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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 30, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> brian: that the scene for the last three weeks, it just hits a new level. we begin final hour of "fox and friends" with protesters taking over hamilton hall. smashing windows, barricading themselves inside. >> steve: we hear protest is set to begin shortly. police confirm protesters at university of north carolina chapel hill. >> ainsley: at yale 50 police officers are moving in on an encampment. bryan ilenas joins us live there. >> bryan: give people insight what it is like now. this is hamilton hall. this is the building that has been broken into my occupiers, by student protesters.
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the sign has been unfurled and says "free palestine," and we have yet to see any students poke their head out or anything. this is a large building on campus, this is where the deans offices are and academic admission. this is how close we are to the dorm. rest of the block is dormitories for sophomores and freshmen students. a jewish student walked by and spoke to the producer and said, i can't study, i can can't sleep. he said it is unfair and he doesn't feel like he has majority support as a jewish person on this campus. that is the feel we are getting. we have not heard from the university except for announcement from public safety. walk to the gate. that announcement is there is
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limited access to columbia university that only allows people to come in through this gate on ammerstam avenue entra entrance. only students who live on campus and employees who are needed and essential can be on campus. only people as allowed in. media will no longer be ashszllowed in. public safety says this is effective immediately and access restriction will remain in place until circumstances allow otherwise. take you back and give you a sense, that is hamilton hall. it has been occupied since 12:30 this morning. it appears there may be some
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protesters sitting on the ground outside of the building. last night there were hundreds and they stormed hamilton hall and there were some that stayed outside and helped barricade it and dozens went inside with sleeping bags and backpacks. that is the situation here, we're waiting to hr from the university president minouche shafik about the next phase. i use the word phase because yesterday at the press conference, they said next phase was giving out suspensions and they did that. what is the next step? calling in the nypd? which has been according to student organizers here, the
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reason they stormed hamilton hall. part of the reason why is because using military-style force and police officers to clear the encampment on april 18th. we'll see as this standoff reaches a new level with occupiers inside the building. >> ainsley: behind you, they are checking ids, are they making sure they have a photo id, too? some people are taking student ids and giving to outsiders that are not student to get on campus to protest? >> bryan: we've seen they have an idscan that turns green when it is supposed to be somebody. we can give you a look without divulging people's personal
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identification. this person has a card and there is a red light on it and this is how people are checked to go inside. >> todd: 24 hours ago you got an update about the 2:00 deadline from the university, i wonder how long they can wait without updating people. the deadline was virtually ignored. congresswoman ilhan omar's daughter was suspended immediately and she was back on campus after spending a few hours, there was no retribution to her. they don't have to go anywhere, they have seen there is no enforcement. >> bryan: yeah, great point. this is been a tit for tat and the fact they feel embolden.
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there is a sense here after the deadline, the university felt like that was the red line, this would perhaps clear the encampment and it embolden them, hundreds more showed up. faculty members wearing orange construction vests, they have embolden students to continue to protest, they feel they have support of adults in the room. >> steve: exactly. you told us earlier, they were told, if you are suspended, you cannot graduate. walk back to hamilton hall. we see them breaking the windows and going in and putting picnic tables up against the wall. there are a bunch of different doors there, why haven't the cops gone in or campus security
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gone into one of the other doors and shoed them out? >> brian: >> bryan: i don't think that is going to happen. from all accounts, public safety were nowhere to be seen. they gave up and surrendered it. only people we see in photos and whatnot and accounts that put up a fight were workers inside, there were three maintenance workers inside and one came out and said they were hold hostage. this is a private university, that is huge part in this. until columbia university gives green light for nypd to go in, they will not do so. public safety has done nothing other than to check people into campus this morning and have not
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reacted in a forceful way to drag people out of the building. >> brian: we'll stay in touch, this could be any minute we get an update, maybe call in the cops. lawrence jones is in the vicinity, you just got there moments ago, what are you seeing? >> lawrence: we are seeing as protesters bring out flags and everything, they are saying, end aid to israel. this is front entrance, university locked campus down from this aspect. no one that are private citizens should be getting in, just students. we want to talk to protesters. guy, we ask them the same thing, do you deny what happened on october 7? what does from the river to the sea mean? what about intifada?
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they said they negotiated with protesters and they will keep tents here for the moment and said cops are not allowed on campus. there is escalation of staff being trapped in the building. that is a crime, no matter how long it took place, they were barricaded in. should cops be invited on to campus now that a crime has been committed. >> steve: according to columbia spectator, police arrived 12:45 not far from where you are in unmarked cars. hard to tell which it is,there is a crown victoria there. we will if we hear somebody has gotten hurt. to the point about how some students have given ids to other people like anxiety ainsley was
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talking about and students live in the dorm. these are dorm kids. >> lawrence: the question is, they are all a part of this movement now. are students as ainsley noted giving ids to the other protesters and letting them in. i'm curious if students are allowed to have visitors. >> steve: maybe not today. >> lawrence: this is larger movement and i continue to say, we talk about campus and across the country, it is being coordinated from hamas's will. when you look at information they are putting out through disinformation campaign, these students parrot ing.
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we had a student who writes opeds on campus, she said, when the conflict happened on october 7, i was have bing healthy conferring with someone who had pro-palestinian and i saw her become radicalized. when we don't educate students and allow professors -- >> brian: wee educate them, they educate them in a different way, they are pro-palestinian, pro-hamas, anti-american. >> ainsley: we teach them to activism. i can't wrap my head around they are promoting what happened in israel, chanting from the river to the sea. how would they support a terrorist organization that uses
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innocent palestinians as human shields. >> brian: i watched professor bruce robbins on columbia tell from the river from the sea is not genocide, you don't understand and kids are okay to do that and israel is outnumbered in israel and it is two-democracy they would not be in charge. >> ainsley: what about death to america, i want to wipe israel off the map. >> brian: they claim it is not coming from campus. >> lawrence: such a good point you are making, everybody looking say what they are parroting is not just yaefl anti-israel and anti- anti-isr anti-israel-jewish. it is to america,a well. danger we're at risk of now is having home-bred terrorists that sympathize with it. there used to be a movement of
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can they get in the country. they are here now. we have children, american is citizens that don't know about the holocaust or 9/11 and denying what happen on october 7 that sympathize with our enemies. they don't have to come here, all they have to do is take the m minds of our children. >> steve: so far what we've seen from the administration last week they called in the cops and it became a magnet and that inflamed protesters and many more protesters were there than before. now only thing hanging over head of students is suspension and that was yesterday and did not work. they need to get tough and talk about, you know what, if you are -- if it is adjudicated and you committed a crime taking
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over a building, you will not be s suspended, you will be expelled, was it worth it? >> brian: there is statement f from -- all right, we'll go to bryan ilenas, stay there. columbia university put out statement about what they're going to do and where they should go. they have taken over hamilton hall and renamed it after somebody who allegedly lost their lives in gaza. that is why they took the hall. don't want to say the name to give power to the idiots. cut the power, cut out bathrooms and let them rot. you know their courage level when they cover their faces in masks. see how long they last in there. there is a statement being h handed out saying to rip up the
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tents and they didn't. you see faculty in vests supporting students. only people not supporting students right now are people on the outside. >> steve: we heard statements overnight from columbia university divest group which is occupying hamilton hall. now the university has put out a statement and bryan ilenas joins us next to campus. what are they going to do? what is administration going to do? >> bryan: yeah, this is first communication we've had from university, it is not from the president or the trustees, it is from the university spokesperson. there is nothing here that gives us too much insight into next steps. this is only statement they have. it says early this morning, group of protesters occupied
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hamilton hall, safety of every single member of this community is paramount, first step is to alert campus community in light of protest and asked the community community who can avoid coming to campus to do so. essential personnel should return to work according to university policy. access limited to students residing on campus and employees who provide essential services to student life. campus access is restricted today to folks and media access will be restored when safety conditions change. and we will continue to update you with more information as soon as we can. that is latest from columbia university. media access was given from 2:00 to 4:00 a.m. doesn't look like that will
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happen until whatever this situation involves -- >> brian: worried about your welfare. two dozen house democrats put challenge to columbia university board of trustees yesterday and this amped it up. dems led by josh godhidltd mer, and dan goldman, outlined a le letter. they say it is clear to us the university allowed this encampment to create environment that violates protecting students from discrimination and harassment. jewish students have the problems. >> bryan: yeah, that was mentioned by the president minouche shafik yesterday announcing that 2 p.m. deadline for suspension. there is environment intolerable and that is why they felt like they need to finally give that deadline after negotiations over five days failed with the folks.
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they are trying to say the right things here. this moment is see if they will do the right thing, which from the perspective of jewish students and families would be to put an end to this once and for all. >> steve: there is a group that has taken over hamilton hall. they said they will not leave until essentially the university divest itself of any company that does business with israel, also anybody who is trouble maker, their slate would be wiped clean. the group said we will not be moved unless by force. the university can say, okay, open up, they have to be ejected is what this person is saying. >> bryan: yeah, they are playing chicken with this administration, frankly.
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they know that this movement here and across the nation really gains steam after the nypd came in and made those arrests of over 100 students. they know by forcing the nypd to go back into hamilton hall, right next door to me, they could get same response nationwide, they can amp it up and i think that is obviously the stated goal of organizers. another thing to note, this was negotiation. the university offered to give financial investment to gaza, that was not good enough, they want full divestment, full transparency, they were not happy with the transparency and want universal amnesty, which matters to them given they may
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be looking at criminal charges at this point. >> ainsley: they want their record expunged so they can apply for jobs. we saw the congression al hearings when president of harvard and penn, both ended up resigning, what are students saying about the columbia professor? she just appeared a week ago, two weeks ago? >> bryan: what about the professor, i'm sorry. >> ainsley: do they want the columbia president to resign, students? >> brian: frankly, there was a poll taken on campus that said something like that, best gauge is that resolution they voted for to rebuke minouche shafik and her steps and that system university senate body that came out one step before censor.
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they said, you are going after the freedom of speech and academic freedom of the students and they were not happy with it. so the faculty has taken an official stance on this. staff are officially against steps taken against protesters by the university. >> brian: i can't imagine how many people are rejecting admission, people going in spring and people transferring at this moment because they want no part of it. if you are jewish, how can you rationalize going there. >> ainsley: for 80,000. >> brian: i can't be guaranteed my kid or student will be safe on day-to-day basis. >> steve: thank you. great reporting, the university will have to come out with a statement. hamilton hall has fallen, been
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taken over by -- we don't know exactly who. occupy hamilton. >> ainsley: they were hanging out the window, lucky someone didn't fall. >> brian: they are climbing in above the bar on different video they have. >> steve: let's keep discussion of coming out of columbia university. madison has the latest. they made iter cloo, nobody getting on campus unless you live in a dorm. >> yes, behind me 150 protesters just outside the campus showing support of encampment and those marching inside. we saw one arrest out here. it was very active yesterday and you said it, morning side closed down because of activity last
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nile g night. after midnight, around 1:00 a.m., students went to campus and closed down hamilton hall. they brought down barricades and the columbia spectator reported they broke class and kof covered cameras, that building is being occupied this morning. that was after a long day of protest. yesterday they let the press in and we were able to go in at that point and see the encampment and marching happening. 2:00 p.m., was the deadline for students in the encampment to sign release form they would follow university policy and be rel released or face suspension. we were there from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. and when we left, we did
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early evening reports and we had someone block our shot, one of the orange-vested faculty members saying people did not c consent to being shown and asking us not to record it. this is playing out across the country and we will hear from capitol hill about whether or not federal funds should be pulled from the private universities. those on the dem side don't agree, alexandria ocasio-cortez came out last night and here is what she had to say. >> what we're seeing here is just history in this country of student activism and protest to see a university call police enf enforcement in is alarming.
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>> something i think you guys mentioned that is important to note, there is freedom of speech protest, the students and protesters will say they are within their right. when it comes to aggressive language, we were on. caus, we heard that and intifada, which represents violent uprising when it comes to palestinian and israeli conflict. >> steve: and breaking into a building and taking over, been quite a night there in upper manhattan. >> ainsley: bring in lawrence jones, he is right outside the gate at columbia university with the latest on that side of the school. lawrence. >> lawrence: they shut down campus so we're trying to -- we saw signs come out from protesters, see if i can talk to one. what is your name? >> lillian. >> lawrence: why are you here today? >> in support of students and i
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think it is important that everyone who stands with palestinian and gaza is standing with students who are leading the way. >> lawrence: how do you feel about them taking over the building right now? >> i think their cause is a just cause and i hope administration hears their demands that are just. >> lawrence: do you think it was right to hold janitors hostage? >> that is a false narrative. >> lawrence: the janitors said they were not allowed to leave? you are saying that is not true. >> it is false narrative. >> lawrence: how do you feel about jewish students not feeling safe on campus? >> that is a false narrative being promoted. >> lawrence: do you think october 7 is a false narrative? do you believe that women were
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raped? this is what happened. >> can you get out of my face. >> lawrence: this is what you see at protests, you get into october 7, the rape of women, what is happening there, they deny what happened, as you know, it is factual the janitorial workers were blocked inside the building. you bring that up, kids that feel unsafe, they deny reality of it. >> steve: according to the spectator, newspaper at columbia, number of facilities workers, they shouted at protesters, let us go. one got out and said they were holding me hostage. you had the story right. >> ainsley: lawrence, you and i just interviewed one student, she is jewish, she told us directly this morning she is
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scared to go on campus, that is not a false narrative. >> lawrence: it is not, goes back to denial of october 7. hamas continue to release statement saying this did not happen, women were not raped, there was not a child in an oven, they did not invade the israeli people. when you get to the film i viewed at the un that shows what happened. i was on my way back to israel to talk with witnesses there for the attack. when you talk to young people far from this, they have chosen to believe what hamas is saying and that is what the danger in this movement, when you have american citizens not believing what our closest ally say that it did happen, you can't have debate or conversation. >> brian: it is not debate, they say false narrative, instead of
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truth. we are getting numbers about genocide, which not existing from hamas. they are using their communication wing. 30,000 dead, 18,000 mill tants. bring in a graduate student and research assistant. what is your experience? that last interview they said it was a false narrative. >> i'm angry to hear it. to hear people who call themselves human rights activists and cancelling feelings of such a big group in our community. i live next to campus, my son goes to day care next to campus. i live, study and work. the fact they are denying and using couple of jewish people, radical young kids as tokens as
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if there is no threat, it's -- i don't want to say the words i'm feeling right now, it is outrageous you can't condemn the fact hamas raped women and kidnapped my own relatives. i have four relatives kidnapped on october 7 and two others murdered on october 7 and my cousin became a hostage, widow and bereaved mother. the fact they can't condemn it, they are supporting hamas and cancelling feelings of jewish people and all the israelis here, this is antisemitism. i'm sorry, i'm so -- it is so alarming to hear people in the u.s., american citizens, they are not threatening the special
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relationship with israel and u.s., threatening american values and democracy and this is, we can't allow it here. >> steve: obviously lawrence struck a nerve in the conversation with the activist, she said get out of my face. rather than have a reasonable conversation, get out of my face. if you were to speak to one activist or all of the activists, what would you tell them about how misguided they are? >> i don't want to tell them anything because i feel a lot of times people are asking, do you think they understand what they are saying when they are holding signs of mass murderers? do you think they know what they are saying when they say gl globalize intifada?
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well, they are educated adults in best institutions the world has and they should be accountable. they are not willing to talk about constructive dialogue, all their demand says are negative demands and they don't see us. many jewish and israeli people here are people that are pro-peace and believe in two-state solution, are people supposed to be allies in building a safe and secure region for all of us. we are people who care about this region, my family is there, i plan to raise my kids in israel, most are not from the region saying really awful, radical things, holding awful signs, go ing around my neighborhood at 2 a.m. with their face covered and calling themselves human rights
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activists. >> brian: joke. >> ainsley: you lived in israel and had relatives held hostage and released. you come to america and you never expect to hear antisemitism rhetoric and see things like we're showing now. you live close to campus, your child is in daycare next to the school, you are a graduate student there, what is your plan? will you continue to go to school there or transfer to another school? >> well, i'm about to graduate in two weeks so i don't have a lot of time to spend, i'm worried to my friends staying in the area and worry to the jewish community in the region and surrounding area of the university and i don't know what my plans are, the videos that we're seeing, people breaking windows and doors and the fact the university wasn't there to
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stop them and remove them from school, remove, dismiss them, never allow to be columbia alumnis, it is disgrace and stain on the university. >> brian: how much harder to negotiate with hamas when they see this video and think they are winning the partly cloudy r war? how much harder to get the hostages out? >> i'm humble enough to say, i don't know. i think we should all be worried that hamas and other terror organizations gain support and power within our communities and we need to understand what we're doing to solve this issue immediately. we need to think what we do in the long run, this trend is alarming. >> steve: it is indeed. good luck with your graduation and congratulations.
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you have a degree from columbia. it used to mean something different to a lot of people. moving from new york city, our nation's capitol seeing similar protest. griff jenkins live on the campus of george washington university. saturday night we walked through a great big demonstration. >> griff: we sure did. at gooe kaylee mcghee white /* /* gw, sixth day of protest. you have 70 tents set up, gw students and georgetown american and professional activists out here, as well. it is peaceful right now. sunday night barricades were along the sidewalk and they clashed with police. if you look, the police have
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blocked off this street here and all the profanity. let me show you what goes to core of what hurts passion of the jewish students. long live the intifada, only one solution, intifada resolution, here from the river to the sea, these are chants jewish students say are antisemitism and it is everywhere here as we walk. come with me this way, we'll take you over here and give you a look into the encampment closer. one thing i want to show you, the signature statue here, george washington himself has been draped in palestinian flag and the black and white head dress wore by palestinians, that has become a symbol of the situation. in the center of campus, university yard, they took them
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over. you can see up here, this is george washington, the statue here, graffitied and covered in stickers. this really hurts the jewish students to see a scene like this right now. it is peaceful right now, quite different 90 miles south of us in richmond, they have an encampment and they were throwing bottles at police, we have not seen that here. we just blocks from the white house. steve. >> brian: can you tell me what the deal is? are they under deadline to move out? is school administration anywhere? did they have anything to say? >> griff: that's a great question and i just spoke with the school official about five minutes ago, and said, will there be a deadline?
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right now no deadline to move the students. few days ago the school put students on notice some could be s suspended if they don't leave. she is covering her head, they don't talk to the media. >> ainsley: are people in the tents? >> griff: yes, there are people in the tents. we believe there is about 70 of them here. you can see this one, medical tent set up, they are policing themselves and they have same demands we see at other schools, they want divest tour from any companies that support israel and want amnesty. >> steve: the street you started on, jonathan turley told us, his
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office is there, the cops have given it over to the protesters. i know yous said protesters don't want to be on camera, we saw some there. question i would ask them, you are being peaceful here, what do you make of protesters who took over a build ing at columbia university, they took it over, they bearricaded themselves in and not coming out until their demands are met? >> griff: great question, can you give us thought how your peaceful protest here and your thoughts about what you see at other campuses where it has become violent? >> what news station are you from? >> fox news channel. >> i can find someone for you to talk to, one second. >> brian: groggy, drnt have her
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coffee. >> griff: i guess so, this is the lasting shot, i want to leave you with this. this is one for the history books of the protest here. let me show you one more thing. that is bearricades, got the mot he heated on sunday, they knocked them down and piled them up here and now they are in the center of campus. >> brian: parents must be so proud, the most expensive school in the country, like 93,000. >> steve: standby, they will get somebody for you to talk to. >> brian: they are coming up right now. >> steve: police are blocking up new haven, connecticut . 50 officers are moving in.
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cops say no students have been arrested so far this morning. >> brian: fox news multi media reporter chelsea torres joins us. what are you seeing? >> things have started to disburse a little bit. yale police chief came over and asked -- >> lawrence: liberation education. >> they don't want them to be blocking the sidewalk or any of the traffic, as well. as of right now, we can see that encampment they have about 50 tents, flags, everything, belongings protesters have have been cleared by yale officials and protesters are deciding where to go next. they were talking amongst each other and behind me. there is caution tape right now deciding what next plan of
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action is. yale, police officers did come in this morning to start pushing out a lot of protesters and told them if they go past caution tape they would be arrested. there were 50 police officers standing as the protesters were chanting. no arrests have been made, none made this morning. a lot of protesters posting and showing last night they were going to be getting pushed out, they knew this would start hatching. they tried to stand their ground in front of the sterling memorial library. this is middle of yale university, police officers are not around in this grass area, they have ush approximated back and there is a couple still in the probably 100 yardings from
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me, their encampment is gone and clear. everything you saw yesterday in the past week and a half is gone. all that is left are protesters behind me, about 30 or so with signs and they are trying to decide where to go next. >> ainsley: thank you. live at yale in new haven, connecticut. you see lawrence jones, he was on set with us and then when the news was breaking, he went up to columbia. things are quiet, right? >> lawrence: yeah, this is on campus, liberation education. we just showed you top of the hour, exchange with protesters and griff jenkins is experiencing something similar. i was talking to our producer, aj, you only have a few minutes
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with protesters, but right now what we have on campus are barricaded subjects that have taken over a building. campus is on lockdown, only people on campus are ones that have dorms on campus and cops have not been invited in, they worked an agreement with protesters so they would not be back on campus. in any other case, would it be okay for people to take over a building that is a private institution? that is what we're seeing on columbia's campus. >> steve: and lawrence, people inside that building say, we will not be moved unless by force. stand by in case something else happens. >> ainsley: lawrence will be part of this interview. on ucla campus, student wearing star of david necklace denied
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entry to campus by masked pro-palestinian activists, watch this. >> we are going this way, you have closed entrance, i'm ucla student. i have been blocked, they are making a barrier wall. this is what they do. look at this, i'm a ucla student, i deserve to go here, we pay tuition, this is our school and they are not letting me walk in. >> brian: unbelievable, it happened, this is the man it happened to. eli, you look like you knew what was about to happen and it took all your composure not to bully your way in. bring us back to that moment. >> absolutely, thank you for having me. i've taken the same path to class every single day. i got there, it was blocked by these students.
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i showed them my idand said this is way i enter to class, please let me in. they refused and i understood what was happening and i handed my phone to my friend to video. >> steve: who was denying you? >> they could have been ucla students or could not have been. they were part of pro-hamas mob taken over our school. >> ainsley: were you attempted to divide them? could you have gotten through them? did you decide not to do that? >> we are for peace and we will never barge through because we know we are better than them in that sense. could i have? absolutely, i would rather document that and show the world what is going on on universities in the united states. >> lawrence: i posed this
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question to our anchors this morning on the couch, what would happen if this happened to another minority group, do you think there would be more outrage, eli? >> absolutely, i do. if it was an encampment that is not pro-hamas encampment, say kkk encampment happening, it would have been shut down. this shows what is going on at college universities in the united states, we are allowing students to spread bigotry and antisemitism against jewish students around the world and many jewish students feel unsafe. >> brian: do they even know what they are protesting? do they understand october 7? >> a lot of them understand and they still choose to say what
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they say. these people are smart and educated and they know what intifada is, they want intifada, they want mass genocide of jews. >> steve: has to be complicated being you on campus right now. i'm sure some people in that group or who support that group in public or private, they are your classmates, some might be your teachers. they don't like the fact that you are jewish, from what i've seen. >> that is correct. i'm a theater major, i have to work with people in a small classroom setting, it is hard. i get dirty looks walking down the hallways. people recognize my face, i see people look at me in dirty ways and jewish students walk up and
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thank me for what i am doing. as long as i constantly advocate for the jewish people, we are doing good in this world. >> ainsley: what do your parents say? are they worried about your safety? >> absolutely they are. just yesterday, i came back to my dorm room and somebody wrote on my white board, shame on you. i think this is the start of something that will escalate quickly because my face is getting out there and i wouldn't be surprised if somebody tries something. >> brian: aren't these anti-american initiatives, too? >> absolutely, they advocate for destruction of our beautiful country, burn the american flag, they are anti-america and shame
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on college administration for allowing them to continue what they are doing. this is no longer freedom of speech, this is promoting aggression and hatred. >> brian: your star is rising, you are on the right side, we will stay with you. >> steve: you do not wear a mask on campus. >> brian: you are proud of who i are. >> i am proud of who i am, i want them to see my face. >> ainsley: god bless you, sorry for everything you are going through. >> steve: from west coast to east coast, check in with bryan ilenas live at columbia university. >> bryan: this is the line right now, students trying to get in to the main campus at columbia university and some folks are being denied entry. a low income student does not live on campus and denied entrance, only those that live on campus or essential personnel
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are allowed in because of what is happening on hamilton hall. we saw a student who was frustrated that said, i want to eat breakfast, i can't afford to go to a dining hall, i want to eat food afforded to me with my tuition. they are not able to do so because of limited access from the university to hamilton hall. it gives you small sense, as students are waking up to get to the library, study for final exam, they can graduate and hopefully walk on that stage on may 15th. they are now dealt with this inco inconvenience on top of everything else. >> brian: you don't know if they are -- they are not denying jewish students admission like denying that professor, correct?
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jewish students can get on campus? >> bryan: yes, as far as i know. >> ainsley: virtual learning until end of the year or semester. thank you. go to zoe zapala, university of wisconsin, milwaukee. what are you seeing there? what is happening on that campus? >> good morning, take a look at this, we're going to take a walk down here. dozens of student protesters here at uw milwaukee in wisconsin. they camped out overnight and continue to clash with ad administrators. uw milwaukee responded to protesters demands in a statement and condemned violence in gaza. they said camping on school ground violate administrative code.
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students have acknowledged this statement with us and they disagree. they are drafting a response and refuse to end this standoff. you have been covering colleges trying to control protests like this since october. israel counter attack killed 34,000 palestinians in gaza fuelling deep emotion and views from student and faculty. students tell me that police here are on campus, we have noticed a couple of police officers, they have not approached students asking them to leave. students are prepared for that to be a possibility and potential consequences that could come with that. >> steve: has administration in wisconsin said you are breaking
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policy, if you don't leave, you will be suspended, arrested, anything? >> no, only thing they have said is students are violating code right now, there has been no forcing off campus or a lot of response and that is what we're hoping to find out this morning. >> brian: thank you. lawrence back in, lawrence, i don't know if anything is developing behind you, action will be taking place there all day. >> lawrence: yeah, we're just waiting for the word, when will they invite the president invite nypd in to stop this barricaded subject hatching. when you look at protest and riots, bearricaded subjects, ths is moment we need an address from the president of the united states. you have jewish students being
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blocked, professors being banned and barricaded suspects have taken over a building and held three custodians hostage. you need to hear from the commande commander-in-chief, i'm not hopefu hopeful right now. >> steve: we know hamilton hall, it was stormed last night and occupied by students and protesters, ultimately they will be there until they are removed. >> ainsley: admission office is in there, deans office, how will they hold on to it? >> steve: here is question, people trying to get in this morning, only people they are letting in are dorm students and essential personnel. are protesters like the person in charge of protest signs, are they trying to get in? >> lawrence: looks like campus
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security is not letting them in. you have the bulk and most violent ones trapped in tbuildig on campus. the aggressors are already here. they are waiting to get the signs to them. the bad actors in the building. this is private institution, they are not allowed to be here, but they are. >> brian: columbia leads way, what columbia does, nyu usually does. everybody should understand these people will look to start taking buildings. we have a student. >> steve: somebody that was there last night, elijah. tell us what happened. >> it is total chaos, i've never seen anything like it. they hung an intifada sign, as
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you know, they are sneaking people in through back entrances of buildings and we have video of that on social media, as well. this group is about violence, this group is hell bent it continuing war instead of peace. >> ainsley: have you looked at videos and recognized people? >> vast majority of people are wearing masks, we have no idea who they are, this is one problem from the beginning. can you check ids, is this person a student? who is breaking policy? they say, we don't know, they are wearing a mask. it is hard to distinguish anyone. by the way, my friends, we've been saying this, they act with impunity, they know they can't be punished when wearing a mask. >> brian: you are on campus
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right now? >> i am, yes. >> brian: are you going to school, are you altering your schedule because of this? >> it's a study day, i have oral exam today, moved to zoom. i am not allowed to go to campus. i'm outside the gate in a dorm, i cannot access the library today. >> lawrence: we were just talking about the president of the united states addressing the country on this matter, do you think he should? >> this is an american issue, it is about israel, it is an american issue. this is a total violation of what free speech is supposed to look like here. this is harassment and vandalism, you see the broken windows. if the president cares about
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education -- >> brian: he says he is not watching. >> steve: how does this end? >> the end of the day, with enforcing policy, bringing in law enforcement or public safety, i don't know, enforce policy and make this campus function. >> brian: finish strong and find way to get great grades. >> ainsley: a lot of people support you and israel. >> brian: 20 >> we're standing by to see if the police come onto the campus. i don't think so. >> ainsley: thanks for bringing us the story out there. >> steve: continuing coverage here on fox. >> bill: thank you, guys, good morning to the folks at home as we watch two major events


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