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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 30, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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clearly you have the world watching what is happening in that courtroom. we are left wondering where this goes next, who is called up as the next star witness and how they will handle this knowing that the world is watching. this is not a court room where what happens in the air stays in there. we are watching every detail that comes from there. from the strategies that you have seen so far? >> i would say you are spot on on one critical aspect which is the evidence that has come in so far has not articulate it a crime. remember someone being accused of a crime has with amendment rights to make sure they are confronting those that accuse them of crime based on full understanding of what the allegation of criminal conduct is. here it's very difficult for the defense team at this point to really even articulate what is the evidence and what is the
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crime. both of those things have been lacking. this is the kind of taste with any other judge the next step if they can't present evidence that really identifies what the underlying crime that was committed and remember, cohen's testimony is not enough to satisfy that come with any other judge it would have been dismissed before got to jury. >> john: while they show no sign of following your thinking is a lot ahead we will see more of you think you so much. appreciated. now this. [chanting]
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>> john: lives looks at universities and around the country and also to capitol hill warehouse speaker mike johnson will outline plans to crackdown on anti-semitism on american college campuses. >> sandra: at this hour as we do watch the protests continue, john, columbia is threatening to expel students who broke into a building and won't leave. they have started suspending students camping out on the quad so they say, write john? >> john: so they say and yet they don't seem to back that up with any sort of action. that that still begins our second hour i'm john roberts in washington. sandra, it's unusual to see all of this continuing for so long if there are no signs of it stopping. >> sandra: i can imagine if expulsions have begun if someone is expelled from the school we will hear from them. i have not heard any outrage from any of those protesters who felt they had the right to do what they did, and then were expelled for it so we will see if any action is being taken. i'm sandra smith in new york
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this is "america reports" columbia university students are on edge after dozens breached that main academic building. this is the video that shows those protesters shattering windows and barricading the doors. >> john: complete coverage starts now we will speak to two college students witnessing these violent protests in real-time. >> sandra: and alexis mcadams live outside columbia university in new york city so alexis what are you seeing inside here today? speak on the other side of campus gates in the upper west side, send her there are more protests here though we chose this location to show you hamilton hall which you can check out right over here over my shoulder we will zoom in on it this is the building all the action happened in last night. we left campus before midnight here and there was not a lot of action, but on the other side these students then decided to smash the windows using a hammer and go right in saying they were "liberating the building" even trying to change the name, check it out.
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[chanting] speak of the demonstrators handing a banner from hamilton hall the banner reading "free palestine" saying they are renaming it after a 6-year-old palestinian child killed in gaza a few months ago so it has been chaos after across the country and we are checking with students who really have had enough of this, right? including a freshman student here, tell us a little bit about what you think is going on on your campus, it's your first year you are probably excited to come here it's a great school to academically. what do you think about what is happening here? >> i'm disillusioned i worked my often high school to come here and i realize there is no academic integrity. there is clearly lacking in morality. in the students here definitely
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overstated. it's upsetting. last night there was complete anarchy. students broke into hamilton hall, they broke a window and then they barricaded their rooms. than they actually abducted a maintenance worker who had to fend for himself and fight the students. these students also formed a human chain link around a jewish student and they basically surrounded him and that is harassment in my book and any book. it is really frustrating and very disheartening. >> when you saw the video i woke up and saw that action you can see them using a hammer, they were also had people like their own little film crew trying to capture all the action. were you shocked or kind of expecting because they did not clear out at 2:00 and listen to the president of the university were you expecting it to escalate like that? >> nothing escalates merely more. it is more hostile we see more instances of physical assault and harassment are not the president these kids are brainwashed under the guise of social justice and they truly believe they are liberating palestine but this does nothing for palestinians. all it does is polarize everyone on campus and targets jews and
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this is the most destructive thing someone can do. >> is a jewish student who chose this university do you wish you would have chosen columbia university question marks big i mean i made some great friends here and really cool people here especially the international students, shut up to them also my jewish friend the crude jewish community has very strong but i want to be a college kid. i kind of regret coming here i which dumb i feel like i am in a place of rotting to its core and it's frustrating. >> how do you think the president of the university has handled it and do you think she should step down question works because i don't think on the got a comment on that. i don't know if she should step down but i do think she has been too double medic and too neutral always extending deadlines there's a lot of lip service saying things like we don't tolerate speech that incites violence or harassment toward members of our community but then every other day they are chanting of death to zionist state. peer there are chance of we don't want zionist here we want october 7 to happen over and over again so it seems the
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fact is protected. it seems they are operating with lip service. it's frustrating. i just want people to wake up. this is insane. i laugh because i think it's ridiculous and gets more and more absurd each day. >> and to take a look if we have that video, you guys from what is happening on the campus still so the 2:00 deadline hit yesterday, it's been a full day past and you still see tents set up. i don't know if you're looking at it right now but you can see they've only removed a few dozen tents. you think the student should be expelled? >> absolutely they should be expelled. imagine you had a bunch of white supremacist students chanting for the death of black students on campus what would happen to them? i think they'll be expelled immediately and rightfully so. and you see james was under backlash after he chanted for scientists to die and how they don't deserve to live and it took three months to kick the student off-campus. that video from three months ago and the meeting was in january so i mean i don't really understand this double standard. if i was doing anything these students were doing i would be
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under deep trouble. >> we have a question too, sandra you can tell me and i will tell him. >> sandra: incredibly powerful interview, alexis. thank you for bringing us know what's words here. the intellectual integrity of this institution that his parents are paying for, alexis has he heard of any students or fellow students getting expelled or suspended or facing any consequences whatsoever? >> have you heard of any students getting expelled or suspended yet? has that been on social may have you heard of anyone in your class who is not at graduation if you even have one? >> i heard some students are suspended but i heard a bentley from last night no action has been taken up against those who assault the minutes worker or committed vandalism i mean these are crimes why aren't they getting punished? >> thank you for setting this we have heard from so many students
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on campus. >> thank you for bringing him to us we will see you again sho shortly. >> john: let's hear from a couple more students. in washington, d.c., nick bomb is a freshman and we just heard from noah in columbia so let me go to sarah first. we had our griff jenkins on campus. i think of where griff is on campus but he is a fine fellow but what is the situation at g.w. and as a jewish student on campus how are you feeling about the environment that you are learning in? >> yes, thank you so much for having me today. being a proud jew on campus is challenging right now. we are trying to be students we are trying to take our finals and as a student i feel unsafe to walk around on campus with my mcginn to feed and my tag to simply bring the hostages home. there is no way these students
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are wanting to talk to us. they are only here to disrupt us. it is a really unsettling environment for all of us right now. >> sandra: next, this is also your first year what is it been like for you? >> thank you for having me. i have to echo everything sarah said. i simply feel unsafe on campus because when you have as many protesters completely masked up concealing the identity breaking into hamilton hall where i have had several classes before when they physically abuse a facilities worker and when they wave a banner that reads anti-fodder i think of my own safety first and how it's completely compromised by obscene instigation on campus. and it really is a scary. i am weighing my options right now as to whether or not i should leave campus altogether. >> john: let me get sarah and then next to both weigh in on this. the yearly tuition there minus
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living costs, $66,000 year end g.w. 2022-2023 was nearly $63,000 a year. so, sarah you go first then that, do you feel like you're getting your money's worth? >> you know, this is a funny thing i am playing around with in my head a little bit. right now, no. right now i think it's disgraceful what is happening. there is no way that if jewish students can and not feel safe how are we supposed to learn? we are here at university and at college to get a degree. if we do not feel safe to complete our assignments and do our own work where we paying f for? >> john: nick? >> yes, the answer is no. when i first arrived here on campus i never would have expected myself to be barred from entering columbia's campus. right now everybody outside of the campus is unable to access it at all. that is the result of the
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administration's ultimate feeling they cannot guarantee the safety of this. speed >> sandra: one thing that has kept the police from coming on is a private area they need to be called on but if you feel threatened or something happens to you where it is a strong enough offense you want to call the police, you can and they would have to come on the campus. are any of the students getting to that point where they are just calling the police and on their own? >> no. that is not happening because of the lack of response of the police. unfortunately, there have been instances where we are actively calling upon the mayor. i am a proud member of g.w. for israel and we have recently created a petition to send it to the mayor to urge her to bring in support. we have students who are trying to walk across campus to cvs and they are being attacked and verbally abused being called "dirty zionists" how is that a
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safe environment? the police clearly don't want to help us. >> sarah and nick we wish you well we hope you stay safe there. let's catch up with you another time. >> sandra: just a moment ago this was live in the courthouse. as we said you walked back in around the same time every day they have a lunch break 2:1 2:11-2:12 the former president just walked back in in new york city he did not speak to karen as he typically waits and does that in the morning and waits until after court adjourns in the afternoon, john. >> john: we saw eric talk with him walking behind them as well as he entered the courtroom that was the first time any family members have been with them in the court. we will hear from the former president in a few minutes time. in the growing anti-semitism problem in college campuses across america and what house republicans plan to do about it. their remarks coming in a few
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can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. >> john: new york governor kathy hochul talking about the protest their university campuses in new york let's listen in. >> just a couple of weeks ago. cornell tech is one of the signature i mean early pioneers in this. they have asked me what is convenient for us and also i saw the significance was important in those very freedoms we are all entitled to. >> anything else on ai? let's m move on to the off topi. >> are you concerned the use of the national guard?
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>> what i have set all along is that will ensure the safety of all students but the primary responsibility falls in the university. if the universe university decides to call in additional support they have called in nypd. nypd has over 36,000 well-trained professionals who have artie been who are available, so if an nypd enters in a circumstance they cannot handle, which i do not ever foresee, we have state police and other resources available. the primary responsibility does follow the policing agencies were municipality continues. >> if they are going to be at columbia's request at the moment nothing else is going to have an. >> sandra: now to capitol hill gone mike johnson is announcing a house wide crackdown on anti-semitism on college campuses must listen here. >> inside of the academic
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buildings. they fought with the maintenance crew there. they assaulted students. they broke their windows, destroyed property, hung an anti-fight of mitt don't want banner from the building and the law enforcement was nowhere to be found. we are told nypd is outside the perimeter of the campus but they are not invited in. they will not go until they are invited. what university officials are waiting on? what do they need to see before they stand up to these terrorist sympathizers which is exactly what they are? what is worse is that columbia's choice to ignore the safety of their jewish students and appease anti-semites has inspired even more hate filled protests to pop up around the country. what we are seeing right now is people wave hezbollah flags and hamas flags, there are homemade on october 7th it's outrageous hamas endorsed the protest at columbia university. just about two hours before we walked out on wednesday.
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they are proudly chanting things like "death to america" and profanity and hate filled slogans. this is utterly despicable. it cannot be accepted in this country. anti-semitism is a virus. and because the administration and woke university presidents are not stepping in, we are seeing it spread. we have to ask. house republicans will speak to this faithful moment with clarity. we really wish those in the white house would do the same. we will not allow anti-semitism to thrive on campus and we will hold these universities accountable their failure to protect jewish students on campus. that's why today we are here to announce a house wide effort to crack down on anti-semitism on college campuses. nearly every committee here has a role to play in these efforts to stop the madness. joining me today are my colleagues in leadership as well as committee chairs of the committees of appropriate jurisdiction and we will
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elaborate on what we have been doing this whole of the house effort. the federal government plays a critical role in higher education and we will use all the tools available to us to address this. with that i will turn it over for us to house republicans here who has been doing extraordinary work on this issue for a number of years. >> thank you so much to our speaker. i want to thank the speaker as well as chairwoman fox for visiting columbia university's campus last week to highlight moral leadership that is sorely needed and lacking when it comes to these university presidents. i also want to thank the speaker for making this a priority all house republicans. it is clear jewish families across this country, americans across this country are looking for moral clarity and we will deliver where these higher education institutions have failed. as the speaker said last night at columbia america watched in disgust as president should peak allowed an anti-semitic
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pro-terrorist mob to storm and sees an academic building holding faculty inside, flying pro-hamas signs and damaging property. joe biden, far left democratic governors like in my state new york and morally bankrupt university leaders have allowed this moral rot of anti-semitism to fester refusing to enforce laws and refusing to ensure safety of jewish students. is not just columbia. this is a moral rot that has taken root across american higher education solutions. at yale university a jewish student was stabbed in the eye with a palestinian flag. at the university of southern california graduation was canceled due to the university being unable to guarantee the safety of stu students. jewish students were barricaded at the library at cooper union. at my alma mater, harvard university, the palestinian flag was hoisted at university hall where the american flag always flies. in clear violation of university policies.
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there are dozens of these anti-semitic encampments across the country. these mobs are breaking university rules leading to the targeting and harassment of jewish students and faculty. in december at a hearing chaired by our education and workforce chairwoman virginia foxx, we expose how ingrained anti-semitism has become at america's so-called "elite institutions in higher education." when i question the president of harvard, mit, and penn does calling or the genocide of jews go against your rules and was met by silence. i was the first to two demand she resigned for her for failure to disband the anti-semitic mob consuming columbia vazquez campus and her failure to ensure the safety of columbia's jewish students. instead she negotiated with these self-proclaimed terrorists
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allowing their anti-semitic mob to grow. enough is enough. it is time to restore law and order. academic integrity and moral decency to america's higher education institutions. joe biden has been definitely silent so i want to thank again the speaker as well as all of our chairs and we will ensure this is a top priority for house republicans. there can be no moral equivalency it is time to send a clear message to the world that anti-semitism has no place in america. the world is indeed watching. with that i will turn it over to our whip, tom emmer. >> thank you. our house republican conference is here today to deliver a message. for the pro-terrorist anti-semites taking over college campuses, we are here to deliver a message to the university administrators who have chosen to be complicit in these movements for hatred rather than taking action.
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we are here to deliver a message to hamas, iran, and members of this squad including my minnesota colleague ilhan omar cobol ball endorsed anti-semitic protests that enough is enough. accountability is here. our college campuses should never be breeding grounds for anti-semitism. and yet, that is exactly what they have become. why? because of university administrators who have refused to protect their jewish students. because of faculty members who have enabled the wave of anti-semitic violence. because of an administration that has tried to play both sides of this issue. and because of a far left members of congress that are applauding anti-semitism on college campus. in other words, it is because we have a bunch of adults in a room who are refusing to be the adults in the room. while no one else is standing up to lead in this pivotal moment
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in history, house republicans will. i want to thank speaker johnson and our committee chairs for providing much needed accountability on an issue that has been met with and disturbing amount of a difference and even encouragement from the people who are supposed to keep our students safe. the world is watching to see how we respond and i for one am grateful to be part of a conference that will be on the right side of history and with that i turn it over to our leader steve scalise. >> thank you. since october 7th when a terrorist organization backed by iran known as thomas invaded iran -- invaded israel you have seen a growing wave of anti-semitism. obviously in israel we saw a war declared on them. and israel said we are going to defend our state and you saw, by the way, these colleagues here in so many of my house
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colleagues stand and say we support israel's right to defend themselves as a jewish state but something else alarming you started to see happened after that is when we started to take action here. that is when you started seeing anti-semitism grow here in the united states here in college campuses and in fact here on the house floor by some of our colleagues on the other side. we have been speaking out against it vocally. this is an area where you have to learn from the mistakes of history. because if you don't learn from mistakes of history, we are all doomed to repeat it. let's not forget what happened in the lead up to world war ii. so when you see some of the things that these -- whether you call them terrorist sympathizers, anarchists, they are organized. when they show up and all have the same tents, when they are all from out-of-state many of these places where they are showing up, it is an organized mob trying to into chaos and
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brief anti-semitism. if we don't stand up against it every place we see it and more importantly if we don't call on those people whose main job is to protect the people that they are tasked with looking over, look at these college pres presidents. you know, we are testing all of our committee chairs to look into the billions of federal taxpayer dollars that go to these universities. part of the reason it goes to these universities is so that they can provide a good education for their students so they can provide a safe environment for their students. if these presidents won't provide that safe environment, than those university presidents need to go. they need to resign. we have been very vocal about calling on them to step down as well because they are not only failing their students, but they are disgracing universities. many of these universities have a long and storied reputation that is being tarnished. many of them permanently.
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parents that won't even send their kids to these schools anymore because they are kids no longer safe. we are seeing it play out today on many campuses across the nation. but here in this house with our majority we are going to continue to hold these people accountable for the money they get and for the failures they are ensuing. if you look at what happened and elise touched on it a little earlier, over 1 billion people watch that video that she talked about. over 1 billion people watching a congressional hearing. i would like there to be interest that high in every congressional hearing where having but even more than that the world is watching. so we need to continue to show the moral clarity between right and wrong and call out anti-semitism that attacks on jewish people and anybody else for their faith as for what it is. stand up against people that are doing it. and leading the charge the person who had the first hearing in her committee months ago is
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the chair of the education workforce committee. it's tough going after the people going after this, virginia. >> i want to thank the speaker also for making this an all of the house issue. it is and all of the house is issue. it's an issue for our country. as a public and we have a clear message for mealymouthed spineless college leaders. congress will not tolerate your dereliction of duty to your jewish students. american universities are officially put on notice that we have come to take our universities back. i applaud the speaker for expanding the committee on education and workforces ongoing investigation into a congress wide initiative. no stone must go on turn while buildings are being defaced, campus greens are being cap captured, or graduations are being ruined. college is not a park for
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playacting juveniles or a battleground for radical activists. everyone affiliated with these and universities will receive a healthy dose of reality. actions have consequences. one of those consequences is that i have given notice to appear to yale, ucla, and michigan to appear before the education and workforce committee on may 23rd for a hearing on their handling of these most recent outrages. i look forward to working with my fellow house leaders on additional action to address these riots and i yield to frank lucas. >> thank you, madam chairman. and thank you, speaker johnson, for taking action on this important issue. right now, jewish students
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facing harassment, discrimination, and in some case violence at our colleges and universities, this anti-semitism is unacceptable. and it goes against who we are as americans. we entrust our colleges and universities were conducting scientific research and educating the next generation of leaders and innovators. they cannot do that when students are being driven off campus by shocking displays of anti-semitism. what is more common universities that cannot protect their students are not in compliance with their funding obligations through the national science foundation. funding through nsf accounts for about 25% of all federal support to america's college and universities for basic research. as a part of the conditions of receiving taxpayer dollars through the nsf, universities must comply with title vi of the
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civil rights act which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national or origin. schools like columbia and uc berkeley annually receive more than $50 million each in nsf grants. it is time we review whether universities that allow the harassment, assault, or intimidation of their jewish students are in compliance with that they obligations. we will be looking to conduct oversight on this issue very soon. thank you for your time here today a and i now turn to my colleague chairwoman kathy mcmorris rodgers. >> i echo my colleague's words and i appreciate the leadership of speaker mike johnson in bringing us together we must bring everything we can to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, faculty, and staff including those of jewish heritage and faith. with broad jurisdiction over energy and public health the energy and commerce community oversees those who dole out many
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taxpayer research grants. for example in fiscal year 2023 the national institutes of health have given around 682 million columbia university. 409,000,002 harvard. $508 million to usc. which just canceled their graduation over fear from violence protested. $73 million to george washington university just don't act on the street. we will be increasing our oversight of institutions that have received public funding and cracking down on those in violation of the civil rights act. i will leave you all with this. imagine being a jewish american knowing that part of your hard-earned paycheck is going to fund an anti-semitic professor's research while they threaten students and actively indoctrinate and radicalize the next generation. pleased to yield now to the
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chairman, the great chairman of the judiciary committee jim jordan. >> earlier today republicans on the house committee sent to two letters one to six or a blanket and one to secretary mayorkas asking three fundamental questions. questions we as republicans in the congress want to know and maybe more importantly questions i think the american people want to have the answers to. first, how many students on a visa have engaged in the radical activity we have seen day after day on college campus is? how many have engaged in this activity endorsing or espousing terrorist activity on a college campus? question two, if you know that number, have you, the state department, have you asked the state department to revoke their reasons? and third and maybe most importantly to secretary mayorkas, if you have done that and if you know that answer, have you started removal proceedings? those are in the judiciary committee that we want the answers to. remember september 30th 2021 secretary mayorkas issued his
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guidelines for immigration enforcement. he said that national security threats are a reason of course to remove people from this country. so the fundamental question, the over question is simple. are individuals advocating for the structure of our dearest and closest ally in the state of israel and engaged in this anti-semitic behavior, is that a national security threat? we think it is and we observe the american people deserve the answers to those three fundamental questions i yield to the chairman. >> let's start out just saying these college and universities enjoy generous, generous benefits under the u.s. tax c code. they have the responsibility to the american taxpayer to ensure that they are fulfilling their educational requirements as tax-exempt organizations as well
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as protecting students from intimidation, harassment, and violence. sadly too many colleges and universities have felt to hold up their end of the bargain they have failed the test. they have allowed anti-semitism to flourish on their campuses. they are an action has emboldened the mobs who threaten jewish students. at the ways and means committee we have been investigating the issue for months. in a hearing last november we examined the nexus between anti-semitism to accept universities and terror financing networks. during that hearing we heard vivid testimony to a jewish student from cornell about how she feared for her life amid the death threats being made to jewish students on the campus while the university leadership was telling folks they should not be worried. we have sent letters to
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university leaders demanding information on what disciplinary action, if any, that they have taken against those whose anti-semitic activity violates campus policy. we have called on them to disclose any donations or funding they have received from foreign governments as well. our investigation has already produced more than 1500 pages of documents that we are now actively reviewing. we will not stop until we get answers. until jewish students can feel safe. and until these universities are held accountable. i am pleased to introduce my good friend, chairman jamie kelman. >> the failure of columbia university to address the pro-hamas mob and i we have anti-israel protests and copycat protests pop up a cross-country brew these rental protests
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threaten violence against jews are anything but organic grated appears global elites are finding these hateful protests in pop-up tent cities. these are the same groups that fund other radical agendas including diminishing america's energy production and pushing soft-on-crime policies that harm the american people. the house oversight committee will follow the money trail, exposed it to the american people that seem to hold bad actors funding hate accountable. i want to thank speaker johnson and house leadership for coordinating this and house oversight committee working with other committees to investigate this and i yield back to speaker john. >> you just heard from the chairs of a number of the most powerful communities on capitol hill. you've had oversight and heard from the chair of judiciary science space and technology the house workforce committee, ways and means, there is more. you will hear the leadership team deeply involved in all of this as well.
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we have to get down to the bottom of this. congress has two really important that will be held in this exercise. one is oversight and it's a job that we have and also for the use of the power of the purse. we need accountability for those who cannot maintain order, will not protect innocent students on their campus, and it will not be on top of the situations i will take a few a few questions. >> you took the unusual step for a speaker last week of going to the scene of the news that campus had columbia university is this what we expect to see more frequently from you getting out to the belt wing and touring controversial sites and you'd challenge president biden to visit columbia as well? >> yes i do. in fact after we left the campus i made a call to senior policy advisors that the president was on the road as i was and we did not connect, connect them easily but i encourage him to go and see for himself. i will go where needed. we felt there was a vacuum of leadership and it was an
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important moment for us as the house for the speaker of the house. representing the whole body to speak with clarity, conviction, and moral clarity is what you hear from us he will continue to hear it. this is not a great issue. there is right and wrong here. good and evil in my view and that they we should call it what it is. we are living in moments here we do not have time for weakness. anyone with a platform or an elected office i believe has a duty and a responsibility to speak to it. we went, we faced the crowd, we told them the truth, they did not want to hear that and that's okay the american people need to and continue to do that. >> congressman bacon is floating a center resolution against congressman ilhan omar for the comments she made about some jewish students being, obviously, pro-genocidal. would you put that against the commerce when question works
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because i think that speech is detestable she is on the wrong side of the issue. i have spoke with congressman about the resolution but we will look at it. look, desperate times call for desperate measures. i think when you are calling for the extermination of a race of people which is exactly what many in the crowd are calling for the reason hamas endorsed the protest at columbia university is because they were using hamas talking points. when they chant "from the river to the sea" you understand they are talking about the elimination of the state of israel. they were putting posters on two placards and telephone poles and trees around campus -- >> sandra: we will continue to monitor this news conference, speaker is taking questions now live to unc where she has brand-new live video coming in give a second for the camera to come back up. there was a very confrontational moment happening, john. there at chapel hill just a few moments ago.
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and a clash of students there we are waiting to see what involvement by law enforcement as we try to get these life pictures back up on the screen. a growing number of protesters on the campus now. >> john: these pictures coming courtesy of our raleigh affiliate wral. we saw yesterday at university of texas austin and we do expect to hear very soon from delhi o'gara's of travis county attorney who will announce the consequences for some people were taking part in that protest legal wise we don't know if any charges will be filed or not or we don't know if they will have the press conference. if not the press conference of north carolina, a big police presence on campus there unlike at columbia where they are outside of the campus.
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let's bring in vilma current fox news contributor "wall street journal" editorial board member as we watch these pictures unfold and bill, you know, this house wide effort we heard speaker johnson announced a moment ago to crackdown on anti-semitism on college campuses is likely to divided democrats to a large degree because it calls for ending federal funding colleges that don't crackdown on things like we are seeing. what do you say? >> i think that is right. we are seeing several things. one, the inability of liberal american leaders of liberal institutions to control their institutions and live by the liberal rules of community. and issuing statements about speech and protest but they don't seem capable of enforcing any until it is too late. i also think this is a split,
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progressives are attacking liberals. remember, joe biden is not a favor as we see them carrying genocide joe signs. so far we see we are failing to see a contrast it is no coincidence seeming to me that the most elite universities are having the most trouble. some public universities especially the south seem to be dealing with this a little better. i think it will go all the way to the national committee and part some excellent politicians have to do. >> sandra: joining us from "the wall street journal" as we look at brand-new pictures in chapel hill, north carolina, a moment ago as we often see a counter of protesters they are waving their israel flags. a student came by and was high-fiving them as they stood firmly there on the campus. a moment ago what we heard from
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house republicans once had they invited the president of yale, ucla to come and testify, who knows that number could grow but that's a month from now. obviously the point is to put pressure on these schools to respond to growing protests but a lot can happen between now and then but will that incentivize some of these schools to react more firmly in the days to come knowing they are going to have to have tough questions in washington? >> watch how unprepared they were last time? they are capable of explaining why "from the river to the sea palestine will be free" should not be considered genocidal thought. they have not thought about the position. one of the things the president
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for less fear of their students. is a terrible situation for college president to be in because it gives the students the upper hand. the students know there will be no consequences. i think the longer you wait, the tougher the consequence is have to be. i think they may be could get away with suspension but i think they need expulsions and i think it needs to stick. they can appeal them, but there should be a process, it should not be immediate. make there be a price for this. right now it is a free ride. -- >> sandra: bill? we just want to alert what is happening on the screen here, john, we are getting worried this is at columbia university where the students are still occupying the building there they are lifting supplies we are told up into the building and you can see them hoisting what appeared to a plastic basket holding perhaps food, water, don't know. wow. >> john: and to the pictures
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at unc chapel hill, the center of gravity in these protests seems to be around the flagpole. something going on with the flag there. someone was trying to take the flag down? or what was going on but we know at harvard university in the last couple of days someone removed the american flag and put the palestinian flag up in its place. you take down the american flag at a life like north carolina it will cause some consternation. and there we see people on the parapet there of hamilton hall. as they are taking in supplies to keep them going. sandra, no sign they are going to heed any calls from the university to get out of hamilton hall and give it up. >> sandra: and i see they are wearing their masks and glasses and carrying their faces and giving thumbs up to whoever just lifted up the supplies to them. they are not leaving the building. the school has already put out a statement, john.
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promising expulsion of anyone promised to be in the building he is wearing a columbia sweatshirt. clearly anybody who knows these people can say that is so-and-so. where is the action? on the part of these universities? >> john: you know it seems with columbia university there is not going to be any. they did call the police one day last week, but i don't think they liked the result of that. don't forget you have 800 undergrads there in columbia about 36,000 people a very small group of people who is basically got them by the you know what. we will take a break and see when we get back. ost to help ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months.
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>> sandra: we are watching these live pictures out of columbia university in new york city, protesters continue they are just a few moments ago we saw live those that continue to occupy the building, the protesters that entered are still there. they are being sent supplies. they were hoisting up a basket filled with whatever items. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles with a snapshot of what is happening all over this country right now. >> let's start in california is not just ucla and usc now these protests are at irving,
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cal state, sacramento and san francisco and according to our brain room 46 out of the colu.s.'s top 50 universities he protest in the last two weeks. over the last 24 hours we see them in utah, wisconsin, oregon, minnesota, and north carolina where chapel hill police this morning arrested 30 pro-palestinian protesters when they failed to vacate their camp. protesters say they want amnesty, no suspensions, no prosecutions and no consequence for violating university policy. now at portland state and oregon, police this morning removed 75 protesters who broke in and occupied a campus library. they are demanding the university divests of companies that do business in israel. texas, as you know, state police there arrested 80 people on monday charged with criminal trespass at tulane university. six arrested, university of florida nine arrested at its administrators there are also
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trying to stop people from creating these tent cities in california where they have a much more hands-off policy. last night, however, police had to come in riot gear. they were called in to stop 50 jewish counterprotesters who have tried to enter that encampment and get through the quad, if you will. over the weekend april palestinian protester was detained after activating a taser on a jew >> i think after here for 20 years i think protesting is a person's right. what is not right is yelling "death to america" "death to jews." >> and those were told to shelter in place while police came in and arrested 35 protesters who had taken over terminal buildings. you have seen it, sandra and
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john in several different univemoviesand film they hoistea palestinian flag and were told to take it down and as a 4 minutes ago the university is saying that who violate policies will be discipline, we will see. >> sandra: william la jeunesse on this at ucla. >> john: let's bring fox news contributor and board member for more on this. i was looking into another statement from columbia university, bill, which says protesters have chosen to escalate to an untenable situation. vandalizing property, breaking doors and windows and block any entrances and we are following through with consequences we outlined yesterday. threatening to expel these students, they have gone on to say disruptions on campus have created a difficult environment and a noisy destruction interfering with teaching and preparing for final exams and tributes to a hostile environment in violation of title vi. but other than these threatened expulsions they are not doing
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squat about it, bill. >> looks, who is letting it escalate? they have. it is far easier to nip these things in the bud then let them gather and have more people than it takes a lot more to give them down. i think william la jeunesse is right there are no real consequences. i guaranteed when it comes to an end the students will demand amnesty. we will see if the colleges give in. right now the students ironically have the same strategies hamas. make no deals, don't do anything and why should they? they are winning. >> sandra: bill, many people are wondering where is the president and all this? why aren't we seeing them show up to these campuses? and call for this to end. i mean you have students, american students on their own college campuses feeling threatened there in the middle of violence.
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we did just see a few moments ago saying students who don't feel safe walking to their dorm. they don't feel safe walking across the street. this is a perfect situation for so many we just got biden and wilmington, delaware, at his motorcade arrived at a motorcade event a few moments ago. would it help if the president showed up at columbia, ucla, and why you, wherever, austin, texas, and said this cannot happen, this cannot happen here, this anti-semitism cannot happen anywhere. >> yes, it would for the president it might stiffen their spines to know they are backed up. is a no-brainer or it should be for president biden. right now afraid to lose the youth vote in gaza so he is lame on both sides. as a result both sides don't like him. you know, a new poll just came out showing even young people, 50% support israel going into
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rough and now rather than leaving the place to gaza, to hamas and their control. i think would be a good way for him to show strength and recover a little bit of what he did right after the attacks but i think it's all political calculations and frankly i don't think he is up to it. when i was in the white house with george bush, if you had something to say and it was not the topic of the day you put it on the top of the speech at least made a mention of it. >> john: bill, great to have your thoughts. >> sandra: looks like there hoisting pizzas up there now, john. i jokingly said that after the last one went up. i bet it's pizzas, turns out it is. >> john: clearly someone is bankrolling all of this. we will be with you tomorrow take you for joining us i'm john roberts. >> sandra:


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