious he is counting on the theory. convicting trump regardless of the evidence. what about that and this case. charles payne of fox business. harold ford jr. former tennessee
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congressman and co-host of "the five." outnumbered co-host kayleigh mcenany. kayleigh, i know usc following. this it's been interesting to see the what are your thoughts as we get this first star wednesday? >> you know at the end of the day you have to have a fact pattern that matches the law. that is what any prosecutor is after. and thus far the facts do not match the law. in fact, jonathan turley went on in that piece that you just cited to say look this might not even get to a jury because in earnest this should be dismissed by the judge after all the witnesses are heard. there will be a motion for a direct verdict from donald trump's team and that should be sustained unless there is some big new revelation. one thing we heard today is you get the distinct feeling that trump, yes, was well-informed of things that were going on but that he then would direct and micromanage and send things out from that moment michael cohen go talk to weisselberg you guys
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figure this out. you don't get the sense of everyone directing every little payment while is he in the oval office by the way signing away checks. one witness westerhout said i often saw him just sign things. that's what he did. he had a million things going on. absent them smoking gun the facts don't match the law. >> bret: jonathan turley thinks this falls apart there are legal experts who think there is more to this and they think the prosecution will eventually deliver and that they haven't yet. >> harold: thanks for having me. two things can be right. this case should not have been brought. maybe zoo kariya is right. we are at the tonight where the most pivotal and positive part for the prosecution is now what was the motivation for president trump in this matter, number two, and was he involved in whatever they chose to do which
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is what i think kayleigh was saying he wasn't aware or maybe did things and signed things that he didn't know what was going on. we will find out. as long as there is a factual, some facts that are in dispute they will get this to the jury. i hear what jonathan is saying. if the prosecution -- excuse me, if the defense and the controls extion is really able to go after him in intense way and cohen undermine him. maybe jonathan is right. i think there is still some shoes to fall here. i think today he held cervicoen. as kayleigh and i know those of us who have gone to law school the next few days are going to be challenging. they are going to be i object tense and informative. we will see how mr. cohen holds up during that time. >> bret: we saw the defense on the stormy daniels cross, charles, say do you hate donald trump? and she essentially said yes michael cohen has been on tiktok saying not only that but i want to put him behind bars. >> i will speak to those who
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haven't gone to law school. you got to be kidding me i'm so confused. why not a man not want his wife to know that he might have gone to bed with a listen, they are rewriting history, right? you get last week right, you get the witness in there. and she changes her story so much even bill maher said this is not what she told me in an interview. the interview and physically imposing. same thing here all this is it s. a political stunt. after thee testimonies you see the articles. all the me too women. remember? it feels like it's feeding into a larger orchestrated narrative to stop president trump from winning the election. it does not feel like a real trial. most people still aren't sure what the crime is and certainly whatever it might be because it's the first time it's been
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charged ever, there is not even i don't see where it's been proven at all some kind of crime took place. something deliberate. nefarious on out of the ordinary took place. >> all i'm saying being a lawyer where we are at in the case. i don't disagree with you where weather this thick should have been brought or not. if you are the defendant, you can't sit back and make the case this should not have been browvment you are now in a big fight. the question comes. >> this has been going on i honestly believe that. >> i hear everything you are saying. >> the defense's point of view the only thing they have to worry about is the judge. it's going to go to this jury because this judge seems to have it out for president trump and the bottom line is just like they blew it with weinstein they are blowing it again. >> bret: really quickly let me weigh in the meantime down the street the jury is being selected for the bob menendez case which is a bribery case. we don't hear a lot about it any place else. but it's happening. and there are very few people
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weighing in on it. >> kayleigh: yeah, and we know that the last case against him was dismissed. he got out of that one. but this case apparently is much stronger. you have his wife and him perhaps at odds. her case doesn't come until july. so a lot of cards falling there it is interesting. this would be kind of the trial of the year the bob menendez case but it is vastly and largely ignored because everyone is focused on what is happening downtown. >> it was a hung jury i think in the first one. >> a hung jury. >> they decided not to pursue it after that. >> bret: gold bars, mercedes and a wife. >> at least three lifetime movies in this one at least three. >> bret: up next secretary of state antony blinken blunt message to israel and then it has been said golf is a good walk spoiled. we will show you some folks who do not subscribe to this. ♪ kayak...
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. >> israel has not acted consists tent with international law. no matter what they do in rafah. or if they leave and get out of gaza as we believe they need to do, then you're going to have a vacuum and a vacuum is likely to be filled by chaos and anarchy and ultimately by hamas again. >> this just shows their incompetence. secretary blinken how we got to offer them a better way. a better way like afghanistan? how well did that work out? >> bret: some harsh criticism.
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associated press writes it this way blinken said u.s. -- blinken delivers delivers some of the condemnation of the conduct in gaza. this is was the secretary of state back in october. >> the message that i bring to israel is this. you may be strong enough on your tone defend yourself, but, as long as america exists, you will never ever have to. we will always be there by your side. >> bret: so what about this? we are back with the panel. harold, there is a split here and it's clear it may be hurting the president, isn't it. >> it could be. i would say two things. two things can be right. in this instance here, i think the administration may have made a mistake not giving them the weapons that they wanted and i think it's entirely fair for them at the raise the points that are being raised. israel is going to win this effort. whether it's tomorrow, whether it's a month or three months, they are going to win. in winning, they're going to
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also have to take on the responsibility in governing an area and group of people, millions of people who don't want to be under their control and frankly i don't think they want them to be under their control. furthermore we need allies in that region to be allies with us and helping to figure out the future. i hear what secretary blinken is saying but i think they made a mistake not giving them the weapons and still having this conversation. >> bret: kayleigh? >> i think a lot of people see foreign policy of confusion one where words and actions differ. where in word we are a stronger support of israel. when you read some of the stories out, you read from peter baker at the "new york times" about a call in february where biden said to netanyahu we might have to reconsider our support for the war. you read in the pages of "the washington post" this week, the headline u.s. offers israel intelligence. an effort to avoid rafah invasion. intelligence was apparently sensitive intelligence and wondering if we are bartering intelligence go to our ally. all of these things and perhaps pausing support if there is a rafah invasion. to what degree we don't know.
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we really don't know where. >> bret: analyze that for a second, charles. "the washington post" about the intelligence. u.s. is offering israel valuable assistance holding back sensitive intelligence to help the israeli military pinpoint the location of hamas leaders and find the group's hidden tunnels. why wouldn't would he be giving that information at the beginning? >> it does not make sense why we would have held it back in the first place. and, listen, i'm sure israel appreciates it but this is something that they have been doing for a long time. we get back to -- i think we drifted a long ways from octobes that happened at that moment, the death toll is sad. but when the biden administration israel come up with formula not to hit civilians that should be a demand nor hamas not israel. we should demand from hamas how you plan to keep civilians safe or woe could cut to the chase have these people give themselves up because to your point, israel is going to win.
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this they are determined to win this because what happened to them was a worse thing that happened to jewish people on this planet since adolf hitler. >> bret: i wanted to save time for this one soundbite. this is the vice president conference today. we haven't heard from her a lot. here she is. >> we have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. sometimes they won't. and then you need to kick that [bleep] door down. ha ha ha ha ha. [applause] excuse my language. ha ha ha ha ha. >> bret: the f bomb there at that conference, harold? >> harold: i haven't seen that i don't know what that means. i know this if someone killed 45,000 americans, it would be hard-pressed to tell me as an american tell my government not to do everything can you to find our hostages and show those people and ensure those people don't do it again. that's why i stand with israel in this. >> bret: i assume you don't want to comment about the vice president? [laughter]
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>> bret: we will leave it there. i got it. [laughter] >> bret: finally tonight, a special day. >> i found it exhilarating, exhausting, inspiring. i found the short putts really difficult because i was pretty shaky on the greens. >> bret: first time in five years the speed golf pairs championship returned to england. competitors try to shoot the score in the shortest amount of time with both numbers used to determine the total result. we believe a world record time of 37 minutes. tomorrow on "special report" we talk polling. the state of the presidential race with left and right. we're doing it fair and balanced and unafraid. thanks for watching. here's laura. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. eric trump i