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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 7, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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holocaust is, as mentioned earlier, it was not inevitable. we know hate never goes away, it only hides. given a little oxygen it comes out from under the rocks. we also know what stops hate. one thing. all of us. the late rabbi described anti-semitism as a virus that survived and mutated over time. together we cannot continue to let that happen. we have to remember our basic principles as a nation. we have an obligation, an obligation to learn the lessons of history. don't surrender our future to the no safe harbor against anyone. anyone. in our very founding jewish americans represent only about
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2% of the u.s. population, that have helped lead the cost for freedom for everyone in our nation. from that experience, we know scapegoating and demonizing any minority is a threat to every minority in the very foundation of our democracy. it is in moments like this, that we have to put these principles that we are talking about into action. i understand that people have strong beliefs and deep convictions about the world, in america, we respect and protect the fundamental right to free speech, to debate and disagree, to protest peacefully, and to make our voices heard. i understand, that is america. but there is no place on any campus in america or any place in america for anti-semitism or hate speech or threats of violence of any kind. [applause]
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weather against jews or anyone else. destroying property, that is not peaceful protests. it is against the law. and we are not a lawless country. we are a civil society. we uphold the rule of law and no one should have to hide to be brave just to be themselves. [applause] the jewish community, i would like for you to know, i see your fear and your heart and your pain. let me reassure you, as your president, you are not alone. you belong. you always have and you always will. and my commitment to the safety of the jewish people and the security of israel and our
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decision is ironclad even when we disagree. [applause] my administration is working around the clock to free the remaining hostages. we will have free hostages already, we will not rest until we bring them all home. [applause] my administration has launched our nation's first national security strategy to counter anti-semitism, mobilizing the full force of the federal government to protect jewish communities. but we know, this is not the work of the government alone, or jews alone. that is why i'm calling on all americans to stand united against anti-semitism and hate
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and all forms. my late friend said "one person of integrity can make a difference." we have to remember that now more than ever. here, and emancipation hall in the u.s. capital, amongst the history, is a bronze statue, boarding sweden as a lutheran. he was a businessman, a diplomat. while stationed and hungry, durable treatment during world war ii, he used diplomatic cover to hide and rescue about a hundred thousand jewish people over a six month period. amongst them was a 16-year-old jewish boy who escaped a labor camp. after the war ended, the boy received a scholarship from the foundation to study in america. he came to new york city,
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determined to turn his pain into purpose. along with his wife also a holocaust survivor. he became a renowned economist and a foreign policy thinker. eventually making his way to the very capital and became senator. thwe became dear friends to me d my family. tom would go on to become another holocaust survivor who was elected to congress who became a leading voice on civil rights and human rights around the world. tom never met raul who was taken prisoner by the soviets never to be heard from again. but through tom's efforts, he was also given on irate u.s. citizen, if only the second person ever after winston churchill. the holocaust memorial here in
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washington is located within his name. the story of the power of a single person to put aside their differences to see our common humanity to stand up to hate and the ancient story of resilience from immense pain and persecution to find hope and purpose and meaning in life. we tried to lift and chair with one another. that story endures. let me close with this. i know these days we are firing on difficult times, we are all doing well to remember that the face also fall during the month where we celebrate jewish american. a heritage that stem from early days to enrich every single part of american life. today. great americans, great jewish
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americans, tom used to use a phrase of an era of civilization is paper-thin, we are its guardians and we can never rest. my fellow americans, we must, we must, we must be those guardians. we must never rest. we must rise against hate. we must lean across the divide, and see the common humanity and god bless the victims and survivors. those resilient hearts and those crazy spirits, and that internal frame of faith for the jewish people forever shined a light on america and around the world. we pray to god. thank you. [applause] >> emily: you have been listening to president biden speaking at the annual holocaust remembrance day ceremony he was
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on capitol hill, he condemned anti-semitism and talk about a ferocious wave of anti-semitism that has been unleashed across the country and so we must learn from a history in no uncertain terms he called out hamas and the terrorist actions. and then he moved to the college protests and interestingly, what we heard him say it was destroying property is not civil protest, no one should have to hide to be themselves and of course we have seen jewish students across the country having to hide to be themselves, and then he said to the jewish community i see your pain. clear and unequivocal statement condemning anti-semitism, but perhaps a little too hate because recall there was nine days where we did not hear from president biden on this issue, nine days, there was time for a correspondence dinner address, there was time for campaigning and fund-raising but it took nine days. today, but get a statement that the nation has been longing for, condemnation of anti-semitism.
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onto this, this is a new york city, we've been tracking major developments in trump criminal trial, right now stormy daniels is on the witness stand, her story is central to the trial, prosecutors claiming that trump falsify his business records to cover up payments made to daniels through his attorney michael cohen. hello, everyone this is "outnumbered." i am kayleigh mceany here with emily compagno and harris faulkner. also joining us kennedy, and fox news contributor steve hilton. >> kayleigh: we have more details with eric. >> hello carrie, we heard some pretty salacious terror testimony from stormy daniels, e prosecutors i get into the heart of the case against trump, he is back on the stand right now after that was a 15 minute bread she seemed nervous appearing casual talking in a
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conversational way, about the prosecutor and the judge asking her to slow down. she began her testimony describing her upbringing working in the adult industry. film industry. then she recounted when she met the former president at a charity and 2006, she said that she playfully him on the rear with a rolled up magazine, the publicist then encouraged her to meet him, she said when she went up to his hotel penthouse to have dinner with him he was wearing silk or satin pajamas he said. just like hugh hefner. he then changed, at one point she went into the bathroom and when she emerge trump was lying on the bed with his boxers and t-shirt, and then she described having intercourse with him on the bed. she described in detail saying she was not threatened by him but that she did luck out and that it seem like the room was spinning. the former president was seen shaking her head after a break
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they admonished the prosecutors for getting into too much detail the prosecutors likely this afternoon and asked her why she was paid the money by michael cohen to keep her alleged affair from embarrassing trumped or hurting the family or to influence the 2016 presidential race? they are pointing out that she likely never had a conversation directly with the former president about the agreement, or if it was intended to help his presidential campaign as prosecutors have said, others point out a nondisclosure agreement like that when she said is legal. trump has always denied that he had any type of affair with miss daniels even though she has been claiming that for many years now. during the prosecution and the questioning of her, the judge sustained many objections, that means the judge has basically setting with the trump defense try not to get too many details onto the record. back to you.
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>> kayleigh: thank you very much. you know emily, i am interested in a conversation that took place this morning with the judge. you have the prosecutor saying we want to get into the details, we want to get into the details of certain acts in hotel rooms. they said they were not going to the details -- to which the defense replied this is in no way relevant. we are talking about a campaign finance violation here, one that is unprecedented, to begin with -- this is the center this morning. early in the day they talked about rule 403, federal rules of evidence where you determine if evidence if presidential, this is a new york rule of evidence, exclusion of relevant evidence,f its value is outweighed by the danger that is admission what, this is important, number one will create undue prejudice to a party and confuse the issue and
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mislead the jury and number three, prolong the proceeding so unreasonable to expect without any corresponding advantage to the offering party. stormy daniels does not know about paperwork or the organization so why under those rules would adjudge and allow her to take the stand? >> emily: to take it further, as that is construed as evidence it is a testimony. at its heart it is salacious testimony. by a witness that is they are under subpoena obviously for the prosecution, but for what reason? i think that because at its heart this is a falsification charge, and the reason why it is elevated to a felony because it is allegedly hiding a fraudulent intent to cover up a subsequent climb. the issue here is whether or not it happened, which is why these volume of salacious details is not only irrelevant, but it is yes presidential.
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in the whole point about the evidence i'm trying to make is that it has nothing to do with the records whatsoever. what we are seeing is a terrifying display of a clear intent to humiliate a presidential candidate because we know as we just heard, that the details will be splashed across the newspapers and the media and all alike while totally ignoring the underlying charge here, the elements that have yet to be satisfied and the reasons why they are not fair. this is smoke and mirrors and we are being distracted. >> kayleigh: the degree of detail is unnecessary, so why do we continue the hearing a great degree of detail? >> harris: we have heard so much already and part of that is because the finding and the flip in the case of harvey weinstein, it was based in so much extracurricular information that came into the case with testimony that either went too long i was too wide it was not at all. at one point we heard from our
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fox news and fox business correspondent, who was also a attorney who said, it looks like the judges letting this testimony and because prosecutor says it shows the story that trump wanted to conceal by using falsify business records around the election. meaning all of that talk, the texture of it about whether or not he had on a brief, some of the details are beyond salacious, because they are -- so, what lydia says is in fact at one point prosecutor said today how stormy daniels felt after her encounter was important to the case. i am with emily on this, which receipt? what actual evidence does how she felt that she said i was staring at the ceiling and i don't remember everything from that point. i wasn't drugged -- no i didn't,
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i mean things are creeping into this because she is letting that happen because she is driving it. it is completely immaterial to the case. >> kayleigh: the president has said this is election interference and you are left to conclude that it sent me forth that way when you think about how this has no relevance, none whatsoever to the facts matching the law which is the endeavor of the court of luck. coming up, anti-israel protesters try their hardest to crash last night's met gala. burning an american flag and defacing a memorial dedicated to the heroes of world war i in the process. diabetes? when enjoying life's special moments are you left guessing which foods are right for you? with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3 manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments.
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spilling beyond the confines of college campuses. [chanting] >> last night thousands of these demonstrators tried to disrupt the glitz and glamour of the serie a's met skin always takes place the first monday in may they shut down traffic and lift flows in the street but once they got near the event, they were met by nypd. they try to break through barricades and vandalize police vehicles at least 27 people were taken away in handcuffs. they then moved on to a world where one memorial near central park. here's what happened next. [chanting] >> kayleigh: you can see that statue come at the depiction of
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brave american soldiers, totally defaced. and of course, they said, our nation they set our flag on fire all while chanting free palestine. steve hilton your thought? >> steve: i believe in a way it is helpful, is clarifying and shallots with these people really are, they can deface a statue of soldiers who fought for the freedom they are now using to chant these slogans, they do not know what they are talking about, free palestine? they are engaged in an effort to engage to eliminate israel, we should be clear about it, and stand up to it, not like president biden does half-heartedly, weeks after it all starts. we have to call it out because it is an absolute disgrace. >> emily: we walked by that statue all the time, and it is the dresses that were worn to the met gala, it is not this despicable display. >> kennedy: it is an
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interesting contrast because as people were decked out in hundreds and thousands of beads on their crystal embed addresses, there were people outside, not only calling for the eradication of israel, they are disseminating talking points from hamas, make most mistake about that, they want to destroy our way of life, the vision they have for us is grim, and they will stop at nothing until they meet whatever loose goals they have laid out in their objective. every time we see these images it is more of a campaign cry for trump. >> more "outnumbered" coming up next day with us. our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers
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your screen with a lot of information that is contemporaneous to what we are reporting her a what is going on in the courtroom, we give analysis and the fax all of it right here on fox so stay tuned. kamala harris, stormy daniels has been on the witness stand for a couple of hours now, excee short break they have taken. they have not taken a break for a long time. so she is still talking. at one point the judge admonished the prosecution i don't know how much he meant that, not to go too far and let too much detail get into the case, this woman is testifying that she paid for the microphone. anyway, stormy daniels has been recalling the alleged encounter with the former president inside the hotel room, 18 years ago. with a lot of details. she describes all sorts of things that were going on with her, and with him, and she was staring at the ceiling and bubble bath, she said that when she put her shoes on according to her after the thing had happened she was so nervous her hands were shaking.
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she is a porn star, she gets paid for pornographic or only fans or whatever her deal is now. just up in a context. that is what this woman has and her past, and according to her only found in her -- the defense's claim that too many details are being the end, and it is irrelevant, so we will see what happens now not that the judges and the defense attorneys have said it, i want to bring in criminal defense attorney. so trump are sitting there what would you do as a defense attorney without going on? >> it is good to see you again. without question i would be objecting on the record to all of these questions regarding details of this alleged affair between form of president trump stormy daniels. i don't care what the judge judge says, so your viewers no, there needs to be a record making of every objection to this question for this court took a look at that record and
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see these objections. and i would also becoming a conference with the judge outside the presence of the jerry and i would argue that all of this testimony is irrelevant. all of this testimony is presidential, and there's a resn california at 352 what is that mean? it means even if a piece of evidence is remotely relevant it can be an outlet into court before the jury because it is prejudicial, this check should be making that analysis and should not be allowing most if not all of this testimony. >> harris: so there was discussion here on the couch about her being made out to be a victim and there is part of the testimony via one of our generalist inside of the courtroom. stormy daniels has offered a few answers about the continued contact and meeting, she wanted to keep prospects of an apprentice alive. is there any questions about this being transactional ship told us that from the beginning,
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i don't know if it's extortion or what they can work with on the defense side but they certainly can work with the word transactional if that matters but i am not sure if that is illegal and the state. she has testified that she felt comfortable meeting with trump and public spaces because it would be safe. what is she doing here? at one point she said when it was over, she alleged that when the intercourse was over, her memory went away and she kind of blacked out, she got dizzy but wasn't drugged. she is bringing things an end it makes her look like a victim. >> great point. none of this has to do with the elements of the alleged crime. not only is she trying to make herself look like a victim, but let's call out what the prosecutors are doing. if this is purely analysis of the case, this testimony would not be coming in, and as of now trump is winning this child by a landslide.
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but unfortunately we have prosecutors that do not care about this relevant fact or the fact that they cannot prove the loss of what they are doing is making stormy daniels out out as a victim and they are trying to characterize trump as unsavory. this man is dirty. look at what he's doing during his marriage. so they can try to get this jury to vote at the end of this case, based on emotion. based on guido not like this guy and what he did. that is called juror interference and it is really tragic. >> harris: if they're going to be nasty on one side, is there room for the defense to say, what was this transactional, how many of you had transactional intercourse with -- i mean you could certainly show who she is because this jury like america
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is smart, and these prosecutors are treating these people like they do not have a brain in their heads. >> yes, was the cross-examination with its got a look at? and guess what the prosecutors that they opened up the door to do exactly what she said. they should not go into all of that because she opened up that door how many times have you done adult films? how many times have you done intercourse acts on tv, talk about her career and how she has not done much in the last few years. but at the end of the day, he had most important questions that trump and his lawyers need to ask her. i would ask her if she had ever talked to trump about falsifying a financial document, she would say she doesn't know anything about that in the end of examination. >> harris: while matt, you got a smile from steve hilton. it is always good to talk to you, appreciate your expertise and your time. >> kennedy: the judge sounds like a -- because he is acting
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or to speak slowly that is gross. number two, let's take this transaction took place, the physical one, her being surprised that she was going to hold hotel room along with a man to have body congress is like being surprised at being invited to a tennis court and you want to see someone served -- and then you said i started shaking when i saw a tennis racket i didn't know what to do with it. it's -- this woman saying that she blacked out because she was so nervous is that the surgeon say because he barked at the sight of blood, it's hard to believe. >> harris: it is very hard to believe because she got paid to do this on film. it wasn't like she was used to doing this in the darkness, she was doing this in front of many cameras. >> steve: this needs to be the low point in this complete farce of a trial. and this is the day of all days,
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that conclusively proves what trump has been saying all along. this clearly is, because all of our legal experts confirm, and has nothing to do with the case is just designed to try and damage trump. it is clinging to the case that this is now eight election farce. and by the way, remember, who else has done this. which of the countries have harnessed their judicial system, corruptly, and this terrifying way we are seeing now in america just within the last year, pakistan, they did this in pakistan, to bring down the president come up to ten in russia, use the legal system to take his opponent off the ballot, that is the company these democrats demented with their anti-trump rage. that is the company they have not put america in. pakistan and russia, these are the people who lecture us about
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democracy and it is absolutely disgusting. >> harris: and then she told us all sorts of tawdry things. >> a important thing happened here, stormy daniels was suggesting that she only felt safe around trump and public, to your point victimhood was the theme. and the judge struck that from testimony. >> harris: but the jury already heard it. >> yes, imagine if you are a juror on this case and you're hearing this speech is a you cannot get that out of your mind, these people are human and this is why stormy daniels should not be understand. >> harris: i think people are smarter than the prosecution. maybe that would prove me wrong but i do. more coming up next. thinks hisd patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin.
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>> harris: so much to get to because there has been a lot of testimony in the trial, the new york child versus trump today from stormy daniels at one to say not too much detail about her testimony she was admonished thing that prosecution and theyt her. anyway one of the prosecution star witnesses they are saying is this kamala harris, stormy p, talking about her alleged encounter going back 18 years ago at a golf and invitational and a hotel room she says in lake tahoe. we are still waiting to hear whether or not the judge will decide on a gag order violation and what is next and all of that, that could be landing in the former president in jail, what is interesting about this point emily, is that this pins
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the judge and, if trump does anything else he's going to be thrown in jail and there is no room for anything else. >> emily: according to the judge, but earlier we were talking about this on the couch during the commercial break, and i was making the point and we touched on it after, i want to make clear that the defense. no matter how much they object and how much the judge sustains the fact that this additional testimony is not only irrelevant but prejudicial, the jury still hears it and that is massively prejudicial, we cannot get out of our brains as we wishing with the charger the images that have been portrayed by this witness on the stand. and if we cannot, the jury will not be able to either. this is a clear and dapple to humiliate trump and when we go back to bringing up the family and bringing up the details, the only silver lining is that it underscores that if there was a
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reason to transact that this was indeed put away it would be to the embracement of his husband and his wife and his family. based detail is that yes this is exactly how a husband will feel but far more importantly is the hypocrisy presented is -- the treatment of bill clinton -- monica lewinsky were dragged through the mud, and continue to be so, to this day of shame and public humiliation while he got off scot-free. for some reason here, they are enjoying this very public attempt at a takedown of someone's reputation, trump to the tune of this person's testimony, these photographs put up in these very unnecessary and presidential details. >> harris: they are trying to play who hates trump more, i don't know maybe she went i'm
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not really sure whatever is going on here, you're looking at a video earlier because trump has not spoken since this morning, he has been in and out of quote very quickly, it's a break for lunch we might hear them. we are all over it, the screen on your left on the right side box, to who is testifying earlier and who is on the stand right now, stormy daniels. i started to ask about jail time for trump, because when he does speak again, all things are on the table according to this judge. but more specifically yesterday it would be jail time if he says anything that frustrates that gag order why does that matter? the mayor of new york city is being asked about it and just moments ago, they are erica adams address what happens if trump goes to jail, that came up and a news conference let's watch. >> at the child they were talking about how he might end up in jail, if he continues to violate court orders are they prepared for that?
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and what would that even look like? >> our amazing commissioner, she is prepared for whatever comes on rikers island. i am pretty sure she would be prepared to manage and deal with the situation. as you see what is happening with harvey weinstein. we will adjust, and in this business particularly around law enforcement we have to adjust to whatever comes our way we do not want to do with a hypothetical but everyone is being professional. >> what does that have to do with? i didn't get that. >> steve: it is hard to understand, but basically he was saying nothing. nothing to say. they are just sort of mumbling around. i would like to highlight and emphasize something that you stated earlier, comparison with clinton is really important, because this is a political matter and it is clearly political, it is as if they are
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even embarrassed because even if you take everything they are saying about then a trunk, what clinton was accused of is far, far worse much worse and more of it. they are not in paris but just the other week they had been headlining the -- >> harris: he doesn't have a choice. >> they read him out as if nothing had happened and the hypocrisy here is unbelievable. >> harris: we are following the trial, it has been a big day but not for the reasons you might think it has nothing to do that the evidence at the prosecution says they have, but they say her feelings count, the, the porn star feelings count after she had intercourse with a man in a hotel. and feelings can count. and we will see if the account legally. more "outnumbered" coming up next.
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preserve title ix protections for women. join us at the top of the hour for "america reports." >> the new york criminal court hearing the case against trump, has taken a lunch break they will resume and of course if we hear from trump at any point, if he stopped to chat with his report as we will bring that to you live along with all the details. stormy daniels has been testifying about her alleged encounter with trump, going back 18 years. as a reminder, the prosecution is trying to make the case that former president trump, falsified business records na unprecedented never before brought case in new york state court on federal election laws. putting that aside, we had instead heard not about business records but salacious internet
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tawdry details. let us bring a defense attorney ms. sadie's. mercedes welcome, and we have heard about stormy daniels and certain positions, and we've heard grotesque details i have no clue how they assist the jury on how they match the facts to falsifying business records. >> what they are trying to do is smear trump, but he is also attacking the credibility of the defense, he is going to say there is so many details of stormy daniels that if she is providing about this encounter with format donald trump. it is clear that she is telling the truth, as a defense attorney you can certainly talk about these intimate moments with that being so, and so tawdry as the allegations have been. >> at one point they struck
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down the testimony sustained an objection from the defense she did not feel safe around trump unless in public, is she going to be able to separate that out of their mind, the jury and the fact that they perk they seem inescapable. >> it is difficult to unseat or unhear what you have heard. you have heard some pretty specific tawdry allegations and whatever took place between her and trump, it will be difficult because at the end of the day those jury are going to be key, they going to have to instruct the jury to not be emotional and infuse their own emotional upset or even think about it sympathetically they have to have to divorce themselves of their emotions entirely and look at the case clinically. but let's be honest, it is very difficult to do that as a human being. imagine sitting there and not being able to say anything and
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not being able to refute anything that is being said i understand. literally chess absorbed every statement made it is going to be very difficult for that juror to divorce themselves of that emotional upset or the emotional response to what they've heard. >> emily: they are human beings not computers and we put a certain expectation upon them. a former colleague of mine pointed out a really interesting credibility problem for stormy daniels on one hand on this last bit of testimony as we were heading into this break she was saying that stormie wanted to hide the story from her husband that she wanted to bury the story but on the other hand she talked about selling the story going back to 2011 and shopping for buyers, how can she make those two facts aligned with one another? >> wait until cross-examination you will see
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such an aggressive cross examination because the fact is clinical into the heart of this. she has had fame and fortune with the result of coming forward, she stated publicly in other forms that she really was hesitant to come forward but she felt like she needed to. at the end of the day we are talking about someone who has had podcasts and lots of television appearances and lots of same, and as a result there might be fortunate attached to it we do not know what her finances are but we can bet it is certainly more and much more significant than when she first served the allegations against trump. >> emily: thank you so much. more "outnumbered" and just a moment.
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>> we have to go quick so much breaking news former president trump's criminal trial we are monitoring all the news coming out of it for you. all that is new the court is on a lunch break right now set to
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resume at 2:00 p.m. eastern live on fox so don't miss moment by moment. and we are a few moments from the state department briefing, israel and its operation today in rafah white house on his behalf it looks like they are not going in on the ground the way they said they were while they try to work out a cease-fire deal with hamas savages we will see how that goes but meanwhile they have tanks on the ground. they are moving and they have moved 100,000 people out of the way and the humanitarian move for them we are following all of it to see what will come from the white house today from the president talking about holocaust remembrance day this week but not officially getting into what is going on between israel and hamas. so much ahead, keep it on fox, "america reports" now. >> the legal expense we have made put down as legal expense


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